--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 CloudByte Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+""" Test class for cloudbyte's cinder driver.
+This involves mocking of elasticenter's json responses
+when a method of this driver is unit tested.
+import json
+import mock
+import testtools
+from testtools import ExpectedException
+from testtools.matchers import Contains
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.cloudbyte.cloudbyte import CloudByteISCSIDriver
+# A fake list account response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_LIST_ACCOUNT_RESPONSE = """{ "listAccountResponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "account" : [{
+ "id": "d13a4e9e-0c05-4d2d-8a5e-5efd3ef058e0",
+ "name": "CustomerA",
+ "simpleid": 1,
+ "description": "None",
+ "iqnname": "iqn.2014-05.cvsacc1",
+ "availIOPS": 508,
+ "totaliops": 2000,
+ "usedIOPS": 1492,
+ "volumes": [],
+ "storageBuckets": [],
+ "tsms": [],
+ "qosgroups": [],
+ "filesystemslist": [],
+ "currentUsedSpace": 53179,
+ "currentAvailableSpace": 1249349,
+ "currentThroughput": 156,
+ "currentIOPS": 33,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "numericquota": 3145728.0,
+ "currentnumericquota": 1253376.0,
+ "currentavailablequota": 1892352.0,
+ "revisionnumber": 1
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake list tsm response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_LIST_TSM_RESPONSE = """{ "listTsmResponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "listTsm" : [{
+ "id": "955eaf34-4221-3a77-82d0-99113b126fa8",
+ "simpleid": 2,
+ "name": "openstack",
+ "ipaddress": "",
+ "accountname": "CustomerA",
+ "sitename": "BLR",
+ "clustername": "HAGrp1",
+ "controllerName": "Controller",
+ "controlleripaddress": "",
+ "clusterstatus": "Online",
+ "hapoolstatus": "ONLINE",
+ "hapoolname": "pool",
+ "hapoolavailiops": 1700,
+ "hapoolgrace": true,
+ "hapoolavailtput": 6800,
+ "poollatency": 10,
+ "accountid": "d13a4e9e-0c05-4d2d-8a5e-5efd3ef058e0",
+ "controllerid": "8c2f7084-99c0-36e6-9cb7-205e3ba4c813",
+ "poolid": "adcbef8f-2193-3f2c-9bb1-fcaf977ae0fc",
+ "datasetid": "87a23025-f2b2-39e9-85ac-9cda15bfed1a",
+ "storageBuckets": [],
+ "currentUsedSpace": 16384,
+ "currentAvailableSpace": 188416,
+ "currentTotalSpace": 204800,
+ "currentThroughput": 12,
+ "tpcontrol": "true",
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "iopscontrol": "true",
+ "gracecontrol": "false",
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "iops": "1000",
+ "availIOPS": "500",
+ "availThroughput": "2000",
+ "usedIOPS": "500",
+ "usedThroughput": "2000",
+ "throughput": "4000",
+ "latency": "15",
+ "graceallowed": true,
+ "numericquota": 1048576.0,
+ "currentnumericquota": 204800.0,
+ "availablequota": 843776.0,
+ "blocksize": "4",
+ "type": "1",
+ "iqnname": "iqn.2014-05.cvsacc1.openstack",
+ "interfaceName": "em0",
+ "revisionnumber": 0,
+ "status": "Online",
+ "subnet": "16",
+ "managedstate": "Available",
+ "configurationstate": "sync",
+ "offlinenodes": "",
+ "pooltakeover": "noTakeOver",
+ "totalprovisionquota": "536576",
+ "haNodeStatus": "Available",
+ "ispooltakeoveronpartialfailure": true,
+ "filesystemslist": [],
+ "volumes": [],
+ "qosgrouplist": []
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake add QOS group response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_ADD_QOS_GROUP_RESPONSE = """{ "addqosgroupresponse" : {
+ "qosgroup" : {
+ "id": "d73662ac-6db8-3b2c-981a-012af4e2f7bd",
+ "name": "QoS_DS1acc1openstacktsm",
+ "tsmid": "8146146e-f67b-3942-8074-3074599207a4",
+ "controllerid": "f1603e87-d1e6-3dcb-a549-7a6e77f82d86",
+ "poolid": "73b567c0-e57d-37b5-b765-9d70725f59af",
+ "parentid": "81ebdcbb-f73b-3337-8f32-222820e6acb9",
+ "tsmName": "openstacktsm",
+ "offlinenodes": "",
+ "sitename": "site1",
+ "clustername": "HA1",
+ "controllerName": "node1",
+ "clusterstatus": "Online",
+ "currentThroughput": 0,
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "iopsvalue": "(0/100)",
+ "throughputvalue": "(0/400)",
+ "iops": "100",
+ "iopscontrol": "true",
+ "throughput": "400",
+ "tpcontrol": "true",
+ "blocksize": "4k",
+ "latency": "15",
+ "graceallowed": false,
+ "type": "1",
+ "revisionnumber": 0,
+ "managedstate": "Available",
+ "configurationstate": "init",
+ "standardproviops": 0,
+ "operatingblocksize": 0,
+ "operatingcachehit": 0,
+ "operatingiops": 0,
+ "standardoperatingiops": 0
+ }
+ }}"""
+# A fake create volume response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_CREATE_VOLUME_RESPONSE = """{ "createvolumeresponse" : {
+ "jobid": "f94e2257-9515-4a44-add0-4b16cb1bcf67"
+ }}"""
+# A fake query async job response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_QUERY_ASYNC_JOB_RESULT_RESPONSE = """{ "queryasyncjobresultresponse" : {
+ "accountid": "e8aca633-7bce-4ab7-915a-6d8847248467",
+ "userid": "a83d1030-1b85-40f7-9479-f40e4dbdd5d5",
+ "cmd": "com.cloudbyte.api.commands.CreateVolumeCmd",
+ "msg": "5",
+ "jobstatus": 1,
+ "jobprocstatus": 0,
+ "jobresultcode": 0,
+ "jobresulttype": "object",
+ "jobresult": {
+ "storage": {
+ "id": "92cfd601-bc1f-3fa7-8322-c492099f3326",
+ "name": "DS1",
+ "simpleid": 20,
+ "compression": "off",
+ "sync": "always",
+ "noofcopies": 1,
+ "recordsize": "4k",
+ "deduplication": "off",
+ "quota": "10G",
+ "path": "devpool1/acc1openstacktsm/DS1",
+ "tsmid": "8146146e-f67b-3942-8074-3074599207a4",
+ "poolid": "73b567c0-e57d-37b5-b765-9d70725f59af",
+ "mountpoint": "acc1DS1",
+ "currentUsedSpace": 0,
+ "currentAvailableSpace": 0,
+ "currentTotalSpace": 0,
+ "currentThroughput": 0,
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "tsmName": "openstacktsm",
+ "hapoolname": "devpool1",
+ "revisionnumber": 0,
+ "blocklength": "512B",
+ "nfsenabled": false,
+ "cifsenabled": false,
+ "iscsienabled": true,
+ "fcenabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "created": "2014-06-16 15:49:49",
+ "jobid": "f94e2257-9515-4a44-add0-4b16cb1bcf67"
+ }}"""
+# A fake list filesystem response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_LIST_FILE_SYSTEM_RESPONSE = """{ "listFilesystemResponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "filesystem" : [{
