# under the License.
-import __builtin__
import datetime
import hashlib
import os
import uuid
import mock
-import mox
from oslo.config import cfg
import paramiko
import six
+def _get_local_mock_open(fake_data='abcd efgh'):
+ mock_context_manager = mock.Mock()
+ mock_context_manager.__enter__ = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=six.StringIO(fake_data))
+ mock_context_manager.__exit__ = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
+ return mock_context_manager
class ExecuteTestCase(test.TestCase):
def test_retry_on_failure(self):
fd, tmpfilename = tempfile.mkstemp()
class GenericUtilsTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True)
+ def test_find_config(self, mock_exists):
+ path = '/etc/cinder/cinder.conf'
+ cfgpath = utils.find_config(path)
+ self.assertEqual(path, cfgpath)
+ mock_exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ConfigNotFound,
+ utils.find_config,
+ path)
+ def test_as_int(self):
+ test_obj_int = '2'
+ test_obj_float = '2.2'
+ for obj in [test_obj_int, test_obj_float]:
+ self.assertEqual(2, utils.as_int(obj))
+ obj = 'not_a_number'
+ self.assertEqual(obj, utils.as_int(obj))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError,
+ utils.as_int,
+ obj,
+ quiet=False)
+ def test_check_exclusive_options(self):
+ utils.check_exclusive_options()
+ utils.check_exclusive_options(something=None,
+ pretty_keys=True,
+ unit_test=True)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+ utils.check_exclusive_options,
+ test=True,
+ unit=False,
+ pretty_keys=True)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+ utils.check_exclusive_options,
+ test=True,
+ unit=False,
+ pretty_keys=False)
+ def test_require_driver_intialized(self):
+ driver = mock.Mock()
+ driver.initialized = True
+ utils.require_driver_initialized(driver)
+ driver.initialized = False
+ self.assertRaises(exception.DriverNotInitialized,
+ utils.require_driver_initialized,
+ driver)
def test_hostname_unicode_sanitization(self):
hostname = u"\u7684.test.example.com"
self.assertEqual(generated_url, actual_url)
- def test_read_cached_file(self):
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(os.path, "getmtime")
- os.path.getmtime(mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(1)
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
- cache_data = {"data": 1123, "mtime": 1}
- data = utils.read_cached_file("/this/is/a/fake", cache_data)
+ @mock.patch('__builtin__.open')
+ @mock.patch('os.path.getmtime', return_value=1)
+ def test_read_cached_file(self, mock_mtime, mock_open):
+ fake_file = "/this/is/a/fake"
+ cache_data = {"data": 1123, "mtime": 2}
+ mock_open.return_value = _get_local_mock_open()
+ data = utils.read_cached_file(fake_file, cache_data)
self.assertEqual(cache_data["data"], data)
- def test_read_modified_cached_file(self):
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(os.path, "getmtime")
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(__builtin__, 'open')
- os.path.getmtime(mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(2)
- fake_contents = "lorem ipsum"
- fake_file = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
- fake_file.read().AndReturn(fake_contents)
- fake_context_manager = self.mox.CreateMockAnything()
- fake_context_manager.__enter__().AndReturn(fake_file)
- fake_context_manager.__exit__(mox.IgnoreArg(),
- mox.IgnoreArg(),
- mox.IgnoreArg())
- __builtin__.open(mox.IgnoreArg()).AndReturn(fake_context_manager)
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
- cache_data = {"data": 1123, "mtime": 1}
- self.reload_called = False
- def test_reload(reloaded_data):
- self.assertEqual(reloaded_data, fake_contents)
- self.reload_called = True
- data = utils.read_cached_file("/this/is/a/fake",
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with(fake_file)
+ @mock.patch('__builtin__.open')
+ @mock.patch('os.path.getmtime', return_value=1)
+ def test_read_modified_cached_file(self, mock_mtime, mock_open):
+ fake_data = 'lorem ipsum'
+ fake_file = "/this/is/a/fake"
+ mock_open.return_value = _get_local_mock_open(fake_data)
+ cache_data = {"data": 'original data', "mtime": 2}
+ mock_reload = mock.Mock()
+ data = utils.read_cached_file(fake_file,
- reload_func=test_reload)
- self.assertEqual(data, fake_contents)
- self.assertTrue(self.reload_called)
+ reload_func=mock_reload)
+ self.assertEqual(data, fake_data)
+ mock_reload.assert_called_once_with(fake_data)
+ mock_open.assert_called_once_with(fake_file)
def test_generate_password(self):
password = utils.generate_password()
self.assertEqual(fake_execute.uid, 2)
self.assertEqual(fake_execute.uid, os.getuid())
- def test_service_is_up(self):
+ @mock.patch('cinder.openstack.common.timeutils.utcnow')
+ def test_service_is_up(self, mock_utcnow):
fts_func = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp
fake_now = 1000
down_time = 5
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(timeutils, 'utcnow')
+ mock_utcnow.return_value = fts_func(fake_now)
# Up (equal)
- timeutils.utcnow().AndReturn(fts_func(fake_now))
service = {'updated_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time),
'created_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time)}
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
result = utils.service_is_up(service)
- self.mox.ResetAll()
# Up
- timeutils.utcnow().AndReturn(fts_func(fake_now))
service = {'updated_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time + 1),
'created_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time + 1)}
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
result = utils.service_is_up(service)
- self.mox.ResetAll()
# Down
- timeutils.utcnow().AndReturn(fts_func(fake_now))
service = {'updated_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time - 1),
'created_at': fts_func(fake_now - down_time - 1)}
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
result = utils.service_is_up(service)
- def test_create_channel(self):
- client = paramiko.SSHClient()
- channel = paramiko.Channel(123)
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(client, 'invoke_shell')
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(channel, 'resize_pty')
- client.invoke_shell().AndReturn(channel)
- channel.resize_pty(600, 800)
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
- utils.create_channel(client, 600, 800)
- self.mox.VerifyAll()
- def _make_fake_stat(self, test_file, orig_os_stat):
- """Create a fake method to stub out os.stat().
