raise ext_agent.AgentNotFound(id=id)
return agent
+ def get_enabled_agent_on_host(self, context, agent_type, host):
+ """Return agent of agent_type for the specified host."""
+ query = context.session.query(Agent)
+ query = query.filter(Agent.agent_type == agent_type,
+ Agent.host == host,
+ Agent.admin_state_up == sql.true())
+ try:
+ agent = query.one()
+ except exc.NoResultFound:
+ LOG.debug('No enabled %(agent_type)s agent on host '
+ '%(host)s' % {'agent_type': agent_type, 'host': host})
+ return
+ if self.is_agent_down(agent.heartbeat_timestamp):
+ LOG.warn(_('%(agent_type)s agent %(agent_id)s is not active')
+ % {'agent_type': agent_type, 'agent_id': agent.id})
+ return agent
def is_agent_down(cls, heart_beat_time):
return timeutils.is_older_than(heart_beat_time,
from oslo.db import exception as db_exc
import six
-from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
from sqlalchemy import sql
from neutron.common import constants
-from neutron.db import agents_db
from neutron.db import l3_agentschedulers_db
from neutron.db import l3_db
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
return query.count() > 0
+ def filter_unscheduled_routers(self, context, plugin, routers):
+ """Filter from list of routers the ones that are not scheduled."""
+ unscheduled_routers = []
+ for router in routers:
+ l3_agents = plugin.get_l3_agents_hosting_routers(
+ context, [router['id']], admin_state_up=True)
+ # TODO(armando-migliaccio): remove dvr-related check
+ if l3_agents and not router.get('distributed', False):
+ LOG.debug(('Router %(router_id)s has already been '
+ 'hosted by L3 agent %(agent_id)s'),
+ {'router_id': router['id'],
+ 'agent_id': l3_agents[0]['id']})
+ else:
+ unscheduled_routers.append(router)
+ return unscheduled_routers
+ def get_unscheduled_routers(self, context, plugin):
+ """Get routers with no agent binding."""
+ # TODO(gongysh) consider the disabled agent's router
+ no_agent_binding = ~sql.exists().where(
+ l3_db.Router.id ==
+ l3_agentschedulers_db.RouterL3AgentBinding.router_id)
+ query = context.session.query(l3_db.Router.id).filter(no_agent_binding)
+ unscheduled_router_ids = [router_id_[0] for router_id_ in query]
+ if unscheduled_router_ids:
+ return plugin.get_routers(
+ context, filters={'id': unscheduled_router_ids})
+ return []
+ def get_routers_to_schedule(self, context, plugin, router_ids=None):
+ """Verify that the routers specified need to be scheduled.
+ :param context: the context
+ :param plugin: the core plugin
+ :param router_ids: the list of routers to be checked for scheduling
+ :returns: the list of routers to be scheduled
+ """
+ if router_ids is not None:
+ routers = plugin.get_routers(context, filters={'id': router_ids})
+ return self.filter_unscheduled_routers(context, plugin, routers)
+ else:
+ return self.get_unscheduled_routers(context, plugin)
+ def get_routers_can_schedule(self, context, plugin, routers, l3_agent):
+ """Get the subset of routers that can be scheduled on the L3 agent."""
+ ids_to_discard = set()
+ for router in routers:
+ # check if the l3 agent is compatible with the router
+ candidates = plugin.get_l3_agent_candidates(
+ context, router, [l3_agent])
+ if not candidates:
+ ids_to_discard.add(router['id'])
+ return [r for r in routers if r['id'] not in ids_to_discard]
def auto_schedule_routers(self, plugin, context, host, router_ids):
"""Schedule non-hosted routers to L3 Agent running on host.
If router_ids is given, each router in router_ids is scheduled
if it is not scheduled yet. Otherwise all unscheduled routers
are scheduled.
- Don't schedule the routers which are hosted already
+ Do not schedule the routers which are hosted already
by active l3 agents.
