A generic config agent for configuring L3+ services in Cisco devices.
This patch targets specifically configuration of L3 fuctionality,
namely routing, NAT and floatingIPs in Cisco CSR1kv virtual appliance.
Implements blueprint: cisco-config-agent
Change-Id: Ic887a93480eca0b56049c67e32c98658e3a4427f
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import eventlet
+import pprint
+import sys
+import time
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from neutron.agent.common import config
+from neutron.agent.linux import external_process
+from neutron.agent.linux import interface
+from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc
+from neutron.common import config as common_config
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron.common import topics
+from neutron import context as n_context
+from neutron import manager
+from neutron.openstack.common import importutils
+from neutron.openstack.common import lockutils
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from neutron.openstack.common import periodic_task
+from neutron.openstack.common import service
+from neutron.openstack.common import timeutils
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import device_status
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as c_constants
+from neutron import service as neutron_service
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Constants for agent registration.
+class CiscoDeviceManagementApi(n_rpc.RpcProxy):
+ """Agent side of the device manager RPC API."""
+ def __init__(self, topic, host):
+ super(CiscoDeviceManagementApi, self).__init__(
+ topic=topic, default_version=self.BASE_RPC_API_VERSION)
+ self.host = host
+ def report_dead_hosting_devices(self, context, hd_ids=None):
+ """Report that a hosting device cannot be contacted (presumed dead).
+ :param: context: session context
+ :param: hosting_device_ids: list of non-responding hosting devices
+ :return: None
+ """
+ # Cast since we don't expect a return value.
+ self.cast(context,
+ self.make_msg('report_non_responding_hosting_devices',
+ host=self.host,
+ hosting_device_ids=hd_ids),
+ topic=self.topic)
+ def register_for_duty(self, context):
+ """Report that a config agent is ready for duty."""
+ return self.call(context,
+ self.make_msg('register_for_duty',
+ host=self.host),
+ topic=self.topic)
+class CiscoCfgAgent(manager.Manager):
+ """Cisco Cfg Agent.
+ This class defines a generic configuration agent for cisco devices which
+ implement network services in the cloud backend. It is based on the
+ (reference) l3-agent, but has been enhanced to support multiple services
+ in addition to routing.
+ The agent acts like as a container for services and does not do any
+ service specific processing or configuration itself.
+ All service specific processing is delegated to service helpers which
+ the agent loads. Thus routing specific updates are processed by the
+ routing service helper, firewall by firewall helper etc.
+ A further layer of abstraction is implemented by using device drivers for
+ encapsulating all configuration operations of a service on a device.
+ Device drivers are specific to a particular device/service VM eg: CSR1kv.
+ The main entry points in this class are the `process_services()` and
+ `_backlog_task()` .
+ """
+ OPTS = [
+ cfg.IntOpt('rpc_loop_interval', default=10,
+ help=_("Interval when the process_services() loop "
+ "executes in seconds. This is when the config agent "
+ "lets each service helper to process its neutron "
+ "resources.")),
+ cfg.StrOpt('routing_svc_helper_class',
+ default='neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.service_helpers'
+ '.routing_svc_helper.RoutingServiceHelper',
+ help=_("Path of the routing service helper class.")),
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, host, conf=None):
+ self.conf = conf or cfg.CONF
+ self._dev_status = device_status.DeviceStatus()
+ self.context = n_context.get_admin_context_without_session()
+ self._initialize_rpc(host)
+ self._initialize_service_helpers(host)
+ self._start_periodic_tasks()
+ super(CiscoCfgAgent, self).__init__(host=self.conf.host)
+ def _initialize_rpc(self, host):
+ self.devmgr_rpc = CiscoDeviceManagementApi(topics.L3PLUGIN, host)
+ def _initialize_service_helpers(self, host):
+ svc_helper_class = self.conf.routing_svc_helper_class
+ try:
+ self.routing_service_helper = importutils.import_object(
+ svc_helper_class, host, self.conf, self)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ LOG.warn(_("Error in loading routing service helper. Class "
+ "specified is %(class)s. Reason:%(reason)s"),
+ {'class': self.conf.routing_svc_helper_class,
+ 'reason': e})
+ self.routing_service_helper = None
+ def _start_periodic_tasks(self):
+ self.loop = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(self.process_services)
+ self.loop.start(interval=self.conf.rpc_loop_interval)
+ def after_start(self):
+ LOG.info(_("Cisco cfg agent started"))
+ def get_routing_service_helper(self):
+ return self.routing_service_helper
+ ## Periodic tasks ##
+ @periodic_task.periodic_task
+ def _backlog_task(self, context):
+ """Process backlogged devices."""
+ LOG.debug("Processing backlog.")
+ self._process_backlogged_hosting_devices(context)
+ ## Main orchestrator ##
+ @lockutils.synchronized('cisco-cfg-agent', 'neutron-')
+ def process_services(self, device_ids=None, removed_devices_info=None):
+ """Process services managed by this config agent.
+ This method is invoked by any of three scenarios.
+ 1. Invoked by a periodic task running every `RPC_LOOP_INTERVAL`
+ seconds. This is the most common scenario.
+ In this mode, the method is called without any arguments.
+ 2. Called by the `_process_backlogged_hosting_devices()` as part of
+ the backlog processing task. In this mode, a list of device_ids
+ are passed as arguments. These are the list of backlogged
+ hosting devices that are now reachable and we want to sync services
+ on them.
+ 3. Called by the `hosting_devices_removed()` method. This is when
+ the config agent has received a notification from the plugin that
+ some hosting devices are going to be removed. The payload contains
+ the details of the hosting devices and the associated neutron
+ resources on them which should be processed and removed.
+ To avoid race conditions with these scenarios, this function is
+ protected by a lock.
+ This method goes on to invoke `process_service()` on the
+ different service helpers.
+ :param device_ids : List of devices that are now available and needs
+ to be processed
+ :param removed_devices_info: Info about the hosting devices which
+ are going to be removed and details of the resources hosted on them.
+ Expected Format:
+ {
+ 'hosting_data': {'hd_id1': {'routers': [id1, id2, ...]},
+ 'hd_id2': {'routers': [id3, id4, ...]}, ...},
+ 'deconfigure': True/False
+ }
+ :return: None
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Processing services started")
+ # Now we process only routing service, additional services will be
+ # added in future
+ if self.routing_service_helper:
+ self.routing_service_helper.process_service(device_ids,
+ removed_devices_info)
+ else:
+ LOG.warn(_("No routing service helper loaded"))
+ LOG.debug("Processing services completed")
+ def _process_backlogged_hosting_devices(self, context):
+ """Process currently backlogged devices.
+ Go through the currently backlogged devices and process them.
+ For devices which are now reachable (compared to last time), we call
+ `process_services()` passing the now reachable device's id.
+ For devices which have passed the `hosting_device_dead_timeout` and
+ hence presumed dead, execute a RPC to the plugin informing that.
+ :param context: RPC context
+ :return: None
+ """
+ res = self._dev_status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices()
+ if res['reachable']:
+ self.process_services(device_ids=res['reachable'])
+ if res['dead']:
+ LOG.debug("Reporting dead hosting devices: %s", res['dead'])
+ self.devmgr_rpc.report_dead_hosting_devices(context,
+ hd_ids=res['dead'])
+ def hosting_devices_removed(self, context, payload):
+ """Deal with hosting device removed RPC message."""
+ try:
+ if payload['hosting_data']:
+ if payload['hosting_data'].keys():
+ self.process_services(removed_devices_info=payload)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ LOG.error(_("Invalid payload format for received RPC message "
+ "`hosting_devices_removed`. Error is %{error}s. "
+ "Payload is %(payload)s"),
+ {'error': e, 'payload': payload})
+class CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(CiscoCfgAgent):
+ def __init__(self, host, conf=None):
+ self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.PLUGIN)
+ self.agent_state = {
+ 'binary': 'neutron-cisco-cfg-agent',
+ 'host': host,
+ 'topic': c_constants.CFG_AGENT,
+ 'configurations': {},
+ 'start_flag': True,
+ 'agent_type': c_constants.AGENT_TYPE_CFG}
+ report_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.report_interval
+ self.use_call = True
+ self._initialize_rpc(host)
+ self._agent_registration()
+ super(CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport, self).__init__(host=host,
+ conf=conf)
+ if report_interval:
+ self.heartbeat = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+ self._report_state)
+ self.heartbeat.start(interval=report_interval)
+ def _agent_registration(self):
+ """Register this agent with the server.
+ This method registers the cfg agent with the neutron server so hosting
+ devices can be assigned to it. In case the server is not ready to
+ accept registration (it sends a False) then we retry registration
+ for `MAX_REGISTRATION_ATTEMPTS` with a delay of
+ `REGISTRATION_RETRY_DELAY`. If there is no server response or a
+ failure to register after the required number of attempts,
+ the agent stops itself.
+ """
+ for attempts in xrange(MAX_REGISTRATION_ATTEMPTS):
+ context = n_context.get_admin_context_without_session()
+ self.send_agent_report(self.agent_state, context)
+ res = self.devmgr_rpc.register_for_duty(context)
+ if res is True:
+ LOG.info(_("[Agent registration] Agent successfully "
+ "registered"))
+ return
+ elif res is False:
+ LOG.warn(_("[Agent registration] Neutron server said that "
+ "device manager was not ready. Retrying in %0.2f "
+ elif res is None:
+ LOG.error(_("[Agent registration] Neutron server said that no "
+ "device manager was found. Cannot "
+ "continue. Exiting!"))
+ raise SystemExit("Cfg Agent exiting")
+ LOG.error(_("[Agent registration] %d unsuccessful registration "
+ "attempts. Exiting!"), MAX_REGISTRATION_ATTEMPTS)
+ raise SystemExit("Cfg Agent exiting")
+ def _report_state(self):
+ """Report state to the plugin.
+ This task run every `report_interval` period.
+ Collects, creates and sends a summary of the services currently
+ managed by this agent. Data is collected from the service helper(s).
+ Refer the `configurations` dict for the parameters reported.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Report state task started")
+ configurations = {}
+ if self.routing_service_helper:
+ configurations = self.routing_service_helper.collect_state(
+ self.agent_state['configurations'])
+ non_responding = self._dev_status.get_backlogged_hosting_devices_info()
+ configurations['non_responding_hosting_devices'] = non_responding
+ self.agent_state['configurations'] = configurations
+ self.agent_state['local_time'] = str(timeutils.utcnow())
+ LOG.debug("State report data: %s", pprint.pformat(self.agent_state))
+ self.send_agent_report(self.agent_state, self.context)
+ def send_agent_report(self, report, context):
+ """Send the agent report via RPC."""
+ try:
+ self.state_rpc.report_state(context, report, self.use_call)
+ report.pop('start_flag', None)
+ self.use_call = False
+ LOG.debug("Send agent report successfully completed")
+ except AttributeError:
+ # This means the server does not support report_state
+ LOG.warn(_("Neutron server does not support state report. "
+ "State report for this agent will be disabled."))
+ self.heartbeat.stop()
+ return
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception(_("Failed sending agent report!"))
+def main(manager='neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.'
+ 'cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport'):
+ conf = cfg.CONF
+ conf.register_opts(CiscoCfgAgent.OPTS)
+ config.register_agent_state_opts_helper(conf)
+ config.register_root_helper(conf)
+ conf.register_opts(interface.OPTS)
+ conf.register_opts(external_process.OPTS)
+ common_config.init(sys.argv[1:])
+ conf(project='neutron')
+ config.setup_logging(conf)
+ server = neutron_service.Service.create(
+ binary='neutron-cisco-cfg-agent',
+ topic=c_constants.CFG_AGENT,
+ report_interval=cfg.CONF.AGENT.report_interval,
+ manager=manager)
+ service.launch(server).wait()
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+"""Exceptions by Cisco Configuration Agent."""
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+class DriverException(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ """Exception created by the Driver class."""
+class CSR1kvInitializationException(DriverException):
+ """Exception when initialization of CSR1kv Routing Driver object."""
+ message = (_("Critical device parameter missing. Failed initializing "
+ "CSR1kv routing driver."))
+class CSR1kvConnectionException(DriverException):
+ """Connection exception when connecting to CSR1kv hosting device."""
+ message = (_("Failed connecting to CSR1kv. Reason: %(reason)s. "
+ "Connection params are User:%(user)s, Host:%(host)s, "
+ "Port:%(port)s, Device timeout:%(timeout)s."))
+class CSR1kvConfigException(DriverException):
+ """Configuration exception thrown when modifying the running config."""
+ message = (_("Error executing snippet:%(snippet)s. "
+ "ErrorType:%(type)s ErrorTag:%(tag)s."))
+class CSR1kvUnknownValueException(DriverException):
+ """CSR1kv Exception thrown when an unknown value is received."""
+ message = (_("Data in attribute: %(attribute)s does not correspond to "
+ "expected value. Value received is %(value)s. "))
+class DriverNotExist(DriverException):
+ message = _("Driver %(driver)s does not exist.")
+class DriverNotFound(DriverException):
+ message = _("Driver not found for resource id:%(id)s.")
+class DriverNotSetForMissingParameter(DriverException):
+ message = _("Driver cannot be set for missing parameter:%(p)s.")
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+CSR (IOS-XE) XML-based configuration snippets
+# The standard Template used to interact with IOS-XE(CSR).
