--- /dev/null
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+ Convention for heading levels in Neutron devref:
+ ======= Heading 0 (reserved for the title in a document)
+ ------- Heading 1
+ ~~~~~~~ Heading 2
+ +++++++ Heading 3
+ ''''''' Heading 4
+ (Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.)
+Alembic Migrations
+The migrations in the alembic/versions contain the changes needed to migrate
+from older Neutron releases to newer versions. A migration occurs by executing
+a script that details the changes needed to upgrade the database. The migration
+scripts are ordered so that multiple scripts can run sequentially to update the
+The Migration Wrapper
+The scripts are executed by Neutron's migration wrapper ``neutron-db-manage``
+which uses the Alembic library to manage the migration. Pass the ``--help``
+option to the wrapper for usage information.
+The wrapper takes some options followed by some commands::
+ neutron-db-manage <options> <commands>
+The wrapper needs to be provided with the database connection string, which is
+usually provided in the ``neutron.conf`` configuration file in an installation.
+The wrapper automatically reads from ``/etc/neutron/neutron.conf`` if it is
+present. If the configuration is in a different location::
+ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf <commands>
+Multiple ``--config-file`` options can be passed if needed.
+Instead of reading the DB connection from the configuration file(s) the
+``--database-connection`` option can be used::
+ neutron-db-manage --database-connection mysql+pymysql://root:secret@ <commands>
+For some commands the wrapper needs to know the entrypoint of the core plugin
+for the installation. This can be read from the configuration file(s) or
+specified using the ``--core_plugin`` option::
+ neutron-db-manage --core_plugin neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin <commands>
+When giving examples below of using the wrapper the options will not be shown.
+It is assumed you will use the options that you need for your environment.
+For new deployments you will start with an empty database. You then upgrade
+to the latest database version via::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade heads
+For existing deployments the database will already be at some version. To
+check the current database version::
+ neutron-db-manage current
+After installing a new version of Neutron server, upgrading the database is
+the same command::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade heads
+To create a script to run the migration offline::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade heads --sql
+To run the offline migration between specific migration versions::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade <start version>:<end version> --sql
+Upgrade the database incrementally::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade --delta <# of revs>
+**NOTE:** Database downgrade is not supported.
+Migration Branches
+Neutron makes use of alembic branches for two purposes.
+1. Indepedent Sub-Project Tables
+Various `sub-projects <sub_projects.html>`_ can be installed with Neutron. Each
+sub-project registers its own alembic branch which is responsible for migrating
+the schemas of the tables owned by the sub-project.
+The neutron-db-manage script detects which sub-projects have been installed by
+enumerating the ``neutron.db.alembic_migrations`` entrypoints. For more details
+see the `Entry Points section of Contributing extensions to Neutron
+The neutron-db-manage script runs the given alembic command against all
+installed sub-projects. (An exception is the ``revision`` command, which is
+discussed in the `Developers`_ section below.)
+2. Offline/Online Migrations
+Since Liberty, Neutron maintains two parallel alembic migration branches.
+The first one, called 'expand', is used to store expansion-only migration
+rules. Those rules are strictly additive and can be applied while
+neutron-server is running. Examples of additive database schema changes are:
+creating a new table, adding a new table column, adding a new index, etc.
+The second branch, called 'contract', is used to store those migration rules
+that are not safe to apply while neutron-server is running. Those include:
+column or table removal, moving data from one part of the database into another
+(renaming a column, transforming single table into multiple, etc.), introducing
+or modifying constraints, etc.
+The intent of the split is to allow invoking those safe migrations from
+'expand' branch while neutron-server is running, reducing downtime needed to
+upgrade the service.
+For more details, see the `Expand and Contract Scripts`_ section below.
+A database migration script is required when you submit a change to Neutron or
+a sub-project that alters the database model definition. The migration script
+is a special python file that includes code to upgrade the database to match
+the changes in the model definition. Alembic will execute these scripts in
+order to provide a linear migration path between revisions. The
+neutron-db-manage command can be used to generate migration scripts for you to
+complete. The operations in the template are those supported by the Alembic
+migration library.
