LOG = logging.getLogger("cinder.volume.driver")
WSDL_HEADER = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
properties = connection_info['data']
self.driver.terminate_connection(volume, connector)
self.driver._remove_destroy(self.VOLUME_NAME, self.PROJECT_ID)
+WSDL_HEADER_CMODE = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<definitions xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
+ xmlns:na="http://cloud.netapp.com/"
+targetNamespace="http://cloud.netapp.com/" name="CloudStorageService">
+WSDL_TYPES_CMODE = """<types>
+<xs:schema xmlns:na="http://cloud.netapp.com/"
+xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" version="1.0"
+ <xs:element name="ProvisionLun">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="Size" type="xsd:long"/>
+ <xs:element name="Metadata" type="na:Metadata" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="ProvisionLunResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Lun" type="na:Lun"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="DestroyLun">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Handle" type="xsd:string"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="DestroyLunResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="CloneLun">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Handle" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="NewName" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="Metadata" type="na:Metadata" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="CloneLunResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Lun" type="na:Lun"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="MapLun">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Handle" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="InitiatorType" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="InitiatorName" type="xsd:string"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="MapLunResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="UnmapLun">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Handle" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="InitiatorType" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="InitiatorName" type="xsd:string"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="UnmapLunResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="ListLuns">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="NameFilter" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="ListLunsResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Lun" type="na:Lun" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="GetLunTargetDetails">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="Handle" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="InitiatorType" type="xsd:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="InitiatorName" type="xsd:string"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="GetLunTargetDetailsResult">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:all>
+ <xs:element name="TargetDetails" type="na:TargetDetails"
+ minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:all>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:complexType name="Metadata">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Key" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="Value" type="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="Lun">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="Size" type="xs:long"/>
+ <xs:element name="Handle" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="Metadata" type="na:Metadata" minOccurs="0"
+ maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ <xs:complexType name="TargetDetails">
+ <xs:sequence>
+ <xs:element name="Address" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="Port" type="xs:int"/>
+ <xs:element name="Portal" type="xs:int"/>
+ <xs:element name="Iqn" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="LunNumber" type="xs:int"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:schema></types>"""
+WSDL_TRAILER_CMODE = """<service name="CloudStorageService">
+ <port name="CloudStoragePort" binding="na:CloudStorageBinding">
+ <soap:address location="http://hostname:8080/ws/ntapcloud"/>
+ </port>
+ </service>
+RESPONSE_PREFIX_CMODE = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
+RESPONSE_SUFFIX_CMODE = """</soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>"""
+CMODE_APIS = ['ProvisionLun', 'DestroyLun', 'CloneLun', 'MapLun', 'UnmapLun',
+ 'ListLuns', 'GetLunTargetDetails']
+class FakeCMODEServerHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """HTTP handler that fakes enough stuff to allow the driver to run"""
+ def do_GET(s):
+ """Respond to a GET request."""
+ if '/ntap_cloud.wsdl' != s.path:
+ s.send_response(404)
+ s.end_headers
+ return
+ s.send_response(200)
+ s.send_header("Content-Type", "application/wsdl+xml")
+ s.end_headers()
+ out = s.wfile
+ out.write(WSDL_HEADER_CMODE)
+ out.write(WSDL_TYPES_CMODE)
+ for api in CMODE_APIS:
+ out.write('<message name="%sRequest">' % api)
+ out.write('<part element="na:%s" name="req"/>' % api)
+ out.write('</message>')
+ out.write('<message name="%sResponse">' % api)
+ out.write('<part element="na:%sResult" name="res"/>' % api)
+ out.write('</message>')
+ out.write('<portType name="CloudStorage">')
+ for api in CMODE_APIS:
+ out.write('<operation name="%s">' % api)
+ out.write('<input message="na:%sRequest"/>' % api)
+ out.write('<output message="na:%sResponse"/>' % api)
+ out.write('</operation>')
+ out.write('</portType>')
+ out.write('<binding name="CloudStorageBinding" '
+ 'type="na:CloudStorage">')
+ out.write('<soap:binding style="document" ' +
+ 'transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>')
+ for api in CMODE_APIS:
+ out.write('<operation name="%s">' % api)
+ out.write('<soap:operation soapAction=""/>')
+ out.write('<input><soap:body use="literal"/></input>')
+ out.write('<output><soap:body use="literal"/></output>')
+ out.write('</operation>')
+ out.write('</binding>')
+ def do_POST(s):
+ """Respond to a POST request."""