+# This template is added by the netconf client
+# <config xmlns:xc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
+# <configure>
+# <__XML__MODE__exec_configure>%s
+# </__XML__MODE__exec_configure>
+# </configure>
+# </config>
+# """
+# Set ip address on an interface
+# $(config)interface GigabitEthernet 1
+# $(config)ip address
+SET_INTC = """
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>ip address %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Enable an interface
+# $(config)interface GigabitEthernet 1
+# $(config)no shutdown
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>no shutdown</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Create VRF
+# $(config)ip routing
+# $(config)ip vrf nrouter-e7d4y5
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip routing</cmd>
+ <cmd>ip vrf %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove VRF
+# $(config)ip routing
+# $(config)no ip vrf nrouter-e7d4y5
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip routing</cmd>
+ <cmd>no ip vrf %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Create Subinterface
+# $(config)interface GigabitEthernet 2.500
+# $(config)encapsulation dot1Q 500
+# $(config)vrf forwarding nrouter-e7d4y5
+# $(config)ip address
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>encapsulation dot1Q %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>ip vrf forwarding %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>ip address %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove Subinterface
+# $(config)no interface GigabitEthernet 2.500
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>no interface %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Enable HSRP on a Subinterface
+# $(config)interface GigabitEthernet 2.500
+# $(config)vrf forwarding nrouter-e7d4y5
+# $(config)standby version 2
+# $(config)standby <group> priority <priority>
+# $(config)standby <group> ip <ip>
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>ip vrf forwarding %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>standby version 2</cmd>
+ <cmd>standby %s priority %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>standby %s ip %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove HSRP on a Subinterface
+# $(config)interface GigabitEthernet 2.500
+# $(config)no standby version 2
+# $(config)no standby <group>
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>no standby %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>no standby version 2</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Create Access Control List
+# $(config)ip access-list standard acl_500
+# $(config)permit
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip access-list standard %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>permit %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove Access Control List
+# $(config)no ip access-list standard acl_500
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>no ip access-list standard %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Set Dynamic source translation on an interface
+# Syntax: ip nat inside source list <acl_no> interface <interface>
+# .......vrf <vrf_name> overload
+# eg: $(config)ip nat inside source list acl_500
+# ..........interface GigabitEthernet3.100 vrf nrouter-e7d4y5 overload
+SNAT_CFG = "ip nat inside source list %s interface %s vrf %s overload"
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip nat inside source list %s interface %s vrf %s
+ overload</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove Dynamic source translation on an interface
+# Syntax: no ip nat inside source list <acl_no> interface <interface>
+# .......vrf <vrf_name> overload
+# eg: $(config)no ip nat inside source list acl_500
+# ..........interface GigabitEthernet3.100 vrf nrouter-e7d4y5 overload
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>no ip nat inside source list %s interface %s vrf %s
+ overload</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Set NAT
+# Syntax : interface <interface>
+# ip nat <inside|outside>
+SET_NAT = """
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>ip nat %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove NAT
+# Syntax : interface <interface>
+# no ip nat <inside|outside>
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>interface %s</cmd>
+ <cmd>no ip nat %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Set Static source translation on an interface
+# Syntax: ip nat inside source static <fixed_ip> <floating_ip>
+# .......vrf <vrf_name> match-in-vrf
+# eg: $(config)ip nat inside source static
+# ..........vrf nrouter-e7d4y5 match-in-vrf
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip nat inside source static %s %s vrf %s match-in-vrf</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove Static source translation on an interface
+# Syntax: no ip nat inside source static <fixed_ip> <floating_ip>
+# .......vrf <vrf_name> match-in-vrf
+# eg: $(config)no ip nat inside source static
+# ..........vrf nrouter-e7d4y5 match-in-vrf
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>no ip nat inside source static %s %s vrf %s match-in-vrf</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Set ip route
+# Syntax: ip route vrf <vrf-name> <destination> <mask> [<interface>] <next hop>
+# eg: $(config)ip route vrf nrouter-e7d4y5
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip route vrf %s %s %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove ip route
+# Syntax: no ip route vrf <vrf-name> <destination> <mask>
+# [<interface>] <next hop>
+# eg: $(config)no ip route vrf nrouter-e7d4y5
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>no ip route vrf %s %s %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Set default ip route
+# Syntax: ip route vrf <vrf-name> [<interface>] <next hop>
+# eg: $(config)ip route vrf nrouter-e7d4y5
+DEFAULT_ROUTE_CFG = 'ip route vrf %s %s'
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>ip route vrf %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Remove default ip route
+# Syntax: ip route vrf <vrf-name> [<interface>] <next hop>
+# eg: $(config)ip route vrf nrouter-e7d4y5
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>no ip route vrf %s %s</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
+# Clear dynamic nat translations. This is used to clear any nat bindings before
+# we can turn off NAT on an interface
+# Syntax: clear ip nat translation [forced]
+# <oper-data-format-text-block>
+# <exec>clear ip nat translation forced</exec>
+# </oper-data-format-text-block>
+# """
+ <cli-config-data>
+ <cmd>do clear ip nat translation forced</cmd>
+ </cli-config-data>
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import logging
+import netaddr
+import re
+import time
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import ciscoconfparse
+from ncclient import manager
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import cfg_exceptions as cfg_exc
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.device_drivers.csr1kv import (
+ cisco_csr1kv_snippets as snippets)
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.device_drivers import devicedriver_api
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# N1kv constants
+T1_PORT_NAME_PREFIX = 't1_p:' # T1 port/network is for VXLAN
+T2_PORT_NAME_PREFIX = 't2_p:' # T2 port/network is for VLAN
+class CSR1kvRoutingDriver(devicedriver_api.RoutingDriverBase):
+ """CSR1kv Routing Driver.
+ This driver encapsulates the configuration logic via NETCONF protocol to
+ configure a CSR1kv Virtual Router (IOS-XE based) for implementing
+ Neutron L3 services. These services include routing, NAT and floating
+ IPs (as per Neutron terminology).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **device_params):
+ try:
+ self._csr_host = device_params['management_ip_address']
+ self._csr_ssh_port = device_params['protocol_port']
+ credentials = device_params['credentials']
+ if credentials:
+ self._csr_user = credentials['username']
+ self._csr_password = credentials['password']
+ self._timeout = cfg.CONF.device_connection_timeout
+ self._csr_conn = None
+ self._intfs_enabled = False
+ except KeyError as e:
+ LOG.error(_("Missing device parameter:%s. Aborting "
+ "CSR1kvRoutingDriver initialization"), e)
+ raise cfg_exc.CSR1kvInitializationException
+ ###### Public Functions ########
+ def router_added(self, ri):
+ self._csr_create_vrf(ri)
+ def router_removed(self, ri):
+ self._csr_remove_vrf(ri)
+ def internal_network_added(self, ri, port):
+ self._csr_create_subinterface(ri, port)
+ if port.get('ha_info') is not None and ri.ha_info['ha:enabled']:
+ self._csr_add_ha(ri, port)
+ def internal_network_removed(self, ri, port):
+ self._csr_remove_subinterface(port)
+ def external_gateway_added(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ self._csr_create_subinterface(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ ex_gw_ip = ex_gw_port['subnet']['gateway_ip']
+ if ex_gw_ip:
+ #Set default route via this network's gateway ip
+ self._csr_add_default_route(ri, ex_gw_ip)
+ def external_gateway_removed(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ ex_gw_ip = ex_gw_port['subnet']['gateway_ip']
+ if ex_gw_ip:
+ #Remove default route via this network's gateway ip
+ self._csr_remove_default_route(ri, ex_gw_ip)
+ #Finally, remove external network subinterface
+ self._csr_remove_subinterface(ex_gw_port)
+ def enable_internal_network_NAT(self, ri, port, ex_gw_port):
+ self._csr_add_internalnw_nat_rules(ri, port, ex_gw_port)
+ def disable_internal_network_NAT(self, ri, port, ex_gw_port):
+ self._csr_remove_internalnw_nat_rules(ri, [port], ex_gw_port)
+ def floating_ip_added(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ self._csr_add_floating_ip(ri, floating_ip, fixed_ip)
+ def floating_ip_removed(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ self._csr_remove_floating_ip(ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip)
+ def routes_updated(self, ri, action, route):
+ self._csr_update_routing_table(ri, action, route)
+ def clear_connection(self):
+ self._csr_conn = None
+ ##### Internal Functions ####
+ def _csr_create_subinterface(self, ri, port):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ ip_cidr = port['ip_cidr']
+ netmask = netaddr.IPNetwork(ip_cidr).netmask
+ gateway_ip = ip_cidr.split('/')[0]
+ subinterface = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(port)
+ vlan = self._get_interface_vlan_from_hosting_port(port)
+ self._create_subinterface(subinterface, vlan, vrf_name,
+ gateway_ip, netmask)
+ def _csr_remove_subinterface(self, port):
+ subinterface = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(port)
+ self._remove_subinterface(subinterface)
+ def _csr_add_ha(self, ri, port):
+ func_dict = {
+ 'HSRP': CSR1kvRoutingDriver._csr_add_ha_HSRP,
+ 'VRRP': CSR1kvRoutingDriver._csr_add_ha_VRRP,
+ 'GBLP': CSR1kvRoutingDriver._csr_add_ha_GBLP
+ }
+ #Invoke the right function for the ha type
+ func_dict[ri.ha_info['ha:type']](self, ri, port)
+ def _csr_add_ha_HSRP(self, ri, port):
+ priority = ri.ha_info['priority']
+ port_ha_info = port['ha_info']
+ group = port_ha_info['group']
+ ip = port_ha_info['virtual_port']['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
+ if ip and group and priority:
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ subinterface = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(port)
+ self._set_ha_HSRP(subinterface, vrf_name, priority, group, ip)
+ def _csr_add_ha_VRRP(self, ri, port):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _csr_add_ha_GBLP(self, ri, port):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _csr_remove_ha(self, ri, port):
+ pass
+ def _csr_add_internalnw_nat_rules(self, ri, port, ex_port):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ in_vlan = self._get_interface_vlan_from_hosting_port(port)
+ acl_no = 'acl_' + str(in_vlan)
+ internal_cidr = port['ip_cidr']
+ internal_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(internal_cidr).network
+ netmask = netaddr.IPNetwork(internal_cidr).hostmask
+ inner_intfc = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(port)
+ outer_intfc = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(ex_port)
+ self._nat_rules_for_internet_access(acl_no, internal_net,
+ netmask, inner_intfc,
+ outer_intfc, vrf_name)
+ def _csr_remove_internalnw_nat_rules(self, ri, ports, ex_port):
+ acls = []
+ #First disable nat in all inner ports
+ for port in ports:
+ in_intfc_name = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(port)
+ inner_vlan = self._get_interface_vlan_from_hosting_port(port)
+ acls.append("acl_" + str(inner_vlan))
+ self._remove_interface_nat(in_intfc_name, 'inside')
+ #Wait for two second
+ LOG.debug("Sleep for 2 seconds before clearing NAT rules")
+ time.sleep(2)
+ #Clear the NAT translation table
+ self._remove_dyn_nat_translations()
+ # Remove dynamic NAT rules and ACLs
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ ext_intfc_name = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(ex_port)
+ for acl in acls:
+ self._remove_dyn_nat_rule(acl, ext_intfc_name, vrf_name)
+ def _csr_add_default_route(self, ri, gw_ip):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ self._add_default_static_route(gw_ip, vrf_name)
+ def _csr_remove_default_route(self, ri, gw_ip):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ self._remove_default_static_route(gw_ip, vrf_name)
+ def _csr_add_floating_ip(self, ri, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ self._add_floating_ip(floating_ip, fixed_ip, vrf_name)
+ def _csr_remove_floating_ip(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ out_intfc_name = self._get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(ex_gw_port)
+ # First remove NAT from outer interface
+ self._remove_interface_nat(out_intfc_name, 'outside')
+ #Clear the NAT translation table
+ self._remove_dyn_nat_translations()
+ #Remove the floating ip
+ self._remove_floating_ip(floating_ip, fixed_ip, vrf_name)
+ #Enable NAT on outer interface
+ self._add_interface_nat(out_intfc_name, 'outside')
+ def _csr_update_routing_table(self, ri, action, route):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ destination_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(route['destination'])
+ dest = destination_net.network
+ dest_mask = destination_net.netmask
+ next_hop = route['nexthop']
+ if action is 'replace':
+ self._add_static_route(dest, dest_mask, next_hop, vrf_name)
+ elif action is 'delete':
+ self._remove_static_route(dest, dest_mask, next_hop, vrf_name)
+ else:
+ LOG.error(_('Unknown route command %s'), action)
+ def _csr_create_vrf(self, ri):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ self._create_vrf(vrf_name)
+ def _csr_remove_vrf(self, ri):
+ vrf_name = self._csr_get_vrf_name(ri)
+ self._remove_vrf(vrf_name)
+ def _csr_get_vrf_name(self, ri):
+ return ri.router_name()[:self.DEV_NAME_LEN]
+ def _get_connection(self):
+ """Make SSH connection to the CSR.
+ The external ncclient library is used for creating this connection.
+ This method keeps state of any existing connections and reuses them if
+ already connected. Also CSR1kv's interfaces (except management) are
+ disabled by default when it is booted. So if connecting for the first
+ time, driver will enable all other interfaces and keep that status in
+ the `_intfs_enabled` flag.
+ """
+ try:
+ if self._csr_conn and self._csr_conn.connected:
+ return self._csr_conn
+ else:
+ self._csr_conn = manager.connect(host=self._csr_host,
+ port=self._csr_ssh_port,
+ username=self._csr_user,
+ password=self._csr_password,
+ device_params={'name': "csr"},
+ timeout=self._timeout)
+ if not self._intfs_enabled:
+ self._intfs_enabled = self._enable_intfs(self._csr_conn)
+ return self._csr_conn
+ except Exception as e:
+ conn_params = {'host': self._csr_host, 'port': self._csr_ssh_port,
+ 'user': self._csr_user,
+ 'timeout': self._timeout, 'reason': e.message}
+ raise cfg_exc.CSR1kvConnectionException(**conn_params)
+ def _get_interface_name_from_hosting_port(self, port):
+ vlan = self._get_interface_vlan_from_hosting_port(port)
+ int_no = self._get_interface_no_from_hosting_port(port)
+ intfc_name = 'GigabitEthernet%s.%s' % (int_no, vlan)
+ return intfc_name
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_interface_vlan_from_hosting_port(port):
+ return port['hosting_info']['segmentation_id']
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_interface_no_from_hosting_port(port):
+ """Calculate interface number from the hosting port's name.
+ Interfaces in the CSR1kv are created in pairs (T1 and T2) where
+ T1 interface is used for VLAN and T2 interface for VXLAN traffic
+ respectively. On the neutron side these are named T1 and T2 ports and
+ follows the naming convention: <Tx_PORT_NAME_PREFIX>:<PAIR_INDEX>
+ where the `PORT_NAME_PREFIX` indicates either VLAN or VXLAN and
+ `PAIR_INDEX` is the pair number. `PAIR_INDEX` starts at 1.
+ In CSR1kv, GigabitEthernet 0 is not present and GigabitEthernet 1
+ is used as a management interface (Note: this might change in
+ future). So the first (T1,T2) pair corresponds to
+ (GigabitEthernet 2, GigabitEthernet 3) and so forth. This function
+ extracts the `PAIR_INDEX` and calculates the corresponding interface
+ number.
+ :param port: neutron port corresponding to the interface.
+ :return: number of the interface (eg: 1 in case of GigabitEthernet1)
+ """
+ _name = port['hosting_info']['hosting_port_name']
+ if_type = _name.split(':')[0] + ':'
+ if if_type == T1_PORT_NAME_PREFIX:
+ return str(int(_name.split(':')[1]) * 2)
+ elif if_type == T2_PORT_NAME_PREFIX:
+ return str(int(_name.split(':')[1]) * 2 + 1)
+ else:
+ params = {'attribute': 'hosting_port_name', 'value': _name}
+ raise cfg_exc.CSR1kvUnknownValueException(**params)
+ def _get_interfaces(self):
+ """Get a list of interfaces on this hosting device.
