Clean up ancient stuff that hasn't been touched in over 3 years.
Change-Id: I67fcd85027fb6614cafe8d92ddbf8c24aed58a4f
+++ /dev/null
-This docbkx-example folder is provided for those who want to use the maven mojo supplied with the project to build their own documents to PDF and HTML (webhelp) format. It's intended to be a template and model.
-You can edit the src/docbkx/example.xml file using vi, emacs, or another DocBook editor. At Rackspace we use Oxygen. Both Oxygen and XML Mind offer free licenses to those working on open source project documentation.
-To build the output, install Apache Maven ( and then run:
-mvn clean generate-sources
-in the directory containing the pom.xml file.
-Feel free to ask questions of the openstack-docs team at
+++ /dev/null
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
- <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
- <groupId>my-groupid</groupId>
- <artifactId>my-guide</artifactId>
- <version>1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
- <packaging>jar</packaging>
- <name>OpenStack stand alone documentation examples</name>
- <build>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>com.agilejava.docbkx</groupId>
- <artifactId>docbkx-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <goals>
- <goal>generate-pdf</goal>
- <goal>generate-webhelp</goal>
- </goals>
- <phase>generate-sources</phase>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- <configuration>
- <xincludeSupported>true</xincludeSupported>
- <chunkSectionDepth>100</chunkSectionDepth>
- <postProcess>
- <copy todir="target/docbkx/webhelp/example/content/figures">
- <fileset dir="src/docbkx/figures">
- <include name="**/*.png" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </postProcess>
- </configuration>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
+++ /dev/null
- <book xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""
- xmlns:xi="" xmlns:svg=""
- xmlns:m="" xmlns:html="" version="5.0" status="DRAFT">
- <title>Maven Example Documentation</title>
- <info>
- <author>
- <personname>
- <firstname/>
- <surname/>
- </personname>
- <affiliation>
- <orgname>Badges! We don't need any stinking badges!</orgname>
- </affiliation>
- </author>
- <copyright>
- <year>2011</year>
- <holder>Timothy D. Witham</holder>
- </copyright>
- <releaseinfo>Example v0.1</releaseinfo>
- <productname>Product Name Doesn't Exist - it's an example!â„¢</productname>
- <pubdate>2011-01-01</pubdate>
- <legalnotice role="rs-api">
- <annotation>
- <remark>Copyright details are filled in by the template. Change the value of the role
- attribute on the legalnotice element to change the license. </remark>
- </annotation>
- </legalnotice>
- <abstract>
- <para> This document is intended for individuals who whish to produce documentation using Maven and having
- the same "feel" as the documentation that is produced by the mainline OpenStack projects.
- </para>
- </abstract>
- <cover>
- <para>this is a placeholder for the front cover</para>
- </cover>
- <cover>
- <para>this is a placeholder for the back cover</para>
- </cover>
- </info>
- <chapter>
- <title>Overview</title>
- <para>Welcome to the getting started with Maven documentation. Congratulations you have
- successfully downloaded and built the example.
- </para>
- <para>For more details on the Product Name service, please refer to <link
- xlink:href=""
- > name</link>
- </para>
- <para>We welcome feedback, comments, and bug reports at <link
- xlink:href=""></link>. </para>
- <section>
- <title>Intended Audience</title>
- <para>This guide is intended to individuals who want to develop standalone documentation
- to use within an OpenStack deployment. Using this tool chain will give you the look and
- feel of the mainline OpenStack documentation.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Document Change History</title>
- <para>This version of the Maven Getting Started Guide replaces and obsoletes all previous versions. The
- most recent changes are described in the table below:</para>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td align="center" colspan="1">Revision Date</td>
- <td align="center" colspan="4">Summary of Changes</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1" align="center">July. 14, 2011</td>
- <td colspan="4">
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>Initial document creation.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Additional Resources</title>
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <link xlink:href="">
- Openstack - Cloud Software
- </link>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <link xlink:href="">
- Docbook Main Web Site
- </link>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <link xlink:href="">
- Docbook Quick Reference
- </link>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Concepts</title>
- <para>
- Need to put something here.
- </para>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>How do I?</title>
- <section>
- <title>Notes and including images</title>
- <para>So I want an note and an image in this section ...</para>
- <note>
- <para>This is an example of a note. </para>
- </note>
- <para>Here's a sample figure in svg and png formats:</para>
- <figure xml:id="CFinterfaces">
- <title>Sample Image</title>
- <mediaobject>
- <imageobject role="fo">
- <imagedata fileref="figures/example.svg" contentwidth="5in"/>
- </imageobject>
- <imageobject role="html">
- <imagedata fileref="figures/example.png"/>
- </imageobject>
- </mediaobject>
- </figure>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Multiple Related Documents</title>
- <para>
- What you need to do in order to have multiple documents fit within the
- build structure.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Using multiple files for a document</title>
- <para>
- What you need to do in order to have a single document that is made up of multiple
- files.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Who, What, Where, When and Why of pom.xml</title>
- <para>
- You will of noticed the <emphasis>pom.xml</emphasis> file at the root directory.
- This file is used to set the project parameters for the documentation. Including
- what type of documentation to produce and any post processing that needs to happen.
- If you want to know more about
- <link
- xlink:href="">
- pom.xml - need a link
- </link>
- then follow the link.
- </para>
- <para> For the <emphasis>pom.xml</emphasis>file that was included in this distribution we will
- parse the individual lines and explaine the meaning.
- </para>
- <para>
- <programlisting language="xml"> <xi:include href="../../pom.xml" parse="text" /></programlisting>
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <project> </title>
- <para>
- What is all of this stuff and why is it important?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <modelVersion> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <groupId> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <artifactId> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <version> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <packaging> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <name> </title>
- <para>
- Name of your document.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <build> </title>
- <para>
- Make some documents.
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <plugin(s)> </title>
- <para>
- What does this do and why?
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <groupId> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <artifactId> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <execution(s)> </title>
- <para>
- What goes in here and why?
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <goal(s)> </title>
- <para>
- Different types of goals and why you use them.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <phase> </title>
- <para>
- What does this section do? What phases can you specify.
- </para>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <configuration> </title>
- <para>
- What does this section do?
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <xincludeSupported> </title>
- <para>
- What does this do and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <chunkSectionDepth> </title>
- <para>
- What does this do and why?
- </para>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title> <postprocess> </title>
- <para>
- What does this section do? What are possible pieces?
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <copy> </title>
- <para>
- What does this section do? What are possible pieces?
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <fileset> </title>
- <para>
- What does this section do? What are possible pieces?
- </para>
- <section>
- <title> <include> </title>
- <para>
- What does this section do? What are possible pieces?
- </para>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section>
- <title>Who, What, Where, When and Why of build.xml</title>
- <para>
- You will of noticed the <emphasis>build.xml</emphasis> file at the root directory.
- This file is used to set the project parameters for the documentation. Including
- what type of documentation to produce and any post processing that needs to happen.
- If you want to know more about
- <link
- xlink:href="">
- pom.xml - need a link
- </link>
- then follow the link.
- </para>
- </section>
- </chapter>
- <chapter>
- <title>Troubleshooting</title>
- <para>Sometimes things go wrong...</para>
- </chapter>
+++ /dev/null
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331.28125 80.59375 331.5703125 Q 81.109375 331.859375 81.453125 332.4375 L 81.453125 331.4375 L 82.53125 331.4375 L 82.53125 337.1875 z M 90.3671875 334.453125 L 90.3671875 334.96875 L 85.3984375 334.96875 Q 85.4765625 336.09375 86.078125 336.671875 Q 86.6796875 337.25 87.7421875 337.25 Q 88.3671875 337.25 88.953125 337.1015625 Q 89.5390625 336.953125 90.1171875 336.640625 L 90.1171875 337.671875 Q 89.5234375 337.90625 88.9140625 338.0390625 Q 88.3046875 338.171875 87.6796875 338.171875 Q 86.1171875 338.171875 85.1953125 337.2578125 Q 84.2734375 336.34375 84.2734375 334.78125 Q 84.2734375 333.171875 85.1484375 332.2265625 Q 86.0234375 331.28125 87.4921875 331.28125 Q 88.8203125 331.28125 89.59375 332.1328125 Q 90.3671875 332.984375 90.3671875 334.453125 z M 89.2890625 334.125 Q 89.2734375 333.25 88.7890625 332.71875 Q 88.3046875 332.1875 87.5078125 332.1875 Q 86.6015625 332.1875 86.0625 332.703125 Q 85.5234375 333.21875 85.4453125 334.140625 L 89.2890625 334.125 z M 93.203125 329.578125 L 93.203125 331.4375 L 95.421875 331.4375 L 95.421875 332.28125 L 93.203125 332.28125 L 93.203125 335.84375 Q 93.203125 336.640625 93.421875 336.8671875 Q 93.640625 337.09375 94.3125 337.09375 L 95.421875 337.09375 L 95.421875 338 L 94.3125 338 Q 93.0625 338 92.5859375 337.53125 Q 92.109375 337.0625 92.109375 335.84375 L 92.109375 332.28125 L 91.328125 332.28125 L 91.328125 331.4375 L 92.109375 331.4375 L 92.109375 329.578125 L 93.203125 329.578125 z M 99.814453125 330.421875 L 98.205078125 334.765625 L 101.423828125 334.765625 L 99.814453125 330.421875 z M 99.142578125 329.25 L 100.486328125 329.25 L 103.814453125 338 L 102.580078125 338 L 101.783203125 335.75 L 97.845703125 335.75 L 97.048828125 338 L 95.798828125 338 L 99.142578125 329.25 z M 109.3671875 332.4375 L 109.3671875 328.875 L 110.4453125 328.875 L 110.4453125 338 L 109.3671875 338 L 109.3671875 337.015625 Q 109.0234375 337.59375 108.5078125 337.8828125 Q 107.9921875 338.171875 107.2578125 338.171875 Q 106.0703125 338.171875 105.3203125 337.21875 Q 104.5703125 336.265625 104.5703125 334.71875 Q 104.5703125 333.171875 105.3203125 332.2265625 Q 106.0703125 331.28125 107.2578125 331.28125 Q 107.9921875 331.28125 108.5078125 331.5625 Q 109.0234375 331.84375 109.3671875 332.4375 z M 105.6953125 334.71875 Q 105.6953125 335.90625 106.1796875 336.5859375 Q 106.6640625 337.265625 107.5234375 337.265625 Q 108.3828125 337.265625 108.875 336.5859375 Q 109.3671875 335.90625 109.3671875 334.71875 Q 109.3671875 333.53125 108.875 332.859375 Q 108.3828125 332.1875 107.5234375 332.1875 Q 106.6640625 332.1875 106.1796875 332.859375 Q 105.6953125 333.53125 105.6953125 334.71875 z M 112.65625 331.4375 L 113.734375 331.4375 L 113.734375 338.125 Q 113.734375 339.375 113.2578125 339.9375 Q 112.78125 340.5 111.71875 340.5 L 111.3125 340.5 L 111.3125 339.578125 L 111.609375 339.578125 Q 112.21875 339.578125 112.4375 339.296875 Q 112.65625 339.015625 112.65625 338.125 L 112.65625 331.4375 z M 112.65625 328.875 L 113.734375 328.875 L 113.734375 330.25 L 112.65625 330.25 L 112.65625 328.875 z M 118.974609375 334.703125 Q 117.677734375 334.703125 117.169921875 335 Q 116.662109375 335.296875 116.662109375 336.015625 Q 116.662109375 336.59375 117.044921875 336.9296875 Q 117.427734375 337.265625 118.068359375 337.265625 Q 118.974609375 337.265625 119.513671875 336.6328125 Q 120.052734375 336 120.052734375 334.9375 L 120.052734375 334.703125 L 118.974609375 334.703125 z M 121.130859375 334.25 L 121.130859375 338 L 120.052734375 338 L 120.052734375 337 Q 119.677734375 337.59375 119.130859375 337.8828125 Q 118.583984375 338.171875 117.787109375 338.171875 Q 116.771484375 338.171875 116.177734375 337.6015625 Q 115.583984375 337.03125 115.583984375 336.09375 Q 115.583984375 334.984375 116.326171875 334.421875 Q 117.068359375 333.859375 118.537109375 333.859375 L 120.052734375 333.859375 L 120.052734375 333.75 Q 120.052734375 333 119.560546875 332.59375 Q 119.068359375 332.1875 118.193359375 332.1875 Q 117.630859375 332.1875 117.091796875 332.328125 Q 116.552734375 332.46875 116.068359375 332.734375 L 116.068359375 331.734375 Q 116.662109375 331.5 117.216796875 331.390625 Q 117.771484375 331.28125 118.302734375 331.28125 Q 119.724609375 331.28125 120.427734375 332.015625 Q 121.130859375 332.75 121.130859375 334.25 z M 128.078125 331.6875 L 128.078125 332.703125 Q 127.609375 332.4375 127.15625 332.3125 Q 126.703125 332.1875 126.234375 332.1875 Q 125.171875 332.1875 124.59375 332.8515625 Q 124.015625 333.515625 124.015625 334.71875 Q 124.015625 335.921875 124.59375 336.5859375 Q 125.171875 337.25 126.234375 337.25 Q 126.703125 337.25 127.15625 337.125 Q 127.609375 337 128.078125 336.75 L 128.078125 337.75 Q 127.625 337.953125 127.140625 338.0625 Q 126.65625 338.171875 126.109375 338.171875 Q 124.625 338.171875 123.75 337.2421875 Q 122.875 336.3125 122.875 334.71875 Q 122.875 333.125 123.7578125 332.203125 Q 124.640625 331.28125 126.1875 331.28125 Q 126.671875 331.28125 127.1484375 331.3828125 Q 127.625 331.484375 128.078125 331.6875 z M 135.56640625 334.453125 L 135.56640625 334.96875 L 130.59765625 334.96875 Q 130.67578125 336.09375 131.27734375 336.671875 Q 131.87890625 337.25 132.94140625 337.25 Q 133.56640625 337.25 134.15234375 337.1015625 Q 134.73828125 336.953125 135.31640625 336.640625 L 135.31640625 337.671875 Q 134.72265625 337.90625 134.11328125 338.0390625 Q 133.50390625 338.171875 132.87890625 338.171875 Q 131.31640625 338.171875 130.39453125 337.2578125 Q 129.47265625 336.34375 129.47265625 334.78125 Q 129.47265625 333.171875 130.34765625 332.2265625 Q 131.22265625 331.28125 132.69140625 331.28125 Q 134.01953125 331.28125 134.79296875 332.1328125 Q 135.56640625 332.984375 135.56640625 334.453125 z M 134.48828125 334.125 Q 134.47265625 333.25 133.98828125 332.71875 Q 133.50390625 332.1875 132.70703125 332.1875 Q 131.80078125 332.1875 131.26171875 332.703125 Q 130.72265625 333.21875 130.64453125 334.140625 L 134.48828125 334.125 z M 142.79296875 334.03125 L 142.79296875 338 L 141.71484375 338 L 141.71484375 334.078125 Q 141.71484375 333.140625 141.34765625 332.6796875 Q 140.98046875 332.21875 140.26171875 332.21875 Q 139.38671875 332.21875 138.87890625 332.7734375 Q 138.37109375 333.328125 138.37109375 334.296875 L 138.37109375 338 L 137.29296875 338 L 137.29296875 331.4375 L 138.37109375 331.4375 L 138.37109375 332.453125 Q 138.76171875 331.859375 139.28515625 331.5703125 Q 139.80859375 331.28125 140.49609375 331.28125 Q 141.62109375 331.28125 142.20703125 331.9765625 Q 142.79296875 332.671875 142.79296875 334.03125 z M 146.0078125 329.578125 L 146.0078125 331.4375 L 148.2265625 331.4375 L 148.2265625 332.28125 L 146.0078125 332.28125 L 146.0078125 335.84375 Q 146.0078125 336.640625 146.2265625 336.8671875 Q 146.4453125 337.09375 147.1171875 337.09375 L 148.2265625 337.09375 L 148.2265625 338 L 147.1171875 338 Q 145.8671875 338 145.390625 337.53125 Q 144.9140625 337.0625 144.9140625 335.84375 L 144.9140625 332.28125 L 144.1328125 332.28125 L 144.1328125 331.4375 L 144.9140625 331.4375 L 144.9140625 329.578125 L 146.0078125 329.578125 z M 149.681640625 329.25 L 151.275390625 329.25 L 155.166015625 336.5625 L 155.166015625 329.25 L 156.306640625 329.25 L 156.306640625 338 L 154.712890625 338 L 150.837890625 330.6875 L 150.837890625 338 L 149.681640625 338 L 149.681640625 329.25 z M 161.158203125 332.1875 Q 160.298828125 332.1875 159.791015625 332.8671875 Q 159.283203125 333.546875 159.283203125 334.71875 Q 159.283203125 335.90625 159.783203125 336.578125 Q 160.283203125 337.25 161.158203125 337.25 Q 162.017578125 337.25 162.525390625 336.5703125 Q 163.033203125 335.890625 163.033203125 334.71875 Q 163.033203125 333.5625 162.525390625 332.875 Q 162.017578125 332.1875 161.158203125 332.1875 z M 161.158203125 331.28125 Q 162.564453125 331.28125 163.369140625 332.1953125 Q 164.173828125 333.109375 164.173828125 334.71875 Q 164.173828125 336.328125 163.369140625 337.25 Q 162.564453125 338.171875 161.158203125 338.171875 Q 159.751953125 338.171875 158.947265625 337.25 Q 158.142578125 336.328125 158.142578125 334.71875 Q 158.142578125 333.109375 158.947265625 332.1953125 Q 159.751953125 331.28125 161.158203125 331.28125 z M 170.28125 332.4375 L 170.28125 328.875 L 171.359375 328.875 L 171.359375 338 L 170.28125 338 L 170.28125 337.015625 Q 169.9375 337.59375 169.421875 337.8828125 Q 168.90625 338.171875 168.171875 338.171875 Q 166.984375 338.171875 166.234375 337.21875 Q 165.484375 336.265625 165.484375 334.71875 Q 165.484375 333.171875 166.234375 332.2265625 Q 166.984375 331.28125 168.171875 331.28125 Q 168.90625 331.28125 169.421875 331.5625 Q 169.9375 331.84375 170.28125 332.4375 z M 166.609375 334.71875 Q 166.609375 335.90625 167.09375 336.5859375 Q 167.578125 337.265625 168.4375 337.265625 Q 169.296875 337.265625 169.7890625 336.5859375 Q 170.28125 335.90625 170.28125 334.71875 Q 170.28125 333.53125 169.7890625 332.859375 Q 169.296875 332.1875 168.4375 332.1875 Q 167.578125 332.1875 167.09375 332.859375 Q 166.609375 333.53125 166.609375 334.71875 z M 179.1953125 334.453125 L 179.1953125 334.96875 L 174.2265625 334.96875 Q 174.3046875 336.09375 174.90625 336.671875 Q 175.5078125 337.25 176.5703125 337.25 Q 177.1953125 337.25 177.78125 337.1015625 Q 178.3671875 336.953125 178.9453125 336.640625 L 178.9453125 337.671875 Q 178.3515625 337.90625 177.7421875 338.0390625 Q 177.1328125 338.171875 176.5078125 338.171875 Q 174.9453125 338.171875 174.0234375 337.2578125 Q 173.1015625 336.34375 173.1015625 334.78125 Q 173.1015625 333.171875 173.9765625 332.2265625 Q 174.8515625 331.28125 176.3203125 331.28125 Q 177.6484375 331.28125 178.421875 332.1328125 Q 179.1953125 332.984375 179.1953125 334.453125 z M 178.1171875 334.125 Q 178.1015625 333.25 177.6171875 332.71875 Q 177.1328125 332.1875 176.3359375 332.1875 Q 175.4296875 332.1875 174.890625 332.703125 Q 174.3515625 333.21875 174.2734375 334.140625 L 178.1171875 334.125 z M 185.140625 331.625 L 185.140625 332.65625 Q 184.6875 332.421875 184.1953125 332.3046875 Q 183.703125 332.1875 183.171875 332.1875 Q 182.375 332.1875 181.96875 332.4296875 Q 181.5625 332.671875 181.5625 333.171875 Q 181.5625 333.546875 181.8515625 333.7578125 Q 182.140625 333.96875 183.015625 334.15625 L 183.375 334.25 Q 184.53125 334.484375 185.015625 334.9375 Q 185.5 335.390625 185.5 336.1875 Q 185.5 337.109375 184.7734375 337.640625 Q 184.046875 338.171875 182.78125 338.171875 Q 182.25 338.171875 181.6796875 338.0703125 Q 181.109375 337.96875 180.484375 337.765625 L 180.484375 336.640625 Q 181.078125 336.953125 181.65625 337.109375 Q 182.234375 337.265625 182.8125 337.265625 Q 183.5625 337.265625 183.9765625 337.0078125 Q 184.390625 336.75 184.390625 336.265625 Q 184.390625 335.828125 184.09375 335.59375 Q 183.796875 335.359375 182.796875 335.140625 L 182.421875 335.0625 Q 181.421875 334.84375 180.9765625 334.40625 Q 180.53125 333.96875 180.53125 333.21875 Q 180.53125 332.28125 181.1875 331.78125 Q 181.84375 331.28125 183.046875 331.28125 Q 183.640625 331.28125 184.171875 331.3671875 Q 184.703125 331.453125 185.140625 331.625 z M 189.798828125 328.890625 Q 189.017578125 330.234375 188.634765625 331.5546875 Q 188.251953125 332.875 188.251953125 334.234375 Q 188.251953125 335.578125 188.634765625 336.90625 Q 189.017578125 338.234375 189.798828125 339.578125 L 188.861328125 339.578125 Q 187.986328125 338.203125 187.548828125 336.875 Q 187.111328125 335.546875 187.111328125 334.234375 Q 187.111328125 332.921875 187.548828125 331.6015625 Q 187.986328125 330.28125 188.861328125 328.890625 L 189.798828125 328.890625 z M 191.73046875 328.890625 L 192.66796875 328.890625 Q 193.54296875 330.28125 193.98046875 331.6015625 Q 194.41796875 332.921875 194.41796875 334.234375 Q 194.41796875 335.546875 193.98046875 336.875 Q 193.54296875 338.203125 192.66796875 339.578125 L 191.73046875 339.578125 Q 192.49609375 338.234375 192.88671875 336.90625 Q 193.27734375 335.578125 193.27734375 334.234375 Q 193.27734375 332.875 192.88671875 331.5546875 Q 192.49609375 330.234375 191.73046875 328.890625 z"/>
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78.015625 136.28125 79.21875 136.28125 Q 79.8125 136.28125 80.34375 136.3671875 Q 80.875 136.453125 81.3125 136.625 z M 89.001953125 139.453125 L 89.001953125 139.96875 L 84.033203125 139.96875 Q 84.111328125 141.09375 84.712890625 141.671875 Q 85.314453125 142.25 86.376953125 142.25 Q 87.001953125 142.25 87.587890625 142.1015625 Q 88.173828125 141.953125 88.751953125 141.640625 L 88.751953125 142.671875 Q 88.158203125 142.90625 87.548828125 143.0390625 Q 86.939453125 143.171875 86.314453125 143.171875 Q 84.751953125 143.171875 83.830078125 142.2578125 Q 82.908203125 141.34375 82.908203125 139.78125 Q 82.908203125 138.171875 83.783203125 137.2265625 Q 84.658203125 136.28125 86.126953125 136.28125 Q 87.455078125 136.28125 88.228515625 137.1328125 Q 89.001953125 137.984375 89.001953125 139.453125 z M 87.923828125 139.125 Q 87.908203125 138.25 87.423828125 137.71875 Q 86.939453125 137.1875 86.142578125 137.1875 Q 85.236328125 137.1875 84.697265625 137.703125 Q 84.158203125 138.21875 84.080078125 139.140625 L 87.923828125 139.125 z M 91.837890625 134.578125 L 91.837890625 136.4375 L 94.056640625 136.4375 L 94.056640625 137.28125 L 91.837890625 137.28125 L 91.837890625 140.84375 Q 91.837890625 141.640625 92.056640625 141.8671875 Q 92.275390625 142.09375 92.947265625 142.09375 L 94.056640625 142.09375 L 94.056640625 143 L 92.947265625 143 Q 91.697265625 143 91.220703125 142.53125 Q 90.744140625 142.0625 90.744140625 140.84375 L 90.744140625 137.28125 L 89.962890625 137.28125 L 89.962890625 136.4375 L 90.744140625 136.4375 L 90.744140625 134.578125 L 91.837890625 134.578125 z M 95.51171875 134.25 L 96.69921875 134.25 L 96.69921875 142 L 100.96484375 142 L 100.96484375 143 L 95.51171875 143 L 95.51171875 134.25 z M 107.775390625 139.453125 L 107.775390625 139.96875 L 102.806640625 139.96875 Q 102.884765625 141.09375 103.486328125 141.671875 Q 104.087890625 142.25 105.150390625 142.25 Q 105.775390625 142.25 106.361328125 142.1015625 Q 106.947265625 141.953125 107.525390625 141.640625 L 107.525390625 142.671875 Q 106.931640625 142.90625 106.322265625 143.0390625 Q 105.712890625 143.171875 105.087890625 143.171875 Q 103.525390625 143.171875 102.603515625 142.2578125 Q 101.681640625 141.34375 101.681640625 139.78125 Q 101.681640625 138.171875 102.556640625 137.2265625 Q 103.431640625 136.28125 104.900390625 136.28125 Q 106.228515625 136.28125 107.001953125 137.1328125 Q 107.775390625 137.984375 107.775390625 139.453125 z M 106.697265625 139.125 Q 106.681640625 138.25 106.197265625 137.71875 Q 105.712890625 137.1875 104.916015625 137.1875 Q 104.009765625 137.1875 103.470703125 137.703125 Q 102.931640625 138.21875 102.853515625 139.140625 L 106.697265625 139.125 z M 108.767578125 136.4375 L 109.908203125 136.4375 L 111.955078125 141.9375 L 114.017578125 136.4375 L 115.158203125 136.4375 L 112.689453125 143 L 111.220703125 143 L 108.767578125 136.4375 z M 122.259765625 139.453125 L 122.259765625 139.96875 L 117.291015625 139.96875 Q 117.369140625 141.09375 117.970703125 141.671875 Q 118.572265625 142.25 119.634765625 142.25 Q 120.259765625 142.25 120.845703125 142.1015625 Q 121.431640625 141.953125 122.009765625 141.640625 L 122.009765625 142.671875 Q 121.416015625 142.90625 120.806640625 143.0390625 Q 120.197265625 143.171875 119.572265625 143.171875 Q 118.009765625 143.171875 117.087890625 142.2578125 Q 116.166015625 141.34375 116.166015625 139.78125 Q 116.166015625 138.171875 117.041015625 137.2265625 Q 117.916015625 136.28125 119.384765625 136.28125 Q 120.712890625 136.28125 121.486328125 137.1328125 Q 122.259765625 137.984375 122.259765625 139.453125 z M 121.181640625 139.125 Q 121.166015625 138.25 120.681640625 137.71875 Q 120.197265625 137.1875 119.400390625 137.1875 Q 118.494140625 137.1875 117.955078125 137.703125 Q 117.416015625 138.21875 117.337890625 139.140625 L 121.181640625 139.125 z M 124.017578125 133.875 L 125.095703125 133.875 L 125.095703125 143 L 124.017578125 143 L 124.017578125 133.875 z M 129.9453125 133.890625 Q 129.1640625 135.234375 128.78125 136.5546875 Q 128.3984375 137.875 128.3984375 139.234375 Q 128.3984375 140.578125 128.78125 141.90625 Q 129.1640625 143.234375 129.9453125 144.578125 L 129.0078125 144.578125 Q 128.1328125 143.203125 127.6953125 141.875 Q 127.2578125 140.546875 127.2578125 139.234375 Q 127.2578125 137.921875 127.6953125 136.6015625 Q 128.1328125 135.28125 129.0078125 133.890625 L 129.9453125 133.890625 z M 134.720703125 135.03125 Q 133.814453125 135.03125 133.353515625 135.9296875 Q 132.892578125 136.828125 132.892578125 138.640625 Q 132.892578125 140.4375 133.353515625 141.3359375 Q 133.814453125 142.234375 134.720703125 142.234375 Q 135.642578125 142.234375 136.103515625 141.3359375 Q 136.564453125 140.4375 136.564453125 138.640625 Q 136.564453125 136.828125 136.103515625 135.9296875 Q 135.642578125 135.03125 134.720703125 135.03125 z M 134.720703125 134.09375 Q 136.189453125 134.09375 136.970703125 135.2578125 Q 137.751953125 136.421875 137.751953125 138.640625 Q 137.751953125 140.84375 136.970703125 142.0078125 Q 136.189453125 143.171875 134.720703125 143.171875 Q 133.251953125 143.171875 132.478515625 142.0078125 Q 131.705078125 140.84375 131.705078125 138.640625 Q 131.705078125 136.421875 132.478515625 135.2578125 Q 133.251953125 134.09375 134.720703125 134.09375 z M 139.51171875 133.890625 L 140.44921875 133.890625 Q 141.32421875 135.28125 141.76171875 136.6015625 Q 142.19921875 137.921875 142.19921875 139.234375 Q 142.19921875 140.546875 141.76171875 141.875 Q 141.32421875 143.203125 140.44921875 144.578125 L 139.51171875 144.578125 Q 140.27734375 143.234375 140.66796875 141.90625 Q 141.05859375 140.578125 141.05859375 139.234375 Q 141.05859375 137.875 140.66796875 136.5546875 Q 140.27734375 135.234375 139.51171875 133.890625 z"/>
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175.671875 88.673828125 176.171875 Q 88.673828125 176.546875 88.962890625 176.7578125 Q 89.251953125 176.96875 90.126953125 177.15625 L 90.486328125 177.25 Q 91.642578125 177.484375 92.126953125 177.9375 Q 92.611328125 178.390625 92.611328125 179.1875 Q 92.611328125 180.109375 91.884765625 180.640625 Q 91.158203125 181.171875 89.892578125 181.171875 Q 89.361328125 181.171875 88.791015625 181.0703125 Q 88.220703125 180.96875 87.595703125 180.765625 L 87.595703125 179.640625 Q 88.189453125 179.953125 88.767578125 180.109375 Q 89.345703125 180.265625 89.923828125 180.265625 Q 90.673828125 180.265625 91.087890625 180.0078125 Q 91.501953125 179.75 91.501953125 179.265625 Q 91.501953125 178.828125 91.205078125 178.59375 Q 90.908203125 178.359375 89.908203125 178.140625 L 89.533203125 178.0625 Q 88.533203125 177.84375 88.087890625 177.40625 Q 87.642578125 176.96875 87.642578125 176.21875 Q 87.642578125 175.28125 88.298828125 174.78125 Q 88.955078125 174.28125 90.158203125 174.28125 Q 90.751953125 174.28125 91.283203125 174.3671875 Q 91.814453125 174.453125 92.251953125 174.625 z M 99.94140625 177.453125 L 99.94140625 177.96875 L 94.97265625 177.96875 Q 95.05078125 179.09375 95.65234375 179.671875 Q 96.25390625 180.25 97.31640625 180.25 Q 97.94140625 180.25 98.52734375 180.1015625 Q 99.11328125 179.953125 99.69140625 179.640625 L 99.69140625 180.671875 Q 99.09765625 180.90625 98.48828125 181.0390625 Q 97.87890625 181.171875 97.25390625 181.171875 Q 95.69140625 181.171875 94.76953125 180.2578125 Q 93.84765625 179.34375 93.84765625 177.78125 Q 93.84765625 176.171875 94.72265625 175.2265625 Q 95.59765625 174.28125 97.06640625 174.28125 Q 98.39453125 174.28125 99.16796875 175.1328125 Q 99.94140625 175.984375 99.94140625 177.453125 z M 98.86328125 177.125 Q 98.84765625 176.25 98.36328125 175.71875 Q 97.87890625 175.1875 97.08203125 175.1875 Q 96.17578125 175.1875 95.63671875 175.703125 Q 95.09765625 176.21875 95.01953125 177.140625 L 98.86328125 177.125 z M 105.51171875 175.4375 Q 105.32421875 175.34375 105.11328125 175.2890625 Q 104.90234375 175.234375 104.63671875 175.234375 Q 103.73046875 175.234375 103.23828125 175.828125 Q 102.74609375 176.421875 102.74609375 177.546875 L 102.74609375 181 L 101.66796875 181 L 101.66796875 174.4375 L 102.74609375 174.4375 L 102.74609375 175.453125 Q 103.08984375 174.859375 103.63671875 174.5703125 Q 104.18359375 174.28125 104.96484375 174.28125 Q 105.07421875 174.28125 105.20703125 174.296875 Q 105.33984375 174.3125 105.49609375 174.34375 L 105.51171875 175.4375 z M 107.7109375 172.578125 L 107.7109375 174.4375 L 109.9296875 174.4375 L 109.9296875 175.28125 L 107.7109375 175.28125 L 107.7109375 178.84375 Q 107.7109375 179.640625 107.9296875 179.8671875 Q 108.1484375 180.09375 108.8203125 180.09375 L 109.9296875 180.09375 L 109.9296875 181 L 108.8203125 181 Q 107.5703125 181 107.09375 180.53125 Q 106.6171875 180.0625 106.6171875 178.84375 L 106.6171875 175.28125 L 105.8359375 175.28125 L 105.8359375 174.4375 L 106.6171875 174.4375 L 106.6171875 172.578125 L 107.7109375 172.578125 z M 113.931640625 171.890625 Q 113.150390625 173.234375 112.767578125 174.5546875 Q 112.384765625 175.875 112.384765625 177.234375 Q 112.384765625 178.578125 112.767578125 179.90625 Q 113.150390625 181.234375 113.931640625 182.578125 L 112.994140625 182.578125 Q 112.119140625 181.203125 111.681640625 179.875 Q 111.244140625 178.546875 111.244140625 177.234375 Q 111.244140625 175.921875 111.681640625 174.6015625 Q 112.119140625 173.28125 112.994140625 171.890625 L 113.931640625 171.890625 z M 120.20703125 174.625 L 120.20703125 175.65625 Q 119.75390625 175.421875 119.26171875 175.3046875 Q 118.76953125 175.1875 118.23828125 175.1875 Q 117.44140625 175.1875 117.03515625 175.4296875 Q 116.62890625 175.671875 116.62890625 176.171875 Q 116.62890625 176.546875 116.91796875 176.7578125 Q 117.20703125 176.96875 118.08203125 177.15625 L 118.44140625 177.25 Q 119.59765625 177.484375 120.08203125 177.9375 Q 120.56640625 178.390625 120.56640625 179.1875 Q 120.56640625 180.109375 119.83984375 180.640625 Q 119.11328125 181.171875 117.84765625 181.171875 Q 117.31640625 181.171875 116.74609375 181.0703125 Q 116.17578125 180.96875 115.55078125 180.765625 L 115.55078125 179.640625 Q 116.14453125 179.953125 116.72265625 180.109375 Q 117.30078125 180.265625 117.87890625 180.265625 Q 118.62890625 180.265625 119.04296875 180.0078125 Q 119.45703125 179.75 119.45703125 179.265625 Q 119.45703125 178.828125 119.16015625 178.59375 Q 118.86328125 178.359375 117.86328125 178.140625 L 117.48828125 178.0625 Q 116.48828125 177.84375 116.04296875 177.40625 Q 115.59765625 176.96875 115.59765625 176.21875 Q 115.59765625 175.28125 116.25390625 174.78125 Q 116.91015625 174.28125 118.11328125 174.28125 Q 118.70703125 174.28125 119.23828125 174.3671875 Q 119.76953125 174.453125 120.20703125 174.625 z M 124.818359375 175.1875 Q 123.958984375 175.1875 123.451171875 175.8671875 Q 122.943359375 176.546875 122.943359375 177.71875 Q 122.943359375 178.90625 123.443359375 179.578125 Q 123.943359375 180.25 124.818359375 180.25 Q 125.677734375 180.25 126.185546875 179.5703125 Q 126.693359375 178.890625 126.693359375 177.71875 Q 126.693359375 176.5625 126.185546875 175.875 Q 125.677734375 175.1875 124.818359375 175.1875 z M 124.818359375 174.28125 Q 126.224609375 174.28125 127.029296875 175.1953125 Q 127.833984375 176.109375 127.833984375 177.71875 Q 127.833984375 179.328125 127.029296875 180.25 Q 126.224609375 181.171875 124.818359375 181.171875 Q 123.412109375 181.171875 122.607421875 180.25 Q 121.802734375 179.328125 121.802734375 177.71875 Q 121.802734375 176.109375 122.607421875 175.1953125 Q 123.412109375 174.28125 124.818359375 174.28125 z M 134.72265625 175.703125 Q 135.12890625 174.96875 135.69140625 174.625 Q 136.25390625 174.28125 137.01953125 174.28125 Q 138.05078125 174.28125 138.60546875 175 Q 139.16015625 175.71875 139.16015625 177.03125 L 139.16015625 181 L 138.08203125 181 L 138.08203125 177.078125 Q 138.08203125 176.125 137.74609375 175.671875 Q 137.41015625 175.21875 136.72265625 175.21875 Q 135.87890625 175.21875 135.39453125 175.7734375 Q 134.91015625 176.328125 134.91015625 177.296875 L 134.91015625 181 L 133.83203125 181 L 133.83203125 177.078125 Q 133.83203125 176.125 133.49609375 175.671875 Q 133.16015625 175.21875 132.45703125 175.21875 Q 131.62890625 175.21875 131.14453125 175.7734375 Q 130.66015625 176.328125 130.66015625 177.296875 L 130.66015625 181 L 129.58203125 181 L 129.58203125 174.4375 L 130.66015625 174.4375 L 130.66015625 175.453125 Q 131.03515625 174.859375 131.55078125 174.5703125 Q 132.06640625 174.28125 132.76953125 174.28125 Q 133.48828125 174.28125 133.98828125 174.640625 Q 134.48828125 175 134.72265625 175.703125 z M 146.927734375 177.453125 L 146.927734375 177.96875 L 141.958984375 177.96875 Q 142.037109375 179.09375 142.638671875 179.671875 Q 143.240234375 180.25 144.302734375 180.25 Q 144.927734375 180.25 145.513671875 180.1015625 Q 146.099609375 179.953125 146.677734375 179.640625 L 146.677734375 180.671875 Q 146.083984375 180.90625 145.474609375 181.0390625 Q 144.865234375 181.171875 144.240234375 181.171875 Q 142.677734375 181.171875 141.755859375 180.2578125 Q 140.833984375 179.34375 140.833984375 177.78125 Q 140.833984375 176.171875 141.708984375 175.2265625 Q 142.583984375 174.28125 144.052734375 174.28125 Q 145.380859375 174.28125 146.154296875 175.1328125 Q 146.927734375 175.984375 146.927734375 177.453125 z M 145.849609375 177.125 Q 145.833984375 176.25 145.349609375 175.71875 Q 144.865234375 175.1875 144.068359375 175.1875 Q 143.162109375 175.1875 142.623046875 175.703125 Q 142.083984375 176.21875 142.005859375 177.140625 L 145.849609375 177.125 z M 148.732421875 172.25 L 150.326171875 172.25 L 154.216796875 179.5625 L 154.216796875 172.25 L 155.357421875 172.25 L 155.357421875 181 L 153.763671875 181 L 149.888671875 173.6875 L 149.888671875 181 L 148.732421875 181 L 148.732421875 172.25 z M 160.208984375 175.1875 Q 159.349609375 175.1875 158.841796875 175.8671875 Q 158.333984375 176.546875 158.333984375 177.71875 Q 158.333984375 178.90625 158.833984375 179.578125 Q 159.333984375 180.25 160.208984375 180.25 Q 161.068359375 180.25 161.576171875 179.5703125 Q 162.083984375 178.890625 162.083984375 177.71875 Q 162.083984375 176.5625 161.576171875 175.875 Q 161.068359375 175.1875 160.208984375 175.1875 z M 160.208984375 174.28125 Q 161.615234375 174.28125 162.419921875 175.1953125 Q 163.224609375 176.109375 163.224609375 177.71875 Q 163.224609375 179.328125 162.419921875 180.25 Q 161.615234375 181.171875 160.208984375 181.171875 Q 158.802734375 181.171875 157.998046875 180.25 Q 157.193359375 179.328125 157.193359375 177.71875 Q 157.193359375 176.109375 157.998046875 175.1953125 Q 158.802734375 174.28125 160.208984375 174.28125 z M 169.33203125 175.4375 L 169.33203125 171.875 L 170.41015625 171.875 L 170.41015625 181 L 169.33203125 181 L 169.33203125 180.015625 Q 168.98828125 180.59375 168.47265625 180.8828125 Q 167.95703125 181.171875 167.22265625 181.171875 Q 166.03515625 181.171875 165.28515625 180.21875 Q 164.53515625 179.265625 164.53515625 177.71875 Q 164.53515625 176.171875 165.28515625 175.2265625 Q 166.03515625 174.28125 167.22265625 174.28125 Q 167.95703125 174.28125 168.47265625 174.5625 Q 168.98828125 174.84375 169.33203125 175.4375 z M 165.66015625 177.71875 Q 165.66015625 178.90625 166.14453125 179.5859375 Q 166.62890625 180.265625 167.48828125 180.265625 Q 168.34765625 180.265625 168.83984375 179.5859375 Q 169.33203125 178.90625 169.33203125 177.71875 Q 169.33203125 176.53125 168.83984375 175.859375 Q 168.34765625 175.1875 167.48828125 175.1875 Q 166.62890625 175.1875 166.14453125 175.859375 Q 165.66015625 176.53125 165.66015625 177.71875 z M 178.24609375 177.453125 L 178.24609375 177.96875 L 173.27734375 177.96875 Q 173.35546875 179.09375 173.95703125 179.671875 Q 174.55859375 180.25 175.62109375 180.25 Q 176.24609375 180.25 176.83203125 180.1015625 Q 177.41796875 179.953125 177.99609375 179.640625 L 177.99609375 180.671875 Q 177.40234375 180.90625 176.79296875 181.0390625 Q 176.18359375 181.171875 175.55859375 181.171875 Q 173.99609375 181.171875 173.07421875 180.2578125 Q 172.15234375 179.34375 172.15234375 177.78125 Q 172.15234375 176.171875 173.02734375 175.2265625 Q 173.90234375 174.28125 175.37109375 174.28125 Q 176.69921875 174.28125 177.47265625 175.1328125 Q 178.24609375 175.984375 178.24609375 177.453125 z M 177.16796875 177.125 Q 177.15234375 176.25 176.66796875 175.71875 Q 176.18359375 175.1875 175.38671875 175.1875 Q 174.48046875 175.1875 173.94140625 175.703125 Q 173.40234375 176.21875 173.32421875 177.140625 L 177.16796875 177.125 z M 179.84765625 171.890625 L 180.78515625 171.890625 Q 181.66015625 173.28125 182.09765625 174.6015625 Q 182.53515625 175.921875 182.53515625 177.234375 Q 182.53515625 178.546875 182.09765625 179.875 Q 181.66015625 181.203125 180.78515625 182.578125 L 179.84765625 182.578125 Q 180.61328125 181.234375 181.00390625 179.90625 Q 181.39453125 178.578125 181.39453125 177.234375 Q 181.39453125 175.875 181.00390625 174.5546875 Q 180.61328125 173.234375 179.84765625 171.890625 z"/>
