from cinder import exception
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import san
+from cinder.volume.san.hp_lefthand import HpSanISCSIDriver
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def setUp(self):
super(HpSanISCSITestCase, self).setUp()
- self.stubs.Set(san.HpSanISCSIDriver, "_cliq_run",
+ self.stubs.Set(HpSanISCSIDriver, "_cliq_run",
- self.stubs.Set(san.HpSanISCSIDriver, "_get_iscsi_properties",
+ self.stubs.Set(HpSanISCSIDriver, "_get_iscsi_properties",
- self.driver = san.HpSanISCSIDriver()
+ self.driver = HpSanISCSIDriver()
self.volume_name = "fakevolume"
self.connector = {'ip': '',
'initiator': '',
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Drivers for san-stored volumes.
-The unique thing about a SAN is that we don't expect that we can run the volume
-controller on the SAN hardware. We expect to access it over SSH or some API.
-import base64
-import httplib
-import os
-import paramiko
-import random
-import socket
-import string
-import uuid
-from lxml import etree
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import flags
-from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
-from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
-from cinder.openstack.common import jsonutils
-from cinder import utils
-import cinder.volume.driver
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-san_opts = [
- cfg.BoolOpt('san_thin_provision',
- default=True,
- help='Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes?'),
- cfg.StrOpt('san_ip',
- default='',
- help='IP address of SAN controller'),
- cfg.StrOpt('san_login',
- default='admin',
- help='Username for SAN controller'),
- cfg.StrOpt('san_password',
- default='',
- help='Password for SAN controller'),
- cfg.StrOpt('san_private_key',
- default='',
- help='Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication'),
- cfg.StrOpt('san_clustername',
- default='',
- help='Cluster name to use for creating volumes'),
- cfg.IntOpt('san_ssh_port',
- default=22,
- help='SSH port to use with SAN'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('san_is_local',
- default=False,
- help='Execute commands locally instead of over SSH; '
- 'use if the volume service is running on the SAN device'),
- cfg.StrOpt('san_zfs_volume_base',
- default='rpool/',
- help='The ZFS path under which to create zvols for volumes.'),
-FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
-class SanISCSIDriver(cinder.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver):
- """Base class for SAN-style storage volumes
- A SAN-style storage value is 'different' because the volume controller
- probably won't run on it, so we need to access is over SSH or another
- remote protocol.
- """
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(SanISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- self.run_local = FLAGS.san_is_local
- def _build_iscsi_target_name(self, volume):
- return "%s%s" % (FLAGS.iscsi_target_prefix, volume['name'])
- def _connect_to_ssh(self):
- ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
- #TODO(justinsb): We need a better SSH key policy
- ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- if FLAGS.san_password:
- ssh.connect(FLAGS.san_ip,
- port=FLAGS.san_ssh_port,
- username=FLAGS.san_login,
- password=FLAGS.san_password)
- elif FLAGS.san_private_key:
- privatekeyfile = os.path.expanduser(FLAGS.san_private_key)
- # It sucks that paramiko doesn't support DSA keys
- privatekey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(privatekeyfile)
- ssh.connect(FLAGS.san_ip,
- port=FLAGS.san_ssh_port,
- username=FLAGS.san_login,
- pkey=privatekey)
- else:
- msg = _("Specify san_password or san_private_key")
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
- return ssh
- def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
- if self.run_local:
- return utils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
- else:
- check_exit_code = kwargs.pop('check_exit_code', None)
- command = ' '.join(cmd)
- return self._run_ssh(command, check_exit_code)
- def _run_ssh(self, command, check_exit_code=True):
- #TODO(justinsb): SSH connection caching (?)
- ssh = self._connect_to_ssh()
- #TODO(justinsb): Reintroduce the retry hack
- ret = utils.ssh_execute(ssh, command, check_exit_code=check_exit_code)
- ssh.close()
- return ret
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- """Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
- pass
- def create_export(self, context, volume):
- """Exports the volume."""
- pass
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- """Removes an export for a logical volume."""
- pass
- def check_for_setup_error(self):
- """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
- if not self.run_local:
- if not (FLAGS.san_password or FLAGS.san_private_key):
- raise exception.InvalidInput(
- reason=_('Specify san_password or san_private_key'))
- # The san_ip must always be set, because we use it for the target
- if not (FLAGS.san_ip):
- raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_("san_ip must be set"))
-def _collect_lines(data):
- """Split lines from data into an array, trimming them """
- matches = []
- for line in data.splitlines():
- match = line.strip()
- matches.append(match)
- return matches
-def _get_prefixed_values(data, prefix):
- """Collect lines which start with prefix; with trimming"""
- matches = []
- for line in data.splitlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith(prefix):
- match = line[len(prefix):]
- match = match.strip()
- matches.append(match)
- return matches
-class SolarisISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
- """Executes commands relating to Solaris-hosted ISCSI volumes.
