for key, engine in self.engines.items():
conn_string = self.test_databases[key]
conn_pieces = urlparse.urlparse(conn_string)
+ engine.dispose()
if conn_string.startswith('sqlite'):
# We can just delete the SQLite database, which is
# the easiest and cleanest solution
database = conn_pieces.path.strip('/')
loc_pieces = conn_pieces.netloc.split('@')
host = loc_pieces[1]
auth_pieces = loc_pieces[0].split(':')
user = auth_pieces[0]
password = ""
if len(auth_pieces) > 1:
- if auth_pieces[1].strip():
- password = auth_pieces[1]
- cmd = ("touch ~/.pgpass;"
- "chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass;"
- "sed -i -e"
- "'1{s/^.*$/\*:\*:\*:%(user)s:%(password)s/};"
- "1!d' ~/.pgpass") % locals()
- execute_cmd(cmd)
- sql = ("UPDATE pg_catalog.pg_database SET datallowconn=false "
- "WHERE datname='%(database)s';") % locals()
- cmd = ("psql -U%(user)s -h%(host)s -c\"%(sql)s\"") % locals()
- execute_cmd(cmd)
- sql = ("SELECT pg_catalog.pg_terminate_backend(procpid) "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity "
- "WHERE datname='%(database)s';") % locals()
- cmd = ("psql -U%(user)s -h%(host)s -c\"%(sql)s\"") % locals()
- execute_cmd(cmd)
+ password = auth_pieces[1].strip()
+ # note(krtaylor): File creation problems with tests in
+ # venv using .pgpass authentication, changed to
+ # PGPASSWORD environment variable which is no longer
+ # planned to be deprecated
+ os.environ['PGPASSWORD'] = password
+ os.environ['PGUSER'] = user
+ # note(boris-42): We must create and drop database, we can't
+ # drop database which we have connected to, so for such
+ # operations there is a special database template1.
+ sqlcmd = ("psql -w -U %(user)s -h %(host)s -c"
+ " '%(sql)s' -d template1")
sql = ("drop database if exists %(database)s;") % locals()
- cmd = ("psql -U%(user)s -h%(host)s -c\"%(sql)s\"") % locals()
- execute_cmd(cmd)
+ droptable = sqlcmd % locals()
+ execute_cmd(droptable)
sql = ("create database %(database)s;") % locals()
- cmd = ("psql -U%(user)s -h%(host)s -c\"%(sql)s\"") % locals()
- execute_cmd(cmd)
+ createtable = sqlcmd % locals()
+ execute_cmd(createtable)
+ os.unsetenv('PGPASSWORD')
+ os.unsetenv('PGUSER')
def test_walk_versions(self):
count = noninnodb.scalar()
self.assertEqual(count, 0, "%d non InnoDB tables created" % count)
+ def test_postgresql_connect_fail(self):
+ """
+ Test that we can trigger a postgres connection failure and we fail
+ gracefully to ensure we don't break people without postgres
+ """
+ if _is_backend_avail('postgres', user="openstack_cifail"):
+"Shouldn't have connected")
+ def test_postgresql_opportunistically(self):
+ # Test postgresql database migration walk
+ if not _is_backend_avail('postgres'):
+ self.skipTest("postgresql not available")
+ # add this to the global lists to make reset work with it, it's removed
+ # automatically in tearDown so no need to clean it up here.
+ connect_string = _get_connect_string("postgres")
+ engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string)
+ self.engines["postgresqlcitest"] = engine
+ self.test_databases["postgresqlcitest"] = connect_string
+ # build a fully populated postgresql database with all the tables
+ self._reset_databases()
+ self._walk_versions(engine, False, False)
def _walk_versions(self, engine=None, snake_walk=False, downgrade=True):
# Determine latest version script from the repo, then
# upgrade from 1 through to the latest, with no data