+ :return: List of the interfaces
+ """
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ intfs_raw = parse.find_lines("^interface GigabitEthernet")
+ intfs = [raw_if.strip().split(' ')[1] for raw_if in intfs_raw]
+ LOG.info(_("Interfaces:%s"), intfs)
+ return intfs
+ def _get_interface_ip(self, interface_name):
+ """Get the ip address for an interface.
+ :param interface_name: interface_name as a string
+ :return: ip address of interface as a string
+ """
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ children = parse.find_children("^interface %s" % interface_name)
+ for line in children:
+ if 'ip address' in line:
+ ip_address = line.strip().split(' ')[2]
+ LOG.info(_("IP Address:%s"), ip_address)
+ return ip_address
+ LOG.warn(_("Cannot find interface: %s"), interface_name)
+ return None
+ def _interface_exists(self, interface):
+ """Check whether interface exists."""
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ intfs_raw = parse.find_lines("^interface " + interface)
+ return len(intfs_raw) > 0
+ def _enable_intfs(self, conn):
+ """Enable the interfaces of a CSR1kv Virtual Router.
+ When the virtual router first boots up, all interfaces except
+ management are down. This method will enable all data interfaces.
+ Note: In CSR1kv, GigabitEthernet 0 is not present. GigabitEthernet 1
+ is used as management and GigabitEthernet 2 and up are used for data.
+ This might change in future releases.
+ Currently only the second and third Gig interfaces corresponding to a
+ single (T1,T2) pair and configured as trunk for VLAN and VXLAN
+ is enabled.
+ :param conn: Connection object
+ :return: True or False
+ """
+ #ToDo(Hareesh): Interfaces are hard coded for now. Make it dynamic.
+ interfaces = ['GigabitEthernet 2', 'GigabitEthernet 3']
+ try:
+ for i in interfaces:
+ confstr = snippets.ENABLE_INTF % i
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ if self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'ENABLE_INTF'):
+ LOG.info(_("Enabled interface %s "), i)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _get_vrfs(self):
+ """Get the current VRFs configured in the device.
+ :return: A list of vrf names as string
+ """
+ vrfs = []
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ vrfs_raw = parse.find_lines("^ip vrf")
+ for line in vrfs_raw:
+ # raw format ['ip vrf <vrf-name>',....]
+ vrf_name = line.strip().split(' ')[2]
+ vrfs.append(vrf_name)
+ LOG.info(_("VRFs:%s"), vrfs)
+ return vrfs
+ def _get_capabilities(self):
+ """Get the servers NETCONF capabilities.
+ :return: List of server capabilities.
+ """
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ capabilities = []
+ for c in conn.server_capabilities:
+ capabilities.append(c)
+ LOG.debug("Server capabilities: %s", capabilities)
+ return capabilities
+ def _get_running_config(self):
+ """Get the CSR's current running config.
+ :return: Current IOS running config as multiline string
+ """
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ config = conn.get_config(source="running")
+ if config:
+ root = ET.fromstring(config._raw)
+ running_config = root[0][0]
+ rgx = re.compile("\r*\n+")
+ ioscfg = rgx.split(running_config.text)
+ return ioscfg
+ def _check_acl(self, acl_no, network, netmask):
+ """Check a ACL config exists in the running config.
+ :param acl_no: access control list (ACL) number
+ :param network: network which this ACL permits
+ :param netmask: netmask of the network
+ :return:
+ """
+ exp_cfg_lines = ['ip access-list standard ' + str(acl_no),
+ ' permit ' + str(network) + ' ' + str(netmask)]
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ acls_raw = parse.find_children(exp_cfg_lines[0])
+ if acls_raw:
+ if exp_cfg_lines[1] in acls_raw:
+ return True
+ LOG.error(_("Mismatch in ACL configuration for %s"), acl_no)
+ return False
+ LOG.debug("%s is not present in config", acl_no)
+ return False
+ def _cfg_exists(self, cfg_str):
+ """Check a partial config string exists in the running config.
+ :param cfg_str: config string to check
+ :return : True or False
+ """
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ cfg_raw = parse.find_lines("^" + cfg_str)
+ LOG.debug("_cfg_exists(): Found lines %s", cfg_raw)
+ return len(cfg_raw) > 0
+ def _set_interface(self, name, ip_address, mask):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.SET_INTC % (name, ip_address, mask)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_INTC')
+ def _create_vrf(self, vrf_name):
+ try:
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.CREATE_VRF % vrf_name
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ if self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'CREATE_VRF'):
+ LOG.info(_("VRF %s successfully created"), vrf_name)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception(_("Failed creating VRF %s"), vrf_name)
+ def _remove_vrf(self, vrf_name):
+ if vrf_name in self._get_vrfs():
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_VRF % vrf_name
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ if self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_VRF'):
+ LOG.info(_("VRF %s removed"), vrf_name)
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_("VRF %s not present"), vrf_name)
+ def _create_subinterface(self, subinterface, vlan_id, vrf_name, ip, mask):
+ if vrf_name not in self._get_vrfs():
+ LOG.error(_("VRF %s not present"), vrf_name)
+ confstr = snippets.CREATE_SUBINTERFACE % (subinterface, vlan_id,
+ vrf_name, ip, mask)
+ self._edit_running_config(confstr, 'CREATE_SUBINTERFACE')
+ def _remove_subinterface(self, subinterface):
+ #Optional : verify this is the correct subinterface
+ if self._interface_exists(subinterface):
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_SUBINTERFACE % subinterface
+ self._edit_running_config(confstr, 'REMOVE_SUBINTERFACE')
+ def _set_ha_HSRP(self, subinterface, vrf_name, priority, group, ip):
+ if vrf_name not in self._get_vrfs():
+ LOG.error(_("VRF %s not present"), vrf_name)
+ confstr = snippets.SET_INTC_HSRP % (subinterface, vrf_name, group,
+ priority, group, ip)
+ action = "SET_INTC_HSRP (Group: %s, Priority: % s)" % (group, priority)
+ self._edit_running_config(confstr, action)
+ def _remove_ha_HSRP(self, subinterface, group):
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_INTC_HSRP % (subinterface, group)
+ action = ("REMOVE_INTC_HSRP (subinterface:%s, Group:%s)"
+ % (subinterface, group))
+ self._edit_running_config(confstr, action)
+ def _get_interface_cfg(self, interface):
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ return parse.find_children('interface ' + interface)
+ def _nat_rules_for_internet_access(self, acl_no, network,
+ netmask,
+ inner_intfc,
+ outer_intfc,
+ vrf_name):
+ """Configure the NAT rules for an internal network.
+ Configuring NAT rules in the CSR1kv is a three step process. First
+ create an ACL for the IP range of the internal network. Then enable
+ dynamic source NATing on the external interface of the CSR for this
+ ACL and VRF of the neutron router. Finally enable NAT on the
+ interfaces of the CSR where the internal and external networks are
+ connected.
+ :param acl_no: ACL number of the internal network.
+ :param network: internal network
+ :param netmask: netmask of the internal network.
+ :param inner_intfc: (name of) interface connected to the internal
+ network
+ :param outer_intfc: (name of) interface connected to the external
+ network
+ :param vrf_name: VRF corresponding to this virtual router
+ :return: True if configuration succeeded
+ :raises: neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_exceptions.
+ CSR1kvConfigException
+ """
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ # Duplicate ACL creation throws error, so checking
+ # it first. Remove it in future as this is not common in production
+ acl_present = self._check_acl(acl_no, network, netmask)
+ if not acl_present:
+ confstr = snippets.CREATE_ACL % (acl_no, network, netmask)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'CREATE_ACL')
+ confstr = snippets.SET_DYN_SRC_TRL_INTFC % (acl_no, outer_intfc,
+ vrf_name)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'CREATE_SNAT')
+ confstr = snippets.SET_NAT % (inner_intfc, 'inside')
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_NAT')
+ confstr = snippets.SET_NAT % (outer_intfc, 'outside')
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_NAT')
+ def _add_interface_nat(self, intfc_name, intfc_type):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.SET_NAT % (intfc_name, intfc_type)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_NAT ' + intfc_type)
+ def _remove_interface_nat(self, intfc_name, intfc_type):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_NAT % (intfc_name, intfc_type)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_NAT ' + intfc_type)
+ def _remove_dyn_nat_rule(self, acl_no, outer_intfc_name, vrf_name):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.SNAT_CFG % (acl_no, outer_intfc_name, vrf_name)
+ if self._cfg_exists(confstr):
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_DYN_SRC_TRL_INTFC % (acl_no,
+ outer_intfc_name,
+ vrf_name)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_DYN_SRC_TRL_INTFC')
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_ACL % acl_no
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_ACL')
+ def _remove_dyn_nat_translations(self):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.CLEAR_DYN_NAT_TRANS
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'CLEAR_DYN_NAT_TRANS')
+ def _add_floating_ip(self, floating_ip, fixed_ip, vrf):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.SET_STATIC_SRC_TRL % (fixed_ip, floating_ip, vrf)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_STATIC_SRC_TRL')
+ def _remove_floating_ip(self, floating_ip, fixed_ip, vrf):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_STATIC_SRC_TRL % (fixed_ip, floating_ip, vrf)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_STATIC_SRC_TRL')
+ def _get_floating_ip_cfg(self):
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ res = parse.find_lines('ip nat inside source static')
+ return res
+ def _add_static_route(self, dest, dest_mask, next_hop, vrf):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.SET_IP_ROUTE % (vrf, dest, dest_mask, next_hop)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_IP_ROUTE')
+ def _remove_static_route(self, dest, dest_mask, next_hop, vrf):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_IP_ROUTE % (vrf, dest, dest_mask, next_hop)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_IP_ROUTE')
+ def _get_static_route_cfg(self):
+ ioscfg = self._get_running_config()
+ parse = ciscoconfparse.CiscoConfParse(ioscfg)
+ return parse.find_lines('ip route')
+ def _add_default_static_route(self, gw_ip, vrf):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.DEFAULT_ROUTE_CFG % (vrf, gw_ip)
+ if not self._cfg_exists(confstr):
+ confstr = snippets.SET_DEFAULT_ROUTE % (vrf, gw_ip)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'SET_DEFAULT_ROUTE')
+ def _remove_default_static_route(self, gw_ip, vrf):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ confstr = snippets.DEFAULT_ROUTE_CFG % (vrf, gw_ip)
+ if self._cfg_exists(confstr):
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_DEFAULT_ROUTE % (vrf, gw_ip)
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, 'REMOVE_DEFAULT_ROUTE')
+ def _edit_running_config(self, confstr, snippet):
+ conn = self._get_connection()
+ rpc_obj = conn.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)
+ self._check_response(rpc_obj, snippet)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _check_response(rpc_obj, snippet_name):
+ """This function checks the rpc response object for status.
+ This function takes as input the response rpc_obj and the snippet name
+ that was executed. It parses it to see, if the last edit operation was
+ a success or not.
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:81bf8082-....-b69a-000c29e1b85c"
+ xmlns="urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0">
+ <ok />
+ </rpc-reply>
+ In case of error, CSR1kv sends a response as follows.
+ We take the error type and tag.
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <rpc-reply message-id="urn:uuid:81bf8082-....-b69a-000c29e1b85c"
+ xmlns="urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0">
+ <rpc-error>
+ <error-type>protocol</error-type>
+ <error-tag>operation-failed</error-tag>
+ <error-severity>error</error-severity>
+ </rpc-error>
+ </rpc-reply>
+ :return: True if the config operation completed successfully
+ :raises: neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_exceptions.
+ CSR1kvConfigException
+ """
+ LOG.debug("RPCReply for %(snippet_name)s is %(rpc_obj)s",
+ {'snippet_name': snippet_name, 'rpc_obj': rpc_obj.xml})
+ xml_str = rpc_obj.xml
+ if "<ok />" in xml_str:
+ LOG.debug("RPCReply for %s is OK", snippet_name)
+ LOG.info(_("%s successfully executed"), snippet_name)
+ return True
+ # Not Ok, we throw a ConfigurationException
+ e_type = rpc_obj._root[0][0].text
+ e_tag = rpc_obj._root[0][1].text
+ params = {'snippet': snippet_name, 'type': e_type, 'tag': e_tag}
+ raise cfg_exc.CSR1kvConfigException(**params)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import abc
+import six
+class RoutingDriverBase(object):
+ """Base class that defines an abstract interface for the Routing Driver.
+ This class defines the abstract interface/API for the Routing and
+ NAT related operations. Driver class corresponding to a hosting device
+ should inherit this base driver and implement its methods.
+ RouterInfo object (neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.router_info.RouterInfo)
+ is a wrapper around the router dictionary, with attributes for easy access
+ to parameters.
+ """
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def router_added(self, router_info):
+ """A logical router was assigned to the hosting device.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def router_removed(self, router_info):
+ """A logical router was de-assigned from the hosting device.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def internal_network_added(self, router_info, port):
+ """An internal network was connected to a router.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param port : port dictionary for the port where the internal
+ network is connected
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def internal_network_removed(self, router_info, port):
+ """An internal network was removed from a router.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param port : port dictionary for the port where the internal
+ network was connected
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def external_gateway_added(self, router_info, ex_gw_port):
+ """An external network was added to a router.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object of the router
+ :param ex_gw_port : port dictionary for the port where the external
+ gateway network is connected
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def external_gateway_removed(self, router_info, ex_gw_port):
+ """An external network was removed from the router.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object of the router
+ :param ex_gw_port : port dictionary for the port where the external
+ gateway network was connected
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def enable_internal_network_NAT(self, router_info, port, ex_gw_port):
+ """Enable NAT on an internal network.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param port : port dictionary for the port where the internal
+ network is connected
+ :param ex_gw_port : port dictionary for the port where the external
+ gateway network is connected
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def disable_internal_network_NAT(self, router_info, port, ex_gw_port):
+ """Disable NAT on an internal network.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param port : port dictionary for the port where the internal
+ network is connected
+ :param ex_gw_port : port dictionary for the port where the external
+ gateway network is connected
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def floating_ip_added(self, router_info, ex_gw_port,
+ floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ """A floating IP was added.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param ex_gw_port : port dictionary for the port where the external
+ gateway network is connected
+ :param floating_ip: Floating IP as a string
+ :param fixed_ip : Fixed IP of internal internal interface as
+ a string
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def floating_ip_removed(self, router_info, ex_gw_port,
+ floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ """A floating IP was removed.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param ex_gw_port : port dictionary for the port where the external
+ gateway network is connected
+ :param floating_ip: Floating IP as a string
+ :param fixed_ip: Fixed IP of internal internal interface as a string
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def routes_updated(self, router_info, action, route):
+ """Routes were updated for router.
+ :param router_info: RouterInfo object for this router
+ :param action : Action on the route , either 'replace' or 'delete'
+ :param route: route dictionary with keys 'destination' & 'next_hop'
+ :return None
+ """
+ pass
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+from neutron.openstack.common import excutils
+from neutron.openstack.common import importutils
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import cfg_exceptions
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DeviceDriverManager(object):
+ """This class acts as a manager for device drivers.