+ "id": "c93df32e-3a99-3491-8e10-cf318a7f9b7f",
+ "name": "c93df32e3a9934918e10cf318a7f9b7f",
+ "simpleid": 34,
+ "type": "filesystem",
+ "revisionnumber": 1,
+ "path": "/cvsacc1DS1",
+ "clusterid": "8b404f12-7975-4e4e-8549-7abeba397fc9",
+ "clusterstatus": "Online",
+ "Tsmid": "955eaf34-4221-3a77-82d0-99113b126fa8",
+ "tsmType": "1",
+ "accountid": "d13a4e9e-0c05-4d2d-8a5e-5efd3ef058e0",
+ "poolid": "adcbef8f-2193-3f2c-9bb1-fcaf977ae0fc",
+ "controllerid": "8c2f7084-99c0-36e6-9cb7-205e3ba4c813",
+ "groupid": "663923c9-084b-3778-b13d-72f23d046b8d",
+ "parentid": "08de7c14-62af-3992-8407-28f5f053e59b",
+ "compression": "off",
+ "sync": "always",
+ "noofcopies": 1,
+ "recordsize": "4k",
+ "deduplication": "off",
+ "quota": "1T",
+ "unicode": "off",
+ "casesensitivity": "sensitive",
+ "readonly": false,
+ "nfsenabled": true,
+ "cifsenabled": false,
+ "iscsienabled": false,
+ "fcenabled": false,
+ "currentUsedSpace": 19968,
+ "currentAvailableSpace": 1028608,
+ "currentTotalSpace": 1048576,
+ "currentThroughput": 0,
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "numericquota": 1048576.0,
+ "status": "Online",
+ "managedstate": "Available",
+ "configurationstate": "sync",
+ "tsmName": "cvstsm1",
+ "ipaddress": "",
+ "sitename": "BLR",
+ "clustername": "HAGrp1",
+ "controllerName": "Controller",
+ "hapoolname": "pool",
+ "hapoolgrace": true,
+ "tsmgrace": true,
+ "tsmcontrolgrace": "false",
+ "accountname": "CustomerA",
+ "groupname": "QoS_DS1cvsacc1cvstsm1",
+ "iops": "500",
+ "blocksize": "4",
+ "throughput": "2000",
+ "latency": "15",
+ "graceallowed": false,
+ "offlinenodes": "",
+ "tpcontrol": "true",
+ "iopscontrol": "true",
+ "tsmAvailIops": "8",
+ "tsmAvailTput": "32",
+ "iqnname": "",
+ "mountpoint": "cvsacc1DS1",
+ "pooltakeover": "noTakeOver",
+ "volumeaccessible": "true",
+ "localschedulecount": 0
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake list storage snapshot response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_LIST_STORAGE_SNAPSHOTS_RESPONSE = """{ "listDatasetSnapshotsResponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "snapshot" : [{
+ "name": "DS1Snap1",
+ "path": "devpool1/acc1openstacktsm/DS1@DS1Snap1",
+ "availMem": "-",
+ "usedMem": "0",
+ "refer": "26K",
+ "mountpoint": "-",
+ "timestamp": "Mon Jun 16 2014 14:41",
+ "clones": 0,
+ "pooltakeover": "noTakeOver",
+ "managedstate": "Available"
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake delete storage snapshot response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_DELETE_STORAGE_SNAPSHOT_RESPONSE = """{ "deleteSnapshotResponse" : {
+ "DeleteSnapshot" : {
+ "status": "success"
+ }
+ }}"""
+# A fake update volume iscsi service response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+ """{ "updatingvolumeiscsidetails" : {
+ "viscsioptions" : {
+ "id": "0426c04a-8fac-30e8-a8ad-ddab2f08013a",
+ "volume_id": "12371e7c-392b-34b9-ac43-073b3c85f1d1",
+ "ag_id": "4459248d-e9f1-3d2a-b7e8-b5d9ce587fc1",
+ "ig_id": "527bd65b-ebec-39ce-a5e9-9dd1106cc0fc",
+ "iqnname": "iqn.2014-06.acc1.openstacktsm:acc1DS1",
+ "authmethod": "None",
+ "status": true,
+ "usn": "12371e7c392b34b9ac43073b3c85f1d1",
+ "initialdigest": "Auto",
+ "queuedepth": "32",
+ "inqproduct": 0,
+ "inqrevision": 0,
+ "blocklength": "512B"
+ }}
+ }""")
+# A fake list iscsi initiator response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_LIST_ISCSI_INITIATOR_RESPONSE = """{ "listInitiatorsResponse" : {
+ "count":2 ,
+ "initiator" : [{
+ "id": "527bd65b-ebec-39ce-a5e9-9dd1106cc0fc",
+ "accountid": "86c5251a-9044-4690-b924-0d97627aeb8c",
+ "name": "ALL",
+ "netmask": "ALL",
+ "initiatorgroup": "ALL"
+ },{
+ "id": "203e0235-1d5a-3130-9204-98e3f642a564",
+ "accountid": "86c5251a-9044-4690-b924-0d97627aeb8c",
+ "name": "None",
+ "netmask": "None",
+ "initiatorgroup": "None"
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake delete file system response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_DELETE_FILE_SYSTEM_RESPONSE = """{ "deleteResponse" : {
+ "response" : [{
+ "code": "0",
+ "description": "success"
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake create storage snapshot response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+ """{ "createStorageSnapshotResponse" : {
+ "StorageSnapshot" : {
+ "id": "21d7a92a-f15e-3f5b-b981-cb30697b8028",
+ "name": "DS1Snap1",
+ "usn": "21d7a92af15e3f5bb981cb30697b8028",
+ "lunusn": "12371e7c392b34b9ac43073b3c85f1d1",
+ "lunid": "12371e7c-392b-34b9-ac43-073b3c85f1d1",
+ "scsiEnabled": false
+ }}
+ }""")
+# A fake list volume iscsi service response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+ """{ "listVolumeiSCSIServiceResponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "iSCSIService" : [{
+ "id": "67ddcbf4-6887-3ced-8695-7b9cdffce885",
+ "volume_id": "c93df32e-3a99-3491-8e10-cf318a7f9b7f",
+ "ag_id": "4459248d-e9f1-3d2a-b7e8-b5d9ce587fc1",
+ "ig_id": "203e0235-1d5a-3130-9204-98e3f642a564",
+ "iqnname": "iqn.2014-06.acc1.openstacktsm:acc1DS1",
+ "authmethod": "None",
+ "status": true,
+ "usn": "92cfd601bc1f3fa78322c492099f3326",
+ "initialdigest": "Auto",
+ "queuedepth": "32",
+ "inqproduct": 0,
+ "inqrevision": 0,
+ "blocklength": "512B"
+ }]
+ }}""")
+# A fake clone dataset snapshot response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_CLONE_DATASET_SNAPSHOT_RESPONSE = """{ "cloneDatasetSnapshot" : {
+ "filesystem" : {
+ "id": "dcd46a57-e3f4-3fc1-8dd8-2e658d9ebb11",
+ "name": "DS1Snap1clone1",
+ "simpleid": 21,
+ "type": "volume",
+ "revisionnumber": 1,
+ "path": "iqn.2014-06.acc1.openstacktsm:acc1DS1Snap1clone1",
+ "clusterid": "0ff44329-9a69-4611-bac2-6eaf1b08bb18",
+ "clusterstatus": "Online",
+ "Tsmid": "8146146e-f67b-3942-8074-3074599207a4",
+ "tsmType": "1",
+ "accountid": "86c5251a-9044-4690-b924-0d97627aeb8c",
+ "poolid": "73b567c0-e57d-37b5-b765-9d70725f59af",
+ "controllerid": "f1603e87-d1e6-3dcb-a549-7a6e77f82d86",
+ "groupid": "d73662ac-6db8-3b2c-981a-012af4e2f7bd",