+Script Auto-generation
+ neutron-db-manage revision -m "description of revision" --autogenerate
+This generates a prepopulated template with the changes needed to match the
+database state with the models. You should inspect the autogenerated template
+to ensure that the proper models have been altered.
+In rare circumstances, you may want to start with an empty migration template
+and manually author the changes necessary for an upgrade. You can create a
+blank file via::
+ neutron-db-manage revision -m "description of revision"
+The timeline on each alembic branch should remain linear and not interleave
+with other branches, so that there is a clear path when upgrading. To verify
+that alembic branches maintain linear timelines, you can run this command::
+ neutron-db-manage check_migration
+If this command reports an error, you can troubleshoot by showing the migration
+timelines using the ``history`` command::
+ neutron-db-manage history
+Expand and Contract Scripts
+The obsolete "branchless" design of a migration script included that it
+indicates a specific "version" of the schema, and includes directives that
+apply all necessary changes to the database at once. If we look for example at
+the script ``2d2a8a565438_hierarchical_binding.py``, we will see::
+ # .../alembic_migrations/versions/2d2a8a565438_hierarchical_binding.py
+ def upgrade():
+ # .. inspection code ...
+ op.create_table(
+ 'ml2_port_binding_levels',
+ sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ # ... more columns ...
+ )
+ for table in port_binding_tables:
+ op.execute((
+ "INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
+ "SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
+ "FROM %s "
+ "WHERE host <> '' "
+ "AND driver <> '';"
+ ) % table)
+ op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
+ # ... more DROP instructions ...
+The above script contains directives that are both under the "expand"
+and "contract" categories, as well as some data migrations. the ``op.create_table``
+directive is an "expand"; it may be run safely while the old version of the
+application still runs, as the old code simply doesn't look for this table.
+The ``op.drop_constraint`` and ``op.drop_column`` directives are
+"contract" directives (the drop column moreso than the drop constraint); running
+at least the ``op.drop_column`` directives means that the old version of the
+application will fail, as it will attempt to access these columns which no longer
+The data migrations in this script are adding new
+rows to the newly added ``ml2_port_binding_levels`` table.
+Under the new migration script directory structure, the above script would be
+stated as two scripts; an "expand" and a "contract" script::
+ # expansion operations
+ # .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/2bde560fc638_hierarchical_binding.py
+ def upgrade():
+ op.create_table(
+ 'ml2_port_binding_levels',
+ sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
+ # ... more columns ...
+ )
+ # contraction operations
+ # .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/4405aedc050e_hierarchical_binding.py
+ def upgrade():
+ for table in port_binding_tables:
+ op.execute((
+ "INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
+ "SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
+ "FROM %s "
+ "WHERE host <> '' "
+ "AND driver <> '';"
+ ) % table)
+ op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
+ op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
+ # ... more DROP instructions ...
+The two scripts would be present in different subdirectories and also part of
+entirely separate versioning streams. The "expand" operations are in the
+"expand" script, and the "contract" operations are in the "contract" script.
+For the time being, data migration rules also belong to contract branch. There
+is expectation that eventually live data migrations move into middleware that
+will be aware about different database schema elements to converge on, but
+Neutron is still not there.
+Scripts that contain only expansion or contraction rules do not require a split
+into two parts.
+If a contraction script depends on a script from expansion stream, the
+following directive should be added in the contraction script::
+ depends_on = ('<expansion-revision>',)
+Applying database migration rules
+To apply just expansion rules, execute::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade liberty_expand@head
+After the first step is done, you can stop neutron-server, apply remaining
+non-expansive migration rules, if any::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade liberty_contract@head
+and finally, start your neutron-server again.
+If you are not interested in applying safe migration rules while the service is
+running, you can still upgrade database the old way, by stopping the service,
+and then applying all available rules::
+ neutron-db-manage upgrade head[s]
+It will apply all the rules from both the expand and the contract branches, in
+proper order.
business logic.
-How we manage database migration rules
+Database migrations
-Since Liberty, Neutron maintains two parallel alembic migration branches.