+ The device driver manager maintains the relationship between the
+ different neutron logical resource (eg: routers, firewalls, vpns etc.) and
+ where they are hosted. For configuring a logical resource (router) in a
+ hosting device, a corresponding device driver object is used.
+ Device drivers encapsulate the necessary configuration information to
+ configure a logical resource (eg: routers, firewalls, vpns etc.) on a
+ hosting device (eg: CSR1kv).
+ The device driver class loads one driver object per hosting device.
+ The loaded drivers are cached in memory, so when a request is made to
+ get driver object for the same hosting device and resource (like router),
+ the existing driver object is reused.
+ This class is used by the service helper classes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._drivers = {}
+ self._hosting_device_routing_drivers_binding = {}
+ def get_driver(self, resource_id):
+ try:
+ return self._drivers[resource_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
+ raise cfg_exceptions.DriverNotFound(id=resource_id)
+ def set_driver(self, resource):
+ """Set the driver for a neutron resource.
+ :param resource: Neutron resource in dict format. Expected keys:
+ { 'id': <value>
+ 'hosting_device': { 'id': <value>, }
+ 'router_type': {'cfg_agent_driver': <value>, }
+ }
+ :return driver : driver object
+ """
+ try:
+ resource_id = resource['id']
+ hosting_device = resource['hosting_device']
+ hd_id = hosting_device['id']
+ if hd_id in self._hosting_device_routing_drivers_binding:
+ driver = self._hosting_device_routing_drivers_binding[hd_id]
+ self._drivers[resource_id] = driver
+ else:
+ driver_class = resource['router_type']['cfg_agent_driver']
+ driver = importutils.import_object(driver_class,
+ **hosting_device)
+ self._hosting_device_routing_drivers_binding[hd_id] = driver
+ self._drivers[resource_id] = driver
+ return driver
+ except ImportError:
+ LOG.exception(_("Error loading cfg agent driver %(driver)s for "
+ "hosting device template %(t_name)s(%(t_id)s)"),
+ {'driver': driver_class, 't_id': hd_id,
+ 't_name': hosting_device['name']})
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
+ raise cfg_exceptions.DriverNotExist(driver=driver_class)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
+ raise cfg_exceptions.DriverNotSetForMissingParameter(e)
+ def remove_driver(self, resource_id):
+ """Remove driver associated to a particular resource."""
+ if resource_id in self._drivers:
+ del self._drivers[resource_id]
+ def remove_driver_for_hosting_device(self, hd_id):
+ """Remove driver associated to a particular hosting device."""
+ if hd_id in self._hosting_device_routing_drivers_binding:
+ del self._hosting_device_routing_drivers_binding[hd_id]
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import json
+import logging
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.device_drivers import devicedriver_api
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DummyRoutingDriver(devicedriver_api.RoutingDriverBase):
+ """Dummy Routing Driver.
+ This class emulates a routing driver without a real backing device.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **device_params):
+ my_device_params = device_params
+ # Datetime values causes json decoding errors. So removing it locally
+ if my_device_params.get('created_at'):
+ del my_device_params['created_at']
+ LOG.debug(json.dumps(my_device_params, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
+ ###### Public Functions ########
+ def router_added(self, ri):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver router_added() called.")
+ def router_removed(self, ri):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver router_removed() called.")
+ def internal_network_added(self, ri, port):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver internal_network_added() called.")
+ LOG.debug("Int port data: " + json.dumps(port, sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4))
+ def internal_network_removed(self, ri, port):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver internal_network_removed() called.")
+ def external_gateway_added(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver external_gateway_added() called.")
+ LOG.debug("Ext port data: " + json.dumps(ex_gw_port, sort_keys=True,
+ indent=4))
+ def external_gateway_removed(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver external_gateway_removed() called.")
+ def enable_internal_network_NAT(self, ri, port, ex_gw_port):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver external_gateway_added() called.")
+ def disable_internal_network_NAT(self, ri, port, ex_gw_port):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver disable_internal_network_NAT() called.")
+ def floating_ip_added(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver floating_ip_added() called.")
+ def floating_ip_removed(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver floating_ip_removed() called.")
+ def routes_updated(self, ri, action, route):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver routes_updated() called.")
+ def clear_connection(self):
+ LOG.debug("DummyDriver clear_connection() called.")
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import datetime
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from neutron.agent.linux import utils as linux_utils
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.openstack.common import timeutils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ cfg.IntOpt('device_connection_timeout', default=30,
+ help=_("Time in seconds for connecting to a hosting device")),
+ cfg.IntOpt('hosting_device_dead_timeout', default=300,
+ help=_("The time in seconds until a backlogged hosting device "
+ "is presumed dead. This value should be set up high "
+ "enough to recover from a period of connectivity loss "
+ "or high load when the device may not be responding.")),
+def _is_pingable(ip):
+ """Checks whether an IP address is reachable by pinging.
+ Use linux utils to execute the ping (ICMP ECHO) command.
+ Sends 5 packets with an interval of 0.2 seconds and timeout of 1
+ seconds. Runtime error implies unreachability else IP is pingable.
+ :param ip: IP to check
+ :return: bool - True or False depending on pingability.
+ """
+ ping_cmd = ['ping',
+ '-c', '5',
+ '-W', '1',
+ '-i', '0.2',
+ ip]
+ try:
+ linux_utils.execute(ping_cmd, check_exit_code=True)
+ return True
+ except RuntimeError:
+ LOG.warn(_("Cannot ping ip address: %s"), ip)
+ return False
+class DeviceStatus(object):
+ """Device status and backlog processing."""
+ _instance = None
+ def __new__(cls):
+ if not cls._instance:
+ cls._instance = super(DeviceStatus, cls).__new__(cls)
+ return cls._instance
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.backlog_hosting_devices = {}
+ def get_backlogged_hosting_devices(self):
+ return self.backlog_hosting_devices.keys()
+ def get_backlogged_hosting_devices_info(self):
+ wait_time = datetime.timedelta(
+ seconds=cfg.CONF.hosting_device_dead_timeout)
+ resp = []
+ for hd_id in self.backlog_hosting_devices:
+ hd = self.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id]['hd']
+ created_time = hd['created_at']
+ boottime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=hd['booting_time'])
+ backlogged_at = hd['backlog_insertion_ts']
+ booted_at = created_time + boottime
+ dead_at = backlogged_at + wait_time
+ resp.append({'host id': hd['id'],
+ 'created at': str(created_time),
+ 'backlogged at': str(backlogged_at),
+ 'estimate booted at': str(booted_at),
+ 'considered dead at': str(dead_at)})
+ return resp
+ def is_hosting_device_reachable(self, hosting_device):
+ """Check the hosting device which hosts this resource is reachable.
+ If the resource is not reachable, it is added to the backlog.
+ :param hosting_device : dict of the hosting device
+ :return True if device is reachable, else None
+ """
+ hd = hosting_device
+ hd_id = hosting_device['id']
+ hd_mgmt_ip = hosting_device['management_ip_address']
+ # Modifying the 'created_at' to a date time object
+ hosting_device['created_at'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
+ hosting_device['created_at'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ if hd_id not in self.backlog_hosting_devices:
+ if _is_pingable(hd_mgmt_ip):
+ LOG.debug("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s@%(ip)s is reachable.",
+ {'hd_id': hd_id, 'ip': hd_mgmt_ip})
+ return True
+ LOG.debug("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s@%(ip)s is NOT reachable.",
+ {'hd_id': hd_id, 'ip': hd_mgmt_ip})
+ hd['backlog_insertion_ts'] = max(
+ timeutils.utcnow(),
+ hd['created_at'] +
+ datetime.timedelta(seconds=hd['booting_time']))
+ self.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id] = {'hd': hd}
+ LOG.debug("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s @ %(ip)s is now added "
+ "to backlog", {'hd_id': hd_id, 'ip': hd_mgmt_ip})
+ def check_backlogged_hosting_devices(self):
+ """"Checks the status of backlogged hosting devices.
+ Skips newly spun up instances during their booting time as specified
+ in the boot time parameter.
+ :return A dict of the format:
+ {'reachable': [<hd_id>,..], 'dead': [<hd_id>,..]}
+ """
+ response_dict = {'reachable': [], 'dead': []}
+ LOG.debug("Current Backlogged hosting devices: %s",
+ self.backlog_hosting_devices.keys())
+ for hd_id in self.backlog_hosting_devices.keys():
+ hd = self.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id]['hd']
+ if not timeutils.is_older_than(hd['created_at'],
+ hd['booting_time']):
+ LOG.info(_("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s @ %(ip)s hasn't passed "
+ "minimum boot time. Skipping it. "),
+ {'hd_id': hd_id, 'ip': hd['management_ip_address']})
+ continue
+ LOG.info(_("Checking hosting device: %(hd_id)s @ %(ip)s for "
+ "reachability."), {'hd_id': hd_id,
+ 'ip': hd['management_ip_address']})
+ if _is_pingable(hd['management_ip_address']):
+ hd.pop('backlog_insertion_ts', None)
+ del self.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id]
+ response_dict['reachable'].append(hd_id)
+ LOG.info(_("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s @ %(ip)s is now "
+ "reachable. Adding it to response"),
+ {'hd_id': hd_id, 'ip': hd['management_ip_address']})
+ else:
+ LOG.info(_("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s @ %(ip)s still not "
+ "reachable "), {'hd_id': hd_id,
+ 'ip': hd['management_ip_address']})
+ if timeutils.is_older_than(
+ hd['backlog_insertion_ts'],
+ cfg.CONF.hosting_device_dead_timeout):
+ LOG.debug("Hosting device: %(hd_id)s @ %(ip)s hasn't "
+ "been reachable for the last %(time)d seconds. "
+ "Marking it dead.",
+ {'hd_id': hd_id,
+ 'ip': hd['management_ip_address'],
+ 'time': cfg.CONF.hosting_device_dead_timeout})
+ response_dict['dead'].append(hd_id)
+ hd.pop('backlog_insertion_ts', None)
+ del self.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id]
+ LOG.debug("Response: %s", response_dict)
+ return response_dict
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import collections
+import eventlet
+import netaddr
+from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron.common import topics
+from neutron.common import utils as common_utils
+from neutron import context as n_context
+from neutron.openstack.common import excutils
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import cfg_exceptions
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.device_drivers import driver_mgr
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import device_status
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as c_constants
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+N_ROUTER_PREFIX = 'nrouter-'
+class RouterInfo(object):
+ """Wrapper class around the (neutron) router dictionary.
+ Information about the neutron router is exchanged as a python dictionary
+ between plugin and config agent. RouterInfo is a wrapper around that dict,
+ with attributes for common parameters. These attributes keep the state
+ of the current router configuration, and are used for detecting router
+ state changes when an updated router dict is received.
+ This is a modified version of the RouterInfo class defined in the
+ (reference) l3-agent implementation, for use with cisco config agent.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, router_id, router):
+ self.router_id = router_id
+ self.ex_gw_port = None
+ self._snat_enabled = None
+ self._snat_action = None
+ self.internal_ports = []
+ self.floating_ips = []
+ self._router = None
+ self.router = router
+ self.routes = []
+ self.ha_info = router.get('ha_info')
+ @property
+ def router(self):
+ return self._router
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return self.router_id
+ @property
+ def snat_enabled(self):
+ return self._snat_enabled
+ @router.setter
+ def router(self, value):
+ self._router = value
+ if not self._router:
+ return
+ # enable_snat by default if it wasn't specified by plugin
+ self._snat_enabled = self._router.get('enable_snat', True)
+ def router_name(self):
+ return N_ROUTER_PREFIX + self.router_id
+class CiscoRoutingPluginApi(n_rpc.RpcProxy):
+ """RoutingServiceHelper(Agent) side of the routing RPC API."""
+ def __init__(self, topic, host):
+ super(CiscoRoutingPluginApi, self).__init__(
+ topic=topic, default_version=self.BASE_RPC_API_VERSION)
+ self.host = host
+ def get_routers(self, context, router_ids=None, hd_ids=None):
+ """Make a remote process call to retrieve the sync data for routers.
+ :param context: session context
+ :param router_ids: list of routers to fetch
+ :param hd_ids : hosting device ids, only routers assigned to these
+ hosting devices will be returned.
+ """
+ return self.call(context,
+ self.make_msg('cfg_sync_routers',
+ host=self.host,
+ router_ids=router_ids,
+ hosting_device_ids=hd_ids),
+ topic=self.topic)
+class RoutingServiceHelper():
+ def __init__(self, host, conf, cfg_agent):
+ self.conf = conf
+ self.cfg_agent = cfg_agent
+ self.context = n_context.get_admin_context_without_session()
+ self.plugin_rpc = CiscoRoutingPluginApi(topics.L3PLUGIN, host)
+ self._dev_status = device_status.DeviceStatus()
+ self._drivermgr = driver_mgr.DeviceDriverManager()
+ self.router_info = {}
+ self.updated_routers = set()
+ self.removed_routers = set()
+ self.sync_devices = set()
+ self.fullsync = True
+ self.topic = '%s.%s' % (c_constants.CFG_AGENT_L3_ROUTING, host)
+ self._setup_rpc()
+ def _setup_rpc(self):
+ self.conn = n_rpc.create_connection(new=True)
+ self.endpoints = [self]
+ self.conn.create_consumer(self.topic, self.endpoints, fanout=False)
+ self.conn.consume_in_threads()
+ ### Notifications from Plugin ####
+ def router_deleted(self, context, routers):
+ """Deal with router deletion RPC message."""
+ LOG.debug('Got router deleted notification for %s', routers)
+ self.removed_routers.update(routers)
+ def routers_updated(self, context, routers):
+ """Deal with routers modification and creation RPC message."""
