# Determine the user ID
user_id = req.headers.get('X_USER_ID')
if not user_id:
- LOG.debug(_("X_USER_ID is not found in request"))
+ LOG.debug("X_USER_ID is not found in request")
return webob.exc.HTTPUnauthorized()
# Determine the tenant
# Log only once the context has been configured to prevent
# format errors.
if kwargs:
- LOG.debug(_('Arguments dropped when creating '
- 'context: %s'), kwargs)
+ LOG.debug('Arguments dropped when creating context: %s', kwargs)
def project_id(self):
-log_translation = re.compile(
- r"(.)*LOG\.(audit|error|info|warn|warning|critical|exception)\(\s*('|\")")
author_tag_re = (re.compile("^\s*#\s*@?(a|A)uthor"),
_all_hints = set(['_', '_LI', '_LE', '_LW', '_LC'])
-def _directory_to_check_translation(filename):
- # In order to try and speed up the integration of this we will
- # do it on a directory by directory basis. The last patch of the
- # series will remove this and the entire code base will be validated.
- dirs = ["neutron/agent",
- "neutron/api",
- "neutron/cmd",
- "neutron/common",
- "neutron/db",
- "neutron/debug",
- "neutron/extensions",
- "neutron/hacking",
- "neutron/locale",
- "neutron/notifiers",
- "neutron/openstack",
- "neutron/scheduler",
- "neutron/server",
- "neutron/services",
- #"neutron/plugins",
- "neutron/plugins/bigswitch",
- "neutron/plugins/brocade",
- "neutron/plugins/cisco",
- "neutron/plugins/common",
- "neutron/plugins/embrane",
- "neutron/plugins/hyperv",
- "neutron/plugins/ibm",
- "neutron/plugins/linuxbridge",
- "neutron/plugins/metaplugin",
- "neutron/plugins/midonet",
- "neutron/plugins/ml2",
- "neutron/plugins/mlnx",
- "neutron/plugins/nec",
- "neutron/plugins/nuage",
- "neutron/plugins/ofagent",
- "neutron/plugins/oneconvergence",
- "neutron/plugins/opencontrail",
- "neutron/plugins/openvswitch",
- "neutron/plugins/plumgrid",
- "neutron/plugins/sriovnicagent",
- "neutron/plugins/vmware"]
- return any([dir in filename for dir in dirs])
def validate_log_translations(logical_line, physical_line, filename):
# Translations are not required in the test directory
if "neutron/tests" in filename:
if pep8.noqa(physical_line):
- msg = "N320: Log messages require translations!"
- if log_translation.match(logical_line):
- yield (0, msg)
- if _directory_to_check_translation(filename):
- msg = "N320: Log messages require translation hints!"
- for log_translation_hint in log_translation_hints:
- if log_translation_hint.match(logical_line):
- yield (0, msg)
+ msg = "N320: Log messages require translation hints!"
+ for log_translation_hint in log_translation_hints:
+ if log_translation_hint.match(logical_line):
+ yield (0, msg)
def use_jsonutils(logical_line, filename):
* This check assumes that 'LOG' is a logger.
- if _directory_to_check_translation(filename):
- for hint in _all_hints:
- if logical_line.startswith("LOG.debug(%s(" % hint):
- yield(0, "N319 Don't translate debug level logs")
+ for hint in _all_hints:
+ if logical_line.startswith("LOG.debug(%s(" % hint):
+ yield(0, "N319 Don't translate debug level logs")
def check_assert_called_once_with(logical_line, filename):
from oslo.utils import importutils
from neutron.common import utils
+from neutron.i18n import _LE, _LI
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.openstack.common import periodic_task
from neutron.plugins.common import constants
# intentionally to allow v2 plugins to be monitored
# for performance metrics.
plugin_provider = cfg.CONF.core_plugin
- LOG.info(_("Loading core plugin: %s"), plugin_provider)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Loading core plugin: %s"), plugin_provider)
self.plugin = self._get_plugin_instance('neutron.core_plugins',
msg = validate_post_plugin_load()
plugin_class = importutils.import_class(plugin_provider)
except ImportError as e2:
- LOG.exception(_("Error loading plugin by name, %s"), e1)
- LOG.exception(_("Error loading plugin by class, %s"), e2)
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error loading plugin by name, %s"), e1)
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error loading plugin by class, %s"), e2)
raise ImportError(_("Plugin not found."))
return plugin_class()
def _load_services_from_core_plugin(self):
"""Puts core plugin in service_plugins for supported services."""