+ "parentid": "81ebdcbb-f73b-3337-8f32-222820e6acb9",
+ "compression": "off",
+ "sync": "always",
+ "noofcopies": 1,
+ "recordsize": "4k",
+ "deduplication": "off",
+ "quota": "10G",
+ "unicode": "off",
+ "casesensitivity": "sensitive",
+ "readonly": false,
+ "nfsenabled": false,
+ "cifsenabled": false,
+ "iscsienabled": true,
+ "fcenabled": false,
+ "currentUsedSpace": 0,
+ "currentAvailableSpace": 10240,
+ "currentTotalSpace": 10240,
+ "currentThroughput": 0,
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "numericquota": 10240.0,
+ "status": "Online",
+ "managedstate": "Available",
+ "configurationstate": "sync",
+ "tsmName": "openstacktsm",
+ "ipaddress": "",
+ "sitename": "site1",
+ "clustername": "HA1",
+ "controllerName": "node1",
+ "hapoolname": "devpool1",
+ "hapoolgrace": true,
+ "tsmgrace": true,
+ "tsmcontrolgrace": "false",
+ "accountname": "acc1",
+ "groupname": "QoS_DS1acc1openstacktsm",
+ "iops": "100",
+ "blocksize": "4k",
+ "throughput": "400",
+ "latency": "15",
+ "graceallowed": false,
+ "offlinenodes": "",
+ "tpcontrol": "true",
+ "iopscontrol": "true",
+ "tsmAvailIops": "700",
+ "tsmAvailTput": "2800",
+ "iqnname": "iqn.2014-06.acc1.openstacktsm:acc1DS1Snap1clone1",
+ "mountpoint": "acc1DS1Snap1clone1",
+ "blocklength": "512B",
+ "volumeaccessible": "true",
+ "localschedulecount": 0
+ }
+ }}"""
+# A fake update filesystem response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_UPDATE_FILE_SYSTEM_RESPONSE = """{ "updatefilesystemresponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "filesystem" : [{
+ "id": "92cfd601-bc1f-3fa7-8322-c492099f3326",
+ "name": "DS1",
+ "simpleid": 20,
+ "type": "volume",
+ "revisionnumber": 1,
+ "path": "iqn.2014-06.acc1.openstacktsm:acc1DS1",
+ "clusterid": "0ff44329-9a69-4611-bac2-6eaf1b08bb18",
+ "clusterstatus": "Online",
+ "Tsmid": "8146146e-f67b-3942-8074-3074599207a4",
+ "tsmType": "1",
+ "accountid": "86c5251a-9044-4690-b924-0d97627aeb8c",
+ "poolid": "73b567c0-e57d-37b5-b765-9d70725f59af",
+ "controllerid": "f1603e87-d1e6-3dcb-a549-7a6e77f82d86",
+ "groupid": "d73662ac-6db8-3b2c-981a-012af4e2f7bd",
+ "parentid": "81ebdcbb-f73b-3337-8f32-222820e6acb9",
+ "compression": "off",
+ "sync": "always",
+ "noofcopies": 1,
+ "recordsize": "4k",
+ "deduplication": "off",
+ "quota": "12G",
+ "unicode": "off",
+ "casesensitivity": "sensitive",
+ "readonly": false,
+ "nfsenabled": false,
+ "cifsenabled": false,
+ "iscsienabled": true,
+ "fcenabled": false,
+ "currentUsedSpace": 0,
+ "currentAvailableSpace": 10240,
+ "currentTotalSpace": 10240,
+ "currentThroughput": 0,
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "numericquota": 12288.0,
+ "status": "Online",
+ "managedstate": "Available",
+ "configurationstate": "sync",
+ "tsmName": "openstacktsm",
+ "ipaddress": "",
+ "sitename": "site1",
+ "clustername": "HA1",
+ "controllerName": "node1",
+ "hapoolname": "devpool1",
+ "hapoolgrace": true,
+ "tsmgrace": true,
+ "tsmcontrolgrace": "false",
+ "accountname": "acc1",
+ "groupname": "QoS_DS1acc1openstacktsm",
+ "iops": "100",
+ "blocksize": "4k",
+ "throughput": "400",
+ "latency": "15",
+ "graceallowed": false,
+ "offlinenodes": "",
+ "tpcontrol": "true",
+ "iopscontrol": "true",
+ "tsmAvailIops": "700",
+ "tsmAvailTput": "2800",
+ "iqnname": "iqn.2014-06.acc1.openstacktsm:acc1DS1",
+ "mountpoint": "acc1DS1",
+ "blocklength": "512B",
+ "volumeaccessible": "true",
+ "localschedulecount": 0
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# A fake update QOS group response of cloudbyte's elasticenter
+FAKE_UPDATE_QOS_GROUP_RESPONSE = """{ "updateqosresponse" : {
+ "count":1 ,
+ "qosgroup" : [{
+ "id": "d73662ac-6db8-3b2c-981a-012af4e2f7bd",
+ "name": "QoS_DS1acc1openstacktsm",
+ "tsmid": "8146146e-f67b-3942-8074-3074599207a4",
+ "controllerid": "f1603e87-d1e6-3dcb-a549-7a6e77f82d86",
+ "poolid": "73b567c0-e57d-37b5-b765-9d70725f59af",
+ "parentid": "81ebdcbb-f73b-3337-8f32-222820e6acb9",
+ "tsmName": "openstacktsm",
+ "offlinenodes": "",
+ "sitename": "site1",
+ "clustername": "HA1",
+ "controllerName": "node1",
+ "clusterstatus": "Online",
+ "currentThroughput": 0,
+ "currentIOPS": 0,
+ "currentLatency": 0,
+ "currentThrottle": 0,
+ "iopsvalue": "(0/101)",
+ "throughputvalue": "(0/404)",
+ "iops": "101",
+ "iopscontrol": "true",
+ "throughput": "404",
+ "tpcontrol": "true",
+ "blocksize": "4k",
+ "latency": "15",
+ "graceallowed": true,
+ "type": "1",
+ "revisionnumber": 2,
+ "managedstate": "Available",
+ "configurationstate": "sync",
+ "status": "Online",
+ "standardproviops": 0,
+ "operatingblocksize": 0,
+ "operatingcachehit": 0,
+ "operatingiops": 0,
+ "standardoperatingiops": 0
+ }]
+ }}"""
+# This dict maps the http commands of elasticenter
+# with its respective fake responses
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['deleteFileSystem'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE["deleteSnapshot"] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE["listStorageSnapshots"] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE["updateVolumeiSCSIService"] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE["createStorageSnapshot"] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE["queryAsyncJobResult"] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['cloneDatasetSnapshot'] = (
+MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['updateFileSystem'] = (
+# This dict maps the http commands of elasticenter
+# with its respective fake json responses
+class CloudByteISCSIDriverTestCase(testtools.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(CloudByteISCSIDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self._configure_driver()
+ def _configure_driver(self):
+ configuration = conf.Configuration(None, None)
+ # initialize the elasticenter iscsi driver
+ self.driver = CloudByteISCSIDriver(configuration=configuration)
+ # override some parts of driver configuration
+ self.driver.configuration.tsm_name = 'openstack'
+ self.driver.configuration.cb_account_name = 'CustomerA'
+ def _side_effect_api_req(self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function.
