--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# Copyright (c) 2014 TrilioData, Inc
+# Copyright (c) 2015 EMC Corporation
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Kevin Fox <kevin@efox.cc>
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Tom Barron <tpb@dyncloud.net>
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Generic base class to implement metadata, compression and chunked data
+ operations
+import abc
+import hashlib
+import json
+import os
+import eventlet
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from oslo_utils import units
+import six
+from cinder.backup import driver
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import loopingcall
+from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+chunkedbackup_service_opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_compression_algorithm',
+ default='zlib',
+ help='Compression algorithm (None to disable)'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('backup_compression_model',
+ default='chunked',
+ help='Values are "chunked" or "streaming". If "chunked", '
+ 'flush compression buffers on every chunk; '
+ 'If "streaming", at the end of the entire data stream for '
+ 'a backup.'),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class ChunkedBackupDriver(driver.BackupDriver):
+ """Abstract chunked backup driver.
+ Implements common functionality for backup drivers that store volume
+ data in multiple "chunks" in a backup repository when the size of
+ the backed up cinder volume exceeds the size of a backup repository
+ "chunk."
+ Provides abstract methods to be implmented in concrete chunking drivers.
+ """
+ DRIVER_VERSION = '1.0.0'
+ DRIVER_VERSION_MAPPING = {'1.0.0': '_restore_v1'}
+ def _get_compressor(self, algorithm):
+ try:
+ if algorithm.lower() in ('none', 'off', 'no'):
+ return None
+ elif algorithm.lower() in ('zlib', 'gzip'):
+ import zlib as compressor
+ return compressor
+ elif algorithm.lower() in ('bz2', 'bzip2'):
+ import bz2 as compressor
+ return compressor
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
+ err = _('unsupported compression algorithm: %s') % algorithm
+ raise ValueError(unicode(err))
+ def __init__(self, context, chunk_size_bytes, sha_block_size_bytes,
+ backup_default_container, enable_progress_timer,
+ db_driver=None):
+ super(ChunkedBackupDriver, self).__init__(context, db_driver)
+ self.chunk_size_bytes = chunk_size_bytes
+ self.sha_block_size_bytes = sha_block_size_bytes
+ self.backup_default_container = backup_default_container
+ self.enable_progress_timer = enable_progress_timer
+ self.backup_timer_interval = CONF.backup_timer_interval
+ self.data_block_num = CONF.backup_object_number_per_notification
+ self.az = CONF.storage_availability_zone
+ self.backup_compression_algorithm = CONF.backup_compression_algorithm
+ self.backup_compression_model = CONF.backup_compression_model
+ self.compressor = \
+ self._get_compressor(CONF.backup_compression_algorithm)
+ # To create your own "chunked" backup driver, implement the following
+ # abstract methods.
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def put_container(self, container):
+ """Create the container if needed. No failure if it pre-exists."""
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_container_entries(self, container, prefix):
+ """Get container entry names."""
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_object_writer(self, container, object_name, extra_metadata=None):
+ """Returns a writer object which stores the chunk data in backup repository.
+ The object returned should be a context handler that can be used
+ in a "with" context.
+ """
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_object_reader(self, container, object_name, extra_metadata=None):
+ """Returns a reader object for the backed up chunk."""
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_object(self, container, object_name):
+ """Delete object from container."""
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def _generate_object_name_prefix(self, backup):
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_container_name(self, backup, container):
+ """This method exists so that sub-classes can override the container name
+ as it comes in to the driver in the backup object. Implementations
+ should return None if no change to the container name is desired.
+ """
+ return
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_extra_metadata(self, backup, volume):
+ """This method allows for collection of extra metadata in prepare_backup()
+ which will be passed to get_object_reader() and get_object_writer().
+ Subclass extensions can use this extra information to optimize
+ data transfers. Return a json serializable object.