+ :returns: True if routers have been successfully assigned to host
with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
- # query if we have valid l3 agent on the host
- query = context.session.query(agents_db.Agent)
- query = query.filter(agents_db.Agent.agent_type ==
- constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3,
- agents_db.Agent.host == host,
- agents_db.Agent.admin_state_up == sql.true())
- try:
- l3_agent = query.one()
- except (exc.MultipleResultsFound, exc.NoResultFound):
- LOG.debug(_('No enabled L3 agent on host %s'),
- host)
+ l3_agent = plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host(
+ context, constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3, host)
+ if not l3_agent:
return False
- if agents_db.AgentDbMixin.is_agent_down(
- l3_agent.heartbeat_timestamp):
- LOG.warn(_('L3 agent %s is not active'), l3_agent.id)
- # check if each of the specified routers is hosted
- if router_ids:
- routers = plugin.get_routers(
- context, filters={'id': router_ids})
- unscheduled_routers = []
- for router in routers:
- l3_agents = plugin.get_l3_agents_hosting_routers(
- context, [router['id']], admin_state_up=True)
- if l3_agents and not router.get('distributed', False):
- LOG.debug(_('Router %(router_id)s has already been'
- ' hosted by L3 agent %(agent_id)s'),
- {'router_id': router['id'],
- 'agent_id': l3_agents[0]['id']})
- else:
- unscheduled_routers.append(router)
- if not unscheduled_routers:
- # all (specified) routers are already scheduled
- return False
- else:
- # get all routers that are not hosted
- #TODO(gongysh) consider the disabled agent's router
- stmt = ~sql.exists().where(
- l3_db.Router.id ==
- l3_agentschedulers_db.RouterL3AgentBinding.router_id)
- unscheduled_router_ids = [router_id_[0] for router_id_ in
- context.session.query(
- l3_db.Router.id).filter(stmt)]
- if not unscheduled_router_ids:
- LOG.debug(_('No non-hosted routers'))
- return False
- unscheduled_routers = plugin.get_routers(
- context, filters={'id': unscheduled_router_ids})
- # check if the configuration of l3 agent is compatible
- # with the router
- to_removed_ids = set()
- for router in unscheduled_routers:
- candidates = plugin.get_l3_agent_candidates(context,
- router,
- [l3_agent])
- if not candidates:
- to_removed_ids.add(router['id'])
- target_routers = [r for r in unscheduled_routers
- if r['id'] not in to_removed_ids]
+ unscheduled_routers = self.get_routers_to_schedule(
+ context, plugin, router_ids)
+ if not unscheduled_routers:
+ return False
+ target_routers = self.get_routers_can_schedule(
+ context, plugin, unscheduled_routers, l3_agent)
if not target_routers:
LOG.warn(_('No routers compatible with L3 agent configuration'
' on host %s'), host)
return False
- for router_dict in target_routers:
- if (router_dict.get('distributed', False)
- and self.dvr_has_binding(context,
- router_dict['id'],
- l3_agent.id)):
- continue
- self.bind_router(context, router_dict['id'], l3_agent)
- return True
+ self.bind_routers(context, target_routers, l3_agent)
+ return True
def get_candidates(self, plugin, context, sync_router, subnet_id):
"""Return L3 agents where a router could be scheduled."""
return candidates
+ def bind_routers(self, context, routers, l3_agent):
+ for router in routers:
+ if (router.get('distributed', False) and
+ self.dvr_has_binding(context, router['id'], l3_agent.id)):
+ continue
+ self.bind_router(context, router['id'], l3_agent)
def bind_router(self, context, router_id, chosen_agent):
"""Bind the router to the l3 agent which has been chosen."""
import mock
from oslo.db import exception as exc
+from neutron.common import constants
from neutron import context
from neutron.db import agents_db
from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 as base_plugin
+from neutron.openstack.common import timeutils
from neutron.tests.unit import testlib_api
'topic': 'N/A'
+ def _add_agent(self, agent_id, agent_type, agent_host):
+ with self.context.session.begin(subtransactions=True):
+ now = timeutils.utcnow()
+ agent = agents_db.Agent(id=agent_id,
+ agent_type=agent_type,
+ binary='foo_binary',
+ topic='foo_topic',
+ host=agent_host,
+ created_at=now,
+ started_at=now,
+ admin_state_up=True,
+ heartbeat_timestamp=now,
+ configurations='')
+ self.context.session.add(agent)
+ return agent
+ def test_get_enabled_agent_on_host_found(self):
+ agent = self._add_agent('foo_id', constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3, 'foo_host')
+ expected = self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host(
+ self.context, constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3, 'foo_host')
+ self.assertEqual(expected, agent)
+ def test_get_enabled_agent_on_host_not_found(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(agents_db.LOG, 'debug') as mock_log:
+ agent = self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host(
+ self.context, constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3, 'foo_agent')
+ self.assertIsNone(agent)
+ self.assertTrue(mock_log.called)
def _assert_ref_fields_are_equal(self, reference, result):
"""Compare (key, value) pairs of a reference dict with the result
from neutron import manager
from neutron.openstack.common import timeutils
from neutron.scheduler import l3_agent_scheduler
+from neutron.tests import base
from neutron.tests.unit import test_db_plugin
from neutron.tests.unit import test_l3_plugin
from neutron.tests.unit import testlib_api
+class FakeL3Scheduler(l3_agent_scheduler.L3Scheduler):
+ def schedule(self):
+ pass
+ def _choose_router_agent(self):
+ pass
+class L3SchedulerBaseTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(L3SchedulerBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.scheduler = FakeL3Scheduler()
