LOG = logging.getLogger('cinder.tests.test_migrations')
-def _mysql_get_connect_string(user="openstack_citest",
- passwd="openstack_citest",
- database="openstack_citest"):
+def _get_connect_string(backend,
+ user="openstack_citest",
+ passwd="openstack_citest",
+ database="openstack_citest"):
- Try to get a connection with a very specfic set of values, if we get
- these then we'll run the mysql tests, otherwise they are skipped
+ Try to get a connection with a very specific set of values, if we get
+ these then we'll run the tests, otherwise they are skipped
- return "mysql://%(user)s:%(passwd)s@localhost/%(database)s" % locals()
+ if backend == "postgres":
+ backend = "postgresql+psycopg2"
+ return ("%(backend)s://%(user)s:%(passwd)s@localhost/%(database)s"
+ % locals())
-def _is_mysql_avail(user="openstack_citest",
- passwd="openstack_citest",
- database="openstack_citest"):
+def _is_mysql_avail(**kwargs):
+ return _is_backend_avail('mysql', **kwargs)
+def _is_backend_avail(backend,
+ user="openstack_citest",
+ passwd="openstack_citest",
+ database="openstack_citest"):
- connect_uri = _mysql_get_connect_string(
- user=user, passwd=passwd, database=database)
+ if backend == "mysql":
+ connect_uri = _get_connect_string("mysql", user=user,
+ passwd=passwd, database=database)
+ elif backend == "postgres":
+ connect_uri = _get_connect_string("postgres", user=user,
+ passwd=passwd, database=database)
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_uri)
connection = engine.connect()
except Exception:
- # intential catch all to handle exceptions even if we don't
- # have mysql code loaded at all.
+ # intentionally catch all to handle exceptions even if we don't
+ # have any backend code loaded.
return False
+ engine.dispose()
return True
def _have_mysql():
present = os.environ.get('NOVA_TEST_MYSQL_PRESENT')
if present is None:
- return _is_mysql_avail()
+ return _is_backend_avail('mysql')
return present.lower() in ('', 'true')
+def get_table(engine, name):
+ """Returns an sqlalchemy table dynamically from db.
+ Needed because the models don't work for us in migrations
+ as models will be far out of sync with the current data."""
+ metadata = sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData()
+ metadata.bind = engine
+ return sqlalchemy.Table(name, metadata, autoload=True)
class TestMigrations(test.TestCase):
"""Test sqlalchemy-migrate migrations."""
# add this to the global lists to make reset work with it, it's removed
# automaticaly in tearDown so no need to clean it up here.
- connect_string = _mysql_get_connect_string()
+ connect_string = _get_connect_string('mysql')
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_string)
self.engines["mysqlcitest"] = engine
TestMigrations.TEST_DATABASES["mysqlcitest"] = connect_string
self._walk_versions(engine, False, False)
- uri = _mysql_get_connect_string(database="information_schema")
+ uri = _get_connect_string('mysql', database="information_schema")
connection = sqlalchemy.create_engine(uri).connect()
# sanity check