+ LOG.debug('Got routers updated notification :%s', routers)
+ if routers:
+ # This is needed for backward compatibility
+ if isinstance(routers[0], dict):
+ routers = [router['id'] for router in routers]
+ self.updated_routers.update(routers)
+ def router_removed_from_agent(self, context, payload):
+ LOG.debug('Got router removed from agent :%r', payload)
+ self.removed_routers.add(payload['router_id'])
+ def router_added_to_agent(self, context, payload):
+ LOG.debug('Got router added to agent :%r', payload)
+ self.routers_updated(context, payload)
+ # Routing service helper public methods
+ def process_service(self, device_ids=None, removed_devices_info=None):
+ try:
+ LOG.debug("Routing service processing started")
+ resources = {}
+ routers = []
+ removed_routers = []
+ all_routers_flag = False
+ if self.fullsync:
+ LOG.debug("FullSync flag is on. Starting fullsync")
+ # Setting all_routers_flag and clear the global full_sync flag
+ all_routers_flag = True
+ self.fullsync = False
+ self.updated_routers.clear()
+ self.removed_routers.clear()
+ self.sync_devices.clear()
+ routers = self._fetch_router_info(all_routers=True)
+ else:
+ if self.updated_routers:
+ router_ids = list(self.updated_routers)
+ LOG.debug("Updated routers:%s", router_ids)
+ self.updated_routers.clear()
+ routers = self._fetch_router_info(router_ids=router_ids)
+ if device_ids:
+ LOG.debug("Adding new devices:%s", device_ids)
+ self.sync_devices = set(device_ids) | self.sync_devices
+ if self.sync_devices:
+ sync_devices_list = list(self.sync_devices)
+ LOG.debug("Fetching routers on:%s", sync_devices_list)
+ routers.extend(self._fetch_router_info(
+ device_ids=sync_devices_list))
+ self.sync_devices.clear()
+ if removed_devices_info:
+ if removed_devices_info.get('deconfigure'):
+ ids = self._get_router_ids_from_removed_devices_info(
+ removed_devices_info)
+ self.removed_routers = self.removed_routers | set(ids)
+ if self.removed_routers:
+ removed_routers_ids = list(self.removed_routers)
+ LOG.debug("Removed routers:%s", removed_routers_ids)
+ for r in removed_routers_ids:
+ if r in self.router_info:
+ removed_routers.append(self.router_info[r].router)
+ # Sort on hosting device
+ if routers:
+ resources['routers'] = routers
+ if removed_routers:
+ resources['removed_routers'] = removed_routers
+ hosting_devices = self._sort_resources_per_hosting_device(
+ resources)
+ # Dispatch process_services() for each hosting device
+ pool = eventlet.GreenPool()
+ for device_id, resources in hosting_devices.items():
+ routers = resources.get('routers')
+ removed_routers = resources.get('removed_routers')
+ pool.spawn_n(self._process_routers, routers, removed_routers,
+ device_id, all_routers=all_routers_flag)
+ pool.waitall()
+ if removed_devices_info:
+ for hd_id in removed_devices_info['hosting_data']:
+ self._drivermgr.remove_driver_for_hosting_device(hd_id)
+ LOG.debug("Routing service processing successfully completed")
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception(_("Failed processing routers"))
+ self.fullsync = True
+ def collect_state(self, configurations):
+ """Collect state from this helper.
+ A set of attributes which summarizes the state of the routers and
+ configurations managed by this config agent.
+ :param configurations: dict of configuration values
+ :return dict of updated configuration values
+ """
+ num_ex_gw_ports = 0
+ num_interfaces = 0
+ num_floating_ips = 0
+ router_infos = self.router_info.values()
+ num_routers = len(router_infos)
+ num_hd_routers = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ for ri in router_infos:
+ ex_gw_port = ri.router.get('gw_port')
+ if ex_gw_port:
+ num_ex_gw_ports += 1
+ num_interfaces += len(ri.router.get(
+ l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY, []))
+ num_floating_ips += len(ri.router.get(
+ l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY, []))
+ hd = ri.router['hosting_device']
+ if hd:
+ num_hd_routers[hd['id']] += 1
+ routers_per_hd = dict((hd_id, {'routers': num})
+ for hd_id, num in num_hd_routers.items())
+ non_responding = self._dev_status.get_backlogged_hosting_devices()
+ configurations['total routers'] = num_routers
+ configurations['total ex_gw_ports'] = num_ex_gw_ports
+ configurations['total interfaces'] = num_interfaces
+ configurations['total floating_ips'] = num_floating_ips
+ configurations['hosting_devices'] = routers_per_hd
+ configurations['non_responding_hosting_devices'] = non_responding
+ return configurations
+ # Routing service helper internal methods
+ def _fetch_router_info(self, router_ids=None, device_ids=None,
+ all_routers=False):
+ """Fetch router dict from the routing plugin.
+ :param router_ids: List of router_ids of routers to fetch
+ :param device_ids: List of device_ids whose routers to fetch
+ :param all_routers: If True fetch all the routers for this agent.
+ :return: List of router dicts of format:
+ [ {router_dict1}, {router_dict2},.....]
+ """
+ try:
+ if all_routers:
+ return self.plugin_rpc.get_routers(self.context)
+ if router_ids:
+ return self.plugin_rpc.get_routers(self.context,
+ router_ids=router_ids)
+ if device_ids:
+ return self.plugin_rpc.get_routers(self.context,
+ hd_ids=device_ids)
+ except n_rpc.RPCException:
+ LOG.exception(_("RPC Error in fetching routers from plugin"))
+ self.fullsync = True
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_router_ids_from_removed_devices_info(removed_devices_info):
+ """Extract router_ids from the removed devices info dict.
+ :param removed_devices_info: Dict of removed devices and their
+ associated resources.
+ Format:
+ {
+ 'hosting_data': {'hd_id1': {'routers': [id1, id2, ...]},
+ 'hd_id2': {'routers': [id3, id4, ...]},
+ ...
+ },
+ 'deconfigure': True/False
+ }
+ :return removed_router_ids: List of removed router ids
+ """
+ removed_router_ids = []
+ for hd_id, resources in removed_devices_info['hosting_data'].items():
+ removed_router_ids += resources.get('routers', [])
+ return removed_router_ids
+ @staticmethod
+ def _sort_resources_per_hosting_device(resources):
+ """This function will sort the resources on hosting device.
+ The sorting on hosting device is done by looking up the
+ `hosting_device` attribute of the resource, and its `id`.
+ :param resources: a dict with key of resource name
+ :return dict sorted on the hosting device of input resource. Format:
+ hosting_devices = {
+ 'hd_id1' : {'routers':[routers],
+ 'removed_routers':[routers], .... }
+ 'hd_id2' : {'routers':[routers], .. }
+ .......
+ }
+ """
+ hosting_devices = {}
+ for key in resources.keys():
+ for r in resources.get(key) or []:
+ hd_id = r['hosting_device']['id']
+ hosting_devices.setdefault(hd_id, {})
+ hosting_devices[hd_id].setdefault(key, []).append(r)
+ return hosting_devices
+ def _process_routers(self, routers, removed_routers,
+ device_id=None, all_routers=False):
+ """Process the set of routers.
+ Iterating on the set of routers received and comparing it with the
+ set of routers already in the routing service helper, new routers
+ which are added are identified. Before processing check the
+ reachability (via ping) of hosting device where the router is hosted.
+ If device is not reachable it is backlogged.
+ For routers which are only updated, call `_process_router()` on them.
+ When all_routers is set to True (because of a full sync),
+ this will result in the detection and deletion of routers which
+ have been removed.
+ Whether the router can only be assigned to a particular hosting device
+ is decided and enforced by the plugin. No checks are done here.
+ :param routers: The set of routers to be processed
+ :param removed_routers: the set of routers which where removed
+ :param device_id: Id of the hosting device
+ :param all_routers: Flag for specifying a partial list of routers
+ :return: None
+ """
+ try:
+ if all_routers:
+ prev_router_ids = set(self.router_info)
+ else:
+ prev_router_ids = set(self.router_info) & set(
+ [router['id'] for router in routers])
+ cur_router_ids = set()
+ for r in routers:
+ try:
+ if not r['admin_state_up']:
+ continue
+ cur_router_ids.add(r['id'])
+ hd = r['hosting_device']
+ if not self._dev_status.is_hosting_device_reachable(hd):
+ LOG.info(_("Router: %(id)s is on an unreachable "
+ "hosting device. "), {'id': r['id']})
+ continue
+ if r['id'] not in self.router_info:
+ self._router_added(r['id'], r)
+ ri = self.router_info[r['id']]
+ ri.router = r
+ self._process_router(ri)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ LOG.exception(_("Key Error, missing key: %s"), e)
+ self.updated_routers.add(r['id'])
+ continue
+ except cfg_exceptions.DriverException as e:
+ LOG.exception(_("Driver Exception on router:%(id)s. "
+ "Error is %(e)s"), {'id': r['id'], 'e': e})
+ self.updated_routers.update(r['id'])
+ continue
+ # identify and remove routers that no longer exist
+ for router_id in prev_router_ids - cur_router_ids:
+ self._router_removed(router_id)
+ if removed_routers:
+ for router in removed_routers:
+ self._router_removed(router['id'])
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.exception(_("Exception in processing routers on device:%s"),
+ device_id)
+ self.sync_devices.add(device_id)
+ def _process_router(self, ri):
+ """Process a router, apply latest configuration and update router_info.
+ Get the router dict from RouterInfo and proceed to detect changes
+ from the last known state. When new ports or deleted ports are
+ detected, `internal_network_added()` or `internal_networks_removed()`
+ are called accordingly. Similarly changes in ex_gw_port causes
+ `external_gateway_added()` or `external_gateway_removed()` calls.
+ Next, floating_ips and routes are processed. Also, latest state is
+ stored in ri.internal_ports and ri.ex_gw_port for future comparisons.
+ :param ri : RouterInfo object of the router being processed.
+ :return:None
+ :raises: neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_exceptions.DriverException
+ if the configuration operation fails.
+ """
+ try:
+ ex_gw_port = ri.router.get('gw_port')
+ ri.ha_info = ri.router.get('ha_info', None)
+ internal_ports = ri.router.get(l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY, [])
+ existing_port_ids = set([p['id'] for p in ri.internal_ports])
+ current_port_ids = set([p['id'] for p in internal_ports
+ if p['admin_state_up']])
+ new_ports = [p for p in internal_ports
+ if
+ p['id'] in (current_port_ids - existing_port_ids)]
+ old_ports = [p for p in ri.internal_ports
+ if p['id'] not in current_port_ids]
+ for p in new_ports:
+ self._set_subnet_info(p)
+ self._internal_network_added(ri, p, ex_gw_port)
+ ri.internal_ports.append(p)
+ for p in old_ports:
+ self._internal_network_removed(ri, p, ri.ex_gw_port)
+ ri.internal_ports.remove(p)
+ if ex_gw_port and not ri.ex_gw_port:
+ self._set_subnet_info(ex_gw_port)
+ self._external_gateway_added(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ elif not ex_gw_port and ri.ex_gw_port:
+ self._external_gateway_removed(ri, ri.ex_gw_port)
+ if ex_gw_port:
+ self._process_router_floating_ips(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ ri.ex_gw_port = ex_gw_port
+ self._routes_updated(ri)
+ except cfg_exceptions.DriverException as e:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ self.updated_routers.update(ri.router_id)
+ LOG.error(e)
+ def _process_router_floating_ips(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ """Process a router's floating ips.
+ Compare current floatingips (in ri.floating_ips) with the router's
+ updated floating ips (in ri.router.floating_ips) and detect
+ flaoting_ips which were added or removed. Notify driver of
+ the change via `floating_ip_added()` or `floating_ip_removed()`.
+ :param ri: RouterInfo object of the router being processed.
+ :param ex_gw_port: Port dict of the external gateway port.
+ :return: None
+ :raises: neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_exceptions.DriverException
+ if the configuration operation fails.
+ """
+ floating_ips = ri.router.get(l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY, [])
+ existing_floating_ip_ids = set(
+ [fip['id'] for fip in ri.floating_ips])
+ cur_floating_ip_ids = set([fip['id'] for fip in floating_ips])
+ id_to_fip_map = {}
+ for fip in floating_ips:
+ if fip['port_id']:
+ # store to see if floatingip was remapped
+ id_to_fip_map[fip['id']] = fip
+ if fip['id'] not in existing_floating_ip_ids:
+ ri.floating_ips.append(fip)
+ self._floating_ip_added(ri, ex_gw_port,
+ fip['floating_ip_address'],
+ fip['fixed_ip_address'])
+ floating_ip_ids_to_remove = (existing_floating_ip_ids -
+ cur_floating_ip_ids)
+ for fip in ri.floating_ips:
+ if fip['id'] in floating_ip_ids_to_remove:
+ ri.floating_ips.remove(fip)
+ self._floating_ip_removed(ri, ri.ex_gw_port,
+ fip['floating_ip_address'],
+ fip['fixed_ip_address'])
+ else:
+ # handle remapping of a floating IP
+ new_fip = id_to_fip_map[fip['id']]
+ new_fixed_ip = new_fip['fixed_ip_address']
+ existing_fixed_ip = fip['fixed_ip_address']
+ if (new_fixed_ip and existing_fixed_ip and
+ new_fixed_ip != existing_fixed_ip):
+ floating_ip = fip['floating_ip_address']
+ self._floating_ip_removed(ri, ri.ex_gw_port,
+ floating_ip,
+ existing_fixed_ip)
+ self._floating_ip_added(ri, ri.ex_gw_port,
+ floating_ip, new_fixed_ip)
+ ri.floating_ips.remove(fip)
+ ri.floating_ips.append(new_fip)
+ def _router_added(self, router_id, router):
+ """Operations when a router is added.
+ Create a new RouterInfo object for this router and add it to the
+ service helpers router_info dictionary. Then `router_added()` is
+ called on the device driver.
+ :param router_id: id of the router
+ :param router: router dict
+ :return: None
+ """
+ ri = RouterInfo(router_id, router)
+ driver = self._drivermgr.set_driver(router)
+ driver.router_added(ri)
+ self.router_info[router_id] = ri
+ def _router_removed(self, router_id, deconfigure=True):
+ """Operations when a router is removed.
+ Get the RouterInfo object corresponding to the router in the service
+ helpers's router_info dict. If deconfigure is set to True,
+ remove this router's configuration from the hosting device.
+ :param router_id: id of the router
+ :param deconfigure: if True, the router's configuration is deleted from
+ the hosting device.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ ri = self.router_info.get(router_id)
+ if ri is None:
+ LOG.warn(_("Info for router %s was not found. "
+ "Skipping router removal"), router_id)
+ return
+ ri.router['gw_port'] = None
+ ri.router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY] = []
+ ri.router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY] = []
+ try:
+ if deconfigure:
+ self._process_router(ri)
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(router_id)
+ driver.router_removed(ri, deconfigure)
+ self._drivermgr.remove_driver(router_id)
+ del self.router_info[router_id]
+ self.removed_routers.discard(router_id)
+ except cfg_exceptions.DriverException:
+ LOG.warn(_("Router remove for router_id: %s was incomplete. "
+ "Adding the router to removed_routers list"), router_id)
+ self.removed_routers.add(router_id)
+ # remove this router from updated_routers if it is there. It might
+ # end up there too if exception was thrown earlier inside
+ # `_process_router()`
+ self.updated_routers.discard(router_id)
+ def _internal_network_added(self, ri, port, ex_gw_port):
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.internal_network_added(ri, port)
+ if ri.snat_enabled and ex_gw_port:
+ driver.enable_internal_network_NAT(ri, port, ex_gw_port)
+ def _internal_network_removed(self, ri, port, ex_gw_port):
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.internal_network_removed(ri, port)
+ if ri.snat_enabled and ex_gw_port:
+ driver.disable_internal_network_NAT(ri, port, ex_gw_port)
+ def _external_gateway_added(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.external_gateway_added(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ if ri.snat_enabled and ri.internal_ports:
+ for port in ri.internal_ports:
+ driver.enable_internal_network_NAT(ri, port, ex_gw_port)
+ def _external_gateway_removed(self, ri, ex_gw_port):
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ if ri.snat_enabled and ri.internal_ports:
+ for port in ri.internal_ports:
+ driver.disable_internal_network_NAT(ri, port, ex_gw_port)
+ driver.external_gateway_removed(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ def _floating_ip_added(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.floating_ip_added(ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip)
+ def _floating_ip_removed(self, ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip):
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.floating_ip_removed(ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip, fixed_ip)
+ def _routes_updated(self, ri):
+ """Update the state of routes in the router.