-The first one, called 'expand', is used to store expansion-only migration
-rules. Those rules are strictly additive and can be applied while
-neutron-server is running. Examples of additive database schema changes are:
-creating a new table, adding a new table column, adding a new index, etc.
-The second branch, called 'contract', is used to store those migration rules
-that are not safe to apply while neutron-server is running. Those include:
-column or table removal, moving data from one part of the database into another
-(renaming a column, transforming single table into multiple, etc.), introducing
-or modifying constraints, etc.
-The intent of the split is to allow invoking those safe migrations from
-'expand' branch while neutron-server is running, reducing downtime needed to
-upgrade the service.
-To apply just expansion rules, execute:
-- neutron-db-manage upgrade liberty_expand@head
-After the first step is done, you can stop neutron-server, apply remaining
-non-expansive migration rules, if any:
-- neutron-db-manage upgrade liberty_contract@head
-and finally, start your neutron-server again.
-If you are not interested in applying safe migration rules while the service is
-running, you can still upgrade database the old way, by stopping the service,
-and then applying all available rules:
-- neutron-db-manage upgrade head[s]
-It will apply all the rules from both the expand and the contract branches, in
-proper order.
-Expand and Contract Scripts
-The obsolete "branchless" design of a migration script included that it
-indicates a specific "version" of the schema, and includes directives that
-apply all necessary changes to the database at once. If we look for example at
-the script ``2d2a8a565438_hierarchical_binding.py``, we will see::
- # .../alembic_migrations/versions/2d2a8a565438_hierarchical_binding.py
- def upgrade():
- # .. inspection code ...
- op.create_table(
- 'ml2_port_binding_levels',
- sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
- # ... more columns ...
- )
- for table in port_binding_tables:
- op.execute((
- "INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
- "SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
- "FROM %s "
- "WHERE host <> '' "
- "AND driver <> '';"
- ) % table)
- op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
- op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
- op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
- op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
- # ... more DROP instructions ...
-The above script contains directives that are both under the "expand"
-and "contract" categories, as well as some data migrations. the ``op.create_table``
-directive is an "expand"; it may be run safely while the old version of the
-application still runs, as the old code simply doesn't look for this table.
-The ``op.drop_constraint`` and ``op.drop_column`` directives are
-"contract" directives (the drop column moreso than the drop constraint); running
-at least the ``op.drop_column`` directives means that the old version of the
-application will fail, as it will attempt to access these columns which no longer
-The data migrations in this script are adding new
-rows to the newly added ``ml2_port_binding_levels`` table.
-Under the new migration script directory structure, the above script would be
-stated as two scripts; an "expand" and a "contract" script::
- # expansion operations
- # .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/expand/2bde560fc638_hierarchical_binding.py
- def upgrade():
- op.create_table(
- 'ml2_port_binding_levels',
- sa.Column('port_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('host', sa.String(length=255), nullable=False),
- # ... more columns ...
- )
- # contraction operations
- # .../alembic_migrations/versions/liberty/contract/4405aedc050e_hierarchical_binding.py
- def upgrade():
- for table in port_binding_tables:
- op.execute((
- "INSERT INTO ml2_port_binding_levels "
- "SELECT port_id, host, 0 AS level, driver, segment AS segment_id "
- "FROM %s "
- "WHERE host <> '' "
- "AND driver <> '';"
- ) % table)
- op.drop_constraint(fk_name_dvr[0], 'ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'foreignkey')
- op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'cap_port_filter')
- op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'segment')
- op.drop_column('ml2_dvr_port_bindings', 'driver')
- # ... more DROP instructions ...
-The two scripts would be present in different subdirectories and also part of
-entirely separate versioning streams. The "expand" operations are in the
-"expand" script, and the "contract" operations are in the "contract" script.
-For the time being, data migration rules also belong to contract branch. There
-is expectation that eventually live data migrations move into middleware that
-will be aware about different database schema elements to converge on, but
-Neutron is still not there.
-Scripts that contain only expansion or contraction rules do not require a split
-into two parts.