+ The return value is determined based on cmd argument.
+ The signature matches exactly with the method it tries
+ to mock.
+ """
+ def _side_effect_api_req_to_create_vol(self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ if cmd == 'createVolume':
+ return {}
+ def _side_effect_api_req_to_query_asyncjob(
+ self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ if cmd == 'queryAsyncJobResult':
+ return {'queryasyncjobresultresponse': {'jobstatus': 0}}
+ def _side_effect_api_req_to_list_tsm(self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ if cmd == 'listTsm':
+ return {}
+ def _side_effect_api_req_to_list_filesystem(
+ self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ if cmd == 'listFileSystem':
+ return {}
+ def _side_effect_api_req_to_list_vol_iscsi_service(
+ self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ if cmd == 'listVolumeiSCSIService':
+ return {}
+ def _side_effect_api_req_to_list_iscsi_initiator(
+ self, cmd, params, version='1.0'):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ if cmd == 'listiSCSIInitiator':
+ return {}
+ def _side_effect_create_vol_from_snap(self, cloned_volume, snapshot):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ return {}
+ def _side_effect_create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ model_update = {}
+ model_update['provider_id'] = "devpool1/acc1openstacktsm/DS1@DS1Snap1"
+ return model_update
+ def _side_effect_get_connection(self, host, url):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ return_obj = {}
+ return_obj['http_status'] = 200
+ # mock the response data
+ return_obj['data'] = MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['listTsm']
+ return_obj['error'] = None
+ return return_obj
+ def _side_effect_get_err_connection(self, host, url):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ return_obj = {}
+ return_obj['http_status'] = 500
+ # mock the response data
+ return_obj['data'] = None
+ return_obj['error'] = "Http status: 500, Error: Elasticenter "
+ "is not available."
+ return return_obj
+ def _side_effect_get_err_connection2(self, host, url):
+ """This is a side effect function."""
+ msg = ("Error executing CloudByte API %(cmd)s , Error: %(err)s" %
+ {'cmd': 'MockTest', 'err': 'Error'})
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(msg)
+ def _get_fake_volume_id(self):
+ # Get the filesystems
+ fs_list = MAP_COMMAND_TO_FAKE_RESPONSE['listFileSystem']
+ filesystems = fs_list['listFilesystemResponse']['filesystem']
+ # Get the volume id from the first filesystem
+ volume_id = filesystems[0]['id']
+ return volume_id
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_execute_and_get_response_details')
+ def test_api_request_for_cloudbyte(self, mock_conn):
+ # Test - I
+ # configure the mocks with respective side-effects
+ mock_conn.side_effect = self._side_effect_get_connection
+ # run the test
+ data = self.driver._api_request_for_cloudbyte('listTsm', {})
+ # assert the data attributes
+ self.assertEqual(1, data['listTsmResponse']['count'])
+ # Test - II
+ # configure the mocks with side-effects
+ mock_conn.reset_mock()
+ mock_conn.side_effect = self._side_effect_get_err_connection
+ # run the test
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ 'Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume '
+ 'backend API: Failed to execute CloudByte API'):
+ self.driver._api_request_for_cloudbyte('listTsm', {})
+ # Test - III
+ # configure the mocks with side-effects
+ mock_conn.reset_mock()
+ mock_conn.side_effect = self._side_effect_get_err_connection2
+ # run the test
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ 'Error executing CloudByte API'):
+ self.driver._api_request_for_cloudbyte('listTsm', {})
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_delete_volume(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the dependencies
+ fake_volume_id = self._get_fake_volume_id()
+ volume = {'id': fake_volume_id, 'provider_id': fake_volume_id}
+ # Test-I
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # run the test
+ self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+ # assert that 2 api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(2, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ # Test-II
+ # reset & re-configure mock
+ volume['provider_id'] = None
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # run the test
+ self.driver.delete_volume(volume)
+ # assert that no api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(0, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_delete_snapshot(self, mock_api_req):
+ snapshot = {
+ 'id': 'SomeID',
+ 'provider_id': 'devpool1/acc1openstacktsm/DS1@DS1Snap1',
+ 'display_name': 'DS1Snap1',
+ 'volume_id': 'SomeVol',
+ 'volume': {
+ 'display_name': 'DS1'
+ }
+ }
+ # Test - I
+ # now run the test
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ # assert that 1 api call was invoked
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ # Test - II
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ snapshot['provider_id'] = None
+ # reset & reconfigure the mock
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ self.driver.delete_snapshot(snapshot)
+ # assert that no api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(0, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_create_snapshot(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the dependencies
+ fake_volume_id = self._get_fake_volume_id()
+ snapshot = {
+ 'id': 'SomeID',
+ 'display_name': 'DS1Snap1',
+ 'volume_id': 'SomeVol',
+ 'volume': {
+ 'display_name': 'DS1',
+ 'provider_id': fake_volume_id
+ }
+ }
+ # Test - I
+ # configure the mocks with respective side-effects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ self.driver.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ # assert that 2 api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(2, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ # Test - II
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ snapshot['volume']['provider_id'] = None
+ # reset & reconfigure the mock
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test & assert the exception
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ 'Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume '
+ 'backend API: Failed to create snapshot'):
+ self.driver.create_snapshot(snapshot)
+ # assert that no api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(0, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_create_volume(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the dependencies
+ fake_volume_id = self._get_fake_volume_id()
+ volume = {
+ 'id': fake_volume_id,
+ 'size': 22
+ }
+ # Test - I
+ # configure the mocks with respective side-effects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ provider_details = self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ # assert equality checks for certain configuration attributes
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'openstack', self.driver.configuration.tsm_name)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'CustomerA', self.driver.configuration.cb_account_name)
+ self.assertThat(
+ provider_details['provider_location'],
+ Contains(''))
+ # assert that 9 api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(9, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ # Test - II
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ volume['id'] = 'NotExists'
+ del volume['size']
+ # reset & reconfigure the mock
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test & assert the exception
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume "
+ "backend API: Volume \[NotExists\] not found in "
+ "CloudByte storage."):
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ # Test - III
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ volume['id'] = 'abc'
+ # reset the mocks
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ # configure or re-configure the mocks
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req_to_create_vol
+ # now run the test & assert the exception
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ 'Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume '
+ 'backend API: Null response received while '
+ 'creating volume'):
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ # Test - IV
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ # reset the mocks
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ # configure or re-configure the mocks
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req_to_list_filesystem
+ # now run the test
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume "
+ "backend API: Null response received from CloudByte's "
+ "list filesystem."):
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ # Test - VI
+ volume['id'] = fake_volume_id
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ # reset the mocks
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ # configure or re-configure the mocks
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = (
+ self._side_effect_api_req_to_list_vol_iscsi_service)
+ # now run the test
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume "
+ "backend API: Null response received from CloudByte's "
+ "list volume iscsi service."):