- LOG.debug(_("Loading services supported by the core plugin"))
+ LOG.debug("Loading services supported by the core plugin")
# supported service types are derived from supported extensions
for ext_alias in getattr(self.plugin,
if ext_alias in constants.EXT_TO_SERVICE_MAPPING:
service_type = constants.EXT_TO_SERVICE_MAPPING[ext_alias]
self.service_plugins[service_type] = self.plugin
- LOG.info(_("Service %s is supported by the core plugin"),
+ LOG.info(_LI("Service %s is supported by the core plugin"),
def _load_service_plugins(self):
plugin_providers = cfg.CONF.service_plugins
- LOG.debug(_("Loading service plugins: %s"), plugin_providers)
+ LOG.debug("Loading service plugins: %s", plugin_providers)
for provider in plugin_providers:
if provider == '':
- LOG.info(_("Loading Plugin: %s"), provider)
+ LOG.info(_LI("Loading Plugin: %s"), provider)
plugin_inst = self._get_plugin_instance('neutron.service_plugins',
hasattr(plugin_inst, 'agent_notifiers')):
- LOG.debug(_("Successfully loaded %(type)s plugin. "
- "Description: %(desc)s"),
+ LOG.debug("Successfully loaded %(type)s plugin. "
+ "Description: %(desc)s",
{"type": plugin_inst.get_plugin_type(),
"desc": plugin_inst.get_plugin_description()})
data = validate[key[0]]
if not isinstance(data, dict):
- LOG.debug(_("Attribute type descriptor is not a dict. Unable to "
- "generate any sub-attr policy rule for %s."),
+ LOG.debug("Attribute type descriptor is not a dict. Unable to "
+ "generate any sub-attr policy rule for %s.",
sub_attr_rules = [policy.RuleCheck('rule', '%s:%s:%s' %
parent_res, parent_field = do_split(separator)
except ValueError:
- LOG.debug(_("Unable to find ':' as separator in %s."),
+ LOG.debug("Unable to find ':' as separator in %s.",
# If we are here split failed with both separators
target_value = target_dict.get(self.field)
# target_value might be a boolean, explicitly compare with None
if target_value is None:
- LOG.debug(_("Unable to find requested field: %(field)s in "
- "target: %(target_dict)s"),
- {'field': self.field,
- 'target_dict': target_dict})
+ LOG.debug("Unable to find requested field: %(field)s in target: "
+ "%(target_dict)s",
+ {'field': self.field, 'target_dict': target_dict})
return False
return target_value == self.value
import webob
from neutron.common import exceptions
+from neutron.i18n import _LI, _LW
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
QUOTA_DB_MODULE not in sys.modules):
# If quotas table is not loaded, force config quota driver.
_driver_class = QUOTA_CONF_DRIVER
- LOG.info(_("ConfDriver is used as quota_driver because the "
- "loaded plugin does not support 'quotas' table."))
+ LOG.info(_LI("ConfDriver is used as quota_driver because the "
+ "loaded plugin does not support 'quotas' table."))
if isinstance(_driver_class, basestring):
_driver_class = importutils.import_object(_driver_class)
self._driver = _driver_class
- LOG.info(_('Loaded quota_driver: %s.'), _driver_class)
+ LOG.info(_LI('Loaded quota_driver: %s.'), _driver_class)
return self._driver
def __contains__(self, resource):
def register_resource(self, resource):
"""Register a resource."""
if resource.name in self._resources:
- LOG.warn(_('%s is already registered.'), resource.name)
+ LOG.warn(_LW('%s is already registered.'), resource.name)
self._resources[resource.name] = resource
from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc
from neutron import context
from neutron.db import api as session
+from neutron.i18n import _LE, _LI
from neutron import manager
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.openstack.common import loopingcall
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.exception(_('Unrecoverable error: please check log '
- 'for details.'))
+ LOG.exception(_LE('Unrecoverable error: please check log '
+ 'for details.'))
return service
# simpler to check this up front by testing whether the plugin supports
# multiple RPC workers.
if not plugin.rpc_workers_supported():
- LOG.debug(_("Active plugin doesn't implement start_rpc_listeners"))
+ LOG.debug("Active plugin doesn't implement start_rpc_listeners")
if 0 < cfg.CONF.rpc_workers:
- msg = _("'rpc_workers = %d' ignored because start_rpc_listeners "
- "is not implemented.")
- LOG.error(msg, cfg.CONF.rpc_workers)
+ LOG.error(_LE("'rpc_workers = %d' ignored because "
+ "start_rpc_listeners is not implemented."),
+ cfg.CONF.rpc_workers)
raise NotImplementedError()
return launcher
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.exception(_('Unrecoverable error: please check log '
- 'for details.'))
+ LOG.exception(_LE('Unrecoverable error: please check log for '
+ 'details.'))
def _run_wsgi(app_name):
app = config.load_paste_app(app_name)
if not app:
- LOG.error(_('No known API applications configured.'))
