assert_called_once_with(context, volume, image_service, image_id)
+ def test_copy_img_to_vol_copyoffload_nonexistent_binary_path(self):
+ drv = self._driver
+ context = object()
+ volume = {'id': 'vol_id', 'name': 'name'}
+ image_service = mock.Mock()
+ image_service.get_location.return_value = (mock.Mock(), mock.Mock())
+ = {'size': 0}
+ image_id = 'image_id'
+ drv._client = mock.Mock()
+ drv._client.get_api_version = mock.Mock(return_value=(1, 20))
+ drv._find_image_in_cache = mock.Mock(return_value=[])
+ drv._construct_image_nfs_url = mock.Mock(return_value="")
+ drv._check_get_nfs_path_segs = mock.Mock(return_value=("test:test",
+ "dr"))
+ drv._get_ip_verify_on_cluster = mock.Mock(return_value="192.1268.1.1")
+ drv._get_mount_point_for_share = mock.Mock(return_value='mnt_point')
+ drv._get_host_ip = mock.Mock()
+ drv._get_provider_location = mock.Mock()
+ drv._get_export_path = mock.Mock(return_value="dr")
+ drv._check_share_can_hold_size = mock.Mock()
+ # Raise error as if the copyoffload file can not be found
+ drv._clone_file_dst_exists = mock.Mock(side_effect=OSError())
+ # Verify the orignal error is propagated
+ self.assertRaises(OSError, drv._try_copyoffload,
+ context, volume, image_service, image_id)
def test_copyoffload_frm_cache_success(self):
drv = self._driver
context = object()
dst_share = self._get_provider_location(volume['id'])
self._check_share_can_hold_size(dst_share, img_info['size'])
+ dst_dir = self._get_mount_point_for_share(dst_share)
+ dst_img_local = os.path.join(dst_dir, tmp_img_file)
# If src and dst share not equal
if (('%s:%s' % (src_ip, dr)) !=
self._clone_file_dst_exists(dst_share, img_file, tmp_img_file)
- dst_dir = self._get_mount_point_for_share(dst_share)
- dst_img_local = os.path.join(dst_dir, tmp_img_file)
self._discover_file_till_timeout(dst_img_local, timeout=120)
LOG.debug(_('Copied image %(img)s to tmp file %(tmp)s.')
% {'img': image_id, 'tmp': tmp_img_file})