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Q 83.33984375 255.28125 84.80859375 255.28125 Q 86.13671875 255.28125 86.91015625 256.1328125 Q 87.68359375 256.984375 87.68359375 258.453125 z M 86.60546875 258.125 Q 86.58984375 257.25 86.10546875 256.71875 Q 85.62109375 256.1875 84.82421875 256.1875 Q 83.91796875 256.1875 83.37890625 256.703125 Q 82.83984375 257.21875 82.76171875 258.140625 L 86.60546875 258.125 z M 94.55078125 256.703125 Q 94.95703125 255.96875 95.51953125 255.625 Q 96.08203125 255.28125 96.84765625 255.28125 Q 97.87890625 255.28125 98.43359375 256 Q 98.98828125 256.71875 98.98828125 258.03125 L 98.98828125 262 L 97.91015625 262 L 97.91015625 258.078125 Q 97.91015625 257.125 97.57421875 256.671875 Q 97.23828125 256.21875 96.55078125 256.21875 Q 95.70703125 256.21875 95.22265625 256.7734375 Q 94.73828125 257.328125 94.73828125 258.296875 L 94.73828125 262 L 93.66015625 262 L 93.66015625 258.078125 Q 93.66015625 257.125 93.32421875 256.671875 Q 92.98828125 256.21875 92.28515625 256.21875 Q 91.45703125 256.21875 90.97265625 256.7734375 Q 90.48828125 257.328125 90.48828125 258.296875 L 90.48828125 262 L 89.41015625 262 L 89.41015625 255.4375 L 90.48828125 255.4375 L 90.48828125 256.453125 Q 90.86328125 255.859375 91.37890625 255.5703125 Q 91.89453125 255.28125 92.59765625 255.28125 Q 93.31640625 255.28125 93.81640625 255.640625 Q 94.31640625 256 94.55078125 256.703125 z M 103.677734375 256.1875 Q 102.818359375 256.1875 102.310546875 256.8671875 Q 101.802734375 257.546875 101.802734375 258.71875 Q 101.802734375 259.90625 102.302734375 260.578125 Q 102.802734375 261.25 103.677734375 261.25 Q 104.537109375 261.25 105.044921875 260.5703125 Q 105.552734375 259.890625 105.552734375 258.71875 Q 105.552734375 257.5625 105.044921875 256.875 Q 104.537109375 256.1875 103.677734375 256.1875 z M 103.677734375 255.28125 Q 105.083984375 255.28125 105.888671875 256.1953125 Q 106.693359375 257.109375 106.693359375 258.71875 Q 106.693359375 260.328125 105.888671875 261.25 Q 105.083984375 262.171875 103.677734375 262.171875 Q 102.271484375 262.171875 101.466796875 261.25 Q 100.662109375 260.328125 100.662109375 258.71875 Q 100.662109375 257.109375 101.466796875 256.1953125 Q 102.271484375 255.28125 103.677734375 255.28125 z M 107.70703125 255.4375 L 108.84765625 255.4375 L 110.89453125 260.9375 L 112.95703125 255.4375 L 114.09765625 255.4375 L 111.62890625 262 L 110.16015625 262 L 107.70703125 255.4375 z M 121.19921875 258.453125 L 121.19921875 258.96875 L 116.23046875 258.96875 Q 116.30859375 260.09375 116.91015625 260.671875 Q 117.51171875 261.25 118.57421875 261.25 Q 119.19921875 261.25 119.78515625 261.1015625 Q 120.37109375 260.953125 120.94921875 260.640625 L 120.94921875 261.671875 Q 120.35546875 261.90625 119.74609375 262.0390625 Q 119.13671875 262.171875 118.51171875 262.171875 Q 116.94921875 262.171875 116.02734375 261.2578125 Q 115.10546875 260.34375 115.10546875 258.78125 Q 115.10546875 257.171875 115.98046875 256.2265625 Q 116.85546875 255.28125 118.32421875 255.28125 Q 119.65234375 255.28125 120.42578125 256.1328125 Q 121.19921875 256.984375 121.19921875 258.453125 z M 120.12109375 258.125 Q 120.10546875 257.25 119.62109375 256.71875 Q 119.13671875 256.1875 118.33984375 256.1875 Q 117.43359375 256.1875 116.89453125 256.703125 Q 116.35546875 257.21875 116.27734375 258.140625 L 120.12109375 258.125 z M 125.55078125 252.890625 Q 124.76953125 254.234375 124.38671875 255.5546875 Q 124.00390625 256.875 124.00390625 258.234375 Q 124.00390625 259.578125 124.38671875 260.90625 Q 124.76953125 262.234375 125.55078125 263.578125 L 124.61328125 263.578125 Q 123.73828125 262.203125 123.30078125 260.875 Q 122.86328125 259.546875 122.86328125 258.234375 Q 122.86328125 256.921875 123.30078125 255.6015625 Q 123.73828125 254.28125 124.61328125 252.890625 L 125.55078125 252.890625 z M 127.482421875 252.890625 L 128.419921875 252.890625 Q 129.294921875 254.28125 129.732421875 255.6015625 Q 130.169921875 256.921875 130.169921875 258.234375 Q 130.169921875 259.546875 129.732421875 260.875 Q 129.294921875 262.203125 128.419921875 263.578125 L 127.482421875 263.578125 Q 128.248046875 262.234375 128.638671875 260.90625 Q 129.029296875 259.578125 129.029296875 258.234375 Q 129.029296875 256.875 128.638671875 255.5546875 Q 128.248046875 254.234375 127.482421875 252.890625 z"/>
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450.28125 80.59375 450.5703125 Q 81.109375 450.859375 81.453125 451.4375 L 81.453125 450.4375 L 82.53125 450.4375 L 82.53125 456.1875 z M 90.3671875 453.453125 L 90.3671875 453.96875 L 85.3984375 453.96875 Q 85.4765625 455.09375 86.078125 455.671875 Q 86.6796875 456.25 87.7421875 456.25 Q 88.3671875 456.25 88.953125 456.1015625 Q 89.5390625 455.953125 90.1171875 455.640625 L 90.1171875 456.671875 Q 89.5234375 456.90625 88.9140625 457.0390625 Q 88.3046875 457.171875 87.6796875 457.171875 Q 86.1171875 457.171875 85.1953125 456.2578125 Q 84.2734375 455.34375 84.2734375 453.78125 Q 84.2734375 452.171875 85.1484375 451.2265625 Q 86.0234375 450.28125 87.4921875 450.28125 Q 88.8203125 450.28125 89.59375 451.1328125 Q 90.3671875 451.984375 90.3671875 453.453125 z M 89.2890625 453.125 Q 89.2734375 452.25 88.7890625 451.71875 Q 88.3046875 451.1875 87.5078125 451.1875 Q 86.6015625 451.1875 86.0625 451.703125 Q 85.5234375 452.21875 85.4453125 453.140625 L 89.2890625 453.125 z M 93.203125 448.578125 L 93.203125 450.4375 L 95.421875 450.4375 L 95.421875 451.28125 L 93.203125 451.28125 L 93.203125 454.84375 Q 93.203125 455.640625 93.421875 455.8671875 Q 93.640625 456.09375 94.3125 456.09375 L 95.421875 456.09375 L 95.421875 457 L 94.3125 457 Q 93.0625 457 92.5859375 456.53125 Q 92.109375 456.0625 92.109375 454.84375 L 92.109375 451.28125 L 91.328125 451.28125 L 91.328125 450.4375 L 92.109375 450.4375 L 92.109375 448.578125 L 93.203125 448.578125 z M 96.876953125 448.25 L 98.064453125 448.25 L 98.064453125 456 L 102.330078125 456 L 102.330078125 457 L 96.876953125 457 L 96.876953125 448.25 z M 109.140625 453.453125 L 109.140625 453.96875 L 104.171875 453.96875 Q 104.25 455.09375 104.8515625 455.671875 Q 105.453125 456.25 106.515625 456.25 Q 107.140625 456.25 107.7265625 456.1015625 Q 108.3125 455.953125 108.890625 455.640625 L 108.890625 456.671875 Q 108.296875 456.90625 107.6875 457.0390625 Q 107.078125 457.171875 106.453125 457.171875 Q 104.890625 457.171875 103.96875 456.2578125 Q 103.046875 455.34375 103.046875 453.78125 Q 103.046875 452.171875 103.921875 451.2265625 Q 104.796875 450.28125 106.265625 450.28125 Q 107.59375 450.28125 108.3671875 451.1328125 Q 109.140625 451.984375 109.140625 453.453125 z M 108.0625 453.125 Q 108.046875 452.25 107.5625 451.71875 Q 107.078125 451.1875 106.28125 451.1875 Q 105.375 451.1875 104.8359375 451.703125 Q 104.296875 452.21875 104.21875 453.140625 L 108.0625 453.125 z M 110.1328125 450.4375 L 111.2734375 450.4375 L 113.3203125 455.9375 L 115.3828125 450.4375 L 116.5234375 450.4375 L 114.0546875 457 L 112.5859375 457 L 110.1328125 450.4375 z M 123.625 453.453125 L 123.625 453.96875 L 118.65625 453.96875 Q 118.734375 455.09375 119.3359375 455.671875 Q 119.9375 456.25 121 456.25 Q 121.625 456.25 122.2109375 456.1015625 Q 122.796875 455.953125 123.375 455.640625 L 123.375 456.671875 Q 122.78125 456.90625 122.171875 457.0390625 Q 121.5625 457.171875 120.9375 457.171875 Q 119.375 457.171875 118.453125 456.2578125 Q 117.53125 455.34375 117.53125 453.78125 Q 117.53125 452.171875 118.40625 451.2265625 Q 119.28125 450.28125 120.75 450.28125 Q 122.078125 450.28125 122.8515625 451.1328125 Q 123.625 451.984375 123.625 453.453125 z M 122.546875 453.125 Q 122.53125 452.25 122.046875 451.71875 Q 121.5625 451.1875 120.765625 451.1875 Q 119.859375 451.1875 119.3203125 451.703125 Q 118.78125 452.21875 118.703125 453.140625 L 122.546875 453.125 z M 125.3828125 447.875 L 126.4609375 447.875 L 126.4609375 457 L 125.3828125 457 L 125.3828125 447.875 z M 131.310546875 447.890625 Q 130.529296875 449.234375 130.146484375 450.5546875 Q 129.763671875 451.875 129.763671875 453.234375 Q 129.763671875 454.578125 130.146484375 455.90625 Q 130.529296875 457.234375 131.310546875 458.578125 L 130.373046875 458.578125 Q 129.498046875 457.203125 129.060546875 455.875 Q 128.623046875 454.546875 128.623046875 453.234375 Q 128.623046875 451.921875 129.060546875 450.6015625 Q 129.498046875 449.28125 130.373046875 447.890625 L 131.310546875 447.890625 z M 133.2421875 447.890625 L 134.1796875 447.890625 Q 135.0546875 449.28125 135.4921875 450.6015625 Q 135.9296875 451.921875 135.9296875 453.234375 Q 135.9296875 454.546875 135.4921875 455.875 Q 135.0546875 457.203125 134.1796875 458.578125 L 133.2421875 458.578125 Q 134.0078125 457.234375 134.3984375 455.90625 Q 134.7890625 454.578125 134.7890625 453.234375 Q 134.7890625 451.875 134.3984375 450.5546875 Q 134.0078125 449.234375 133.2421875 447.890625 z"/>
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293.28125 80.59375 293.5703125 Q 81.109375 293.859375 81.453125 294.4375 L 81.453125 293.4375 L 82.53125 293.4375 L 82.53125 299.1875 z M 90.3671875 296.453125 L 90.3671875 296.96875 L 85.3984375 296.96875 Q 85.4765625 298.09375 86.078125 298.671875 Q 86.6796875 299.25 87.7421875 299.25 Q 88.3671875 299.25 88.953125 299.1015625 Q 89.5390625 298.953125 90.1171875 298.640625 L 90.1171875 299.671875 Q 89.5234375 299.90625 88.9140625 300.0390625 Q 88.3046875 300.171875 87.6796875 300.171875 Q 86.1171875 300.171875 85.1953125 299.2578125 Q 84.2734375 298.34375 84.2734375 296.78125 Q 84.2734375 295.171875 85.1484375 294.2265625 Q 86.0234375 293.28125 87.4921875 293.28125 Q 88.8203125 293.28125 89.59375 294.1328125 Q 90.3671875 294.984375 90.3671875 296.453125 z M 89.2890625 296.125 Q 89.2734375 295.25 88.7890625 294.71875 Q 88.3046875 294.1875 87.5078125 294.1875 Q 86.6015625 294.1875 86.0625 294.703125 Q 85.5234375 295.21875 85.4453125 296.140625 L 89.2890625 296.125 z M 93.203125 291.578125 L 93.203125 293.4375 L 95.421875 293.4375 L 95.421875 294.28125 L 93.203125 294.28125 L 93.203125 297.84375 Q 93.203125 298.640625 93.421875 298.8671875 Q 93.640625 299.09375 94.3125 299.09375 L 95.421875 299.09375 L 95.421875 300 L 94.3125 300 Q 93.0625 300 92.5859375 299.53125 Q 92.109375 299.0625 92.109375 297.84375 L 92.109375 294.28125 L 91.328125 294.28125 L 91.328125 293.4375 L 92.109375 293.4375 L 92.109375 291.578125 L 93.203125 291.578125 z M 96.876953125 291.25 L 98.064453125 291.25 L 98.064453125 299 L 102.330078125 299 L 102.330078125 300 L 96.876953125 300 L 96.876953125 291.25 z M 109.140625 296.453125 L 109.140625 296.96875 L 104.171875 296.96875 Q 104.25 298.09375 104.8515625 298.671875 Q 105.453125 299.25 106.515625 299.25 Q 107.140625 299.25 107.7265625 299.1015625 Q 108.3125 298.953125 108.890625 298.640625 L 108.890625 299.671875 Q 108.296875 299.90625 107.6875 300.0390625 Q 107.078125 300.171875 106.453125 300.171875 Q 104.890625 300.171875 103.96875 299.2578125 Q 103.046875 298.34375 103.046875 296.78125 Q 103.046875 295.171875 103.921875 294.2265625 Q 104.796875 293.28125 106.265625 293.28125 Q 107.59375 293.28125 108.3671875 294.1328125 Q 109.140625 294.984375 109.140625 296.453125 z M 108.0625 296.125 Q 108.046875 295.25 107.5625 294.71875 Q 107.078125 294.1875 106.28125 294.1875 Q 105.375 294.1875 104.8359375 294.703125 Q 104.296875 295.21875 104.21875 296.140625 L 108.0625 296.125 z M 110.1328125 293.4375 L 111.2734375 293.4375 L 113.3203125 298.9375 L 115.3828125 293.4375 L 116.5234375 293.4375 L 114.0546875 300 L 112.5859375 300 L 110.1328125 293.4375 z M 123.625 296.453125 L 123.625 296.96875 L 118.65625 296.96875 Q 118.734375 298.09375 119.3359375 298.671875 Q 119.9375 299.25 121 299.25 Q 121.625 299.25 122.2109375 299.1015625 Q 122.796875 298.953125 123.375 298.640625 L 123.375 299.671875 Q 122.78125 299.90625 122.171875 300.0390625 Q 121.5625 300.171875 120.9375 300.171875 Q 119.375 300.171875 118.453125 299.2578125 Q 117.53125 298.34375 117.53125 296.78125 Q 117.53125 295.171875 118.40625 294.2265625 Q 119.28125 293.28125 120.75 293.28125 Q 122.078125 293.28125 122.8515625 294.1328125 Q 123.625 294.984375 123.625 296.453125 z M 122.546875 296.125 Q 122.53125 295.25 122.046875 294.71875 Q 121.5625 294.1875 120.765625 294.1875 Q 119.859375 294.1875 119.3203125 294.703125 Q 118.78125 295.21875 118.703125 296.140625 L 122.546875 296.125 z M 125.3828125 290.875 L 126.4609375 290.875 L 126.4609375 300 L 125.3828125 300 L 125.3828125 290.875 z M 131.310546875 290.890625 Q 130.529296875 292.234375 130.146484375 293.5546875 Q 129.763671875 294.875 129.763671875 296.234375 Q 129.763671875 297.578125 130.146484375 298.90625 Q 130.529296875 300.234375 131.310546875 301.578125 L 130.373046875 301.578125 Q 129.498046875 300.203125 129.060546875 298.875 Q 128.623046875 297.546875 128.623046875 296.234375 Q 128.623046875 294.921875 129.060546875 293.6015625 Q 129.498046875 292.28125 130.373046875 290.890625 L 131.310546875 290.890625 z M 133.2421875 290.890625 L 134.1796875 290.890625 Q 135.0546875 292.28125 135.4921875 293.6015625 Q 135.9296875 294.921875 135.9296875 296.234375 Q 135.9296875 297.546875 135.4921875 298.875 Q 135.0546875 300.203125 134.1796875 301.578125 L 133.2421875 301.578125 Q 134.0078125 300.234375 134.3984375 298.90625 Q 134.7890625 297.578125 134.7890625 296.234375 Q 134.7890625 294.875 134.3984375 293.5546875 Q 134.0078125 292.234375 133.2421875 290.890625 z"/>
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78.015625 531.28125 79.21875 531.28125 Q 79.8125 531.28125 80.34375 531.3671875 Q 80.875 531.453125 81.3125 531.625 z M 89.001953125 534.453125 L 89.001953125 534.96875 L 84.033203125 534.96875 Q 84.111328125 536.09375 84.712890625 536.671875 Q 85.314453125 537.25 86.376953125 537.25 Q 87.001953125 537.25 87.587890625 537.1015625 Q 88.173828125 536.953125 88.751953125 536.640625 L 88.751953125 537.671875 Q 88.158203125 537.90625 87.548828125 538.0390625 Q 86.939453125 538.171875 86.314453125 538.171875 Q 84.751953125 538.171875 83.830078125 537.2578125 Q 82.908203125 536.34375 82.908203125 534.78125 Q 82.908203125 533.171875 83.783203125 532.2265625 Q 84.658203125 531.28125 86.126953125 531.28125 Q 87.455078125 531.28125 88.228515625 532.1328125 Q 89.001953125 532.984375 89.001953125 534.453125 z M 87.923828125 534.125 Q 87.908203125 533.25 87.423828125 532.71875 Q 86.939453125 532.1875 86.142578125 532.1875 Q 85.236328125 532.1875 84.697265625 532.703125 Q 84.158203125 533.21875 84.080078125 534.140625 L 87.923828125 534.125 z M 91.837890625 529.578125 L 91.837890625 531.4375 L 94.056640625 531.4375 L 94.056640625 532.28125 L 91.837890625 532.28125 L 91.837890625 535.84375 Q 91.837890625 536.640625 92.056640625 536.8671875 Q 92.275390625 537.09375 92.947265625 537.09375 L 94.056640625 537.09375 L 94.056640625 538 L 92.947265625 538 Q 91.697265625 538 91.220703125 537.53125 Q 90.744140625 537.0625 90.744140625 535.84375 L 90.744140625 532.28125 L 89.962890625 532.28125 L 89.962890625 531.4375 L 90.744140625 531.4375 L 90.744140625 529.578125 L 91.837890625 529.578125 z M 95.51171875 529.25 L 96.69921875 529.25 L 96.69921875 537 L 100.96484375 537 L 100.96484375 538 L 95.51171875 538 L 95.51171875 529.25 z M 107.775390625 534.453125 L 107.775390625 534.96875 L 102.806640625 534.96875 Q 102.884765625 536.09375 103.486328125 536.671875 Q 104.087890625 537.25 105.150390625 537.25 Q 105.775390625 537.25 106.361328125 537.1015625 Q 106.947265625 536.953125 107.525390625 536.640625 L 107.525390625 537.671875 Q 106.931640625 537.90625 106.322265625 538.0390625 Q 105.712890625 538.171875 105.087890625 538.171875 Q 103.525390625 538.171875 102.603515625 537.2578125 Q 101.681640625 536.34375 101.681640625 534.78125 Q 101.681640625 533.171875 102.556640625 532.2265625 Q 103.431640625 531.28125 104.900390625 531.28125 Q 106.228515625 531.28125 107.001953125 532.1328125 Q 107.775390625 532.984375 107.775390625 534.453125 z M 106.697265625 534.125 Q 106.681640625 533.25 106.197265625 532.71875 Q 105.712890625 532.1875 104.916015625 532.1875 Q 104.009765625 532.1875 103.470703125 532.703125 Q 102.931640625 533.21875 102.853515625 534.140625 L 106.697265625 534.125 z M 108.767578125 531.4375 L 109.908203125 531.4375 L 111.955078125 536.9375 L 114.017578125 531.4375 L 115.158203125 531.4375 L 112.689453125 538 L 111.220703125 538 L 108.767578125 531.4375 z M 122.259765625 534.453125 L 122.259765625 534.96875 L 117.291015625 534.96875 Q 117.369140625 536.09375 117.970703125 536.671875 Q 118.572265625 537.25 119.634765625 537.25 Q 120.259765625 537.25 120.845703125 537.1015625 Q 121.431640625 536.953125 122.009765625 536.640625 L 122.009765625 537.671875 Q 121.416015625 537.90625 120.806640625 538.0390625 Q 120.197265625 538.171875 119.572265625 538.171875 Q 118.009765625 538.171875 117.087890625 537.2578125 Q 116.166015625 536.34375 116.166015625 534.78125 Q 116.166015625 533.171875 117.041015625 532.2265625 Q 117.916015625 531.28125 119.384765625 531.28125 Q 120.712890625 531.28125 121.486328125 532.1328125 Q 122.259765625 532.984375 122.259765625 534.453125 z M 121.181640625 534.125 Q 121.166015625 533.25 120.681640625 532.71875 Q 120.197265625 532.1875 119.400390625 532.1875 Q 118.494140625 532.1875 117.955078125 532.703125 Q 117.416015625 533.21875 117.337890625 534.140625 L 121.181640625 534.125 z M 124.017578125 528.875 L 125.095703125 528.875 L 125.095703125 538 L 124.017578125 538 L 124.017578125 528.875 z M 129.9453125 528.890625 Q 129.1640625 530.234375 128.78125 531.5546875 Q 128.3984375 532.875 128.3984375 534.234375 Q 128.3984375 535.578125 128.78125 536.90625 Q 129.1640625 538.234375 129.9453125 539.578125 L 129.0078125 539.578125 Q 128.1328125 538.203125 127.6953125 536.875 Q 127.2578125 535.546875 127.2578125 534.234375 Q 127.2578125 532.921875 127.6953125 531.6015625 Q 128.1328125 530.28125 129.0078125 528.890625 L 129.9453125 528.890625 z M 132.033203125 528.875 L 133.111328125 528.875 L 133.111328125 538 L 132.033203125 538 L 132.033203125 528.875 z M 140.9921875 534.453125 L 140.9921875 534.96875 L 136.0234375 534.96875 Q 136.1015625 536.09375 136.703125 536.671875 Q 137.3046875 537.25 138.3671875 537.25 Q 138.9921875 537.25 139.578125 537.1015625 Q 140.1640625 536.953125 140.7421875 536.640625 L 140.7421875 537.671875 Q 140.1484375 537.90625 139.5390625 538.0390625 Q 138.9296875 538.171875 138.3046875 538.171875 Q 136.7421875 538.171875 135.8203125 537.2578125 Q 134.8984375 536.34375 134.8984375 534.78125 Q 134.8984375 533.171875 135.7734375 532.2265625 Q 136.6484375 531.28125 138.1171875 531.28125 Q 139.4453125 531.28125 140.21875 532.1328125 Q 140.9921875 532.984375 140.9921875 534.453125 z M 139.9140625 534.125 Q 139.8984375 533.25 139.4140625 532.71875 Q 138.9296875 532.1875 138.1328125 532.1875 Q 137.2265625 532.1875 136.6875 532.703125 Q 136.1484375 533.21875 136.0703125 534.140625 L 139.9140625 534.125 z M 141.984375 531.4375 L 143.125 531.4375 L 145.171875 536.9375 L 147.234375 531.4375 L 148.375 531.4375 L 145.90625 538 L 144.4375 538 L 141.984375 531.4375 z M 155.4765625 534.453125 L 155.4765625 534.96875 L 150.5078125 534.96875 Q 150.5859375 536.09375 151.1875 536.671875 Q 151.7890625 537.25 152.8515625 537.25 Q 153.4765625 537.25 154.0625 537.1015625 Q 154.6484375 536.953125 155.2265625 536.640625 L 155.2265625 537.671875 Q 154.6328125 537.90625 154.0234375 538.0390625 Q 153.4140625 538.171875 152.7890625 538.171875 Q 151.2265625 538.171875 150.3046875 537.2578125 Q 149.3828125 536.34375 149.3828125 534.78125 Q 149.3828125 533.171875 150.2578125 532.2265625 Q 151.1328125 531.28125 152.6015625 531.28125 Q 153.9296875 531.28125 154.703125 532.1328125 Q 155.4765625 532.984375 155.4765625 534.453125 z M 154.3984375 534.125 Q 154.3828125 533.25 153.8984375 532.71875 Q 153.4140625 532.1875 152.6171875 532.1875 Q 151.7109375 532.1875 151.171875 532.703125 Q 150.6328125 533.21875 150.5546875 534.140625 L 154.3984375 534.125 z M 157.234375 528.875 L 158.3125 528.875 L 158.3125 538 L 157.234375 538 L 157.234375 528.875 z M 164.958984375 530.46875 L 164.958984375 533.734375 L 168.224609375 533.734375 L 168.224609375 534.734375 L 164.958984375 534.734375 L 164.958984375 538 L 163.974609375 538 L 163.974609375 534.734375 L 160.708984375 534.734375 L 160.708984375 533.734375 L 163.974609375 533.734375 L 163.974609375 530.46875 L 164.958984375 530.46875 z M 170.982421875 537 L 172.919921875 537 L 172.919921875 530.328125 L 170.810546875 530.75 L 170.810546875 529.671875 L 172.904296875 529.25 L 174.091796875 529.25 L 174.091796875 537 L 176.029296875 537 L 176.029296875 538 L 170.982421875 538 L 170.982421875 537 z M 178.1015625 528.890625 L 179.0390625 528.890625 Q 179.9140625 530.28125 180.3515625 531.6015625 Q 180.7890625 532.921875 180.7890625 534.234375 Q 180.7890625 535.546875 180.3515625 536.875 Q 179.9140625 538.203125 179.0390625 539.578125 L 178.1015625 539.578125 Q 178.8671875 538.234375 179.2578125 536.90625 Q 179.6484375 535.578125 179.6484375 534.234375 Q 179.6484375 532.875 179.2578125 531.5546875 Q 178.8671875 530.234375 178.1015625 528.890625 z"/>
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654.109375 90.29296875 655.71875 Q 90.29296875 657.328125 89.48828125 658.25 Q 88.68359375 659.171875 87.27734375 659.171875 Q 85.87109375 659.171875 85.06640625 658.25 Q 84.26171875 657.328125 84.26171875 655.71875 Q 84.26171875 654.109375 85.06640625 653.1953125 Q 85.87109375 652.28125 87.27734375 652.28125 z M 93.150390625 650.578125 L 93.150390625 652.4375 L 95.369140625 652.4375 L 95.369140625 653.28125 L 93.150390625 653.28125 L 93.150390625 656.84375 Q 93.150390625 657.640625 93.369140625 657.8671875 Q 93.587890625 658.09375 94.259765625 658.09375 L 95.369140625 658.09375 L 95.369140625 659 L 94.259765625 659 Q 93.009765625 659 92.533203125 658.53125 Q 92.056640625 658.0625 92.056640625 656.84375 L 92.056640625 653.28125 L 91.275390625 653.28125 L 91.275390625 652.4375 L 92.056640625 652.4375 L 92.056640625 650.578125 L 93.150390625 650.578125 z M 102.24609375 655.03125 L 102.24609375 659 L 101.16796875 659 L 101.16796875 655.078125 Q 101.16796875 654.140625 100.80078125 653.6796875 Q 100.43359375 653.21875 99.71484375 653.21875 Q 98.83984375 653.21875 98.33203125 653.7734375 Q 97.82421875 654.328125 97.82421875 655.296875 L 97.82421875 659 L 96.74609375 659 L 96.74609375 649.875 L 97.82421875 649.875 L 97.82421875 653.453125 Q 98.21484375 652.859375 98.73828125 652.5703125 Q 99.26171875 652.28125 99.94921875 652.28125 Q 101.07421875 652.28125 101.66015625 652.9765625 Q 102.24609375 653.671875 102.24609375 655.03125 z M 104.3828125 652.4375 L 105.4609375 652.4375 L 105.4609375 659 L 104.3828125 659 L 104.3828125 652.4375 z M 104.3828125 649.875 L 105.4609375 649.875 L 105.4609375 651.25 L 104.3828125 651.25 L 104.3828125 649.875 z M 113.185546875 655.03125 L 113.185546875 659 L 112.107421875 659 L 112.107421875 655.078125 Q 112.107421875 654.140625 111.740234375 653.6796875 Q 111.373046875 653.21875 110.654296875 653.21875 Q 109.779296875 653.21875 109.271484375 653.7734375 Q 108.763671875 654.328125 108.763671875 655.296875 L 108.763671875 659 L 107.685546875 659 L 107.685546875 652.4375 L 108.763671875 652.4375 L 108.763671875 653.453125 Q 109.154296875 652.859375 109.677734375 652.5703125 Q 110.201171875 652.28125 110.888671875 652.28125 Q 112.013671875 652.28125 112.599609375 652.9765625 Q 113.185546875 653.671875 113.185546875 655.03125 z M 119.650390625 655.640625 Q 119.650390625 654.46875 119.166015625 653.828125 Q 118.681640625 653.1875 117.806640625 653.1875 Q 116.947265625 653.1875 116.462890625 653.828125 Q 115.978515625 654.46875 115.978515625 655.640625 Q 115.978515625 656.8125 116.462890625 657.453125 Q 116.947265625 658.09375 117.806640625 658.09375 Q 118.681640625 658.09375 119.166015625 657.453125 Q 119.650390625 656.8125 119.650390625 655.640625 z M 120.728515625 658.1875 Q 120.728515625 659.859375 119.986328125 660.6796875 Q 119.244140625 661.5 117.697265625 661.5 Q 117.134765625 661.5 116.626953125 661.4140625 Q 116.119140625 661.328125 115.650390625 661.15625 L 115.650390625 660.109375 Q 116.119140625 660.359375 116.587890625 660.484375 Q 117.056640625 660.609375 117.525390625 660.609375 Q 118.587890625 660.609375 119.119140625 660.0546875 Q 119.650390625 659.5 119.650390625 658.375 L 119.650390625 657.84375 Q 119.306640625 658.421875 118.791015625 658.7109375 Q 118.275390625 659 117.541015625 659 Q 116.337890625 659 115.595703125 658.078125 Q 114.853515625 657.15625 114.853515625 655.640625 Q 114.853515625 654.125 115.595703125 653.203125 Q 116.337890625 652.28125 117.541015625 652.28125 Q 118.275390625 652.28125 118.791015625 652.5703125 Q 119.306640625 652.859375 119.650390625 653.4375 L 119.650390625 652.4375 L 120.728515625 652.4375 L 120.728515625 658.1875 z M 127.83203125 650.578125 L 127.83203125 652.4375 L 130.05078125 652.4375 L 130.05078125 653.28125 L 127.83203125 653.28125 L 127.83203125 656.84375 Q 127.83203125 657.640625 128.05078125 657.8671875 Q 128.26953125 658.09375 128.94140625 658.09375 L 130.05078125 658.09375 L 130.05078125 659 L 128.94140625 659 Q 127.69140625 659 127.21484375 658.53125 Q 126.73828125 658.0625 126.73828125 656.84375 L 126.73828125 653.28125 L 125.95703125 653.28125 L 125.95703125 652.4375 L 126.73828125 652.4375 L 126.73828125 650.578125 L 127.83203125 650.578125 z M 134.005859375 653.1875 Q 133.146484375 653.1875 132.638671875 653.8671875 Q 132.130859375 654.546875 132.130859375 655.71875 Q 132.130859375 656.90625 132.630859375 657.578125 Q 133.130859375 658.25 134.005859375 658.25 Q 134.865234375 658.25 135.373046875 657.5703125 Q 135.880859375 656.890625 135.880859375 655.71875 Q 135.880859375 654.5625 135.373046875 653.875 Q 134.865234375 653.1875 134.005859375 653.1875 z M 134.005859375 652.28125 Q 135.412109375 652.28125 136.216796875 653.1953125 Q 137.021484375 654.109375 137.021484375 655.71875 Q 137.021484375 657.328125 136.216796875 658.25 Q 135.412109375 659.171875 134.005859375 659.171875 Q 132.599609375 659.171875 131.794921875 658.25 Q 130.990234375 657.328125 130.990234375 655.71875 Q 130.990234375 654.109375 131.794921875 653.1953125 Q 132.599609375 652.28125 134.005859375 652.28125 z M 146.943359375 653.4375 L 146.943359375 649.875 L 148.021484375 649.875 L 148.021484375 659 L 146.943359375 659 L 146.943359375 658.015625 Q 146.599609375 658.59375 146.083984375 658.8828125 Q 145.568359375 659.171875 144.833984375 659.171875 Q 143.646484375 659.171875 142.896484375 658.21875 Q 142.146484375 657.265625 142.146484375 655.71875 Q 142.146484375 654.171875 142.896484375 653.2265625 Q 143.646484375 652.28125 144.833984375 652.28125 Q 145.568359375 652.28125 146.083984375 652.5625 Q 146.599609375 652.84375 146.943359375 653.4375 z M 143.271484375 655.71875 Q 143.271484375 656.90625 143.755859375 657.5859375 Q 144.240234375 658.265625 145.099609375 658.265625 Q 145.958984375 658.265625 146.451171875 657.5859375 Q 146.943359375 656.90625 146.943359375 655.71875 Q 146.943359375 654.53125 146.451171875 653.859375 Q 145.958984375 653.1875 145.099609375 653.1875 Q 144.240234375 653.1875 143.755859375 653.859375 Q 143.271484375 654.53125 143.271484375 655.71875 z M 152.779296875 653.1875 Q 151.919921875 653.1875 151.412109375 653.8671875 Q 150.904296875 654.546875 150.904296875 655.71875 Q 150.904296875 656.90625 151.404296875 657.578125 Q 151.904296875 658.25 152.779296875 658.25 Q 153.638671875 658.25 154.146484375 657.5703125 Q 154.654296875 656.890625 154.654296875 655.71875 Q 154.654296875 654.5625 154.146484375 653.875 Q 153.638671875 653.1875 152.779296875 653.1875 z M 152.779296875 652.28125 Q 154.185546875 652.28125 154.990234375 653.1953125 Q 155.794921875 654.109375 155.794921875 655.71875 Q 155.794921875 657.328125 154.990234375 658.25 Q 154.185546875 659.171875 152.779296875 659.171875 Q 151.373046875 659.171875 150.568359375 658.25 Q 149.763671875 657.328125 149.763671875 655.71875 Q 149.763671875 654.109375 150.568359375 653.1953125 Q 151.373046875 652.28125 152.779296875 652.28125 z"/>
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570.671875 88.673828125 571.171875 Q 88.673828125 571.546875 88.962890625 571.7578125 Q 89.251953125 571.96875 90.126953125 572.15625 L 90.486328125 572.25 Q 91.642578125 572.484375 92.126953125 572.9375 Q 92.611328125 573.390625 92.611328125 574.1875 Q 92.611328125 575.109375 91.884765625 575.640625 Q 91.158203125 576.171875 89.892578125 576.171875 Q 89.361328125 576.171875 88.791015625 576.0703125 Q 88.220703125 575.96875 87.595703125 575.765625 L 87.595703125 574.640625 Q 88.189453125 574.953125 88.767578125 575.109375 Q 89.345703125 575.265625 89.923828125 575.265625 Q 90.673828125 575.265625 91.087890625 575.0078125 Q 91.501953125 574.75 91.501953125 574.265625 Q 91.501953125 573.828125 91.205078125 573.59375 Q 90.908203125 573.359375 89.908203125 573.140625 L 89.533203125 573.0625 Q 88.533203125 572.84375 88.087890625 572.40625 Q 87.642578125 571.96875 87.642578125 571.21875 Q 87.642578125 570.28125 88.298828125 569.78125 Q 88.955078125 569.28125 90.158203125 569.28125 Q 90.751953125 569.28125 91.283203125 569.3671875 Q 91.814453125 569.453125 92.251953125 569.625 z M 99.94140625 572.453125 L 99.94140625 572.96875 L 94.97265625 572.96875 Q 95.05078125 574.09375 95.65234375 574.671875 Q 96.25390625 575.25 97.31640625 575.25 Q 97.94140625 575.25 98.52734375 575.1015625 Q 99.11328125 574.953125 99.69140625 574.640625 L 99.69140625 575.671875 Q 99.09765625 575.90625 98.48828125 576.0390625 Q 97.87890625 576.171875 97.25390625 576.171875 Q 95.69140625 576.171875 94.76953125 575.2578125 Q 93.84765625 574.34375 93.84765625 572.78125 Q 93.84765625 571.171875 94.72265625 570.2265625 Q 95.59765625 569.28125 97.06640625 569.28125 Q 98.39453125 569.28125 99.16796875 570.1328125 Q 99.94140625 570.984375 99.94140625 572.453125 z M 98.86328125 572.125 Q 98.84765625 571.25 98.36328125 570.71875 Q 97.87890625 570.1875 97.08203125 570.1875 Q 96.17578125 570.1875 95.63671875 570.703125 Q 95.09765625 571.21875 95.01953125 572.140625 L 98.86328125 572.125 z M 105.51171875 570.4375 Q 105.32421875 570.34375 105.11328125 570.2890625 Q 104.90234375 570.234375 104.63671875 570.234375 Q 103.73046875 570.234375 103.23828125 570.828125 Q 102.74609375 571.421875 102.74609375 572.546875 L 102.74609375 576 L 101.66796875 576 L 101.66796875 569.4375 L 102.74609375 569.4375 L 102.74609375 570.453125 Q 103.08984375 569.859375 103.63671875 569.5703125 Q 104.18359375 569.28125 104.96484375 569.28125 Q 105.07421875 569.28125 105.20703125 569.296875 Q 105.33984375 569.3125 105.49609375 569.34375 L 105.51171875 570.4375 z M 107.7109375 567.578125 L 107.7109375 569.4375 L 109.9296875 569.4375 L 109.9296875 570.28125 L 107.7109375 570.28125 L 107.7109375 573.84375 Q 107.7109375 574.640625 107.9296875 574.8671875 Q 108.1484375 575.09375 108.8203125 575.09375 L 109.9296875 575.09375 L 109.9296875 576 L 108.8203125 576 Q 107.5703125 576 107.09375 575.53125 Q 106.6171875 575.0625 106.6171875 573.84375 L 106.6171875 570.28125 L 105.8359375 570.28125 L 105.8359375 569.4375 L 106.6171875 569.4375 L 106.6171875 567.578125 L 107.7109375 567.578125 z M 113.931640625 566.890625 Q 113.150390625 568.234375 112.767578125 569.5546875 Q 112.384765625 570.875 112.384765625 572.234375 Q 112.384765625 573.578125 112.767578125 574.90625 Q 113.150390625 576.234375 113.931640625 577.578125 L 112.994140625 577.578125 Q 112.119140625 576.203125 111.681640625 574.875 Q 111.244140625 573.546875 111.244140625 572.234375 Q 111.244140625 570.921875 111.681640625 569.6015625 Q 112.119140625 568.28125 112.994140625 566.890625 L 113.931640625 566.890625 z M 119.00390625 572.703125 Q 117.70703125 572.703125 117.19921875 573 Q 116.69140625 573.296875 116.69140625 574.015625 Q 116.69140625 574.59375 117.07421875 574.9296875 Q 117.45703125 575.265625 118.09765625 575.265625 Q 119.00390625 575.265625 119.54296875 574.6328125 Q 120.08203125 574 120.08203125 572.9375 L 120.08203125 572.703125 L 119.00390625 572.703125 z M 121.16015625 572.25 L 121.16015625 576 L 120.08203125 576 L 120.08203125 575 Q 119.70703125 575.59375 119.16015625 575.8828125 Q 118.61328125 576.171875 117.81640625 576.171875 Q 116.80078125 576.171875 116.20703125 575.6015625 Q 115.61328125 575.03125 115.61328125 574.09375 Q 115.61328125 572.984375 116.35546875 572.421875 Q 117.09765625 571.859375 118.56640625 571.859375 L 120.08203125 571.859375 L 120.08203125 571.75 Q 120.08203125 571 119.58984375 570.59375 Q 119.09765625 570.1875 118.22265625 570.1875 Q 117.66015625 570.1875 117.12109375 570.328125 Q 116.58203125 570.46875 116.09765625 570.734375 L 116.09765625 569.734375 Q 116.69140625 569.5 117.24609375 569.390625 Q 117.80078125 569.28125 118.33203125 569.28125 Q 119.75390625 569.28125 120.45703125 570.015625 Q 121.16015625 570.75 121.16015625 572.25 z M 127.701171875 570.4375 L 127.701171875 566.875 L 128.779296875 566.875 L 128.779296875 576 L 127.701171875 576 L 127.701171875 575.015625 Q 127.357421875 575.59375 126.841796875 575.8828125 Q 126.326171875 576.171875 125.591796875 576.171875 Q 124.404296875 576.171875 123.654296875 575.21875 Q 122.904296875 574.265625 122.904296875 572.71875 Q 122.904296875 571.171875 123.654296875 570.2265625 Q 124.404296875 569.28125 125.591796875 569.28125 Q 126.326171875 569.28125 126.841796875 569.5625 Q 127.357421875 569.84375 127.701171875 570.4375 z M 124.029296875 572.71875 Q 124.029296875 573.90625 124.513671875 574.5859375 Q 124.998046875 575.265625 125.857421875 575.265625 Q 126.716796875 575.265625 127.208984375 574.5859375 Q 127.701171875 573.90625 127.701171875 572.71875 Q 127.701171875 571.53125 127.208984375 570.859375 Q 126.716796875 570.1875 125.857421875 570.1875 Q 124.998046875 570.1875 124.513671875 570.859375 Q 124.029296875 571.53125 124.029296875 572.71875 z M 130.990234375 569.4375 L 132.068359375 569.4375 L 132.068359375 576.125 Q 132.068359375 577.375 131.591796875 577.9375 Q 131.115234375 578.5 130.052734375 578.5 L 129.646484375 578.5 L 129.646484375 577.578125 L 129.943359375 577.578125 Q 130.552734375 577.578125 130.771484375 577.296875 Q 130.990234375 577.015625 130.990234375 576.125 L 130.990234375 569.4375 z M 130.990234375 566.875 L 132.068359375 566.875 L 132.068359375 568.25 L 130.990234375 568.25 L 130.990234375 566.875 z M 134.16796875 566.890625 L 135.10546875 566.890625 Q 135.98046875 568.28125 136.41796875 569.6015625 Q 136.85546875 570.921875 136.85546875 572.234375 Q 136.85546875 573.546875 136.41796875 574.875 Q 135.98046875 576.203125 135.10546875 577.578125 L 134.16796875 577.578125 Q 134.93359375 576.234375 135.32421875 574.90625 Q 135.71484375 573.578125 135.71484375 572.234375 Q 135.71484375 570.875 135.32421875 569.5546875 Q 134.93359375 568.234375 134.16796875 566.890625 z"/>
