from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_config import types
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
import six
help='List of options that control which trace info '
'is written to the DEBUG log level to assist '
'developers. Valid values are method and api.'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('managed_replication_target',
- default=True,
- help='There are two types of target configurations '
- 'managed (replicate to another configured backend) '
- 'or unmanaged (replicate to a device not managed '
- 'by Cinder).'),
- cfg.ListOpt('replication_devices',
- default=None,
- help="List of k/v pairs representing a replication target "
- "for this backend device. For unmanaged the format "
- "is: {'key-1'='val1' 'key-2'='val2'...},{...} "
- "and for managed devices its simply a list of valid "
- "configured backend_names that the driver supports "
- "replicating to: backend-a,bakcend-b..."),
+ cfg.MultiOpt('replication_device',
+ item_type=types.Dict(),
+ default=None,
+ help="Multi opt of dictionaries to represent a replication "
+ "target device. This option may be specified multiple "
+ "times in a single config section to specify multiple "
+ "replication target devices. Each entry takes the "
+ "standard dict config form: replication_device = "
+ "device_target_id:<required>,"
+ "managed_backend_name:<host@backend_name>,"
+ "key1:value1,key2:value2..."),
help='If set to True, upload-to-image in raw format will '
The cinder.conf file is used to specify replication target
-devices for a specific driver. There are two types of target
-devices that can be configured:
+devices for a specific driver. Replication targets may
+be specified as external (unmanaged) or internally
+Cinder managed backend devices.
- 1. Cinder Managed (represented by the volume-backend name)
- 2. External devices (require vendor specific data to configure)
-NOTE that it is expected to be an error to have both managed and unmanaged replication
-config variables set for a single driver.
+Is a multi-dict opt, that should be specified
+for each replication target device the admin would
+like to configure.
-Cinder managed target device
-In the case of a Cinder managed target device, we simply
-use another Cinder configured backend as the replication
+There are two standardized keys in the config
+entry, all others are vendor-unique:
-For example if we have two backend devices foo and biz that
-can replicate to each other, we can set up backend biz as
-a replication target for device foo using the following
-config entries::
+* device_target_id:<vendor-identifier-for-rep-target>
+* managed_backend_name:<cinder-backend-host-entry>,"
+An example config entry for a managed replication device
+would look like this::
- managed_replication_target=True
- replication_devices=volume_backend_name-1,volume_backend_name-2....
+ replication_device = device_target_id:vendor-id-info,managed_backend_name:biz,unique_key:val....
+The use of multiopt will result in self.configuration.get('replication_device')
+returning a list of properly formed python dictionaries that can
+be easily consumed::
+ [{device_target_id: blahblah, managed_backend_name: biz, unique_key: val1}]
-Notice that the only change from the usual driver configuration
-section here is the addition of the replication_devices option.
+In the case of multiple replication target devices::
+ .....
+ [driver-biz]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=biz
+ [driver-baz]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=baz
+ [driver-foo]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=foo
+ managed_replication_target=True
+ replication_device = device_target_id:vendor-id-info,managed_backend_name:biz,unique_key:val....
+ replication_device = device_target_id:vendor-id-info,managed_backend_name:baz,unique_key:val....
-Unmanaged target device
+In this example the result is self.configuration.get('replication_device')
+returning a list of properly formed python dictionaries::
-In some cases the replication target device may not be a
-configured Cinder backend. In this case it's the configured
-drivers responsibility to route commands to the active device
-and to update provider info to ensure the proper iSCSI targets
-are being used.
+ [{device_target_id: blahblah, managed_backend_name: biz, unique_key: val1},
+ {device_target_id: moreblah, managed_backend_name: baz, unique_key: val1}]
-This type of config changes only slightly, and instead of using
-a backend_name, it takes the vendor unique config options::
+In the case of unmanaged replication target devices::
+ [driver-biz]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=biz
+ [driver-baz]
+ volume_driver=xxxx
+ volume_backend_name=baz
- managed_replication_target=False
- replication_devices={'remote_device_id'='vendor-id-of-remote-backend',
- 'key1'='val1' 'key2'='val2' ...},
- {'remote_device_id'='vendor-id-of-remote-backend',
- 'key7'='val7'....},...
+ replication_device = device_target_id:vendor-id-info,managed_backend_name:None,unique_key:val....
+ replication_device = device_target_id:vendor-id-info,managed_backend_name:None,unique_key:val....
+The managed_backend_name entry may also be omitted altogether in the case of unmanaged targets.
+In this example the result is self.configuration.get('replication_device) with the list::
+ [{device_target_id: blahblah, managed_backend_name: None, unique_key: val1},
+ {device_target_id: moreblah, managed_backend_name: None, unique_key: val1}]
+Special note about Managed target device
+Remember that in the case where another Cinder backend is
+used that it's likely you'll still need some special data
+to instruct the primary driver how to communicate with the
+secondary. In this case we use the same structure and entries
+but we set the key **managed_backend_name** to a valid
+Cinder backend name.
+The building of the host string for a driver is not always
+very straight forward. The enabled_backends names which
+correspond to the driver-section are what actually get used
+to form the host string for the volume service.
+Also, take care that your driver knows how to parse out the
+host correctly, although the secondary backend may be managed
+it may not be on the same host, it may have a pool specification
+etc. In the example above we can assume the same host, in other
+cases we would need to use the form::
+ <host>@<driver-section-name>
-Note the key/value entries can be whatever the device requires, we treat the actual
-variable in the config parser as a comma delimited list, the {} and = notations are
-convenient/common parser delimeters, and the K/V entries are space seperated.
+and for some vendors we may require pool specification::
-We provide a literal evaluator to convert these entries into a proper dict, thus
-format is extremely important here.
+ <host>@<driver-section-name>#<pool-name>
+Regardless, it's best that you actually check the services entry
+and verify that you've set this correctly, and likely to avoid
+problems your vendor documentation for customers to configure this
+should recommend configuring backends, then verifying settings
+from cinder services list.
Volume Types / Extra Specs
Additionally you could provide additional details using scoped keys::
{replication: enabled, volume_backend_name: foo,
- replication:replication_type: async}
+ replication: replication_type: async}
Again, it's up to the driver to parse the volume type info on create and set things up
as requested. While the scoping key can be anything, it's strongly recommended that all
Used by the admin to query a volume for a list of configured replication targets
-The expected return for this call is expeceted to mimic the form used in the config file.
+The expected return for this call is expected to mimic the form used in the config file.
For a volume replicating to managed replication targets::