-If a contraction script depends on a script from expansion stream, the
-following directive should be added in the contraction script::
- depends_on = ('<expansion-revision>',)
+For details on the neutron-db-manage wrapper and alembic migrations, see
+`Alembic Migrations <alembic_migrations.html>`_.
Tests to verify that database migrations and models are in sync
+ alembic_migrations
Neutron Internals
-# Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost)
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
+See doc/source/devref/alembic_migrations.rst
-The migrations in the alembic/versions contain the changes needed to migrate
-from older Neutron releases to newer versions. A migration occurs by executing
-a script that details the changes needed to upgrade the database. The migration
-scripts are ordered so that multiple scripts can run sequentially to update the
-database. The scripts are executed by Neutron's migration wrapper which uses
-the Alembic library to manage the migration. Neutron supports migration from
-Havana or later.
-If you are a deployer or developer and want to migrate from Folsom to Grizzly
-or later you must first add version tracking to the database:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
- --config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini stamp folsom
-You can then upgrade to the latest database version via:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
- --config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini upgrade head
-To check the current database version:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
- --config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini current
-To create a script to run the migration offline:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
- --config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini upgrade head --sql
-To run the offline migration between specific migration versions:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
---config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini upgrade \
-<start version>:<end version> --sql
-Upgrade the database incrementally:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
---config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini upgrade --delta <# of revs>
-NOTE: Database downgrade is not supported.
-A database migration script is required when you submit a change to Neutron
-that alters the database model definition. The migration script is a special
-python file that includes code to upgrade the database to match the changes in
-the model definition. Alembic will execute these scripts in order to provide a
-linear migration path between revision. The neutron-db-manage command can be
-used to generate migration template for you to complete. The operations in the
-template are those supported by the Alembic migration library.
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
---config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini revision \
--m "description of revision" \
-This generates a prepopulated template with the changes needed to match the
-database state with the models. You should inspect the autogenerated template
-to ensure that the proper models have been altered.
-In rare circumstances, you may want to start with an empty migration template
-and manually author the changes necessary for an upgrade. You can create a
-blank file via:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
---config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini revision \
--m "description of revision"
-The migration timeline should remain linear so that there is a clear path when
-upgrading. To verify that the timeline does branch, you can run this command:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
---config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini check_migration
-If the migration path does branch, you can find the branch point via:
-$ neutron-db-manage --config-file /path/to/neutron.conf \
---config-file /path/to/plugin/config.ini history
+Rendered at
from alembic import util as alembic_util
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import importutils
+import pkg_resources
-from neutron.common import repos
from neutron.common import utils
MIGRATION_BRANCHES = ('expand', 'contract')
+MIGRATION_ENTRYPOINTS = 'neutron.db.alembic_migrations'
+migration_entrypoints = {
+ entrypoint.name: entrypoint
+ for entrypoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(MIGRATION_ENTRYPOINTS)
-mods = repos.NeutronModules()
-VALID_SERVICES = list(map(mods.alembic_name, mods.installed_list()))
+neutron_alembic_ini = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'alembic.ini')
+VALID_SERVICES = ['fwaas', 'lbaas', 'vpnaas']
+INSTALLED_SERVICES = [service_ for service_ in VALID_SERVICES
+ if 'neutron-%s' % service_ in migration_entrypoints]
+INSTALLED_SERVICE_PROJECTS = ['neutron-%s' % service_
+ for service_ in INSTALLED_SERVICES]
+INSTALLED_SUBPROJECTS = [project_ for project_ in migration_entrypoints
+ if project_ not in INSTALLED_SERVICE_PROJECTS]
+service_help = (
+ _("Can be one of '%s'.") % "', '".join(INSTALLED_SERVICES)
+ _("(No services are currently installed).")