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732.1015625 Q 89.5390625 731.953125 90.1171875 731.640625 L 90.1171875 732.671875 Q 89.5234375 732.90625 88.9140625 733.0390625 Q 88.3046875 733.171875 87.6796875 733.171875 Q 86.1171875 733.171875 85.1953125 732.2578125 Q 84.2734375 731.34375 84.2734375 729.78125 Q 84.2734375 728.171875 85.1484375 727.2265625 Q 86.0234375 726.28125 87.4921875 726.28125 Q 88.8203125 726.28125 89.59375 727.1328125 Q 90.3671875 727.984375 90.3671875 729.453125 z M 89.2890625 729.125 Q 89.2734375 728.25 88.7890625 727.71875 Q 88.3046875 727.1875 87.5078125 727.1875 Q 86.6015625 727.1875 86.0625 727.703125 Q 85.5234375 728.21875 85.4453125 729.140625 L 89.2890625 729.125 z M 96.3125 726.625 L 96.3125 727.65625 Q 95.859375 727.421875 95.3671875 727.3046875 Q 94.875 727.1875 94.34375 727.1875 Q 93.546875 727.1875 93.140625 727.4296875 Q 92.734375 727.671875 92.734375 728.171875 Q 92.734375 728.546875 93.0234375 728.7578125 Q 93.3125 728.96875 94.1875 729.15625 L 94.546875 729.25 Q 95.703125 729.484375 96.1875 729.9375 Q 96.671875 730.390625 96.671875 731.1875 Q 96.671875 732.109375 95.9453125 732.640625 Q 95.21875 733.171875 93.953125 733.171875 Q 93.421875 733.171875 92.8515625 733.0703125 Q 92.28125 732.96875 91.65625 732.765625 L 91.65625 731.640625 Q 92.25 731.953125 92.828125 732.109375 Q 93.40625 732.265625 93.984375 732.265625 Q 94.734375 732.265625 95.1484375 732.0078125 Q 95.5625 731.75 95.5625 731.265625 Q 95.5625 730.828125 95.265625 730.59375 Q 94.96875 730.359375 93.96875 730.140625 L 93.59375 730.0625 Q 92.59375 729.84375 92.1484375 729.40625 Q 91.703125 728.96875 91.703125 728.21875 Q 91.703125 727.28125 92.359375 726.78125 Q 93.015625 726.28125 94.21875 726.28125 Q 94.8125 726.28125 95.34375 726.3671875 Q 95.875 726.453125 96.3125 726.625 z M 99.455078125 724.578125 L 99.455078125 726.4375 L 101.673828125 726.4375 L 101.673828125 727.28125 L 99.455078125 727.28125 L 99.455078125 730.84375 Q 99.455078125 731.640625 99.673828125 731.8671875 Q 99.892578125 732.09375 100.564453125 732.09375 L 101.673828125 732.09375 L 101.673828125 733 L 100.564453125 733 Q 99.314453125 733 98.837890625 732.53125 Q 98.361328125 732.0625 98.361328125 730.84375 L 98.361328125 727.28125 L 97.580078125 727.28125 L 97.580078125 726.4375 L 98.361328125 726.4375 L 98.361328125 724.578125 L 99.455078125 724.578125 z M 106.89453125 727.4375 Q 106.70703125 727.34375 106.49609375 727.2890625 Q 106.28515625 727.234375 106.01953125 727.234375 Q 105.11328125 727.234375 104.62109375 727.828125 Q 104.12890625 728.421875 104.12890625 729.546875 L 104.12890625 733 L 103.05078125 733 L 103.05078125 726.4375 L 104.12890625 726.4375 L 104.12890625 727.453125 Q 104.47265625 726.859375 105.01953125 726.5703125 Q 105.56640625 726.28125 106.34765625 726.28125 Q 106.45703125 726.28125 106.58984375 726.296875 Q 106.72265625 726.3125 106.87890625 726.34375 L 106.89453125 727.4375 z M 110.5625 727.1875 Q 109.703125 727.1875 109.1953125 727.8671875 Q 108.6875 728.546875 108.6875 729.71875 Q 108.6875 730.90625 109.1875 731.578125 Q 109.6875 732.25 110.5625 732.25 Q 111.421875 732.25 111.9296875 731.5703125 Q 112.4375 730.890625 112.4375 729.71875 Q 112.4375 728.5625 111.9296875 727.875 Q 111.421875 727.1875 110.5625 727.1875 z M 110.5625 726.28125 Q 111.96875 726.28125 112.7734375 727.1953125 Q 113.578125 728.109375 113.578125 729.71875 Q 113.578125 731.328125 112.7734375 732.25 Q 111.96875 733.171875 110.5625 733.171875 Q 109.15625 733.171875 108.3515625 732.25 Q 107.546875 731.328125 107.546875 729.71875 Q 107.546875 728.109375 108.3515625 727.1953125 Q 109.15625 726.28125 110.5625 726.28125 z M 118.091796875 733.609375 Q 117.638671875 734.78125 117.201171875 735.140625 Q 116.763671875 735.5 116.044921875 735.5 L 115.185546875 735.5 L 115.185546875 734.59375 L 115.810546875 734.59375 Q 116.263671875 734.59375 116.505859375 734.3828125 Q 116.748046875 734.171875 117.044921875 733.390625 L 117.248046875 732.890625 L 114.591796875 726.4375 L 115.732421875 726.4375 L 117.779296875 731.5625 L 119.841796875 726.4375 L 120.982421875 726.4375 L 118.091796875 733.609375 z M 125.052734375 723.890625 Q 124.271484375 725.234375 123.888671875 726.5546875 Q 123.505859375 727.875 123.505859375 729.234375 Q 123.505859375 730.578125 123.888671875 731.90625 Q 124.271484375 733.234375 125.052734375 734.578125 L 124.115234375 734.578125 Q 123.240234375 733.203125 122.802734375 731.875 Q 122.365234375 730.546875 122.365234375 729.234375 Q 122.365234375 727.921875 122.802734375 726.6015625 Q 123.240234375 725.28125 124.115234375 723.890625 L 125.052734375 723.890625 z M 126.984375 723.890625 L 127.921875 723.890625 Q 128.796875 725.28125 129.234375 726.6015625 Q 129.671875 727.921875 129.671875 729.234375 Q 129.671875 730.546875 129.234375 731.875 Q 128.796875 733.203125 127.921875 734.578125 L 126.984375 734.578125 Q 127.75 733.234375 128.140625 731.90625 Q 128.53125 730.578125 128.53125 729.234375 Q 128.53125 727.875 128.140625 726.5546875 Q 127.75 725.234375 126.984375 723.890625 z"/>
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468.28125 624.48828125 469.1953125 Q 625.29296875 470.109375 625.29296875 471.71875 Q 625.29296875 473.328125 624.48828125 474.25 Q 623.68359375 475.171875 622.27734375 475.171875 Q 620.87109375 475.171875 620.06640625 474.25 Q 619.26171875 473.328125 619.26171875 471.71875 Q 619.26171875 470.109375 620.06640625 469.1953125 Q 620.87109375 468.28125 622.27734375 468.28125 z M 631.400390625 469.4375 L 631.400390625 465.875 L 632.478515625 465.875 L 632.478515625 475 L 631.400390625 475 L 631.400390625 474.015625 Q 631.056640625 474.59375 630.541015625 474.8828125 Q 630.025390625 475.171875 629.291015625 475.171875 Q 628.103515625 475.171875 627.353515625 474.21875 Q 626.603515625 473.265625 626.603515625 471.71875 Q 626.603515625 470.171875 627.353515625 469.2265625 Q 628.103515625 468.28125 629.291015625 468.28125 Q 630.025390625 468.28125 630.541015625 468.5625 Q 631.056640625 468.84375 631.400390625 469.4375 z M 627.728515625 471.71875 Q 627.728515625 472.90625 628.212890625 473.5859375 Q 628.697265625 474.265625 629.556640625 474.265625 Q 630.416015625 474.265625 630.908203125 473.5859375 Q 631.400390625 472.90625 631.400390625 471.71875 Q 631.400390625 470.53125 630.908203125 469.859375 Q 630.416015625 469.1875 629.556640625 469.1875 Q 628.697265625 469.1875 628.212890625 469.859375 Q 627.728515625 470.53125 627.728515625 471.71875 z M 640.314453125 471.453125 L 640.314453125 471.96875 L 635.345703125 471.96875 Q 635.423828125 473.09375 636.025390625 473.671875 Q 636.626953125 474.25 637.689453125 474.25 Q 638.314453125 474.25 638.900390625 474.1015625 Q 639.486328125 473.953125 640.064453125 473.640625 L 640.064453125 474.671875 Q 639.470703125 474.90625 638.861328125 475.0390625 Q 638.251953125 475.171875 637.626953125 475.171875 Q 636.064453125 475.171875 635.142578125 474.2578125 Q 634.220703125 473.34375 634.220703125 471.78125 Q 634.220703125 470.171875 635.095703125 469.2265625 Q 635.970703125 468.28125 637.439453125 468.28125 Q 638.767578125 468.28125 639.541015625 469.1328125 Q 640.314453125 469.984375 640.314453125 471.453125 z M 639.236328125 471.125 Q 639.220703125 470.25 638.736328125 469.71875 Q 638.251953125 469.1875 637.455078125 469.1875 Q 636.548828125 469.1875 636.009765625 469.703125 Q 635.470703125 470.21875 635.392578125 471.140625 L 639.236328125 471.125 z M 642.119140625 466.25 L 643.306640625 466.25 L 643.306640625 474 L 647.572265625 474 L 647.572265625 475 L 642.119140625 475 L 642.119140625 466.25 z M 654.3828125 471.453125 L 654.3828125 471.96875 L 649.4140625 471.96875 Q 649.4921875 473.09375 650.09375 473.671875 Q 650.6953125 474.25 651.7578125 474.25 Q 652.3828125 474.25 652.96875 474.1015625 Q 653.5546875 473.953125 654.1328125 473.640625 L 654.1328125 474.671875 Q 653.5390625 474.90625 652.9296875 475.0390625 Q 652.3203125 475.171875 651.6953125 475.171875 Q 650.1328125 475.171875 649.2109375 474.2578125 Q 648.2890625 473.34375 648.2890625 471.78125 Q 648.2890625 470.171875 649.1640625 469.2265625 Q 650.0390625 468.28125 651.5078125 468.28125 Q 652.8359375 468.28125 653.609375 469.1328125 Q 654.3828125 469.984375 654.3828125 471.453125 z M 653.3046875 471.125 Q 653.2890625 470.25 652.8046875 469.71875 Q 652.3203125 469.1875 651.5234375 469.1875 Q 650.6171875 469.1875 650.078125 469.703125 Q 649.5390625 470.21875 649.4609375 471.140625 L 653.3046875 471.125 z M 655.375 468.4375 L 656.515625 468.4375 L 658.5625 473.9375 L 660.625 468.4375 L 661.765625 468.4375 L 659.296875 475 L 657.828125 475 L 655.375 468.4375 z M 668.8671875 471.453125 L 668.8671875 471.96875 L 663.8984375 471.96875 Q 663.9765625 473.09375 664.578125 473.671875 Q 665.1796875 474.25 666.2421875 474.25 Q 666.8671875 474.25 667.453125 474.1015625 Q 668.0390625 473.953125 668.6171875 473.640625 L 668.6171875 474.671875 Q 668.0234375 474.90625 667.4140625 475.0390625 Q 666.8046875 475.171875 666.1796875 475.171875 Q 664.6171875 475.171875 663.6953125 474.2578125 Q 662.7734375 473.34375 662.7734375 471.78125 Q 662.7734375 470.171875 663.6484375 469.2265625 Q 664.5234375 468.28125 665.9921875 468.28125 Q 667.3203125 468.28125 668.09375 469.1328125 Q 668.8671875 469.984375 668.8671875 471.453125 z M 667.7890625 471.125 Q 667.7734375 470.25 667.2890625 469.71875 Q 666.8046875 469.1875 666.0078125 469.1875 Q 665.1015625 469.1875 664.5625 469.703125 Q 664.0234375 470.21875 663.9453125 471.140625 L 667.7890625 471.125 z M 670.625 465.875 L 671.703125 465.875 L 671.703125 475 L 670.625 475 L 670.625 465.875 z"/>
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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- <path d="M 70 559 L 76 553 L 76 565 z"/>
-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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-</g> <!-- drawing style -->
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Q 199.0390625 76.234375 199.546875 75.6796875 Q 200.0546875 75.125 200.0546875 74.15625 L 200.0546875 70.4375 L 201.1328125 70.4375 L 201.1328125 77 L 200.0546875 77 L 200.0546875 75.984375 Q 199.6640625 76.59375 199.1484375 76.8828125 Q 198.6328125 77.171875 197.9453125 77.171875 Q 196.8046875 77.171875 196.21875 76.46875 Q 195.6328125 75.765625 195.6328125 74.40625 z M 208.97265625 73.453125 L 208.97265625 73.96875 L 204.00390625 73.96875 Q 204.08203125 75.09375 204.68359375 75.671875 Q 205.28515625 76.25 206.34765625 76.25 Q 206.97265625 76.25 207.55859375 76.1015625 Q 208.14453125 75.953125 208.72265625 75.640625 L 208.72265625 76.671875 Q 208.12890625 76.90625 207.51953125 77.0390625 Q 206.91015625 77.171875 206.28515625 77.171875 Q 204.72265625 77.171875 203.80078125 76.2578125 Q 202.87890625 75.34375 202.87890625 73.78125 Q 202.87890625 72.171875 203.75390625 71.2265625 Q 204.62890625 70.28125 206.09765625 70.28125 Q 207.42578125 70.28125 208.19921875 71.1328125 Q 208.97265625 71.984375 208.97265625 73.453125 z M 207.89453125 73.125 Q 207.87890625 72.25 207.39453125 71.71875 Q 206.91015625 71.1875 206.11328125 71.1875 Q 205.20703125 71.1875 204.66796875 71.703125 Q 204.12890625 72.21875 204.05078125 73.140625 L 207.89453125 73.125 z M 210.62109375 74.40625 L 210.62109375 70.4375 L 211.69921875 70.4375 L 211.69921875 74.375 Q 211.69921875 75.296875 212.06640625 75.765625 Q 212.43359375 76.234375 213.15234375 76.234375 Q 214.02734375 76.234375 214.53515625 75.6796875 Q 215.04296875 75.125 215.04296875 74.15625 L 215.04296875 70.4375 L 216.12109375 70.4375 L 216.12109375 77 L 215.04296875 77 L 215.04296875 75.984375 Q 214.65234375 76.59375 214.13671875 76.8828125 Q 213.62109375 77.171875 212.93359375 77.171875 Q 211.79296875 77.171875 211.20703125 76.46875 Q 210.62109375 75.765625 210.62109375 74.40625 z M 223.9609375 73.453125 L 223.9609375 73.96875 L 218.9921875 73.96875 Q 219.0703125 75.09375 219.671875 75.671875 Q 220.2734375 76.25 221.3359375 76.25 Q 221.9609375 76.25 222.546875 76.1015625 Q 223.1328125 75.953125 223.7109375 75.640625 L 223.7109375 76.671875 Q 223.1171875 76.90625 222.5078125 77.0390625 Q 221.8984375 77.171875 221.2734375 77.171875 Q 219.7109375 77.171875 218.7890625 76.2578125 Q 217.8671875 75.34375 217.8671875 73.78125 Q 217.8671875 72.171875 218.7421875 71.2265625 Q 219.6171875 70.28125 221.0859375 70.28125 Q 222.4140625 70.28125 223.1875 71.1328125 Q 223.9609375 71.984375 223.9609375 73.453125 z M 222.8828125 73.125 Q 222.8671875 72.25 222.3828125 71.71875 Q 221.8984375 71.1875 221.1015625 71.1875 Q 220.1953125 71.1875 219.65625 71.703125 Q 219.1171875 72.21875 219.0390625 73.140625 L 222.8828125 73.125 z M 226 75.515625 L 227.234375 75.515625 L 227.234375 77 L 226 77 L 226 75.515625 z M 226 70.796875 L 227.234375 70.796875 L 227.234375 72.28125 L 226 72.28125 L 226 70.796875 z M 229.80859375 68.25 L 234.83984375 68.25 L 234.83984375 69.25 L 230.99609375 69.25 L 230.99609375 71.828125 L 234.46484375 71.828125 L 234.46484375 72.828125 L 230.99609375 72.828125 L 230.99609375 77 L 229.80859375 77 L 229.80859375 68.25 z M 236.7109375 68.25 L 237.8984375 68.25 L 237.8984375 77 L 236.7109375 77 L 236.7109375 68.25 z M 240.25 68.25 L 245.28125 68.25 L 245.28125 69.25 L 241.4375 69.25 L 241.4375 71.828125 L 244.90625 71.828125 L 244.90625 72.828125 L 241.4375 72.828125 L 241.4375 77 L 240.25 77 L 240.25 68.25 z M 250.71484375 69.046875 Q 249.41796875 69.046875 248.66015625 70.0078125 Q 247.90234375 70.96875 247.90234375 72.640625 Q 247.90234375 74.28125 248.66015625 75.2421875 Q 249.41796875 76.203125 250.71484375 76.203125 Q 251.99609375 76.203125 252.75390625 75.2421875 Q 253.51171875 74.28125 253.51171875 72.640625 Q 253.51171875 70.96875 252.75390625 70.0078125 Q 251.99609375 69.046875 250.71484375 69.046875 z M 250.71484375 68.09375 Q 252.54296875 68.09375 253.64453125 69.328125 Q 254.74609375 70.5625 254.74609375 72.640625 Q 254.74609375 74.703125 253.64453125 75.9375 Q 252.54296875 77.171875 250.71484375 77.171875 Q 248.87109375 77.171875 247.76171875 75.9375 Q 246.65234375 74.703125 246.65234375 72.640625 Q 246.65234375 70.5625 247.76171875 69.328125 Q 248.87109375 68.09375 250.71484375 68.09375 z"/>
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291.015625 15.28125 292.21875 15.28125 Q 292.8125 15.28125 293.34375 15.3671875 Q 293.875 15.453125 294.3125 15.625 z M 298.923828125 16.1875 Q 298.064453125 16.1875 297.556640625 16.8671875 Q 297.048828125 17.546875 297.048828125 18.71875 Q 297.048828125 19.90625 297.548828125 20.578125 Q 298.048828125 21.25 298.923828125 21.25 Q 299.783203125 21.25 300.291015625 20.5703125 Q 300.798828125 19.890625 300.798828125 18.71875 Q 300.798828125 17.5625 300.291015625 16.875 Q 299.783203125 16.1875 298.923828125 16.1875 z M 298.923828125 15.28125 Q 300.330078125 15.28125 301.134765625 16.1953125 Q 301.939453125 17.109375 301.939453125 18.71875 Q 301.939453125 20.328125 301.134765625 21.25 Q 300.330078125 22.171875 298.923828125 22.171875 Q 297.517578125 22.171875 296.712890625 21.25 Q 295.908203125 20.328125 295.908203125 18.71875 Q 295.908203125 17.109375 296.712890625 16.1953125 Q 297.517578125 15.28125 298.923828125 15.28125 z M 308.828125 16.703125 Q 309.234375 15.96875 309.796875 15.625 Q 310.359375 15.28125 311.125 15.28125 Q 312.15625 15.28125 312.7109375 16 Q 313.265625 16.71875 313.265625 18.03125 L 313.265625 22 L 312.1875 22 L 312.1875 18.078125 Q 312.1875 17.125 311.8515625 16.671875 Q 311.515625 16.21875 310.828125 16.21875 Q 309.984375 16.21875 309.5 16.7734375 Q 309.015625 17.328125 309.015625 18.296875 L 309.015625 22 L 307.9375 22 L 307.9375 18.078125 Q 307.9375 17.125 307.6015625 16.671875 Q 307.265625 16.21875 306.5625 16.21875 Q 305.734375 16.21875 305.25 16.7734375 Q 304.765625 17.328125 304.765625 18.296875 L 304.765625 22 L 303.6875 22 L 303.6875 15.4375 L 304.765625 15.4375 L 304.765625 16.453125 Q 305.140625 15.859375 305.65625 15.5703125 Q 306.171875 15.28125 306.875 15.28125 Q 307.59375 15.28125 308.09375 15.640625 Q 308.59375 16 308.828125 16.703125 z M 321.033203125 18.453125 L 321.033203125 18.96875 L 316.064453125 18.96875 Q 316.142578125 20.09375 316.744140625 20.671875 Q 317.345703125 21.25 318.408203125 21.25 Q 319.033203125 21.25 319.619140625 21.1015625 Q 320.205078125 20.953125 320.783203125 20.640625 L 320.783203125 21.671875 Q 320.189453125 21.90625 319.580078125 22.0390625 Q 318.970703125 22.171875 318.345703125 22.171875 Q 316.783203125 22.171875 315.861328125 21.2578125 Q 314.939453125 20.34375 314.939453125 18.78125 Q 314.939453125 17.171875 315.814453125 16.2265625 Q 316.689453125 15.28125 318.158203125 15.28125 Q 319.486328125 15.28125 320.259765625 16.1328125 Q 321.033203125 16.984375 321.033203125 18.453125 z M 319.955078125 18.125 Q 319.939453125 17.25 319.455078125 16.71875 Q 318.970703125 16.1875 318.173828125 16.1875 Q 317.267578125 16.1875 316.728515625 16.703125 Q 316.189453125 17.21875 316.111328125 18.140625 L 319.955078125 18.125 z M 322.837890625 13.25 L 324.431640625 13.25 L 328.322265625 20.5625 L 328.322265625 13.25 L 329.462890625 13.25 L 329.462890625 22 L 327.869140625 22 L 323.994140625 14.6875 L 323.994140625 22 L 322.837890625 22 L 322.837890625 13.25 z M 334.314453125 16.1875 Q 333.455078125 16.1875 332.947265625 16.8671875 Q 332.439453125 17.546875 332.439453125 18.71875 Q 332.439453125 19.90625 332.939453125 20.578125 Q 333.439453125 21.25 334.314453125 21.25 Q 335.173828125 21.25 335.681640625 20.5703125 Q 336.189453125 19.890625 336.189453125 18.71875 Q 336.189453125 17.5625 335.681640625 16.875 Q 335.173828125 16.1875 334.314453125 16.1875 z M 334.314453125 15.28125 Q 335.720703125 15.28125 336.525390625 16.1953125 Q 337.330078125 17.109375 337.330078125 18.71875 Q 337.330078125 20.328125 336.525390625 21.25 Q 335.720703125 22.171875 334.314453125 22.171875 Q 332.908203125 22.171875 332.103515625 21.25 Q 331.298828125 20.328125 331.298828125 18.71875 Q 331.298828125 17.109375 332.103515625 16.1953125 Q 332.908203125 15.28125 334.314453125 15.28125 z M 343.4375 16.4375 L 343.4375 12.875 L 344.515625 12.875 L 344.515625 22 L 343.4375 22 L 343.4375 21.015625 Q 343.09375 21.59375 342.578125 21.8828125 Q 342.0625 22.171875 341.328125 22.171875 Q 340.140625 22.171875 339.390625 21.21875 Q 338.640625 20.265625 338.640625 18.71875 Q 338.640625 17.171875 339.390625 16.2265625 Q 340.140625 15.28125 341.328125 15.28125 Q 342.0625 15.28125 342.578125 15.5625 Q 343.09375 15.84375 343.4375 16.4375 z M 339.765625 18.71875 Q 339.765625 19.90625 340.25 20.5859375 Q 340.734375 21.265625 341.59375 21.265625 Q 342.453125 21.265625 342.9453125 20.5859375 Q 343.4375 19.90625 343.4375 18.71875 Q 343.4375 17.53125 342.9453125 16.859375 Q 342.453125 16.1875 341.59375 16.1875 Q 340.734375 16.1875 340.25 16.859375 Q 339.765625 17.53125 339.765625 18.71875 z M 352.3515625 18.453125 L 352.3515625 18.96875 L 347.3828125 18.96875 Q 347.4609375 20.09375 348.0625 20.671875 Q 348.6640625 21.25 349.7265625 21.25 Q 350.3515625 21.25 350.9375 21.1015625 Q 351.5234375 20.953125 352.1015625 20.640625 L 352.1015625 21.671875 Q 351.5078125 21.90625 350.8984375 22.0390625 Q 350.2890625 22.171875 349.6640625 22.171875 Q 348.1015625 22.171875 347.1796875 21.2578125 Q 346.2578125 20.34375 346.2578125 18.78125 Q 346.2578125 17.171875 347.1328125 16.2265625 Q 348.0078125 15.28125 349.4765625 15.28125 Q 350.8046875 15.28125 351.578125 16.1328125 Q 352.3515625 16.984375 352.3515625 18.453125 z M 351.2734375 18.125 Q 351.2578125 17.25 350.7734375 16.71875 Q 350.2890625 16.1875 349.4921875 16.1875 Q 348.5859375 16.1875 348.046875 16.703125 Q 347.5078125 17.21875 347.4296875 18.140625 L 351.2734375 18.125 z M 354.390625 20.515625 L 355.625 20.515625 L 355.625 22 L 354.390625 22 L 354.390625 20.515625 z M 354.390625 15.796875 L 355.625 15.796875 L 355.625 17.28125 L 354.390625 17.28125 L 354.390625 15.796875 z M 358.19921875 13.25 L 359.79296875 13.25 L 363.68359375 20.5625 L 363.68359375 13.25 L 364.82421875 13.25 L 364.82421875 22 L 363.23046875 22 L 359.35546875 14.6875 L 359.35546875 22 L 358.19921875 22 L 358.19921875 13.25 z M 369.67578125 16.1875 Q 368.81640625 16.1875 368.30859375 16.8671875 Q 367.80078125 17.546875 367.80078125 18.71875 Q 367.80078125 19.90625 368.30078125 20.578125 Q 368.80078125 21.25 369.67578125 21.25 Q 370.53515625 21.25 371.04296875 20.5703125 Q 371.55078125 19.890625 371.55078125 18.71875 Q 371.55078125 17.5625 371.04296875 16.875 Q 370.53515625 16.1875 369.67578125 16.1875 z M 369.67578125 15.28125 Q 371.08203125 15.28125 371.88671875 16.1953125 Q 372.69140625 17.109375 372.69140625 18.71875 Q 372.69140625 20.328125 371.88671875 21.25 Q 371.08203125 22.171875 369.67578125 22.171875 Q 368.26953125 22.171875 367.46484375 21.25 Q 366.66015625 20.328125 366.66015625 18.71875 Q 366.66015625 17.109375 367.46484375 16.1953125 Q 368.26953125 15.28125 369.67578125 15.28125 z M 378.798828125 16.4375 L 378.798828125 12.875 L 379.876953125 12.875 L 379.876953125 22 L 378.798828125 22 L 378.798828125 21.015625 Q 378.455078125 21.59375 377.939453125 21.8828125 Q 377.423828125 22.171875 376.689453125 22.171875 Q 375.501953125 22.171875 374.751953125 21.21875 Q 374.001953125 20.265625 374.001953125 18.71875 Q 374.001953125 17.171875 374.751953125 16.2265625 Q 375.501953125 15.28125 376.689453125 15.28125 Q 377.423828125 15.28125 377.939453125 15.5625 Q 378.455078125 15.84375 378.798828125 16.4375 z M 375.126953125 18.71875 Q 375.126953125 19.90625 375.611328125 20.5859375 Q 376.095703125 21.265625 376.955078125 21.265625 Q 377.814453125 21.265625 378.306640625 20.5859375 Q 378.798828125 19.90625 378.798828125 18.71875 Q 378.798828125 17.53125 378.306640625 16.859375 Q 377.814453125 16.1875 376.955078125 16.1875 Q 376.095703125 16.1875 375.611328125 16.859375 Q 375.126953125 17.53125 375.126953125 18.71875 z M 387.712890625 18.453125 L 387.712890625 18.96875 L 382.744140625 18.96875 Q 382.822265625 20.09375 383.423828125 20.671875 Q 384.025390625 21.25 385.087890625 21.25 Q 385.712890625 21.25 386.298828125 21.1015625 Q 386.884765625 20.953125 387.462890625 20.640625 L 387.462890625 21.671875 Q 386.869140625 21.90625 386.259765625 22.0390625 Q 385.650390625 22.171875 385.025390625 22.171875 Q 383.462890625 22.171875 382.541015625 21.2578125 Q 381.619140625 20.34375 381.619140625 18.78125 Q 381.619140625 17.171875 382.494140625 16.2265625 Q 383.369140625 15.28125 384.837890625 15.28125 Q 386.166015625 15.28125 386.939453125 16.1328125 Q 387.712890625 16.984375 387.712890625 18.453125 z M 386.634765625 18.125 Q 386.619140625 17.25 386.134765625 16.71875 Q 385.650390625 16.1875 384.853515625 16.1875 Q 383.947265625 16.1875 383.408203125 16.703125 Q 382.869140625 17.21875 382.791015625 18.140625 L 386.634765625 18.125 z"/>
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17.109375 440.29296875 18.71875 Q 440.29296875 20.328125 439.48828125 21.25 Q 438.68359375 22.171875 437.27734375 22.171875 Q 435.87109375 22.171875 435.06640625 21.25 Q 434.26171875 20.328125 434.26171875 18.71875 Q 434.26171875 17.109375 435.06640625 16.1953125 Q 435.87109375 15.28125 437.27734375 15.28125 z M 446.400390625 16.4375 L 446.400390625 12.875 L 447.478515625 12.875 L 447.478515625 22 L 446.400390625 22 L 446.400390625 21.015625 Q 446.056640625 21.59375 445.541015625 21.8828125 Q 445.025390625 22.171875 444.291015625 22.171875 Q 443.103515625 22.171875 442.353515625 21.21875 Q 441.603515625 20.265625 441.603515625 18.71875 Q 441.603515625 17.171875 442.353515625 16.2265625 Q 443.103515625 15.28125 444.291015625 15.28125 Q 445.025390625 15.28125 445.541015625 15.5625 Q 446.056640625 15.84375 446.400390625 16.4375 z M 442.728515625 18.71875 Q 442.728515625 19.90625 443.212890625 20.5859375 Q 443.697265625 21.265625 444.556640625 21.265625 Q 445.416015625 21.265625 445.908203125 20.5859375 Q 446.400390625 19.90625 446.400390625 18.71875 Q 446.400390625 17.53125 445.908203125 16.859375 Q 445.416015625 16.1875 444.556640625 16.1875 Q 443.697265625 16.1875 443.212890625 16.859375 Q 442.728515625 17.53125 442.728515625 18.71875 z M 455.314453125 18.453125 L 455.314453125 18.96875 L 450.345703125 18.96875 Q 450.423828125 20.09375 451.025390625 20.671875 Q 451.626953125 21.25 452.689453125 21.25 Q 453.314453125 21.25 453.900390625 21.1015625 Q 454.486328125 20.953125 455.064453125 20.640625 L 455.064453125 21.671875 Q 454.470703125 21.90625 453.861328125 22.0390625 Q 453.251953125 22.171875 452.626953125 22.171875 Q 451.064453125 22.171875 450.142578125 21.2578125 Q 449.220703125 20.34375 449.220703125 18.78125 Q 449.220703125 17.171875 450.095703125 16.2265625 Q 450.970703125 15.28125 452.439453125 15.28125 Q 453.767578125 15.28125 454.541015625 16.1328125 Q 455.314453125 16.984375 455.314453125 18.453125 z M 454.236328125 18.125 Q 454.220703125 17.25 453.736328125 16.71875 Q 453.251953125 16.1875 452.455078125 16.1875 Q 451.548828125 16.1875 451.009765625 16.703125 Q 450.470703125 17.21875 450.392578125 18.140625 L 454.236328125 18.125 z M 457.353515625 20.515625 L 458.587890625 20.515625 L 458.587890625 22 L 457.353515625 22 L 457.353515625 20.515625 z M 457.353515625 15.796875 L 458.587890625 15.796875 L 458.587890625 17.28125 L 457.353515625 17.28125 L 457.353515625 15.796875 z M 461.162109375 13.25 L 462.755859375 13.25 L 466.646484375 20.5625 L 466.646484375 13.25 L 467.787109375 13.25 L 467.787109375 22 L 466.193359375 22 L 462.318359375 14.6875 L 462.318359375 22 L 461.162109375 22 L 461.162109375 13.25 z M 472.638671875 16.1875 Q 471.779296875 16.1875 471.271484375 16.8671875 Q 470.763671875 17.546875 470.763671875 18.71875 Q 470.763671875 19.90625 471.263671875 20.578125 Q 471.763671875 21.25 472.638671875 21.25 Q 473.498046875 21.25 474.005859375 20.5703125 Q 474.513671875 19.890625 474.513671875 18.71875 Q 474.513671875 17.5625 474.005859375 16.875 Q 473.498046875 16.1875 472.638671875 16.1875 z M 472.638671875 15.28125 Q 474.044921875 15.28125 474.849609375 16.1953125 Q 475.654296875 17.109375 475.654296875 18.71875 Q 475.654296875 20.328125 474.849609375 21.25 Q 474.044921875 22.171875 472.638671875 22.171875 Q 471.232421875 22.171875 470.427734375 21.25 Q 469.623046875 20.328125 469.623046875 18.71875 Q 469.623046875 17.109375 470.427734375 16.1953125 Q 471.232421875 15.28125 472.638671875 15.28125 z M 481.76171875 16.4375 L 481.76171875 12.875 L 482.83984375 12.875 L 482.83984375 22 L 481.76171875 22 L 481.76171875 21.015625 Q 481.41796875 21.59375 480.90234375 21.8828125 Q 480.38671875 22.171875 479.65234375 22.171875 Q 478.46484375 22.171875 477.71484375 21.21875 Q 476.96484375 20.265625 476.96484375 18.71875 Q 476.96484375 17.171875 477.71484375 16.2265625 Q 478.46484375 15.28125 479.65234375 15.28125 Q 480.38671875 15.28125 480.90234375 15.5625 Q 481.41796875 15.84375 481.76171875 16.4375 z M 478.08984375 18.71875 Q 478.08984375 19.90625 478.57421875 20.5859375 Q 479.05859375 21.265625 479.91796875 21.265625 Q 480.77734375 21.265625 481.26953125 20.5859375 Q 481.76171875 19.90625 481.76171875 18.71875 Q 481.76171875 17.53125 481.26953125 16.859375 Q 480.77734375 16.1875 479.91796875 16.1875 Q 479.05859375 16.1875 478.57421875 16.859375 Q 478.08984375 17.53125 478.08984375 18.71875 z M 490.67578125 18.453125 L 490.67578125 18.96875 L 485.70703125 18.96875 Q 485.78515625 20.09375 486.38671875 20.671875 Q 486.98828125 21.25 488.05078125 21.25 Q 488.67578125 21.25 489.26171875 21.1015625 Q 489.84765625 20.953125 490.42578125 20.640625 L 490.42578125 21.671875 Q 489.83203125 21.90625 489.22265625 22.0390625 Q 488.61328125 22.171875 487.98828125 22.171875 Q 486.42578125 22.171875 485.50390625 21.2578125 Q 484.58203125 20.34375 484.58203125 18.78125 Q 484.58203125 17.171875 485.45703125 16.2265625 Q 486.33203125 15.28125 487.80078125 15.28125 Q 489.12890625 15.28125 489.90234375 16.1328125 Q 490.67578125 16.984375 490.67578125 18.453125 z M 489.59765625 18.125 Q 489.58203125 17.25 489.09765625 16.71875 Q 488.61328125 16.1875 487.81640625 16.1875 Q 486.91015625 16.1875 486.37109375 16.703125 Q 485.83203125 17.21875 485.75390625 18.140625 L 489.59765625 18.125 z"/>
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546.265625 18.25 z M 552.806640625 16.4375 L 552.806640625 12.875 L 553.884765625 12.875 L 553.884765625 22 L 552.806640625 22 L 552.806640625 21.015625 Q 552.462890625 21.59375 551.947265625 21.8828125 Q 551.431640625 22.171875 550.697265625 22.171875 Q 549.509765625 22.171875 548.759765625 21.21875 Q 548.009765625 20.265625 548.009765625 18.71875 Q 548.009765625 17.171875 548.759765625 16.2265625 Q 549.509765625 15.28125 550.697265625 15.28125 Q 551.431640625 15.28125 551.947265625 15.5625 Q 552.462890625 15.84375 552.806640625 16.4375 z M 549.134765625 18.71875 Q 549.134765625 19.90625 549.619140625 20.5859375 Q 550.103515625 21.265625 550.962890625 21.265625 Q 551.822265625 21.265625 552.314453125 20.5859375 Q 552.806640625 19.90625 552.806640625 18.71875 Q 552.806640625 17.53125 552.314453125 16.859375 Q 551.822265625 16.1875 550.962890625 16.1875 Q 550.103515625 16.1875 549.619140625 16.859375 Q 549.134765625 17.53125 549.134765625 18.71875 z M 556.095703125 15.4375 L 557.173828125 15.4375 L 557.173828125 22.125 Q 557.173828125 23.375 556.697265625 23.9375 Q 556.220703125 24.5 555.158203125 24.5 L 554.751953125 24.5 L 554.751953125 23.578125 L 555.048828125 23.578125 Q 555.658203125 23.578125 555.876953125 23.296875 Q 556.095703125 23.015625 556.095703125 22.125 L 556.095703125 15.4375 z M 556.095703125 12.875 L 557.173828125 12.875 L 557.173828125 14.25 L 556.095703125 14.25 L 556.095703125 12.875 z M 559.4765625 13.25 L 560.6640625 13.25 L 560.6640625 21 L 564.9296875 21 L 564.9296875 22 L 559.4765625 22 L 559.4765625 13.25 z M 566.115234375 15.4375 L 567.193359375 15.4375 L 567.193359375 22 L 566.115234375 22 L 566.115234375 15.4375 z M 566.115234375 12.875 L 567.193359375 12.875 L 567.193359375 14.25 L 566.115234375 14.25 L 566.115234375 12.875 z M 573.63671875 15.625 L 573.63671875 16.65625 Q 573.18359375 16.421875 572.69140625 16.3046875 Q 572.19921875 16.1875 571.66796875 16.1875 Q 570.87109375 16.1875 570.46484375 16.4296875 Q 570.05859375 16.671875 570.05859375 17.171875 Q 570.05859375 17.546875 570.34765625 17.7578125 Q 570.63671875 17.96875 571.51171875 18.15625 L 571.87109375 18.25 Q 573.02734375 18.484375 573.51171875 18.9375 Q 573.99609375 19.390625 573.99609375 20.1875 Q 573.99609375 21.109375 573.26953125 21.640625 Q 572.54296875 22.171875 571.27734375 22.171875 Q 570.74609375 22.171875 570.17578125 22.0703125 Q 569.60546875 21.96875 568.98046875 21.765625 L 568.98046875 20.640625 Q 569.57421875 20.953125 570.15234375 21.109375 Q 570.73046875 21.265625 571.30859375 21.265625 Q 572.05859375 21.265625 572.47265625 21.0078125 Q 572.88671875 20.75 572.88671875 20.265625 Q 572.88671875 19.828125 572.58984375 19.59375 Q 572.29296875 19.359375 571.29296875 19.140625 L 570.91796875 19.0625 Q 569.91796875 18.84375 569.47265625 18.40625 Q 569.02734375 17.96875 569.02734375 17.21875 Q 569.02734375 16.28125 569.68359375 15.78125 Q 570.33984375 15.28125 571.54296875 15.28125 Q 572.13671875 15.28125 572.66796875 15.3671875 Q 573.19921875 15.453125 573.63671875 15.625 z M 576.779296875 13.578125 L 576.779296875 15.4375 L 578.998046875 15.4375 L 578.998046875 16.28125 L 576.779296875 16.28125 L 576.779296875 19.84375 Q 576.779296875 20.640625 576.998046875 20.8671875 Q 577.216796875 21.09375 577.888671875 21.09375 L 578.998046875 21.09375 L 578.998046875 22 L 577.888671875 22 Q 576.638671875 22 576.162109375 21.53125 Q 575.685546875 21.0625 575.685546875 19.84375 L 575.685546875 16.28125 L 574.904296875 16.28125 L 574.904296875 15.4375 L 575.685546875 15.4375 L 575.685546875 13.578125 L 576.779296875 13.578125 z M 580.6875 20.515625 L 581.921875 20.515625 L 581.921875 22 L 580.6875 22 L 580.6875 20.515625 z M 580.6875 15.796875 L 581.921875 15.796875 L 581.921875 17.28125 L 580.6875 17.28125 L 580.6875 15.796875 z M 584.49609375 13.25 L 585.68359375 13.25 L 585.68359375 21 L 589.94921875 21 L 589.94921875 22 L 584.49609375 22 L 584.49609375 13.25 z M 591.134765625 15.4375 L 592.212890625 15.4375 L 592.212890625 22 L 591.134765625 22 L 591.134765625 15.4375 z M 591.134765625 12.875 L 592.212890625 12.875 L 592.212890625 14.25 L 591.134765625 14.25 L 591.134765625 12.875 z M 598.65625 15.625 L 598.65625 16.65625 Q 598.203125 16.421875 597.7109375 16.3046875 Q 597.21875 16.1875 596.6875 16.1875 Q 595.890625 16.1875 595.484375 16.4296875 Q 595.078125 16.671875 595.078125 17.171875 Q 595.078125 17.546875 595.3671875 17.7578125 Q 595.65625 17.96875 596.53125 18.15625 L 596.890625 18.25 Q 598.046875 18.484375 598.53125 18.9375 Q 599.015625 19.390625 599.015625 20.1875 Q 599.015625 21.109375 598.2890625 21.640625 Q 597.5625 22.171875 596.296875 22.171875 Q 595.765625 22.171875 595.1953125 22.0703125 Q 594.625 21.96875 594 21.765625 L 594 20.640625 Q 594.59375 20.953125 595.171875 21.109375 Q 595.75 21.265625 596.328125 21.265625 Q 597.078125 21.265625 597.4921875 21.0078125 Q 597.90625 20.75 597.90625 20.265625 Q 597.90625 19.828125 597.609375 19.59375 Q 597.3125 19.359375 596.3125 19.140625 L 595.9375 19.0625 Q 594.9375 18.84375 594.4921875 18.40625 Q 594.046875 17.96875 594.046875 17.21875 Q 594.046875 16.28125 594.703125 15.78125 Q 595.359375 15.28125 596.5625 15.28125 Q 597.15625 15.28125 597.6875 15.3671875 Q 598.21875 15.453125 598.65625 15.625 z M 601.798828125 13.578125 L 601.798828125 15.4375 L 604.017578125 15.4375 L 604.017578125 16.28125 L 601.798828125 16.28125 L 601.798828125 19.84375 Q 601.798828125 20.640625 602.017578125 20.8671875 Q 602.236328125 21.09375 602.908203125 21.09375 L 604.017578125 21.09375 L 604.017578125 22 L 602.908203125 22 Q 601.658203125 22 601.181640625 21.53125 Q 600.705078125 21.0625 600.705078125 19.84375 L 600.705078125 16.28125 L 599.923828125 16.28125 L 599.923828125 15.4375 L 600.705078125 15.4375 L 600.705078125 13.578125 L 601.798828125 13.578125 z"/>
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662.265625 18.25 z M 668.806640625 16.4375 L 668.806640625 12.875 L 669.884765625 12.875 L 669.884765625 22 L 668.806640625 22 L 668.806640625 21.015625 Q 668.462890625 21.59375 667.947265625 21.8828125 Q 667.431640625 22.171875 666.697265625 22.171875 Q 665.509765625 22.171875 664.759765625 21.21875 Q 664.009765625 20.265625 664.009765625 18.71875 Q 664.009765625 17.171875 664.759765625 16.2265625 Q 665.509765625 15.28125 666.697265625 15.28125 Q 667.431640625 15.28125 667.947265625 15.5625 Q 668.462890625 15.84375 668.806640625 16.4375 z M 665.134765625 18.71875 Q 665.134765625 19.90625 665.619140625 20.5859375 Q 666.103515625 21.265625 666.962890625 21.265625 Q 667.822265625 21.265625 668.314453125 20.5859375 Q 668.806640625 19.90625 668.806640625 18.71875 Q 668.806640625 17.53125 668.314453125 16.859375 Q 667.822265625 16.1875 666.962890625 16.1875 Q 666.103515625 16.1875 665.619140625 16.859375 Q 665.134765625 17.53125 665.134765625 18.71875 z M 672.095703125 15.4375 L 673.173828125 15.4375 L 673.173828125 22.125 Q 673.173828125 23.375 672.697265625 23.9375 Q 672.220703125 24.5 671.158203125 24.5 L 670.751953125 24.5 L 670.751953125 23.578125 L 671.048828125 23.578125 Q 671.658203125 23.578125 671.876953125 23.296875 Q 672.095703125 23.015625 672.095703125 22.125 L 672.095703125 15.4375 z M 672.095703125 12.875 L 673.173828125 12.875 L 673.173828125 14.25 L 672.095703125 14.25 L 672.095703125 12.875 z M 675.7109375 20.515625 L 676.9453125 20.515625 L 676.9453125 22 L 675.7109375 22 L 675.7109375 20.515625 z M 675.7109375 15.796875 L 676.9453125 15.796875 L 676.9453125 17.28125 L 675.7109375 17.28125 L 675.7109375 15.796875 z M 679.51953125 13.25 L 681.11328125 13.25 L 685.00390625 20.5625 L 685.00390625 13.25 L 686.14453125 13.25 L 686.14453125 22 L 684.55078125 22 L 680.67578125 14.6875 L 680.67578125 22 L 679.51953125 22 L 679.51953125 13.25 z M 690.99609375 16.1875 Q 690.13671875 16.1875 689.62890625 16.8671875 Q 689.12109375 17.546875 689.12109375 18.71875 Q 689.12109375 19.90625 689.62109375 20.578125 Q 690.12109375 21.25 690.99609375 21.25 Q 691.85546875 21.25 692.36328125 20.5703125 Q 692.87109375 19.890625 692.87109375 18.71875 Q 692.87109375 17.5625 692.36328125 16.875 Q 691.85546875 16.1875 690.99609375 16.1875 z M 690.99609375 15.28125 Q 692.40234375 15.28125 693.20703125 16.1953125 Q 694.01171875 17.109375 694.01171875 18.71875 Q 694.01171875 20.328125 693.20703125 21.25 Q 692.40234375 22.171875 690.99609375 22.171875 Q 689.58984375 22.171875 688.78515625 21.25 Q 687.98046875 20.328125 687.98046875 18.71875 Q 687.98046875 17.109375 688.78515625 16.1953125 Q 689.58984375 15.28125 690.99609375 15.28125 z M 700.119140625 16.4375 L 700.119140625 12.875 L 701.197265625 12.875 L 701.197265625 22 L 700.119140625 22 L 700.119140625 21.015625 Q 699.775390625 21.59375 699.259765625 21.8828125 Q 698.744140625 22.171875 698.009765625 22.171875 Q 696.822265625 22.171875 696.072265625 21.21875 Q 695.322265625 20.265625 695.322265625 18.71875 Q 695.322265625 17.171875 696.072265625 16.2265625 Q 696.822265625 15.28125 698.009765625 15.28125 Q 698.744140625 15.28125 699.259765625 15.5625 Q 699.775390625 15.84375 700.119140625 16.4375 z M 696.447265625 18.71875 Q 696.447265625 19.90625 696.931640625 20.5859375 Q 697.416015625 21.265625 698.275390625 21.265625 Q 699.134765625 21.265625 699.626953125 20.5859375 Q 700.119140625 19.90625 700.119140625 18.71875 Q 700.119140625 17.53125 699.626953125 16.859375 Q 699.134765625 16.1875 698.275390625 16.1875 Q 697.416015625 16.1875 696.931640625 16.859375 Q 696.447265625 17.53125 696.447265625 18.71875 z M 709.033203125 18.453125 L 709.033203125 18.96875 L 704.064453125 18.96875 Q 704.142578125 20.09375 704.744140625 20.671875 Q 705.345703125 21.25 706.408203125 21.25 Q 707.033203125 21.25 707.619140625 21.1015625 Q 708.205078125 20.953125 708.783203125 20.640625 L 708.783203125 21.671875 Q 708.189453125 21.90625 707.580078125 22.0390625 Q 706.970703125 22.171875 706.345703125 22.171875 Q 704.783203125 22.171875 703.861328125 21.2578125 Q 702.939453125 20.34375 702.939453125 18.78125 Q 702.939453125 17.171875 703.814453125 16.2265625 Q 704.689453125 15.28125 706.158203125 15.28125 Q 707.486328125 15.28125 708.259765625 16.1328125 Q 709.033203125 16.984375 709.033203125 18.453125 z M 707.955078125 18.125 Q 707.939453125 17.25 707.455078125 16.71875 Q 706.970703125 16.1875 706.173828125 16.1875 Q 705.267578125 16.1875 704.728515625 16.703125 Q 704.189453125 17.21875 704.111328125 18.140625 L 707.955078125 18.125 z"/>