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ # Test - VII
+ # reconfigure the dependencies
+ # reset the mocks
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ # configure or re-configure the mocks
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = (
+ self._side_effect_api_req_to_list_iscsi_initiator)
+ # now run the test
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume "
+ "backend API: Null response received from CloudByte's "
+ "list iscsi initiators."):
+ self.driver.create_volume(volume)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ 'create_volume_from_snapshot')
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ 'create_snapshot')
+ def test_create_cloned_volume(self, mock_create_snapshot,
+ mock_create_vol_from_snap, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the input test data
+ fake_volume_id = self._get_fake_volume_id()
+ src_volume = {'display_name': 'DS1Snap1'}
+ cloned_volume = {
+ 'source_volid': fake_volume_id,
+ 'id': 'SomeNewID',
+ 'display_name': 'CloneOfDS1Snap1'
+ }
+ # Test - I
+ # configure the mocks with respective sideeffects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ mock_create_vol_from_snap.side_effect = (
+ self._side_effect_create_vol_from_snap)
+ mock_create_snapshot.side_effect = (
+ self._side_effect_create_snapshot)
+ # now run the test
+ self.driver.create_cloned_volume(cloned_volume, src_volume)
+ # assert that n api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(0, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the input test data
+ fake_volume_id = self._get_fake_volume_id()
+ snapshot = {
+ 'volume_id': fake_volume_id,
+ 'provider_id': 'devpool1/acc1openstacktsm/DS1@DS1Snap1',
+ 'id': 'SomeSnapID',
+ 'volume': {
+ 'provider_id': fake_volume_id
+ }
+ }
+ cloned_volume = {
+ 'display_name': 'CloneOfDS1Snap1',
+ 'id': 'ClonedVolID'
+ }
+ # Test - I
+ # configure the mocks with respective side-effects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(cloned_volume, snapshot)
+ # assert n api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_extend_volume(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the input test data
+ fake_volume_id = self._get_fake_volume_id()
+ volume = {
+ 'id': 'SomeID',
+ 'provider_id': fake_volume_id
+ }
+ new_size = '2'
+ # Test - I
+ # configure the mock with respective side-effects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ self.driver.extend_volume(volume, new_size)
+ # assert n api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_create_export(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the input test data
+ # configure the mocks with respective side-effects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ model_update = self.driver.create_export({}, {})
+ # assert the result
+ self.assertEqual(None, model_update['provider_auth'])
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_ensure_export(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the input test data
+ # configure the mock with respective side-effects
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # now run the test
+ model_update = self.driver.ensure_export({}, {})
+ # assert the result to have a provider_auth attribute
+ self.assertEqual(None, model_update['provider_auth'])
+ @mock.patch.object(CloudByteISCSIDriver,
+ '_api_request_for_cloudbyte')
+ def test_get_volume_stats(self, mock_api_req):
+ # prepare the input test data
+ # configure the mock with a side-effect
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req
+ # Test - I
+ # run the test
+ vol_stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats()
+ # assert 0 api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(0, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ # Test - II
+ # run the test with refresh as True
+ vol_stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(refresh=True)
+ # assert n api calls were invoked
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_api_req.call_count)
+ # assert the result attributes with respective values
+ self.assertEqual(0, vol_stats['reserved_percentage'])
+ self.assertEqual('CloudByte', vol_stats['vendor_name'])
+ self.assertEqual('iSCSI', vol_stats['storage_protocol'])
+ # Test - III
+ # configure the mocks with side-effect
+ mock_api_req.reset_mock()
+ mock_api_req.side_effect = self._side_effect_api_req_to_list_tsm
+ # run the test with refresh as True
+ with ExpectedException(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ "Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume "
+ "backend API: No response was received from CloudByte "
+ "storage list tsm API call."):
+ self.driver.get_volume_stats(refresh=True)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 CloudByte Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import httplib
+import json
+import time
+import urllib
+import six
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from cinder.volume.drivers.cloudbyte.options import (
+ cloudbyte_create_volume_opts
+from cinder.volume.drivers.cloudbyte.options import cloudbyte_add_qosgroup_opts
+from cinder.volume.drivers.cloudbyte.options import cloudbyte_connection_opts
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class CloudByteISCSIDriver(san.SanISCSIDriver):
+ """CloudByte ISCSI Driver.
+ Version history:
+ 1.0.0 - Initial driver
+ """
+ VERSION = '1.0.0'
+ volume_stats = {}
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(CloudByteISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(cloudbyte_add_qosgroup_opts)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(cloudbyte_create_volume_opts)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(cloudbyte_connection_opts)
+ self.get_volume_stats()
+ def _get_url(self, cmd, params, apikey):
+ """Will prepare URL that connects to CloudByte."""
+ if params is None:
+ params = {}
+ params['command'] = cmd
+ params['response'] = 'json'
+ sanitized_params = {}
+ for key in params:
+ value = params[key]
+ if value is not None:
+ sanitized_params[key] = six.text_type(value)
+ sanitized_params = urllib.urlencode(sanitized_params)
+ url = ('/client/api?%s' % sanitized_params)
+ LOG.debug("CloudByte URL to be executed: [%s].", url)
+ # Add the apikey
+ api = {}
+ api['apiKey'] = apikey
+ url = url + '&' + urllib.urlencode(api)
+ return url
+ def _extract_http_error(self, error_data):
+ # Extract the error message from error_data
+ error_msg = ""
+ # error_data is a single key value dict
+ for key, value in error_data.iteritems():
+ error_msg = value.get('errortext')
+ return error_msg
+ def _execute_and_get_response_details(self, host, url):
+ """Will prepare response after executing an http request."""
+ res_details = {}
+ try:
+ # Prepare the connection
+ connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host)
+ # Make the connection
+ connection.request('GET', url)
+ # Extract the response as the connection was successful
+ response = connection.getresponse()
+ # Read the response
+ data = response.read()
+ # Transform the json string into a py object
+ data = json.loads(data)
+ # Extract http error msg if any
+ error_details = None
+ if response.status != 200:
+ error_details = self._extract_http_error(data)
+ # Prepare the return object
+ res_details['data'] = data
+ res_details['error'] = error_details
+ res_details['http_status'] = response.status
+ finally:
+ connection.close()
+ LOG.debug("CloudByte connection was closed successfully.")
+ return res_details
+ def _api_request_for_cloudbyte(self, cmd, params, version=None):
+ """Make http calls to CloudByte."""
+ LOG.debug("Executing CloudByte API for command [%s].", cmd)
+ if version is None:
+ version = CloudByteISCSIDriver.VERSION
+ # Below is retrieved from /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
+ apikey = self.configuration.cb_apikey
+ if apikey is None:
+ msg = (_("API key is missing for CloudByte driver."))
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ host = self.configuration.san_ip
+ # Construct the CloudByte URL with query params
+ url = self._get_url(cmd, params, apikey)
+ data = {}
+ error_details = None
+ http_status = None
+ try:
+ # Execute CloudByte API & frame the response
+ res_obj = self._execute_and_get_response_details(host, url)
+ data = res_obj['data']
+ error_details = res_obj['error']
+ http_status = res_obj['http_status']
+ except httplib.HTTPException as ex:
+ msg = (_("Error executing CloudByte API [%(cmd)s], "
+ "Error: %(err)s.") %
+ {'cmd': cmd, 'err': ex})
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ # Check if it was an error response from CloudByte
+ if http_status != 200:
+ msg = (_("Failed to execute CloudByte API [%(cmd)s]."
+ " Http status: %(status)s,"
+ " Error: %(error)s.") %
+ {'cmd': cmd, 'status': http_status,
+ 'error': error_details})
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ LOG.info(_LI("CloudByte API executed successfully for command [%s]."),
+ cmd)
+ return data
+ def _request_tsm_details(self, account_id):
+ params = {"accountid": account_id}
+ # List all CloudByte tsm
+ data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("listTsm", params)
+ return data
+ def _override_params(self, default_dict, filtered_user_dict):
+ """Override the default config values with user provided values.