_core_opts = [
help=_('Neutron plugin provider module')),
- cfg.ListOpt('service_plugins',
- default=[],
- help=_("The service plugins Neutron will use")),
- help=_("The advanced service to execute the command against. "
- "Can be one of '%s'.") % "', '".join(VALID_SERVICES)),
+ help=(_("The advanced service to execute the command against. ")
+ + service_help)),
+ cfg.StrOpt('subproject',
+ help=(_("The subproject to execute the command against. "
+ "Can be one of %s.") % INSTALLED_SUBPROJECTS)),
help=_("Enforce using split branches file structure."))
def do_alembic_command(config, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ project = config.get_main_option('neutron_project')
+ alembic_util.msg(_('Running %(cmd)s for %(project)s ...') %
+ {'cmd': cmd, 'project': project})
getattr(alembic_command, cmd)(config, *args, **kwargs)
except alembic_util.CommandError as e:
+ alembic_util.msg(_('OK'))
+def _get_alembic_entrypoint(project):
+ if project not in migration_entrypoints:
+ alembic_util.err(_('Sub-project %s not installed.') % project)
+ return migration_entrypoints[project]
def do_check_migration(config, cmd):
'sql': CONF.command.sql,
- if _use_separate_migration_branches(CONF):
+ if _use_separate_migration_branches(config):
- version_path = _get_version_branch_path(CONF, branch)
+ version_path = _get_version_branch_path(config, branch)
addn_kwargs['version_path'] = version_path
if not os.path.exists(version_path):
'''Check that HEADS file contains the latest heads for each branch.'''
script = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
expected_heads = _get_sorted_heads(script)
- heads_path = _get_active_head_file_path(CONF)
+ heads_path = _get_active_head_file_path(config)
with open(heads_path) as file_:
observed_heads = file_.read().split()
'''Update HEADS file with the latest branch heads.'''
script = alembic_script.ScriptDirectory.from_config(config)
heads = _get_sorted_heads(script)
- heads_path = _get_active_head_file_path(CONF)
+ heads_path = _get_active_head_file_path(config)
with open(heads_path, 'w+') as f:
-def _get_neutron_service_base(neutron_config):
- '''Return base python namespace name for a service.'''
- if neutron_config.service:
- validate_service_installed(neutron_config.service)
- return "neutron_%s" % neutron_config.service
- return "neutron"
+def _get_project_base(config):
+ '''Return the base python namespace name for a project.'''
+ script_location = config.get_main_option('script_location')
+ return script_location.split(':')[0].split('.')[0]
-def _get_root_versions_dir(neutron_config):
- '''Return root directory that contains all migration rules.'''
- service_base = _get_neutron_service_base(neutron_config)
- root_module = importutils.import_module(service_base)
- return os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(root_module.__file__),
- 'db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions')
+def _get_package_root_dir(config):
+ root_module = importutils.try_import(_get_project_base(config))
+ if not root_module:
+ project = config.get_main_option('neutron_project')
+ alembic_util.err(_("Failed to locate source for %s.") % project)
+ # The root_module.__file__ property is a path like
+ # '/opt/stack/networking-foo/networking_foo/__init__.py'
+ # We return just
+ # '/opt/stack/networking-foo'
+ return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(root_module.__file__))
-def _get_head_file_path(neutron_config):
+def _get_root_versions_dir(config):
+ '''Return root directory that contains all migration rules.'''
+ root_dir = _get_package_root_dir(config)
+ script_location = config.get_main_option('script_location')
+ # Script location is something like:
+ # 'project_base.db.migration:alembic_migrations'
+ # Convert it to:
+ # 'project_base/db/migration/alembic_migrations/versions'
+ part1, part2 = script_location.split(':')
+ parts = part1.split('.') + part2.split('.') + ['versions']
+ # Return the absolute path to the versions dir
+ return os.path.join(root_dir, *parts)
+def _get_head_file_path(config):
'''Return the path of the file that contains single head.'''
return os.path.join(
- _get_root_versions_dir(neutron_config),
+ _get_root_versions_dir(config),
-def _get_heads_file_path(neutron_config):
+def _get_heads_file_path(config):
'''Return the path of the file that contains all latest heads, sorted.'''
return os.path.join(
- _get_root_versions_dir(neutron_config),
+ _get_root_versions_dir(config),
-def _get_active_head_file_path(neutron_config):
+def _get_active_head_file_path(config):
'''Return the path of the file that contains latest head(s), depending on
whether multiple branches are used.