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110.310546875 233.125 L 110.310546875 236.9375 Q 110.826171875 236.3125 111.404296875 236.015625 Q 111.982421875 235.71875 112.685546875 235.71875 Q 113.919921875 235.71875 114.552734375 236.4765625 Q 115.185546875 237.234375 115.185546875 238.671875 z M 117.2998046875 235.890625 L 119.5654296875 235.890625 L 119.5654296875 243 L 117.2998046875 243 L 117.2998046875 235.890625 z M 117.2998046875 233.125 L 119.5654296875 233.125 L 119.5654296875 234.96875 L 117.2998046875 234.96875 L 117.2998046875 233.125 z M 121.755859375 233.125 L 124.021484375 233.125 L 124.021484375 243 L 121.755859375 243 L 121.755859375 233.125 z M 133.3056640625 239.421875 L 133.3056640625 240.078125 L 127.9931640625 240.078125 Q 128.0712890625 240.875 128.5712890625 241.2734375 Q 129.0712890625 241.671875 129.9619140625 241.671875 Q 130.6650390625 241.671875 131.4228515625 241.4609375 Q 132.1806640625 241.25 132.9775390625 240.8125 L 132.9775390625 242.5625 Q 132.1650390625 242.875 131.3603515625 243.03125 Q 130.5556640625 243.1875 129.7431640625 243.1875 Q 127.8212890625 243.1875 126.7509765625 242.203125 Q 125.6806640625 241.21875 125.6806640625 239.453125 Q 125.6806640625 237.71875 126.7275390625 236.71875 Q 127.7744140625 235.71875 129.6181640625 235.71875 Q 131.2900390625 235.71875 132.2978515625 236.7265625 Q 133.3056640625 237.734375 133.3056640625 239.421875 z M 130.9775390625 238.671875 Q 130.9775390625 238.015625 130.5947265625 237.625 Q 130.2119140625 237.234375 129.6025390625 237.234375 Q 128.9462890625 237.234375 128.5322265625 237.6015625 Q 128.1181640625 237.96875 128.0244140625 238.671875 L 130.9775390625 238.671875 z M 142.8984375 237.375 Q 142.1640625 237.375 141.78125 237.90625 Q 141.3984375 238.4375 141.3984375 239.453125 Q 141.3984375 240.46875 141.78125 241 Q 142.1640625 241.53125 142.8984375 241.53125 Q 143.6171875 241.53125 144 241 Q 144.3828125 240.46875 144.3828125 239.453125 Q 144.3828125 238.4375 144 237.90625 Q 143.6171875 237.375 142.8984375 237.375 z M 144.3828125 241.96875 Q 143.9140625 242.59375 143.3515625 242.890625 Q 142.7890625 243.1875 142.0546875 243.1875 Q 140.7265625 243.1875 139.8828125 242.140625 Q 139.0390625 241.09375 139.0390625 239.453125 Q 139.0390625 237.8125 139.8828125 236.7734375 Q 140.7265625 235.734375 142.0546875 235.734375 Q 142.7890625 235.734375 143.3515625 236.0234375 Q 143.9140625 236.3125 144.3828125 236.9375 L 144.3828125 235.890625 L 146.6796875 235.890625 L 146.6796875 245.703125 L 144.3828125 245.703125 L 144.3828125 241.96875 z M 148.7822265625 240.234375 L 148.7822265625 235.890625 L 151.0634765625 235.890625 L 151.0634765625 236.59375 Q 151.0634765625 237.171875 151.0556640625 238.046875 Q 151.0478515625 238.921875 151.0478515625 239.21875 Q 151.0478515625 240.078125 151.0947265625 240.453125 Q 151.1416015625 240.828125 151.2509765625 241 Q 151.3916015625 241.21875 151.6181640625 241.34375 Q 151.8447265625 241.46875 152.1416015625 241.46875 Q 152.8447265625 241.46875 153.2509765625 240.921875 Q 153.6572265625 240.375 153.6572265625 239.40625 L 153.6572265625 235.890625 L 155.9228515625 235.890625 L 155.9228515625 243 L 153.6572265625 243 L 153.6572265625 241.96875 Q 153.1416015625 242.59375 152.5712890625 242.890625 Q 152.0009765625 243.1875 151.2978515625 243.1875 Q 150.0634765625 243.1875 149.4228515625 242.4296875 Q 148.7822265625 241.671875 148.7822265625 240.234375 z M 165.208984375 239.421875 L 165.208984375 240.078125 L 159.896484375 240.078125 Q 159.974609375 240.875 160.474609375 241.2734375 Q 160.974609375 241.671875 161.865234375 241.671875 Q 162.568359375 241.671875 163.326171875 241.4609375 Q 164.083984375 241.25 164.880859375 240.8125 L 164.880859375 242.5625 Q 164.068359375 242.875 163.263671875 243.03125 Q 162.458984375 243.1875 161.646484375 243.1875 Q 159.724609375 243.1875 158.654296875 242.203125 Q 157.583984375 241.21875 157.583984375 239.453125 Q 157.583984375 237.71875 158.630859375 236.71875 Q 159.677734375 235.71875 161.521484375 235.71875 Q 163.193359375 235.71875 164.201171875 236.7265625 Q 165.208984375 237.734375 165.208984375 239.421875 z M 162.880859375 238.671875 Q 162.880859375 238.015625 162.498046875 237.625 Q 162.115234375 237.234375 161.505859375 237.234375 Q 160.849609375 237.234375 160.435546875 237.6015625 Q 160.021484375 237.96875 159.927734375 238.671875 L 162.880859375 238.671875 z M 166.85400390625 240.234375 L 166.85400390625 235.890625 L 169.13525390625 235.890625 L 169.13525390625 236.59375 Q 169.13525390625 237.171875 169.12744140625 238.046875 Q 169.11962890625 238.921875 169.11962890625 239.21875 Q 169.11962890625 240.078125 169.16650390625 240.453125 Q 169.21337890625 240.828125 169.32275390625 241 Q 169.46337890625 241.21875 169.68994140625 241.34375 Q 169.91650390625 241.46875 170.21337890625 241.46875 Q 170.91650390625 241.46875 171.32275390625 240.921875 Q 171.72900390625 240.375 171.72900390625 239.40625 L 171.72900390625 235.890625 L 173.99462890625 235.890625 L 173.99462890625 243 L 171.72900390625 243 L 171.72900390625 241.96875 Q 171.21337890625 242.59375 170.64306640625 242.890625 Q 170.07275390625 243.1875 169.36962890625 243.1875 Q 168.13525390625 243.1875 167.49462890625 242.4296875 Q 166.85400390625 241.671875 166.85400390625 240.234375 z M 183.28076171875 239.421875 L 183.28076171875 240.078125 L 177.96826171875 240.078125 Q 178.04638671875 240.875 178.54638671875 241.2734375 Q 179.04638671875 241.671875 179.93701171875 241.671875 Q 180.64013671875 241.671875 181.39794921875 241.4609375 Q 182.15576171875 241.25 182.95263671875 240.8125 L 182.95263671875 242.5625 Q 182.14013671875 242.875 181.33544921875 243.03125 Q 180.53076171875 243.1875 179.71826171875 243.1875 Q 177.79638671875 243.1875 176.72607421875 242.203125 Q 175.65576171875 241.21875 175.65576171875 239.453125 Q 175.65576171875 237.71875 176.70263671875 236.71875 Q 177.74951171875 235.71875 179.59326171875 235.71875 Q 181.26513671875 235.71875 182.27294921875 236.7265625 Q 183.28076171875 237.734375 183.28076171875 239.421875 z M 180.95263671875 238.671875 Q 180.95263671875 238.015625 180.56982421875 237.625 Q 180.18701171875 237.234375 179.57763671875 237.234375 Q 178.92138671875 237.234375 178.50732421875 237.6015625 Q 178.09326171875 237.96875 177.99951171875 238.671875 L 180.95263671875 238.671875 z M 190.26416015625 233.515625 L 192.54541015625 233.515625 L 192.54541015625 237.15625 L 192.21728515625 239.8125 L 190.57666015625 239.8125 L 190.26416015625 237.15625 L 190.26416015625 233.515625 z M 190.26416015625 240.734375 L 192.54541015625 240.734375 L 192.54541015625 243 L 190.26416015625 243 L 190.26416015625 240.734375 z M 195.73974609375 236.734375 L 203.88037109375 236.734375 L 203.88037109375 238.21875 L 195.73974609375 238.21875 L 195.73974609375 236.734375 z M 195.73974609375 239.625 L 203.88037109375 239.625 L 203.88037109375 241.125 L 195.73974609375 241.125 L 195.73974609375 239.625 z M 214.689453125 244.71875 L 212.798828125 244.71875 Q 211.830078125 243.140625 211.369140625 241.734375 Q 210.908203125 240.328125 210.908203125 238.9375 Q 210.908203125 237.546875 211.369140625 236.1171875 Q 211.830078125 234.6875 212.798828125 233.140625 L 214.689453125 233.140625 Q 213.876953125 234.640625 213.470703125 236.078125 Q 213.064453125 237.515625 213.064453125 238.921875 Q 213.064453125 240.328125 213.462890625 241.765625 Q 213.861328125 243.203125 214.689453125 244.71875 z M 216.771484375 244.71875 Q 217.583984375 243.203125 217.990234375 241.765625 Q 218.396484375 240.328125 218.396484375 238.921875 Q 218.396484375 237.515625 217.990234375 236.078125 Q 217.583984375 234.640625 216.771484375 233.140625 L 218.646484375 233.140625 Q 219.615234375 234.6875 220.083984375 236.1171875 Q 220.552734375 237.546875 220.552734375 238.9375 Q 220.552734375 240.328125 220.083984375 241.734375 Q 219.615234375 243.140625 218.646484375 244.71875 L 216.771484375 244.71875 z M 226.494140625 244.71875 L 222.541015625 244.71875 L 222.541015625 243.28125 L 224.337890625 243.28125 L 224.337890625 234.546875 L 222.541015625 234.546875 L 222.541015625 233.125 L 226.494140625 233.125 L 226.494140625 244.71875 z"/>
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395.265625 z M 128.0283203125 393.828125 L 121.9033203125 395.9375 L 128.0283203125 398.03125 L 128.0283203125 399.609375 L 119.8876953125 396.671875 L 119.8876953125 395.171875 L 128.0283203125 392.234375 L 128.0283203125 393.828125 z M 130.7802734375 393.734375 L 138.9208984375 393.734375 L 138.9208984375 395.21875 L 130.7802734375 395.21875 L 130.7802734375 393.734375 z M 130.7802734375 396.625 L 138.9208984375 396.625 L 138.9208984375 398.125 L 130.7802734375 398.125 L 130.7802734375 396.625 z M 145.91748046875 392.890625 L 148.18310546875 392.890625 L 148.18310546875 400 L 145.91748046875 400 L 145.91748046875 392.890625 z M 145.91748046875 390.125 L 148.18310546875 390.125 L 148.18310546875 391.96875 L 145.91748046875 391.96875 L 145.91748046875 390.125 z M 163.3212890625 393.828125 L 157.1962890625 395.9375 L 163.3212890625 398.03125 L 163.3212890625 399.609375 L 155.1806640625 396.671875 L 155.1806640625 395.171875 L 163.3212890625 392.234375 L 163.3212890625 393.828125 z M 175.00537109375 390.671875 L 174.39599609375 393.109375 L 176.06787109375 393.109375 L 176.69287109375 390.671875 L 178.09912109375 390.671875 L 177.47412109375 393.109375 L 179.23974609375 393.109375 L 179.23974609375 394.46875 L 177.14599609375 394.46875 L 176.70849609375 396.203125 L 178.50537109375 396.203125 L 178.50537109375 397.5625 L 176.36474609375 397.5625 L 175.75537109375 400 L 174.36474609375 400 L 174.97412109375 397.5625 L 173.28662109375 397.5625 L 172.67724609375 400 L 171.27099609375 400 L 171.88037109375 397.5625 L 170.09912109375 397.5625 L 170.09912109375 396.203125 L 172.19287109375 396.203125 L 172.63037109375 394.46875 L 170.83349609375 394.46875 L 170.83349609375 393.109375 L 172.98974609375 393.109375 L 173.59912109375 390.671875 L 175.00537109375 390.671875 z M 175.72412109375 394.46875 L 174.05224609375 394.46875 L 173.59912109375 396.203125 L 175.28662109375 396.203125 L 175.72412109375 394.46875 z M 184.39794921875 396.796875 Q 183.67919921875 396.796875 183.31982421875 397.0390625 Q 182.96044921875 397.28125 182.96044921875 397.75 Q 182.96044921875 398.1875 183.24951171875 398.4296875 Q 183.53857421875 398.671875 184.05419921875 398.671875 Q 184.69482421875 398.671875 185.13232421875 398.2109375 Q 185.56982421875 397.75 185.56982421875 397.0625 L 185.56982421875 396.796875 L 184.39794921875 396.796875 z M 187.86669921875 395.9375 L 187.86669921875 400 L 185.56982421875 400 L 185.56982421875 398.953125 Q 185.11669921875 399.59375 184.54638671875 399.890625 Q 183.97607421875 400.1875 183.16357421875 400.1875 Q 182.05419921875 400.1875 181.36669921875 399.5390625 Q 180.67919921875 398.890625 180.67919921875 397.859375 Q 180.67919921875 396.609375 181.53857421875 396.03125 Q 182.39794921875 395.453125 184.24169921875 395.453125 L 185.56982421875 395.453125 L 185.56982421875 395.265625 Q 185.56982421875 394.734375 185.14794921875 394.484375 Q 184.72607421875 394.234375 183.81982421875 394.234375 Q 183.10107421875 394.234375 182.46826171875 394.375 Q 181.83544921875 394.515625 181.30419921875 394.8125 L 181.30419921875 393.078125 Q 182.02294921875 392.90625 182.76513671875 392.8125 Q 183.50732421875 392.71875 184.24169921875 392.71875 Q 186.16357421875 392.71875 187.01513671875 393.4765625 Q 187.86669921875 394.234375 187.86669921875 395.9375 z M 194.81103515625 393.9375 L 194.81103515625 390.125 L 197.10791015625 390.125 L 197.10791015625 400 L 194.81103515625 400 L 194.81103515625 398.96875 Q 194.34228515625 399.59375 193.77978515625 399.890625 Q 193.21728515625 400.1875 192.48291015625 400.1875 Q 191.15478515625 400.1875 190.31103515625 399.140625 Q 189.46728515625 398.09375 189.46728515625 396.453125 Q 189.46728515625 394.8125 190.31103515625 393.765625 Q 191.15478515625 392.71875 192.48291015625 392.71875 Q 193.21728515625 392.71875 193.77978515625 393.015625 Q 194.34228515625 393.3125 194.81103515625 393.9375 z M 193.32666015625 398.53125 Q 194.04541015625 398.53125 194.42822265625 398 Q 194.81103515625 397.46875 194.81103515625 396.453125 Q 194.81103515625 395.4375 194.42822265625 394.90625 Q 194.04541015625 394.375 193.32666015625 394.375 Q 192.59228515625 394.375 192.20947265625 394.90625 Q 191.82666015625 395.4375 191.82666015625 396.453125 Q 191.82666015625 397.46875 192.20947265625 398 Q 192.59228515625 398.53125 193.32666015625 398.53125 z M 199.28857421875 392.890625 L 201.55419921875 392.890625 L 201.55419921875 399.875 Q 201.55419921875 401.296875 200.87451171875 402.0546875 Q 200.19482421875 402.8125 198.88232421875 402.8125 L 197.75732421875 402.8125 L 197.75732421875 401.3125 L 198.16357421875 401.3125 Q 198.80419921875 401.3125 199.04638671875 401.0234375 Q 199.28857421875 400.734375 199.28857421875 399.875 L 199.28857421875 392.890625 z M 199.28857421875 390.125 L 201.55419921875 390.125 L 201.55419921875 391.96875 L 199.28857421875 391.96875 L 199.28857421875 390.125 z M 203.83837890625 390.515625 L 206.29150390625 390.515625 L 206.29150390625 398.15625 L 210.57275390625 398.15625 L 210.57275390625 400 L 203.83837890625 400 L 203.83837890625 390.515625 z M 212.0283203125 392.890625 L 214.2939453125 392.890625 L 214.2939453125 400 L 212.0283203125 400 L 212.0283203125 392.890625 z M 212.0283203125 390.125 L 214.2939453125 390.125 L 214.2939453125 391.96875 L 212.0283203125 391.96875 L 212.0283203125 390.125 z M 222.03125 393.109375 L 222.03125 394.84375 Q 221.3125 394.53125 220.6328125 394.3828125 Q 219.953125 394.234375 219.34375 394.234375 Q 218.703125 394.234375 218.3828125 394.390625 Q 218.0625 394.546875 218.0625 394.890625 Q 218.0625 395.15625 218.3046875 395.3046875 Q 218.546875 395.453125 219.15625 395.53125 L 219.5625 395.578125 Q 221.3125 395.796875 221.9140625 396.3046875 Q 222.515625 396.8125 222.515625 397.90625 Q 222.515625 399.046875 221.6796875 399.6171875 Q 220.84375 400.1875 219.171875 400.1875 Q 218.46875 400.1875 217.71875 400.078125 Q 216.96875 399.96875 216.171875 399.734375 L 216.171875 398.015625 Q 216.84375 398.34375 217.5625 398.5078125 Q 218.28125 398.671875 219.015625 398.671875 Q 219.6875 398.671875 220.0234375 398.4921875 Q 220.359375 398.3125 220.359375 397.9375 Q 220.359375 397.640625 220.125 397.4921875 Q 219.890625 397.34375 219.203125 397.25 L 218.796875 397.203125 Q 217.28125 397.015625 216.671875 396.5 Q 216.0625 395.984375 216.0625 394.9375 Q 216.0625 393.8125 216.8359375 393.265625 Q 217.609375 392.71875 219.21875 392.71875 Q 219.84375 392.71875 220.53125 392.8125 Q 221.21875 392.90625 222.03125 393.109375 z M 226.70654296875 390.875 L 226.70654296875 392.890625 L 229.05029296875 392.890625 L 229.05029296875 394.515625 L 226.70654296875 394.515625 L 226.70654296875 397.53125 Q 226.70654296875 398.03125 226.90185546875 398.203125 Q 227.09716796875 398.375 227.67529296875 398.375 L 228.84716796875 398.375 L 228.84716796875 400 L 226.89404296875 400 Q 225.55029296875 400 224.98779296875 399.4375 Q 224.42529296875 398.875 224.42529296875 397.53125 L 224.42529296875 394.515625 L 223.30029296875 394.515625 L 223.30029296875 392.890625 L 224.42529296875 392.890625 L 224.42529296875 390.875 L 226.70654296875 390.875 z M 234.1708984375 401.71875 L 230.2177734375 401.71875 L 230.2177734375 400.28125 L 232.0146484375 400.28125 L 232.0146484375 391.546875 L 230.2177734375 391.546875 L 230.2177734375 390.125 L 234.1708984375 390.125 L 234.1708984375 401.71875 z"/>
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514.421875 114.1181640625 515.453125 Q 114.1181640625 516.46875 114.5166015625 517.015625 Q 114.9150390625 517.5625 115.6650390625 517.5625 Q 116.4150390625 517.5625 116.8056640625 517.015625 Q 117.1962890625 516.46875 117.1962890625 515.453125 Q 117.1962890625 514.421875 116.8056640625 513.8828125 Q 116.4150390625 513.34375 115.6650390625 513.34375 z M 115.6650390625 511.71875 Q 117.5087890625 511.71875 118.5400390625 512.7109375 Q 119.5712890625 513.703125 119.5712890625 515.453125 Q 119.5712890625 517.203125 118.5400390625 518.1953125 Q 117.5087890625 519.1875 115.6650390625 519.1875 Q 113.8369140625 519.1875 112.7978515625 518.1953125 Q 111.7587890625 517.203125 111.7587890625 515.453125 Q 111.7587890625 513.703125 112.7978515625 512.7109375 Q 113.8369140625 511.71875 115.6650390625 511.71875 z M 126.04931640625 512.9375 L 126.04931640625 509.125 L 128.34619140625 509.125 L 128.34619140625 519 L 126.04931640625 519 L 126.04931640625 517.96875 Q 125.58056640625 518.59375 125.01806640625 518.890625 Q 124.45556640625 519.1875 123.72119140625 519.1875 Q 122.39306640625 519.1875 121.54931640625 518.140625 Q 120.70556640625 517.09375 120.70556640625 515.453125 Q 120.70556640625 513.8125 121.54931640625 512.765625 Q 122.39306640625 511.71875 123.72119140625 511.71875 Q 124.45556640625 511.71875 125.01806640625 512.015625 Q 125.58056640625 512.3125 126.04931640625 512.9375 z M 124.56494140625 517.53125 Q 125.28369140625 517.53125 125.66650390625 517 Q 126.04931640625 516.46875 126.04931640625 515.453125 Q 126.04931640625 514.4375 125.66650390625 513.90625 Q 125.28369140625 513.375 124.56494140625 513.375 Q 123.83056640625 513.375 123.44775390625 513.90625 Q 123.06494140625 514.4375 123.06494140625 515.453125 Q 123.06494140625 516.46875 123.44775390625 517 Q 123.83056640625 517.53125 124.56494140625 517.53125 z M 137.62060546875 515.421875 L 137.62060546875 516.078125 L 132.30810546875 516.078125 Q 132.38623046875 516.875 132.88623046875 517.2734375 Q 133.38623046875 517.671875 134.27685546875 517.671875 Q 134.97998046875 517.671875 135.73779296875 517.4609375 Q 136.49560546875 517.25 137.29248046875 516.8125 L 137.29248046875 518.5625 Q 136.47998046875 518.875 135.67529296875 519.03125 Q 134.87060546875 519.1875 134.05810546875 519.1875 Q 132.13623046875 519.1875 131.06591796875 518.203125 Q 129.99560546875 517.21875 129.99560546875 515.453125 Q 129.99560546875 513.71875 131.04248046875 512.71875 Q 132.08935546875 511.71875 133.93310546875 511.71875 Q 135.60498046875 511.71875 136.61279296875 512.7265625 Q 137.62060546875 513.734375 137.62060546875 515.421875 z M 135.29248046875 514.671875 Q 135.29248046875 514.015625 134.90966796875 513.625 Q 134.52685546875 513.234375 133.91748046875 513.234375 Q 133.26123046875 513.234375 132.84716796875 513.6015625 Q 132.43310546875 513.96875 132.33935546875 514.671875 L 135.29248046875 514.671875 z M 139.4375 509.515625 L 141.890625 509.515625 L 141.890625 517.15625 L 146.171875 517.15625 L 146.171875 519 L 139.4375 519 L 139.4375 509.515625 z M 154.72119140625 515.421875 L 154.72119140625 516.078125 L 149.40869140625 516.078125 Q 149.48681640625 516.875 149.98681640625 517.2734375 Q 150.48681640625 517.671875 151.37744140625 517.671875 Q 152.08056640625 517.671875 152.83837890625 517.4609375 Q 153.59619140625 517.25 154.39306640625 516.8125 L 154.39306640625 518.5625 Q 153.58056640625 518.875 152.77587890625 519.03125 Q 151.97119140625 519.1875 151.15869140625 519.1875 Q 149.23681640625 519.1875 148.16650390625 518.203125 Q 147.09619140625 517.21875 147.09619140625 515.453125 Q 147.09619140625 513.71875 148.14306640625 512.71875 Q 149.18994140625 511.71875 151.03369140625 511.71875 Q 152.70556640625 511.71875 153.71337890625 512.7265625 Q 154.72119140625 513.734375 154.72119140625 515.421875 z M 152.39306640625 514.671875 Q 152.39306640625 514.015625 152.01025390625 513.625 Q 151.62744140625 513.234375 151.01806640625 513.234375 Q 150.36181640625 513.234375 149.94775390625 513.6015625 Q 149.53369140625 513.96875 149.43994140625 514.671875 L 152.39306640625 514.671875 z M 155.5537109375 511.890625 L 157.8193359375 511.890625 L 159.5849609375 516.796875 L 161.3505859375 511.890625 L 163.6318359375 511.890625 L 160.8349609375 519 L 158.3349609375 519 L 155.5537109375 511.890625 z M 172.01220703125 515.421875 L 172.01220703125 516.078125 L 166.69970703125 516.078125 Q 166.77783203125 516.875 167.27783203125 517.2734375 Q 167.77783203125 517.671875 168.66845703125 517.671875 Q 169.37158203125 517.671875 170.12939453125 517.4609375 Q 170.88720703125 517.25 171.68408203125 516.8125 L 171.68408203125 518.5625 Q 170.87158203125 518.875 170.06689453125 519.03125 Q 169.26220703125 519.1875 168.44970703125 519.1875 Q 166.52783203125 519.1875 165.45751953125 518.203125 Q 164.38720703125 517.21875 164.38720703125 515.453125 Q 164.38720703125 513.71875 165.43408203125 512.71875 Q 166.48095703125 511.71875 168.32470703125 511.71875 Q 169.99658203125 511.71875 171.00439453125 512.7265625 Q 172.01220703125 513.734375 172.01220703125 515.421875 z M 169.68408203125 514.671875 Q 169.68408203125 514.015625 169.30126953125 513.625 Q 168.91845703125 513.234375 168.30908203125 513.234375 Q 167.65283203125 513.234375 167.23876953125 513.6015625 Q 166.82470703125 513.96875 166.73095703125 514.671875 L 169.68408203125 514.671875 z M 173.7353515625 509.125 L 176.0009765625 509.125 L 176.0009765625 519 L 173.7353515625 519 L 173.7353515625 509.125 z M 182.81103515625 509.515625 L 185.26416015625 509.515625 L 185.26416015625 519 L 182.81103515625 519 L 182.81103515625 509.515625 z M 194.24169921875 509.828125 L 194.24169921875 511.828125 Q 193.47607421875 511.484375 192.72607421875 511.3046875 Q 191.97607421875 511.125 191.31982421875 511.125 Q 190.44482421875 511.125 190.03076171875 511.3671875 Q 189.61669921875 511.609375 189.61669921875 512.109375 Q 189.61669921875 512.5 189.89794921875 512.7109375 Q 190.17919921875 512.921875 190.91357421875 513.078125 L 191.96044921875 513.28125 Q 193.53857421875 513.59375 194.20263671875 514.2421875 Q 194.86669921875 514.890625 194.86669921875 516.09375 Q 194.86669921875 517.65625 193.93701171875 518.421875 Q 193.00732421875 519.1875 191.10107421875 519.1875 Q 190.19482421875 519.1875 189.28857421875 519.015625 Q 188.38232421875 518.84375 187.47607421875 518.5 L 187.47607421875 516.4375 Q 188.38232421875 516.921875 189.23388671875 517.1640625 Q 190.08544921875 517.40625 190.86669921875 517.40625 Q 191.66357421875 517.40625 192.09326171875 517.140625 Q 192.52294921875 516.875 192.52294921875 516.390625 Q 192.52294921875 515.9375 192.23388671875 515.6953125 Q 191.94482421875 515.453125 191.06982421875 515.265625 L 190.13232421875 515.0625 Q 188.71044921875 514.75 188.05419921875 514.0859375 Q 187.39794921875 513.421875 187.39794921875 512.296875 Q 187.39794921875 510.875 188.31201171875 510.109375 Q 189.22607421875 509.34375 190.92919921875 509.34375 Q 191.71044921875 509.34375 192.53857421875 509.46875 Q 193.36669921875 509.59375 194.24169921875 509.828125 z M 201.53662109375 509.515625 L 204.27099609375 509.515625 L 207.72412109375 516.015625 L 207.72412109375 509.515625 L 210.03662109375 509.515625 L 210.03662109375 519 L 207.30224609375 519 L 203.86474609375 512.5 L 203.86474609375 519 L 201.53662109375 519 L 201.53662109375 509.515625 z M 216.74462890625 511.125 Q 215.63525390625 511.125 215.01806640625 511.9453125 Q 214.40087890625 512.765625 214.40087890625 514.265625 Q 214.40087890625 515.765625 215.01806640625 516.5859375 Q 215.63525390625 517.40625 216.74462890625 517.40625 Q 217.86962890625 517.40625 218.48681640625 516.5859375 Q 219.10400390625 515.765625 219.10400390625 514.265625 Q 219.10400390625 512.765625 218.48681640625 511.9453125 Q 217.86962890625 511.125 216.74462890625 511.125 z M 216.74462890625 509.34375 Q 219.04150390625 509.34375 220.33056640625 510.65625 Q 221.61962890625 511.96875 221.61962890625 514.265625 Q 221.61962890625 516.5625 220.33056640625 517.875 Q 219.04150390625 519.1875 216.74462890625 519.1875 Q 214.47900390625 519.1875 213.17431640625 517.875 Q 211.86962890625 516.5625 211.86962890625 514.265625 Q 211.86962890625 511.96875 213.17431640625 510.65625 Q 214.47900390625 509.34375 216.74462890625 509.34375 z M 222.3427734375 509.515625 L 231.0771484375 509.515625 L 231.0771484375 511.375 L 227.9365234375 511.375 L 227.9365234375 519 L 225.4990234375 519 L 225.4990234375 511.375 L 222.3427734375 511.375 L 222.3427734375 509.515625 z M 241.595703125 512.9375 L 241.595703125 509.125 L 243.892578125 509.125 L 243.892578125 519 L 241.595703125 519 L 241.595703125 517.96875 Q 241.126953125 518.59375 240.564453125 518.890625 Q 240.001953125 519.1875 239.267578125 519.1875 Q 237.939453125 519.1875 237.095703125 518.140625 Q 236.251953125 517.09375 236.251953125 515.453125 Q 236.251953125 513.8125 237.095703125 512.765625 Q 237.939453125 511.71875 239.267578125 511.71875 Q 240.001953125 511.71875 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- d="M 197.67968,534.31563 C 197.40468,534.31208 196.21788,532.53719 195.04234,530.37143 L 192.905,526.43368 L 193.45901,525.87968 C 193.76371,525.57497 194.58269,525.32567 195.27896,525.32567 L 196.5449,525.32567 L 197.18129,527.33076 L 197.81768,529.33584 L 202.88215,523.79451 C 205.66761,520.74678 208.88522,517.75085 210.03239,517.13691 L 212.11815,516.02064 L 207.90871,520.80282 C 205.59351,523.43302 202.45735,527.55085 200.93947,529.95355 C 199.42159,532.35625 197.95468,534.31919 197.67968,534.31563 z "
- id="path2223" />
- </g>
+++ /dev/null
-if (! this.sh_languages) {
- this.sh_languages = {};
-sh_languages['java'] = [
- [
- [
- /\b(?:import|package)\b/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\/\/\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 1
- ],
- [
- /\/\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 7
- ],
- [
- /\/\*\*/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 8
- ],
- [
- /\/\*/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 9
- ],
- [
- /\b[+-]?(?:(?:0x[A-Fa-f0-9]+)|(?:(?:[\d]*\.)?[\d]+(?:[eE][+-]?[\d]+)?))u?(?:(?:int(?:8|16|32|64))|L)?\b/g,
- 'sh_number',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 10
- ],
- [
- /'/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 11
- ],
- [
- /(\b(?:class|interface))([ \t]+)([$A-Za-z0-9_]+)/g,
- ['sh_keyword', 'sh_normal', 'sh_classname'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\b(?:abstract|assert|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|default|do|else|extends|false|final|finally|for|goto|if|implements|instanceof|interface|native|new|null|private|protected|public|return|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|throw|throws|true|this|transient|try|volatile|while)\b/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\b(?:int|byte|boolean|char|long|float|double|short|void)\b/g,
- 'sh_type',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /~|!|%|\^|\*|\(|\)|-|\+|=|\[|\]|\\|:|;|,|\.|\/|\?|&|<|>|\|/g,
- 'sh_symbol',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\{|\}/g,
- 'sh_cbracket',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:[A-Za-z]|_)[A-Za-z0-9_]*(?=[ \t]*\()/g,
- 'sh_function',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /([A-Za-z](?:[^`~!@#$%&*()_=+{}|;:",<.>\/?'\\[\]\^\-\s]|[_])*)((?:<.*>)?)(\s+(?=[*&]*[A-Za-z][^`~!@#$%&*()_=+{}|;:",<.>\/?'\\[\]\^\-\s]*\s*[`~!@#$%&*()_=+{}|;:",<.>\/?'\\[\]\^\-\[\]]+))/g,
- ['sh_usertype', 'sh_usertype', 'sh_normal'],
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /$/g,
- null,
- -2
- ],
- [
- /(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)|(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)/g,
- 'sh_url',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<\?xml/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 2,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!DOCTYPE/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 4,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 5
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /&(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+);/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /@[A-Za-z]+/g,
- 'sh_type',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:TODO|FIXME|BUG)(?:[:]?)/g,
- 'sh_todo',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\?>/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 3
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\\(?:\\|")/g,
- null,
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- />/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 3
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /-->/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 5
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 3
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /$/g,
- null,
- -2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\*\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)|(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)/g,
- 'sh_url',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<\?xml/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 2,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!DOCTYPE/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 4,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 5
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /&(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+);/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /@[A-Za-z]+/g,
- 'sh_type',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:TODO|FIXME|BUG)(?:[:]?)/g,
- 'sh_todo',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\*\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)|(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)/g,
- 'sh_url',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:TODO|FIXME|BUG)(?:[:]?)/g,
- 'sh_todo',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /\\./g,
- 'sh_specialchar',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /'/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /\\./g,
- 'sh_specialchar',
- -1
- ]
- ]
+++ /dev/null
-if (! this.sh_languages) {
- this.sh_languages = {};
-sh_languages['javascript'] = [
- [
- [
- /\/\/\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 1
- ],
- [
- /\/\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 7
- ],
- [
- /\/\*\*/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 8
- ],
- [
- /\/\*/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 9
- ],
- [
- /\b(?:abstract|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|false|final|finally|for|function|goto|if|implements|in|instanceof|interface|native|new|null|private|protected|prototype|public|return|static|super|switch|synchronized|throw|throws|this|transient|true|try|typeof|var|volatile|while|with)\b/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(\+\+|--|\)|\])(\s*)(\/=?(?![*\/]))/g,
- ['sh_symbol', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(0x[A-Fa-f0-9]+|(?:[\d]*\.)?[\d]+(?:[eE][+-]?[\d]+)?)(\s*)(\/(?![*\/]))/g,
- ['sh_number', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /([A-Za-z$_][A-Za-z0-9$_]*\s*)(\/=?(?![*\/]))/g,
- ['sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\/(?:\\.|[^*\\\/])(?:\\.|[^\\\/])*\/[gim]*/g,
- 'sh_regexp',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\b[+-]?(?:(?:0x[A-Fa-f0-9]+)|(?:(?:[\d]*\.)?[\d]+(?:[eE][+-]?[\d]+)?))u?(?:(?:int(?:8|16|32|64))|L)?\b/g,
- 'sh_number',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 10
- ],
- [
- /'/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 11
- ],
- [
- /~|!|%|\^|\*|\(|\)|-|\+|=|\[|\]|\\|:|;|,|\.|\/|\?|&|<|>|\|/g,
- 'sh_symbol',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\{|\}/g,
- 'sh_cbracket',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\b(?:Math|Infinity|NaN|undefined|arguments)\b/g,
- 'sh_predef_var',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /\b(?:Array|Boolean|Date|Error|EvalError|Function|Number|Object|RangeError|ReferenceError|RegExp|String|SyntaxError|TypeError|URIError|decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt)\b/g,
- 'sh_predef_func',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:[A-Za-z]|_)[A-Za-z0-9_]*(?=[ \t]*\()/g,
- 'sh_function',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /$/g,
- null,
- -2
- ],
- [
- /(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)|(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)/g,
- 'sh_url',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<\?xml/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 2,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!DOCTYPE/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 4,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 5
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /&(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+);/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /@[A-Za-z]+/g,
- 'sh_type',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:TODO|FIXME|BUG)(?:[:]?)/g,
- 'sh_todo',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\?>/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 3
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\\(?:\\|")/g,
- null,
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- />/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 3
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /-->/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 5
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 3
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /$/g,
- null,
- -2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\*\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)|(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)/g,
- 'sh_url',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<\?xml/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 2,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!DOCTYPE/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 4,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 5
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /&(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+);/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 6,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /@[A-Za-z]+/g,
- 'sh_type',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:TODO|FIXME|BUG)(?:[:]?)/g,
- 'sh_todo',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\*\//g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+@[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)|(?:<?)[A-Za-z0-9_]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9_\.\/\-_~]+(?:>?)/g,
- 'sh_url',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /(?:TODO|FIXME|BUG)(?:[:]?)/g,
- 'sh_todo',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /\\./g,
- 'sh_specialchar',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /'/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /\\./g,
- 'sh_specialchar',
- -1
- ]
- ]
+++ /dev/null
-SHJS - Syntax Highlighting in JavaScript\r
-Copyright (C) 2007, 2008\r
-if (! this.sh_languages) {\r