- Basic setup for a Solaris iSCSI server:
- pkg install storage-server SUNWiscsit
- svcadm enable stmf
- svcadm enable -r svc:/network/iscsi/target:default
- pfexec itadm create-tpg e1000g0 ${MYIP}
- pfexec itadm create-target -t e1000g0
- Then grant the user that will be logging on lots of permissions.
- I'm not sure exactly which though:
- zfs allow justinsb create,mount,destroy rpool
- usermod -P'File System Management' justinsb
- usermod -P'Primary Administrator' justinsb
- Also make sure you can login using san_login & san_password/san_private_key
- """
- def __init__(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
- super(SolarisISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*cmd,
- execute=self._execute,
- **kwargs)
- def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
- new_cmd = ['pfexec']
- new_cmd.extend(cmd)
- return super(SolarisISCSIDriver, self)._execute(*new_cmd,
- **kwargs)
- def _view_exists(self, luid):
- (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
- 'list-view', '-l', luid,
- check_exit_code=False)
- if "no views found" in out:
- return False
- if "View Entry:" in out:
- return True
- msg = _("Cannot parse list-view output: %s") % out
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def _get_target_groups(self):
- """Gets list of target groups from host."""
- (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg')
- matches = _get_prefixed_values(out, 'Target group: ')
- LOG.debug("target_groups=%s" % matches)
- return matches
- def _target_group_exists(self, target_group_name):
- return target_group_name not in self._get_target_groups()
- def _get_target_group_members(self, target_group_name):
- (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
- 'list-tg', '-v', target_group_name)
- matches = _get_prefixed_values(out, 'Member: ')
- LOG.debug("members of %s=%s" % (target_group_name, matches))
- return matches
- def _is_target_group_member(self, target_group_name, iscsi_target_name):
- return iscsi_target_name in (
- self._get_target_group_members(target_group_name))
- def _get_iscsi_targets(self):
- (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'list-target')
- matches = _collect_lines(out)
- # Skip header
- if len(matches) != 0:
- assert 'TARGET NAME' in matches[0]
- matches = matches[1:]
- targets = []
- for line in matches:
- items = line.split()
- assert len(items) == 3
- targets.append(items[0])
- LOG.debug("_get_iscsi_targets=%s" % (targets))
- return targets
- def _iscsi_target_exists(self, iscsi_target_name):
- return iscsi_target_name in self._get_iscsi_targets()
- def _build_zfs_poolname(self, volume):
- zfs_poolname = '%s%s' % (FLAGS.san_zfs_volume_base, volume['name'])
- return zfs_poolname
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- """Creates a volume."""
- if int(volume['size']) == 0:
- sizestr = '100M'
- else:
- sizestr = '%sG' % volume['size']
- zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
- # Create a zfs volume
- cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'create']
- if FLAGS.san_thin_provision:
- cmd.append('-s')
- cmd.extend(['-V', sizestr])
- cmd.append(zfs_poolname)
- self._execute(*cmd)
- def _get_luid(self, volume):
- zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
- zvol_name = '/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s' % zfs_poolname
- (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'list-lu')
- lines = _collect_lines(out)
- # Strip headers
- if len(lines) >= 1:
- if lines[0] == '':
- lines = lines[1:]
- if len(lines) >= 4:
- assert 'Found' in lines[0]
- assert '' == lines[1]
- assert 'GUID' in lines[2]
- assert '------------------' in lines[3]
- lines = lines[4:]
- for line in lines:
- items = line.split()
- assert len(items) == 3
- if items[2] == zvol_name:
- luid = items[0].strip()
- return luid
- msg = _('LUID not found for %(zfs_poolname)s. '
- 'Output=%(out)s') % locals()
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def _is_lu_created(self, volume):
- luid = self._get_luid(volume)
- return luid
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Deletes a volume."""
- zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', zfs_poolname)
- def local_path(self, volume):
- # TODO(justinsb): Is this needed here?
- escaped_group = FLAGS.volume_group.replace('-', '--')
- escaped_name = volume['name'].replace('-', '--')
- return "/dev/mapper/%s-%s" % (escaped_group, escaped_name)
- def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
- """Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
- #TODO(justinsb): On bootup, this is called for every volume.
- # It then runs ~5 SSH commands for each volume,
- # most of which fetch the same info each time
- # This makes initial start stupid-slow
- return self._do_export(volume, force_create=False)
- def create_export(self, context, volume):
- return self._do_export(volume, force_create=True)
- def _do_export(self, volume, force_create):
- # Create a Logical Unit (LU) backed by the zfs volume
- zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
- if force_create or not self._is_lu_created(volume):
- zvol_name = '/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s' % zfs_poolname
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'create-lu', zvol_name)
- luid = self._get_luid(volume)
- iscsi_name = self._build_iscsi_target_name(volume)
- target_group_name = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
- # Create a iSCSI target, mapped to just this volume
- if force_create or not self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-tg', target_group_name)
- # Yes, we add the initiatior before we create it!