+ if '/ws/ntapcloud' != s.path:
+ s.send_response(404)
+ s.end_headers
+ return
+ request_xml = s.rfile.read(int(s.headers['Content-Length']))
+ ntap_ns = 'http://cloud.netapp.com/'
+ nsmap = {'soapenv': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/',
+ 'na': ntap_ns}
+ root = etree.fromstring(request_xml)
+ body = root.xpath('/soapenv:Envelope/soapenv:Body',
+ namespaces=nsmap)[0]
+ request = body.getchildren()[0]
+ tag = request.tag
+ if not tag.startswith('{' + ntap_ns + '}'):
+ s.send_response(500)
+ s.end_headers
+ return
+ api = tag[(2 + len(ntap_ns)):]
+ if 'ProvisionLun' == api:
+ body = """<ns:ProvisionLunResult xmlns:ns=
+ "http://cloud.netapp.com/">
+ <Lun><Name>lun1</Name><Size>20</Size>
+ <Handle>1d9c006c-a406-42f6-a23f-5ed7a6dc33e3</Handle>
+ <Metadata><Key>OsType</Key>
+ <Value>linux</Value></Metadata></Lun>
+ </ns:ProvisionLunResult>"""
+ elif 'DestroyLun' == api:
+ body = """<ns:DestroyLunResult xmlns:ns="http://cloud.netapp.com/"
+ />"""
+ elif 'CloneLun' == api:
+ body = """<ns:CloneLunResult xmlns:ns="http://cloud.netapp.com/">
+ <Lun><Name>lun2</Name><Size>2</Size>
+ <Handle>98ea1791d228453899d422b4611642c3</Handle>
+ <Metadata><Key>OsType</Key>
+ <Value>linux</Value></Metadata>
+ </Lun></ns:CloneLunResult>"""
+ elif 'MapLun' == api:
+ body = """<ns1:MapLunResult xmlns:ns="http://cloud.netapp.com/"
+ />"""
+ elif 'Unmap' == api:
+ body = """<ns1:UnmapLunResult xmlns:ns="http://cloud.netapp.com/"
+ />"""
+ elif 'ListLuns' == api:
+ body = """<ns:ListLunsResult xmlns:ns="http://cloud.netapp.com/">
+ <Lun>
+ <Name>lun1</Name>
+ <Size>20</Size>
+ <Handle>asdjdnsd</Handle>
+ </Lun>
+ </ns:ListLunsResult>"""
+ elif 'GetLunTargetDetails' == api:
+ body = """<ns:GetLunTargetDetailsResult
+ xmlns:ns="http://cloud.netapp.com/">
+ <TargetDetail>
+ <Address></Address>
+ <Port>3260</Port>
+ <Portal>1000</Portal>
+ <Iqn>iqn.199208.com.netapp:sn.123456789</Iqn>
+ <LunNumber>0</LunNumber>
+ </TargetDetail>
+ </ns:GetLunTargetDetailsResult>"""
+ else:
+ # Unknown API
+ s.send_response(500)
+ s.end_headers
+ return
+ s.send_response(200)
+ s.send_header("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8")
+ s.end_headers()
+ s.wfile.write(RESPONSE_PREFIX_CMODE)
+ s.wfile.write(body)
+ s.wfile.write(RESPONSE_SUFFIX_CMODE)
+class FakeCmodeHTTPConnection(object):
+ """A fake httplib.HTTPConnection for netapp tests
+ Requests made via this connection actually get translated and routed into
+ the fake Dfm handler above, we then turn the response into
+ the httplib.HTTPResponse that the caller expects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host, timeout=None):
+ self.host = host
+ def request(self, method, path, data=None, headers=None):
+ if not headers:
+ headers = {}
+ req_str = '%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n' % (method, path)
+ for key, value in headers.iteritems():
+ req_str += "%s: %s\r\n" % (key, value)
+ if data:
+ req_str += '\r\n%s' % data
+ # NOTE(vish): normally the http transport normailizes from unicode
+ sock = FakeHttplibSocket(req_str.decode("latin-1").encode("utf-8"))
+ # NOTE(vish): stop the server from trying to look up address from
+ # the fake socket
+ FakeCMODEServerHandler.address_string = lambda x: ''
+ self.app = FakeCMODEServerHandler(sock, '', None)
+ self.sock = FakeHttplibSocket(sock.result)
+ self.http_response = httplib.HTTPResponse(self.sock)
+ def set_debuglevel(self, level):
+ pass
+ def getresponse(self):
+ self.http_response.begin()
+ return self.http_response
+ def getresponsebody(self):
+ return self.sock.result
+class NetAppCmodeISCSIDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ """Test case for NetAppISCSIDriver"""
+ volume = {