+ """
+ if filtered_user_dict is None:
+ # Nothing to override
+ return default_dict
+ for key, value in default_dict.iteritems():
+ # Fill the user dict with default options based on condition
+ if filtered_user_dict.get(key) is None and value is not None:
+ filtered_user_dict[key] = value
+ return filtered_user_dict
+ def _add_qos_group_request(self, volume, tsmid, volume_name):
+ # Get qos related params from configuration
+ params = self.configuration.cb_add_qosgroup
+ if params is None:
+ params = {}
+ params['name'] = "QoS_" + volume_name
+ params['tsmid'] = tsmid
+ data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("addQosGroup", params)
+ return data
+ def _create_volume_request(self, volume, datasetid, qosgroupid,
+ tsmid, volume_name):
+ size = volume.get('size')
+ quotasize = six.text_type(size) + "G"
+ # Prepare the user input params
+ params = {
+ "datasetid": datasetid,
+ "name": volume_name,
+ "qosgroupid": qosgroupid,
+ "tsmid": tsmid,
+ "quotasize": quotasize
+ }
+ # Get the additional params from configuration
+ params = self._override_params(self.configuration.cb_create_volume,
+ params)
+ data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("createVolume", params)
+ return data
+ def _queryAsyncJobResult_request(self, jobid):
+ async_cmd = "queryAsyncJobResult"
+ params = {
+ "jobId": jobid,
+ }
+ data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(async_cmd, params)
+ return data
+ def _get_tsm_details(self, data, tsm_name):
+ # Filter required tsm's details
+ tsms = data['listTsmResponse']['listTsm']
+ tsmdetails = {}
+ for tsm in tsms:
+ if tsm['name'] == tsm_name:
+ tsmdetails['datasetid'] = tsm['datasetid']
+ tsmdetails['tsmid'] = tsm['id']
+ break
+ return tsmdetails
+ def _wait_for_volume_creation(self, volume_response, cb_volume_name):
+ """Given the job wait for it to complete."""
+ vol_res = volume_response.get('createvolumeresponse')
+ if vol_res is None:
+ msg = _("Null response received while creating volume [%s] "
+ "at CloudByte storage.") % cb_volume_name
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ jobid = vol_res.get('jobid')
+ if jobid is None:
+ msg = _("Jobid not found in CloudByte's "
+ "create volume [%s] response.") % cb_volume_name
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _retry_check_for_volume_creation():
+ """Called at an interval till the volume is created."""
+ retries = kwargs['retries']
+ max_retries = kwargs['max_retries']
+ jobid = kwargs['jobid']
+ cb_vol = kwargs['cb_vol']
+ # Query the CloudByte storage with this jobid
+ volume_response = self._queryAsyncJobResult_request(jobid)
+ result_res = None
+ if volume_response is not None:
+ result_res = volume_response.get('queryasyncjobresultresponse')
+ if volume_response is None or result_res is None:
+ msg = _(
+ "Null response received while querying "
+ "for create volume job [%s] "
+ "at CloudByte storage.") % jobid
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ status = result_res.get('jobstatus')
+ if status == 1:
+ LOG.info(_LI("Volume [%s] created successfully in "
+ "CloudByte storage."), cb_vol)
+ raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone()
+ elif retries == max_retries:
+ # All attempts exhausted
+ LOG.error(_LE("Error in creating volume [%(vol)s] in "
+ "CloudByte storage. "
+ "Exhausted all [%(max)s] attempts."),
+ {'vol': cb_vol, 'max': retries})
+ raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone(retvalue=False)
+ else:
+ retries += 1
+ kwargs['retries'] = retries
+ LOG.debug("Wait for volume [%(vol)s] creation, "
+ "retry [%(retry)s] of [%(max)s].",
+ {'vol': cb_vol,
+ 'retry': retries,
+ 'max': max_retries})
+ retry_interval = (
+ self.configuration.cb_confirm_volume_create_retry_interval)
+ max_retries = (
+ self.configuration.cb_confirm_volume_create_retries)
+ kwargs = {'retries': 0,
+ 'max_retries': max_retries,
+ 'jobid': jobid,
+ 'cb_vol': cb_volume_name}
+ timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+ _retry_check_for_volume_creation)
+ timer.start(interval=retry_interval).wait()
+ def _get_volume_id_from_response(self, cb_volumes, volume_name):
+ """Search the volume in CloudByte storage."""
+ vol_res = cb_volumes.get('listFilesystemResponse')
+ if vol_res is None:
+ msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's "
+ "list filesystem.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ volumes = vol_res.get('filesystem')
+ if volumes is None:
+ msg = _('No volumes found in CloudByte storage.')
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ volume_id = None
+ for vol in volumes:
+ if vol['name'] == volume_name:
+ volume_id = vol['id']
+ break
+ if volume_id is None:
+ msg = _("Volume [%s] not found in CloudByte "
+ "storage.") % volume_name
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ return volume_id
+ def _get_qosgroupid_id_from_response(self, cb_volumes, volume_id):
+ volumes = cb_volumes['listFilesystemResponse']['filesystem']
+ qosgroup_id = None
+ for vol in volumes:
+ if vol['id'] == volume_id:
+ qosgroup_id = vol['groupid']
+ break
+ return qosgroup_id
+ def _build_provider_details_from_volume(self, volume):
+ model_update = {}
+ model_update['provider_location'] = (
+ '%s %s %s' % (volume['ipaddress'] + ':3260', volume['iqnname'], 0)
+ )
+ # Will provide CHAP Authentication on forthcoming patches/release
+ model_update['provider_auth'] = None
+ model_update['provider_id'] = volume['id']
+ LOG.debug("CloudByte volume [%(vol)s] properties: [%(props)s].",
+ {'vol': volume['iqnname'], 'props': model_update})
+ return model_update
+ def _build_provider_details_from_response(self, cb_volumes, volume_name):
+ """Get provider information."""
+ model_update = {}
+ volumes = cb_volumes['listFilesystemResponse']['filesystem']
+ for vol in volumes:
+ if vol['name'] == volume_name:
+ model_update = self._build_provider_details_from_volume(vol)
+ break
+ return model_update
+ def _get_initiator_group_id_from_response(self, data):
+ """Find iSCSI initiator group id."""
+ ig_list_res = data.get('listInitiatorsResponse')
+ if ig_list_res is None:
+ msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's "
+ "list iscsi initiators.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ ig_list = ig_list_res.get('initiator')
+ if ig_list is None:
+ msg = _('No iscsi initiators were found in CloudByte.')
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ ig_id = None
+ for ig in ig_list:
+ if ig.get('initiatorgroup') == 'ALL':
+ ig_id = ig['id']
+ break
+ return ig_id
+ def _get_iscsi_service_id_from_response(self, volume_id, data):
+ iscsi_service_res = data.get('listVolumeiSCSIServiceResponse')
+ if iscsi_service_res is None:
+ msg = _("Null response received from CloudByte's "
+ "list volume iscsi service.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ iscsi_service_list = iscsi_service_res.get('iSCSIService')
+ if iscsi_service_list is None:
+ msg = _('No iscsi services found in CloudByte storage.')
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ iscsi_id = None
+ for iscsi_service in iscsi_service_list:
+ if iscsi_service['volume_id'] == volume_id:
+ iscsi_id = iscsi_service['id']
+ break
+ if iscsi_id is None:
+ msg = _("No iscsi service found for CloudByte "
+ "volume [%s].") % volume_id
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ else:
+ return iscsi_id
+ def _request_update_iscsi_service(self, iscsi_id, ig_id):
+ params = {
+ "id": iscsi_id,
+ "igid": ig_id
+ }
+ self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(
+ 'updateVolumeiSCSIService', params)
+ def _get_cb_snapshot_path(self, snapshot, volume_id):
+ """Find CloudByte snapshot path."""
