except exception.SolidFireAPIException:
+ if self.configuration.sf_allow_template_caching:
+ account = self.configuration.sf_template_account_name
+ self._create_template_account(account)
+ def _create_template_account(self, account_name):
+ chap_secret = self._generate_random_string(12)
+ params = {'username': account_name,
+ 'initiatorSecret': chap_secret,
+ 'targetSecret': chap_secret,
+ 'attributes': {}}
+ try:
+ self._issue_api_request('AddAccount', params)
+ except exception.SolidFireAPIException as ex:
+ if 'DuplicateUsername' in ex.msg:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise
def _build_endpoint_info(self, **kwargs):
endpoint = {}
if uuid in v['name'] or uuid in alt_id:
found_count += 1
sf_volref = v
- LOG.debug("Mapped SolidFire volumeID %(sfid)s "
- "to cinder ID %(uuid)s." %
- {'sfid': v['volumeID'],
- 'uuid': uuid})
+ LOG.debug("Mapped SolidFire volumeID %s "
+ "to cinder ID %s.",
+ v['volumeID'], uuid)
if found_count == 0:
# NOTE(jdg): Previously we would raise here, but there are cases
self._detach_volume(context, attach_info, tvol, properties)
sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(image_id, params)
- LOG.debug('Successfully created SolidFire Image Template ',
+ LOG.debug('Successfully created SolidFire Image Template '
'for image-id: %s', image_id)
return sf_vol
# If it's out of date, just delete it and we'll create a new one
# Any other case we don't care and just return without doing anything
- account = self.configuration.sf_template_account_name
- sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(account)
+ sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(
+ self.configuration.sf_template_account_name)
params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}
sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(image_meta['id'], params)
if sf_vol is None: