distributed = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False,
+ # Whether the router is to be considered a 'service' router
+ service_router = sa.Column(sa.Boolean, default=False,
+ server_default=sa.sql.false(),
+ nullable=False)
router = orm.relationship(
backref=orm.backref("extra_attributes", lazy='joined',
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Drop NSX table in favor of the extra_attributes one
+Revision ID: 884573acbf1c
+Revises: 5589aa32bf80
+Create Date: 2013-01-07 13:47:29.093160
+revision = '884573acbf1c'
+down_revision = '5589aa32bf80'
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+def _migrate_data(old_table, new_table):
+ engine = op.get_bind().engine
+ if engine.name == 'postgresql':
+ op.execute(("UPDATE %(new_table)s new_t "
+ "SET distributed = old_t.distributed, "
+ "service_router = old_t.service_router "
+ "FROM %(old_table)s old_t "
+ "WHERE new_t.router_id = old_t.router_id") %
+ {'new_table': new_table, 'old_table': old_table})
+ else:
+ op.execute(("UPDATE %(new_table)s new_t "
+ "INNER JOIN %(old_table)s as old_t "
+ "ON new_t.router_id = old_t.router_id "
+ "SET new_t.distributed = old_t.distributed, "
+ "new_t.service_router = old_t.service_router") %
+ {'new_table': new_table, 'old_table': old_table})
+def upgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
+ op.add_column('router_extra_attributes',
+ sa.Column('service_router', sa.Boolean(),
+ nullable=False,
+ server_default=sa.sql.false()))
+ _migrate_data('router_extra_attributes', 'nsxrouterextattributess')
+ op.drop_table('nsxrouterextattributess')
+def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
+ op.create_table(
+ 'nsxrouterextattributess',
+ sa.Column('router_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ sa.Column('distributed', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False,
+ server_default=sa.sql.false()),
+ sa.Column('service_router', sa.Boolean(), nullable=False,
+ server_default=sa.sql.false()),
+ sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(
+ ['router_id'], ['routers.id'], ondelete='CASCADE'),
+ sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('router_id')
+ )
+ op.execute(("INSERT INTO nsxrouterextattributess "
+ "SELECT * from router_extra_attributes"))
+ op.drop_column('router_extra_attributes', 'service_router')
class LsnConfigurationConflict(NsxPluginException):
message = _("Configuration conflict on Logical Service Node %(lsn_id)s")
+class ReadOnlyAttribute(NsxPluginException):
+ message = _("Cannot update read-only attribute %(attribute)s")
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import nsxrouter
-from neutron.plugins.vmware.extensions import distributedrouter as dist_rtr
-class DistributedRouter_mixin(nsxrouter.NsxRouterMixin):
- """Mixin class to enable distributed router support."""
- nsx_attributes = (
- nsxrouter.NsxRouterMixin.nsx_attributes + [{
- 'name': dist_rtr.DISTRIBUTED,
- 'default': False
- }])
# under the License.
-from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, Enum, ForeignKey, Integer, String
-from sqlalchemy import orm
-from sqlalchemy import sql
+from sqlalchemy import Column, Enum, ForeignKey, Integer, String
-from neutron.db import l3_db
from neutron.db import model_base
def __init__(self, network_id):
- self.network_id = network_id
-class NSXRouterExtAttributes(model_base.BASEV2):
- """Router attributes managed by NSX plugin extensions."""
- router_id = Column(String(36),
- ForeignKey('routers.id', ondelete="CASCADE"),
- primary_key=True)
- distributed = Column(Boolean, default=False, server_default=sql.false(),
- nullable=False)
- service_router = Column(Boolean, default=False, server_default=sql.false(),
- nullable=False)
- # Add a relationship to the Router model in order to instruct
- # SQLAlchemy to eagerly load this association
- router = orm.relationship(
- l3_db.Router,
- backref=orm.backref("nsx_attributes", lazy='joined',
- uselist=False, cascade='delete'))
+ self.network_id = network_id
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
-from neutron.extensions import l3
-from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
-from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import models
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class NsxRouterMixin(object):
- """Mixin class to enable nsx router support."""
- nsx_attributes = []
- def _extend_nsx_router_dict(self, router_res, router_db):
- nsx_attrs = router_db['nsx_attributes']
- # Return False if nsx attributes are not definied for this
- # neutron router
- for attr in self.nsx_attributes:
- name = attr['name']
- default = attr['default']
- router_res[name] = (
- nsx_attrs and nsx_attrs[name] or default)
- def _process_nsx_router_create(
- self, context, router_db, router_req):
- if not router_db['nsx_attributes']:
- kwargs = {}
- for attr in self.nsx_attributes:
- name = attr['name']
- default = attr['default']
- kwargs[name] = router_req.get(name, default)
- nsx_attributes = models.NSXRouterExtAttributes(
- router_id=router_db['id'], **kwargs)
- context.session.add(nsx_attributes)
- router_db['nsx_attributes'] = nsx_attributes
- else:
- # The situation where the record already exists will
- # be likely once the NSXRouterExtAttributes model
- # will allow for defining several attributes pertaining
- # to different extensions
- for attr in self.nsx_attributes:
- name = attr['name']
- default = attr['default']
- router_db['nsx_attributes'][name] = router_req.get(
- name, default)
- LOG.debug(_("Nsx router extension successfully processed "
- "for router:%s"), router_db['id'])
- # Register dict extend functions for ports
- db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.register_dict_extend_funcs(
- l3.ROUTERS, ['_extend_nsx_router_dict'])
# under the License.
-from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import distributedrouter as dist_rtr
+from neutron.db import l3_dvr_db
from neutron.plugins.vmware.extensions import servicerouter
-class ServiceRouter_mixin(dist_rtr.DistributedRouter_mixin):
+class ServiceRouter_mixin(l3_dvr_db.L3_NAT_with_dvr_db_mixin):
"""Mixin class to enable service router support."""