- # Otherwise, it complains that the target is already active
- if force_create or not self._is_target_group_member(target_group_name,
- iscsi_name):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
- 'add-tg-member', '-g', target_group_name, iscsi_name)
- if force_create or not self._iscsi_target_exists(iscsi_name):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'create-target', '-n', iscsi_name)
- if force_create or not self._view_exists(luid):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
- 'add-view', '-t', target_group_name, luid)
- #TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
- iscsi_portal_interface = '1'
- iscsi_portal = FLAGS.san_ip + ":3260," + iscsi_portal_interface
- db_update = {}
- db_update['provider_location'] = ("%s %s" %
- (iscsi_portal,
- iscsi_name))
- return db_update
- def remove_export(self, context, volume):
- """Removes an export for a logical volume."""
- # This is the reverse of _do_export
- luid = self._get_luid(volume)
- iscsi_name = self._build_iscsi_target_name(volume)
- target_group_name = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
- if self._view_exists(luid):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'remove-view', '-l', luid, '-a')
- if self._iscsi_target_exists(iscsi_name):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'offline-target', iscsi_name)
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'delete-target', iscsi_name)
- # We don't delete the tg-member; we delete the whole tg!
- if self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-tg', target_group_name)
- if self._is_lu_created(volume):
- self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'delete-lu', luid)
-class HpSanISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
- """Executes commands relating to HP/Lefthand SAN ISCSI volumes.
- We use the CLIQ interface, over SSH.
- Rough overview of CLIQ commands used:
- :createVolume: (creates the volume)
- :getVolumeInfo: (to discover the IQN etc)
- :getClusterInfo: (to discover the iSCSI target IP address)
- :assignVolumeChap: (exports it with CHAP security)
- The 'trick' here is that the HP SAN enforces security by default, so
- normally a volume mount would need both to configure the SAN in the volume
- layer and do the mount on the compute layer. Multi-layer operations are
- not catered for at the moment in the cinder architecture, so instead we
- share the volume using CHAP at volume creation time. Then the mount need
- only use those CHAP credentials, so can take place exclusively in the
- compute layer.
- """
- def _cliq_run(self, verb, cliq_args):
- """Runs a CLIQ command over SSH, without doing any result parsing"""
- cliq_arg_strings = []
- for k, v in cliq_args.items():
- cliq_arg_strings.append(" %s=%s" % (k, v))
- cmd = verb + ''.join(cliq_arg_strings)
- return self._run_ssh(cmd)
- def _cliq_run_xml(self, verb, cliq_args, check_cliq_result=True):
- """Runs a CLIQ command over SSH, parsing and checking the output"""
- cliq_args['output'] = 'XML'
- (out, _err) = self._cliq_run(verb, cliq_args)
- LOG.debug(_("CLIQ command returned %s"), out)
- result_xml = etree.fromstring(out)
- if check_cliq_result:
- response_node = result_xml.find("response")
- if response_node is None:
- msg = (_("Malformed response to CLIQ command "
- "%(verb)s %(cliq_args)s. Result=%(out)s") %
- locals())
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- result_code = response_node.attrib.get("result")
- if result_code != "0":
- msg = (_("Error running CLIQ command %(verb)s %(cliq_args)s. "
- " Result=%(out)s") %
- locals())
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- return result_xml
- def _cliq_get_cluster_info(self, cluster_name):
- """Queries for info about the cluster (including IP)"""
- cliq_args = {}
- cliq_args['clusterName'] = cluster_name
- cliq_args['searchDepth'] = '1'
- cliq_args['verbose'] = '0'
- result_xml = self._cliq_run_xml("getClusterInfo", cliq_args)
- return result_xml
- def _cliq_get_cluster_vip(self, cluster_name):
- """Gets the IP on which a cluster shares iSCSI volumes"""
- cluster_xml = self._cliq_get_cluster_info(cluster_name)
- vips = []
- for vip in cluster_xml.findall("response/cluster/vip"):
- vips.append(vip.attrib.get('ipAddress'))
- if len(vips) == 1:
- return vips[0]
- _xml = etree.tostring(cluster_xml)
- msg = (_("Unexpected number of virtual ips for cluster "
- " %(cluster_name)s. Result=%(_xml)s") %
- locals())
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def _cliq_get_volume_info(self, volume_name):
- """Gets the volume info, including IQN"""
- cliq_args = {}
- cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume_name
- result_xml = self._cliq_run_xml("getVolumeInfo", cliq_args)
- # Result looks like this:
- #<gauche version="1.0">
- # <response description="Operation succeeded." name="CliqSuccess"
- # processingTime="87" result="0">
- # <volume autogrowPages="4" availability="online" blockSize="1024"
- # bytesWritten="0" checkSum="false" clusterName="Cluster01"
