--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import collections
+import testtools
+from neutron.db import api as db
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco import exceptions
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco import network_db_v2
+from neutron.tests import base
+class CiscoNetworkCredentialDbTest(base.BaseTestCase):
+ """Unit tests for Cisco ML2 mechanism driver credentials database."""
+ CredObj = collections.namedtuple('CredObj',
+ 'tenant_id cred_name user_name pwd')
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(CiscoNetworkCredentialDbTest, self).setUp()
+ db.configure_db()
+ self.addCleanup(db.clear_db)
+ def _cred_test_obj(self, tenant_num, cred_num):
+ """Create a Credential test object from a pair of numbers."""
+ tenant_id = 'tenant_%s' % tenant_num
+ cred_name = 'credential_%s_%s' % (tenant_num, cred_num)
+ user_name = 'user_%s_%s' % (tenant_num, cred_num)
+ pwd = 'password_%s_%s' % (tenant_num, cred_num)
+ return self.CredObj(tenant_id, cred_name, user_name, pwd)
+ def _assert_cred_equal(self, db_cred, test_cred):
+ """Assert that a database credential matches a credential test obj."""
+ self.assertEqual(db_cred.tenant_id, test_cred.tenant_id)
+ self.assertEqual(db_cred.credential_name, test_cred.cred_name)
+ self.assertEqual(db_cred.user_name, test_cred.user_name)
+ self.assertEqual(db_cred.password, test_cred.pwd)
+ def _get_credential(self, db_cred):
+ """Lists credentials that match a credential's tenant and cred IDs."""
+ return network_db_v2.get_credential(db_cred.tenant_id,
+ db_cred.credential_id)
+ def _get_credential_name(self, db_cred):
+ """Lists credentials that match a cred's tenant ID and cred name."""
+ return network_db_v2.get_credential_name(db_cred.tenant_id,
+ db_cred.credential_name)
+ def _add_credential(self, test_cred):
+ """Adds a credential to the database."""
+ return network_db_v2.add_credential(test_cred.tenant_id,
+ test_cred.cred_name,
+ test_cred.user_name,
+ test_cred.pwd)
+ def _remove_credential(self, db_cred):
+ """Removes a credential from the database."""
+ return network_db_v2.remove_credential(db_cred.tenant_id,
+ db_cred.credential_id)
+ def _update_credential(self, db_cred, new_user_name=None,
+ new_password=None):
+ """Updates a credential with a new user name and password."""
+ return network_db_v2.update_credential(db_cred.tenant_id,
+ db_cred.credential_id,
+ new_user_name,
+ new_password)
+ def test_credential_add_remove(self):
+ """Tests add and removal of credential to/from the database."""
+ cred11 = self._cred_test_obj(1, 1)
+ cred = self._add_credential(cred11)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred11)
+ cred = self._remove_credential(cred)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred11)
+ cred = self._remove_credential(cred)
+ self.assertIsNone(cred)
+ def test_credential_add_dup(self):
+ """Tests addition of a duplicate credential to the database."""
+ cred22 = self._cred_test_obj(2, 2)
+ cred = self._add_credential(cred22)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred22)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.CredentialAlreadyExists):
+ self._add_credential(cred22)
+ cred = self._remove_credential(cred)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred22)
+ cred = self._remove_credential(cred)
+ self.assertIsNone(cred)
+ def test_credential_get(self):
+ """Tests get of credentials by tenant ID and credential ID."""
+ cred11 = self._cred_test_obj(1, 1)
+ cred11_db = self._add_credential(cred11)
+ cred21 = self._cred_test_obj(2, 1)
+ cred21_db = self._add_credential(cred21)
+ cred22 = self._cred_test_obj(2, 2)
+ cred22_db = self._add_credential(cred22)
+ cred = self._get_credential(cred11_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred11)
+ cred = self._get_credential(cred21_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred21)
+ cred = self._get_credential(cred22_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred22)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.CredentialNotFound):
+ network_db_v2.get_credential("dummyTenantId", "dummyCredentialId")
+ cred_all_t1 = network_db_v2.get_all_credentials(cred11.tenant_id)
+ self.assertEqual(len(cred_all_t1), 1)
+ cred_all_t2 = network_db_v2.get_all_credentials(cred21.tenant_id)
+ self.assertEqual(len(cred_all_t2), 2)
+ def test_credential_get_name(self):
+ """Tests get of credential by tenant ID and credential name."""