- this.sh_languages = {};\r
-var sh_requests = {};\r
-function sh_isEmailAddress(url) {\r
- if (/^mailto:/.test(url)) {\r
- return false;\r
- }\r
- return url.indexOf('@') !== -1;\r
-function sh_setHref(tags, numTags, inputString) {\r
- var url = inputString.substring(tags[numTags - 2].pos, tags[numTags - 1].pos);\r
- if (url.length >= 2 && url.charAt(0) === '<' && url.charAt(url.length - 1) === '>') {\r
- url = url.substr(1, url.length - 2);\r
- }\r
- if (sh_isEmailAddress(url)) {\r
- url = 'mailto:' + url;\r
- }\r
- tags[numTags - 2].node.href = url;\r
-Konqueror has a bug where the regular expression /$/g will not match at the end\r
-of a line more than once:\r
- var regex = /$/g;\r
- var match;\r
- var line = '1234567890';\r
- regex.lastIndex = 10;\r
- match = regex.exec(line);\r
- var line2 = 'abcde';\r
- regex.lastIndex = 5;\r
- match = regex.exec(line2); // fails\r
-function sh_konquerorExec(s) {\r
- var result = [''];\r
- result.index = s.length;\r
- result.input = s;\r
- return result;\r
-Highlights all elements containing source code in a text string. The return\r
-value is an array of objects, each representing an HTML start or end tag. Each\r
-object has a property named pos, which is an integer representing the text\r
-offset of the tag. Every start tag also has a property named node, which is the\r
-DOM element started by the tag. End tags do not have this property.\r
-@param inputString a text string\r
-@param language a language definition object\r
-@return an array of tag objects\r
-function sh_highlightString(inputString, language) {\r
- if (/Konqueror/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\r
- if (! language.konquered) {\r
- for (var s = 0; s < language.length; s++) {\r
- for (var p = 0; p < language[s].length; p++) {\r
- var r = language[s][p][0];\r
- if (r.source === '$') {\r
- r.exec = sh_konquerorExec;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- language.konquered = true;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- var a = document.createElement('a');\r
- var span = document.createElement('span');\r
- // the result\r
- var tags = [];\r
- var numTags = 0;\r
- // each element is a pattern object from language\r
- var patternStack = [];\r
- // the current position within inputString\r
- var pos = 0;\r
- // the name of the current style, or null if there is no current style\r
- var currentStyle = null;\r
- var output = function(s, style) {\r
- var length = s.length;\r
- // this is more than just an optimization - we don't want to output empty <span></span> elements\r
- if (length === 0) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- if (! style) {\r
- var stackLength = patternStack.length;\r
- if (stackLength !== 0) {\r
- var pattern = patternStack[stackLength - 1];\r
- // check whether this is a state or an environment\r
- if (! pattern[3]) {\r
- // it's not a state - it's an environment; use the style for this environment\r
- style = pattern[1];\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (currentStyle !== style) {\r
- if (currentStyle) {\r
- tags[numTags++] = {pos: pos};\r
- if (currentStyle === 'sh_url') {\r
- sh_setHref(tags, numTags, inputString);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (style) {\r
- var clone;\r
- if (style === 'sh_url') {\r
- clone = a.cloneNode(false);\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- clone = span.cloneNode(false);\r
- }\r
- clone.className = style;\r
- tags[numTags++] = {node: clone, pos: pos};\r
- }\r
- }\r
- pos += length;\r
- currentStyle = style;\r
- };\r
- var endOfLinePattern = /\r\n|\r|\n/g;\r
- endOfLinePattern.lastIndex = 0;\r
- var inputStringLength = inputString.length;\r
- while (pos < inputStringLength) {\r
- var start = pos;\r
- var end;\r
- var startOfNextLine;\r
- var endOfLineMatch = endOfLinePattern.exec(inputString);\r
- if (endOfLineMatch === null) {\r
- end = inputStringLength;\r
- startOfNextLine = inputStringLength;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- end = endOfLineMatch.index;\r
- startOfNextLine = endOfLinePattern.lastIndex;\r
- }\r
- var line = inputString.substring(start, end);\r
- var matchCache = [];\r
- for (;;) {\r
- var posWithinLine = pos - start;\r
- var stateIndex;\r
- var stackLength = patternStack.length;\r
- if (stackLength === 0) {\r
- stateIndex = 0;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- // get the next state\r
- stateIndex = patternStack[stackLength - 1][2];\r
- }\r
- var state = language[stateIndex];\r
- var numPatterns = state.length;\r
- var mc = matchCache[stateIndex];\r
- if (! mc) {\r
- mc = matchCache[stateIndex] = [];\r
- }\r
- var bestMatch = null;\r
- var bestPatternIndex = -1;\r
- for (var i = 0; i < numPatterns; i++) {\r
- var match;\r
- if (i < mc.length && (mc[i] === null || posWithinLine <= mc[i].index)) {\r
- match = mc[i];\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- var regex = state[i][0];\r
- regex.lastIndex = posWithinLine;\r
- match = regex.exec(line);\r
- mc[i] = match;\r
- }\r
- if (match !== null && (bestMatch === null || match.index < bestMatch.index)) {\r
- bestMatch = match;\r
- bestPatternIndex = i;\r
- if (match.index === posWithinLine) {\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- if (bestMatch === null) {\r
- output(line.substring(posWithinLine), null);\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- // got a match\r
- if (bestMatch.index > posWithinLine) {\r
- output(line.substring(posWithinLine, bestMatch.index), null);\r
- }\r
- var pattern = state[bestPatternIndex];\r
- var newStyle = pattern[1];\r
- var matchedString;\r
- if (newStyle instanceof Array) {\r
- for (var subexpression = 0; subexpression < newStyle.length; subexpression++) {\r
- matchedString = bestMatch[subexpression + 1];\r
- output(matchedString, newStyle[subexpression]);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- matchedString = bestMatch[0];\r
- output(matchedString, newStyle);\r
- }\r
- switch (pattern[2]) {\r
- case -1:\r
- // do nothing\r
- break;\r
- case -2:\r
- // exit\r
- patternStack.pop();\r
- break;\r
- case -3:\r
- // exitall\r
- patternStack.length = 0;\r
- break;\r
- default:\r
- // this was the start of a delimited pattern or a state/environment\r
- patternStack.push(pattern);\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- // end of the line\r
- if (currentStyle) {\r
- tags[numTags++] = {pos: pos};\r
- if (currentStyle === 'sh_url') {\r
- sh_setHref(tags, numTags, inputString);\r
- }\r
- currentStyle = null;\r
- }\r
- pos = startOfNextLine;\r
- }\r
- return tags;\r
-// DOM-dependent functions\r
-function sh_getClasses(element) {\r
- var result = [];\r
- var htmlClass = element.className;\r
- if (htmlClass && htmlClass.length > 0) {\r
- var htmlClasses = htmlClass.split(' ');\r
- for (var i = 0; i < htmlClasses.length; i++) {\r
- if (htmlClasses[i].length > 0) {\r
- result.push(htmlClasses[i]);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
-function sh_addClass(element, name) {\r
- var htmlClasses = sh_getClasses(element);\r
- for (var i = 0; i < htmlClasses.length; i++) {\r
- if (name.toLowerCase() === htmlClasses[i].toLowerCase()) {\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- htmlClasses.push(name);\r
- element.className = htmlClasses.join(' ');\r
-Extracts the tags from an HTML DOM NodeList.\r
-@param nodeList a DOM NodeList\r
-@param result an object with text, tags and pos properties\r
-function sh_extractTagsFromNodeList(nodeList, result) {\r
- var length = nodeList.length;\r
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\r
- var node = nodeList.item(i);\r
- switch (node.nodeType) {\r
- case 1:\r
- if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br') {\r
- var terminator;\r
- if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {\r
- terminator = '\r';\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- terminator = '\n';\r
- }\r
- result.text.push(terminator);\r
- result.pos++;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- result.tags.push({node: node.cloneNode(false), pos: result.pos});\r
- sh_extractTagsFromNodeList(node.childNodes, result);\r
- result.tags.push({pos: result.pos});\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- case 3:\r
- case 4:\r
- result.text.push(;\r
- result.pos += node.length;\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
-Extracts the tags from the text of an HTML element. The extracted tags will be\r
-returned as an array of tag objects. See sh_highlightString for the format of\r
-the tag objects.\r
-@param element a DOM element\r
-@param tags an empty array; the extracted tag objects will be returned in it\r
-@return the text of the element\r
-@see sh_highlightString\r
-function sh_extractTags(element, tags) {\r
- var result = {};\r
- result.text = [];\r
- result.tags = tags;\r
- result.pos = 0;\r
- sh_extractTagsFromNodeList(element.childNodes, result);\r
- return result.text.join('');\r
-Merges the original tags from an element with the tags produced by highlighting.\r
-@param originalTags an array containing the original tags\r
-@param highlightTags an array containing the highlighting tags - these must not overlap\r
-@result an array containing the merged tags\r
-function sh_mergeTags(originalTags, highlightTags) {\r
- var numOriginalTags = originalTags.length;\r
- if (numOriginalTags === 0) {\r
- return highlightTags;\r
- }\r
- var numHighlightTags = highlightTags.length;\r
- if (numHighlightTags === 0) {\r
- return originalTags;\r
- }\r
- var result = [];\r
- var originalIndex = 0;\r
- var highlightIndex = 0;\r
- while (originalIndex < numOriginalTags && highlightIndex < numHighlightTags) {\r
- var originalTag = originalTags[originalIndex];\r
- var highlightTag = highlightTags[highlightIndex];\r
- if (originalTag.pos <= highlightTag.pos) {\r
- result.push(originalTag);\r
- originalIndex++;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- result.push(highlightTag);\r
- if (highlightTags[highlightIndex + 1].pos <= originalTag.pos) {\r
- highlightIndex++;\r
- result.push(highlightTags[highlightIndex]);\r
- highlightIndex++;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- // new end tag\r
- result.push({pos: originalTag.pos});\r
- // new start tag\r
- highlightTags[highlightIndex] = {node: highlightTag.node.cloneNode(false), pos: originalTag.pos};\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
- while (originalIndex < numOriginalTags) {\r
- result.push(originalTags[originalIndex]);\r
- originalIndex++;\r
- }\r
- while (highlightIndex < numHighlightTags) {\r
- result.push(highlightTags[highlightIndex]);\r
- highlightIndex++;\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
-Inserts tags into text.\r
-@param tags an array of tag objects\r
-@param text a string representing the text\r
-@return a DOM DocumentFragment representing the resulting HTML\r
-function sh_insertTags(tags, text) {\r
- var doc = document;\r
- var result = document.createDocumentFragment();\r
- var tagIndex = 0;\r
- var numTags = tags.length;\r
- var textPos = 0;\r
- var textLength = text.length;\r
- var currentNode = result;\r
- // output one tag or text node every iteration\r
- while (textPos < textLength || tagIndex < numTags) {\r
- var tag;\r
- var tagPos;\r
- if (tagIndex < numTags) {\r
- tag = tags[tagIndex];\r
- tagPos = tag.pos;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- tagPos = textLength;\r
- }\r
- if (tagPos <= textPos) {\r
- // output the tag\r
- if (tag.node) {\r
- // start tag\r
- var newNode = tag.node;\r
- currentNode.appendChild(newNode);\r
- currentNode = newNode;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- // end tag\r
- currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;\r
- }\r
- tagIndex++;\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- // output text\r
- currentNode.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(text.substring(textPos, tagPos)));\r
- textPos = tagPos;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- return result;\r
-Highlights an element containing source code. Upon completion of this function,\r
-the element will have been placed in the "sh_sourceCode" class.\r
-@param element a DOM <pre> element containing the source code to be highlighted\r
-@param language a language definition object\r
-function sh_highlightElement(element, language) {\r
- sh_addClass(element, 'sh_sourceCode');\r
- var originalTags = [];\r
- var inputString = sh_extractTags(element, originalTags);\r
- var highlightTags = sh_highlightString(inputString, language);\r
- var tags = sh_mergeTags(originalTags, highlightTags);\r
- var documentFragment = sh_insertTags(tags, inputString);\r
- while (element.hasChildNodes()) {\r
- element.removeChild(element.firstChild);\r
- }\r
- element.appendChild(documentFragment);\r
-function sh_getXMLHttpRequest() {\r
- if (window.ActiveXObject) {\r
- return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');\r
- }\r
- else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {\r
- return new XMLHttpRequest();\r
- }\r
- throw 'No XMLHttpRequest implementation available';\r
-function sh_load(language, element, prefix, suffix) {\r
- if (language in sh_requests) {\r
- sh_requests[language].push(element);\r
- return;\r
- }\r
- sh_requests[language] = [element];\r
- var request = sh_getXMLHttpRequest();\r
- var url = prefix + 'sh_' + language + suffix;\r
-'GET', url, true);\r
- request.onreadystatechange = function () {\r
- if (request.readyState === 4) {\r
- try {\r
- if (! request.status || request.status === 200) {\r
- eval(request.responseText);\r
- var elements = sh_requests[language];\r
- for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {\r
- sh_highlightElement(elements[i], sh_languages[language]);\r
- }\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- throw 'HTTP error: status ' + request.status;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- finally {\r
- request = null;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- };\r
- request.send(null);\r
-Highlights all elements containing source code on the current page. Elements\r
-containing source code must be "pre" elements with a "class" attribute of\r
-"sh_LANGUAGE", where LANGUAGE is a valid language identifier; e.g., "sh_java"\r
-identifies the element as containing "java" language source code.\r
-function sh_highlightDocument(prefix, suffix) {\r
- var nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName('pre');\r
- for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {\r
- var element = nodeList.item(i);\r
- var htmlClasses = sh_getClasses(element);\r
- for (var j = 0; j < htmlClasses.length; j++) {\r
- var htmlClass = htmlClasses[j].toLowerCase();\r
- if (htmlClass === 'sh_sourcecode') {\r
- continue;\r
- }\r
- if (htmlClass.substr(0, 3) === 'sh_') {\r
- var language = htmlClass.substring(3);\r
- if (language in sh_languages) {\r
- sh_highlightElement(element, sh_languages[language]);\r
- }\r
- else if (typeof(prefix) === 'string' && typeof(suffix) === 'string') {\r
- sh_load(language, element, prefix, suffix);\r
- }\r
- else {\r
- throw 'Found <pre> element with class="' + htmlClass + '", but no such language exists';\r
- }\r
- break;\r
- }\r
- }\r
- }\r
+++ /dev/null
-if (! this.sh_languages) {
- this.sh_languages = {};
-sh_languages['xml'] = [
- [
- [
- /<\?xml/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 1,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!DOCTYPE/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- 3,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 4
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -1
- ],
- [
- /<(?:\/)?[A-Za-z](?:[A-Za-z0-9_:.-]*)/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- 5,
- 1
- ],
- [
- /&(?:[A-Za-z0-9]+);/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -1
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\?>/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /\\(?:\\|")/g,
- null,
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- -2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- />/g,
- 'sh_preproc',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 2
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /-->/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /<!--/g,
- 'sh_comment',
- 4
- ]
- ],
- [
- [
- /(?:\/)?>/g,
- 'sh_keyword',
- -2
- ],
- [
- /([^=" \t>]+)([ \t]*)(=?)/g,
- ['sh_type', 'sh_normal', 'sh_symbol'],
- -1
- ],
- [
- /"/g,
- 'sh_string',
- 2
- ]
- ]
+++ /dev/null
- controller.js
- (C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved
- This file definas a single object in global scope:
- trc.schema.controller
- The controller object is responsible for displaying a menu that
- allows users to view schema source and jump to various definitions
- in the schema.
- **/
-// Initialization code...
- {
- //
- // Make sure dependecies are defined in the global scope, throw
- // an error if they are not.
- //
- if ((!window.trc) ||
- (!trc.util))
- {
- throw new Error("Require trc/util.js to be loaded.");
- }
- //
- // We use YUI to build our controller menu make sure we have the
- // proper dependecies loaded, call init when we do...
- //
- function InitController()
- {
- trc.schema.controller._init();
- }
- trc.util.yui.loadYUIDeps (["menu"], InitController);
- })();
-if (!trc.schema)
- trc.schema = new Object();
-trc.schema.controller = {
- //
- // Internal and external links by type:
- //
- // type --> array of links
- //
- // possible types include: import, include, element,
- // attribute, complextype, simpleType
- //
- // each link contains the following properties:
- // name : the name of the link
- // href : the link itself
- // title : a description of the link
- links : new Object(),
- //
- // A single link that points to the schema index document.
- //
- index : null,
- //
- // Our initialization function
- //
- _init : function() {
- //
- // Load the menu...
- //
- var controllerDiv = document.getElementById("Controller");
- var mainMenu = this._menuMarkup("mainmenu");
- for (var linkType in this.links)
- {
- var subItem = this._menuItemMarkup(mainMenu, linkType, "#", null);
- var subMenu = this._menuMarkup (linkType+"_subMenu");
- var items = this.links[linkType];
- for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++)
- {
- this._menuItemMarkup (subMenu,
- items[i].name,
- items[i].href,
- items[i].title);
- }
- subItem.item.appendChild (subMenu.main);
- }
- //
- // Toggle view source menu
- //
- this._menuItemMarkup (mainMenu, "toggle src view",
- "javascript:trc.schema.sampleManager.toggleSrcView()", null);
- //
- // Index schema document
- //
- if (this.index != null)
- {
- this._menuItemMarkup (mainMenu,,
- this.index.href, this.index.title);
- }
- controllerDiv.appendChild (mainMenu.main);
- var oMenu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu("mainmenu", {position: "static"});
- oMenu.render();
- },
- //
- // Builds menu markup returns the associated divs in the
- // properties main, body, header, footer, and list
- //
- _menuMarkup : function(id /*Id for main part*/)
- {
- //
- // Build our menu div...
- //
- var mainDiv = document.createElement("div");
- var headerDiv = document.createElement("div");
- var bodyDiv = document.createElement("div");
- var footerDiv = document.createElement("div");
- var listDiv = document.createElement("ul");
- mainDiv.setAttribute ("id", id);
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (mainDiv, "yuimenu");
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (headerDiv, "hd");
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (bodyDiv, "bd");
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (footerDiv, "ft");
- mainDiv.appendChild (headerDiv);
- mainDiv.appendChild (bodyDiv);
- mainDiv.appendChild (footerDiv);
- bodyDiv.appendChild (listDiv);
- return {
- main : mainDiv,
- body : bodyDiv,
- header : headerDiv,
- footer : footerDiv,
- list : listDiv
- };
- },
- //
- // Adds a menu item to existing markup.
- //
- _menuItemMarkup : function (menu, /*Markup returned from _menuMarkup*/
- name, /* String, menu item name */
- href, /* String, menu item href */
- title /* String, title (tool tip)*/
- )
- {
- var listItem = document.createElement ("li");
- var link = document.createElement ("a");
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (listItem, "yuimenuitem");
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (link, "yuimenuitemlabel");
- link.setAttribute ("href", href);
- if (title != null)
- {
- link.setAttribute ("title", title);
- }
- link.appendChild (document.createTextNode(name));
- listItem.appendChild (link);
- menu.list.appendChild(listItem);
- return {
- item : listItem,
- anchor : link
- };
- }
+++ /dev/null
- layoutManager.js
- (C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved
- This file contains code that adjusts the layout of a schema
- document after a dom has been loaded. It does not modify the
- global scope.
- {
- //
- // Make sure dependecies are defined in the global scope, throw
- // an error if they are not.
- //
- if ((!window.trc) ||
- (!trc.util))
- {
- throw new Error("Require trc/util.js to be loaded.");
- }
- //
- // This function should be called when the DOM is loaded so we
- // can get to work adjusting things.
- //
- function InitLayoutManager()
- {
- layoutManager._init();
- }
- trc.util.browser.addInitFunction (InitLayoutManager);
- var layoutManager={
- //
- // Initialization function...
- //
- _init : function()
- {
- this._adjustMain();
- this._adjustSubElements();
- },
- //
- // Applies appropriate styles to body and other main content
- // tags.
- //
- _adjustMain : function()
- {
- //
- // Change the class name for the correct YUI skin name.
- //
- var bodyTags = document.getElementsByTagName("body");
- if (bodyTags.length == 0)
- {
- throw new Error ("Couldn't find body element, bad DOM?");
- }
- else
- {
- trc.util.dom.setClassName(bodyTags[0], "yui-skin-sam");
- }
- //
- // Setout the layout...
- //
- var docDiv = document.getElementById("doc");
- var mainDiv = document.getElementById("Main");
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (docDiv, "yui-t1");
- docDiv.setAttribute ("id", "doc3");
- mainDiv.setAttribute ("id", "yui-main");
- //
- // Old IE browser hacks...
- //
- switch (trc.util.browser.detectIEVersion())
- {
- //
- // IE 6 does not support fixed positioning. The
- // following is a little hack to get it to work.
- //
- //
- case 6:
- var controllerDiv = document.getElementById("Controller");
- window.setInterval((function(){
- /* avoid leak by constantly querying for the
- * controller. */
- var ctrlDiv = document.getElementById("Controller");
- = document.documentElement.scrollTop+10;
- }), 1000);
- break;
- //
- // The controler doesn't work **at all** in IE 7
- // don't even show it.
- //
- case 7:
- var controllerDiv = document.getElementById("Controller");
- = "none";
- break;
- }
- },
- //
- // Adds appropriate classes for subElements...
- //
- _adjustSubElements : function()
- {
- var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
- for (var i=0;i<divs.length;i++)
- {
- var currentClass = divs[i].getAttribute ("class");
- var newClassName = currentClass;
- switch (currentClass)
- {
- case "SubItem" :
- newClassName += " yui-gd";
- break;
- case "SubItemProps" :
- newClassName += " yui-gd first";
- break;
- case "SubName" :
- newClassName += " yui-u first";
- break;
- case "SubAttributes" :
- case "SubDocumentation" :
- newClassName += " yui-u";
- break;
- }
- if (currentClass != newClassName)
- {
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (divs[i], newClassName);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- })();
+++ /dev/null
- schemaManager.js:
- (C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved
- This file defines a single object in global scope:
- trc.schema.sampleManager
- The object is responsible for loading, formatting, and displaying
- samples in schema files. It expects trc.util to be defined which is
- provided in trc/util.js.
- Code highlighting is provided by SHJS
- ( It should also be loaded before
- this code is initialized.
- All methods/properties prepended with an underscore (_) are meant
- for internal use.
- **/
-// Initialization code...
- {
- //
- // Make sure dependecies are defined in the global scope, throw
- // an error if they are not.
- //
- if ((!window.trc) ||
- (!trc.util))
- {
- throw new Error("Require trc/util.js to be loaded.");
- }
- //
- // Make sure syntax highlighter scripts are loaded, if not then
- // load them.
- //
- if (!window.sh_highlightDocument)
- {
- trc.util.dom.addStyle ("../style/shjs/sh_darkblue.css");
- trc.util.dom.addScript ("../js/shjs/sh_main.js");
- trc.util.dom.addScript ("../js/shjs/sh_xml.js");
- trc.util.dom.addScript ("../js/shjs/sh_javascript.js");
- trc.util.dom.addScript ("../js/shjs/sh_java.js");
- }
- function InitSchemaSampleManager()
- {
- trc.schema.sampleManager._init();
- }
- trc.util.browser.addInitFunction(InitSchemaSampleManager);
- })();
-// Define trc.schema.sampleManager...
-if (!trc.schema)
- trc.schema = new Object();
-trc.schema.sampleManager = {
- //
- // All sample data in an associative array:
- //
- // Select Element ID -> Array of sample ids.
- //
- samples : new Object(),
- //
- // An array of code data..
- //
- // Code data is defined as an object with the following
- // properties:
- //
- // type: The mimetype of the code...href: The location of the code
- // or null if it's inline
- //
- // id: The id of the pre that contains the code.
- //
- // The initial object is the source code for the current document.
- //
- codes : new Array({
- id : "SrcContentCode",
- type : "application/xml",
- href : (function() {
- var ret = location.href;
- if (location.hash && (location.hash.length != 0))
- {
- ret = ret.replace (location.hash, "");
- }
- return ret;
- })()
- }),
- //
- // Sets up the manager, begins the loading process...
- //
- _init : function() {
- //
- // Setup an array to hold data items to load, this is used by
- // the loadSample method.
- //
- this._toLoad = new Array();
- for (var i=0;i<;i++)
- {
- if (([i] != null) &&
- ([i].href != null))
- {
- this._toLoad.push ([i]);
- }
- }
- //
- // Loads the code text
- //
- this._loadCode();
- },
- //
- // Loads the next sample in the toLoad array.
- //
- _loadCode : function() {
- if (this._toLoad.length == 0)
- {
- //
- // All samples have been loaded, fire the loadComplete
- // method.
- //
- this._loadComplete();
- return;
- }
- var codeData = this._toLoad.pop();
- var request =;
- var manager = this;
- request.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (request.readyState == 4 /* Ready */) {
- if (request.status == 200 /* OKAY */) {
- manager._setCodeText (codeData, request.responseText);
- }
- else
- {
- manager._setCodeText (codeData, "Could not load sample ("+request.status+") "+request.responseText);
- }
- manager._loadCode();
- }
- };
- ("GET", codeData.href);
- request.send(null);
- },
- //
- // Called after all samples are loaded into the DOM.
- //
- _loadComplete : function()
- {
- //
- // Normalize all code samples..
- //
- this._normalizeCodeText(1, 1, 5);
- //
- // Perform syntax highlighting...
- //
- sh_highlightDocument();
- //
- // All samples are initially hidden, show the selected
- // samples...
- //
- for (var optionID in this.samples)
- {
- this.showSample(optionID);
- }
- //
- // We've adjusted the document, we need to setup the view so
- // that we're still pointing to the hash target.
- //
- if (window.location.hash &&
- (window.location.hash.length != 0))
- {
- window.location.href = window.location.hash;
- }
- },
- //
- // Sets code text replacing any text already existing there.
- //
- _setCodeText : function ( codeData /* Info of the code to set (code object) */,
- code /* Code text to set (string) */)
- {
- //
- // Preprocess the txt if nessesary...
- //
- var ieVersion = trc.util.browser.detectIEVersion();
- if ((ieVersion > -1) &&
- (ieVersion < 8))
- {
- code = trc.util.text.unix2dos (code);
- }
- var pre = document.getElementById(;
- var preNodes = pre.childNodes;
- //
- // Remove placeholder data...
- //
- while (preNodes.length != 0)
- {
- pre.removeChild (preNodes[0]);
- }
- //
- // Set the correct class type...
- //
- switch (codeData.type)
- {
- /*
- Javascript mimetypes
- */
- case 'application/json':
- case 'application/javascript':
- case 'application/x-javascript':
- case 'application/ecmascript':
- case 'text/ecmascript':
- case 'text/javascript':
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (pre, "sh_javascript");
- break;
- /*
- Not real mimetypes but this is what we'll use for Java.
- */
- case 'application/java':
- case 'text/java':
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (pre, "sh_java");
- break;
- default:
- trc.util.dom.setClassName (pre, "sh_xml");
- break;
- }
- //
- // Add new code...
- //
- pre.appendChild (document.createTextNode (code));
- },
- //
- // Retrives source code text
- //
- _getCodeText : function (codeData /* Info for the code to get*/)
- {
- var pre = document.getElementById(;
- pre.normalize();
- //
- // Should be a single text node after pre...
- //
- return pre.firstChild.nodeValue;
- },
- //
- // Normalizes text by ensuring that top, bottom, right indent
- // levels are equal for all samples.
- //
- _normalizeCodeText : function (top, /* integer, top indent in lines */
- bottom, /* integer, bottom indent in lines */
- right /* integer, right indent in spaces */
- )
- {
- for (var i=0;i<;i++)
- {
- if ([i] != null)
- {
- var code = this._getCodeText ([i]);
- code = trc.util.text.setIndent (code, top, bottom, right);
- this._setCodeText ([i], code);
- }
- }
- },
- //
- // This event handler shows the appropriate sample given an ID
- // to the select element.
- //
- showSample : function (selectID) /* ID of the Select element */
- {
- //
- // Get the selected value
- //
- var selected = document.getElementById(selectID);
- var selectedValue = selected.options[selected.selectedIndex].value;
- var samples = this.samples[selectID];
- //
- // Undisplay old samples, display selected ones.
- //
- for (var i=0;i<samples.length;i++)
- {
- if (samples[i] != null)
- {
- var sample = document.getElementById (samples[i]);
- if (samples[i] == selectedValue)
- {
- = "block";
- }
- else
- {
- = "none";
- }
- }
- }
- },
- //
- // Toggles the current source view. If the source is displayed it
- // undisplays it and vice versa.
- //
- toggleSrcView : function()
- {
- var content = document.getElementById ("Content");
- var src = document.getElementById ("SrcContent");
- if ( != "none")
- {
- = "none";
- = "block";
- }
- else
- {
- = "block";
- = "none";
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
- util.js:
- (C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved
- This file defines a single object in global scope:
- trc.util
- The util object contains internal objects which contain useful
- utility properties and methods.
- trc.util.browser: contains methods for browser detection.
- trc.util.dom: contains methods for manipulating the DOM.
- trc.util.text: contains methods and properties useful when working
- with plain text.
- contains methods for creating HTTP requests.
- trc.util.yui : contains methods for working with the YUI toolkit.
- All methods/properties prepended with an underscore (_) are meant
- for internal use.
-// Define TRC
-if (!window.trc)
- trc= new Object();
-trc.util = new Object();
-trc.util.browser = {
- //
- // Returns the current version of IE, or -1 if it's not an IE
- // browser. This is one of the recommended ways of detecting IE
- // see:
- //
- //
- //
- detectIEVersion : function() {
- var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure.
- if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
- {
- var ua = navigator.userAgent;
- var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
- if (re.exec(ua) != null)
- rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
- }
- return rv;
- },
- //
- // A list of functions to execute on init.
- //
- _initFuns : new Array(),
- //
- // Has the init function event been set?
- //
- _initFunSet: false,
- //
- // Function called when the DOM has loaded. It launches all init
- // functions.
- //
- _onInit : function()
- {
- //
- // Sort by order...
- //
- this._initFuns.sort(function(a, b){ return a.order - b.order; });
- for (var i=0;i<this._initFuns.length;i++)
- {
- this._initFuns[i]();
- }
- },
- //
- // Adds a function that should be executed when the dom is
- // loaded.
- //
- addInitFunction : function(init, /*Function to call after dom
- * is loaded*/
- order /* An optional it specifing
- * order. The bigger the int the
- * later it will run. Default is
- * 1.*/
- ) {
- if (arguments.length < 2)
- {
- init.order = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- init.order = order;
- }
- this._initFuns.push (init);
- if (!this._initFunSet)
- {
- var butil = this;
- function initFun()
- {
- return (function(){ butil._onInit(); });
- }
- //
- // Try event listeners, attachEvent and if that fails use
- // window.onload...
- //
- if (window.addEventListener)
- {
- window.addEventListener("load", initFun(), false);
- } else if (window.attachEvent)
- {
- window.attachEvent ("onload", initFun());
- } else
- {
- window.onload = initFun();
- }
- this._initFunSet = true;
- }
- }
-trc.util.dom = {
- //
- // Adds a new script tag to the current DOM.
- //
- addScript : function (src /* Script href */)
- {
- var scriptElement = document.createElement ("script");
- scriptElement.setAttribute ("type", "text/javascript");
- scriptElement.setAttribute ("src", src);
- this.addToHead (scriptElement);
- },
- //
- // Adds a new stylesheet to the current DOM.
- //
- addStyle : function (src /* Stylesheet href */)
- {
- var linkElement = document.createElement ("link");
- linkElement.setAttribute ("rel", "stylesheet");
- linkElement.setAttribute ("type", "text/css");
- linkElement.setAttribute ("href", src);
- this.addToHead (linkElement);
- },
- //
- // Adds a DOM node to the HTTP head element. The element is
- // always added as the last child an error is thrown if the
- // head element can't be found.
- //
- addToHead : function (node /* A DOM node */)
- {
- var headArray = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
- if (headArray.length == 0)
- {
- throw new Error("Couldn't find head element, bad DOM?");
- }
- else
- {
- headArray[0].appendChild (node);
- }
- },
- //
- // Dumb utility function for setting the class name of an
- // element. Eventually we'll move completely to XHTML, but
- // this will never work in IE 6, so for now we need this
- // method for setting the class name.
- //
- setClassName : function (element, /* DOM Element*/
- name /* Class name to use */
- )
- {
- var ieVersion = trc.util.browser.detectIEVersion();
- if ((ieVersion > -1) &&
- (ieVersion < 7))
- {
- element.className = name;
- }
- else
- {
- element.setAttribute ("class",name);
- }
- }
-trc.util.text = {
- //
- // Useful RegExps
- //
- blank : new RegExp ("^\\s*$"), /* A blank string */
- indent : new RegExp ("^\\s+"), /* Line indent */
- lines : new RegExp ("$","m"), /* All lines */
- linechars : new RegExp ("(\n|\r)"), /* EOL line characters */
- tabs : new RegExp ("\t","g"), /* All tabs */
- //
- // We need this because microsoft browsers before IE 7, connot
- // display pre-formatted text correctly win unix style line
- // endings.
- //
- unix2dos : function(txt /* String */) {
- //if already DOS...
- if (\r\n/) != -1)
- {
- return txt;
- }
- return txt.replace (/\n/g, "\r\n");
- },
- //
- // Useful to normalize text.
- //
- dos2unix : function(txt /* String */) {
- //if already unix...
- if (\r\n/) == -1)
- {
- return txt;
- }
- return txt.replace(/\r/g, "");
- },
- //
- // Create a string with a character repeated x times.
- //
- repString : function (length, /* integer, size of the string to create */
- ch /* string, The character to set the string to */
- )
- {
- var ret = new String();
- for (var i=0;i<length;i++) {ret=ret.concat(ch);}
- return ret;
- },
- //
- // Replace tabs in a text with strings.
- //
- replaceTabs : function (txt, /* String to modify */
- length /* integer, tab length in spaces */
- )
- {
- var tabs = this.repString(length, " ");
- return txt.replace (this.tabs, tabs);
- },
- //
- // Given multi-line text returns Adjust top and bottom indent
- // (in lines) and right indent (in spaces)
- //
- setIndent : function (txt, /* String */
- top, /* integer, top indent in lines */
- bottom, /* integer, bottom indent in lines */
- right /* integer, right indent in spaces */
- )
- {
- //
- // Can't indent an empty string..