- # created="2011-02-08T19:56:53Z" deleting="false" description=""
- # groupName="Group01" initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"
- # iscsiIqn=""
- # maxSize="6865387257856" md5="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca"
- # minReplication="1" name="vol-b" parity="0" replication="2"
- # reserveQuota="536870912" scratchQuota="4194304"
- # serialNumber="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca0000000000006316"
- # size="1073741824" stridePages="32" thinProvision="true">
- # <status description="OK" value="2"/>
- # <permission access="rw"
- # authGroup="api-34281B815713B78-(trimmed)51ADD4B7030853AA7"
- # chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true" id="25369"
- # initiatorSecret="" iqn="" iscsiEnabled="true"
- # loadBalance="true" targetSecret="supersecret"/>
- # </volume>
- # </response>
- #</gauche>
- # Flatten the nodes into a dictionary; use prefixes to avoid collisions
- volume_attributes = {}
- volume_node = result_xml.find("response/volume")
- for k, v in volume_node.attrib.items():
- volume_attributes["volume." + k] = v
- status_node = volume_node.find("status")
- if not status_node is None:
- for k, v in status_node.attrib.items():
- volume_attributes["status." + k] = v
- # We only consider the first permission node
- permission_node = volume_node.find("permission")
- if not permission_node is None:
- for k, v in status_node.attrib.items():
- volume_attributes["permission." + k] = v
- LOG.debug(_("Volume info: %(volume_name)s => %(volume_attributes)s") %
- locals())
- return volume_attributes
- def create_volume(self, volume):
- """Creates a volume."""
- cliq_args = {}
- cliq_args['clusterName'] = FLAGS.san_clustername
- #TODO(justinsb): Should we default to inheriting thinProvision?
- cliq_args['thinProvision'] = '1' if FLAGS.san_thin_provision else '0'
- cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
- if int(volume['size']) == 0:
- cliq_args['size'] = '100MB'
- else:
- cliq_args['size'] = '%sGB' % volume['size']
- self._cliq_run_xml("createVolume", cliq_args)
- volume_info = self._cliq_get_volume_info(volume['name'])
- cluster_name = volume_info['volume.clusterName']
- iscsi_iqn = volume_info['volume.iscsiIqn']
- #TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
- cluster_interface = '1'
- cluster_vip = self._cliq_get_cluster_vip(cluster_name)
- iscsi_portal = cluster_vip + ":3260," + cluster_interface
- model_update = {}
- # NOTE(jdg): LH volumes always at lun 0 ?
- model_update['provider_location'] = ("%s %s %s" %
- (iscsi_portal,
- iscsi_iqn,
- 0))
- return model_update
- def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
- """Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
- """Creates a snapshot."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def delete_volume(self, volume):
- """Deletes a volume."""
- cliq_args = {}
- cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
- cliq_args['prompt'] = 'false' # Don't confirm
- self._cliq_run_xml("deleteVolume", cliq_args)
- def local_path(self, volume):
- # TODO(justinsb): Is this needed here?
- msg = _("local_path not supported")
- raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
- def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
- """Assigns the volume to a server.
- Assign any created volume to a compute node/host so that it can be
- used from that host. HP VSA requires a volume to be assigned
- to a server.
- This driver returns a driver_volume_type of 'iscsi'.
- The format of the driver data is defined in _get_iscsi_properties.
- Example return value:
- {
- 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi'
- 'data': {
- 'target_discovered': True,
- 'target_iqn': '',
- 'target_protal': '',
- 'volume_id': 1,
- }
- }
- """
- cliq_args = {}
- cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
- cliq_args['serverName'] = connector['host']
- self._cliq_run_xml("assignVolumeToServer", cliq_args)
- iscsi_properties = self._get_iscsi_properties(volume)
- return {
- 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
- 'data': iscsi_properties
- }
- def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
- """Unassign the volume from the host."""
- cliq_args = {}
- cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
- cliq_args['serverName'] = connector['host']
- self._cliq_run_xml("unassignVolumeToServer", cliq_args)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+:mod:`cinder.volume.san` -- Cinder San Drivers
+.. automodule:: cinder.volume.san
+ :platform: Unix
+ :synopsis: Module containing all the Cinder San drivers.
+# Adding imports for backwards compatibility in loading volume_driver.
+from san import SanISCSIDriver
+from solaris import SolarisISCSIDriver
+from hp_lefthand import HpSanISCSIDriver
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+HP Lefthand SAN ISCSI Driver.
+The driver communicates to the backend aka Cliq via SSH to perform all the
+operations on the SAN.