+ Compares the current routes with the (configured) existing routes
+ and detect what was removed or added. Then configure the
+ logical router in the hosting device accordingly.
+ :param ri: RouterInfo corresponding to the router.
+ :return: None
+ :raises: neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_exceptions.DriverException
+ if the configuration operation fails.
+ """
+ new_routes = ri.router['routes']
+ old_routes = ri.routes
+ adds, removes = common_utils.diff_list_of_dict(old_routes,
+ new_routes)
+ for route in adds:
+ LOG.debug("Added route entry is '%s'", route)
+ # remove replaced route from deleted route
+ for del_route in removes:
+ if route['destination'] == del_route['destination']:
+ removes.remove(del_route)
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.routes_updated(ri, 'replace', route)
+ for route in removes:
+ LOG.debug("Removed route entry is '%s'", route)
+ driver = self._drivermgr.get_driver(ri.id)
+ driver.routes_updated(ri, 'delete', route)
+ ri.routes = new_routes
+ @staticmethod
+ def _set_subnet_info(port):
+ ips = port['fixed_ips']
+ if not ips:
+ raise Exception(_("Router port %s has no IP address") % port['id'])
+ if len(ips) > 1:
+ LOG.error(_("Ignoring multiple IPs on router port %s"), port['id'])
+ prefixlen = netaddr.IPNetwork(port['subnet']['cidr']).prefixlen
+ port['ip_cidr'] = "%s/%s" % (ips[0]['ip_address'], prefixlen)
NEXUS_VXLAN_MAX = 16000000
+# Type and topic for Cisco cfg agent
+# ==================================
+AGENT_TYPE_CFG = 'Cisco cfg agent'
+# Topic for Cisco configuration agent
+CFG_AGENT = 'cisco_cfg_agent'
+# Topic for routing service helper in Cisco configuration agent
+CFG_AGENT_L3_ROUTING = 'cisco_cfg_agent_l3_routing'
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import mock
+from oslo.config import cfg
+import testtools
+from neutron.agent.common import config
+from neutron.common import config as base_config
+from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import cfg_agent
+from neutron.tests import base
+_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
+HOSTNAME = 'myhost'
+FAKE_ID = _uuid()
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def prepare_router_data(enable_snat=None, num_internal_ports=1):
+ router_id = _uuid()
+ ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '',
+ 'gateway_ip': ''}}
+ int_ports = []
+ for i in range(num_internal_ports):
+ int_ports.append({'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'admin_state_up': True,
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '35.4.%s.4' % i,
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef',
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '35.4.%s.0/24' % i,
+ 'gateway_ip': '35.4.%s.1' % i}})
+ hosting_device = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'host_type': 'CSR1kv',
+ 'ip_address': '',
+ 'port': '23'}
+ router = {
+ 'id': router_id,
+ l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY: int_ports,
+ 'routes': [],
+ 'gw_port': ex_gw_port,
+ 'hosting_device': hosting_device}
+ if enable_snat is not None:
+ router['enable_snat'] = enable_snat
+ return router, int_ports
+class TestCiscoCfgAgentWIthStateReporting(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
+ config.register_agent_state_opts_helper(cfg.CONF)
+ self.conf.register_opts(base_config.core_opts)
+ self.conf.register_opts(cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgent.OPTS)
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('report_interval', 0, 'AGENT')
+ super(TestCiscoCfgAgentWIthStateReporting, self).setUp()
+ self.devmgr_plugin_api_cls_p = mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_agent.'
+ 'CiscoDeviceManagementApi')
+ devmgr_plugin_api_cls = self.devmgr_plugin_api_cls_p.start()
+ self.devmgr_plugin_api = mock.Mock()
+ devmgr_plugin_api_cls.return_value = self.devmgr_plugin_api
+ self.devmgr_plugin_api.register_for_duty.return_value = True
+ self.plugin_reportstate_api_cls_p = mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.agent.rpc.PluginReportStateAPI')
+ plugin_reportstate_api_cls = self.plugin_reportstate_api_cls_p.start()
+ self.plugin_reportstate_api = mock.Mock()
+ plugin_reportstate_api_cls.return_value = self.plugin_reportstate_api
+ self.looping_call_p = mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.openstack.common.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall')
+ self.looping_call_p.start()
+ mock.patch('neutron.common.rpc.create_connection').start()
+ def test_agent_registration_success(self):
+ agent = cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
+ self.assertTrue(agent.devmgr_rpc.register_for_duty(agent.context))
+ def test_agent_registration_success_after_2_tries(self):
+ self.devmgr_plugin_api.register_for_duty = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=[False, False, True])
+ agent = cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
+ self.assertEqual(agent.devmgr_rpc.register_for_duty.call_count, 3)
+ def test_agent_registration_fail_always(self):
+ self.devmgr_plugin_api.register_for_duty = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=False)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(SystemExit):
+ cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
+ def test_agent_registration_no_device_mgr(self):
+ self.devmgr_plugin_api.register_for_duty = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=None)
+ with testtools.ExpectedException(SystemExit):
+ cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
+ def test_report_state(self):
+ agent = cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
+ agent._report_state()
+ self.assertIn('total routers', agent.agent_state['configurations'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, agent.agent_state[
+ 'configurations']['total routers'])
+ @mock.patch('neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.'
+ 'cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport._agent_registration')
+ def test_report_state_attribute_error(self, agent_registration):
+ cfg.CONF.set_override('report_interval', 1, 'AGENT')
+ self.plugin_reportstate_api.report_state.side_effect = AttributeError
+ agent = cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgentWithStateReport(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
+ agent.heartbeat = mock.Mock()
+ agent.send_agent_report(None, None)
+ self.assertTrue(agent.heartbeat.stop.called)
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import sys
+import mock
+import netaddr
+from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants
+from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
+from neutron.tests import base
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.device_drivers.csr1kv import (
+ cisco_csr1kv_snippets as snippets)
+sys.modules['ncclient'] = mock.MagicMock()
+sys.modules['ciscoconfparse'] = mock.MagicMock()
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.device_drivers.csr1kv import (
+ csr1kv_routing_driver as csr_driver)
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.service_helpers import routing_svc_helper
+_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
+FAKE_ID = _uuid()
+PORT_ID = _uuid()
+class TestCSR1kvRouting(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestCSR1kvRouting, self).setUp()
+ device_params = {'management_ip_address': 'fake_ip',
+ 'protocol_port': 22,
+ 'credentials': {"username": "stack",
+ "password": "cisco"},
+ }
+ self.driver = csr_driver.CSR1kvRoutingDriver(
+ **device_params)
+ self.mock_conn = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._csr_conn = self.mock_conn
+ self.driver._check_response = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
+ self.vrf = ('nrouter-' + FAKE_ID)[:csr_driver.CSR1kvRoutingDriver.
+ self.driver._get_vrfs = mock.Mock(return_value=[self.vrf])
+ self.ex_gw_ip = ''
+ self.ex_gw_cidr = ''
+ self.ex_gw_vlan = 1000
+ self.ex_gw_gateway_ip = ''
+ self.ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': self.ex_gw_ip,
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': self.ex_gw_cidr,
+ 'gateway_ip': self.ex_gw_gateway_ip},
+ 'ip_cidr': self.ex_gw_cidr,
+ 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef',
+ 'hosting_info': {'segmentation_id': self.ex_gw_vlan,
+ 'hosting_port_name': 't2_p:0'}}
+ self.vlan_no = 500
+ self.gw_ip_cidr = ''
+ self.gw_ip = ''
+ self.hosting_port = 't1_p:0'
+ self.port = {'id': PORT_ID,
+ 'ip_cidr': self.gw_ip_cidr,
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': self.gw_ip}],
+ 'hosting_info': {'segmentation_id': self.vlan_no,
+ 'hosting_port_name': self.hosting_port}}
+ int_ports = [self.port]
+ self.router = {
+ 'id': FAKE_ID,
+ l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY: int_ports,
+ 'enable_snat': True,
+ 'routes': [],
+ 'gw_port': self.ex_gw_port}
+ self.ri = routing_svc_helper.RouterInfo(FAKE_ID, self.router)
+ self.ri.internal_ports = int_ports
+ def test_csr_get_vrf_name(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.driver._csr_get_vrf_name(self.ri), self.vrf)
+ def test_create_vrf(self):
+ confstr = snippets.CREATE_VRF % self.vrf
+ self.driver._create_vrf(self.vrf)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.called)
+ self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.assert_called_with(target='running',
+ config=confstr)
+ def test_remove_vrf(self):
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_VRF % self.vrf
+ self.driver._remove_vrf(self.vrf)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.called)
+ self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.assert_called_with(target='running',
+ config=confstr)
+ def test_router_added(self):
+ confstr = snippets.CREATE_VRF % self.vrf
+ self.driver.router_added(self.ri)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.called)
+ self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.assert_called_with(target='running',
+ config=confstr)
+ def test_router_removed(self):
+ confstr = snippets.REMOVE_VRF % self.vrf
+ self.driver._remove_vrf(self.vrf)
+ self.assertTrue(self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.called)
+ self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.assert_called_once_with(
+ target='running', config=confstr)
+ def test_internal_network_added(self):
+ self.driver._create_subinterface = mock.MagicMock()
+ interface = 'GigabitEthernet0' + '.' + str(self.vlan_no)
+ self.driver.internal_network_added(self.ri, self.port)
+ args = (interface, self.vlan_no, self.vrf, self.gw_ip,
+ netaddr.IPAddress(''))
+ self.driver._create_subinterface.assert_called_once_with(*args)
+ def test_internal_network_removed(self):
+ self.driver._remove_subinterface = mock.MagicMock()
+ interface = 'GigabitEthernet0' + '.' + str(self.vlan_no)
+ self.driver.internal_network_removed(self.ri, self.port)
+ self.driver._remove_subinterface.assert_called_once_with(interface)
+ def test_routes_updated(self):
+ dest_net = ''
+ next_hop = ''
+ route = {'destination': dest_net,
+ 'nexthop': next_hop}
+ dest = netaddr.IPAddress('')
+ destmask = netaddr.IPNetwork(dest_net).netmask
+ self.driver._add_static_route = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._remove_static_route = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver.routes_updated(self.ri, 'replace', route)
+ self.driver._add_static_route.assert_called_once_with(
+ dest, destmask, next_hop, self.vrf)
+ self.driver.routes_updated(self.ri, 'delete', route)
+ self.driver._remove_static_route.assert_called_once_with(
+ dest, destmask, next_hop, self.vrf)
+ def test_floatingip(self):
+ floating_ip = ''
+ fixed_ip = ''
+ self.driver._add_floating_ip = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._remove_floating_ip = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._add_interface_nat = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._remove_dyn_nat_translations = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._remove_interface_nat = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver.floating_ip_added(self.ri, self.ex_gw_port,
+ floating_ip, fixed_ip)
+ self.driver._add_floating_ip.assert_called_once_with(
+ floating_ip, fixed_ip, self.vrf)
+ self.driver.floating_ip_removed(self.ri, self.ex_gw_port,
+ floating_ip, fixed_ip)
+ self.driver._remove_interface_nat.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'GigabitEthernet1.1000', 'outside')
+ self.driver._remove_dyn_nat_translations.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.driver._remove_floating_ip.assert_called_once_with(
+ floating_ip, fixed_ip, self.vrf)
+ self.driver._add_interface_nat.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'GigabitEthernet1.1000', 'outside')
+ def test_external_gateway_added(self):
+ self.driver._create_subinterface = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._add_default_static_route = mock.MagicMock()
+ ext_interface = 'GigabitEthernet1' + '.' + str(1000)
+ args = (ext_interface, self.ex_gw_vlan, self.vrf, self.ex_gw_ip,
+ netaddr.IPAddress(''))
+ self.driver.external_gateway_added(self.ri, self.ex_gw_port)
+ self.driver._create_subinterface.assert_called_once_with(*args)
+ self.driver._add_default_static_route.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ex_gw_gateway_ip, self.vrf)
+ def test_enable_internal_network_NAT(self):
+ self.driver._nat_rules_for_internet_access = mock.MagicMock()
+ int_interface = ('GigabitEthernet0' + '.' + str(self.vlan_no))
+ ext_interface = 'GigabitEthernet1' + '.' + str(1000)
+ args = (('acl_' + str(self.vlan_no)),
+ netaddr.IPNetwork(self.gw_ip_cidr).network,
+ netaddr.IPNetwork(self.gw_ip_cidr).hostmask,
+ int_interface,
+ ext_interface,
+ self.vrf)
+ self.driver.enable_internal_network_NAT(self.ri, self.port,
+ self.ex_gw_port)
+ self.driver._nat_rules_for_internet_access.assert_called_once_with(
+ *args)
+ def test_enable_internal_network_NAT_with_confstring(self):
+ self.driver._csr_conn.reset_mock()
+ self.driver._check_acl = mock.Mock(return_value=False)
+ int_interface = ('GigabitEthernet0' + '.' + str(self.vlan_no))
+ ext_interface = 'GigabitEthernet1' + '.' + str(1000)
+ acl_no = ('acl_' + str(self.vlan_no))
+ int_network = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.gw_ip_cidr).network
+ int_net_mask = netaddr.IPNetwork(self.gw_ip_cidr).hostmask
+ self.driver.enable_internal_network_NAT(self.ri, self.port,
+ self.ex_gw_port)
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(
+ snippets.CREATE_ACL, (acl_no, int_network, int_net_mask))
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(
+ snippets.SET_DYN_SRC_TRL_INTFC, (acl_no, ext_interface, self.vrf))
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(
+ snippets.SET_NAT, (int_interface, 'inside'))
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(
+ snippets.SET_NAT, (ext_interface, 'outside'))
+ def test_disable_internal_network_NAT(self):
+ self.driver._remove_interface_nat = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._remove_dyn_nat_translations = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.driver._remove_dyn_nat_rule = mock.MagicMock()
+ int_interface = ('GigabitEthernet0' + '.' + str(self.vlan_no))
+ ext_interface = 'GigabitEthernet1' + '.' + str(1000)
+ self.driver.disable_internal_network_NAT(self.ri, self.port,
+ self.ex_gw_port)
+ args = (('acl_' + str(self.vlan_no)), ext_interface, self.vrf)
+ self.driver._remove_interface_nat.assert_called_once_with(
+ int_interface, 'inside')
+ self.driver._remove_dyn_nat_translations.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.driver._remove_dyn_nat_rule.assert_called_once_with(*args)
+ def assert_edit_running_config(self, snippet_name, args):
+ if args:
+ confstr = snippet_name % args
+ else:
+ confstr = snippet_name
+ self.driver._csr_conn.edit_config.assert_any_call(