- //
- if (txt.length == 0)
- {
- return txt;
- }
- //
- // If not 0, bottom will be off by one...
- //
- if (bottom != 0)
- {
- bottom++;
- }
- var head=this.repString (top, "\n");
- var tail=this.repString (bottom, "\n");
- var marg=this.repString (right, " ");
- var ntxt = this.dos2unix(txt);
- var ntxt = this.replaceTabs (ntxt, 8);
- var lines = ntxt.split (this.lines);
- var origIndent=Number.MAX_VALUE;
- var origIndentStr;
- //
- // Look up indent.
- //
- for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
- {
- //
- // Remove EOL characters...
- //
- lines[i] = lines[i].replace (this.linechars, "");
- //
- // Ignore blank lines
- //
- if (lines[i].match(this.blank) != null)
- {
- continue;
- }
- //
- // Detect the indent if any...
- //
- var result = lines[i].match(this.indent);
- if (result == null)
- {
- origIndent = 0;
- origIndentStr = "";
- }
- else if (result[0].length < origIndent)
- {
- origIndent = result[0].length;
- origIndentStr = result[0];
- }
- }
- //
- // This implys all line are blank...can't indent.
- //
- if (origIndent == Number.MAX_VALUE)
- {
- return txt;
- }
- if (origIndent != 0)
- {
- var regExStr = "^";
- for (var i=0;i<origIndent;i++)
- {
- regExStr=regExStr.concat("\\s");
- }
- var indent = new RegExp(regExStr);
- for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
- {
- lines[i] = lines[i].replace(indent,marg);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
- {
- lines[i] = marg.concat (lines[i]);
- }
- }
- //
- // Remove top...
- //
- while (lines.length != 0)
- {
- if (lines[0].match(this.blank))
- {
- lines.shift();
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // Remove bottom...
- //
- while (lines.length != 0)
- {
- if (lines[lines.length-1].match(this.blank))
- {
- lines.pop();
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- var indented = lines.join("\n");
- indented=head.concat(indented, tail);
- return indented;
- }
- = {
- //
- // A list of possible factories for creating an XMLHTTPRequest
- //
- _HTTPReqFactories :
- [
- function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); },
- function() { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); },
- function() { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
- ],
- //
- // A cached XMLHTTPRequest factory that we know works in this
- // browser
- //
- _HTTPReqFactory : null,
- //
- // Provides a way of getting an HTTPRequest object in a
- // platform independent manner
- //
- getHTTPRequest : function()
- {
- //
- // Use cache if available..
- //
- if (this._HTTPReqFactory != null) return this._HTTPReqFactory();
- //
- // Search for a factory..
- //
- for (var i=0; i< this._HTTPReqFactories.length; i++)
- {
- try {
- var factory = this._HTTPReqFactories[i];
- var request = factory();
- if (request != null)
- {
- this._HTTPReqFactory = factory;
- return request;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- //
- // Looks like we don't have support for XMLHttpRequest...
- //
- this._HTTPReqFactory = function() {throw new Error("XMLHttpRequest not supported");}
- this._HTTPReqFactory();
- return;
- }
-// Init code for trc.util.yui...
- {
- //
- // Menu make sure we have the YUI loader as it's used by our
- // init function to load YUI components.
- //
- if (!window.YAHOO)
- {
- //
- // We are currently using YUI on YAHOO!'s servers we may
- // want to change this.
- //
- var YUI_BASE="";
- trc.util.dom.addScript (YUI_BASE+"build/yuiloader/yuiloader-min.js");
- }
- function InitYUIUtil()
- {
- trc.util.yui._init();
- }
- trc.util.browser.addInitFunction (InitYUIUtil);
- })();
-trc.util.yui = {
- //
- // A list of dependecies to be passed to the YUI loader. This is
- // essentially a hash set: dep->dep.
- //
- _deps : new Object(),
- //
- // An array of callback functions, these should be called when all
- // dependecies are loaded.
- //
- _callbacks : new Array(),
- //
- // The init function simply calls the YUI loader...
- //
- _init : function() {
- var yuiUtil = this;
- //
- // It takes safari a while to load the YUI Loader if it hasn't
- // loaded yet keep trying at 1/4 second intervals
- //
- if (!window.YAHOO)
- {
- window.setTimeout (function() {
- yuiUtil._init();
- }, 250);
- return;
- }
- //
- // Collect requirements...
- //
- var required = new Array();
- for (var req in this._deps)
- {
- required.push (req);
- }
- //
- // Load YUI dependecies...
- //
- var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({
- require: required,
- loadOptional: true,
- filter: "RAW",
- onSuccess: function() {
- yuiUtil._depsLoaded();
- },
- timeout: 10000,
- combine: true
- });
- loader.insert();
- },
- //
- // Called after all dependecies have been loaded
- //
- _depsLoaded : function() {
- //
- // Dependecies are loaded let everyone know.
- //
- for (var i=0;i<this._callbacks.length;i++)
- {
- this._callbacks[i]();
- }
- },
- //
- // Request that one or more YUI dependecies are loaded.
- //
- loadYUIDeps : function (deps, /*An array of dep strings */
- callback /*A function to call when deps are loaded*/
- )
- {
- for (var i=0;i<deps.length;i++)
- {
- this._deps[deps[i]] = deps[i];
- }
- if (callback != null)
- {
- this._callbacks.push (callback);
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE book [
- <!-- Some useful entities borrowed from HTML -->
- <!ENTITY ndash "–">
- <!ENTITY mdash "—">
- <!ENTITY hellip "…">
- <!ENTITY plusmn "±">
- <!-- Useful for describing APIs -->
- <!ENTITY GET '<command xmlns="">GET</command>'>
- <!ENTITY PUT '<command xmlns="">PUT</command>'>
- <!ENTITY POST '<command xmlns="">POST</command>'>
- <!ENTITY DELETE '<command xmlns="">DELETE</command>'>
- <!ENTITY CHECK '<inlinemediaobject xmlns="">
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- <imagedata fileref="../figures/Check_mark_23x20_02.png"
- format="PNG" />
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-<book xmlns=""
- xmlns:xlink=""
- xmlns:xi=""
- xmlns:svg=""
- xmlns:m=""
- xmlns:html=""
- xmlns:db=""
- version="5.0" status="final"
- xml:id="Quantum-api-spec">
- <title>Quantum API Guide (1.0)</title>
- <titleabbrev>Quantum API 1.0</titleabbrev>
- <info>
- <author>
- <personname>
- <firstname/>
- <surname/>
- </personname>
- </author>
- <copyright>
- <year>2011</year>
- <holder>OpenStack</holder>
- </copyright>
- <releaseinfo>Quantum API v1.0</releaseinfo>
- <productname>OpenStack Quantum (virtual network service)</productname>
- <pubdate>2011-09-22</pubdate>
- <legalnotice role="apache2">
- <annotation>
- <remark>Copyright details are filled in by the template.</remark>
- </annotation>
- </legalnotice>
- <abstract>
- <para>This document is intended for software developers interested in developing
- applications using the OpenStack Quantum Layer-2 Networking Service
- (<abbrev>API</abbrev>). </para>
- </abstract>
- </info>
- <chapter xml:id="Overview-d1e71">
- <title>Overview</title>
- <para>
- Quantum is a project to provide "network connectivity as a
- service" between devices managed by the OpenStack compute service.
- For more information on Quantum and the other network-related
- projects please check the Quantum home page
- (<link xlink:href=""/>)
- and the NetStack home page
- (<link xlink:href=""/>).
- </para>
- <para> We welcome feedback, comments, and bug reports at <link
- xlink:href=""></link>.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="Intended_Audience-d1e85">
- <title>Intended Audience</title>
- <para> This Guide is intended to assist software
- developers who want to develop applications using the
- Quantum API. To use the information provided
- here, you should first have a general understanding of the
- OpenStack Quantum network service, the OpenStack compute
- service (Nova), and the integration between the two.
- The user should also have access to a plugin providing the
- implementation for the API described in this document.
- Two plugins are included in the Quantum distribution:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>Openvswitch - Implementing Quantum API with Open vSwitch</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Cisco - Implementing Quantum API for Cisco UCS blades and
- Nexus switches</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- You should also be familiar with:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>ReSTful web services</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>HTTP/1.1</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>JSON and/or XML data serialization formats</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Document_Change_History-d1e118">
- <title>Document Change History</title>
- <para>The most recent changes are described in the table below:</para>
- <informaltable rules='all'>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td align="center" colspan="1">Revision Date</td>
- <td align="center" colspan="4">Summary of Changes</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1" align="center">September 22, 2011</td>
- <td colspan="4">
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Initial release.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- </section>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <section xml:id="Glossary">
- <title>Glossary</title>
- <informaltable rules='all'>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1" align="center">Term</td>
- <td colspan="4" align="center">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1" align="center">
- Entity
- </td>
- <td colspan="4">
- A generic term for any piece of hardware or
- software desiring to connect to the network
- services provided by Quantum. An entity may
- make use of Quantum by implementing a VIF.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1" align="center" bgcolor="#4F91BD">
- Layer-2 network
- </td>
- <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#4F91BD">
- A virtual Ethernet network managed by the Quantum
- service. For the time being, Quantum will manage
- only Ethernet networks.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center">
- Network
- </td>
- <td colspan="4">
- A virtual network providing connectivity
- between entities, i.e.: collection of virtual
- ports sharing network connectivity. In the
- Quantum terminology, a network is always a Layer-2
- network.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center" bgcolor="#4F91BD">
- Plugin
- </td>
- <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#4F91BD">
- Software component providing the actual
- implementation for Quantum APIs.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center">
- Port
- </td>
- <td colspan="4">
- A port on the virtual network switch represented
- by a Quantum virtual Layer-2 network.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center" bgcolor="#4F91BD">
- </td>
- <td colspan="4" bgcolor="#4F91BD">
- A Virtual network InterFace plugged into a port of a Quantum
- network; typically a virtual network interface
- belonging to a VM
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center">
- Attachment
- </td>
- <td colspan="4">
- Association of an interface identifier to a logical
- port, which represent 'plugging' an interface into
- a port.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- </section>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <section xml:id="Theory">
- <title>Theory of Operation</title>
- <para>
- This section presents the objects and semantics of Quantum’s
- logical model.
- </para><para>
- Quantum abstracts the physical implementation of the network,
- allowing plugins to configure and manage physical resources.
- Quantum is a standalone service, in that it requires no other
- project within OpenStack to function correctly.
- </para><para>
- Further Quantum is agnostic to the entities it allows to connect.
- While we anticipate Nova instances will be a heavy user of
- Quantum, any entity can make use of any Quantum created network
- so long as it provides an appropriate interfaces for exposing VIFs
- to Quantum itself.
- </para><para>
- Virtual Interfaces(VIF) in the logical model are analogous to
- physical network interface cards (NICs). VIFs are typically
- owned a managed by an external service; for instance when
- Quantum is used for building OpenStack networks,
- VIFs would be created, owned, and managed in Nova.
- VIFs are connected to Quantum networks via ports.
- A port is analogous to a port on a network switch, and it
- has an administrative state. Quantum API
- allows for controlling the administrative state of the port,
- which can be either 'DOWN' or 'ACTIVE'.
- </para><para>
- When a VIF is attached to a port the Quantum API creates
- an attachment object, which specifies the fact that a VIF with a
- given identifier is plugged into the port.
- </para><para>
- The Quantum plugin is responsible for managing virtual and/or
- physical network switches to implement the network forwarding
- connectivity described by the Quantum networks, ports, and
- attachments.
- </para><para>
- VIFs attached to ACTIVE ports are required to have access to the
- L2 broadcast domain defined by the network where they are attached.
- Each VIF shall be capable of exchanging traffic with all other
- entities attached through ACTIVE ports.
- </para>
- </section>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- </chapter>
- <chapter xml:id="Concepts-d1e369">
- <?dbhtml stop-chunking?>
- <title>Concepts</title>
- <para>
- To use the Quantum API effectively, developers should understand
- the concepts introduced in this chapter.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="Network">
- <title>Network</title>
- <para>
- Each tenant can define one or more networks. A network is a virtual
- isolated layer-2 broadcast domain reserved to the tenant.
- A tenant can create several ports for a network, and plug
- virtual interfaces into these ports.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Port">
- <title>Port</title>
- <para>
- A port represents a virtual switch port on a logical
- network switch where all the interfaces attached to a given
- network are connected.
- </para><para>
- A port has an administrative state which
- is either 'DOWN' or 'ACTIVE'. Ports which are administratively
- down will not be able to receive/send traffic.
- </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Attachment">
- <title>Attachment</title>
- <para>
- An attachment represents an interface plugged into a logical
- port. At any time at most one attachment can be plugged into a
- given port.
- </para><para>
- An attachment typically identified a virtual network interface.
- Network interfaces are typically defined in an external services
- which uses Quantum, for instance the OpenStack Compute service,
- Nova.
- </para>
- </section>
- </chapter>
- <chapter xml:id="General_API_Information-d1e436">
- <title>General API Information</title>
- <para>
- The OpenStack Quantum API is defined as a ReSTful HTTP
- service. The API takes advantage of all aspects of the
- HTTP protocol (methods, URIs, media types, response codes,
- etc.) and providers are free to use existing features of
- the protocol such as caching, persistent connections, and
- content compression among others. For example, providers
- who employ a caching layer may respond with a 203 when a
- request is served from the cache instead of a 200.
- Additionally, providers may offer support for conditional
- &GET; requests using ETags, or they may send a redirect in
- response to a &GET; request. Clients should be written to
- account for these differences.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="Authentication-d1e444">
- <title>Authentication</title>
- <para>
- The current version of the OpenStack Quantum service
- does not require that each request will include the credentials
- of the user submitting the request.
- </para><para>
- However, Quantum deployments can support several
- authentication schemes (OAuth, Basic Auth, Token). The
- authentication scheme used is determined by the
- provider of the Quantum service. Please contact
- your provider to determine the best way to
- authenticate against this API.
- </para><para>
- Ideally, middleware modules for Authentication and/or Authorization
- should be inserted in the first stages of the Quantum pipeline
- (available in <code>etc/quantum.conf</code>).
- </para>
- <note>
- <para>
- Some authentication schemes may require that the
- API operate using SSL over HTTP (HTTPS).
- </para>
- </note>
- </section>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <section xml:id="URI_structure">
- <title>URI structure</title>
- <para>
- Each request to the OpenStack Quantum API must refer to a
- specific version of the API itself, and it must also
- identify the tenant for which the request is being sent.
- </para>
- <para>
- This information is specified in the URI. The URI
- for each request to the OpenStack Quantum API should be
- prefixed with the API version identifier and the tenant
- identifier, as follows:
- </para>
- <para>
- <code>/{Quantum-version}/tenants/{tenant-id}/{Quantum-API-entity}</code>
- </para>
- <para>
- As an example, the following URI represents a request for
- retrieving all the networks configured for the tenant "ABC"
- using the 1.0 API.
- </para>
- <para>
- <code>/v1.0/ABC/networks</code>
- </para>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Request_Response_Types">
- <title>Request/Response Types</title>
- <para>
- The OpenStack Quantum API supports both the JSON and XML
- data serialization formats.
- The format for both the request and the response can be
- specified either using the <code>Content-Type</code> header,
- the <code>Accept</code> header or adding an <code>.xml</code>
- or <code>.json</code> extension to the request URI.
- </para><para>
- If conflicting formats are specified in headers and/or format
- extensions, the latter takes precedence. XML is currently
- the default format for both requests and responses.
- </para>
- <table rules="all">
- <caption>JSON and XML Response Formats</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td>Format</td>
- <td>Accept Header</td>
- <td>Query Extension</td>
- <td>Default</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>JSON</td>
- <td>application/json</td>
- <td>.json</td>
- <td>No</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>XML</td>
- <td>application/xml</td>
- <td>.xml</td>
- <td>Yes</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <example>
- <title>Request/Response with Headers: JSON</title>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /v1.0/tenants/tenantX/networks HTTP/1.1
-Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
-Content-Type application/json; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Length 30
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-post-req.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted
-Content-Type application/json
-Content-Length 59
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-post-res.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- </example>
- <para>
- Notice, in the above example, that both the
- <code>Content-Type</code> and the <code>Accept</code>
- headers are specified. The
- <code>Content-Type</code> header always takes precedence
- over the <code>Accept</code> header. The value of the latter
- header is therefore ignored in the example above.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Request/Response with Headers: XML</title>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /v1.0/tenants/tenantX/networks HTTP/1.1
-Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
-Content-Type application/xml; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Length 22
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><?db-font-size 80%?><xi:include href="samples/networks-post-req.xml" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted
-Content-Type application/xml
-Content-Length 52
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-post-res.xml" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Request/Response with Extensions: JSON</title>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /v1.0/tenants/tenantX/networks.json HTTP/1.1
-Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
-Content-Type application/json; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Length 30
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-post-req.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-HTTP/1.1 200 Accepted
-Content-Type application/json
-Content-Length 59
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-post-res.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Async_behaviour">
- <title>Asynchronous Behavior by Quantum Plugins</title>
- <para>
- The Quantum API presents a logical model of network connectivity
- consisting of networks, ports, and attachments. It is up to
- the Quantum plugin to communicate with all managed virtual
- and/or physical switches to ensure that these devices implement
- packet forwarding behavior consistent with the logical model.
- </para><para>
- The plugin's task of mapping from the logical model to the physical
- world might happen asynchronously. This means that when an API
- client modifies the logical model using an HTTP POST, PUT,
- or DELETE, the API call may return prior to the plugin performing
- any modifications to underlying virtual and/or physical switching
- devices. The only guarantee an API client has is that all
- subsequent API calls will properly reflect the changed logical model.
- </para><para>
- As a concrete example, consider the case where a client uses an HTTP
- PUT to set the attachment for a port. There is no guarantee that
- packets sent by the interface named in the attachment will be
- forwarded immediately once the HTTP call returns.
- However, there is a guarantee that a subsequent HTTP GET to view
- the attachment on that port would return the new attachment value.
- </para>
- <note><para>
- Future versions of the API may expose a notion of an "operational status"
- on a logical entity like a network or port.
- </para><para>
- This would indicate whether the Quantum plugin had successfully
- configured virtual and/or physical switches in order to implement
- the network connectivity described by that element of the logical
- model.
- </para><para>
- For example, a port might have an operational status of <code>"DOWN"</code>
- because the VM interface specified as an attachment was not
- currently running on any physical server.
- </para></note>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Versions">
- <title>Versions</title>
- <para>
- The Quantum API uses a URI based versioning scheme.
- The first element of the URI path contains the target
- version identifier.
- <example>
- <title>Request with URI versioning</title>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /v1.0/tenants/tenantX/networks HTTP/1.1
-Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
-Content-Type application/xml; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Length 22
- </literallayout>
- </example>
- </para>
- <para>
- Available API versions can be retrieved
- by performing a &GET; on the root URL
- (i.e. with the version and everything to the
- right of it truncated) of the Quantum Service.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Versions List Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET / HTTP/1.1
-Content-Type application/xml
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/versions.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Version List Request/Response: JSON</title>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET / HTTP/1.1
-Content-Type application/json
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include
- href="samples/versions.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <section xml:id="Extensions">
- <title>Extensions</title>
- <para>
- The Quantum API is extensible. Extensions
- serve several purposes:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>
- They allow the introduction of new
- features in the API without requiring a
- version change;
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- They allow the introduction of vendor specific
- niche functionality
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- They act as a proving ground for experimental
- functionalities which might be included in a future
- version of the API.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- Applications can programmatically
- determine what extensions are available by performing
- a &GET; on the <code>/v1.0/extensions</code> URI.
- Note that this is a versioned request — that is,
- an extension available in one API version may not be
- available in another.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Extensions Response: XML</title>
- <programlisting language="xml"><?db-font-size 90%?>
-<xi:include href="samples/extensions.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Extensions Response: JSON</title>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><?db-font-size 90%?><xi:include
- href="samples/extensions.json" parse="text"/></programlisting>
- </example>
- <para>
- Extensions may also be queried individually by their unique alias by performing
- a &GET; on the <code>/v1.0/extensions/alias_name</code>. This provides the simplest
- method of checking if an extension is available as an unavailable extension will issue an
- itemNotFound (404) response.
- </para>
- <para>
- <note>
- Existing core API resources can be extended with new actions or extra data in request/response of existing actions.
- Further new resources can also be added as extensions.
- Extensions usually have vendor specific tags that prevent clash with other extensions.
- Availability of an extension will vary with deployments and the specific plugin in use.
- </note>
- </para>
- <important>
- <para>
- Applications should be prepared to ignore response
- data that contains extension elements.
- Applications should also verify that an extension
- is available before submitting an extended request.
- </para>
- </important>
- </section>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <section xml:id="Faults">
- <title>Faults</title>
- <para>
- When an error occurs at request time, the system
- will return an HTTP error response code denoting
- the type of error. The system will also return
- additional information about the fault in the body
- of the response.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>"Network not found" fault Response (XML)</title>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/fault.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>"Network not found" fault Response (JSON)</title>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/fault.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <para> The error code is returned in the body of the response for convenience. The
- message section returns a human-readable message that is appropriate for display to
- the end user. The detail section is optional and may contain information—for example, a stack trace—to
- assist in tracking down an error.
- </para>
- <para>
- The root element of the fault (e.g. networkNotFound)
- may change depending on the type of error. The
- following is a list of possible elements along with
- their associated error codes.
- </para>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <table rules="all">
- <caption>Fault Elements and Error Codes</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td>Fault Element</td>
- <td>Error Code</td>
- <td colspan="2">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">BadRequest</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">400</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD" colspan="2">
- Malformed request body.
- The Quantum service is unable to parse the contents of the
- request body.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Unauthorized</td>
- <td>401</td>
- <td colspan="2">
- User has not provided authentication credentials.
- If authentication is provided by the Keystone identity
- service, this might mean that either no authentication
- token has been supplied in the request, or that the
- token itself is either invalid or expired.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">Forbidden</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">403</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD" colspan="2">
- The user does not have the necessary rights
- to execute the requested operation
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>ItemNotFound</td>
- <td>404</td>
- <td colspan="2">
- The requested resource does not exist on the Quantum API server
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">NetworkNotFound</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">420</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD" colspan="2">
- The specified network has not been created or has been removed.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>NetworkInUse</td>
- <td>421</td>
- <td colspan="2">
- The specified network has attachments plugged into one or more of its ports.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">PortNotFound</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">430</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD" colspan="2">
- The specified port has not been created or has been removed.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>RequestedStateInvalid</td>
- <td>431</td>
- <td colspan="2">
- Indicates a request to change port to an administrative
- state not currently supported.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">PortInUse</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD">432</td>
- <td bgcolor="#4F91BD" colspan="2">
- The specified port cannot be removed as there is an attachment plugged in it.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>AlreadyAttached</td>
- <td>440</td>
- <td colspan="2">
- Attachment is already plugged into another port.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <note>
- <para>
- The error codes 401 and 403 will be returned only if some
- Authentication/Authorization system has been enabled in the
- Quantum pipeline
- </para>
- </note>
- </section>
- </chapter>
- <chapter xml:id="API_Operations">
- <title>API Operations</title>
- <section xml:id="Networks">
- <title>Networks</title>
- <para>
- This section describes the operations exposed by Quantum API for
- manipulating network resources.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="List_Networks">
- <title>List Networks</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- List summary of networks configured in Quantum for
- a given tenant, identified by tenant-id
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation returns the list of all networks
- currently defined in Quantum for the tenant
- specified in the request URI.
- The returned list will provide the unique identifier
- of each network configured for the tenant specified
- in the resource URI.
- </para>
- <note>
- <para>
- <property>TenantId</property> is a unique tenant
- identifier. The Quantum service does not directly
- manages tenants. Tenant management should be
- performed by the identity service
- </para>
- </note>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Networks List Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/networks-get-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Networks List Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-get-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="List_Networks_Detail">
- <title>List Networks Details</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/detail</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- List more detailed information about networks
- configured in Quantum for a given tenant,
- identified by tenant-id
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation returns the list of all networks currently
- defined in Quantum; for each network, its identifier
- and name are returned.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Networks List Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/detail.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/networks-get-detail-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pageb reak?>
- <example>
- <title>Networks List Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/detail.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/networks-get-detail-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Show_Network">
- <title>Show Network</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/<emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- List information for a specific network,
- identified by <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>,
- for a given tenant, identified by <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation returns the identifier and the name for a
- specific network configured in Quantum.
- </para><para>
- This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Show Network Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/network-get-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Show Network Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/network-get-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Show_Network_Detail">
- <title>Show Network Details</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/<emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/detail</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- List detailed information for a specific network,
- identified by <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>,
- for a given tenant, identified by <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation returns detailed information concerning the
- network specified in the request URI. Returned data include
- the full list of ports configured for the network
- and attachments plugged into such ports.
- </para><para>
- If no attachment is plugged into a port, the response will
- not include an <code>attachment</code> child element for that
- port.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Show Network Detail Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3/detail.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/network-get-detail-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Show Network Detail Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3/detail.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/network-get-detail-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Create_Network">
- <title>Create Network</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&POST;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Creates a new logical layer-2 network for the
- tenant identified by <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- BadRequest (<errorcode>400</errorcode>)
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation creates a Layer-2 network in
- Quantum based on the information provided in the request body.
- </para><para>
- Quantum validates the request, and dispatches it to the plugin,
- and then returns the unique identifier of the network to the
- caller. Although the network API entity can be immediately used
- for other operations, this does not guarantee that the network
- will be available when the API call returns, as this depends
- on the particular plugin implementation.
- </para><para>
- If the validation phase fails, the network object is not
- created at all, and a 400 error is returned to the caller.
- </para>
- <note>
- <para>
- The Quantum API v1.0 does not provide an interface
- for checking the progress of asynchronous operations
- performed by plugins.
- </para>
- <para>
- This will be addressed in future releases of the
- Quantum API.
- </para>
- </note>
- <para>
- The body for this request must contain a Network object
- specifying a symbolic name for the network.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Create Network Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /tenants/XYZ/networks.xml
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/network-post-req.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/network-post-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Create Network Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /tenants/XYZ/networks.json
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/network-post-req.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/network-post-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Update_Network">
- <title>Update Network</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&PUT;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/<emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Renames the network identified by
- <emphasis>network-id</emphasis> for the
- tenant identified by <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>204</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- BadRequest (<errorcode>400</errorcode>)
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation renames a Quantum network using the data
- provided in the request body.
- </para>
- <para>
- The body for this request must contain a Network object
- specifying a symbolic name for the network. The network
- entity specified in the request body can contain the
- network's identifier as well, even if it is not required,
- as the identifier must be expressed on the URI; in this
- case the identifier in the request body will be ignored.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Update Network Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-PUT /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1.xml
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/network-post-req.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Update Network Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-PUT /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1.json
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/network-post-req.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Delete_Network">
- <title>Delete Network</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&DELETE;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/<emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Destroys the network identified by
- <emphasis>network-id</emphasis> for the
- tenant identified by <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>204</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- BadRequest (<errorcode>400</errorcode>)
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- NetworkInUse (<errorcode>421</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation removes the network specified in the URI.
- This request will fail as long as there is at least one
- port on the network with attachments plugged in it.
- If all ports on the networks are unattached, they will
- be destroyed together with the network itself.
- </para>
- <para>
- As for the create operation there is no guarantee that the
- plugin will have completely removed the network when the
- call returns. Quantum forwards the request to the plugin,
- which will then destroy the network.
- </para><para>
- Please note that this operation cannot be undone.
- </para>
- <para>
- This operation does not require a request body.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Delete Network Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-DELETE /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Update Network Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-DELETE /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Ports">
- <title>Ports</title>
- <para>
- This section describes the operations exposed by Quantum API for
- manipulating port resources.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="List_Ports">
- <title>List Ports</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}/ports</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Lists all the ports currently defined for a Quantum network,
- identified by <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation lists all the ports currently configured
- for a network. For each port the response reports its
- unique identifier. If no ports have been
- created on the network an empty list will be returned.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Port List Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/ports-get-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Port List Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/ports-get-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="List_Ports_Details">
- <title>List Ports Details</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/detail</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Lists detailed information for all the ports currently defined
- for the network identified by <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation lists detailed information for all the ports
- currently configured for a network. Response for each port
- includes its identifier and the current administrative state.
- If no ports have been created on the network an
- empty list will be returned.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Port List Details Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/detail.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/ports-get-detail-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Port List Details Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/detail.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/ports-get-detail-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Show_port">
- <title>Show Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Retrieves the port
- <emphasis>port-id</emphasis> configured for the
- network <emphasis>network-id</emphasis> belonging
- to the tenant <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation returns the unique identifier and the
- current administrative state for a specific port configured
- for the network specified in the request URI.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Show Port Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-get-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <?hard-pagebreak?>
- <example>
- <title>Show Port Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/port-get-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Show_port_Details">
- <title>Show Port Details</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis>/detail</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Retrieves detailed information for the port
- <emphasis>port-id</emphasis> configured for the
- network <emphasis>network-id</emphasis> belonging
- to the tenant <emphasis>tenant-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation provides at least the identifier and the
- current administrative state for specific port configured
- for a given network.
- </para><para>
- If an attachment is plugged into the port, this operation
- will return the identifier of the attachment as well.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Show Port Detail Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855/detail.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-get-detail-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Show Port Detail Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855/detail.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/port-get-detail-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Create_Port">
- <title>Create Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&POST;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Creates a port on the network specified
- in the request URI, identified by
- <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- BadRequest (<errorcode>400</errorcode>),
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- RequestedStateInvalid (<errorcode>431</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation creates a port on a Quantum network based on
- the information provided in the request body.
- Quantum validates the request, and dispatches the request
- to the plugin, which creates the port and attaches
- it to the appropriate network.
- </para><para>
- This operation could not be implemented for some
- plugins as the number of ports available might be fixed
- when the network is created.
- </para><para>
- If the validation phase fails, the port object is not
- created at all, and a <code>BadRequest</code> error is returned
- to the caller.
- </para><para>
- The operation returns a port with an identifier, and set its
- administrative state set to <code>DOWN</code>, unless a state
- has been explicitly specified in the request body.
- </para><para>
- Please note that this operation does not guarantee that the
- port has been actually created when the calls returns,
- as the plugin might still be performing the necessary
- operations on the network infrastructure. However, the port
- entity can be immediately used for API operations.
- </para><para>
- The request body is not mandatory for this operation,
- but it can optionally contain the administrative state
- for the port being created, which can be either
- <code>DOWN</code> or <code>ACTIVE</code>.
- The administrative state should be encapsulated into a Port
- object within the request body, as shown in the example below.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Create Port Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports.xml
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-post-req.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-post-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Create Port Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-POST /tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports.json
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-post-req.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/port-post-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Update_Port">
- <title>Update Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&PUT;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Sets the administrative state for the port
- identified by <emphasis>port-id</emphasis>
- on the network identified by
- <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>204</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- BadRequest (<errorcode>400</errorcode>),
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>),
- RequestedStateInvalid (<errorcode>431</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation sets the administrative state for a port.
- Currently Quantum recognizes two port states:
- <code>DOWN</code> and <code>ACTIVE</code>. In the
- <code>DOWN</code> state a port will not provide
- connectivity to the network.
- </para><para>
- This feature allows the tenant the ability to take entities
- offline without affecting the logical topology.
- </para><para>
- The operation will return the <code>RequestedStateInvalid</code>
- error code if the specified administrative state is not either
- <code>DOWN</code> or <code>ACTIVE</code>.
- </para><para>
- The operation's request body must contain a Port object with
- the new administrative state for the port.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Set Port State Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-PUT tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855.xml
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-post-req.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body.</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Set Port State Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-PUT tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855.json
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/port-post-req.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body.</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Delete_Port">
- <title>Delete Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&DELETE;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis></td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Destroys the port
- identified by <emphasis>port-id</emphasis>
- on the network identified by
- <emphasis>network-id</emphasis>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>204</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- BadRequest (<errorcode>400</errorcode>),
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>),
- PortInUse (<errorcode>432</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation removes a port from a Quantum network.
- This operation might not be available for plugins in
- which the number of ports is fixed at network creation;
- in this case ports should not be deleted, just as they
- cannot be created.
- </para><para>
- The operation is not recoverable and will fail if an
- attachment is plugged into the port. #
- </para><para>
- This operation does not require a request body.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Delete Port State Request/Response (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-DELETE tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body.</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Delete Port State Request/Response (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-DELETE tenants/33/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para><emphasis>No data returned in response body.</emphasis></para>
- </example>
- </section>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Attachments">
- <title>Attachments</title>
- <para>
- This section describes the operations exposed by Quantum API for
- manipulating port attachments.
- </para><para>
- An attachment is typically a virtual network interface
- belonging to a VM instance. Different kinds of resources
- can be defined in the future.
- </para>
- <section xml:id="Show_Attachment">
- <title>Show Attachment for Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&GET;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis>/attachment</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Returns the identifier of the attachment plugged
- into the specified port, identified by
- <emphasis>port-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>200</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation returns configuration details for the
- attachment plugged into the port specified in the request URI.
- This information is a reference to a virtual interface
- identifier.
- </para><para>
- If no attachment is currently plugged into the port,
- the operation does not return any attachment
- identifier in the response.
- The response will contain an empty <code>attachment</code> element
- with no <code>id</code> attribute set.
- </para>
- <para>This operation does not require a request body.</para>
- <example>
- <title>Show Attachment (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08/attachment.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response (attachment set):</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/att-get-res.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response (attachment not set):</para>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/att-get-res-none.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Show Attachment (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-GET /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08/attachment.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response (attachment set):</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/att-get-res.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response (attachment not set):</para>
- <programlisting language="javascript"><xi:include href="samples/att-get-res-none.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Put_Attachment">
- <title>Plug Attachment into Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&PUT;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis>/attachment</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Plugs a resource, i.e. a virtual network interface
- into the port identified by
- <emphasis>port-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>204</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>),
- PortInUse (<errorcode>432</errorcode>),
- AlreadyAttached (<errorcode>440</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation plugs an attachment into the port
- specified in the request URL.
- </para><para>
- The request will be first validated by Quantum and then
- dispatched to the plugin. It is not guaranteed that the
- attached resource will be available as soon as the
- operation returns.
- </para><para>
- The validation can fail if:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
- <listitem>
- <para>
- An attachment with the same identifier
- is already plugged somewhere else;
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- There is already another attachment plugged
- into the specified port.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- If the validation phase fails, the attachment is not
- created at all, and the appropriate error code is
- returned to the caller.
- </para>
- <para>
- If no attachment is currently plugged into the port,
- the operation does not return any attachment
- identifier in the response.
- The response will contain an empty <code>attachment</code> element.
- </para>
- <para>
- The request body for this network should contain a reference
- to the attachment to plug into the port.
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Plug Attachment (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-PUT /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08/attachment.xml
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/att-put-req.xml" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para>No data returned in response body</para>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Plug Attachment (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-PUT /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08/attachment.json
- </literallayout>
- <programlisting language="xml"><xi:include href="samples/att-put-req.json" parse="text"/>
- </programlisting>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para>No data returned in response body</para>
- </example>
- </section>
- <section xml:id="Delete_Attachment">
- <title>Unplug Attachment from Port</title>
- <informaltable rules="all">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">Verb</td>
- <td colspan="2">URI</td>
- <td colspan="3">Description</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="1">&DELETE;</td>
- <td colspan="2">/tenants/<emphasis>{tenant-id}</emphasis>/networks/
- <emphasis>{network-id}</emphasis>/ports/
- <emphasis>{port-id}</emphasis>/attachment</td>
- <td colspan="3">
- Removes the attachment currently plugged
- into the port identified by
- <emphasis>port-id</emphasis>.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </informaltable>
- <simpara>
- Normal Response Code(s):
- <returnvalue>204</returnvalue>
- </simpara>
- <simpara>
- Error Response Code(s):
- Unauthorized (<errorcode>401</errorcode>),
- Forbidden (<errorcode>403</errorcode>),
- NetworkNotFound (<errorcode>420</errorcode>),
- PortNotFound (<errorcode>430</errorcode>)
- </simpara>
- <para>
- This operation removes the attachment from the port
- specified in the request URI.
- </para><para>
- If no attachment is currently plugged into the port,
- this operation has no effect.
- </para>
- <para>
- This operation does not require a request body
- </para>
- <example>
- <title>Remove Attachment (XML)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-DELETE /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08/attachment.xml
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para>No data returned in response body</para>
- </example>
- <example>
- <title>Remove Attachment (JSON)</title>
- <para>Request:</para>
- <literallayout class="monospaced">
-DELETE /tenants/XYZ/networks/158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1/ports/b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08/attachment.json
- </literallayout>
- <para>Response:</para>
- <para>No data returned in response body</para>
- </example>
- </section>
- </section>
- </chapter>
+++ /dev/null
- "attachment": {}
+++ /dev/null
-<attachment />
+++ /dev/null
- "attachment":
- {
- "id": "test_interface_identifier"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<attachment id="test_interface_identifier"/>
+++ /dev/null
- "attachment":
- {
- "id": "test_interface_identifier"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- id="test_interface_identifier"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "extensions": [
- {
- "name": "Cisco Port Profile",
- "namespace": "",
- "alias": "Cisco Port Profile",
- "updated": "2011-07-23T13:25:27-06:00",
- "description": "Portprofile include QoS information",
- },
- {
- "name": "Cisco qos",
- "namespace": "",
- "alias": "Cisco qos",
- "updated": "2011-07-25T13:25:27-06:00",
- "description": "qos include qos_name and qos_desc",
- },
- ]
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <extension
- name="Cisco Port Profile"
- namespace=""
- alias="Cisco Port Profile"
- updated="2011-07-23T13:25:27-06:00">
- <description>Portprofile include QoS information</description>
- </extension>
- <extension
- name="Cisco qos"
- namespace=""
- alias="Cisco qos"
- updated="2011-07-25T13:25:27-06:00">
- <description>qos include qos_name and qos_desc</description>
- </extension>
+++ /dev/null
- "networkNotFound": {
- "message": "Unable to find a network with the specified identifier.",
- "code": 420,
- "detail": "Network 8de6af7c-ef95-4ac1-9d37-172f8df33a1f could not be found"
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<networkNotFound code="420" xmlns="">
- <message>
- Unable to find a network with the specified identifier.
- </message>
- <detail>
- Network 8de6af7c-ef95-4ac1-9d37-172f8df33a1f could not be found
- </detail>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "network":
- {
- "id": "8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3",
- "name": "test_network"
- "ports":
- [
- {
- "id": "98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855",
- "state": "DOWN"
- },
- {
- "id": b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "attachment":
- {
- "id": "test_interface_identifier"
- }
- }
- ]
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <network
- id="8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3"
- name="test_network">
- <ports>
- <port
- id="98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- status="DOWN"/>
- <port
- id="b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08"
- status="ACTIVE">
- <attachment id="test_interface_identifier"/>
- </port>
- </ports>
- </network>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "network":
- {
- "id": "8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3",
- "name": "test_network"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <network
- id="8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3"
- name="test_network"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "network":
- {
- "name": "test_create_network"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- name="test_create_network"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "network":
- {
- "id": "158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1",
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- id="158233b0-ca9a-40b4-8614-54a4a99d47d1"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "networks":
- [
- {
- "id": "8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3",
- "name": "network_1"
- },
- {
- "id": "2a39409c-7146-4501-8429-3579e03e9b56",
- "name": "network_2"
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <network
- id="8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3"
- name="network_1"/>
- <network
- id="2a39409c-7146-4501-8429-3579e03e9b56"
- name="network_2"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "networks":
- [
- {
- "id": "8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3"
- },
- {
- "id": "2a39409c-7146-4501-8429-3579e03e9b56"
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <network id="8bec1293-16bd-4568-ba75-1f58bec0b4c3"/>
- <network id="2a39409c-7146-4501-8429-3579e03e9b56"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "network": {
- "name": "test"
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<network name="test"/>
+++ /dev/null
- "network": {
- "id": "611851f2-df8b-4455-b84b-8c73b7ca5dec"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<network id="e1150d1c-e953-402d-aa75-e35d803d914b"/>
+++ /dev/null
- "itemNotFound" : {
- "code" : 404,
- "message" : "Not Found",
- "details" : "Error Details..."
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns=""
- code="404">
- <message>Not Found</message>
- <details>Error Details...</details>
+++ /dev/null
- "notImplemented" : {
- "code" : 501,
- "message" : "Not Implemented",
- "details" : "Error Details..."