+ params = {"id": volume_id}
+ # List all snapshot from CloudByte
+ cb_snapshots_list = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(
+ 'listStorageSnapshots', params)
+ # Filter required snapshot from list
+ cb_snap_res = cb_snapshots_list.get('listDatasetSnapshotsResponse')
+ cb_snapshot = {}
+ if cb_snap_res is not None:
+ cb_snapshot = cb_snap_res.get('snapshot')
+ path = None
+ # Filter snapshot path
+ for snap in cb_snapshot:
+ if snap['name'] == snapshot['display_name']:
+ path = snap['path']
+ break
+ return path
+ def _get_account_id_from_name(self, account_name):
+ params = {}
+ data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte("listAccount", params)
+ accounts = data["listAccountResponse"]["account"]
+ account_id = None
+ for account in accounts:
+ if account.get("name") == account_name:
+ account_id = account.get("id")
+ break
+ if account_id is None:
+ msg = _("Failed to get CloudByte account details "
+ "for account [%s].") % account_name
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ return account_id
+ def _search_volume_id(self, cb_volumes, cb_volume_id):
+ """Search the volume in CloudByte."""
+ volumes_res = cb_volumes.get('listFilesystemResponse')
+ if volumes_res is None:
+ msg = _("No response was received from CloudByte's "
+ "list filesystem api call.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ volumes = volumes_res.get('filesystem')
+ if volumes is None:
+ msg = _("No volume was found at CloudByte storage.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ volume_id = None
+ for vol in volumes:
+ if vol['id'] == cb_volume_id:
+ volume_id = vol['id']
+ break
+ return volume_id
+ def _generate_clone_name(self):
+ """Generates clone name when it is not provided."""
+ clone_name = ("clone_" + time.strftime("%d%m%Y") +
+ time.strftime("%H%M%S"))
+ return clone_name
+ def _generate_snapshot_name(self):
+ """Generates snapshot_name when it is not provided."""
+ snapshot_name = ("snap_" + time.strftime("%d%m%Y") +
+ time.strftime("%H%M%S"))
+ return snapshot_name
+ def _get_storage_info(self, tsmname):
+ """Get CloudByte TSM that is associated with OpenStack backend."""
+ # List all TSMs from CloudByte storage
+ tsm_list = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('listTsm', params={})
+ tsm_details_res = tsm_list.get('listTsmResponse')
+ if tsm_details_res is None:
+ msg = _("No response was received from CloudByte storage "
+ "list tsm API call.")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ tsm_details = tsm_details_res.get('listTsm')
+ data = {}
+ flag = 0
+ # Filter required TSM and get storage info
+ for tsms in tsm_details:
+ if tsms['name'] == tsmname:
+ flag = 1
+ storage_buckets = {}
+ storage_buckets = tsms['storageBuckets']
+ quota = 0
+ for bucket in storage_buckets:
+ quota = bucket['quota']
+ break
+ data['total_capacity_gb'] = quota
+ data['free_capacity_gb'] = (
+ int(tsms['availablequota']) / 1000)
+ # TSM not found in CloudByte storage
+ if flag == 0:
+ LOG.error(_LE("TSM [%s] not found in CloudByte storage."), tsmname)
+ data['total_capacity_gb'] = 0
+ data['free_capacity_gb'] = 0
+ return data
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ tsm_name = self.configuration.cb_tsm_name
+ account_name = self.configuration.cb_account_name
+ # Get account id of this account
+ account_id = self._get_account_id_from_name(account_name)
+ # Set backend storage volume name using OpenStack volume id
+ cb_volume_name = volume['id'].replace("-", "")
+ LOG.debug("Will create a volume [%(cb_vol)s] in TSM [%(tsm)s] "
+ "at CloudByte storage w.r.t "
+ "OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].",
+ {'cb_vol': cb_volume_name,
+ 'stack_vol': volume.get('id'),
+ 'tsm': tsm_name})
+ tsm_data = self._request_tsm_details(account_id)
+ tsm_details = self._get_tsm_details(tsm_data, tsm_name)
+ # Send request to create a qos group before creating a volume
+ LOG.debug("Creating qos group for CloudByte volume [%s].",
+ cb_volume_name)
+ qos_data = self._add_qos_group_request(
+ volume, tsm_details.get('tsmid'), cb_volume_name)
+ # Extract the qos group id from response
+ qosgroupid = qos_data['addqosgroupresponse']['qosgroup']['id']
+ LOG.debug("Successfully created qos group for CloudByte volume [%s].",
+ cb_volume_name)
+ # Send a create volume request to CloudByte API
+ vol_data = self._create_volume_request(
+ volume, tsm_details.get('datasetid'), qosgroupid,
+ tsm_details.get('tsmid'), cb_volume_name)
+ # Since create volume is an async call;
+ # need to confirm the creation before proceeding further
+ self._wait_for_volume_creation(vol_data, cb_volume_name)
+ # Fetch iscsi id
+ cb_volumes = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(
+ 'listFileSystem', params={})
+ volume_id = self._get_volume_id_from_response(cb_volumes,
+ cb_volume_name)
+ params = {"storageid": volume_id}
+ iscsi_service_data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(
+ 'listVolumeiSCSIService', params)
+ iscsi_id = self._get_iscsi_service_id_from_response(
+ volume_id, iscsi_service_data)
+ # Fetch the initiator group ID
+ params = {"accountid": account_id}
+ iscsi_initiator_data = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(
+ 'listiSCSIInitiator', params)
+ ig_id = self._get_initiator_group_id_from_response(
+ iscsi_initiator_data)
+ LOG.debug("Updating iscsi service for CloudByte volume [%s].",
+ cb_volume_name)
+ # Update the iscsi service with above fetched iscsi_id & ig_id
+ self._request_update_iscsi_service(iscsi_id, ig_id)
+ LOG.debug("CloudByte volume [%(vol)s] updated with "
+ "iscsi id [%(iscsi)s] and ig id [%(ig)s].",
+ {'vol': cb_volume_name, 'iscsi': iscsi_id, 'ig': ig_id})
+ # Provide the model after successful completion of above steps
+ provider = self._build_provider_details_from_response(
+ cb_volumes, cb_volume_name)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Successfully created a CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "w.r.t OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."),
+ {'cb_vol': cb_volume_name, 'stack_vol': volume.get('id')})
+ return provider
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ params = {}
+ # OpenStack source volume id
+ source_volume_id = volume['id']
+ # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id
+ cb_volume_id = volume.get('provider_id')
+ LOG.debug("Will delete CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "w.r.t OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].",
+ {'cb_vol': cb_volume_id, 'stack_vol': source_volume_id})
+ # Delete volume at CloudByte
+ if cb_volume_id is not None:
+ cb_volumes = self._api_request_for_cloudbyte(
+ 'listFileSystem', params)
+ # Search cb_volume_id in CloudByte volumes
+ # incase it has already been deleted from CloudByte
+ cb_volume_id = self._search_volume_id(cb_volumes, cb_volume_id)
+ # Delete volume at CloudByte
+ if cb_volume_id is not None:
+ params = {"id": cb_volume_id}
+ self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('deleteFileSystem', params)
+ LOG.info(
+ _LI("Successfully deleted volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "at CloudByte corresponding to "
+ "OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."),
+ {'cb_vol': cb_volume_id,
+ 'stack_vol': source_volume_id})
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_LE("CloudByte does not have a volume corresponding "
+ "to OpenStack volume [%s]."), source_volume_id)
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_LE("CloudByte volume information not available for"
+ " OpenStack volume [%s]."), source_volume_id)
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Creates a snapshot at CloudByte."""
