"Name of the software package: -Unisphere ",
+ Source LU Name: volume-f6247ae1-8e1c-4927-aa7e-7f8e272e5c3d
+ Source LU ID: 63950
+ Dest LU Name: volume-f6247ae1-8e1c-4927-aa7e-7f8e272e5c3d_dest
+ Dest LU ID: 136
+ Migration Rate: high
+ Current State: MIGRATING
+ Percent Complete: 50
+ Time Remaining: 0 second(s)
+ """
+ Source LU Name: volume-f6247ae1-8e1c-4927-aa7e-7f8e272e5c3d
+ Source LU ID: 63950
+ Dest LU Name: volume-f6247ae1-8e1c-4927-aa7e-7f8e272e5c3d_dest
+ Dest LU ID: 136
+ Migration Rate: high
+ Current State: STOPPED - Destination full
+ Percent Complete: 60
+ Time Remaining: 0 second(s)
+ """
def SNAP_MP_CREATE_CMD(self, name='vol1', source='vol1'):
return ('lun', '-create', '-type', 'snap', '-primaryLunName',
def MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(self, src_id):
return ("migrate", "-list", "-source", src_id)
+ def MIGRATION_CANCEL_CMD(self, src_id):
+ return ("migrate", "-cancel", "-source", src_id, '-o')
def GETPORT_CMD(self):
return ("connection", "-getport", "-address", "-vlanid")
+ @mock.patch("cinder.volume.drivers.emc.emc_vnx_cli."
+ "CommandLineHelper.create_lun_by_cmd",
+ mock.Mock(
+ return_value={'lun_id': 1}))
+ @mock.patch(
+ "cinder.volume.drivers.emc.emc_vnx_cli.EMCVnxCliBase.get_lun_id",
+ mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=[1, 1]))
+ @mock.patch(
+ "cinder.volume.drivers.emc.emc_vnx_cli.EMCVnxCliBase."
+ "get_lun_id_by_name",
+ mock.Mock(return_value=1))
+ def test_volume_migration_stopped(self):
+ commands = [self.testData.MIGRATION_CMD(),
+ self.testData.MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(1),
+ self.testData.MIGRATION_CANCEL_CMD(1)]
+ results = [SUCCEED, [(self.testData.MIGRATE_PROPERTY_MIGRATING, 0),
+ (self.testData.MIGRATE_PROPERTY_STOPPED, 0),
+ ('The specified source LUN is not '
+ 'currently migrating', 23)],
+ fake_cli = self.driverSetup(commands, results)
+ fake_host = {'capabilities': {'location_info':
+ "unit_test_pool2|fakeSerial",
+ 'storage_protocol': 'iSCSI'}}
+ self.assertRaisesRegexp(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "Migration of LUN 1 has been stopped or"
+ " faulted.",
+ self.driver.migrate_volume,
+ None, self.testData.test_volume, fake_host)
+ expect_cmd = [mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_CMD(),
+ retry_disable=True,
+ poll=True),
+ mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(1),
+ poll=True),
+ mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(1),
+ poll=False),
+ mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_CANCEL_CMD(1)),
+ mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(1),
+ poll=False)]
+ fake_cli.assert_has_calls(expect_cmd)
def test_create_destroy_volume_snapshot(self):
fake_cli = self.driverSetup()
cmd_detach_lun = ('lun', '-detach', '-name', 'vol2')
output_migrate = ("", 0)
cmd_migrate_verify = self.testData.MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(1)
+ output_migrate_verify = (r'The specified source LUN '
+ 'is not currently migrating', 23)
+ cmd_migrate_cancel = self.testData.MIGRATION_CANCEL_CMD(1)
+ output_migrate_cancel = ("", 0)
commands = [cmd_dest, cmd_dest_np, cmd_migrate,
- cmd_migrate_verify]
+ cmd_migrate_verify, cmd_migrate_cancel]
results = [output_dest, output_dest, output_migrate,
+ [FAKE_ERROR_RETURN, output_migrate_verify],
+ output_migrate_cancel]
fake_cli = self.driverSetup(commands, results)
+ mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_CANCEL_CMD(1)),
+ mock.call(*self.testData.MIGRATION_VERIFY_CMD(1),
+ poll=False),
CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_NOT_EXIST = 'The (pool lun) may not exist'
CLI_RESP_PATTERN_SMP_NOT_ATTACHED = ('The specified Snapshot mount point '
'is not currently attached.')