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<notImplemented xmlns="" code="501">
- <message>Not Implemented</message>
- <details>Error Details...</details>
+++ /dev/null
- "port":
- {
- "state": "DOWN",
- "id": "98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- "attachment":
- {
- "id": "test_interface_identifier"
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
- id="98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- state="DOWN">
- <attachment
- id="test_interface_identifier"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "port":
- {
- "state": "DOWN",
- "id": "98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- }
+++ /dev/null
- id="98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- state="DOWN"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "port":
- {
- "state": "ACTIVE"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- state="ACTIVE"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "port":
- {
- "id": "98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- id="98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "ports": [
- {
- "id": "98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- },
- {
- "id": "b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <port
- id="98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- state="ACTIVE"/>
- <port
- id="b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08"
- state="ACTIVE"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "ports":
- [
- {
- "id": "98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"
- },
- {
- "id": "b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08"
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- <port
- id="98017ddc-efc8-4c25-a915-774b2a633855"/>
- <port
- id="b832be00-6553-4f69-af33-acd554e36d08"/>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- "network" {
- "id" : "private",
- "ip" : [
- {"version" : 4, "addr" : ""},
- {"version" : 6, "addr" : "::babe:"}
- ]
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<network xmlns=""
- id="private">
- <ip version="4" addr=""/>
- <ip version="6" addr="::babe:"/>
+++ /dev/null
- "network" {
- "id" : "public",
- "ip" : [
- {"version" : 4, "addr" : ""},
- {"version" : 6, "addr" : "::babe:"},
- {"version" : 4, "addr" : ""},
- {"version" : 6, "addr" : "::babe:4317:0A83"}
- ]
- }
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<network xmlns=""
- id="public">
- <ip version="4" addr=""/>
- <ip version="6" addr="::babe:"/>
- <ip version="4" addr=""/>
- <ip version="6" addr="::babe:4317:0A83"/>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<feed xmlns="">
- <title type="text">Available API Versions</title>
- <updated>2010-12-12T18:30:02.25Z</updated>
- <id></id>
- <author><name>Rackspace</name><uri></uri></author>
- <link rel="self" href=""/>
- <entry>
- <id></id>
- <title type="text">Version v1.1</title>
- <updated>2010-12-12T18:30:02.25Z</updated>
- <link rel="self" href=""/>
- <content type="text">Version v1.1 CURRENT (2010-12-12T18:30:02.25Z)</content>
- </entry>
- <entry>
- <id></id>
- <title type="text">Version v1.0</title>
- <updated>2009-10-09T11:30:00Z</updated>
- <link rel="self" href=""/>
- <content type="text">Version v1.0 DEPRECATED (2009-10-09T11:30:00Z)</content>
- </entry>
+++ /dev/null
- "versions": [
- {
- "status": "CURRENT",
- "id": "v1.0",
- "links": [
- {
- "href": "",
- "rel": "self"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "status": "FUTURE",
- "id": "v1.1",
- "links": [
- {
- "href": "",
- "rel": "self"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <links>
- <link href="" rel="self"/>
- </links>
- </version>
- <version id="v1.1" status="FUTURE">
- <links>
- <link href="" rel="self"/>
- </links>
- </version>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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-/* other */\r
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+++ /dev/null
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-pre.sh_sourceCode .sh_property {\r
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+++ /dev/null
-<Directory />
-DirectoryIndex api.xsd
-AddType application/xml wadl
-AddType application/xml xsd
-AddType application/xml xslt
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Server Actions</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines actions that can be performed on a
- cloud server. All cloud server actions are derived from the <a
- href="#type_Action" title="See definition of
- Action">Action</a> type.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="server.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to servers.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <element name="reboot" type="csapi:Reboot">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Performs a HARD or SOFT reboot.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/reboot.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/reboot.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="rebuild" type="csapi:Rebuild">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Rebuilds a server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/rebuild.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/rebuild.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="resize" type="csapi:Resize">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Resizes a server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/resize.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/resize.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="confirmResize" type="csapi:ConfirmResize">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Confirms a resize action.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/confirmresize.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/confirmresize.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="revertResize" type="csapi:RevertResize">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Reverts a resize action.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/revertresize.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/revertresize.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="changePassword" type="csapi:ChangePassword">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Changes a server's password.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/changepassword.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/changepassword.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="createImage" type="csapi:CreateImage">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The action creates a new image for the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/createimage.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/createimage.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType abstract="true" name="Action">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This is the base type for all server actions. It is simply
- a marker abstract type used to differentiate an Action
- element from other elements.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Reboot">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="type" type="csapi:RebootType" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The <a href="#type_RebootType" title="See definition
- of RebootType">type</a> of reboot to perform.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Rebuild">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action">
- <sequence>
- <element name="metadata" type="csapi:Metadata" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of meta data items
- associated with the server. If not
- specified the original server metadata
- will be kept.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="personality" type="csapi:Personality" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of small <a
- href="#type_File" title="See definition
- of file">files</a> used to personalize a
- new server instance. Exisiting server
- personality files are deleted by the
- rebuild process.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The name of the server. If not specified the
- original server name will be kept.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="adminPass" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server's administration password.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="imageRef" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A reference to an image to use for the
- rebuild. A local image need contain only an
- Image ID. External images must contain a
- link that provides the full path to the
- image resource. You must supply an image
- when rebuilding.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Resize">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="flavorRef" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A reference to the flavor to convert to.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ConfirmResize">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="RevertResize">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action" >
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ChangePassword">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action" >
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="adminPass" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server's administration password.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="CreateImage">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Action" >
- <sequence>
- <element name="metadata" type="csapi:Metadata" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of meta data items
- associated with the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The name of the image to create.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <!-- Simple Types -->
- <simpleType name="RebootType">
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <enumeration value="HARD">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A HARD reboot is equivalent to power cycling the server.
- The operating system is not allowed to gracefully
- shutdown.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SOFT">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- With a SOFT reboot, the operating system is signaled to
- restart. This allows for a graceful shutdown of all
- processes.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
- version="2.0"
- xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation=""
- schemaLocation="affinity-id.xsd">
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+++ /dev/null
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- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:rsaide=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <element name="affinityId" type="rsaide:affinityId" />
- <simpleType name="affinityId">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>
- An ID that identifies the proximity of customer slices.
- </documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:string" />
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ipv6AddressRangeValue">
- <annotation>
- <documentation>
- The IPv6 address range in CIDR notation of the server.
- </documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:string" />
- </simpleType>
- <element name="ipv6AddressRange" type="rsaide:ipv6AddressRange" />
- <complexType name="ipv6AddressRange">
- <attribute name="value" type="rsaide:ipv6AddressRangeValue"/>
- </complexType>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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-<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:capi="" version="2.0"
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+++ /dev/null
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-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:capi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Open Stack Common API Schema Types 1.0</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="extensions.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="limits.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="version.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This is the main index XML Schema document
- for Common API Schema Types Version 1.0.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="extensions.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to extensions.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="limits.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to rate and absolute limits.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="version.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to API version details.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- version="2.0"
- xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation=""
- schemaLocation="api.xsd">
- <globalBindings>
- <serializable />
- <javaType name="java.util.Calendar" xmlType="xsd:dateTime"
- parseMethod="javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseDateTime"
- printMethod="javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printDateTime"/>
- <javaType name="java.lang.Integer" xmlType="csapi:UUID"
- parseMethod=""
- printMethod=""/>
- </globalBindings>
- <schemaBindings>
- <package name="" />
- </schemaBindings>
+++ /dev/null
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-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
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- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Open Stack Compute™ API Schema Types 1.1</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="actions.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="common.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="faults.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="flavor.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="image.xsd" />
- <xsdxt:link rev="index" href="server.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This is the main index XML Schema document
- for the Open Stack Compute API Version 1.1.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="server.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Servers and all internal Entities including Addresses and
- Files.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="image.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to images.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="flavor.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to flavors.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="actions.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Defines server actions: reboot, rebuild, resize...
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="metadata.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Metadata for Server and Image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="faults.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- All fault types.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
- version="2.0"
- xmlns:xsi=""
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+++ /dev/null
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- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Atom Link</xsdxt:title>
- </xs:appinfo>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file simple defines an atom link according
- to <a
- href="">RFC4287</a>
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="xml.xsd"/>
- <!-- Common Link Relations -->
- <xs:simpleType name="relation">
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- <xs:enumeration value="archives" />
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- <xs:enumeration value="hub" />
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- <xs:enumeration value="monitor" />
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- <xs:enumeration value="next" />
- <xs:enumeration value="next-arvhice" />
- <xs:enumeration value="nofollow" />
- <xs:enumeration value="payment" />
- <xs:enumeration value="predecessor-version" />
- <xs:enumeration value="prefetch" />
- <xs:enumeration value="prev" />
- <xs:enumeration value="previous" />
- <xs:enumeration value="prev-archive" />
- <xs:enumeration value="replies" />
- <xs:enumeration value="search" />
- <xs:enumeration value="section" />
- <xs:enumeration value="self" />
- <xs:enumeration value="service" />
- <xs:enumeration value="start" />
- <xs:enumeration value="stylesheet" />
- <xs:enumeration value="subsection" />
- <xs:enumeration value="successor-version" />
- <xs:enumeration value="up" />
- <xs:enumeration value="version-history" />
- <xs:enumeration value="via" />
- <xs:enumeration value="working-copy" />
- <xs:enumeration value="working-copy-of" />
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="extRelation">
- <xs:union memberTypes="atom:relation xs:string"/>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:element name="link" type="atom:link" />
- <xs:complexType name="link">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>See section 3.4 of the ATOM RFC <html:a href="">RFC4287</html:a></html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:attribute name="rel" use="required" type="atom:extRelation" />
- <xs:attribute name="type" use="optional" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:attribute name="href" use="required" type="xs:anyURI" />
- <xs:attribute name="hreflang" use="optional" type="xs:NMTOKEN" />
- <xs:attribute name="title" use="optional" type="xs:string" />
- <xs:attribute ref="xml:base" />
- <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" />
- </xs:complexType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../xslt/schema.xslt"?>
-<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
- xmlns:xs=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns =""
- xml:lang="en"
- xsdxt:base="../..">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>The XML Namespace</xsdxt:title>
- </xs:appinfo>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div>
- <h1>About the XML namespace</h1>
- <div class="bodytext">
- <p>
- This schema document describes the XML namespace, in a form
- suitable for import by other schema documents.
- </p>
- <p>
- See <a href="">
-</a> and
- <a href="">
-</a> for information
- about this namespace.
- </p>
- <p>
- Note that local names in this namespace are intended to be
- defined only by the World Wide Web Consortium or its subgroups.
- The names currently defined in this namespace are listed below.
- They should not be used with conflicting semantics by any Working
- Group, specification, or document instance.
- </p>
- <p>
- See further below in this document for more information about <a
- href="#usage">how to refer to this schema document from your own
- XSD schema documents</a> and about <a href="#nsversioning">the
- namespace-versioning policy governing this schema document</a>.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:attribute name="lang">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div>
- <h3>lang (as an attribute name)</h3>
- <p>
- denotes an attribute whose value
- is a language code for the natural language of the content of
- any element; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
- by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.</p>
- </div>
- <div>
- <h4>Notes</h4>
- <p>
- Attempting to install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
- codes as the enumerated possible values is probably never
- going to be a realistic possibility.
- </p>
- <p>
- See BCP 47 at <a href="">
- and the IANA language subtag registry at
- <a href="">
- for further information.
- </p>
- <p>
- The union allows for the 'un-declaration' of xml:lang with
- the empty string.
- </p>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:simpleType>
- <xs:union memberTypes="xs:language">
- <xs:simpleType>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value=""/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- </xs:union>
- </xs:simpleType>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="space">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div>
- <h3>space (as an attribute name)</h3>
- <p>
- denotes an attribute whose
- value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing
- discipline is intended for the content of the element; its
- value is inherited. This name is reserved by virtue of its
- definition in the XML specification.</p>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:simpleType>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
- <xs:enumeration value="default"/>
- <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:anyURI"> <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div>
- <h3>base (as an attribute name)</h3>
- <p>
- denotes an attribute whose value
- provides a URI to be used as the base for interpreting any
- relative URIs in the scope of the element on which it
- appears; its value is inherited. This name is reserved
- by virtue of its definition in the XML Base specification.</p>
- <p>
- See <a
- href=""></a>
- for information about this attribute.
- </p>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div>
- <h3>id (as an attribute name)</h3>
- <p>
- denotes an attribute whose value
- should be interpreted as if declared to be of type ID.
- This name is reserved by virtue of its definition in the
- xml:id specification.</p>
- <p>
- See <a
- href=""></a>
- for information about this attribute.
- </p>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attributeGroup name="specialAttrs">
- <xs:attribute ref="xml:base"/>
- <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
- <xs:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
- <xs:attribute ref="xml:id"/>
- </xs:attributeGroup>
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div>
- <h3>Father (in any context at all)</h3>
- <div class="bodytext">
- <p>
- denotes Jon Bosak, the chair of
- the original XML Working Group. This name is reserved by
- the following decision of the W3C XML Plenary and
- XML Coordination groups:
- </p>
- <blockquote>
- <p>
- In appreciation for his vision, leadership and
- dedication the W3C XML Plenary on this 10th day of
- February, 2000, reserves for Jon Bosak in perpetuity
- the XML name "xml:Father".
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- </div>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div xml:id="usage" id="usage">
- <h2><a name="usage">About this schema document</a></h2>
- <div class="bodytext">
- <p>
- This schema defines attributes and an attribute group suitable
- for use by schemas wishing to allow <code>xml:base</code>,
- <code>xml:lang</code>, <code>xml:space</code> or
- <code>xml:id</code> attributes on elements they define.
- </p>
- <p>
- To enable this, such a schema must import this schema for
- the XML namespace, e.g. as follows:
- </p>
- <pre>
- <schema . . .>
- . . .
- <import namespace=""
- schemaLocation=""/>
- </pre>
- <p>
- or
- </p>
- <pre>
- <import namespace=""
- schemaLocation=""/>
- </pre>
- <p>
- Subsequently, qualified reference to any of the attributes or the
- group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g.
- </p>
- <pre>
- <type . . .>
- . . .
- <attributeGroup ref="xml:specialAttrs"/>
- </pre>
- <p>
- will define a type which will schema-validate an instance element
- with any of those attributes.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <div id="nsversioning" xml:id="nsversioning">
- <h2><a name="nsversioning">Versioning policy for this schema document</a></h2>
- <div class="bodytext">
- <p>
- In keeping with the XML Schema WG's standard versioning
- policy, this schema document will persist at
- <a href="">
- </p>
- <p>
- At the date of issue it can also be found at
- <a href="">
- </p>
- <p>
- The schema document at that URI may however change in the future,
- in order to remain compatible with the latest version of XML
- Schema itself, or with the XML namespace itself. In other words,
- if the XML Schema or XML namespaces change, the version of this
- document at <a href="">
- </a>
- will change accordingly; the version at
- <a href="">
- </a>
- will not change.
- </p>
- <p>
- Previous dated (and unchanging) versions of this schema
- document are at:
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">
- <li><a href="">
- <li><a href="">
- <li><a href="">
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2009-2011 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Backup Schedule</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines all entities related to <a
- href="#type_BackupSchedule" title="See definition of
- BackupSchedule">Backup Schedules</a>.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="backupSchedule" type="csapi:BackupSchedule">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This element is used to create periodic daily and weekly
- images automatically.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/backup.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/backup.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType name="BackupSchedule">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:boolean" name="enabled" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- If true, both daily and weekly backup schedules are
- disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="csapi:WeeklyBackup" name="weekly" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A <a href="#type_WeeklyBackup" title="See definition of
- WeeklyBackup">WeeklyBackup</a> type that describes the day
- of the week in which to perform a weekly backup or
- DISABLED if weekly backups are disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="csapi:DailyBackup" name="daily" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A <a href="#type_DailyBackup" title="See definition of
- DailyBackup">DailyBackup</a> type that describes an hour
- range in which to perform a daily backup or DISABLED if
- daily backups are disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <!-- Simple Types -->
- <simpleType name="DailyBackup">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A target GMT hour range in which to perform a daily backup
- or DISABLED if daily backups are disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <enumeration value="DISABLED">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backups are disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_0000_0200">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 00:00–02:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_0200_0400">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 02:00–04:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_0400_0600">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 04:00–06:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_0600_0800">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 06:00–08:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_0800_1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 08:00–10:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_1000_1200">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 10:00–12:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_1200_1400">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 12:00–14:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_1400_1600">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 14:00–16:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_1600_1800">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 16:00–18:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_1800_2000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 18:00–20:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_2000_2200">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 20:00–22:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="H_2200_0000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Daily backup target of 22:00–00:00 GMT.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="WeeklyBackup">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A target day of the week in which to perform a weekly backup
- or DISABLED if daily backups are disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <enumeration value="DISABLED">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Weekly backups are disabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SUNDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Sunday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="MONDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Monday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="TUESDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Tuesday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="WEDNESDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Wednesday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="THURSDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Thursday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="FRIDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Friday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SATURDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Saturday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SUNDAY">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A weekly backup target of Sunday.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Common Types</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines common types used by multiple
- entities and possibly spanning several types of requests.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <import vc:minVersion="1.1" namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <complexType name="Metadata">
- <sequence>
- <element name="meta" type="csapi:MetadataItem" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of metadata items. There may be an
- absolute limit that imposes additional constraints on
- the number of metadata items.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="MetadataItem">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A MetadataItem is simply a name-value pair. The name is
- specified in the key attribute and the <a
- href="#type_MetadataValue" title="See definition of
- MetadataValue">value</a> is included inline.
- </p>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <meta xmlns=""
- key="Server Label">Web Head 1</meta>
- ]]>
- </xsdxt:code>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="csapi:MetadataValue">
- <attribute name="key" type="csapi:MetadataKey" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A meta data name-value pair.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <!-- Simple types that span multiple requests -->
- <simpleType name="Progress">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An integer between 0 and 100 that denotes the progress of an
- operation.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:int">
- <minInclusive value="0"/>
- <maxInclusive value="100" />
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="UUID">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A universally unique identifier.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <length value="36" fixed="true"/>
- <pattern value="[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ExtendedStatus">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An extended status must contain a prefix.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <pattern value="(\w|-)+:\w+"/>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="MetadataKey">
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <maxLength value="255" />
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="MetadataValue">
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <maxLength value="255" />
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
+++ /dev/null
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- xmlns:dme=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <!-- Import extended attribute -->
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="rax-dme.xsd"/>
- <!-- Include/Redefine core schema -->
- <include vc:minVersion="1.0" vc:maxVersion="1.1" schemaLocation="../../api.xsd"/>
- <!--
- For the purposes of extending the schema api.xsd should be a flat XSD. This is, it should not have
- any <include ..> elements. That's no the case today. We should generate a flat XSD at compile time
- and reference it here.
- -->
- <redefine vc:minVersion="1.1" schemaLocation="../../api.xsd">
- <complexType name="Image">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Image">
- <attribute ref="dme:diskAutoManaged" use="optional"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Server">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Server">
- <attribute ref="dme:diskAutoManaged" use="optional"/>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- </redefine>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xslt"?>
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="qualified"
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:dme=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <attribute name="diskAutoManaged" type="xsd:boolean">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A flag that identifies whether a disk is auto
- managed or manual managed. The attribute can only
- be applied to an Image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
-<xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- targetNamespace=""
- xmlns:ext=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:html=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:xsd="">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Extensions</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api-common.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines types related to API
- extensions.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <xsd:import vc:minVersion="1.1" namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <xsd:element name="extensions" type="ext:Extensions">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A list of supported extensions.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/extensions.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/extensions.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:element>
- <xsd:element name="extension" type="ext:Extension">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Detials about a specific extension.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/extension.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/extension.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:element>
- <xsd:complexType name="Extensions">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A list of extensions.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:sequence>
- <xsd:element name="extension" type="ext:Extension" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xsd:element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xsd:sequence>
- <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xsd:complexType>
- <xsd:complexType name="Extension">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Detials about a specific extension.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:sequence>
- <xsd:element name="description" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A short description of what the extension
- does.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:element>
- <xsd:element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xsd:sequence>
- <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A human reabable extension name.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:attribute>
- <xsd:attribute name="namespace" type="xsd:anyURI" use="required">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Extension namespace used for XML representations.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:attribute>
- <xsd:attribute name="alias" type="ext:Alias" use="required">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A vendor prefix alieas used for non-XML
- representations.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:attribute>
- <xsd:attribute name="updated" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The time that the extension was added or
- modifided.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:attribute>
- <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <xsd:assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="atom:link[@rel='describedby']">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- There should be at least one atom link with a
- describedby relation. This relation provides
- developer info for the extension.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- </xsd:assert>
- </xsd:complexType>
- <xsd:simpleType name="Alias">
- <xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Vendor aliases are used to differentiate
- extensions in non-XML representations as well as
- in HTTP headers and in the URL path. An alias is
- made of a vendor prefix, followed be a a dash (-)
- followed be a short extension ID. For example:
- <code>RAX-PIE</code>.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </xsd:annotation>
- <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
- <xsd:pattern value="\w+\-\w+" />
- </xsd:restriction>
- </xsd:simpleType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- targetNamespace="">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Faults</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines faults that may be raised by the
- OpenStack Compute API. These faults are derived from the <a
- href="#type_ComputeAPIFault" title="See definition of
- ComputeAPIFault">ComputeAPIFault</a>. Most faults extend this
- type without adding any additional attributes or elements.
- The only exceptions is the <a href="#type_OverLimitAPIFault"
- title="See definition of
- OverLimitAPIFault">OverLimitAPIFault</a> which adds a
- <strong>retryAt</strong> attribute and the <a
- href="#type_AsyncAPIFault" title="See definition of
- AsyncAPIFault">AsyncAPIFault</a> which adds a
- <strong>created</strong> timestamp. Because all faults extend
- a standard base type, it should be possible to capture all API
- faults with a single <code>catch</code> statement.
- </p>
- <p>
- Faults are associated with a default HTTP status code that
- corresponds to the particular fault type. For example an <a
- href="#element_itemNotFound" title="see definition of
- itemNotFound"><itemNotFound></a> element is associated
- with the HTTP status code 404. Some elements, the <a
- href="#element_computeFault" title="see definition of
- computeFault"><computeFault></a> element for
- example, may be associated with multiple status codes. It is
- also possible for multiple fault elements to be associated
- with the same default code. The examples below showcase the
- default status codes for each element type. Note that these
- default codes are not part of the formal schema. In practice,
- however, an element type will likely be associated with its
- corresponding default status code.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Faults -->
- <element name="computeFault" type="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A generic Cloud Servers API fault.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/fault.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/fault.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="itemNotFound" type="csapi:ItemNotFoundAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The item or resource could not be found.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/notfound.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/notfound.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="buildInProgress" type="csapi:BuildInProgressAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The operation is not allowed because the corresponding
- server is in a build state.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/build.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/build.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="serverCapacityUnavailable" type="csapi:ServerCapacityUnavailableAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- There is not enough capacity to honor the request.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/serverCap.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/serverCap.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="backupOrResizeInProgress" type="csapi:BackupOrResizeInProgressAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The operation is not allowed because the corresponding
- server is being re-sized or backed up.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/backupInProgress.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/backupInProgress.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="resizeNotAllowed" type="csapi:ResizeNotAllowedAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The re-size operation is not permitted.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/resizeNotAllowed.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/resizeNotAllowed.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="serviceUnavailable" type="csapi:ServiceUnavailableAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The API service is currently unavailable.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/serviceNotAvailable.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/serviceNotAvailable.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="unauthorized" type="csapi:UnauthorizedAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Insufficient privileges to honor the request, perhaps an
- authentication token needs to be obtained or renewed.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/unauth.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/unauth.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="forbidden" type="csapi:ForbiddenAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Authentication has been validated, however the operation is unauthorized.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/forbidden.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/forbidden.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="overLimit" type="csapi:OverLimitAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An <a href="limits.xsd#type_AbsoluteLimit" title="See
- definition of AbsoluteLimit">absolute</a> or <a
- href="limits.xsd#type_RateLimit" title="See definition of
- RateLimit">rate</a> limit has been exceeded.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/overlimit.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/overlimit.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="badRequest" type="csapi:BadRequestAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The request is malformed.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/badrequest.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/badrequest.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="badMediaType" type="csapi:BadMediaTypeAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The Content Type of the request is not supported.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/badmediatype.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/badmediatype.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="badMethod" type="csapi:BadMethodAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The HTTP method (or <a href="limits.xsd#type_HTTPVerb"
- title="See definition of HTTPVerb">verb</a>) is not
- supported by the corresponding resource.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/badmethod.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/badmethod.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="notImplemented" type="csapi:NotImplementedAPIFault">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The operation is currently not implemented.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/notimplemented.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/notimplemented.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType name="ComputeAPIFault">
- <sequence>
- <element name="message" type="xsd:string">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A human readable message that is appropriate for display
- to the end user.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="details" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The optional <details> element may contain useful
- information for tracking down errors (e.g a stack
- trace). This information may or may not be appropriate
- for display to an end user.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="code" type="xsd:int" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The HTTP status code associated with the current fault.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ItemNotFoundAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BuildInProgressAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServerCapacityUnavailableAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BackupOrResizeInProgressAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ResizeNotAllowedAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServiceUnavailableAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="UnauthorizedAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ForbiddenAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="OverLimitAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- <attribute name="retryAt" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An optional dateTime denoting when an operation should
- be retried.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AsyncAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- <attribute name="created" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An optional dateTime denoting when the fault
- was created.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BadRequestAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BadMediaTypeAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="BadMethodAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="NotImplementedAPIFault">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:ComputeAPIFault">
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Flavors</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines all entities related to <a
- href="#type_Flavor" title="See definition of
- Flavor">Flavors</a>.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <include schemaLocation="common.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Common types used by multiple entities and possibly spanning
- several types of requests.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <element name="flavor" type="csapi:Flavor">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines an available hardware configuration for
- a server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/flavor.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/flavor.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="flavors" type="csapi:Flavors">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of flavors.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/flavors.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/flavors.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType name="Flavor">
- <sequence>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The ID of the flavor.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The name of the flavor.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="ram" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The amount of RAM in the flavor in megabytes.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="disk" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The amount of disk space in the flavor in gigabytes.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="vcpus" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The amount of cores allocated.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="FlavorWithOnlyIDNameLinks">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The only allowed attributes for this Flavor type is
- the name, ID, and links. This type is used for
- non-detailed list of flavors.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Flavor">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="atom:link" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any vc:minVersion="1.1" namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="ram" use="prohibited" />
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="disk" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="vcpus" use="prohibited"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="atom:link[@rel='self']/@href and atom:link[@rel='bookmark']/@href">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Here the flavor <strong>MUST</strong>
- contain a name, an ID, a bookmark link,
- and a self link.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </assert>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Flavors">
- <sequence>
- <element name="flavor" type="csapi:Flavor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of flavors.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="FlavorsWithOnlyIDsNamesLinks">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of flavors with ID, names, and links
- only. This type is used for non-detailed list of
- flavors.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Flavors">
- <sequence>
- <element name="flavor" type="csapi:FlavorWithOnlyIDNameLinks" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"/>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Images</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines all entity related to <a
- href="#type_Image" title="See definition of Image">Images</a>.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <include schemaLocation="common.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Common types used by multiple entities and possibly spanning
- several types of requests.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="server.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Servers and all internal Entities including: Addresses,
- and Files.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="faults.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- All fault types.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <element name="image" type="csapi:Image">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines a collection of files used to create or
- rebuild a server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/image.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/image.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="images" type="csapi:Images">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of images.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/images.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/images.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType name="Image">
- <sequence>
- <element name="server" type="csapi:Server" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server associated with the image. This may
- not contain full server details but will
- always contain an ID, a name, as well as self
- and bookmark links.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="metadata" type="csapi:Metadata" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of meta data items associated with the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="fault" type="csapi:AsyncAPIFault" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The details of a fault that may have occurred
- while creating an image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The ID of the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The name of the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="tenantId" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A unique ID that identifies the tenant that contains
- the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="userId" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A unique ID that identifies the user who created
- the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="updated" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A time-stamp identifying the modification time of the
- image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="created" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A creation time-stamp for the image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="csapi:Progress" name="progress" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The progress of the current image operation.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="csapi:ExtensibleImageStatus" name="status" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The current state (or <a href="#type_ExtensibleImageStatus"
- title="See definition of ExtensibleImageStatus">status</a>) of the
- image.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="minDisk" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Minimum disk space required for the image in gigabytes.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:int" name="minRam" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The minimum amount of RAM required for the image in
- megabytes.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ImageWithOnlyIDNameLinks">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The only allowed attribute for this Image type is
- the name, ID, and links. This is used for
- non-detailed list of images.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Image">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="atom:link" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any vc:minVersion="1.1" namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="updated" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="created" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:Progress" name="progress" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:ExtensibleImageStatus" name="status" use="prohibited"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="atom:link[@rel='self']/@href and atom:link[@rel='bookmark']/@href">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Here the image <strong>MUST</strong>
- contain a name, an ID, a bookmark link,
- and a self link.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </assert>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Images">
- <sequence>
- <element name="image" type="csapi:Image" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of images (all details).
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ImagesWithOnlyIDsNamesLinks">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of images with only IDs, names, and
- links. This is used for the non-detailed list of
- images.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Images">
- <sequence>
- <element name="image" type="csapi:ImageWithOnlyIDNameLinks" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"/>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <!-- Simple Types -->
- <simpleType name="ExtensibleImageStatus">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An extensible image status type allows all of the
- strings defined in <a href="#type_ImageStatus"
- title="See definition of
- ImageStatus">ImageStatus</a> or an
- alias prefixed status.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <union memberTypes="csapi:ImageStatus csapi:ExtendedStatus"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ImageStatus">
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <enumeration value="UNKNOWN">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The image is in an unknown state.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ACTIVE">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- All operations have completed successfully, the image is
- available for install.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SAVING">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The image is being created (or saved).
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DELETED">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The image has been deleted.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ERROR">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The requested operation has failed.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2009-2011 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Shared IP Groups</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines all entities related to <a
- href="#type_SharedIpGroup" title="See definition of
- SharedIPGroup">Shared IP Groups</a>.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <import vc:minVersion="1.1" namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <include schemaLocation="common.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Common types used by multiple entities and possibly spanning
- several types of requests.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <element name="sharedIpGroup" type="csapi:SharedIpGroup">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines a group of servers that can share one or
- more public IPs with each other.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/ipgroup.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/ipgroup.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="sharedIpGroups" type="csapi:SharedIpGroups">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of shared IP groups.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/ipgroups.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/ipgroups.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType name="SharedIpGroup">
- <sequence>
- <choice>
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An IP group type can take two basic forms. On a request
- a single, optional, server ID may be specified…
- </p>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/ipgroup2.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/ipgroup2.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- <p>
- …on a response a server ID list is always returned. This
- server list may be empty…
- </p>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/ipgroup.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/ipgroup.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- <p>
- …note that is a mutually exclusive choice: either
- a <server> or <servers> element must be
- specified, but not both.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <element name="server" type="csapi:ServerID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A single, optional, server ID. This form is used when
- creating an IP group.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="servers" type="csapi:ServerIDList">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of server IDs. This form is used when
- querying an IP group.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- </choice>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The ID of the shared IP group. The attribute should not
- be specified when creating a new shared IP group.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The name of the shared IP group.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="SharedIpGroups">
- <sequence>
- <element name="sharedIpGroup" type="csapi:SharedIpGroup" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of shared IP groups.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServerIDList">
- <sequence>
- <element name="server" type="csapi:ServerID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="25">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of servers within a shared IP group.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServerID">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="id" type="csapi:UUID" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The ID of a server within a shared IP group.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
-<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- targetNamespace=""
- xmlns:limits=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:html=""
- xmlns:xs="">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Limits</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api-common.xsd" />
- </xs:appinfo>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines types related to
- preconfigured limits. Limits are used to manage the
- capacity of the API and to prevent abuse. The API
- defines two kinds of limits <a href="#type_RateLimit"
- title="See definition of a RateLimit">RateLimits</a>
- and <a href="#type_AbsoluteLimit" title="See
- definition of an
- AbsoluteLimit">AbsoluteLimits</a>. RateLimits are
- thresholds that are reset after a certain amount of
- time passes. Absolute limits are fixed.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <!-- Live limit definitions -->
- <xs:element name="limits" type="limits:Limits">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The limits element contains information on both rate and
- absolute limits.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- <xs:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/limits.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/limits.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xs:appinfo>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <!-- Enumeration and SimpleType definitions -->
- <xs:simpleType name="HttpMethod">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The HttpMethod simple type defines a string
- enumeration of HTTP method verbs as outlined in <a
- href="">RFC2616</a>
- section 9.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="GET" />
- <xs:enumeration value="DELETE" />
- <xs:enumeration value="POST" />
- <xs:enumeration value="PUT" />
- <xs:enumeration value="HEAD" />
- <xs:enumeration value="OPTIONS" />
- <xs:enumeration value="CONNECT" />
- <xs:enumeration value="TRACE" />
- <xs:enumeration value="ALL" />
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:simpleType name="TimeUnit">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The TimeUnit simple type defines a string
- enumeration of coarse time units that are be used
- to define the duration of time that a limited
- request will be unavailable for.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="SECOND" />
- <xs:enumeration value="MINUTE" />
- <xs:enumeration value="HOUR" />
- <xs:enumeration value="DAY" />
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="Limits">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A Limits type defines a collection of limits
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="rates" type="limits:RateLimitList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
- <xs:element name="absolute" type="limits:AbsoluteLimitList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="AbsoluteLimitList">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- An AbsoluteLimitList type defines a list of absolute limits
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="limit" type="limits:AbsoluteLimit" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="RateLimitList">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A RateLimitList type defines a list of resource
- scoped limit collections.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="rate" type="limits:ResourceRateLimits" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="ResourceRateLimits">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A ResourceLimitCollection type represents a
- collection of limits that are scoped to a single
- resource variant.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="limit" type="limits:RateLimit" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:attribute name="uri" type="xs:string" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The uri of a limit collection is a human
- readable string version of the regular
- expression matcher that is used to define the
- limit collection resource scope.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="regex" type="xs:string" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A collection of limits are scoped to a
- resource by a regular expression.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="AbsoluteLimit">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- Absolute limits are predefined fixed limits. We
- define each of these limits as a key/value
- pair. Please consult the API Specification for a
- list of absolute limits used by the system.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The name (or key) of the absolute limit.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:int" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A value specifying the absolute limit.The name
- of the absolute limit determines the unit
- type. For example, the key maxIPGroups implies
- that the value is in terms of IPGroups.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="RateLimit">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A Rate Limit type defines the maximum number of
- requests that can be performed, the time interval
- that each limited request will be unavailable for,
- and, for convience, the remaining number of
- requests remaining. This is done for every
- HttpMethod that is rate limited.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:attribute name="verb" type="limits:HttpMethod" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The verb of a Limit represents the HttpMethod
- that the Limit is scoped to.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:int" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The value of a Limit represents maximum Number
- of requests that the rate limit will allow.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="remaining" type="xs:int" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The remaining number of requests that a user
- can make against the limited resource before
- being denied access.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="unit" type="limits:TimeUnit" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The unit of a Limit defines the duration of a
- limited request's unavailability.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="next-available" type="xs:dateTime" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The next-available attribute of a Limit tells
- the user when a limited request will become
- available for consumption.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- targetNamespace=""
- >
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Metadata</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd"/>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines metadata for servers and images.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <include schemaLocation="common.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Common types used by multiple entities and possibly spanning
- several types of requests.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <element name="metadata" type="csapi:Metadata">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines a Metadata.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/metadata.xml"/>
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/metadata.json"/>
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="meta" type="csapi:MetadataItem">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines a metadata item.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/metadata_item.xml"/>
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/metadata_item.json"/>
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:csapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- targetNamespace=""
- <annotation>
- <xsd:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Servers and Related Types</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api.xsd" />
- </xsd:appinfo>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines a <a href="#type_Server"
- title="Server Type Definition"> Server</a> and all internal
- entities related to servers including <a
- href="#type_Addresses" title="Addresses type
- definition">Addresses</a> and <a href="#type_File" title="File
- type definition">Files</a>.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <import namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <include schemaLocation="common.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Common types used by multiple entities and possibly spanning
- several types of requests.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="image.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to images.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="flavor.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Types related to flavors.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <include schemaLocation="faults.xsd">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- All fault types.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </include>
- <element name="server" type="csapi:Server">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines a server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/server.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/server.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="servers" type="csapi:Servers">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of servers.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/servers.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/servers.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="addresses" type="csapi:Addresses">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines list of addresses by network: (public,
- private, ...).
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/addresses.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/addresses.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="network" type="csapi:AddressList">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines a list of addresses in a network.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/public.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/public.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="ip" type="csapi:Address">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines an individual IP address.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/address.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/address.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <!-- Complex Types -->
- <complexType name="Server">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A server is a virtual machine instance in the Cloud Servers
- system. Note that this complex type defines all elements
- and attributes as optional because a server instance may
- take many different forms depending on the operation. When
- creating a server, for example, the name, imageRef, and
- flavorRef attributes are required. In addition, optional
- metadata and personality file elements may be specified:
- </p>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/server-post-req.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/server-post-req.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- <p>
- The response to such a crate operation will include the
- administration password, host ID, and addresses associated
- with the server:
- </p>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/server-post-resp.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/server-post-resp.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- <p>
- When modifying a server only the name and administration
- password should be specified as these are the only
- attributes that are modifiable.
- </p>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/server-put-req.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/server-put-req.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="image" type="csapi:Image" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A reference to an image used to create the
- server. External images must contain a link that
- provides the full path to the image resource.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="flavor" type="csapi:Flavor" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The current server flavor. This may not contais
- all flavor detials but will always contain an
- ID, a name, as well as self and bookmark links.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="metadata" type="csapi:Metadata" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of meta data items associated with the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element ref="csapi:addresses" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A server's public and private address.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="personality" type="csapi:Personality" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of small <a href="#type_File" title="See
- definition of file">files</a> used to personalize a new
- server instance.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="fault" type="csapi:AsyncAPIFault" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The details of a fault that may have occurred
- while cerating the server or performing a server
- action.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The name of the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:anyURI" name="imageRef" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A reference to an image. This is used exclusevely when
- creating a server. Using an image ID here indicates that
- the image is locally hosted.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:anyURI" name="flavorRef" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A reference to a flavor. This is used exclusevely when
- creating a server. Using a flavorRef here indicates that
- the flavor is locally hosted.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="accessIPv4" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The IPv4 primary IP.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="accessIPv6" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The IPv6 primary IP.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute> <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The ID of the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="adminPass" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server's administration password.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="tenantId" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A unique ID that identifies the tenant that contains
- the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="userId" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A unique ID that identifies the user who created
- the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="hostId" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A unique ID that identifies the physical host that the VM
- is running on. This ID is unique <strong>per
- account</strong> and not globally unique.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="csapi:Progress" name="progress" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The progress of the current server operation.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="csapi:ExtensibleServerStatus" name="status" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The current state (or <a href="#type_ExtensibleServerStatus"
- title="See definition of ExtensibleServerStatus">status</a>) of the
- server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="updated" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The time the server was updated.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="created" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The time the server was created.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServerWithOnlyIDNameLinks">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The only allowed attribute for this Server type is
- the name, ID, and links. This type is used for
- non-detailed server lists.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Server">
- <sequence>
- <element ref="atom:link" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any vc:minVersion="1.1" namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="accessIPv4" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="accessIPv6" use="prohibited" />
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="adminPass" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="tenantId" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="userId" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="hostId" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:Progress" name="progress" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:ExtensibleServerStatus" name="status" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="updated" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="created" use="prohibited"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="atom:link[@rel='self']/@href and atom:link[@rel='bookmark']/@href">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Here the server <strong>MUST</strong>
- contain a name, an ID, a bookmark link,
- and a self link.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </assert>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServerForCreate">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- When creating a server the server must contain a
- name and a reference to an image and flavor.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Server">
- <sequence>
- <element name="metadata" type="csapi:Metadata" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of meta data items associated with the server.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element name="personality" type="csapi:Personality" minOccurs="0">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of small <a href="#type_File" title="See
- definition of file">files</a> used to personalize a new
- server instance.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="name" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:anyURI" name="imageRef" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:anyURI" name="flavorRef" use="required"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="accessIPv4" use="optional"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="accessIPv6" use="optional" />
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="adminPass" use="optional"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:UUID" name="id" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="tenantId" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="userId" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="hostId" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:Progress" name="progress" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="csapi:ExtensibleServerStatus" name="status" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="updated" use="prohibited"/>
- <attribute type="xsd:dateTime" name="created" use="prohibited"/>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServerForUpdate">
- <complexContent>
- <extension base="csapi:Server">
- <assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="@name or @accessIPv4 or @accessIPv6 or csapi:metadata">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- When updating a server. The server
- <strong>MUST</strong> contain either a
- name or metadata or access address. The
- other fields are not editabile on a
- server update.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </assert>
- </extension>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Servers">
- <sequence>
- <element name="server" type="csapi:Server" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of servers.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="ServersWithOnlyIDsNamesLinks">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of servers with only IDs, names, and
- links. A collection of this type is returned in
- non-detailed server list.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <complexContent>
- <restriction base="csapi:Servers">
- <sequence>
- <element name="server" type="csapi:ServerWithOnlyIDNameLinks" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- </restriction>
- </complexContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Personality">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- A collection of small <a href="#type_File" title="See
- definition of file">files</a> used to personalize a server
- instance.
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <element name="file" type="csapi:File" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of files.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="File">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A file is simply a full path along with base64 file
- content. The name of the file is specified in the path
- attribute and the <a href="#type_FileContent" title="See
- definition of FileContent">file content</a> is included
- inline.
