from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder.openstack.common.notifier import api as notifier
from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils
+from cinder.volume.flows import base
from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
from cinder.volume import volume_types
return None
-def _make_task_name(klass, addons=None):
- """Makes a pretty name for a task class."""
- components = [klass.__module__, klass.__name__]
- if addons:
- for a in addons:
- components.append(str(a))
- return "%s#%s" % (ACTION, ".".join(components))
def _restore_source_status(context, db, volume_spec):
# NOTE(harlowja): Only if the type of the volume that was being created is
# the source volume type should we try to reset the source volume status
'update': update})
-class CinderTask(task.Task):
- """The root task class for all cinder tasks.
- It automatically names the given task using the module and class that
- implement the given task as the task name.
- TODO(harlowja): this likely should be moved later to a common folder in the
- future when more of cinders flows are implemented.
- """
- def __init__(self, addons=None):
- super(CinderTask, self).__init__(_make_task_name(self.__class__,
- addons))
-class ValuesInjectTask(CinderTask):
+class ValuesInjectTask(base.CinderTask):
"""This injects a dict into the flow.
This injection is done so that the keys (and values) provided can be
def __init__(self, inject_what):
- super(ValuesInjectTask, self).__init__()
+ super(ValuesInjectTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self._inject = inject_what
return dict(self._inject)
-class ExtractVolumeRequestTask(CinderTask):
+class ExtractVolumeRequestTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Processes an api request values into a validated set of values.
This tasks responsibility is to take in a set of inputs that will form
def __init__(self, image_service, az_check_functor=None):
- super(ExtractVolumeRequestTask, self).__init__()
+ super(ExtractVolumeRequestTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
# This task will produce the following outputs (said outputs can be
# saved to durable storage in the future so that the flow can be
# reconstructed elsewhere and continued).
-class EntryCreateTask(CinderTask):
+class EntryCreateTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Creates an entry for the given volume creation in the database.
Reversion strategy: remove the volume_id created from the database.
def __init__(self, db):
- super(EntryCreateTask, self).__init__()
+ super(EntryCreateTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.db = db
self.requires.update(['availability_zone', 'description', 'metadata',
'name', 'reservations', 'size', 'snapshot_id',
LOG.exception(_("Failed destroying volume entry %s"), vol_id)
-class QuotaReserveTask(CinderTask):
+class QuotaReserveTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Reserves a single volume with the given size & the given volume type.
Reversion strategy: rollback the quota reservation.
def __init__(self):
- super(QuotaReserveTask, self).__init__()
+ super(QuotaReserveTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.requires.update(['size', 'volume_type_id'])
" %s reservations"), reservations)
-class QuotaCommitTask(CinderTask):
+class QuotaCommitTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Commits the reservation.
Reversion strategy: N/A (the rollback will be handled by the task that did
def __init__(self):
- super(QuotaCommitTask, self).__init__()
+ super(QuotaCommitTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
def __call__(self, context, reservations):
QUOTAS.commit(context, reservations)
-class VolumeCastTask(CinderTask):
+class VolumeCastTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Performs a volume create cast to the scheduler or to the volume manager.
This which will signal a transition of the api workflow to another child
def __init__(self, scheduler_rpcapi, volume_rpcapi, db):
- super(VolumeCastTask, self).__init__()
+ super(VolumeCastTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.volume_rpcapi = volume_rpcapi
self.scheduler_rpcapi = scheduler_rpcapi
self.db = db
self._cast_create_volume(context, request_spec, filter_properties)
-class OnFailureChangeStatusTask(CinderTask):
+class OnFailureChangeStatusTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Helper task that sets a volume id to status error.
Reversion strategy: On failure of any flow that includes this task the
def __init__(self, db):
- super(OnFailureChangeStatusTask, self).__init__()
+ super(OnFailureChangeStatusTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.db = db
LOG.error(_('Unexpected build error:'), exc_info=exc_info)
-class OnFailureRescheduleTask(CinderTask):
+class OnFailureRescheduleTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Triggers a rescheduling request to be sent when reverting occurs.
Reversion strategy: Triggers the rescheduling mechanism whereby a cast gets
def __init__(self, reschedule_context, db, scheduler_rpcapi):
- super(OnFailureRescheduleTask, self).__init__()
+ super(OnFailureRescheduleTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.requires.update(['filter_properties', 'image_id', 'request_spec',
'snapshot_id', 'volume_id'])
LOG.error(_('Unexpected build error:'), exc_info=exc_info)
-class NotifySchedulerFailureTask(CinderTask):
+class NotifySchedulerFailureTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Helper task that notifies some external service on failure.
Reversion strategy: On failure of any flow that includes this task the
def __init__(self, method):
- super(NotifySchedulerFailureTask, self).__init__()
+ super(NotifySchedulerFailureTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.requires.update(['request_spec', 'volume_id'])
self.method = method
self.topic = 'scheduler.%s' % self.method
'payload': payload})
-class ExtractSchedulerSpecTask(CinderTask):
+class ExtractSchedulerSpecTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Extracts a spec object from a partial and/or incomplete request spec.
Reversion strategy: N/A
def __init__(self, db):
- super(ExtractSchedulerSpecTask, self).__init__()
+ super(ExtractSchedulerSpecTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.db = db
self.requires.update(['image_id', 'request_spec', 'snapshot_id',
-class ExtractVolumeSpecTask(CinderTask):
+class ExtractVolumeSpecTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Extracts a spec of a volume to be created into a common structure.
This task extracts and organizes the input requirements into a common
def __init__(self, db):
- super(ExtractVolumeSpecTask, self).__init__()
+ super(ExtractVolumeSpecTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.db = db
self.requires.update(['filter_properties', 'image_id', 'snapshot_id',
'source_volid', 'volume_id'])
-class NotifyVolumeActionTask(CinderTask):
+class NotifyVolumeActionTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Performs a notification about the given volume when called.
Reversion strategy: N/A
def __init__(self, db, host, event_suffix):
- super(NotifyVolumeActionTask, self).__init__(addons=[event_suffix])
+ super(NotifyVolumeActionTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION,
+ event_suffix])
self.db = db
self.event_suffix = event_suffix
'volume_id': volume_id})
-class CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(CinderTask):
+class CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(base.CinderTask):
"""Creates a volume from a provided specification.
Reversion strategy: N/A
def __init__(self, db, host, driver):
- super(CreateVolumeFromSpecTask, self).__init__()
+ super(CreateVolumeFromSpecTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
self.db = db
self.driver = driver
self.requires.update(['volume_spec', 'volume_ref'])