+ cred11 = self._cred_test_obj(1, 1)
+ cred11_db = self._add_credential(cred11)
+ cred21 = self._cred_test_obj(2, 1)
+ cred21_db = self._add_credential(cred21)
+ cred22 = self._cred_test_obj(2, 2)
+ cred22_db = self._add_credential(cred22)
+ self.assertNotEqual(cred11_db.credential_id, cred21_db.credential_id)
+ self.assertNotEqual(cred11_db.credential_id, cred22_db.credential_id)
+ self.assertNotEqual(cred21_db.credential_id, cred22_db.credential_id)
+ cred = self._get_credential_name(cred11_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred11)
+ cred = self._get_credential_name(cred21_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred21)
+ cred = self._get_credential_name(cred22_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(cred, cred22)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.CredentialNameNotFound):
+ network_db_v2.get_credential_name("dummyTenantId",
+ "dummyCredentialName")
+ def test_credential_update(self):
+ """Tests update of a credential with a new user name and password."""
+ cred11 = self._cred_test_obj(1, 1)
+ cred11_db = self._add_credential(cred11)
+ self._update_credential(cred11_db)
+ new_user_name = "new user name"
+ new_pwd = "new password"
+ new_credential = self._update_credential(
+ cred11_db, new_user_name, new_pwd)
+ expected_cred = self.CredObj(
+ cred11.tenant_id, cred11.cred_name, new_user_name, new_pwd)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(new_credential, expected_cred)
+ new_credential = self._get_credential(cred11_db)
+ self._assert_cred_equal(new_credential, expected_cred)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.CredentialNotFound):
+ network_db_v2.update_credential(
+ "dummyTenantId", "dummyCredentialId", new_user_name, new_pwd)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import collections
+import testtools
+from neutron.db import api as db
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco import exceptions
+from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.cisco import nexus_db_v2
+from neutron.tests import base
+class CiscoNexusDbTest(base.BaseTestCase):
+ """Unit tests for Cisco mechanism driver's Nexus port binding database."""
+ NpbObj = collections.namedtuple('NpbObj', 'port vlan switch instance')
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(CiscoNexusDbTest, self).setUp()
+ db.configure_db()
+ self.addCleanup(db.clear_db)
+ def _npb_test_obj(self, pnum, vnum, switch='', instance=None):
+ """Creates a Nexus port binding test object from a pair of numbers."""
+ if pnum is 'router':
+ port = pnum
+ else:
+ port = '1/%s' % pnum
+ if instance is None:
+ instance = 'instance_%s_%s' % (pnum, vnum)
+ return self.NpbObj(port, vnum, switch, instance)
+ def _assert_bindings_match(self, npb, npb_obj):
+ """Asserts that a port binding matches a port binding test obj."""
+ self.assertEqual(npb.port_id, npb_obj.port)
+ self.assertEqual(npb.vlan_id, npb_obj.vlan)
+ self.assertEqual(npb.switch_ip, npb_obj.switch)
+ self.assertEqual(npb.instance_id, npb_obj.instance)
+ def _add_binding_to_db(self, npb):
+ """Adds a port binding to the Nexus database."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.add_nexusport_binding(
+ npb.port, npb.vlan, npb.switch, npb.instance)
+ def _add_bindings_to_db(self, npbs):
+ """Adds a list of port bindings to the Nexus database."""
+ for npb in npbs:
+ nexus_db_v2.add_nexusport_binding(
+ npb.port, npb.vlan, npb.switch, npb.instance)
+ def _remove_binding_from_db(self, npb):
+ """Removes a port binding from the Nexus database."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.remove_nexusport_binding(
+ npb.port, npb.vlan, npb.switch, npb.instance)
+ def _get_nexusport_binding(self, npb):
+ """Gets a port binding based on port, vlan, switch, and instance."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.get_nexusport_binding(
+ npb.port, npb.vlan, npb.switch, npb.instance)
+ def _get_nexusvlan_binding(self, npb):
+ """Gets port bindings based on vlan and switch."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(npb.vlan, npb.switch)
+ def _get_nexusvm_binding(self, npb):
+ """Gets port bindings based on vlan and instance."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvm_binding(npb.vlan, npb.instance)
+ def _get_port_vlan_switch_binding(self, npb):
+ """Gets port bindings based on port, vlan, and switch."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.get_port_vlan_switch_binding(
+ npb.port, npb.vlan, npb.switch)
+ def _get_port_switch_bindings(self, npb):
+ """Get port bindings based on port and switch."""