- if _use_separate_migration_branches(neutron_config):
- return _get_heads_file_path(neutron_config)
- return _get_head_file_path(neutron_config)
+ if _use_separate_migration_branches(config):
+ return _get_heads_file_path(config)
+ return _get_head_file_path(config)
-def _get_version_branch_path(neutron_config, branch=None):
- version_path = _get_root_versions_dir(neutron_config)
+def _get_version_branch_path(config, branch=None):
+ version_path = _get_root_versions_dir(config)
if branch:
return os.path.join(version_path, CURRENT_RELEASE, branch)
return version_path
-def _use_separate_migration_branches(neutron_config):
+def _use_separate_migration_branches(config):
'''Detect whether split migration branches should be used.'''
- return (neutron_config.split_branches or
+ return (CONF.split_branches or
# Use HEADS file to indicate the new, split migration world
- os.path.exists(_get_heads_file_path(neutron_config)))
+ os.path.exists(_get_heads_file_path(config)))
def _set_version_locations(config):
'''Make alembic see all revisions in all migration branches.'''
- version_paths = []
- version_paths.append(_get_version_branch_path(CONF))
- if _use_separate_migration_branches(CONF):
+ version_paths = [_get_version_branch_path(config)]
+ if _use_separate_migration_branches(config):
- version_paths.append(_get_version_branch_path(CONF, branch))
+ version_paths.append(_get_version_branch_path(config, branch))
config.set_main_option('version_locations', ' '.join(version_paths))
-def validate_service_installed(service):
- if not importutils.try_import('neutron_%s' % service):
- alembic_util.err(_('Package neutron-%s not installed') % service)
+def _get_installed_entrypoint(subproject):
+ '''Get the entrypoint for the subproject, which must be installed.'''
+ if subproject not in migration_entrypoints:
+ alembic_util.err(_('Package %s not installed') % subproject)
+ return migration_entrypoints[subproject]
+def _get_subproject_script_location(subproject):
+ '''Get the script location for the installed subproject.'''
+ entrypoint = _get_installed_entrypoint(subproject)
+ return ':'.join([entrypoint.module_name, entrypoint.attrs[0]])
-def get_script_location(neutron_config):
- location = '%s.db.migration:alembic_migrations'
- return location % _get_neutron_service_base(neutron_config)
+def _get_service_script_location(service):
+ '''Get the script location for the service, which must be installed.'''
+ return _get_subproject_script_location('neutron-%s' % service)
-def get_alembic_config():
- config = alembic_config.Config(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
- 'alembic.ini'))
- config.set_main_option('script_location', get_script_location(CONF))
- _set_version_locations(config)
- return config
+def _get_subproject_base(subproject):
+ '''Get the import base name for the installed subproject.'''
+ entrypoint = _get_installed_entrypoint(subproject)
+ return entrypoint.module_name.split('.')[0]
+def get_alembic_configs():
+ '''Return a list of alembic configs, one per project.
+ '''
+ # Get the script locations for the specified or installed projects.
+ # Which projects to get script locations for is determined by the CLI
+ # options as follows:
+ # --service X # only subproject neutron-X
+ # --subproject Y # only subproject Y
+ # (none specified) # neutron and all installed subprojects
+ script_locations = {}
+ if CONF.service:
+ script_location = _get_service_script_location(CONF.service)
+ script_locations['neutron-%s' % CONF.service] = script_location
+ elif CONF.subproject:
+ script_location = _get_subproject_script_location(CONF.subproject)
+ script_locations[CONF.subproject] = script_location
+ else:
+ for subproject, ep in migration_entrypoints.items():
+ script_locations[subproject] = _get_subproject_script_location(
+ subproject)
+ # Return a list of alembic configs from the projects in the
+ # script_locations dict. If neutron is in the list it is first.