+ LOG.error(_LE('No known API applications configured.'))
server = wsgi.Server("Neutron")
server.start(app, cfg.CONF.bind_port, cfg.CONF.bind_host,
# Dump all option values here after all options are parsed
cfg.CONF.log_opt_values(LOG, std_logging.DEBUG)
- LOG.info(_("Neutron service started, listening on %(host)s:%(port)s"),
- {'host': cfg.CONF.bind_host,
- 'port': cfg.CONF.bind_port})
+ LOG.info(_LI("Neutron service started, listening on %(host)s:%(port)s"),
+ {'host': cfg.CONF.bind_host, 'port': cfg.CONF.bind_port})
return server
except Exception:
- LOG.exception(_("Exception occurs when timer stops"))
- pass
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Exception occurs when timer stops"))
self.timers = []
def wait(self):
except Exception:
- LOG.exception(_("Exception occurs when waiting for timer"))
- pass
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Exception occurs when waiting for timer"))
def periodic_tasks(self, raise_on_error=False):
"""Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""
self.response = HTTPResponseMock500(None, errmsg=errmsg)
def request(self, action, uri, body, headers):
- LOG.debug(_("Request: action=%(action)s, uri=%(uri)r, "
- "body=%(body)s, headers=%(headers)s"),
+ LOG.debug("Request: action=%(action)s, uri=%(uri)r, "
+ "body=%(body)s, headers=%(headers)s",
{'action': action, 'uri': uri,
'body': body, 'headers': headers})
if self.broken and "ExceptOnBadServer" in uri:
if self.autocheck:
raise Exception(_('(delete_tenant) OFC tenant %s not found')
% ofc_tenant_id)
- LOG.debug(_('delete_tenant: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('delete_tenant: SUCCEED')
def create_network(self, ofc_tenant_id, description, network_id=None):
% ofc_network_id)
data = {'description': description}
- LOG.debug(_('update_network: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('update_network: SUCCEED')
def delete_network(self, ofc_network_id):
if self.autocheck:
raise Exception(_('(delete_network) OFC network %s not found')
% ofc_network_id)
- LOG.debug(_('delete_network: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('delete_network: SUCCEED')
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, info, port_id=None, filters=None):
if self.autocheck:
raise Exception(_('(delete_port) OFC port %s not found')
% ofc_port_id)
- LOG.debug(_('delete_port: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('delete_port: SUCCEED')
def filter_supported(cls):
if self.autocheck:
raise Exception(_('(delete_router) OFC router %s not found')
% ofc_router_id)
- LOG.debug(_('delete_router: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('delete_router: SUCCEED')
def add_router_interface(self, ofc_router_id, ofc_net_id,
'network_id': ofc_net_id,
'ip_address': ip_address,
'mac_address': mac_address}
- LOG.debug(_('add_router_interface: SUCCEED (if_id=%s)'), if_id)
+ LOG.debug('add_router_interface: SUCCEED (if_id=%s)', if_id)
return if_id
inf.update({'ip_address': ip_address})
if mac_address:
inf.update({'mac_address': mac_address})
- LOG.debug(_('update_router_route: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('update_router_route: SUCCEED')
def delete_router_interface(self, ofc_router_inf_id):
raise Exception(_('(delete_router_interface) '
'OFC router interface %s not found')
% ofc_router_inf_id)
- LOG.debug(_('delete_router_interface: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('delete_router_interface: SUCCEED')
def add_router_route(self, ofc_router_id, destination, nexthop):
self.ofc_router_route_dict[route_id] = {'router_id': ofc_router_id,
'destination': destination,
'nexthop': nexthop}
- LOG.debug(_('add_router_route: SUCCEED (route_id=%s)'), route_id)
+ LOG.debug('add_router_route: SUCCEED (route_id=%s)', route_id)
return route_id
if self.autocheck:
raise Exception(_('(delete_router_route) OFC router route %s '
'not found') % ofc_router_route_id)
- LOG.debug(_('delete_router_route: SUCCEED'))
+ LOG.debug('delete_router_route: SUCCEED')
def list_router_routes(self, ofc_router_id):
'nexthop': v['nexthop']}
for k, v in self.ofc_router_route_dict.items()
if v['router_id'] == ofc_router_id]
- LOG.debug(_('list_router_routes: routes=%s'), routes)
+ LOG.debug('list_router_routes: routes=%s', routes)
return routes
'exception': '_LE',
logs = expected_marks.keys()
- levels = ['_LI', '_LW', '_LE', '_LC']
- all_marks = levels + ['_']
debug = "LOG.debug('OK')"
0, len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(debug, debug, 'f'))))
bad = 'LOG.%s("Bad")' % log
1, len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(bad, bad, 'f'))))
- ok = "LOG.%s(_('OK'))" % log
- self.assertEqual(
- 0, len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(ok, ok, 'f'))))
ok = "LOG.%s('OK') # noqa" % log