+from lxml import etree
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.volume.san.san import SanISCSIDriver
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class HpSanISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
+ """Executes commands relating to HP/Lefthand SAN ISCSI volumes.
+ We use the CLIQ interface, over SSH.
+ Rough overview of CLIQ commands used:
+ :createVolume: (creates the volume)
+ :getVolumeInfo: (to discover the IQN etc)
+ :getClusterInfo: (to discover the iSCSI target IP address)
+ :assignVolumeChap: (exports it with CHAP security)
+ The 'trick' here is that the HP SAN enforces security by default, so
+ normally a volume mount would need both to configure the SAN in the volume
+ layer and do the mount on the compute layer. Multi-layer operations are
+ not catered for at the moment in the cinder architecture, so instead we
+ share the volume using CHAP at volume creation time. Then the mount need
+ only use those CHAP credentials, so can take place exclusively in the
+ compute layer.
+ """
+ def _cliq_run(self, verb, cliq_args):
+ """Runs a CLIQ command over SSH, without doing any result parsing"""
+ cliq_arg_strings = []
+ for k, v in cliq_args.items():
+ cliq_arg_strings.append(" %s=%s" % (k, v))
+ cmd = verb + ''.join(cliq_arg_strings)
+ return self._run_ssh(cmd)
+ def _cliq_run_xml(self, verb, cliq_args, check_cliq_result=True):
+ """Runs a CLIQ command over SSH, parsing and checking the output"""
+ cliq_args['output'] = 'XML'
+ (out, _err) = self._cliq_run(verb, cliq_args)
+ LOG.debug(_("CLIQ command returned %s"), out)
+ result_xml = etree.fromstring(out)
+ if check_cliq_result:
+ response_node = result_xml.find("response")
+ if response_node is None:
+ msg = (_("Malformed response to CLIQ command "
+ "%(verb)s %(cliq_args)s. Result=%(out)s") %
+ locals())
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ result_code = response_node.attrib.get("result")
+ if result_code != "0":
+ msg = (_("Error running CLIQ command %(verb)s %(cliq_args)s. "
+ " Result=%(out)s") %
+ locals())
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ return result_xml
+ def _cliq_get_cluster_info(self, cluster_name):
+ """Queries for info about the cluster (including IP)"""
+ cliq_args = {}
+ cliq_args['clusterName'] = cluster_name
+ cliq_args['searchDepth'] = '1'
+ cliq_args['verbose'] = '0'
+ result_xml = self._cliq_run_xml("getClusterInfo", cliq_args)
+ return result_xml
+ def _cliq_get_cluster_vip(self, cluster_name):
+ """Gets the IP on which a cluster shares iSCSI volumes"""
+ cluster_xml = self._cliq_get_cluster_info(cluster_name)
+ vips = []
+ for vip in cluster_xml.findall("response/cluster/vip"):
+ vips.append(vip.attrib.get('ipAddress'))
+ if len(vips) == 1:
+ return vips[0]
+ _xml = etree.tostring(cluster_xml)
+ msg = (_("Unexpected number of virtual ips for cluster "
+ " %(cluster_name)s. Result=%(_xml)s") %
+ locals())
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _cliq_get_volume_info(self, volume_name):
+ """Gets the volume info, including IQN"""
+ cliq_args = {}
+ cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume_name
+ result_xml = self._cliq_run_xml("getVolumeInfo", cliq_args)
+ # Result looks like this:
+ #<gauche version="1.0">
+ # <response description="Operation succeeded." name="CliqSuccess"
+ # processingTime="87" result="0">
+ # <volume autogrowPages="4" availability="online" blockSize="1024"
+ # bytesWritten="0" checkSum="false" clusterName="Cluster01"
+ # created="2011-02-08T19:56:53Z" deleting="false" description=""
+ # groupName="Group01" initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"
+ # iscsiIqn=""
+ # maxSize="6865387257856" md5="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca"
+ # minReplication="1" name="vol-b" parity="0" replication="2"
+ # reserveQuota="536870912" scratchQuota="4194304"
+ # serialNumber="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca0000000000006316"
+ # size="1073741824" stridePages="32" thinProvision="true">
+ # <status description="OK" value="2"/>
+ # <permission access="rw"
+ # authGroup="api-34281B815713B78-(trimmed)51ADD4B7030853AA7"
+ # chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true" id="25369"
+ # initiatorSecret="" iqn="" iscsiEnabled="true"
+ # loadBalance="true" targetSecret="supersecret"/>
+ # </volume>
+ # </response>
+ #</gauche>
+ # Flatten the nodes into a dictionary; use prefixes to avoid collisions
+ volume_attributes = {}
+ volume_node = result_xml.find("response/volume")
+ for k, v in volume_node.attrib.items():
+ volume_attributes["volume." + k] = v
+ status_node = volume_node.find("status")
+ if not status_node is None:
+ for k, v in status_node.attrib.items():
+ volume_attributes["status." + k] = v
+ # We only consider the first permission node
+ permission_node = volume_node.find("permission")
+ if not permission_node is None:
+ for k, v in status_node.attrib.items():
+ volume_attributes["permission." + k] = v
+ LOG.debug(_("Volume info: %(volume_name)s => %(volume_attributes)s") %
+ locals())
+ return volume_attributes
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Creates a volume."""