- nsx_attributes = (
- dist_rtr.DistributedRouter_mixin.nsx_attributes + [{
+ extra_attributes = (
+ l3_dvr_db.L3_NAT_with_dvr_db_mixin.extra_attributes + [{
'name': servicerouter.SERVICE_ROUTER,
'default': False
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-from neutron.api.v2 import attributes
+# TODO(armando-migliaccio): This is deprecated in Juno, and
+# to be removed in Kilo.
+from neutron.extensions import dvr
-def convert_to_boolean_if_not_none(data):
- if data is not None:
- return attributes.convert_to_boolean(data)
- return data
-DISTRIBUTED = 'distributed'
- 'routers': {
- DISTRIBUTED: {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
- 'convert_to': convert_to_boolean_if_not_none,
- 'default': attributes.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED,
- 'is_visible': True},
- }
-class Distributedrouter(object):
- """Extension class supporting distributed router."""
+class Distributedrouter(dvr.Dvr):
+ """(Deprecated) Extension class supporting distributed router."""
def get_name(cls):
def get_description(cls):
- return "Enables configuration of NSX Distributed routers."
+ return ("Enables configuration of NSX "
+ "Distributed routers (Deprecated).")
def get_namespace(cls):
return "http://docs.openstack.org/ext/dist-router/api/v1.0"
- @classmethod
- def get_updated(cls):
- return "2013-08-1T10:00:00-00:00"
- def get_required_extensions(self):
- return ["router"]
- @classmethod
- def get_resources(cls):
- """Returns Ext Resources."""
- return []
- def get_extended_resources(self, version):
- if version == "2.0":
- else:
- return {}
from neutron.db import external_net_db
from neutron.db import extraroute_db
from neutron.db import l3_db
+from neutron.db import l3_dvr_db
from neutron.db import l3_gwmode_db
from neutron.db import models_v2
from neutron.db import portbindings_db
from neutron.plugins.vmware.common import sync
from neutron.plugins.vmware.common import utils as c_utils
from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import db as nsx_db
-from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import distributedrouter as dist_rtr
from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import maclearning as mac_db
from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import networkgw_db
from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import qos_db
- dist_rtr.DistributedRouter_mixin,
+ l3_dvr_db.L3_NAT_with_dvr_db_mixin,
supported_extension_aliases = ["allowed-address-pairs",
+ "dvr",
+ nsx_exc.ReadOnlyAttribute:
+ webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest,
- self._process_nsx_router_create(context, router_db, r)
+ self._process_extra_attr_router_create(context, router_db, r)
# Ensure neutron router is moved into the transaction's buffer
# Add mapping between neutron and nsx identifiers
self.cluster, nsx_router_id, routes)
def update_router(self, context, router_id, router):
+ if isinstance(router['router'].get('distributed'), bool):
+ # Router conversion is not supported
+ raise nsx_exc.ReadOnlyAttribute(attribute='distributed')
# Either nexthop is updated or should be kept as it was before
r = router['router']
nexthop = None
router = self._get_router(context, router_id)
LOG.debug(_("EDGE: router = %s"), router)
- if router['nsx_attributes']['service_router']:
+ if router['extra_attributes']['service_router']:
router_type = ROUTER_TYPE_BASIC
from neutron.common import exceptions as ntn_exc
import neutron.common.test_lib as test_lib
from neutron import context
+from neutron.extensions import dvr
from neutron.extensions import external_net
from neutron.extensions import l3
from neutron.extensions import l3_ext_gw_mode
from neutron.plugins.vmware.common import sync
from neutron.plugins.vmware.common import utils
from neutron.plugins.vmware.dbexts import db as nsx_db
-from neutron.plugins.vmware.extensions import distributedrouter as dist_router
from neutron.plugins.vmware import nsxlib
from neutron.tests.unit import _test_extension_portbindings as test_bindings
import neutron.tests.unit.test_db_plugin as test_plugin
l3_ext_gw_mode.EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0.get(key, {}))
- dist_router.EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0.get(key, {}))
+ dvr.EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_2_0.get(key, {}))
# Finally add l3 resources to the global attribute map
+ def test_update_router_distributed_bad_request(self):
+ res = self._create_router('json', 'tenant')
+ router = self.deserialize('json', res)
+ req = self.new_update_request(
+ 'routers',
+ {'router': {'distributed': True}},
+ router['router']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.ext_api)
+ self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 400)
def test_update_router_not_in_nsx(self):
res = self._create_router('json', 'tenant')
router = self.deserialize('json', res)