+ configs = []
+ project_seq = sorted(script_locations.keys())
+ # Core neutron must be the first project if there is more than one
+ if len(project_seq) > 1 and 'neutron' in project_seq:
+ project_seq.insert(0, project_seq.pop(project_seq.index('neutron')))
+ for project in project_seq:
+ config = alembic_config.Config(neutron_alembic_ini)
+ config.set_main_option('neutron_project', project)
+ script_location = script_locations[project]
+ config.set_main_option('script_location', script_location)
+ _set_version_locations(config)
+ config.neutron_config = CONF
+ configs.append(config)
+ return configs
+def get_neutron_config():
+ # Neutron's alembic config is always the first one
+ return get_alembic_configs()[0]
def run_sanity_checks(config, revision):
+def validate_cli_options():
+ if CONF.subproject and CONF.service:
+ alembic_util.err(_("Cannot specify both --service and --subproject."))
def main():
- config = get_alembic_config()
- config.neutron_config = CONF
- #TODO(gongysh) enable logging
- CONF.command.func(config, CONF.command.name)
+ validate_cli_options()
+ for config in get_alembic_configs():
+ #TODO(gongysh) enable logging
+ CONF.command.func(config, CONF.command.name)
super(_TestModelsMigrations, self).setUp()
self.cfg = self.useFixture(config_fixture.Config())
- self.alembic_config = migration.get_alembic_config()
+ self.alembic_config = migration.get_neutron_config()
self.alembic_config.neutron_config = cfg.CONF
def db_sync(self, engine):
def setUp(self):
super(TestSanityCheck, self).setUp()
- self.alembic_config = migration.get_alembic_config()
+ self.alembic_config = migration.get_neutron_config()
self.alembic_config.neutron_config = cfg.CONF
def test_check_sanity_14be42f3d0a5(self):
def setUp(self):
super(TestWalkMigrations, self).setUp()
- self.alembic_config = migration.get_alembic_config()
+ self.alembic_config = migration.get_neutron_config()
self.alembic_config.neutron_config = cfg.CONF
def test_no_downgrade(self):
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
+import copy
+import os
import sys
+from alembic import config as alembic_config
+import fixtures
import mock
+import pkg_resources
from neutron.db import migration
from neutron.db.migration import cli
service = ''
+class MigrationEntrypointsMemento(fixtures.Fixture):
+ '''Create a copy of the migration entrypoints map so it can be restored
+ during test cleanup.
+ '''
+ def _setUp(self):
+ self.ep_backup = {}
+ for proj, ep in cli.migration_entrypoints.items():
+ self.ep_backup[proj] = copy.copy(ep)
+ self.addCleanup(self.restore)
+ def restore(self):
+ cli.migration_entrypoints = self.ep_backup
class TestDbMigration(base.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.mock_alembic_err = mock.patch('alembic.util.err').start()
self.mock_alembic_err.side_effect = SystemExit
+ def mocked_root_dir(cfg):
+ return os.path.join('/fake/dir', cli._get_project_base(cfg))
+ mock_root = mock.patch.object(cli, '_get_package_root_dir').start()
+ mock_root.side_effect = mocked_root_dir
+ # Avoid creating fake directories
+ mock.patch('neutron.common.utils.ensure_dir').start()
+ # Set up some configs and entrypoints for tests to chew on
+ self.configs = []
+ self.projects = ('neutron', 'networking-foo', 'neutron-fwaas')
+ ini = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cli.__file__), 'alembic.ini')
+ self.useFixture(MigrationEntrypointsMemento())
+ cli.migration_entrypoints = {}
+ for project in self.projects:
+ config = alembic_config.Config(ini)
+ config.set_main_option('neutron_project', project)
+ module_name = project.replace('-', '_') + '.db.migration'
+ attrs = ('alembic_migrations',)
+ script_location = ':'.join([module_name, attrs[0]])
+ config.set_main_option('script_location', script_location)
+ self.configs.append(config)
+ entrypoint = pkg_resources.EntryPoint(project,
+ module_name,
+ attrs=attrs)
+ cli.migration_entrypoints[project] = entrypoint
def _main_test_helper(self, argv, func_name, exp_args=(), exp_kwargs=[{}]):
with mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', argv), mock.patch.object(
cli, 'run_sanity_checks'):
def test_check_migration(self):