+ cliq_args = {}
+ cliq_args['clusterName'] = FLAGS.san_clustername
+ #TODO(justinsb): Should we default to inheriting thinProvision?
+ cliq_args['thinProvision'] = '1' if FLAGS.san_thin_provision else '0'
+ cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
+ if int(volume['size']) == 0:
+ cliq_args['size'] = '100MB'
+ else:
+ cliq_args['size'] = '%sGB' % volume['size']
+ self._cliq_run_xml("createVolume", cliq_args)
+ volume_info = self._cliq_get_volume_info(volume['name'])
+ cluster_name = volume_info['volume.clusterName']
+ iscsi_iqn = volume_info['volume.iscsiIqn']
+ #TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
+ cluster_interface = '1'
+ cluster_vip = self._cliq_get_cluster_vip(cluster_name)
+ iscsi_portal = cluster_vip + ":3260," + cluster_interface
+ model_update = {}
+ # NOTE(jdg): LH volumes always at lun 0 ?
+ model_update['provider_location'] = ("%s %s %s" %
+ (iscsi_portal,
+ iscsi_iqn,
+ 0))
+ return model_update
+ def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+ """Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+ """Creates a snapshot."""
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Deletes a volume."""
+ cliq_args = {}
+ cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
+ cliq_args['prompt'] = 'false' # Don't confirm
+ self._cliq_run_xml("deleteVolume", cliq_args)
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ # TODO(justinsb): Is this needed here?
+ msg = _("local_path not supported")
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Assigns the volume to a server.
+ Assign any created volume to a compute node/host so that it can be
+ used from that host. HP VSA requires a volume to be assigned
+ to a server.
+ This driver returns a driver_volume_type of 'iscsi'.
+ The format of the driver data is defined in _get_iscsi_properties.
+ Example return value:
+ {
+ 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi'
+ 'data': {
+ 'target_discovered': True,
+ 'target_iqn': '',
+ 'target_protal': '',
+ 'volume_id': 1,
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ cliq_args = {}
+ cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
+ cliq_args['serverName'] = connector['host']
+ self._cliq_run_xml("assignVolumeToServer", cliq_args)
+ iscsi_properties = self._get_iscsi_properties(volume)
+ return {
+ 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',
+ 'data': iscsi_properties
+ }
+ def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector):
+ """Unassign the volume from the host."""
+ cliq_args = {}
+ cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
+ cliq_args['serverName'] = connector['host']
+ self._cliq_run_xml("unassignVolumeToServer", cliq_args)
--- /dev/null
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Default Driver for san-stored volumes.
+The unique thing about a SAN is that we don't expect that we can run the volume
+controller on the SAN hardware. We expect to access it over SSH or some API.
+import os
+import paramiko
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.volume.driver import ISCSIDriver
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+san_opts = [
+ cfg.BoolOpt('san_thin_provision',
+ default=True,
+ help='Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes?'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('san_ip',
+ default='',
+ help='IP address of SAN controller'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('san_login',
+ default='admin',
+ help='Username for SAN controller'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('san_password',
+ default='',
+ help='Password for SAN controller'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('san_private_key',
+ default='',
+ help='Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('san_clustername',
+ default='',
+ help='Cluster name to use for creating volumes'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('san_ssh_port',
+ default=22,
+ help='SSH port to use with SAN'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('san_is_local',
+ default=False,
+ help='Execute commands locally instead of over SSH; '
+ 'use if the volume service is running on the SAN device'),
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class SanISCSIDriver(ISCSIDriver):
+ """Base class for SAN-style storage volumes
+ A SAN-style storage value is 'different' because the volume controller
+ probably won't run on it, so we need to access is over SSH or another
+ remote protocol.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(SanISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.run_local = FLAGS.san_is_local
+ def _build_iscsi_target_name(self, volume):
+ return "%s%s" % (FLAGS.iscsi_target_prefix, volume['name'])
+ def _connect_to_ssh(self):
+ ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ #TODO(justinsb): We need a better SSH key policy
+ ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ if FLAGS.san_password:
+ ssh.connect(FLAGS.san_ip,
+ port=FLAGS.san_ssh_port,
+ username=FLAGS.san_login,
+ password=FLAGS.san_password)
+ elif FLAGS.san_private_key:
+ privatekeyfile = os.path.expanduser(FLAGS.san_private_key)
+ # It sucks that paramiko doesn't support DSA keys
+ privatekey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(privatekeyfile)
+ ssh.connect(FLAGS.san_ip,
+ port=FLAGS.san_ssh_port,
+ username=FLAGS.san_login,
+ pkey=privatekey)
+ else:
+ msg = _("Specify san_password or san_private_key")
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
+ return ssh
+ def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
+ if self.run_local:
+ return utils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ check_exit_code = kwargs.pop('check_exit_code', None)
+ command = ' '.join(cmd)
+ return self._run_ssh(command, check_exit_code)
+ def _run_ssh(self, command, check_exit_code=True):
+ #TODO(justinsb): SSH connection caching (?)
