--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
+import alembic
+from alembic import autogenerate as autogen
+from alembic import context
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy
+from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema
+import sqlalchemy.sql.expression as expr
+from sqlalchemy.sql import text
+from sqlalchemy import types
+from neutron.db.migration.models import frozen as frozen_models
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def heal():
+ LOG.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ if context.is_offline_mode():
+ return
+ models_metadata = frozen_models.get_metadata()
+ # Compare metadata from models and metadata from migrations
+ # Diff example:
+ # [ ( 'add_table',
+ # Table('bat', MetaData(bind=None),
+ # Column('info', String(), table=<bat>), schema=None)),
+ # ( 'remove_table',
+ # Table(u'bar', MetaData(bind=None),
+ # Column(u'data', VARCHAR(), table=<bar>), schema=None)),
+ # ( 'add_column',
+ # None,
+ # 'foo',
+ # Column('data', Integer(), table=<foo>)),
+ # ( 'remove_column',
+ # None,
+ # 'foo',
+ # Column(u'old_data', VARCHAR(), table=None)),
+ # [ ( 'modify_nullable',
+ # None,
+ # 'foo',
+ # u'x',
+ # { 'existing_server_default': None,
+ # 'existing_type': INTEGER()},
+ # True,
+ # False)]]
+ opts = {
+ 'compare_type': _compare_type,
+ 'compare_server_default': _compare_server_default,
+ }
+ mc = alembic.migration.MigrationContext.configure(op.get_bind(), opts=opts)
+ diff1 = autogen.compare_metadata(mc, models_metadata)
+ # Alembic does not contain checks for foreign keys. Because of that it
+ # checks separately.
+ diff2 = check_foreign_keys(models_metadata)
+ diff = diff1 + diff2
+ # For each difference run command
+ for el in diff:
+ execute_alembic_command(el)
+def execute_alembic_command(command):
+ # Commands like add_table, remove_table, add_index, add_column, etc is a
+ # tuple and can be handle after running special functions from alembic for
+ # them.
+ if isinstance(command, tuple):
+ # Here methods add_table, drop_index, etc is running. Name of method is
+ # the first element of the tuple, arguments to this method comes from
+ # the next element(s).
+ METHODS[command[0]](*command[1:])
+ else:
+ # For all commands that changing type, nullable or other parameters
+ # of the column is used alter_column method from alembic.
+ parse_modify_command(command)
+def parse_modify_command(command):
+ # From arguments of command is created op.alter_column() that has the
+ # following syntax:
+ # alter_column(table_name, column_name, nullable=None,
+ # server_default=False, new_column_name=None, type_=None,
+ # autoincrement=None, existing_type=None,
+ # existing_server_default=False, existing_nullable=None,
+ # existing_autoincrement=None, schema=None, **kw)
+ for modified, schema, table, column, existing, old, new in command:
+ if modified.endswith('type'):
+ modified = 'type_'
+ elif modified.endswith('nullable'):
+ modified = 'nullable'
+ bind = op.get_bind()
+ insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(bind)
+ if column in insp.get_primary_keys(table) and new:
+ return
+ elif modified.endswith('default'):
+ modified = 'server_default'
+ if isinstance(new, basestring):
+ new = text(new)
+ kwargs = {modified: new, 'schema': schema}
+ default = existing.get('existing_server_default')
+ if default and isinstance(default, sa_schema.DefaultClause):
+ if isinstance(default.arg, basestring):
+ existing['existing_server_default'] = default.arg
+ else:
+ existing['existing_server_default'] = default.arg.compile(
+ dialect=bind.engine.name)
+ kwargs.update(existing)
+ op.alter_column(table, column, **kwargs)
+def alembic_command_method(f):
+ METHODS[f.__name__] = f
+ return f
+def add_table(table):
+ # Check if table has already exists and needs just to be renamed
+ if not rename(table.name):
+ table.create(bind=op.get_bind(), checkfirst=True)
+def add_index(index):
+ bind = op.get_bind()
+ insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(bind)
+ if index.name not in [idx['name'] for idx in
+ insp.get_indexes(index.table.name)]:
+ op.create_index(index.name, index.table.name, column_names(index))
+def remove_table(table):
+ # Tables should not be removed
+ pass
+def remove_index(index):
+ bind = op.get_bind()
+ insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(bind)
+ index_names = [idx['name'] for idx in insp.get_indexes(index.table.name)]
+ fk_names = [i['name'] for i in insp.get_foreign_keys(index.table.name)]
+ if index.name in index_names and index.name not in fk_names:
+ op.drop_index(index.name, index.table.name)
+def remove_column(schema, table_name, column):
+ op.drop_column(table_name, column.name, schema=schema)
+def add_column(schema, table_name, column):
+ op.add_column(table_name, column.copy(), schema=schema)
+def add_constraint(constraint):
+ op.create_unique_constraint(constraint.name, constraint.table.name,
+ column_names(constraint))
+def remove_constraint(constraint):
+ op.drop_constraint(constraint.name, constraint.table.name, type_='unique')
+def drop_key(fk_name, fk_table):
+ op.drop_constraint(fk_name, fk_table, type_='foreignkey')
+def add_key(fk):
+ fk_name = fk.name
+ fk_table = fk.parent.table.name
+ fk_ref = fk.column.table.name
+ fk_local_cols = [fk.parent.name]
+ fk_remote_cols = [fk.column.name]
+ op.create_foreign_key(fk_name, fk_table, fk_ref, fk_local_cols,
+ fk_remote_cols)
+def check_foreign_keys(metadata):
+ # This methods checks foreign keys that tables contain in models with
+ # foreign keys that are in db.