+ 'name': 'lun1', 'size': 1, 'volume_name': 'lun1',
+ 'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'lun1',
+ 'id': 'lun1', 'provider_auth': None, 'project_id': 'project',
+ 'display_name': None, 'display_description': 'lun1',
+ 'volume_type_id': None
+ }
+ snapshot = {
+ 'name': 'lun2', 'size': 1, 'volume_name': 'lun1',
+ 'volume_size': 1, 'project_id': 'project'
+ }
+ volume_sec = {
+ 'name': 'vol_snapshot', 'size': 1, 'volume_name': 'lun1',
+ 'os_type': 'linux', 'provider_location': 'lun1',
+ 'id': 'lun1', 'provider_auth': None, 'project_id': 'project',
+ 'display_name': None, 'display_description': 'lun1',
+ 'volume_type_id': None
+ }
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(NetAppCmodeISCSIDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+ driver = netapp.NetAppCmodeISCSIDriver()
+ self.stubs.Set(httplib, 'HTTPConnection', FakeCmodeHTTPConnection)
+ driver._create_client(wsdl_url='http://localhost:8080/ntap_cloud.wsdl',
+ login='root', password='password',
+ hostname='localhost', port=8080, cache=False)
+ self.driver = driver
+ def test_connect(self):
+ self.driver.check_for_setup_error()
+ def test_create_destroy(self):
+ self.driver.create_volume(self.volume)
+ self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume)
+ def test_create_vol_snapshot_destroy(self):
+ self.driver.create_volume(self.volume)
+ self.driver.create_snapshot(self.snapshot)
+ self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.volume_sec, self.snapshot)
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(self.snapshot)
+ self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume)
+ def test_map_unmap(self):
+ self.driver.create_volume(self.volume)
+ updates = self.driver.create_export(None, self.volume)
+ self.assertTrue(updates['provider_location'])
+ self.volume['provider_location'] = updates['provider_location']
+ connector = {'initiator': 'init1'}
+ connection_info = self.driver.initialize_connection(self.volume,
+ connector)
+ self.assertEqual(connection_info['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')
+ properties = connection_info['data']
+ self.driver.terminate_connection(self.volume, connector)
+ self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume)
def check_for_export(self, context, volume_id):
raise NotImplementedError()
+class NetAppLun(object):
+ """Represents a LUN on NetApp storage."""
+ def __init__(self, handle, name, size, metadata_dict):
+ self.handle = handle
+ self.name = name
+ self.size = size
+ self.metadata = metadata_dict
+ def get_metadata_property(self, prop):
+ """Get the metadata property of a LUN."""
+ if prop in self.metadata:
+ return self.metadata[prop]
+ name = self.name
+ msg = _("No metadata property %(prop)s defined for the LUN %(name)s")
+ LOG.debug(msg % locals())
+class NetAppCmodeISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver):
+ """NetApp C-mode iSCSI volume driver."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(NetAppCmodeISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.lun_table = {}
+ def _create_client(self, **kwargs):
+ """Instantiate a web services client.
+ This method creates a "suds" client to make web services calls to the
+ DFM server. Note that the WSDL file is quite large and may take
+ a few seconds to parse.
+ """
+ wsdl_url = kwargs['wsdl_url']
+ LOG.debug(_('Using WSDL: %s') % wsdl_url)
+ if kwargs['cache']:
+ self.client = client.Client(wsdl_url, username=kwargs['login'],
+ password=kwargs['password'])
+ else:
+ self.client = client.Client(wsdl_url, username=kwargs['login'],
+ password=kwargs['password'],
+ cache=None)
+ def _check_flags(self):
+ """Ensure that the flags we care about are set."""