0, len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(ok, ok, 'f'))))
ok = "LOG.%s(variable)" % log
0, len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(ok, ok, 'f'))))
- for level in levels:
- ok = "LOG.%s(%s('OK'))" % (log, level)
- self.assertEqual(
- 0, len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(ok,
- ok, 'f'))))
- filename = 'neutron/agent/f'
- for mark in all_marks:
+ for mark in checks._all_hints:
stmt = "LOG.%s(%s('test'))" % (log, mark)
0 if expected_marks[log] == mark else 1,
- len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(stmt,
- stmt,
- filename))))
+ len(list(checks.validate_log_translations(stmt, stmt,
+ 'f'))))
def test_no_translate_debug_logs(self):
- filename = 'neutron/agent/f'
for hint in checks._all_hints:
bad = "LOG.debug(%s('bad'))" % hint
- 1, len(list(checks.no_translate_debug_logs(bad, filename))))
+ 1, len(list(checks.no_translate_debug_logs(bad, 'f'))))
def test_use_jsonutils(self):
def __get_msg(fun):
from neutron.common import exceptions as exception
from neutron import context
from neutron.db import api
+from neutron.i18n import _LE, _LI
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.openstack.common import service as common_service
from neutron.openstack.common import systemd
family = info[0]
bind_addr = info[-1]
except Exception:
- LOG.exception(_("Unable to listen on %(host)s:%(port)s"),
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Unable to listen on %(host)s:%(port)s"),
{'host': host, 'port': port})
def get_content_type(self):
allowed_types = ("application/json")
if "Content-Type" not in self.headers:
- LOG.debug(_("Missing Content-Type"))
+ LOG.debug("Missing Content-Type")
return None
_type = self.content_type
if _type in allowed_types:
content_type = request.best_match_content_type()
except exception.InvalidContentType:
- LOG.debug(_("Unrecognized Content-Type provided in request"))
+ LOG.debug("Unrecognized Content-Type provided in request")
return {}
if content_type is None:
- LOG.debug(_("No Content-Type provided in request"))
+ LOG.debug("No Content-Type provided in request")
return {}
if not len(request.body) > 0:
- LOG.debug(_("Empty body provided in request"))
+ LOG.debug("Empty body provided in request")
return {}
deserializer = self.get_body_deserializer(content_type)
except exception.InvalidContentType:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.debug(_("Unable to deserialize body as provided "
- "Content-Type"))
+ LOG.debug("Unable to deserialize body as provided "
+ "Content-Type")
return deserializer.deserialize(request.body, action)
def __call__(self, request):
"""WSGI method that controls (de)serialization and method dispatch."""
- LOG.info(_("%(method)s %(url)s"), {"method": request.method,
- "url": request.url})
+ LOG.info(_LI("%(method)s %(url)s"),
+ {"method": request.method, "url": request.url})
action, args, accept = self.deserializer.deserialize(request)
except exception.InvalidContentType:
msg = _("Unsupported Content-Type")
- LOG.exception(_("InvalidContentType: %s"), msg)
+ LOG.exception(_LE("InvalidContentType: %s"), msg)
return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))
except exception.MalformedRequestBody:
msg = _("Malformed request body")
- LOG.exception(_("MalformedRequestBody: %s"), msg)
+ LOG.exception(_LE("MalformedRequestBody: %s"), msg)
return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg))
action_result = self.dispatch(request, action, args)
except webob.exc.HTTPException as ex:
- LOG.info(_("HTTP exception thrown: %s"), unicode(ex))
+ LOG.info(_LI("HTTP exception thrown: %s"), ex)
action_result = Fault(ex, self._fault_body_function)
except Exception:
- LOG.exception(_("Internal error"))
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Internal error"))
# Do not include the traceback to avoid returning it to clients.
action_result = Fault(webob.exc.HTTPServerError(),
response = action_result
- msg_dict = dict(url=request.url, status=response.status_int)
- msg = _("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d") % msg_dict
+ LOG.info(_LI("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d"),
+ dict(url=request.url, status=response.status_int))
except AttributeError as e:
- msg_dict = dict(url=request.url, exception=e)
- msg = _("%(url)s returned a fault: %(exception)s") % msg_dict
- LOG.info(msg)
+ LOG.info(_LI("%(url)s returned a fault: %(exception)s"),
+ dict(url=request.url, exception=e))
return response
response = webob.Response(status=status,
- msg_dict = dict(url=req.url, status=response.status_int)
- msg = _("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d") % msg_dict
- LOG.debug(msg)
+ LOG.debug("%(url)s returned with HTTP %(status)d",
+ dict(url=req.url, status=response.status_int))
return response
return result