+ diff = []
+ bind = op.get_bind()
+ insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(bind)
+ # Get all tables from db
+ db_tables = insp.get_table_names()
+ # Get all tables from models
+ model_tables = metadata.tables
+ for table in db_tables:
+ if table not in model_tables:
+ continue
+ # Get all necessary information about key of current table from db
+ fk_db = dict((_get_fk_info_db(i), i['name']) for i in
+ insp.get_foreign_keys(table))
+ fk_db_set = set(fk_db.keys())
+ # Get all necessary information about key of current table from models
+ fk_models = dict((_get_fk_info_from_model(fk), fk) for fk in
+ model_tables[table].foreign_keys)
+ fk_models_set = set(fk_models.keys())
+ for key in (fk_db_set - fk_models_set):
+ diff.append(('drop_key', fk_db[key], table))
+ LOG.info(_("Detected removed foreign key %(fk)r on "
+ "table %(table)r"), {'fk': fk_db[key], 'table': table})
+ for key in (fk_models_set - fk_db_set):
+ diff.append(('add_key', fk_models[key]))
+ LOG.info(_("Detected added foreign key for column %(fk)r on table "
+ "%(table)r"), {'fk': fk_models[key].column.name,
+ 'table': table})
+ return diff
+def check_if_table_exists(table):
+ # This functions checks if table exists or not
+ bind = op.get_bind()
+ insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(bind)
+ return (table in insp.get_table_names() and
+ table not in frozen_models.renamed_tables)
+def rename(table):
+ # For tables that were renamed checks if the previous table exists
+ # if it does the previous one will be renamed.
+ # Returns True/False if it is needed to create new table
+ if table in frozen_models.renamed_tables:
+ if check_if_table_exists(frozen_models.renamed_tables[table]):
+ op.rename_table(frozen_models.renamed_tables[table], table)
+ LOG.info(_("Table %(old_t)r was renamed to %(new_t)r"), {
+ 'old_t': table, 'new_t': frozen_models.renamed_tables[table]})
+ return True
+ return False
+def column_names(obj):
+ return [col.name for col in obj.columns if hasattr(col, 'name')]
+def _get_fk_info_db(fk):
+ return (tuple(fk['constrained_columns']), fk['referred_table'],
+ tuple(fk['referred_columns']))
+def _get_fk_info_from_model(fk):
+ return ((fk.parent.name,), fk.column.table.name, (fk.column.name,))
+def _compare_type(ctxt, insp_col, meta_col, insp_type, meta_type):
+ """Return True if types are different, False if not.
+ Return None to allow the default implementation to compare these types.
+ :param ctxt: alembic MigrationContext instance
+ :param insp_col: reflected column
+ :param meta_col: column from model
+ :param insp_type: reflected column type
+ :param meta_type: column type from model
+ """
+ # some backends (e.g. mysql) don't provide native boolean type
+ BOOLEAN_METADATA = (types.BOOLEAN, types.Boolean)
+ if isinstance(meta_type, BOOLEAN_METADATA):
+ return not isinstance(insp_type, BOOLEAN_SQL)
+ return None # tells alembic to use the default comparison method
+def _compare_server_default(ctxt, ins_col, meta_col, insp_def, meta_def,
+ rendered_meta_def):
+ """Compare default values between model and db table.
+ Return True if the defaults are different, False if not, or None to
+ allow the default implementation to compare these defaults.
+ :param ctxt: alembic MigrationContext instance
+ :param insp_col: reflected column
+ :param meta_col: column from model
+ :param insp_def: reflected column default value
+ :param meta_def: column default value from model
+ :param rendered_meta_def: rendered column default value (from model)
+ """
+ if (ctxt.dialect.name == 'mysql' and
+ isinstance(meta_col.type, sqlalchemy.Boolean)):
+ if meta_def is None or insp_def is None:
+ return meta_def != insp_def
+ return not (
+ isinstance(meta_def.arg, expr.True_) and insp_def == "'1'" or
+ isinstance(meta_def.arg, expr.False_) and insp_def == "'0'"
+ )
+ return None # tells alembic to use the default comparison method