+ required_flags = ['netapp_wsdl_url', 'netapp_login', 'netapp_password',
+ 'netapp_server_hostname', 'netapp_server_port']
+ for flag in required_flags:
+ if not getattr(FLAGS, flag, None):
+ msg = _('%s is not set') % flag
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(data=msg)
+ def do_setup(self, context):
+ """Setup the NetApp Volume driver.
+ Called one time by the manager after the driver is loaded.
+ Validate the flags we care about and setup the suds (web services)
+ client.
+ """
+ self._check_flags()
+ self._create_client(wsdl_url=FLAGS.netapp_wsdl_url,
+ login=FLAGS.netapp_login, password=FLAGS.netapp_password,
+ hostname=FLAGS.netapp_server_hostname,
+ port=FLAGS.netapp_server_port, cache=True)
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Check that the driver is working and can communicate.
+ Discovers the LUNs on the NetApp server.
+ """
+ self.lun_table = {}
+ luns = self.client.service.ListLuns()
+ for lun in luns:
+ meta_dict = {}
+ if hasattr(lun, 'Metadata'):
+ meta_dict = self._create_dict_from_meta(lun.Metadata)
+ discovered_lun = NetAppLun(lun.Handle, lun.Name, lun.Size,
+ meta_dict)
+ self._add_lun_to_table(discovered_lun)
+ LOG.debug(_("Success getting LUN list from server"))
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Driver entry point for creating a new volume."""
+ default_size = '104857600' # 100 MB
+ gigabytes = 1073741824L # 2^30
+ name = volume['name']
+ if int(volume['size']) == 0:
+ size = default_size
+ else:
+ size = str(int(volume['size']) * gigabytes)
+ extra_args = {}
+ extra_args['OsType'] = 'linux'
+ extra_args['QosType'] = self._get_qos_type(volume)
+ extra_args['Container'] = volume['project_id']
+ extra_args['Display'] = volume['display_name']
+ extra_args['Description'] = volume['display_description']
+ extra_args['SpaceReserved'] = True
+ server = self.client.service
+ metadata = self._create_metadata_list(extra_args)
+ lun = server.ProvisionLun(Name=name, Size=size,
+ Metadata=metadata)
+ LOG.debug(_("Created LUN with name %s") % name)
+ self._add_lun_to_table(NetAppLun(lun.Handle, lun.Name,
+ lun.Size, self._create_dict_from_meta(lun.Metadata)))
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Driver entry point for destroying existing volumes."""
+ name = volume['name']
+ handle = self._get_lun_handle(name)
+ self.client.service.DestroyLun(Handle=handle)
+ LOG.debug(_("Destroyed LUN %s") % handle)
+ self.lun_table.pop(name)
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume."""
+ handle = self._get_lun_handle(volume['name'])
+ return {'provider_location': handle}
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume."""
+ handle = self._get_lun_handle(volume['name'])
+ return {'provider_location': handle}
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Driver exntry point to remove an export for a volume.
+ Since exporting is idempotent in this driver, we have nothing
+ to do for unexporting.
+ """
+ pass
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Driver entry point to attach a volume to an instance.
+ Do the LUN masking on the storage system so the initiator can access
+ the LUN on the target. Also return the iSCSI properties so the
+ initiator can find the LUN. This implementation does not call
+ _get_iscsi_properties() to get the properties because cannot store the
+ LUN number in the database. We only find out what the LUN number will
+ be during this method call so we construct the properties dictionary
+ ourselves.
+ """
+ initiator_name = connector['initiator']
+ handle = volume['provider_location']
+ server = self.client.service
+ server.MapLun(Handle=handle, InitiatorType="iscsi",
+ InitiatorName=initiator_name)
+ msg = _("Mapped LUN %(handle)s to the initiator %(initiator_name)s")
+ LOG.debug(msg % locals())
+ target_details_list = server.GetLunTargetDetails(Handle=handle,
+ InitiatorType="iscsi", InitiatorName=initiator_name)
+ msg = _("Succesfully fetched target details for LUN %(handle)s and "
+ "initiator %(initiator_name)s")
+ LOG.debug(msg % locals())
+ if not target_details_list:
+ msg = _('Failed to get LUN target details for the LUN %s')
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg % handle)
+ target_details = target_details_list[0]
+ if not target_details.Address and target_details.Port:
+ msg = _('Failed to get target portal for the LUN %s')
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg % handle)
+ iqn = target_details.Iqn
+ if not iqn:
+ msg = _('Failed to get target IQN for the LUN %s')
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg % handle)
+ properties = {}
+ properties['target_discovered'] = False
+ (address, port) = (target_details.Address, target_details.Port)
+ properties['target_portal'] = '%s:%s' % (address, port)
+ properties['target_iqn'] = iqn
+ properties['target_lun'] = target_details.LunNumber
+ properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+ auth = volume['provider_auth']
+ if auth:
+ (auth_method, auth_username, auth_secret) = auth.split()
+ properties['auth_method'] = auth_method
+ properties['auth_username'] = auth_username
+ properties['auth_password'] = auth_secret
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
+ 'data': properties,
+ }
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Driver entry point to unattach a volume from an instance.