+ return nexus_db_v2.get_port_switch_bindings(npb.port, npb.switch)
+ def test_nexusportbinding_add_remove(self):
+ """Tests add and removal of port bindings from the Nexus database."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100)
+ npb = self._add_binding_to_db(npb11)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb, npb11)
+ npb = self._remove_binding_from_db(npb11)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb[0], npb11)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.NexusPortBindingNotFound):
+ self._remove_binding_from_db(npb11)
+ def test_nexusportbinding_get(self):
+ """Tests get of specific port bindings from the database."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100)
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100)
+ npb22 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 200)
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npb11, npb21, npb22])
+ npb = self._get_nexusport_binding(npb11)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb[0], npb11)
+ npb = self._get_nexusport_binding(npb21)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb[0], npb21)
+ npb = self._get_nexusport_binding(npb22)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb[0], npb22)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.NexusPortBindingNotFound):
+ nexus_db_v2.get_nexusport_binding(
+ npb21.port, npb21.vlan, npb21.switch, "dummyInstance")
+ def test_nexusvlanbinding_get(self):
+ """Test get of port bindings based on vlan and switch."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100)
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100)
+ npb22 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 200)
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npb11, npb21, npb22])
+ npb_all_v100 = self._get_nexusvlan_binding(npb11)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_all_v100), 2)
+ npb_v200 = self._get_nexusvlan_binding(npb22)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_v200), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb_v200[0], npb22)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.NexusPortBindingNotFound):
+ nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(npb21.vlan, "dummySwitch")
+ def test_nexusvmbinding_get(self):
+ """Test get of port bindings based on vlan and instance."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100)
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100)
+ npb22 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 200)
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npb11, npb21, npb22])
+ npb = self._get_nexusvm_binding(npb21)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb, npb21)
+ npb = self._get_nexusvm_binding(npb22)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb, npb22)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.NexusPortBindingNotFound):
+ nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvm_binding(npb21.vlan, "dummyInstance")
+ def test_nexusportvlanswitchbinding_get(self):
+ """Tests get of port bindings based on port, vlan, and switch."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100)
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100)
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npb11, npb21])
+ npb = self._get_port_vlan_switch_binding(npb11)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb[0], npb11)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.NexusPortBindingNotFound):
+ nexus_db_v2.get_port_vlan_switch_binding(
+ npb21.port, npb21.vlan, "dummySwitch")
+ def test_nexusportswitchbinding_get(self):
+ """Tests get of port bindings based on port and switch."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100)
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100, switch='')
+ npb22 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 200, switch='')
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npb11, npb21, npb22])
+ npb = self._get_port_switch_bindings(npb11)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb[0], npb11)
+ npb_all_p20 = self._get_port_switch_bindings(npb21)
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_all_p20), 2)
+ npb = nexus_db_v2.get_port_switch_bindings(npb21.port, "dummySwitch")
+ self.assertIsNone(npb)
+ def test_nexussvibinding_get(self):
+ """Tests get of switch virtual interface port bindings."""
+ npbr1 = self._npb_test_obj('router', 100)
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100)
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npbr1, npb21])
+ npb_svi = nexus_db_v2.get_nexussvi_bindings()
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_svi), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb_svi[0], npbr1)
+ npbr2 = self._npb_test_obj('router', 200)
+ self._add_binding_to_db(npbr2)
+ npb_svi = nexus_db_v2.get_nexussvi_bindings()
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_svi), 2)
+ def test_nexusbinding_update(self):
+ """Tests update of vlan IDs for port bindings."""
+ npb11 = self._npb_test_obj(10, 100, switch='', instance='test')
+ npb21 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 100, switch='', instance='test')
+ self._add_bindings_to_db([npb11, npb21])
+ npb_all_v100 = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(100, '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_all_v100), 2)
+ npb22 = self._npb_test_obj(20, 200, switch='', instance='test')
+ npb = nexus_db_v2.update_nexusport_binding(npb21.port, 200)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb, npb22)
+ npb_all_v100 = nexus_db_v2.get_nexusvlan_binding(100, '')
+ self.assertEqual(len(npb_all_v100), 1)
+ self._assert_bindings_match(npb_all_v100[0], npb11)
+ npb = nexus_db_v2.update_nexusport_binding(npb21.port, 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(npb)
+ npb33 = self._npb_test_obj(30, 300, switch='', instance='test')
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(exceptions.NexusPortBindingNotFound):
+ nexus_db_v2.update_nexusport_binding(npb33.port, 200)