--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Rohit Agarwalla, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
+import l2network_models
+import quantum.db.api as db
+import quantum.db.models as models
+def get_all_vlan_bindings():
+ """Lists all the vlan to network associations"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ bindings = session.query(l2network_models.VlanBinding).\
+ all()
+ return bindings
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ return []
+def get_vlan_binding(netid):
+ """Lists the vlan given a network_id"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.VlanBinding).\
+ filter_by(network_id=netid).\
+ one()
+ return binding
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise Exception("No network found with net-id = %s" % network_id)
+def add_vlan_binding(vlanid, vlanname, netid):
+ """Adds a vlan to network association"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.VlanBinding).\
+ filter_by(vlan_id=vlanid).\
+ one()
+ raise Exception("Vlan with id \"%s\" already exists" % vlanid)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ binding = l2network_models.VlanBinding(vlanid, vlanname, netid)
+ session.add(binding)
+ session.flush()
+ return binding
+def remove_vlan_binding(netid):
+ """Removes a vlan to network association"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.VlanBinding).\
+ filter_by(network_id=netid).\
+ one()
+ session.delete(binding)
+ session.flush()
+ return binding
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ pass
+def update_vlan_binding(netid, newvlanid=None, newvlanname=None):
+ """Updates a vlan to network association"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.VlanBinding).\
+ filter_by(network_id=netid).\
+ one()
+ if newvlanid:
+ binding.vlan_id = newvlanid
+ if newvlanname:
+ binding.vlan_name = newvlanname
+ session.merge(binding)
+ session.flush()
+ return binding
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise Exception("No vlan binding found with network_id = %s" % netid)
+def get_all_portprofiles():
+ """Lists all the port profiles"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ pps = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfile).\
+ all()
+ return pps
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ return []
+def get_portprofile(ppid):
+ """Lists a port profile"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ pp = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfile).\
+ filter_by(uuid=ppid).\
+ one()
+ return pp
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise Exception("No portprofile found with id = %s" % ppid)
+def add_portprofile(ppname, vlanid, qos):
+ """Adds a port profile"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ pp = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfile).\
+ filter_by(name=ppname).\
+ one()
+ raise Exception("Port profile with name %s already exists" % ppname)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ pp = l2network_models.PortProfile(ppname, vlanid, qos)
+ session.add(pp)
+ session.flush()
+ return pp
+def remove_portprofile(ppid):
+ """Removes a port profile"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ pp = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfile).\
+ filter_by(uuid=ppid).\
+ one()
+ session.delete(pp)
+ session.flush()
+ return pp
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ pass
+def update_portprofile(ppid, newppname=None, newvlanid=None, newqos=None):
+ """Updates port profile"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ pp = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfile).\
+ filter_by(uuid=ppid).\
+ one()
+ if newppname:
+ pp.name = newppname
+ if newvlanid:
+ pp.vlan_id = newvlanid
+ if newqos:
+ pp.qos = newqos
+ session.merge(pp)
+ session.flush()
+ return pp
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise Exception("No port profile with id = %s" % ppid)
+def get_all_pp_bindings():
+ """Lists all the port profiles"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ bindings = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfileBinding).\
+ all()
+ return bindings
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ return []
+def get_pp_binding(ppid):
+ """Lists a port profile binding"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfileBinding).\
+ filter_by(portprofile_id=ppid).\
+ one()
+ return binding
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise Exception("No portprofile binding found with id = %s" % ppid)
+def add_pp_binding(tenantid, networkid, ppid, default):
+ """Adds a port profile binding"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfileBinding).\
+ filter_by(portprofile_id=ppid).\
+ one()
+ raise Exception("Port profile binding with id \"%s\" already \
+ exists" % ppid)
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ binding = l2network_models.PortProfileBinding(tenantid, networkid, \
+ ppid, default)
+ session.add(binding)
+ session.flush()
+ return binding
+def remove_pp_binding(ppid):
+ """Removes a port profile binding"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfileBinding).\
+ filter_by(portprofile_id=ppid).\
+ one()
+ session.delete(binding)
+ session.flush()
+ return binding
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ pass
+def update_pp_binding(ppid, newtenantid=None, newnetworkid=None, \
+ newdefault=None):
+ """Updates port profile binding"""
+ session = db.get_session()
+ try:
+ binding = session.query(l2network_models.PortProfileBinding).\
+ filter_by(portprofile_id=ppid).\
+ one()
+ if newtenantid:
+ binding.tenant_id = newtenantid
+ if newnetworkid:
+ binding.network_id = newnetworkid
+ if newdefault:
+ binding.default = newdefault
+ session.merge(binding)
+ session.flush()
+ return binding
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ raise Exception("No port profile binding with id = %s" % ppid)
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Rohit Agarwalla, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import uuid
+from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey, Boolean
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
+from quantum.db.models import BASE
+class VlanBinding(BASE):
+ """Represents a binding of vlan_id to network_id"""
+ __tablename__ = 'vlan_bindings'
+ vlan_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+ vlan_name = Column(String(255))
+ network_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+ #foreign key to networks.uuid
+ def __init__(self, vlan_id, vlan_name, network_id):
+ self.vlan_id = vlan_id
+ self.vlan_name = vlan_name
+ self.network_id = network_id
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<VlanBinding(%d,%s,%s)>" % \
+ (self.vlan_id, self.vlan_name, self.network_id)
+class PortProfile(BASE):
+ """Represents L2 network plugin level PortProfile for a network"""
+ __tablename__ = 'portprofiles'
+ uuid = Column(String(255), primary_key=True)
+ name = Column(String(255))
+ vlan_id = Column(Integer)
+ qos = Column(String(255))
+ def __init__(self, name, vlan_id, qos=None):
+ self.uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ self.name = name
+ self.vlan_id = vlan_id
+ self.qos = qos
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<PortProfile(%s,%s,%d,%s)>" % \
+ (self.uuid, self.name, self.vlan_id, self.qos)
+class PortProfileBinding(BASE):
+ """Represents PortProfile binding to tenant and network"""
+ __tablename__ = 'portprofile_bindings'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
+ tenant_id = Column(String(255))
+ network_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+ #foreign key to networks.uuid
+ portprofile_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False)
+ #foreign key to portprofiles.uuid
+ default = Column(Boolean)
+ def __init__(self, tenant_id, network_id, portprofile_id, default):
+ self.tenant_id = tenant_id
+ self.network_id = network_id
+ self.portprofile_id = portprofile_id
+ self.default = default
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<PortProfile Binding(%s,%s,%s,%s)>" % \
+ (self.tenant_id, self.network_id, self.portprofile_id, self.default)