+ ssh = self._connect_to_ssh()
+ #TODO(justinsb): Reintroduce the retry hack
+ ret = utils.ssh_execute(ssh, command, check_exit_code=check_exit_code)
+ ssh.close()
+ return ret
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
+ pass
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Exports the volume."""
+ pass
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Removes an export for a logical volume."""
+ pass
+ def check_for_setup_error(self):
+ """Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met."""
+ if not self.run_local:
+ if not (FLAGS.san_password or FLAGS.san_private_key):
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(
+ reason=_('Specify san_password or san_private_key'))
+ # The san_ip must always be set, because we use it for the target
+ if not FLAGS.san_ip:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_("san_ip must be set"))
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder import flags
+from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.volume.san.san import SanISCSIDriver
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+solaris_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('san_zfs_volume_base',
+ default='rpool/',
+ help='The ZFS path under which to create zvols for volumes.'),
+ ]
+FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
+class SolarisISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
+ """Executes commands relating to Solaris-hosted ISCSI volumes.
+ Basic setup for a Solaris iSCSI server:
+ pkg install storage-server SUNWiscsit
+ svcadm enable stmf
+ svcadm enable -r svc:/network/iscsi/target:default
+ pfexec itadm create-tpg e1000g0 ${MYIP}
+ pfexec itadm create-target -t e1000g0
+ Then grant the user that will be logging on lots of permissions.
+ I'm not sure exactly which though:
+ zfs allow justinsb create,mount,destroy rpool
+ usermod -P'File System Management' justinsb
+ usermod -P'Primary Administrator' justinsb
+ Also make sure you can login using san_login & san_password/san_private_key
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
+ super(SolarisISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*cmd,
+ execute=self._execute,
+ **kwargs)
+ def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
+ new_cmd = ['pfexec']
+ new_cmd.extend(cmd)
+ return super(SolarisISCSIDriver, self)._execute(*new_cmd,
+ **kwargs)
+ def _view_exists(self, luid):
+ (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
+ 'list-view', '-l', luid,
+ check_exit_code=False)
+ if "no views found" in out:
+ return False
+ if "View Entry:" in out:
+ return True
+ msg = _("Cannot parse list-view output: %s") % out
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _get_target_groups(self):
+ """Gets list of target groups from host."""
+ (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg')
+ matches = self._get_prefixed_values(out, 'Target group: ')
+ LOG.debug("target_groups=%s" % matches)
+ return matches
+ def _target_group_exists(self, target_group_name):
+ return target_group_name not in self._get_target_groups()
+ def _get_target_group_members(self, target_group_name):
+ (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
+ 'list-tg', '-v', target_group_name)
+ matches = self._get_prefixed_values(out, 'Member: ')
+ LOG.debug("members of %s=%s" % (target_group_name, matches))
+ return matches
+ def _is_target_group_member(self, target_group_name, iscsi_target_name):
+ return iscsi_target_name in (
+ self._get_target_group_members(target_group_name))
+ def _get_iscsi_targets(self):
+ (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'list-target')
+ matches = self._collect_lines(out)
+ # Skip header
+ if len(matches) != 0:
+ assert 'TARGET NAME' in matches[0]
+ matches = matches[1:]
+ targets = []
+ for line in matches:
+ items = line.split()
+ assert len(items) == 3
+ targets.append(items[0])
+ LOG.debug("_get_iscsi_targets=%s" % (targets))
+ return targets
+ def _iscsi_target_exists(self, iscsi_target_name):
+ return iscsi_target_name in self._get_iscsi_targets()
+ def _build_zfs_poolname(self, volume):
+ zfs_poolname = '%s%s' % (FLAGS.san_zfs_volume_base, volume['name'])
+ return zfs_poolname
+ def create_volume(self, volume):
+ """Creates a volume."""