- </p>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml">
- <![CDATA[
- <file xmlns=""
- path="/etc/banner.txt">
- ICAgICAgDQoiQSBjbG91ZCBkb2VzIG5vdCBrbm93IHdoeSBpdCBtb3ZlcyBpbiBqdXN0IHN1Y2gg
- YSBkaXJlY3Rpb24gYW5kIGF0IHN1Y2ggYSBzcGVlZC4uLkl0IGZlZWxzIGFuIGltcHVsc2lvbi4u
- LnRoaXMgaXMgdGhlIHBsYWNlIHRvIGdvIG5vdy4gQnV0IHRoZSBza3kga25vd3MgdGhlIHJlYXNv
- bnMgYW5kIHRoZSBwYXR0ZXJucyBiZWhpbmQgYWxsIGNsb3VkcywgYW5kIHlvdSB3aWxsIGtub3cs
- IHRvbywgd2hlbiB5b3UgbGlmdCB5b3Vyc2VsZiBoaWdoIGVub3VnaCB0byBzZWUgYmV5b25kIGhv
- cml6b25zLiINCg0KLVJpY2hhcmQgQmFjaA==
- </file>
- ]]>
- </xsdxt:code>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <simpleContent>
- <extension base="csapi:FileContent">
- <attribute name="path" type="csapi:FileName" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Full file path.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </extension>
- </simpleContent>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Addresses">
- <sequence>
- <element name="network" type="csapi:AddressList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000"/>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="AddressList">
- <sequence>
- <element name="ip" type="csapi:Address" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1000">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A collection of addresses.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute type="xsd:string" name="id" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- A id of an address list. This is typically a name
- used to identify a network.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <complexType name="Address">
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="addr" type="xsd:string" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An IP address.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="version" type="csapi:AddressVersion" use="optional">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The IP Address version can be 4 or 6. The version
- attribute is optional if it is left off, the type of
- address will be determined by from its address
- format. If it is specified it <strong>should</strong>
- match the address format.
- </p>
- <p>
- The OpenStack compute API will always fill in the
- version number as a convinence to the client.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
- <!-- Simple Types -->
- <simpleType name="ExtensibleServerStatus">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- An extensible server status type allows all of the
- strings defined in <a href="#type_ServerStatus"
- title="See definition of
- ServerStatus">ServerStatus</a> or an alias prefixed
- status.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <union memberTypes="csapi:ServerStatus csapi:ExtendedStatus"/>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="ServerStatus">
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <enumeration value="ACTIVE">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is ready to use.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="SUSPENDED">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is in an inactive (suspended) state.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="DELETED">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server has been deleted.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="RESIZE">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is being resized.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="VERIFY_RESIZE">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is waiting for the resize operation to be
- confirmed so that the original server may be removed.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="ERROR">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The requested operation failed, the server is in an
- error state.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="BUILD">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is being built.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="PASSWORD">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server password is being changed.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="REBUILD">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is being rebuilt.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="REBOOT">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is going through a <a
- href="actions.xsd#type_RebootType" title="See definition
- of RebootType">SOFT</a> reboot.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="HARD_REBOOT">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is going through a <a
- href="actions.xsd#type_RebootType" title="See definition
- of RebootType">HARD</a> reboot.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="UNKNOWN">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The server is in an unknown state.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="FileName">
- <restriction base="xsd:string">
- <maxLength value="255" />
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="FileContent">
- <restriction base="xsd:base64Binary">
- <maxLength value="10240" />
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
- <simpleType name="AddressVersion">
- <restriction base="xsd:int">
- <enumeration value="4">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Denotes IPv4.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- <enumeration value="6">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Denotes IPv6.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </enumeration>
- </restriction>
- </simpleType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
- version="2.0"
- xmlns:xsi=""
- xsi:schemaLocation=""
- schemaLocation="shareip.xsd">
- <schemaBindings>
- <package name=""/>
- </schemaBindings>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
- elementFormDefault="qualified"
- attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:exapi=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- targetNamespace=""
- >
- <element name="shareIp" type="exapi:ShareIp">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The element defines request to share a public IP address.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- <xsd:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml"
- href="../samples/shareip.xml"/>
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json"
- href="../samples/shareip.json"/>
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xsd:appinfo>
- </annotation>
- </element>
- <complexType name="ShareIp">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This type is used to represent a request to share an IP
- address.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- <sequence>
- <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0"
- maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
- </sequence>
- <attribute name="sharedIpGroupId" type="xsd:int" use="required">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- The
- <a href="ipgroup.xsd#type_SharedIpGroup" title="See
- definition of SharedIPGroup">shared IP group
- </a>
- use to
- share the address.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <attribute name="configureServer" type="xsd:boolean" default="false">
- <annotation>
- <xsd:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- If true, the server is configured with the new address
- though the address may not be enabled.
- </p>
- </xsd:documentation>
- </annotation>
- </attribute>
- <anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </complexType>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-DirectoryIndex api.xsd
-AddType application/xml wadl
-AddType application/xml xsd
-AddType application/xml xslt
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xslt/schema.xsl"?>
-<!-- (C) 2011 OpenStack Foundation., All Rights Reserved -->
-<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
- targetNamespace=""
- xmlns:vers=""
- xmlns:vc=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns:html=""
- xmlns:atom=""
- xmlns:xs="">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:appinfo
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <xsdxt:title>Version Types</xsdxt:title>
- <xsdxt:link rel="index" href="api-common.xsd" />
- </xs:appinfo>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This schema file defines all types related to versioning.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <!-- Import ATOM specific schema definitions -->
- <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="atom/atom.xsd" />
- <!-- Multiple choices -->
- <xs:element name="choices" type="vers:VersionChoiceList">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This element is returned when the version of the
- resource cannot be determined. The element
- provides a list of choices for the resource.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- <xs:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/choices.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/choices.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xs:appinfo>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <!-- Versioning -->
- <xs:element name="versions" type="vers:VersionChoiceList">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- Provides a list of supported versions.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- <xs:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/versions.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/versions.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/atom+xml" href="../samples/versions-atom.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xs:appinfo>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name="version" type="vers:VersionChoice" vc:minVersion="1.0" vc:maxVersion="1.1">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This element provides detailed meta information
- regarding the status of the current API version.
- This is the XSD 1.0 compatible element definition.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name="version" type="vers:VersionChoiceRoot" vc:minVersion="1.1">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation
- xml:lang="EN"
- xmlns="">
- <p>
- This element provides detailed meta information
- regarding the status of the current API
- version. The description should include a pointer
- to both a human readable and a machine processable
- description of the API service.
- </p>
- </xs:documentation>
- <xs:appinfo>
- <xsdxt:samples>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/xml" href="../samples/version.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/json" href="../samples/version.json" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:sample>
- <xsdxt:code type="application/atom+xml" href="../samples/version-atom.xml" />
- </xsdxt:sample>
- </xsdxt:samples>
- </xs:appinfo>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:element>
- <!-- Types -->
- <xs:simpleType name="VersionStatus">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The VersionStatus type describes a service's operational status.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
- <xs:enumeration value="ALPHA">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- This is a new service the API. Thi API
- contract may be set, but the implementaiton
- may not be 100% complient with it. Developers
- are encouraged to begin testing aganst an
- ALPHA version to provide feedback.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:enumeration>
- <xs:enumeration value="BETA">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A status of BETA indicates that this
- version is a candidate for the next major
- release and may feature functionality not
- available in the current
- version. Developers are encouraged to test
- and begin the migration processes to a
- BETA version. Note that a BETA version is
- undergoing testing, it has not been
- officially released, and my not be stable.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:enumeration>
- <xs:enumeration value="CURRENT">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The API version is stable and has been
- tested. Developers are encouraged to
- develop against this API version. The
- current released version of the API will
- always be marked as CURRENT.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:enumeration>
- <xs:enumeration value="DEPRECATED">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A status of DEPRECATED indicates that a
- newer version of the API is
- available. Application developers are
- discouraged from using this version and
- should instead develop against the latest
- current version of the API.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:enumeration>
- </xs:restriction>
- </xs:simpleType>
- <xs:complexType name="VersionChoiceList">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A version choice list outlines a collection of
- resources at various versions.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="version" type="vers:VersionChoice" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- <xs:assert vc:minVersion="1.1" test="every $v in vers:version satisfies $v/atom:link[@rel='self']">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- In version lists, every single version must
- contain at least one self link.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:assert>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="VersionChoiceRoot" vc:minVersion="1.1">
- <xs:complexContent>
- <xs:extension base="vers:VersionChoice">
- <xs:assert test="atom:link[@rel='describedby']">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- When used as a root element, a version choice
- must contain at least one describedby link.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:assert>
- </xs:extension>
- </xs:complexContent>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="VersionChoice">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A version choice contains relevant information
- about an available service that a user can then
- use to target a specific version of the service.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="media-types" type="vers:MediaTypeList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
- <xs:element vc:minVersion="1.1" ref="atom:link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The ID of a version choice represents the service version's unique
- identifier. This ID is guaranteed to be unique only among the
- service version choices outlined in the VersionChoiceList.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="status" type="vers:VersionStatus" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A version choice's status describes the current operational state of
- the given service version. The operational status is captured in a
- simple type enumeration called VersionStatus.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="updated" type="xs:dateTime" use="optional">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A version choice's updated attribute describes
- the time when the version was updated. The
- time should be updated anytime
- <html:strong>anything</html:strong> in the
- version has changed: documentation,
- extensions, bug fixes.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="MediaTypeList">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A MediaTypeList outlines a collection of valid media types for a given
- service version.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element name="media-type" type="vers:MediaType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
- <xs:complexType name="MediaType">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- A MediaType describes what content types the service version understands.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:string" use="optional" default="">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The base of a given media type describes the
- simple MIME type that then a more complicated
- media type can be derived from. These types
- are basic and provide no namespace or version
- specific data are are only provided as a
- convenience.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="required">
- <xs:annotation>
- <xs:documentation>
- <html:p>
- The type attribute of a MediaType describes
- the MIME specific identifier of the media type
- in question.
- </html:p>
- </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
- </xs:complexType>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- (C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved -->
-<xslt:stylesheet version="1.0"
- xmlns:xslt=""
- xmlns:html=""
- xmlns:xsd=""
- xmlns:xsdxt=""
- xmlns=""
- >
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- encoding="UTF-8"
- media-type="text/html"
- doctype-public = "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
- doctype-system = "" />
- <!-- Params -->
- <xslt:param name="base">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="/xsd:schema/@xsdxt:base">
- <xslt:value-of select="/xsd:schema/@xsdxt:base"/>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:text>..</xslt:text>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:param>
- <!-- Global Variables -->
- <xslt:variable name="defaultTitle">XML Schema Documentation</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="templateType">application/xhtml+xml</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="schemaNamespace"></xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="schemaDatatypeURI"></xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="dQuote">"</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="sQuote">'</xslt:variable>
- <!-- The namespace prefixes -->
- <xslt:variable name="targetPrefix">
- <xslt:for-each select="/xsd:schema/namespace::node()">
- <xslt:if test=".=/xsd:schema/@targetNamespace">
- <xslt:value-of select="name(.)"/>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="schemaPrefix">
- <xslt:for-each select="/xsd:schema/namespace::node()">
- <xslt:if test="(.=$schemaNamespace) and (string-length(.) > 0)">
- <xslt:value-of select="name(.)"/>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:variable>
- <!-- Anchor prefixes -->
- <xslt:variable name="elementPrefix">element_</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="attributePrefix">attrib_</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="attributeGroupPrefix">attgrp_</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="groupPrefix">grp_</xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="typePrefix">type_</xslt:variable>
- <!-- YUI BASE: -->
- <!--
- We only load YUI style sheets here. We bring js stuff
- dynamically. Stylesheet's can't really be brought dynamically.
- They need to be loaded before anything else.
- -->
- <xslt:variable name="YUI_BASE"></xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="YUI_RESET_STYLESHEET">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat($YUI_BASE,'reset/reset-min.css')" />
- </xslt:variable>
- <xslt:variable name="YUI_BASE_STYLESHEET">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat($YUI_BASE,'base/base-min.css')" />
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- </xslt:variable>
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- <xslt:value-of select="concat($YUI_BASE,'grids/grids-min.css')" />
- </xslt:variable>
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- <xslt:element name="link">
- <xslt:attribute name="rel">stylesheet</xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="type">text/css</xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="href">
- <xslt:value-of select="$sheet"/>
- </xslt:attribute>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Templates -->
- <xslt:template name="SchemaHandler" match="xsd:schema">
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
- <xslt:call-template name="addStylesheet">
- <xslt:with-param name="sheet" select="$YUI_RESET_STYLESHEET"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:call-template name="addStylesheet">
- <xslt:with-param name="sheet" select="$YUI_BASE_STYLESHEET"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:call-template name="addStylesheet">
- <xslt:with-param name="sheet" select="$YUI_FONTS_STYLESHEET"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:call-template name="addStylesheet">
- <xslt:with-param name="sheet" select="$YUI_GRIDS_STYLESHEET"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:call-template name="addStylesheet">
- <xslt:with-param name="sheet" select="concat($base,'/style/schema.css')"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <!--
- Add custom links...
- -->
- <xslt:for-each select="//xsdxt:link">
- <xslt:if test="not(@qname)">
- <xslt:element name="link">
- <xslt:if test="@rev">
- <xslt:attribute name="rev"><xslt:value-of select="@rev"/></xslt:attribute>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="@rel">
- <xslt:attribute name="rel"><xslt:value-of select="@rel"/></xslt:attribute>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="@href">
- <xslt:attribute name="href"><xslt:value-of select="@href"/></xslt:attribute>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="@type">
- <xslt:attribute name="type"><xslt:value-of select="@type"/></xslt:attribute>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <!--
- Set the title if it's available, default title if not.
- -->
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/xsdxt:title">
- <title><xslt:value-of select="xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/xsdxt:title"/></title>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <title><xslt:value-of select="$defaultTitle"/></title>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- <!-- Schema scripts -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src="{$base}/js/trc/util.js"> </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="{$base}/js/trc/schema/layoutManager.js"> </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="{$base}/js/trc/schema/sampleManager.js"> </script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="{$base}/js/trc/schema/controller.js"> </script>
- <xslt:if test="//xsdxt:samples | //xsdxt:code">
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <xslt:for-each select="//xsdxt:samples">
- <xslt:variable name="elmId"><xslt:value-of select="generate-id(.)"/></xslt:variable>
- <xslt:if test="xsdxt:sample">
- <xslt:text>trc.schema.sampleManager.samples["</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$elmId"/>
- <xslt:text>"]=[</xslt:text>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsdxt:sample">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToJavascript">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="generate-id(.)"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:if test="generate-id(../xsdxt:sample[count(../xsdxt:sample)]) !=
- generate-id(.)
- ">
- <xslt:text>,</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <xslt:text>];</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <xslt:if test="//xsdxt:code">
- <xslt:text></xslt:text>
- <xslt:for-each select="//xsdxt:code">
- <xslt:text>{ id : </xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="concat($dQuote,generate-id(.),$dQuote)" />
- <xslt:text>, type : "</xslt:text>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@type">
- <xslt:value-of select="@type"/>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:text>application/xml</xslt:text>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- <xslt:text>", href : </xslt:text>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@href">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat($dQuote,@href,$dQuote)"/>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:text>null</xslt:text>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- <xslt:text>}</xslt:text>
- <xslt:text>,</xslt:text>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <xslt:text>null);</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </script>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerJSHandler" />
- <!--
- Copy any HTML header tags here
- -->
- <xslt:for-each select="//xsdxt:head">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="not(@type)">
- <xslt:copy-of select="./*" />
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="@type = $templateType">
- <xslt:copy-of select="./*" />
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="Controller">
- </div>
- <div id="doc">
- <div id="Main">
- <div id="SrcContent">
- <div class="SampleCode">
- <pre id="SrcContentCode">Loading...</pre>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div id="Content">
- <!--
- If there is a title use it as a first heading, otherwise,
- use default title.
- -->
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/xsdxt:title">
- <h1><xslt:value-of select="xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/xsdxt:title"/></h1>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <h1><xslt:value-of select="$defaultTitle"/></h1>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- <!--
- Schema attributes
- -->
- <table summary="Schema-level attributes">
- <tbody>
- <xslt:for-each select="@*">
- <tr>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="local-name(.)"/></td>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="."/></td>
- </tr>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <!--
- Copy schema-level documentation if there's anything to
- copy. This also processes any internal documentation
- annotations: currently just xsdxt:code.
- -->
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- <!--
- Next comes custom header...
- -->
- <div id="Header">
- <xslt:for-each select="//xsdxt:header">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="not(@type)">
- <xslt:copy-of select="./*" />
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="@type = $templateType">
- <xslt:copy-of select="./*" />
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </div>
- <!--
- Namespace info, not all borowsers have namespace node
- support. Specifically Firefox currently lacks it.
- See:
- In this case we ask the user to try a different
- browser: Opera, Safari, or even IE.
- -->
- <h2>Namespaces</h2>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="count(namespace::*) = 0">
- <!--Namespaces are not available...-->
- <div class="Warning">
- <p>
- Your browser does not seem to have support for
- namespace nodes in XPath. If you're a Firefox
- user, please consider voting to get this issue
- resolved:
- <a href=""
- title="FireFox Bug 94270">
- </a>
- </p>
- </div>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <table summary="Namespace details">
- <tbody>
- <xslt:for-each select="namespace::*">
- <xslt:sort />
- <tr>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="name(.)"/></td>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="."/></td>
- </tr>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- <!--
- Next, call the handlers for the top schema elements.
- -->
- <xslt:if test="xsd:import">
- <xslt:call-template name="ImportHandler" />
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:include">
- <xslt:call-template name="IncludeHandler" />
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:element">
- <xslt:call-template name="ElementHandler" />
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:complexType">
- <xslt:call-template name="ComplexTypeHandler" />
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:simpleType">
- <xslt:call-template name="SimpleTypeHandler" />
- </xslt:if>
- <!-- Finally, custom footers -->
- <div id="Footer">
- <xslt:for-each select="//xsdxt:footer">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="not(@type)">
- <xslt:copy-of select="./*" />
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="@type = $templateType">
- <xslt:copy-of select="./*" />
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ControllerExternJSLinks">
- <xslt:param name="nodes" />
- <xslt:text>trc.schema.controller.links['</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="local-name($nodes[1])"/>
- <xslt:text>']=[</xslt:text>
- <xslt:for-each select="$nodes">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="href" select="@schemaLocation"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@namespace">
- <xslt:value-of select="@namespace" />
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation" />
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="title">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@namespace">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat('View schema for namespace ',@namespace)"/>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="concat('Visit schema ',@schemaLocation)"/>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:if test="$nodes[count($nodes)]/@schemaLocation !=
- @schemaLocation">
- <xslt:text>,</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <xslt:text>];</xslt:text>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ControllerIndexJSLink">
- <xslt:param name="node" select="//xsdxt:link[@rel = 'index']" />
- <xslt:text>trc.schema.controller.index = </xslt:text>
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="href">
- <xslt:value-of select="$node/@href"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:text>index</xslt:text>
- </xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="title">
- <xslt:text>Index Schema Document</xslt:text>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:text>;</xslt:text>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ControllerNamedElementJSLink">
- <xslt:param name="nodes" />
- <xslt:param name="anchorPrefix" />
- <xslt:text>trc.schema.controller.links['</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="local-name($nodes[1])"/>
- <xslt:text>']=[</xslt:text>
- <xslt:for-each select="$nodes">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="href">
- <xslt:text>#</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$anchorPrefix" />
- <xslt:value-of select="@name" />
- </xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToName"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="title">
- <xslt:text>See definition of </xslt:text>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToName"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:if test="generate-id($nodes[count($nodes)]) !=
- generate-id(.)">
- <xslt:text>,</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <xslt:text>];</xslt:text>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ControllerJSLink">
- <xslt:param name="name" />
- <xslt:param name="href" />
- <xslt:param name="title" />
- <xslt:text>{ href : </xslt:text>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToJavascript">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString">
- <xslt:value-of select="$href"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:text>, name : </xslt:text>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToJavascript">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString">
- <xslt:value-of select="$name"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:text>, title : </xslt:text>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToJavascript">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString">
- <xslt:value-of select="$title"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:text>}</xslt:text>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Adds javascript for controller data..
- -->
- <xslt:template name="ControllerJSHandler">
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <xslt:if test="xsd:import">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerExternJSLinks">
- <xslt:with-param name="nodes" select="xsd:import" />
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:include">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerExternJSLinks">
- <xslt:with-param name="nodes" select="xsd:include" />
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:element">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerNamedElementJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="nodes" select="xsd:element"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$elementPrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:attribute">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerNamedElementJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="nodes" select="xsd:attribute"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$attributePrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:complexType">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerNamedElementJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="nodes" select="xsd:complexType"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$typePrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:simpleType">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerNamedElementJSLink">
- <xslt:with-param name="nodes" select="xsd:simpleType"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$typePrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="//xsdxt:link[@rel = 'index']">
- <xslt:call-template name="ControllerIndexJSLink" />
- </xslt:if>
- </script>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ImportHandler">
- <h2>Imports</h2>
- <table summary="A list of imported XML Schema" class="ImportTable">
- <tbody>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:import">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <xslt:value-of select="@namespace"/>
- </td>
- <td>
- <div class="Extern">
- <div class="ExternHref">
- <xslt:element name="a">
- <xslt:attribute name="href"><xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="title">Visit <xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation"/>
- </xslt:element>
- </div>
- <div class="ExternDoc">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </div>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="IncludeHandler">
- <h2>Includes</h2>
- <table summary="A list of included XML Schema">
- <tbody>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:include">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <div class="Extern">
- <div class="ExternHref">
- <xslt:element name="a">
- <xslt:attribute name="href"><xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="title">Visit <xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:value-of select="@schemaLocation"/>
- </xslt:element>
- </div>
- <div class="ExternDoc">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </div>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ElementHandler">
- <h2>Elements</h2>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:element">
- <xslt:call-template name="NamedElement">
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$elementPrefix" />
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/xsdxt:samples">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:annotation/xsd:appinfo/xsdxt:samples" mode="Docs" />
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="SampleHandler" match="xsdxt:samples" mode="Docs">
- <xslt:variable name="sampleID" select="generate-id(.)"/>
- <xslt:if test="xsdxt:description">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsdxt:description/*" mode="Docs" />
- </xslt:if>
- <form action="">
- <div class="SampleControl">
- <xslt:element name="select">
- <xslt:attribute name="onchange">
- <xslt:text>trc.schema.sampleManager.showSample(</xslt:text>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToJavascript">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$sampleID"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:text>);</xslt:text>
- </xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="id">
- <xslt:value-of select="$sampleID"/>
- </xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsdxt:sample">
- <xslt:element name="option">
- <xslt:attribute name="value">
- <xslt:value-of select="generate-id(.)"/>
- </xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@title">
- <xslt:value-of select="@title"/>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="./xsdxt:code/@type"/>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:element>
- </div>
- </form>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsdxt:sample">
- <xslt:element name="div">
- <xslt:attribute name="id"><xslt:value-of select="generate-id(.)"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="class">Sample</xslt:attribute>
- <div class="SampleDesc">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsdxt:description/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </div>
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsdxt:code" mode="Docs"/>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Documentation templates, copy everything but process the
- xsdxt:code tag.
- -->
- <xslt:template match="xsdxt:code" mode="Docs">
- <div class="SampleCode">
- <xslt:element name="pre">
- <xslt:attribute name="id">
- <xslt:value-of select="generate-id(.)"/>
- </xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@href">
- <xslt:text>Loading...</xslt:text>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="."/>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:element>
- </div>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template match="*" mode="Docs">
- <xslt:copy-of select="." />
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="ComplexTypeHandler">
- <h2>Complex Types</h2>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:complexType">
- <xslt:call-template name="NamedElement">
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$typePrefix" />
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:apply-templates />
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="SimpleTypeHandler">
- <h2>Simple Types</h2>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:simpleType">
- <xslt:call-template name="NamedElement">
- <xslt:with-param name="anchorPrefix" select="$typePrefix" />
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:apply-templates />
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="NamedElementLink">
- <xslt:param name="anchorPrefix" />
- <xslt:call-template name="Anchor">
- <xslt:with-param name="href">
- <xslt:text>#</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$anchorPrefix"/>
- <xslt:value-of select="@name"/>
- </xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="content">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToName" />
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="NamedElement">
- <xslt:param name="anchorPrefix" />
- <xslt:element name="a">
- <xslt:attribute name="id"><xslt:value-of select="$anchorPrefix"/><xslt:value-of select="@name"/></xslt:attribute>
- <!--
- Placing a comment here causes the anchor tag to be closed
- correctly in IE 8.
- -->
- <xslt:comment>
- <xslt:value-of select="@name"/>
- </xslt:comment>
- </xslt:element>
- <h3>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToName" />
- </h3>
- <xslt:choose>
- <!-- look for extensions and restrictions in type names -->
- <xslt:when test="$anchorPrefix = $typePrefix">
- <xslt:if test=".//xsd:extension">
- <div class="NameAddl">
- <xslt:text> extends: </xslt:text>
- <xslt:for-each select=".//xsd:extension">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="@base" mode="QNameToLink" />
- <xslt:if test=".//xsd:extension[count(.//xsd:extension)]/@base != @base">
- <xslt:text>,</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </div>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test=".//xsd:restriction">
- <div class="NameAddl">
- <xslt:text> restricts: </xslt:text>
- <xslt:for-each select=".//xsd:restriction">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="@base" mode="QNameToLink" />
- <xslt:if test=".//xsd:restriction[count(.//xsd:restriction)]/@base != @base">
- <xslt:text>,</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </div>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- <xslt:call-template name="AttribsAndDocs" />
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Display all attributes besides @name -->
- <xslt:template name="Attribs">
- <xslt:param name="isSubItem" select="false()"/>
- <xslt:if test="(count(@*) > 1) or ((count(@*) = 1) and not(@name))">
- <xslt:element name="div">
- <xslt:attribute name="class">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="$isSubItem = true()">
- <xslt:text>SubAttributes</xslt:text>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:text>Attributes</xslt:text>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:attribute>
- <table summary="Attributes">
- <tbody>
- <xslt:for-each select="@*">
- <xslt:sort select="local-name(.)"/>
- <xslt:if test="local-name(.) != 'name'">
- <tr>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="local-name(.)"/></td>
- <td><xslt:call-template name="QNameToLink"/></td>
- </tr>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="Docs">
- <xslt:param name="isSubItem" select="false()"/>
- <!--
- Copy element-level documentation
- -->
- <xslt:if test="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation">
- <xslt:element name="div">
- <xslt:attribute name="class">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="$isSubItem = true()">
- <xslt:text>SubDocumentation</xslt:text>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:text>Documentation</xslt:text>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="AttribsAndDocs">
- <xslt:param name="isSubItem" select="false()"/>
- <xslt:call-template name="Attribs">
- <xslt:with-param name="isSubItem" select="$isSubItem"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- <xslt:call-template name="Docs">
- <xslt:with-param name="isSubItem" select="$isSubItem"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Convert a qname to a link.
- -->
- <xslt:template name="QNameToLink" match="@*" mode="QNameToLink">
- <xslt:param name="qname" select="normalize-space(.)"/>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="contains($qname,':')">
- <xslt:variable name="prefix" select="substring-before($qname,':')"/>
- <xslt:variable name="localName" select="substring-after($qname,':')"/>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="//xsdxt:link[(@qname = $qname) and (@rel = 'schema')]">
- <xslt:call-template name="Anchor">
- <xslt:with-param name="href" select="//xsdxt:link[(@qname = $qname) and (@rel = 'schema')]/@href"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="title" select="concat('See ',$localName)"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="$prefix = $targetPrefix">
- <xslt:call-template name="Anchor">
- <xslt:with-param name="href"><xslt:call-template name="QNameToLocalAnchor"/></xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="title" select="concat('See ',$localName)"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="$prefix = $schemaPrefix">
- <xslt:call-template name="Anchor">
- <xslt:with-param name="href"><xslt:call-template name="QNameToXSDAnchor"/></xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="title" select="concat('See ',$localName)"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:call-template name="Anchor">
- <xslt:with-param name="href"><xslt:call-template name="QNameToForeignAnchor"/></xslt:with-param>
- <xslt:with-param name="title" select="concat('See ',$localName)"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="."/>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Write an anchor if it's defined for the current node -->
- <xslt:template name="Anchor">
- <xslt:param name="href" /> <!-- if empty don't make an anchor -->
- <xslt:param name="title">
- <xslt:if test="@name">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat('See ',@name)"/>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:param>
- <xslt:param name="content" select="."/>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="string-length($href) != 0">
- <xslt:element name="a">
- <xslt:attribute name="href"><xslt:value-of select="$href"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:attribute name="title"><xslt:value-of select="$title"/></xslt:attribute>
- <xslt:value-of select="$content"/>
- </xslt:element>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise><xslt:value-of select="."/></xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Given a quname attribute pointing to a forign XSD type return a
- link if a single import statement exists with a schemaLocation
- attribute
- -->
- <xslt:template name="QNameToForeignAnchor">
- <xslt:param name="qname" select="normalize-space(.)"/>
- <xslt:param name="localName" select="substring-after($qname, ':')"/>
- <xslt:param name="prefix" select="substring-before($qname, ':')"/>
- <xslt:if test="namespace-uri(..) = $schemaNamespace">
- <xslt:variable name="namespace">
- <xslt:for-each select="/xsd:schema/namespace::node()">
- <xslt:if test="name(.)=$prefix">
- <xslt:value-of select="."/>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:variable>
- <xslt:if test="(string-length($namespace) > 0) and
- (count(/xsd:schema/xsd:import[@namespace = $namespace]) = 1) and
- /xsd:schema/xsd:import[@namespace = $namespace]/@schemaLocation
- ">
- <xslt:value-of select="/xsd:schema/xsd:import[@namespace = $namespace]/@schemaLocation"/>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Given a qname attribute pointing to an XSD type, returns an anchor
- to the XSD definition. This only works for type references.
- -->
- <xslt:template name="QNameToXSDAnchor">
- <xslt:param name="qname" select="normalize-space(.)"/>
- <xslt:param name="localName" select="substring-after($qname, ':')"/>
- <xslt:if test="namespace-uri(..) = $schemaNamespace">
- <xslt:if test="(local-name(.) = 'type') or (local-name(.) = 'base')">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat($schemaDatatypeURI,$localName)" />
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Given a qname attribute, returns an anchor target for that qname,
- or an empty string if an anchor cannot be generated for whatever
- reason.
- -->
- <xslt:template name="QNameToLocalAnchor">
- <xslt:param name="qname" select="normalize-space(.)"/>
- <xslt:param name="localName" select="substring-after($qname, ':')"/>
- <xslt:if test="namespace-uri(..) = $schemaNamespace">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="(local-name(.) = 'type') or
- (local-name(.) = 'base') or
- (local-name(.) = 'itemType')"><xslt:call-template name="LocalTypeAnchor"><xslt:with-param name="localName" select="$localName"/>
- </xslt:call-template></xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="local-name(.) = 'ref'"><xslt:call-template name="LocalRefAnchor"><xslt:with-param name="localName" select="$localName"/>
- </xslt:call-template></xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="LocalRefAnchor">
- <xslt:param name="localName" />
- <xslt:choose>
- <!-- Element Reference -->
- <xslt:when test="local-name(..) = 'element'">
- <xslt:call-template name="LocalRefAnchorBuilder">
- <xslt:with-param name="localName" select="$localName"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="search" select="/xsd:schema/xsd:element[@name= $localName]"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="refPrefix" select="$elementPrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <!-- Attribute Reference -->
- <xslt:when test="local-name(..) = 'attribute'">
- <xslt:call-template name="LocalRefAnchorBuilder">
- <xslt:with-param name="localName" select="$localName"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="search" select="/xsd:schema/xsd:attribute[@name= $localName]"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="refPrefix" select="$attributePrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <!-- Attribute Group Reference -->
- <xslt:when test="local-name(..) = 'attributeGroup'">
- <xslt:call-template name="LocalRefAnchorBuilder">
- <xslt:with-param name="localName" select="$localName"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="search" select="/xsd:schema/xsd:attributeGroup[@name= $localName]"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="refPrefix" select="$attributeGroupPrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <!-- Group Reference -->
- <xslt:when test="local-name(..) = 'group'">
- <xslt:call-template name="LocalRefAnchorBuilder">
- <xslt:with-param name="localName" select="$localName"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="search" select="/xsd:schema/xsd:group[@name= $localName]"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="refPrefix" select="$groupPrefix"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="LocalRefAnchorBuilder">
- <xslt:param name="localName" />
- <xslt:param name="search" />
- <xslt:param name="refPrefix" />
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="$search">
- <xslt:value-of select="concat('#',$refPrefix,$localName)"/>
- </xslt:when>
- <!--
- If we have a single incude then we assume it's
- included...
- -->
- <xslt:when test="count(/xsd:schema/xsd:include) = 1"><xslt:value-of
- select="concat(/xsd:schema/xsd:include/@schemaLocation,'#',$refPrefix,$localName)"/></xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Given a local name as a pram, returns a local "type" anchor or an
- empty string if one cannot be generated.
- -->
- <xslt:template name="LocalTypeAnchor">
- <xslt:param name="localName" />
- <xslt:choose>
- <!-- Search the types -->
- <xslt:when
- test="/xsd:schema/xsd:complexType[@name = $localName] or
- /xsd:schema/xsd:simpleType[@name = $localName]"
- ><xslt:value-of select="concat('#',$typePrefix,$localName)"/></xslt:when>
- <!--
- If we haven't hit yet see if we have an include.
- Currently this only works with a single include.
- -->
- <xslt:when
- test="count(/xsd:schema/xsd:include) = 1"><xslt:value-of
- select="concat(/xsd:schema/xsd:include/@schemaLocation,'#',$typePrefix,$localName)"/></xslt:when>
- <!-- Can't tell so send an empty string... -->
- <xslt:otherwise />
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Internal sequences -->
- <xslt:template match="xsd:sequence">
- <div class="Sequence">
- <span class="h4">Sequence</span>
- <xslt:call-template name="AttribsAndDocs" />
- <xslt:apply-templates />
- </div>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template name="SubItem">
- <xslt:param name="name" />
- <div class="SubItem">
- <div class="SubItemProps">
- <div class="SubName">
- <xslt:value-of select="$name"/>
- </div>
- <xslt:call-template name="Attribs">
- <xslt:with-param name="isSubItem" select="true()"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </div>
- <xslt:call-template name="Docs">
- <xslt:with-param name="isSubItem" select="true()"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </div>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template match="xsd:element">
- <xslt:call-template name="SubItem">
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@name">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToElementName">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="@name"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="@ref">
- <xslt:variable name="elementName" select="substring-after(@ref,':')"/>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToElementName">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$elementName"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template match="xsd:any">
- <xslt:call-template name="SubItem">
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:text><?> (Any Element)</xslt:text>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template match="xsd:anyAttribute">
- <xslt:call-template name="SubItem">
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:text>@? (Any Attribute)</xslt:text>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template match="xsd:restriction">
- <div class="SubName">
- <xslt:text>restriction</xslt:text>
- </div>
- <table summary="Restriction Props and Attributes">
- <tbody>
- <xslt:for-each select="@*">
- <xslt:sort select="local-name(.)"/>
- <xslt:if test="local-name(.) != 'name'">
- <tr>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="local-name(.)"/></td>
- <td><xslt:call-template name="QNameToLink"/></td>
- </tr>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <!-- simple restrictions -->
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:minExclusive | xsd:minInclusive |
- xsd:maxExclusive | xsd:maxInclusive |
- xsd:totalDigits | xsd:fractionDigits |
- xsd:length | xsd:minLength |
- xsd:maxLength | xsd:minLength |
- xsd:whitespace | xsd:pattern
- ">
- <tr>
- <td><xslt:value-of select="local-name(.)"/></td>
- <xslt:call-template name="DisplaySimpleRestriction"/>
- </tr>
- </xslt:for-each>
- <xslt:if test="xsd:enumeration">
- <tr>
- <td>enum values</td>
- <xslt:call-template name="DisplayEnumeration">
- <xslt:with-param name="enum" select="xsd:enumeration[1]"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </tr>
- <xslt:for-each select="xsd:enumeration">
- <xslt:if test="@value != ../xsd:enumeration[1]/@value">
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <xslt:call-template name="DisplayEnumeration"/>
- </tr>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:for-each>
- </xslt:if>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- <!--
- Copy restriction docs documentation...
- -->
- <xslt:if test="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </xslt:if>
- <!--
- Apply templates for unhandled children
- -->
- <xslt:apply-templates select="xsd:simpleType | xsd:group |
- xsd:all | xsd:choice |
- xsd:sequence | xsd:attribute |
- xsd:attributeGroup | xsd:anyAttribute" />
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Displays an enumeration in a table...
- -->
- <xslt:template name="DisplayEnumeration">
- <xslt:param name="enum" select="." />
- <td>
- <div class="Enum">
- <div class="EnumValue">
- <xslt:value-of select="$enum/@value"/>
- <xslt:if test="$enum/@id">
- <xslt:text> (id = </xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$enum/@id"/>
- <xslt:text>)</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </div>
- <xslt:if test="$enum/xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation">
- <div class="EnumDoc">
- <xslt:apply-templates select="$enum/xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </div>
- </xslt:if>
- </div>
- </td>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- A Simple restriction in a table fragment.
- -->
- <xslt:template name="DisplaySimpleRestriction">
- <xslt:param name="restriction" select="." />
- <td>
- <xslt:value-of select="$restriction/@value"/>
- <xslt:if test="$restriction/@id">
- <xslt:text> (id = </xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$restriction/@id"/>
- <xslt:text>)</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- <xslt:if test="$restriction/@fixed = 'true'">
- <xslt:text> (fixed)</xslt:text>
- </xslt:if>
- </td>
- <xslt:if test="$restriction/xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation">
- <td>
- <xslt:apply-templates select="$restriction/xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation/*" mode="Docs"/>
- </td>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Catch all for the missed elements -->
- <xslt:template match="xsd:*">
- <xslt:if test="local-name(.) != 'annotation'">
- <div class="SubElementName">
- <xslt:value-of select="local-name(.)"/>
- </div>
- <xslt:call-template name="AttribsAndDocs" />
- <div class="SubElementContent">
- <xslt:apply-templates />
- </div>
- </xslt:if>
- </xslt:template>
- <xslt:template match="xsd:attribute">
- <xslt:call-template name="SubItem">
- <xslt:with-param name="name">
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="@name">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToAttributeName">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="@name"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:when test="@ref">
- <xslt:variable name="attribName" select="substring-after(@ref,':')"/>
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToAttributeName">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$attribName"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:with-param>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- ignore other text -->
- <xslt:template match="text()" />
- <!-- Convert a string to a name -->
- <xslt:template name="StringToName">
- <xslt:param name="inString" select="@name" />
- <xslt:param name="inNode" select="." />
- <xslt:choose>
- <!-- element names handled with StringToElementName -->
- <xslt:when test="(local-name($inNode) = 'element') and
- (namespace-uri($inNode) = $schemaNamespace)
- ">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToElementName">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$inString"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <!-- attribute names handled with StringToAttributeName -->
- <xslt:when test="(local-name($inNode) = 'attribute') and
- (namespace-uri($inNode) = $schemaNamespace)
- ">
- <xslt:call-template name="StringToAttributeName">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$inString"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="@name"/>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Convert a string to an element name -->
- <xslt:template name="StringToElementName">
- <xslt:param name="inString" />
- <xslt:text><</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$inString" />
- <xslt:text>></xslt:text>
- </xslt:template>
- <!-- Convert a string to an attribute name -->
- <xslt:template name="StringToAttributeName">
- <xslt:param name="inString" />
- <xslt:text>@</xslt:text>
- <xslt:value-of select="$inString" />
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Convert a string parameter to an escapted Javascript string in
- quotes.
- -->
- <xslt:template name="StringToJavascript">
- <xslt:param name="inString" />
- <!-- quote the string -->
- <xslt:variable name="quotedString"
- select="concat($dQuote,translate($inString,$dQuote,$sQuote),$dQuote)"/>
- <!-- replace linefeeds with \n -->
- <xslt:variable name="lfString">
- <xslt:call-template name="ReplaceText">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$quotedString"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="searchString" select="'
- <xslt:with-param name="replaceString" select="'\n'"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:variable>
- <!-- replace tabs with 5 spaces -->
- <xslt:variable name="tabString">
- <xslt:call-template name="ReplaceText">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$lfString"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="searchString" select="'	'"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="replaceString" select="' '"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:variable>
- <!-- remove carrige returns -->
- <xslt:variable name="crString" select="translate($tabString,'
- <!-- replace < with unicode sequence -->
- <xslt:variable name="ltString">
- <xslt:call-template name="ReplaceText">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$crString"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="searchString" select="'<'"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="replaceString" select="'\u003c'"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:variable>
- <!-- replace > with unicode sequence -->
- <xslt:variable name="gtString">
- <xslt:call-template name="ReplaceText">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="$ltString"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="searchString" select="'>'"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="replaceString" select="'\u003e'"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:variable>
- <xslt:value-of select="$gtString"/>
- </xslt:template>
- <!--
- Simple search and replace
- -->
- <xslt:template name="ReplaceText">
- <xslt:param name="inString" />
- <xslt:param name="searchString"/>
- <xslt:param name="replaceString"/>
- <xslt:choose>
- <xslt:when test="$searchString and
- contains($inString, $searchString)">
- <xslt:value-of select="substring-before($inString, $searchString)"/>
- <xslt:value-of select="$replaceString"/>
- <xslt:call-template name="ReplaceText">
- <xslt:with-param name="inString" select="substring-after($inString, $searchString)"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="searchString" select="$searchString"/>
- <xslt:with-param name="replaceString" select="$replaceString"/>
- </xslt:call-template>
- </xslt:when>
- <xslt:otherwise>
- <xslt:value-of select="$inString"/>
- </xslt:otherwise>
- </xslt:choose>
- </xslt:template>