+ target='running', config=confstr)
+ def test_disable_internal_network_NAT_with_confstring(self):
+ self.driver._cfg_exists = mock.Mock(return_value=True)
+ int_interface = ('GigabitEthernet0' + '.' + str(self.vlan_no))
+ ext_interface = 'GigabitEthernet1' + '.' + str(1000)
+ acl_no = 'acl_' + str(self.vlan_no)
+ self.driver.disable_internal_network_NAT(self.ri, self.port,
+ self.ex_gw_port)
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(
+ snippets.REMOVE_NAT, (int_interface, 'inside'))
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(snippets.CLEAR_DYN_NAT_TRANS, None)
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(
+ snippets.REMOVE_DYN_SRC_TRL_INTFC, (acl_no, ext_interface,
+ self.vrf))
+ self.assert_edit_running_config(snippets.REMOVE_ACL, acl_no)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import sys
+import datetime
+import mock
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
+sys.modules['ncclient'] = mock.MagicMock()
+sys.modules['ciscoconfparse'] = mock.MagicMock()
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import device_status
+from neutron.tests import base
+_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+TYPE_STRING = 'string'
+TYPE_DATETIME = 'datetime'
+NOW = 0
+BOOT_TIME = 420
+DEAD_TIME = 300
+def create_timestamp(seconds_from_now, type=TYPE_STRING):
+ timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds_from_now)
+ past_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - timedelta
+ if type is TYPE_STRING:
+ return past_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
+ if type is TYPE_DATETIME:
+ return past_time
+class TestHostingDevice(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestHostingDevice, self).setUp()
+ self.status = device_status.DeviceStatus()
+ device_status._is_pingable = mock.MagicMock(return_value=True)
+ self.hosting_device = {'id': 123,
+ 'host_type': 'CSR1kv',
+ 'management_ip_address': '',
+ 'port': '22',
+ 'booting_time': 420}
+ self.created_at_str = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(
+ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ self.hosting_device['created_at'] = self.created_at_str
+ self.router_id = _uuid()
+ self.router = {id: self.router_id,
+ 'hosting_device': self.hosting_device}
+ def test_hosting_devices_object(self):
+ self.assertEqual({}, self.status.backlog_hosting_devices)
+ def test_is_hosting_device_reachable_positive(self):
+ self.assertTrue(self.status.is_hosting_device_reachable(
+ self.hosting_device))
+ def test_is_hosting_device_reachable_negative(self):
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(self.status.backlog_hosting_devices))
+ self.hosting_device['created_at'] = self.created_at_str # Back to str
+ device_status._is_pingable.return_value = False
+ self.assertFalse(device_status._is_pingable(''))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.status.is_hosting_device_reachable(
+ self.hosting_device))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.status.get_backlogged_hosting_devices()))
+ self.assertTrue(123 in self.status.get_backlogged_hosting_devices())
+ self.assertEqual(self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[123]['hd'],
+ self.hosting_device)
+ def test_test_is_hosting_device_reachable_negative_exisiting_hd(self):
+ self.status.backlog_hosting_devices.clear()
+ self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[123] = {'hd': self.hosting_device}
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.status.backlog_hosting_devices))
+ self.assertIsNone(self.status.is_hosting_device_reachable(
+ self.hosting_device))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(self.status.get_backlogged_hosting_devices()))
+ self.assertTrue(123 in self.status.backlog_hosting_devices.keys())
+ self.assertEqual(self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[123]['hd'],
+ self.hosting_device)
+ def test_check_backlog_empty(self):
+ expected = {'reachable': [],
+ 'dead': []}
+ self.assertEqual(expected,
+ self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices())
+ def test_check_backlog_below_booting_time(self):
+ expected = {'reachable': [],
+ 'dead': []}
+ self.hosting_device['created_at'] = create_timestamp(NOW)
+ hd = self.hosting_device
+ hd_id = hd['id']
+ self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id] = {'hd': hd,
+ 'routers': [
+ self.router_id]
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(expected,
+ self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices())
+ #Simulate 20 seconds before boot time finishes
+ self.hosting_device['created_at'] = create_timestamp(BOOT_TIME - 20)
+ self.assertEqual(self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices(),
+ expected)
+ #Simulate 1 second before boot time
+ self.hosting_device['created_at'] = create_timestamp(BOOT_TIME - 1)
+ self.assertEqual(self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices(),
+ expected)
+ def test_check_backlog_above_booting_time_pingable(self):
+ """Test for backlog processing after booting.
+ Simulates a hosting device which has passed the created time.
+ The device should now be pingable.
+ """
+ self.hosting_device['created_at'] = create_timestamp(BOOT_TIME + 10)
+ hd = self.hosting_device
+ hd_id = hd['id']
+ device_status._is_pingable.return_value = True
+ self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id] = {'hd': hd,
+ 'routers': [
+ self.router_id]}
+ expected = {'reachable': [hd_id],
+ 'dead': []}
+ self.assertEqual(expected,
+ self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices())
+ def test_check_backlog_above_BT_not_pingable_below_deadtime(self):
+ """Test for backlog processing in dead time interval.
+ This test simulates a hosting device which has passed the created
+ time but less than the 'declared dead' time.
+ Hosting device is still not pingable.
+ """
+ hd = self.hosting_device
+ hd['created_at'] = create_timestamp(BOOT_TIME + 10)
+ #Inserted in backlog now
+ hd['backlog_insertion_ts'] = create_timestamp(NOW, type=TYPE_DATETIME)
+ hd_id = hd['id']
+ device_status._is_pingable.return_value = False
+ self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id] = {'hd': hd,
+ 'routers': [
+ self.router_id]}
+ expected = {'reachable': [],
+ 'dead': []}
+ self.assertEqual(expected,
+ self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices())
+ def test_check_backlog_above_BT_not_pingable_aboveDeadTime(self):
+ """Test for backlog processing after dead time interval.
+ This test simulates a hosting device which has passed the
+ created time but greater than the 'declared dead' time.
+ Hosting device is still not pingable.
+ """
+ hd = self.hosting_device
+ hd['created_at'] = create_timestamp(BOOT_TIME + DEAD_TIME + 10)
+ #Inserted in backlog 5 seconds after booting time
+ hd['backlog_insertion_ts'] = create_timestamp(BOOT_TIME + 5,
+ hd_id = hd['id']
+ device_status._is_pingable.return_value = False
+ self.status.backlog_hosting_devices[hd_id] = {'hd': hd,
+ 'routers': [
+ self.router_id]}
+ expected = {'reachable': [],
+ 'dead': [hd_id]}
+ self.assertEqual(expected,
+ self.status.check_backlogged_hosting_devices())
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# @author: Hareesh Puthalath, Cisco Systems, Inc.
+import copy
+import mock
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from neutron.common import config as base_config
+from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants
+from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
+from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
+from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import cfg_agent
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent import cfg_exceptions
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.service_helpers.routing_svc_helper import(
+ RouterInfo)
+from neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.service_helpers.routing_svc_helper import(
+ RoutingServiceHelper)
+from neutron.tests import base
+_uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid
+HOST = 'myhost'
+FAKE_ID = _uuid()
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def prepare_router_data(enable_snat=None, num_internal_ports=1):
+ router_id = _uuid()
+ ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '',
+ 'gateway_ip': ''}}
+ int_ports = []
+ for i in range(num_internal_ports):
+ int_ports.append({'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'admin_state_up': True,
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '35.4.%s.4' % i,
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef',
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '35.4.%s.0/24' % i,
+ 'gateway_ip': '35.4.%s.1' % i}})
+ hosting_device = {'id': _uuid(),
+ "name": "CSR1kv_template",
+ "booting_time": 300,
+ "host_category": "VM",
+ 'management_ip_address': '',
+ 'protocol_port': 22,
+ "credentials": {
+ "username": "user",
+ "password": "4getme"},
+ }
+ router = {
+ 'id': router_id,
+ 'admin_state_up': True,
+ l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY: int_ports,
+ 'routes': [],
+ 'gw_port': ex_gw_port,
+ 'hosting_device': hosting_device}
+ if enable_snat is not None:
+ router['enable_snat'] = enable_snat
+ return router, int_ports
+class TestRouterInfo(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestRouterInfo, self).setUp()
+ self.ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '',
+ 'gateway_ip': ''}}
+ self.router = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'enable_snat': True,
+ 'routes': [],
+ 'gw_port': self.ex_gw_port}
+ def test_router_info_create(self):
+ router_id = _uuid()
+ fake_router = {}
+ ri = RouterInfo(router_id, fake_router)
+ self.assertTrue(ri.router_name().endswith(router_id))
+ def test_router_info_create_with_router(self):
+ router_id = _uuid()
+ ri = RouterInfo(router_id, self.router)
+ self.assertTrue(ri.router_name().endswith(router_id))
+ self.assertEqual(ri.router, self.router)
+ self.assertEqual(ri._router, self.router)
+ self.assertTrue(ri.snat_enabled)
+ self.assertIsNone(ri.ex_gw_port)
+ def test_router_info_create_snat_disabled(self):
+ router_id = _uuid()
+ self.router['enable_snat'] = False
+ ri = RouterInfo(router_id, self.router)
+ self.assertFalse(ri.snat_enabled)
+class TestBasicRoutingOperations(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestBasicRoutingOperations, self).setUp()
+ self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
+ self.conf.register_opts(base_config.core_opts)
+ self.conf.register_opts(cfg_agent.CiscoCfgAgent.OPTS)
+ self.ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '',
+ 'gateway_ip': ''}}
+ self.hosting_device = {'id': "100",
+ 'name': "CSR1kv_template",
+ 'booting_time': 300,
+ 'host_category': "VM",
+ 'management_ip_address': '',
+ 'protocol_port': 22,
+ 'credentials': {'username': 'user',
+ "password": '4getme'},
+ }
+ self.router = {
+ 'id': _uuid(),
+ 'enable_snat': True,
+ 'routes': [],
+ 'gw_port': self.ex_gw_port,
+ 'hosting_device': self.hosting_device}
+ self.agent = mock.Mock()
+ #Patches & Mocks
+ self.l3pluginApi_cls_p = mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.service_helpers.'
+ 'routing_svc_helper.CiscoRoutingPluginApi')
+ l3plugin_api_cls = self.l3pluginApi_cls_p.start()
+ self.plugin_api = mock.Mock()
+ l3plugin_api_cls.return_value = self.plugin_api
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.looping_call_p = mock.patch(
+ 'neutron.openstack.common.loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall')
+ self.looping_call_p.start()
+ mock.patch('neutron.common.rpc.create_connection').start()
+ self.routing_helper = RoutingServiceHelper(
+ HOST, self.conf, self.agent)
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_added = mock.Mock()
+ self.routing_helper._external_gateway_added = mock.Mock()
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_removed = mock.Mock()
+ self.routing_helper._external_gateway_removed = mock.Mock()
+ self.driver = self._mock_driver_and_hosting_device(
+ self.routing_helper)
+ def _mock_driver_and_hosting_device(self, svc_helper):
+ svc_helper._dev_status.is_hosting_device_reachable = mock.MagicMock(
+ return_value=True)
+ driver = mock.MagicMock()
+ svc_helper._drivermgr.get_driver = mock.Mock(return_value=driver)
+ svc_helper._drivermgr.set_driver = mock.Mock(return_value=driver)
+ return driver
+ def _reset_mocks(self):
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips.reset_mock()
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.reset_mock()
+ self.routing_helper._external_gateway_added.reset_mock()
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_removed.reset_mock()
+ self.routing_helper._external_gateway_removed.reset_mock()
+ def test_process_router_throw_config_error(self):
+ e_type = 'Fake error'
+ e_tag = 'Fake error tag'
+ params = {'snippet': snip_name, 'type': e_type, 'tag': e_tag}
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.side_effect = (
+ cfg_exceptions.CSR1kvConfigException(**params))
+ router, ports = prepare_router_data()
+ ri = RouterInfo(router['id'], router)
+ self.assertRaises(cfg_exceptions.CSR1kvConfigException,
+ self.routing_helper._process_router, ri)
+ def test_process_router(self):
+ router, ports = prepare_router_data()
+ #Setup mock for call to proceess floating ips
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips = mock.Mock()
+ fake_floatingips1 = {'floatingips': [
+ {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'floating_ip_address': '',
+ 'fixed_ip_address': '',
+ 'port_id': _uuid()}]}
+ ri = RouterInfo(router['id'], router=router)
+ # Process with initial values
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ ex_gw_port = ri.router.get('gw_port')
+ # Assert that process_floating_ips, internal_network & external network
+ # added were all called with the right params
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ex_gw_port)
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ports[0], ex_gw_port)
+ self.routing_helper._external_gateway_added.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ex_gw_port)
+ self._reset_mocks()
+ # remap floating IP to a new fixed ip
+ fake_floatingips2 = copy.deepcopy(fake_floatingips1)
+ fake_floatingips2['floatingips'][0]['fixed_ip_address'] = ''
+ router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY] = fake_floatingips2['floatingips']
+ # Process again and check that this time only the process_floating_ips
+ # was only called.
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ ex_gw_port = ri.router.get('gw_port')
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ex_gw_port)
+ self.assertFalse(self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.routing_helper._external_gateway_added.called)
+ self._reset_mocks()
+ # remove just the floating ips
+ del router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY]
+ # Process again and check that this time also only the
+ # process_floating_ips and external_network remove was called
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ ex_gw_port = ri.router.get('gw_port')
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ex_gw_port)
+ self.assertFalse(self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.routing_helper._external_gateway_added.called)
+ self._reset_mocks()
+ # now no ports so state is torn down
+ del router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY]
+ del router['gw_port']
+ # Update router_info object
+ ri.router = router
+ # Keep a copy of the ex_gw_port before its gone after processing.
+ ex_gw_port = ri.ex_gw_port
+ # Process router and verify that internal and external network removed
+ # were called and floating_ips_process was called
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ self.assertFalse(self.routing_helper.