- Generate a function that will return a particular
- stat object for a given file.
- :param: test_file: file to spoof stat() for
- :param: orig_os_stat: pointer to original os.stat()
- """
- def fake_stat(path):
- if path == test_file:
- class stat_result:
+ @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient')
+ def test_create_channel(self, mock_client):
+ test_width = 600
+ test_height = 800
+ mock_channel = mock.Mock()
+ mock_client.invoke_shell.return_value = mock_channel
+ utils.create_channel(mock_client, test_width, test_height)
+ mock_client.invoke_shell.assert_called_once()
+ mock_channel.resize_pty.assert_called_once_with(test_width,
+ test_height)
+ @mock.patch('os.stat')
+ def test_get_file_mode(self, mock_stat):
+ class stat_result:
st_mode = 0o777
st_gid = 33333
- return stat_result
- else:
- return orig_os_stat(path)
- return fake_stat
- def test_get_file_mode(self):
test_file = '/var/tmp/made_up_file'
- orig_os_stat = os.stat
- os.stat = self._make_fake_stat(test_file, orig_os_stat)
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ mock_stat.return_value = stat_result
mode = utils.get_file_mode(test_file)
self.assertEqual(mode, 0o777)
+ mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_file)
- self.mox.VerifyAll()
+ @mock.patch('os.stat')
+ def test_get_file_gid(self, mock_stat):
- os.stat = orig_os_stat
+ class stat_result:
+ st_mode = 0o777
+ st_gid = 33333
- def test_get_file_gid(self):
test_file = '/var/tmp/made_up_file'
- orig_os_stat = os.stat
- os.stat = self._make_fake_stat(test_file, orig_os_stat)
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
+ mock_stat.return_value = stat_result
gid = utils.get_file_gid(test_file)
self.assertEqual(gid, 33333)
- self.mox.VerifyAll()
- os.stat = orig_os_stat
+ mock_stat.assert_called_once_with(test_file)
class MonkeyPatchTestCase(test.TestCase):
class SSHPoolTestCase(test.TestCase):
"""Unit test for SSH Connection Pool."""
- def setup(self):
- self.mox.StubOutWithMock(paramiko, "SSHClient")
- paramiko.SSHClient().AndReturn(FakeSSHClient())
- self.mox.ReplayAll()
- def test_single_ssh_connect(self):
- self.setup()
- sshpool = utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test",
- min_size=1, max_size=1)
+ @mock.patch('paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file')
+ @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient')
+ def test_single_ssh_connect(self, mock_sshclient, mock_pkey):
+ mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient()
+ # create with password
+ sshpool = utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10,
+ "test",
+ password="test",
+ min_size=1,
+ max_size=1)
with sshpool.item() as ssh:
first_id = ssh.id
second_id = ssh.id
self.assertEqual(first_id, second_id)
- def test_closed_reopend_ssh_connections(self):
- self.setup()
- sshpool = utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10, "test", password="test",
- min_size=1, max_size=2)
+ mock_sshclient.connect.assert_called_once()
+ # create with private key
+ sshpool = utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10,
+ "test",
+ privatekey="test",
+ min_size=1,
+ max_size=1)
+ mock_sshclient.connect.assert_called_once()
+ # attempt to create with no password or private key
+ self.assertRaises(paramiko.SSHException,
+ utils.SSHPool,
+ "", 22, 10,
+ "test",
+ min_size=1,
+ max_size=1)
+ @mock.patch('paramiko.SSHClient')
+ def test_closed_reopend_ssh_connections(self, mock_sshclient):
+ mock_sshclient.return_value = eval('FakeSSHClient')()
+ sshpool = utils.SSHPool("", 22, 10,
+ "test",
+ password="test",
+ min_size=1,
+ max_size=4)
with sshpool.item() as ssh:
+ mock_sshclient.reset_mock()
first_id = ssh.id
with sshpool.item() as ssh:
second_id = ssh.id
- # Close the connection and test for a new connection
ssh.get_transport().active = False
+ sshpool.remove(ssh)
self.assertEqual(first_id, second_id)
- # The mox items are not getting setup in a new pool connection,
- # so had to reset and set again.
- self.mox.UnsetStubs()
- self.setup()
+ # create a new client
+ mock_sshclient.return_value = FakeSSHClient()
with sshpool.item() as ssh:
third_id = ssh.id