- CLI_RESP_PATTERN_SG_NAME_IN_USE = "Storage Group name already in use"
- CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_IN_SG_1 = "contained in a Storage Group"
- CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_IN_SG_2 = "Host LUN/LUN mapping still exists"
+ CLI_RESP_PATTERN_SG_NAME_IN_USE = 'Storage Group name already in use'
+ CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_IN_SG_1 = 'contained in a Storage Group'
+ CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_IN_SG_2 = 'Host LUN/LUN mapping still exists'
+ CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_NOT_MIGRATING = ('The specified source LUN '
+ 'is not currently migrating')
def __init__(self, configuration):
LOG.debug("Migration output: %s", out)
if rc == 0:
# parse the percentage
- out = re.split(r'\n', out)
- log = "Migration in process %s %%." % out[7].split(": ")[1]
- LOG.debug(log)
+ state = re.search(r'Current State:\s*([^\n]+)', out)
+ percentage = re.search(r'Percent Complete:\s*([^\n]+)', out)
+ if state is not None:
+ current_state = state.group(1)
+ percentage_complete = percentage.group(1)
+ else:
+ self._raise_cli_error(cmd_migrate_list, rc, out)
+ if ("FAULTED" in current_state or
+ "STOPPED" in current_state):
+ reason = _("Migration of LUN %s has been stopped or"
+ " faulted.") % src_id
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=reason)
+ if ("TRANSITIONING" in current_state or
+ "MIGRATING" in current_state):
+ LOG.debug("Migration of LUN %(src_id)s in process "
+ "%(percentage)s %%.",
+ {"src_id": src_id,
+ "percentage": percentage_complete})
- if re.search(r'The specified source LUN '
- 'is not currently migrating', out):
+ if re.search(self.CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_NOT_MIGRATING, out):
LOG.debug("Migration of LUN %s is finished.", src_id)
mig_ready = True
- reason = _("Querying migrating status error.")
- LOG.error(reason)
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(
- data="%(reason)s : %(output)s" %
- {'reason': reason, 'output': out})
+ self._raise_cli_error(cmd_migrate_list, rc, out)
return mig_ready
+ def migration_disappeared(poll=False):
+ cmd_migrate_list = ('migrate', '-list', '-source', src_id)
+ out, rc = self.command_execute(*cmd_migrate_list,
+ poll=poll)
+ if rc != 0:
+ if re.search(self.CLI_RESP_PATTERN_LUN_NOT_MIGRATING, out):
+ LOG.debug("Migration of LUN %s is finished.", src_id)
+ return True
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_LE("Failed to query migration status of LUN."),
+ src_id)
+ self._raise_cli_error(cmd_migrate_list, rc, out)
+ return False
- if migration_is_ready(True):
- return True
- self._wait_for_a_condition(migration_is_ready,
- interval=INTERVAL_30_SEC)
+ try:
+ if migration_is_ready(True):
+ return True
+ self._wait_for_a_condition(
+ migration_is_ready,
+ interval=INTERVAL_30_SEC,
+ ignorable_exception_arbiter=lambda ex:
+ type(ex) is not exception.VolumeBackendAPIException)
+ # Migration cancellation for clean up
+ except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.error(_LE("Migration of LUN %s failed to complete."),
+ src_id)
+ self.migration_cancel(src_id)
+ self._wait_for_a_condition(migration_disappeared,
+ interval=INTERVAL_30_SEC)
return True
+ # Cancel migration in case where status is faulted or stopped
+ def migration_cancel(self, src_id):
+ LOG.info(_LI("Cancelling Migration from LUN %s."), src_id)
+ cmd_migrate_cancel = ('migrate', '-cancel', '-source', src_id,
+ '-o')
+ out, rc = self.command_execute(*cmd_migrate_cancel)
+ if rc != 0:
+ self._raise_cli_error(cmd_migrate_cancel, rc, out)
def get_storage_group(self, name, poll=True):
# ALU/HLU as key/value map
class EMCVnxCliBase(object):
"""This class defines the functions to use the native CLI functionality."""
- VERSION = '05.03.04'
+ VERSION = '05.03.05'
stats = {'driver_version': VERSION,
'storage_protocol': None,
'vendor_name': 'EMC',