you model the relationships' loading `strategy <>`_. For instance a joined relationship can
be very efficient over others (some examples include `router gateways <>`_
or `network availability zones <>`_).
+* If you add a relationship to a Neutron object that will be referenced in the
+ majority of cases where the object is retrieved, be sure to use the
+ lazy='joined' parameter to the relationship so the related objects are loaded
+ as part of the same query. Otherwise, the default method is 'select', which
+ emits a new DB query to retrieve each related object adversely impacting
+ performance. For example, see `this patch <>`_
+ which resulted in a significant improvement since router retrieval functions
+ always include the gateway interface.
+* Conversely, do not use lazy='joined' if the relationship is only used in
+ corner cases because the JOIN statement comes at a cost that may be
+ significant if the relationship contains many objects. For example, see
+ `this patch <>`_ which reduced a
+ subnet retrieval by ~90% by avoiding a join to the IP allocation table.
+* When writing extensions to existing objects (e.g. Networks), ensure that
+ they are written in a way that the data on the object can be calculated
+ without additional DB lookup. If that's not possible, ensure the DB lookup
+ is performed once in bulk during a list operation. Otherwise a list call
+ for a 1000 objects will change from a constant small number of DB queries
+ to 1000 DB queries. For example, see
+ `this patch <>`_ which changed the
+ availability zone code from the incorrect style to a database friendly one.
System development
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import importutils
import six
+from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy import orm
import testtools
from testtools import matchers
from neutron.common import test_lib
from neutron.common import utils
from neutron import context
+from neutron.db import api as db_api
from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_common
from neutron.db import ipam_non_pluggable_backend as non_ipam
from neutron.db import l3_db
def test_update_shared_net_used_by_floating_ip(self):
+class DbOperationBoundMixin(object):
+ """Mixin to support tests that assert constraints on DB operations."""
+ def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(DbOperationBoundMixin, self).setUp(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._db_execute_count = 0
+ def _event_incrementer(*args, **kwargs):
+ self._db_execute_count += 1
+ engine = db_api.get_engine()
+ event.listen(engine, 'after_execute', _event_incrementer)
+ self.addCleanup(event.remove, engine, 'after_execute',
+ _event_incrementer)
+ def _list_and_count_queries(self, resource):
+ self._db_execute_count = 0
+ self.assertNotEqual([], self._list(resource))
+ query_count = self._db_execute_count
+ # sanity check to make sure queries are being observed
+ self.assertNotEqual(0, query_count)
+ return query_count
+ def _assert_object_list_queries_constant(self, obj_creator, plural):
+ obj_creator()
+ before_count = self._list_and_count_queries(plural)
+ # one more thing shouldn't change the db query count
+ obj_creator()
+ self.assertEqual(before_count, self._list_and_count_queries(plural))
from neutron.tests import base
from neutron.tests.common import helpers
from neutron.tests import fake_notifier
+from neutron.tests.unit.api import test_extensions
from neutron.tests.unit.api.v2 import test_base
from neutron.tests.unit.db import test_db_base_plugin_v2
from neutron.tests.unit.extensions import base as test_extensions_base
from neutron.tests.unit.extensions import test_agent
+from neutron.tests.unit.plugins.ml2 import base as ml2_base
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.plugin = TestL3NatServicePlugin()
+class TestL3DbOperationBounds(test_db_base_plugin_v2.DbOperationBoundMixin,
+ L3NatTestCaseMixin,
+ ml2_base.ML2TestFramework):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestL3DbOperationBounds, self).setUp()
+ ext_mgr = L3TestExtensionManager()
+ self.ext_api = test_extensions.setup_extensions_middleware(ext_mgr)
+ def test_router_list_queries_constant(self):
+ with self.subnet() as s:
+ self._set_net_external(s['subnet']['network_id'])
+ def router_maker():
+ ext_info = {'network_id': s['subnet']['network_id']}
+ self._create_router(self.fmt, _uuid(),
+ arg_list=('external_gateway_info',),
+ external_gateway_info=ext_info)
+ self._assert_object_list_queries_constant(router_maker, 'routers')
+ def test_floatingip_list_queries_constant(self):
+ with self.floatingip_with_assoc() as flip:
+ internal_port = self._show('ports', flip['floatingip']['port_id'])
+ internal_net_id = internal_port['port']['network_id']
+ def float_maker():
+ port = self._make_port(self.fmt, internal_net_id)
+ self._make_floatingip(
+ self.fmt, flip['floatingip']['floating_network_id'],
+ port_id=port['port']['id'])
+ self._assert_object_list_queries_constant(float_maker,
+ 'floatingips')
class L3NatDBTestCaseMixin(object):
"""L3_NAT_dbonly_mixin specific test cases."""
self.assertEqual(204, res.status_int)
+class TestMl2DbOperationBounds(test_plugin.DbOperationBoundMixin,
+ Ml2PluginV2TestCase):
+ """Test cases to assert constant query count for list operations.
+ These test cases assert that an increase in the number of objects
+ does not result in an increase of the number of db operations. All
+ database lookups during a list operation should be performed in bulk
+ so the number of queries required for 2 objects instead of 1 should
+ stay the same.
+ """
+ def make_network(self):
+ return self._make_network(self.fmt, 'name', True)
+ def make_subnet(self):
+ net = self.make_network()
+ setattr(self, '_subnet_count', getattr(self, '_subnet_count', 0) + 1)
+ cidr = '1.%s.0.0/24' % self._subnet_count
+ return self._make_subnet(self.fmt, net, None, cidr)
+ def make_port(self):
+ net = self.make_network()
+ return self._make_port(self.fmt, net['network']['id'])
+ def test_network_list_queries_constant(self):
+ self._assert_object_list_queries_constant(self.make_network,
+ 'networks')
+ def test_subnet_list_queries_constant(self):
+ self._assert_object_list_queries_constant(self.make_subnet, 'subnets')
+ def test_port_list_queries_constant(self):
+ self._assert_object_list_queries_constant(self.make_port, 'ports')
class TestMl2PortsV2(test_plugin.TestPortsV2, Ml2PluginV2TestCase):
def test_update_port_status_build(self):