+ Unmask the LUN on the storage system so the given intiator can no
+ longer access it.
+ """
+ initiator_name = connector['initiator']
+ handle = volume['provider_location']
+ self.client.service.UnmapLun(Handle=handle, InitiatorType="iscsi",
+ InitiatorName=initiator_name)
+ msg = _("Unmapped LUN %(handle)s from the initiator "
+ "%(initiator_name)s")
+ LOG.debug(msg % locals())
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Driver entry point for creating a snapshot.
+ This driver implements snapshots by using efficient single-file
+ (LUN) cloning.
+ """
+ vol_name = snapshot['volume_name']
+ snapshot_name = snapshot['name']
+ lun = self.lun_table[vol_name]
+ extra_args = {'SpaceReserved': False}
+ self._clone_lun(lun.handle, snapshot_name, extra_args)
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Driver entry point for deleting a snapshot."""
+ handle = self._get_lun_handle(snapshot['name'])
+ self.client.service.DestroyLun(Handle=handle)
+ LOG.debug(_("Destroyed LUN %s") % handle)
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Driver entry point for creating a new volume from a snapshot.
+ Many would call this "cloning" and in fact we use cloning to implement
+ this feature.
+ """
+ snapshot_name = snapshot['name']
+ lun = self.lun_table[snapshot_name]
+ new_name = volume['name']
+ extra_args = {}
+ extra_args['OsType'] = 'linux'
+ extra_args['QosType'] = self._get_qos_type(volume)
+ extra_args['Container'] = volume['project_id']
+ extra_args['Display'] = volume['display_name']
+ extra_args['Description'] = volume['display_description']
+ extra_args['SpaceReserved'] = True
+ self._clone_lun(lun.handle, new_name, extra_args)
+ def check_for_export(self, context, volume_id):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def _get_qos_type(self, volume):
+ """Get the storage service type for a volume."""
+ type_id = volume['volume_type_id']
+ if not type_id:
+ return None
+ volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(None, type_id)
+ if not volume_type:
+ return None
+ return volume_type['name']
+ def _add_lun_to_table(self, lun):
+ """Adds LUN to cache table."""
+ if not isinstance(lun, NetAppLun):
+ msg = _("Object is not a NetApp LUN.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ self.lun_table[lun.name] = lun
+ def _clone_lun(self, handle, new_name, extra_args):
+ """Clone LUN with the given handle to the new name."""
+ server = self.client.service
+ metadata = self._create_metadata_list(extra_args)
+ lun = server.CloneLun(Handle=handle, NewName=new_name,
+ Metadata=metadata)
+ LOG.debug(_("Cloned LUN with new name %s") % new_name)
+ self._add_lun_to_table(NetAppLun(lun.Handle, lun.Name,
+ lun.Size, self._create_dict_from_meta(lun.Metadata)))
+ def _create_metadata_list(self, extra_args):
+ """Creates metadata from kwargs."""
+ metadata = []
+ for key in extra_args.keys():
+ meta = self.client.factory.create("Metadata")
+ meta.Key = key
+ meta.Value = extra_args[key]
+ metadata.append(meta)
+ return metadata
+ def _get_lun_handle(self, name):
+ """Get the details for a LUN from our cache table."""
+ if not name in self.lun_table:
+ LOG.warn(_("Could not find handle for LUN named %s") % name)
+ return None
+ return self.lun_table[name]
+ def _create_dict_from_meta(self, metadata):
+ """Creates dictionary from metadata array."""
+ meta_dict = {}
+ if not metadata:
+ return meta_dict
+ for meta in metadata:
+ meta_dict[meta.Key] = meta.Value
+ return meta_dict