--- /dev/null
- self.api = server.APIRouterV01(options)
+ # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+ # Copyright 2010-2011 ????
+ # All Rights Reserved.
+ #
+ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+ # a copy of the License at
+ #
+ # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ #
+ # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+ # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ # under the License.
+ # @author: Salvatore Orlando, Citrix Systems
+ """ Module containing unit tests for Quantum
+ command line interface
+ """
+ import logging
+ import sys
+ import unittest
+ from quantum import api as server
+ from quantum import cli_lib as cli
+ from quantum.client import Client
+ from quantum.db import api as db
+ from tests.unit.client_tools import stubs as client_stubs
+ LOG = logging.getLogger('quantum.tests.test_cli')
+ FORMAT = 'json'
+ class CLITest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Prepare the test environment"""
+ options = {}
+ options['plugin_provider'] = 'quantum.plugins.SamplePlugin.FakePlugin'
++ self.api = server.APIRouterV1(options)
+ self.tenant_id = "test_tenant"
+ self.network_name_1 = "test_network_1"
+ self.network_name_2 = "test_network_2"
+ # Prepare client and plugin manager
+ self.client = Client(tenant=self.tenant_id, format=FORMAT,
+ testingStub=client_stubs.FakeHTTPConnection)
+ # Redirect stdout
+ self.fake_stdout = client_stubs.FakeStdout()
+ sys.stdout = self.fake_stdout
+ def tearDown(self):
+ """Clear the test environment"""
+ db.clear_db()
+ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
+ def _verify_list_networks(self):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ nw_list = db.network_list(self.tenant_id)
+ networks = [dict(id=nw.uuid, name=nw.name) for nw in nw_list]
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('list_nets', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(networks=networks))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_create_network(self):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ nw_list = db.network_list(self.tenant_id)
+ if len(nw_list) != 1:
+ self.fail("No network created")
+ network_id = nw_list[0].uuid
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('create_net', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_delete_network(self, network_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ nw_list = db.network_list(self.tenant_id)
+ if len(nw_list) != 0:
+ self.fail("DB should not contain any network")
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('delete_net', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_rename_network(self):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ nw_list = db.network_list(self.tenant_id)
+ network_data = {'id': nw_list[0].uuid,
+ 'name': nw_list[0].name}
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('rename_net', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network=network_data))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_show_network(self):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ nw = db.network_list(self.tenant_id)[0]
+ network = dict(id=nw.uuid, name=nw.name)
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('show_net', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network=network))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_list_ports(self, network_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ port_list = db.port_list(network_id)
+ ports = [dict(id=port.uuid, state=port.state)
+ for port in port_list]
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('list_ports', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ ports=ports))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_create_port(self, network_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ port_list = db.port_list(network_id)
+ if len(port_list) != 1:
+ self.fail("No port created")
+ port_id = port_list[0].uuid
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('create_port', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ port_id=port_id))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_delete_port(self, network_id, port_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ port_list = db.port_list(network_id)
+ if len(port_list) != 0:
+ self.fail("DB should not contain any port")
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('delete_port', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ port_id=port_id))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_set_port_state(self, network_id, port_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ port = db.port_get(port_id, network_id)
+ port_data = {'id': port.uuid, 'state': port.state}
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('set_port_state', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ port=port_data))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_show_port(self, network_id, port_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Must resolve this issue with
+ # attachment in separate bug fix.
+ port = db.port_get(port_id, network_id)
+ port_data = {'id': port.uuid, 'state': port.state,
+ 'attachment': "<none>"}
+ if port.interface_id is not None:
+ port_data['attachment'] = port.interface_id
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output('show_port', self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ port=port_data))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_plug_iface(self, network_id, port_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ port = db.port_get(port_id, network_id)
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output("plug_iface", self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ port_id=port['uuid'],
+ attachment=port['interface_id']))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def _verify_unplug_iface(self, network_id, port_id):
+ # Verification - get raw result from db
+ port = db.port_get(port_id, network_id)
+ # Fill CLI template
+ output = cli.prepare_output("unplug_iface", self.tenant_id,
+ dict(network_id=network_id,
+ port_id=port['uuid']))
+ # Verify!
+ # Must add newline at the end to match effect of print call
+ self.assertEquals(self.fake_stdout.make_string(), output + '\n')
+ def test_list_networks(self):
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_2)
+ cli.list_nets(self.client, self.tenant_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_list_networks failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_list_networks()
+ def test_create_network(self):
+ try:
+ cli.create_net(self.client, self.tenant_id, "test")
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_create_network failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_create_network()
+ def test_delete_network(self):
+ try:
+ db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = db.network_list(self.tenant_id)[0]['uuid']
+ cli.delete_net(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_delete_network failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_delete_network(network_id)
+ def test_show_network(self):
+ try:
+ # Load some data into the datbase
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ cli.show_net(self.client, self.tenant_id, net['uuid'])
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_detail_network failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_show_network()
+ def test_rename_network(self):
+ try:
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ cli.rename_net(self.client, self.tenant_id,
+ network_id, self.network_name_2)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_rename_network failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_rename_network()
+ def test_list_ports(self):
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ db.port_create(network_id)
+ db.port_create(network_id)
+ cli.list_ports(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_list_ports failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_list_ports(network_id)
+ def test_create_port(self):
+ network_id = None
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ cli.create_port(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_create_port failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_create_port(network_id)
+ def test_delete_port(self):
+ network_id = None
+ port_id = None
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(network_id)
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ cli.delete_port(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id, port_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_delete_port failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_delete_port(network_id, port_id)
+ def test_set_port_state(self):
+ try:
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(network_id)
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ # Default state is DOWN - change to ACTIVE.
+ cli.set_port_state(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id,
+ port_id, 'ACTIVE')
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_set_port_state failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_set_port_state(network_id, port_id)
+ def test_show_port_no_attach(self):
+ network_id = None
+ port_id = None
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(network_id)
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ cli.show_port(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id, port_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_show_port_no_attach failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_show_port(network_id, port_id)
+ def test_show_port_with_attach(self):
+ network_id = None
+ port_id = None
+ iface_id = "flavor crystals"
+ try:
+ # Pre-populate data for testing using db api
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(network_id)
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ db.port_set_attachment(port_id, network_id, iface_id)
+ cli.show_port(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id, port_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_show_port_with_attach failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_show_port(network_id, port_id)
+ def test_plug_iface(self):
+ network_id = None
+ port_id = None
+ try:
+ # Load some data into the datbase
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(net['uuid'])
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ cli.plug_iface(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id,
+ port_id, "test_iface_id")
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_plug_iface failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_plug_iface(network_id, port_id)
+ def test_unplug_iface(self):
+ network_id = None
+ port_id = None
+ try:
+ # Load some data into the datbase
+ net = db.network_create(self.tenant_id, self.network_name_1)
+ network_id = net['uuid']
+ port = db.port_create(net['uuid'])
+ port_id = port['uuid']
+ db.port_set_attachment(port_id, network_id, "test_iface_id")
+ cli.unplug_iface(self.client, self.tenant_id, network_id, port_id)
+ except:
+ LOG.exception("Exception caught: %s", sys.exc_info())
+ self.fail("test_plug_iface failed due to an exception")
+ LOG.debug("Operation completed. Verifying result")
+ LOG.debug(self.fake_stdout.content)
+ self._verify_unplug_iface(network_id, port_id)