+ self.plugin = mock.Mock()
+ self.context = q_context.get_admin_context()
+ def test_auto_schedule_routers(self):
+ self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.return_value = [mock.ANY]
+ with contextlib.nested(
+ mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'get_routers_to_schedule'),
+ mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'get_routers_can_schedule')) as (
+ gs, gr):
+ result = self.scheduler.auto_schedule_routers(
+ self.plugin, self.context, mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
+ self.assertTrue(self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.called)
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ self.assertTrue(gs.called)
+ self.assertTrue(gr.called)
+ def test_auto_schedule_routers_no_agents(self):
+ self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.return_value = None
+ result = self.scheduler.auto_schedule_routers(
+ self.plugin, self.context, mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
+ self.assertTrue(self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.called)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_auto_schedule_routers_no_unscheduled_routers(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(self.scheduler,
+ 'get_routers_to_schedule') as mock_routers:
+ mock_routers.return_value = None
+ result = self.scheduler.auto_schedule_routers(
+ self.plugin, self.context, mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
+ self.assertTrue(self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.called)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_auto_schedule_routers_no_target_routers(self):
+ self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.return_value = [mock.ANY]
+ with contextlib.nested(
+ mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'get_routers_to_schedule'),
+ mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'get_routers_can_schedule')) as (
+ mock_unscheduled_routers, mock_target_routers):
+ mock_unscheduled_routers.return_value = mock.ANY
+ mock_target_routers.return_value = None
+ result = self.scheduler.auto_schedule_routers(
+ self.plugin, self.context, mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
+ self.assertTrue(self.plugin.get_enabled_agent_on_host.called)
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_get_routers_to_schedule_with_router_ids(self):
+ router_ids = ['foo_router_1', 'foo_router_2']
+ expected_routers = [
+ {'id': 'foo_router1'}, {'id': 'foo_router_2'}
+ ]
+ self.plugin.get_routers.return_value = expected_routers
+ with mock.patch.object(self.scheduler,
+ 'filter_unscheduled_routers') as mock_filter:
+ mock_filter.return_value = expected_routers
+ unscheduled_routers = self.scheduler.get_routers_to_schedule(
+ mock.ANY, self.plugin, router_ids)
+ mock_filter.assert_called_once_with(
+ mock.ANY, self.plugin, expected_routers)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_routers, unscheduled_routers)
+ def test_get_routers_to_schedule_without_router_ids(self):
+ expected_routers = [
+ {'id': 'foo_router1'}, {'id': 'foo_router_2'}
+ ]
+ with mock.patch.object(self.scheduler,
+ 'get_unscheduled_routers') as mock_get:
+ mock_get.return_value = expected_routers
+ unscheduled_routers = self.scheduler.get_routers_to_schedule(
+ mock.ANY, self.plugin)
+ mock_get.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, self.plugin)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_routers, unscheduled_routers)
+ def _test_get_routers_can_schedule(self, routers, agent, target_routers):
+ self.plugin.get_l3_agent_candidates.return_value = agent
+ result = self.scheduler.get_routers_can_schedule(
+ mock.ANY, self.plugin, routers, mock.ANY)
+ self.assertEqual(target_routers, result)
+ def _test_filter_unscheduled_routers(self, routers, agents, expected):
+ self.plugin.get_l3_agents_hosting_routers.return_value = agents
+ unscheduled_routers = self.scheduler.filter_unscheduled_routers(
+ mock.ANY, self.plugin, routers)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, unscheduled_routers)
+ def test_filter_unscheduled_routers_already_scheduled(self):
+ self._test_filter_unscheduled_routers(
+ [{'id': 'foo_router1'}, {'id': 'foo_router_2'}],
+ [{'id': 'foo_agent_id'}], [])
+ def test_filter_unscheduled_routers_non_scheduled(self):
+ self._test_filter_unscheduled_routers(
+ [{'id': 'foo_router1'}, {'id': 'foo_router_2'}],
+ None, [{'id': 'foo_router1'}, {'id': 'foo_router_2'}])
+ def test_get_routers_can_schedule_with_compat_agent(self):
+ routers = [{'id': 'foo_router'}]
+ self._test_get_routers_can_schedule(routers, mock.ANY, routers)
+ def test_get_routers_can_schedule_with_no_compat_agent(self):
+ routers = [{'id': 'foo_router'}]
+ self._test_get_routers_can_schedule(routers, None, [])
+ def test_bind_routers_centralized(self):
+ routers = [{'id': 'foo_router'}]
+ with mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'bind_router') as mock_bind:
+ self.scheduler.bind_routers(mock.ANY, routers, mock.ANY)
+ mock_bind.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, 'foo_router', mock.ANY)
+ def test_bind_routers_dvr(self):
+ routers = [{'id': 'foo_router', 'distributed': True}]
+ agent = agents_db.Agent(id='foo_agent')
+ with mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'dvr_has_binding') as mock_dvr:
+ with mock.patch.object(self.scheduler, 'bind_router') as mock_bind:
+ self.scheduler.bind_routers(mock.ANY, routers, agent)
+ mock_dvr.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, 'foo_router', 'foo_agent')
+ self.assertFalse(mock_bind.called)
class L3SchedulerTestExtensionManager(object):
def get_resources(self):