--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Quotas for instances, volumes, and floating ips."""
+import logging
+from quantum.common import exceptions
+from quantum.openstack.common import cfg
+from quantum.openstack.common import importutils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+quota_opts = [
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_network',
+ default=10,
+ help='number of networks allowed per tenant, -1 for unlimited'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_subnet',
+ default=10,
+ help='number of subnets allowed per tenant, -1 for unlimited'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('quota_port',
+ default=50,
+ help='number of ports allowed per tenant, -1 for unlimited'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('quota_driver',
+ default='quantum.quota.ConfDriver',
+ help='default driver to use for quota checks'),
+# Register the configuration options
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(quota_opts, 'QUOTAS')
+class ConfDriver(object):
+ """
+ Driver to perform necessary checks to enforce quotas and obtain
+ quota information. The default driver utilizes the default values
+ in quantum.conf.
+ """
+ def _get_quotas(self, context, resources, keys):
+ """
+ A helper method which retrieves the quotas for the specific
+ resources identified by keys, and which apply to the current
+ context.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param keys: A list of the desired quotas to retrieve.
+ """
+ # Filter resources
+ desired = set(keys)
+ sub_resources = dict((k, v) for k, v in resources.items()
+ if k in desired)
+ # Make sure we accounted for all of them...
+ if len(keys) != len(sub_resources):
+ unknown = desired - set(sub_resources.keys())
+ raise exceptions.QuotaResourceUnknown(unknown=sorted(unknown))
+ quotas = {}
+ for resource in sub_resources.values():
+ quotas[resource.name] = resource.default
+ return quotas
+ def limit_check(self, context, resources, values):
+ """Check simple quota limits.
+ For limits--those quotas for which there is no usage
+ synchronization function--this method checks that a set of
+ proposed values are permitted by the limit restriction.
+ This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
+ given resource is unknown or if it is not a simple limit
+ resource.
+ If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
+ OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
+ resources which are too high. Otherwise, the method returns
+ nothing.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resources: A dictionary of the registered resources.
+ :param values: A dictionary of the values to check against the
+ quota.
+ """
+ # Ensure no value is less than zero
+ unders = [key for key, val in values.items() if val < 0]
+ if unders:
+ raise exceptions.InvalidQuotaValue(unders=sorted(unders))
+ # Get the applicable quotas
+ quotas = self._get_quotas(context, resources, values.keys())
+ # Check the quotas and construct a list of the resources that
+ # would be put over limit by the desired values
+ overs = [key for key, val in values.items()
+ if quotas[key] >= 0 and quotas[key] < val]
+ if overs:
+ raise exceptions.OverQuota(overs=sorted(overs), quotas=quotas,
+ usages={})
+class BaseResource(object):
+ """Describe a single resource for quota checking."""
+ def __init__(self, name, flag=None):
+ """
+ Initializes a Resource.
+ :param name: The name of the resource, i.e., "instances".
+ :param flag: The name of the flag or configuration option
+ which specifies the default value of the quota
+ for this resource.
+ """
+ self.name = name
+ self.flag = flag
+ @property
+ def default(self):
+ """Return the default value of the quota."""
+ return cfg.CONF.QUOTAS[self.flag] if self.flag else -1
+class CountableResource(BaseResource):
+ """Describe a resource where the counts are determined by a function.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, count, flag=None):
+ """Initializes a CountableResource.
+ Countable resources are those resources which directly
+ correspond to objects in the database, i.e., netowk, subnet,
+ etc.,. A CountableResource must be constructed with a counting
+ function, which will be called to determine the current counts
+ of the resource.
+ The counting function will be passed the context, along with
+ the extra positional and keyword arguments that are passed to
+ Quota.count(). It should return an integer specifying the
+ count.
+ :param name: The name of the resource, i.e., "instances".
+ :param count: A callable which returns the count of the
+ resource. The arguments passed are as described
+ above.
+ :param flag: The name of the flag or configuration option
+ which specifies the default value of the quota
+ for this resource.
+ """
+ super(CountableResource, self).__init__(name, flag=flag)
+ self.count = count
+class QuotaEngine(object):
+ """Represent the set of recognized quotas."""
+ def __init__(self, quota_driver_class=None):
+ """Initialize a Quota object."""
+ if not quota_driver_class:
+ quota_driver_class = cfg.CONF.QUOTAS.quota_driver
+ if isinstance(quota_driver_class, basestring):
+ quota_driver_class = importutils.import_object(quota_driver_class)
+ self._resources = {}
+ self._driver = quota_driver_class
+ def __contains__(self, resource):
+ return resource in self._resources
+ def register_resource(self, resource):
+ """Register a resource."""
+ self._resources[resource.name] = resource
+ def register_resources(self, resources):
+ """Register a list of resources."""