+ # OpenStack volume
+ source_volume_id = snapshot['volume_id']
+ # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id
+ cb_volume_id = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id')
+ if cb_volume_id is not None:
+ snapshot_name = snapshot['display_name']
+ if snapshot_name is None or snapshot_name == '':
+ # Generate the snapshot name
+ snapshot_name = self._generate_snapshot_name()
+ # Update the snapshot dict for later use
+ snapshot['display_name'] = snapshot_name
+ params = {
+ "name": snapshot_name,
+ "id": cb_volume_id
+ }
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Will create CloudByte snapshot [%(cb_snap)s] "
+ "w.r.t CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "and OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].",
+ {'cb_snap': snapshot_name,
+ 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id,
+ 'stack_vol': source_volume_id})
+ self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('createStorageSnapshot', params)
+ # Get the snapshot path from CloudByte
+ path = self._get_cb_snapshot_path(snapshot, cb_volume_id)
+ LOG.info(
+ _LI("Created CloudByte snapshot [%(cb_snap)s] "
+ "w.r.t CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "and OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."),
+ {'cb_snap': path,
+ 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id,
+ 'stack_vol': source_volume_id})
+ model_update = {}
+ # Store snapshot path as snapshot provider_id
+ model_update['provider_id'] = path
+ else:
+ msg = _("Failed to create snapshot. CloudByte volume information "
+ "not found for OpenStack volume [%s].") % source_volume_id
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ return model_update
+ def create_cloned_volume(self, cloned_volume, src_volume):
+ """Create a clone of an existing volume.
+ First it will create a snapshot of the source/parent volume,
+ then it creates a clone of this newly created snapshot.
+ """
+ # Extract necessary information from input params
+ parent_volume_id = cloned_volume.get('source_volid')
+ # Generating name and id for snapshot
+ # as this is not user entered in this particular usecase
+ snapshot_name = self._generate_snapshot_name()
+ snapshot_id = (six.text_type(parent_volume_id) + "_" +
+ time.strftime("%d%m%Y") + time.strftime("%H%M%S"))
+ # Prepare the params for create_snapshot
+ # as well as create_volume_from_snapshot method
+ snapshot_params = {
+ 'id': snapshot_id,
+ 'display_name': snapshot_name,
+ 'volume_id': parent_volume_id,
+ 'volume': src_volume,
+ }
+ # Create a snapshot
+ snapshot = self.create_snapshot(snapshot_params)
+ snapshot_params['provider_id'] = snapshot.get('provider_id')
+ # Create a clone of above snapshot
+ return self.create_volume_from_snapshot(cloned_volume, snapshot_params)
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, cloned_volume, snapshot):
+ """Create a clone from an existing snapshot."""
+ # Getting necessary data from input params
+ parent_volume_id = snapshot['volume_id']
+ cloned_volume_name = cloned_volume['id'].replace("-", "")
+ # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id
+ cb_volume_id = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id')
+ # CloudByte snapshot path equals OpenStack snapshot's provider_id
+ cb_snapshot_path = snapshot['provider_id']
+ params = {
+ "id": cb_volume_id,
+ "clonename": cloned_volume_name,
+ "path": cb_snapshot_path
+ }
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Will create CloudByte clone [%(cb_clone)s] "
+ "at CloudByte snapshot path [%(cb_snap)s] "
+ "w.r.t parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].",
+ {'cb_clone': cloned_volume_name,
+ 'cb_snap': cb_snapshot_path,
+ 'stack_vol': parent_volume_id})
+ # Create clone of the snapshot
+ clone_dataset_snapshot_res = (
+ self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('cloneDatasetSnapshot', params))
+ cb_snap = clone_dataset_snapshot_res.get('cloneDatasetSnapshot')
+ cb_vol = {}
+ if cb_snap is not None:
+ cb_vol = cb_snap.get('filesystem')
+ else:
+ msg = ("Error: Clone creation failed for "
+ "OpenStack volume [%(vol)s] with CloudByte "
+ "snapshot path [%(path)s]" %
+ {'vol': parent_volume_id, 'path': cb_snapshot_path})
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ LOG.info(
+ _LI("Created a clone [%(cb_clone)s] "
+ "at CloudByte snapshot path [%(cb_snap)s] "
+ "w.r.t parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."),
+ {'cb_clone': cloned_volume_name,
+ 'cb_snap': cb_snapshot_path,
+ 'stack_vol': parent_volume_id})
+ return self._build_provider_details_from_volume(cb_vol)
+ def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Delete a snapshot at CloudByte."""
+ # Find volume id
+ source_volume_id = snapshot['volume_id']
+ # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id
+ cb_volume_id = snapshot.get('volume').get('provider_id')
+ # CloudByte snapshot path equals OpenStack snapshot's provider_id
+ cb_snapshot_path = snapshot['provider_id']
+ # If cb_snapshot_path is 'None'
+ # then no need to execute CloudByte API
+ if cb_snapshot_path is not None:
+ params = {
+ "id": cb_volume_id,
+ "path": cb_snapshot_path
+ }
+ LOG.debug("Will delete CloudByte snapshot [%(snap)s] w.r.t "
+ "parent CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "and parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s].",
+ {'snap': cb_snapshot_path,
+ 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id,
+ 'stack_vol': source_volume_id})
+ # Execute CloudByte API
+ self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('deleteSnapshot', params)
+ LOG.info(
+ _LI("Deleted CloudByte snapshot [%(snap)s] w.r.t "
+ "parent CloudByte volume [%(cb_vol)s] "
+ "and parent OpenStack volume [%(stack_vol)s]."),
+ {'snap': cb_snapshot_path,
+ 'cb_vol': cb_volume_id,
+ 'stack_vol': source_volume_id})
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_LE("CloudByte snapshot information is not available"
+ " for OpenStack volume [%s]."), source_volume_id)
+ def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+ # CloudByte volume id equals OpenStack volume's provider_id
+ cb_volume_id = volume.get('provider_id')
+ params = {
+ "id": cb_volume_id,
+ "quotasize": six.text_type(new_size) + 'G'
+ }
+ # Request the CloudByte api to update the volume
+ self._api_request_for_cloudbyte('updateFileSystem', params)
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Setup the iscsi export info."""
+ model_update = {}
+ # Will provide CHAP Authentication on forthcoming patches/release
+ model_update['provider_auth'] = None
+ return model_update
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Verify the iscsi export info."""
+ model_update = {}
+ # Will provide CHAP Authentication on forthcoming patches/release
+ model_update['provider_auth'] = None
+ return model_update
+ def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
+ """Get volume statistics.
+ If 'refresh' is True, update/refresh the statistics first.
+ """
+ if refresh:
+ # Get the TSM name from configuration
+ tsm_name = self.configuration.cb_tsm_name
+ # Get the storage details of this TSM
+ data = self._get_storage_info(tsm_name)
+ data["volume_backend_name"] = (
+ self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') or
+ 'CloudByte')
+ data["vendor_name"] = 'CloudByte'
+ data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+ data["driver_version"] = CloudByteISCSIDriver.VERSION
+ data["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI'
+ LOG.debug("CloudByte driver stats: [%s].", data)
+ # Set this to the instance variable
+ self.volume_stats = data
+ return self.volume_stats