+ _process_router_floating_ips.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.routing_helper._external_gateway_added.called)
+ self.assertTrue(self.routing_helper._internal_network_removed.called)
+ self.assertTrue(self.routing_helper._external_gateway_removed.called)
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_removed.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ports[0], ex_gw_port)
+ self.routing_helper._external_gateway_removed.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ex_gw_port)
+ def test_routing_table_update(self):
+ router = self.router
+ fake_route1 = {'destination': '',
+ 'nexthop': ''}
+ fake_route2 = {'destination': '',
+ 'nexthop': ''}
+ # First we set the routes to fake_route1 and see if the
+ # driver.routes_updated was called with 'replace'(==add or replace)
+ # and fake_route1
+ router['routes'] = [fake_route1]
+ ri = RouterInfo(router['id'], router)
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ self.driver.routes_updated.assert_called_with(ri, 'replace',
+ fake_route1)
+ # Now we replace fake_route1 with fake_route2. This should cause driver
+ # to be invoked to delete fake_route1 and 'replace'(==add or replace)
+ self.driver.reset_mock()
+ router['routes'] = [fake_route2]
+ ri.router = router
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ self.driver.routes_updated.assert_called_with(ri, 'delete',
+ fake_route1)
+ self.driver.routes_updated.assert_any_call(ri, 'replace', fake_route2)
+ # Now we add back fake_route1 as a new route, this should cause driver
+ # to be invoked to 'replace'(==add or replace) fake_route1
+ self.driver.reset_mock()
+ router['routes'] = [fake_route2, fake_route1]
+ ri.router = router
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ self.driver.routes_updated.assert_any_call(ri, 'replace', fake_route1)
+ # Now we delete all routes. This should cause driver
+ # to be invoked to delete fake_route1 and fake-route2
+ self.driver.reset_mock()
+ router['routes'] = []
+ ri.router = router
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ self.driver.routes_updated.assert_any_call(ri, 'delete', fake_route2)
+ self.driver.routes_updated.assert_any_call(ri, 'delete', fake_route1)
+ def test_process_router_internal_network_added_unexpected_error(self):
+ router, ports = prepare_router_data()
+ ri = RouterInfo(router['id'], router=router)
+ # raise RuntimeError to simulate that an unexpected exception occurrs
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.side_effect = RuntimeError
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError,
+ self.routing_helper._process_router,
+ ri)
+ self.assertNotIn(
+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY][0], ri.internal_ports)
+ # The unexpected exception has been fixed manually
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_added.side_effect = None
+ # Failure will cause a retry next time, then were able to add the
+ # port to ri.internal_ports
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ self.assertIn(
+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY][0], ri.internal_ports)
+ def test_process_router_internal_network_removed_unexpected_error(self):
+ router, ports = prepare_router_data()
+ ri = RouterInfo(router['id'], router=router)
+ # add an internal port
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ # raise RuntimeError to simulate that an unexpected exception occurrs
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_removed.side_effect = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=RuntimeError)
+ ri.internal_ports[0]['admin_state_up'] = False
+ # The above port is set to down state, remove it.
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError,
+ self.routing_helper._process_router,
+ ri)
+ self.assertIn(
+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY][0], ri.internal_ports)
+ # The unexpected exception has been fixed manually
+ self.routing_helper._internal_network_removed.side_effect = None
+ # Failure will cause a retry next time,
+ # We were able to add the port to ri.internal_ports
+ self.routing_helper._process_router(ri)
+ # We were able to remove the port from ri.internal_ports
+ self.assertNotIn(
+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY][0], ri.internal_ports)
+ def test_routers_with_admin_state_down(self):
+ self.plugin_api.get_external_network_id.return_value = None
+ routers = [
+ {'id': _uuid(),
+ 'admin_state_up': False,
+ 'external_gateway_info': {}}]
+ self.routing_helper._process_routers(routers, None)
+ self.assertNotIn(routers[0]['id'], self.routing_helper.router_info)
+ def test_router_deleted(self):
+ self.routing_helper.router_deleted(None, [FAKE_ID])
+ self.assertIn(FAKE_ID, self.routing_helper.removed_routers)
+ def test_routers_updated(self):
+ self.routing_helper.routers_updated(None, [FAKE_ID])
+ self.assertIn(FAKE_ID, self.routing_helper.updated_routers)
+ def test_removed_from_agent(self):
+ self.routing_helper.router_removed_from_agent(None,
+ {'router_id': FAKE_ID})
+ self.assertIn(FAKE_ID, self.routing_helper.removed_routers)
+ def test_added_to_agent(self):
+ self.routing_helper.router_added_to_agent(None, [FAKE_ID])
+ self.assertIn(FAKE_ID, self.routing_helper.updated_routers)
+ def test_process_router_delete(self):
+ router = self.router
+ router['gw_port'] = self.ex_gw_port
+ self.routing_helper._router_added(router['id'], router)
+ self.assertIn(router['id'], self.routing_helper.router_info)
+ # Now we remove the router
+ self.routing_helper._router_removed(router['id'], deconfigure=True)
+ self.assertNotIn(router['id'], self.routing_helper.router_info)
+ def test_collect_state(self):
+ router, ports = prepare_router_data(enable_snat=True,
+ num_internal_ports=2)
+ self.routing_helper._router_added(router['id'], router)
+ configurations = {}
+ configurations = self.routing_helper.collect_state(configurations)
+ hd_exp_result = {
+ router['hosting_device']['id']: {'routers': 1}}
+ self.assertEqual(1, configurations['total routers'])
+ self.assertEqual(1, configurations['total ex_gw_ports'])
+ self.assertEqual(2, configurations['total interfaces'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, configurations['total floating_ips'])
+ self.assertEqual(hd_exp_result, configurations['hosting_devices'])
+ self.assertEqual([], configurations['non_responding_hosting_devices'])
+ def test_sort_resources_per_hosting_device(self):
+ router1, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router2, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router3, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router4, port = prepare_router_data()
+ hd1_id = router1['hosting_device']['id']
+ hd2_id = router4['hosting_device']['id']
+ #Setting router2 and router3 device id same as router1's device id
+ router2['hosting_device']['id'] = hd1_id
+ router3['hosting_device']['id'] = hd1_id
+ resources = {'routers': [router1, router2, router4],
+ 'removed_routers': [router3]}
+ devices = self.routing_helper._sort_resources_per_hosting_device(
+ resources)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(devices.keys())) # Two devices
+ hd1_routers = [router1, router2]
+ self.assertEqual(hd1_routers, devices[hd1_id]['routers'])
+ self.assertEqual([router3], devices[hd1_id]['removed_routers'])
+ self.assertEqual([router4], devices[hd2_id]['routers'])
+ def test_get_router_ids_from_removed_devices_info(self):
+ removed_devices_info = {
+ 'hosting_data': {'device_1': {'routers': ['id1', 'id2']},
+ 'device_2': {'routers': ['id3', 'id4'],
+ 'other_key': ['value1', 'value2']}}
+ }
+ resp = self.routing_helper._get_router_ids_from_removed_devices_info(
+ removed_devices_info)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(resp), sorted(['id1', 'id2', 'id3', 'id4']))
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_full_sync_different_devices(self, mock_spawn):
+ router1, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router2, port = prepare_router_data()
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=[router1, router2])
+ self.routing_helper.process_service()
+ self.assertEqual(2, mock_spawn.call_count)
+ call1 = mock.call(self.routing_helper._process_routers, [router1],
+ None, router1['hosting_device']['id'],
+ all_routers=True)
+ call2 = mock.call(self.routing_helper._process_routers, [router2],
+ None, router2['hosting_device']['id'],
+ all_routers=True)
+ mock_spawn.assert_has_calls([call1, call2], any_order=True)
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_full_sync_same_device(self, mock_spawn):
+ router1, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router2, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router2['hosting_device']['id'] = router1['hosting_device']['id']
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers = mock.Mock(return_value=[router1,
+ router2])
+ self.routing_helper.process_service()
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_spawn.call_count)
+ mock_spawn.assert_called_with(self.routing_helper._process_routers,
+ [router1, router2],
+ None,
+ router1['hosting_device']['id'],
+ all_routers=True)
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_with_updated_routers(self, mock_spawn):
+ router1, port = prepare_router_data()
+ def routers_data(context, router_ids=None, hd_ids=None):
+ if router_ids:
+ return [router1]
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers.side_effect = routers_data
+ self.routing_helper.fullsync = False
+ self.routing_helper.updated_routers.add(router1['id'])
+ self.routing_helper.process_service()
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.plugin_api.get_routers.call_count)
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers.assert_called_with(
+ self.routing_helper.context,
+ router_ids=[router1['id']])
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_spawn.call_count)
+ mock_spawn.assert_called_with(self.routing_helper._process_routers,
+ [router1],
+ None,
+ router1['hosting_device']['id'],
+ all_routers=False)
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_with_deviceid(self, mock_spawn):
+ router, port = prepare_router_data()
+ device_id = router['hosting_device']['id']
+ def routers_data(context, router_ids=None, hd_ids=None):
+ if hd_ids:
+ self.assertEqual([device_id], hd_ids)
+ return [router]
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers.side_effect = routers_data
+ self.routing_helper.fullsync = False
+ self.routing_helper.process_service(device_ids=[device_id])
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.plugin_api.get_routers.call_count)
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers.assert_called_with(
+ self.routing_helper.context,
+ hd_ids=[device_id])
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_spawn.call_count)
+ mock_spawn.assert_called_with(self.routing_helper._process_routers,
+ [router],
+ None,
+ device_id,
+ all_routers=False)
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_with_removed_routers(self, mock_spawn):
+ router, port = prepare_router_data()
+ device_id = router['hosting_device']['id']
+ self._mock_driver_and_hosting_device(self.routing_helper)
+ self.routing_helper.fullsync = False
+ # Emulate router added for setting up internal structures
+ self.routing_helper._router_added(router['id'], router)
+ # Add router to removed routers list and process it
+ self.routing_helper.removed_routers.add(router['id'])
+ self.routing_helper.process_service()
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_spawn.call_count)
+ mock_spawn.assert_called_with(self.routing_helper._process_routers,
+ None,
+ [router],
+ device_id,
+ all_routers=False)
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_with_removed_routers_info(self, mock_spawn):
+ router1, port = prepare_router_data()
+ device_id = router1['hosting_device']['id']
+ router2, port = prepare_router_data()
+ router2['hosting_device']['id'] = _uuid()
+ removed_devices_info = {
+ 'hosting_data': {device_id: {'routers': [router1['id']]}},
+ 'deconfigure': True
+ }
+ self._mock_driver_and_hosting_device(self.routing_helper)
+ self.routing_helper.fullsync = False
+ # Emulate router added for setting up internal structures
+ self.routing_helper._router_added(router1['id'], router1)
+ self.routing_helper._router_added(router2['id'], router2)
+ # Add router to removed routers list and process it
+ self.routing_helper.removed_routers.add(router2['id'])
+ self.routing_helper.process_service(
+ removed_devices_info=removed_devices_info)
+ self.assertEqual(2, mock_spawn.call_count)
+ call1 = mock.call(self.routing_helper._process_routers,
+ None,
+ [router1],
+ router1['hosting_device']['id'],
+ all_routers=False)
+ call2 = mock.call(self.routing_helper._process_routers,
+ None,
+ [router2],
+ router2['hosting_device']['id'],
+ all_routers=False)
+ mock_spawn.assert_has_calls([call1, call2], any_order=True)
+ @mock.patch("eventlet.GreenPool.spawn_n")
+ def test_process_services_with_rpc_error(self, mock_spawn):
+ router, port = prepare_router_data()
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers.side_effect = n_rpc.RPCException
+ self.routing_helper.fullsync = False
+ self.routing_helper.updated_routers.add(router['id'])
+ self.routing_helper.process_service()
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.plugin_api.get_routers.call_count)
+ self.plugin_api.get_routers.assert_called_with(
+ self.routing_helper.context,
+ router_ids=[router['id']])
+ self.assertFalse(mock_spawn.called)
+ self.assertTrue(self.routing_helper.fullsync)
+ def test_process_routers(self):
+ router, port = prepare_router_data()
+ driver = self._mock_driver_and_hosting_device(self.routing_helper)
+ self.routing_helper._process_router = mock.Mock()
+ self.routing_helper._process_routers([router], None)
+ ri = self.routing_helper.router_info[router['id']]
+ driver.router_added.assert_called_with(ri)
+ self.routing_helper._process_router.assert_called_with(ri)
+ def _process_routers_floatingips(self, action='add'):
+ router, port = prepare_router_data()
+ driver = self._mock_driver_and_hosting_device(self.routing_helper)
+ ex_gw_port = router['gw_port']
+ floating_ip_address = ''
+ fixed_ip_address = ''
+ fixed_ip_address_2 = ''
+ port_id = 'fake_port_id'
+ floating_ip = {'fixed_ip_address': fixed_ip_address,
+ 'floating_ip_address': floating_ip_address,
+ 'id': 'floating_ip_id',
+ 'port_id': port_id,
+ 'status': 'ACTIVE', }
+ router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY] = [floating_ip]
+ ri = RouterInfo(router['id'], router=router)
+ # Default add action
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ driver.floating_ip_added.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ex_gw_port, floating_ip_address, fixed_ip_address)
+ if action == 'remove':
+ router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY] = []
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ driver.floating_ip_removed.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ri.ex_gw_port, floating_ip_address, fixed_ip_address)
+ if action == 'remap':
+ driver.reset_mock()
+ floating_ip_2 = copy.deepcopy(floating_ip)
+ floating_ip_2['fixed_ip_address'] = fixed_ip_address_2
+ ri.router[l3_constants.FLOATINGIP_KEY] = [floating_ip_2]
+ self.routing_helper._process_router_floating_ips(ri, ex_gw_port)
+ driver.floating_ip_added.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ri.ex_gw_port, floating_ip_address, fixed_ip_address_2)
+ driver.floating_ip_removed.assert_called_with(
+ ri, ri.ex_gw_port, floating_ip_address, fixed_ip_address)
+ def test_process_routers_floatingips_add(self):
+ self._process_routers_floatingips(action="add")
+ def test_process_routers_floatingips_remove(self):
+ self._process_routers_floatingips(action="remove")
+ def test_process_routers_floatingips_remap(self):
+ self._process_routers_floatingips(action="remap")
etc/neutron/plugins/brocade = etc/neutron/plugins/brocade/brocade.ini
etc/neutron/plugins/cisco =
+ etc/neutron/plugins/cisco/cisco_cfg_agent.ini
etc/neutron/plugins/embrane = etc/neutron/plugins/embrane/heleos_conf.ini
etc/neutron/plugins/hyperv = etc/neutron/plugins/hyperv/hyperv_neutron_plugin.ini
console_scripts =
+ neutron-cisco-cfg-agent = neutron.plugins.cisco.cfg_agent.cfg_agent:main
neutron-check-nsx-config = neutron.plugins.vmware.check_nsx_config:main
neutron-db-manage = neutron.db.migration.cli:main
neutron-debug = neutron.debug.shell:main