with mock.patch.object(cli, 'validate_heads_file') as validate:
self._main_test_helper(['prog', 'check_migration'], 'branches')
- validate.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.projects), validate.call_count)
def _test_database_sync_revision(self, separate_branches=True):
- with mock.patch.object(cli, 'update_heads_file') as update:
- fake_config = FakeConfig()
+ with mock.patch.object(cli, 'update_heads_file') as update,\
+ mock.patch.object(cli, '_use_separate_migration_branches',
+ return_value=separate_branches):
if separate_branches:
+ mock.patch('os.path.exists').start()
expected_kwargs = [
{'message': 'message', 'sql': False, 'autogenerate': True,
- cli._get_version_branch_path(fake_config, branch),
+ cli._get_version_branch_path(config, branch),
'head': cli._get_branch_head(branch)}
+ for config in self.configs
for branch in cli.MIGRATION_BRANCHES]
expected_kwargs = [{
(), expected_kwargs
- update.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.projects), update.call_count)
for kwarg in expected_kwargs:
(), expected_kwargs
- update.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
+ self.assertEqual(len(self.projects), update.call_count)
def test_database_sync_revision(self):
- @mock.patch.object(cli, '_use_separate_migration_branches',
- return_value=False)
- def test_database_sync_revision_no_branches(self, *args):
+ def test_database_sync_revision_no_branches(self):
# Test that old branchless approach is still supported
if file_heads is None:
file_heads = []
- fake_config = FakeConfig()
- with mock.patch('alembic.script.ScriptDirectory.from_config') as fc:
+ fake_config = self.configs[0]
+ with mock.patch('alembic.script.ScriptDirectory.from_config') as fc,\
+ mock.patch.object(cli, '_use_separate_migration_branches',
+ return_value=not branchless):
fc.return_value.get_heads.return_value = heads
with mock.patch('six.moves.builtins.open') as mock_open:
mock_open.return_value.__enter__ = lambda s: s
mock_open.return_value.__enter__ = lambda s: s
mock_open.return_value.__exit__ = mock.Mock()
- cli.update_heads_file(mock.sentinel.config)
+ cli.update_heads_file(self.configs[0])
mock_open.return_value.__enter__ = lambda s: s
mock_open.return_value.__exit__ = mock.Mock()
- cli.update_heads_file(mock.sentinel.config)
+ cli.update_heads_file(self.configs[0])
+ def test_get_project_base(self):
+ config = alembic_config.Config()
+ config.set_main_option('script_location', 'a.b.c:d')
+ proj_base = cli._get_project_base(config)
+ self.assertEqual('a', proj_base)
+ def test_get_root_versions_dir(self):
+ config = alembic_config.Config()
+ config.set_main_option('script_location', 'a.b.c:d')
+ versions_dir = cli._get_root_versions_dir(config)
+ self.assertEqual('/fake/dir/a/a/b/c/d/versions', versions_dir)
+ def test_get_subproject_script_location(self):
+ foo_ep = cli._get_subproject_script_location('networking-foo')
+ expected = 'networking_foo.db.migration:alembic_migrations'
+ self.assertEqual(expected, foo_ep)
+ def test_get_subproject_script_location_not_installed(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ SystemExit, cli._get_subproject_script_location, 'not-installed')
+ def test_get_service_script_location(self):
+ fwaas_ep = cli._get_service_script_location('fwaas')
+ expected = 'neutron_fwaas.db.migration:alembic_migrations'
+ self.assertEqual(expected, fwaas_ep)
+ def test_get_service_script_location_not_installed(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ SystemExit, cli._get_service_script_location, 'myaas')
+ def test_get_subproject_base_not_installed(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ SystemExit, cli._get_subproject_base, 'not-installed')
neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier2 = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_messaging:MessagingV2Driver
neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rpc_notifier = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_messaging:MessagingDriver
neutron.openstack.common.notifier.test_notifier = oslo_messaging.notify._impl_test:TestDriver
+neutron.db.alembic_migrations =
+ neutron = neutron.db.migration:alembic_migrations
all_files = 1