+ if int(volume['size']) == 0:
+ sizestr = '100M'
+ else:
+ sizestr = '%sG' % volume['size']
+ zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
+ # Create a zfs volume
+ cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'create']
+ if FLAGS.san_thin_provision:
+ cmd.append('-s')
+ cmd.extend(['-V', sizestr])
+ cmd.append(zfs_poolname)
+ self._execute(*cmd)
+ def _get_luid(self, volume):
+ zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
+ zvol_name = '/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s' % zfs_poolname
+ (out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'list-lu')
+ lines = self._collect_lines(out)
+ # Strip headers
+ if len(lines) >= 1:
+ if lines[0] == '':
+ lines = lines[1:]
+ if len(lines) >= 4:
+ assert 'Found' in lines[0]
+ assert '' == lines[1]
+ assert 'GUID' in lines[2]
+ assert '------------------' in lines[3]
+ lines = lines[4:]
+ for line in lines:
+ items = line.split()
+ assert len(items) == 3
+ if items[2] == zvol_name:
+ luid = items[0].strip()
+ return luid
+ msg = _('LUID not found for %(zfs_poolname)s. '
+ 'Output=%(out)s') % locals()
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _is_lu_created(self, volume):
+ luid = self._get_luid(volume)
+ return luid
+ def delete_volume(self, volume):
+ """Deletes a volume."""
+ zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', zfs_poolname)
+ def local_path(self, volume):
+ # TODO(justinsb): Is this needed here?
+ escaped_group = FLAGS.volume_group.replace('-', '--')
+ escaped_name = volume['name'].replace('-', '--')
+ return "/dev/mapper/%s-%s" % (escaped_group, escaped_name)
+ def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
+ #TODO(justinsb): On bootup, this is called for every volume.
+ # It then runs ~5 SSH commands for each volume,
+ # most of which fetch the same info each time
+ # This makes initial start stupid-slow
+ return self._do_export(volume, force_create=False)
+ def create_export(self, context, volume):
+ return self._do_export(volume, force_create=True)
+ def _do_export(self, volume, force_create):
+ # Create a Logical Unit (LU) backed by the zfs volume
+ zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
+ if force_create or not self._is_lu_created(volume):
+ zvol_name = '/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s' % zfs_poolname
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'create-lu', zvol_name)
+ luid = self._get_luid(volume)
+ iscsi_name = self._build_iscsi_target_name(volume)
+ target_group_name = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
+ # Create a iSCSI target, mapped to just this volume
+ if force_create or not self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-tg', target_group_name)
+ # Yes, we add the initiatior before we create it!
+ # Otherwise, it complains that the target is already active
+ if force_create or not self._is_target_group_member(target_group_name,
+ iscsi_name):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
+ 'add-tg-member', '-g', target_group_name, iscsi_name)
+ if force_create or not self._iscsi_target_exists(iscsi_name):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'create-target', '-n', iscsi_name)
+ if force_create or not self._view_exists(luid):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
+ 'add-view', '-t', target_group_name, luid)
+ #TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
+ iscsi_portal_interface = '1'
+ iscsi_portal = FLAGS.san_ip + ":3260," + iscsi_portal_interface
+ db_update = {}
+ db_update['provider_location'] = ("%s %s" %
+ (iscsi_portal,
+ iscsi_name))
+ return db_update
+ def remove_export(self, context, volume):
+ """Removes an export for a logical volume."""
+ # This is the reverse of _do_export
+ luid = self._get_luid(volume)
+ iscsi_name = self._build_iscsi_target_name(volume)
+ target_group_name = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
+ if self._view_exists(luid):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'remove-view', '-l', luid, '-a')
+ if self._iscsi_target_exists(iscsi_name):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'offline-target', iscsi_name)
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'delete-target', iscsi_name)
+ # We don't delete the tg-member; we delete the whole tg!
+ if self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-tg', target_group_name)
+ if self._is_lu_created(volume):
+ self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'delete-lu', luid)
+ def _collect_lines(self, data):
+ """Split lines from data into an array, trimming them """
+ matches = []
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ match = line.strip()
+ matches.append(match)
+ return matches
+ def _get_prefixed_values(self, data, prefix):
+ """Collect lines which start with prefix; with trimming"""
+ matches = []
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.startswith(prefix):
+ match = line[len(prefix):]
+ match = match.strip()
+ matches.append(match)
+ return matches
from cinder import flags
from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
-from cinder.volume.san import SanISCSIDriver
+from cinder.volume.san.san import SanISCSIDriver
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
-from cinder.volume import san
+from cinder.volume.san import san
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from cinder.openstack.common import cfg
from cinder.openstack.common import importutils
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
-from cinder.volume import san
+from cinder.volume.san import san
ibm_xiv_opts = [
#### (BoolOpt) Execute commands locally instead of over SSH; use if the
#### volume service is running on the SAN device
+######## defined in cinder.volume.solaris ########
# san_zfs_volume_base=rpool/
#### (StrOpt) The ZFS path under which to create zvols for volumes.