+ for resource in resources:
+ self.register_resource(resource)
+ def count(self, context, resource, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Count a resource.
+ For countable resources, invokes the count() function and
+ returns its result. Arguments following the context and
+ resource are passed directly to the count function declared by
+ the resource.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ :param resource: The name of the resource, as a string.
+ """
+ # Get the resource
+ res = self._resources.get(resource)
+ if not res or not hasattr(res, 'count'):
+ raise exceptions.QuotaResourceUnknown(unknown=[resource])
+ return res.count(context, *args, **kwargs)
+ def limit_check(self, context, **values):
+ """Check simple quota limits.
+ For limits--those quotas for which there is no usage
+ synchronization function--this method checks that a set of
+ proposed values are permitted by the limit restriction. The
+ values to check are given as keyword arguments, where the key
+ identifies the specific quota limit to check, and the value is
+ the proposed value.
+ This method will raise a QuotaResourceUnknown exception if a
+ given resource is unknown or if it is not a simple limit
+ resource.
+ If any of the proposed values is over the defined quota, an
+ OverQuota exception will be raised with the sorted list of the
+ resources which are too high. Otherwise, the method returns
+ nothing.
+ :param context: The request context, for access checks.
+ """
+ return self._driver.limit_check(context, self._resources, values)
+ @property
+ def resources(self):
+ return sorted(self._resources.keys())
+QUOTAS = QuotaEngine()
+def _count_resource(context, plugin, resources, tenant_id):
+ obj_getter = getattr(plugin, "get_%s" % resources)
+ obj_list = obj_getter(context, filters={'tenant_id': [tenant_id]})
+ return len(obj_list) if obj_list else 0
+resources = [
+ CountableResource('network', _count_resource, 'quota_network'),
+ CountableResource('subnet', _count_resource, 'quota_subnet'),
+ CountableResource('port', _count_resource, 'quota_port'),
self.assertTrue(link['rel'] == 'self')
-class APIv2TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- # NOTE(jkoelker) This potentially leaks the mock object if the setUp
- # raises without being caught. Using unittest2
- # or dropping 2.6 support so we can use addCleanup
- # will get around this.
+class APIv2TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
plugin = 'quantum.quantum_plugin_base_v2.QuantumPluginBaseV2'
# Ensure 'stale' patched copies of the plugin are never returned
self.plugin = None
+class APIv2TestCase(APIv2TestBase):
+ # NOTE(jkoelker) This potentially leaks the mock object if the setUp
+ # raises without being caught. Using unittest2
+ # or dropping 2.6 support so we can use addCleanup
+ # will get around this.
def test_verbose_attr(self):
instance = self.plugin.return_value
instance.get_networks.return_value = []
# Note: since all resources use the same controller and validation
# logic, we actually get really good coverage from testing just networks.
-class JSONV2TestCase(APIv2TestCase):
+class JSONV2TestCase(APIv2TestBase):
def _test_list(self, req_tenant_id, real_tenant_id):
env = {}
keys = ('id', 'network_id', 'tenant_id', 'gateway_ip',
'ip_version', 'cidr')
self._view(keys, views.subnet)
+class QuotaTest(APIv2TestBase):
+ def test_create_network_quota(self):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('quota_network', 1, group='QUOTAS')
+ net_id = _uuid()
+ initial_input = {'network': {'name': 'net1', 'tenant_id': _uuid()}}
+ full_input = {'network': {'admin_state_up': True, 'subnets': []}}
+ full_input['network'].update(initial_input['network'])
+ return_value = {'id': net_id, 'status': "ACTIVE"}
+ return_value.update(full_input['network'])
+ return_networks = {'networks': [return_value]}
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_networks.return_value = return_networks
+ res = self.api.post_json(
+ _get_path('networks'), initial_input, expect_errors=True)
+ instance.get_networks.assert_called_with(mock.ANY,
+ filters=mock.ANY)
+ self.assertTrue("Quota exceeded for resources" in
+ res.json['QuantumError'])
+ def test_create_network_quota_without_limit(self):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('quota_network', -1, group='QUOTAS')
+ net_id = _uuid()
+ initial_input = {'network': {'name': 'net1', 'tenant_id': _uuid()}}
+ full_input = {'network': {'admin_state_up': True, 'subnets': []}}
+ full_input['network'].update(initial_input['network'])
+ return_networks = []
+ for i in xrange(0, 3):
+ return_value = {'id': net_id + str(i), 'status': "ACTIVE"}
+ return_value.update(full_input['network'])
+ return_networks.append(return_value)
+ self.assertEquals(3, len(return_networks))
+ instance = self.plugin.return_value
+ instance.get_networks.return_value = return_networks
+ res = self.api.post_json(
+ _get_path('networks'), initial_input)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, exc.HTTPCreated.code)