# Add <file or directory> to the black list. It should be a base name, not a
# path. You may set this option multiple times.
+# Note the 'openstack' below is intended to match only
+# neutron.openstack.common. If we ever have another 'openstack'
+# dirname, then we'll need to expand the ignore features in pylint :/
-[Messages Control]
-# NOTE(justinsb): We might want to have a 2nd strict pylintrc in future
-# C0111: Don't require docstrings on every method
-# W0511: TODOs in code comments are fine.
-# W0142: *args and **kwargs are fine.
-# W0622: Redefining id is fine.
+# NOTE(gus): This is a long list. A number of these are important and
+# should be re-enabled once the offending code is fixed (or marked
+# with a local disable)
+# "F" Fatal errors that prevent further processing
+ import-error,
+# "I" Informational noise
+ locally-disabled,
+# "E" Error for important programming issues (likely bugs)
+ access-member-before-definition,
+ assignment-from-no-return,
+ bad-except-order,
+ bad-super-call,
+ maybe-no-member,
+ no-member,
+ no-method-argument,
+ no-name-in-module,
+ no-self-argument,
+ not-callable,
+ no-value-for-parameter,
+ super-on-old-class,
+ too-few-format-args,
+# "W" Warnings for stylistic problems or minor programming issues
+ abstract-method,
+ anomalous-backslash-in-string,
+ anomalous-unicode-escape-in-string,
+ arguments-differ,
+ attribute-defined-outside-init,
+ bad-builtin,
+ bad-indentation,
+ broad-except,
+ dangerous-default-value,
+ deprecated-lambda,
+ duplicate-key,
+ expression-not-assigned,
+ fixme,
+ global-statement,
+ global-variable-not-assigned,
+ logging-not-lazy,
+ lost-exception,
+ no-init,
+ non-parent-init-called,
+ pointless-string-statement,
+ protected-access,
+ redefined-builtin,
+ redefined-outer-name,
+ redefine-in-handler,
+ reimported,
+ signature-differs,
+ star-args,
+ super-init-not-called,
+ undefined-loop-variable,
+ unnecessary-lambda,
+ unnecessary-pass,
+ unpacking-non-sequence,
+ unreachable,
+ unused-argument,
+ unused-import,
+ unused-variable,
+ useless-else-on-loop,
+# "C" Coding convention violations
+ bad-continuation,
+ invalid-name,
+ missing-docstring,
+ old-style-class,
+ superfluous-parens,
+# "R" Refactor recommendations
+ abstract-class-little-used,
+ abstract-class-not-used,
+ cyclic-import,
+ duplicate-code,
+ interface-not-implemented,
+ no-self-use,
+ too-few-public-methods,
+ too-many-ancestors,
+ too-many-arguments,
+ too-many-branches,
+ too-many-instance-attributes,
+ too-many-lines,
+ too-many-locals,
+ too-many-public-methods,
+ too-many-return-statements,
+ too-many-statements
# Variable names can be 1 to 31 characters long, with lowercase and underscores
# Method names should be at least 3 characters long
# and be lowecased with underscores
# Module names matching neutron-* are ok (files in bin/)
# Don't require docstrings on tests.
+# Maximum number of characters on a single line.
# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that
# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible.
# _ is used by our localization
+# List of interface methods to ignore, separated by a comma.
+# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma
+# should use openstack.common.jsonutils
+ json
+# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages
return cls._mgmt_sec_grp_id
- def get_hosting_device_driver(self):
+ def get_hosting_device_driver(cls):
"""Returns device driver."""
- if self._hosting_device_driver:
- return self._hosting_device_driver
+ if cls._hosting_device_driver:
+ return cls._hosting_device_driver
- self._hosting_device_driver = importutils.import_object(
+ cls._hosting_device_driver = importutils.import_object(
except (ImportError, TypeError, n_exc.NeutronException):
LOG.exception(_('Error loading hosting device driver'))
- return self._hosting_device_driver
+ return cls._hosting_device_driver
- def get_hosting_device_plugging_driver(self):
+ def get_hosting_device_plugging_driver(cls):
"""Returns plugging driver."""
- if self._plugging_driver:
- return self._plugging_driver
+ if cls._plugging_driver:
+ return cls._plugging_driver
- self._plugging_driver = importutils.import_object(
+ cls._plugging_driver = importutils.import_object(
except (ImportError, TypeError, n_exc.NeutronException):
LOG.exception(_('Error loading plugging driver'))
- return self._plugging_driver
+ return cls._plugging_driver
def get_hosting_devices_qry(self, context, hosting_device_ids,
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
hd_db = l3_models.HostingDevice(
id=hd.get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
- complementary_id = hd.get('complementary_id'),
+ complementary_id=hd.get('complementary_id'),
admin_state_up=hd.get('admin_state_up', True),
profile_id=profile_id, profile_type=profile_type).delete()
new_tenants_set = set(tenants)
for tenant_id in new_tenants_set:
- tenant = n1kv_models_v2.ProfileBinding(profile_type = profile_type,
- tenant_id = tenant_id,
- profile_id = profile_id)
+ tenant = n1kv_models_v2.ProfileBinding(profile_type=profile_type,
+ tenant_id=tenant_id,
+ profile_id=profile_id)
result = [builder.build(qos, is_detail)['qos'] for qos in qoss]
return dict(qoss=result)
- # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
+ # pylint: disable=no-member
def show(self, request, tenant_id, id):
"""Returns qos details for the given qos id."""
IPV4_BITS = 32
IPV6_BITS = 128
+# This string-format-at-a-distance confuses pylint :(
+# pylint: disable=too-many-format-args
router_in_vrf = {
'router': {'create': ['vrf definition {0}',
'rd {1}',
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.plugins.common import constants
from neutron.plugins.ml2.driver_context import NetworkContext # noqa
-from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.arista.arista_l3_driver import AristaL3Driver # noqa
-from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.arista.arista_l3_driver import NeutronNets # noqa
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.arista import arista_l3_driver
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def __init__(self, driver=None):
- self.driver = driver or AristaL3Driver()
- self.ndb = NeutronNets()
+ self.driver = driver or arista_l3_driver.AristaL3Driver()
+ self.ndb = arista_l3_driver.NeutronNets()
self.sync_timeout = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.l3_sync_interval
self.sync_lock = threading.Lock()
builtins = _
exclude = .venv,.git,.tox,dist,doc,*openstack/common*,*lib/python*,*egg,build,tools,.ropeproject,rally-scenarios
+deps =
+ {[testenv]deps}
+ pylint
+commands =
+ pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc --output-format=colorized {posargs:neutron}
import_exceptions = neutron.openstack.common.gettextutils
local-check-factory = neutron.hacking.checks.factory