+ """
+ return
+ def _create_container(self, context, backup):
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ backup['container'] = self.update_container_name(backup,
+ backup['container'])
+ container = backup['container']
+ LOG.debug('_create_container started, container: %(container)s,'
+ 'backup: %(backup_id)s.',
+ {'container': container, 'backup_id': backup_id})
+ if container is None:
+ container = self.backup_default_container
+ self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'container': container})
+ self.put_container(container)
+ return container
+ def _generate_object_names(self, backup):
+ prefix = backup['service_metadata']
+ object_names = self.get_container_entries(backup['container'], prefix)
+ LOG.debug('generated object list: %s.', object_names)
+ return object_names
+ def _metadata_filename(self, backup):
+ object_name = backup['service_metadata']
+ filename = '%s_metadata' % object_name
+ return filename
+ def _sha256_filename(self, backup):
+ object_name = backup['service_metadata']
+ filename = '%s_sha256file' % object_name
+ return filename
+ def _write_metadata(self, backup, volume_id, container, object_list,
+ volume_meta, extra_metadata=None):
+ filename = self._metadata_filename(backup)
+ LOG.debug('_write_metadata started, container name: %(container)s,'
+ ' metadata filename: %(filename)s.',
+ {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
+ metadata = {}
+ metadata['version'] = self.DRIVER_VERSION
+ metadata['backup_id'] = backup['id']
+ metadata['volume_id'] = volume_id
+ metadata['backup_name'] = backup['display_name']
+ metadata['backup_description'] = backup['display_description']
+ metadata['created_at'] = str(backup['created_at'])
+ metadata['objects'] = object_list
+ metadata['parent_id'] = backup['parent_id']
+ metadata['volume_meta'] = volume_meta
+ if extra_metadata:
+ metadata['extra_metadata'] = extra_metadata
+ metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ with self.get_object_writer(container, filename) as writer:
+ writer.write(metadata_json)
+ LOG.debug('_write_metadata finished. Metadata: %s.', metadata_json)
+ def _write_sha256file(self, backup, volume_id, container, sha256_list):
+ filename = self._sha256_filename(backup)
+ LOG.debug('_write_sha256file started, container name: %(container)s,'
+ ' sha256file filename: %(filename)s.',
+ {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
+ sha256file = {}
+ sha256file['version'] = self.DRIVER_VERSION
+ sha256file['backup_id'] = backup['id']
+ sha256file['volume_id'] = volume_id
+ sha256file['backup_name'] = backup['display_name']
+ sha256file['backup_description'] = backup['display_description']
+ sha256file['created_at'] = six.text_type(backup['created_at'])
+ sha256file['chunk_size'] = self.sha_block_size_bytes
+ sha256file['sha256s'] = sha256_list
+ sha256file_json = json.dumps(sha256file, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ with self.get_object_writer(container, filename) as writer:
+ writer.write(sha256file_json)
+ LOG.debug('_write_sha256file finished.')
+ def _read_metadata(self, backup):
+ container = backup['container']
+ filename = self._metadata_filename(backup)
+ LOG.debug('_read_metadata started, container name: %(container)s, '
+ 'metadata filename: %(filename)s.',
+ {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
+ reader = self.get_object_reader(container, filename)
+ with self.get_object_reader(container, filename) as reader:
+ metadata_json = reader.read()
+ metadata = json.loads(metadata_json)
+ LOG.debug('_read_metadata finished. Metadata: %s.', metadata_json)
+ return metadata
+ def _read_sha256file(self, backup):
+ container = backup['container']
+ filename = self._sha256_filename(backup)
+ LOG.debug('_read_sha256file started, container name: %(container)s, '
+ 'sha256 filename: %(filename)s.',
+ {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
+ with self.get_object_reader(container, filename) as reader:
+ sha256file_json = reader.read()
+ sha256file = json.loads(sha256file_json)
+ LOG.debug('_read_sha256file finished (%s).', sha256file)
+ return sha256file
+ def _prepare_backup(self, backup):
+ """Prepare the backup process and return the backup metadata."""
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ volume_id = backup['volume_id']
+ volume = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ if volume['size'] <= 0:
+ err = _('volume size %d is invalid.') % volume['size']
+ raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err)
+ container = self._create_container(self.context, backup)
+ object_prefix = self._generate_object_name_prefix(backup)
+ backup['service_metadata'] = object_prefix
+ self.db.backup_update(self.context, backup_id, {'service_metadata':
+ object_prefix})
+ volume_size_bytes = volume['size'] * units.Gi
+ availability_zone = self.az
+ LOG.debug('starting backup of volume: %(volume_id)s,'
+ ' volume size: %(volume_size_bytes)d, object names'
+ ' prefix %(object_prefix)s, availability zone:'
+ ' %(availability_zone)s',
+ {
+ 'volume_id': volume_id,
+ 'volume_size_bytes': volume_size_bytes,
+ 'object_prefix': object_prefix,
+ 'availability_zone': availability_zone,
+ })
+ object_meta = {'id': 1, 'list': [], 'prefix': object_prefix,
+ 'volume_meta': None}
+ object_sha256 = {'id': 1, 'sha256s': [], 'prefix': object_prefix}
+ extra_metadata = self.get_extra_metadata(backup, volume)
+ if extra_metadata is not None:
+ object_meta['extra_metadata'] = extra_metadata
+ return (object_meta, object_sha256, extra_metadata, container,
+ volume_size_bytes)
+ def _backup_chunk(self, backup, container, data, data_offset,
+ object_meta, extra_metadata):
+ """Backup data chunk based on the object metadata and offset."""
+ object_prefix = object_meta['prefix']
+ object_list = object_meta['list']
+ object_id = object_meta['id']
+ object_name = '%s-%05d' % (object_prefix, object_id)
+ obj = {}
+ obj[object_name] = {}
+ obj[object_name]['offset'] = data_offset
+ obj[object_name]['length'] = len(data)
+ LOG.debug('reading chunk of data from volume')
+ if self.compressor is not None:
+ algorithm = CONF.backup_compression_algorithm.lower()
+ obj[object_name]['compression'] = algorithm
+ data_size_bytes = len(data)
+ data = self.compressor.compress(data)
+ comp_size_bytes = len(data)
+ LOG.debug('compressed %(data_size_bytes)d bytes of data '
+ 'to %(comp_size_bytes)d bytes using '
+ '%(algorithm)s' %
+ {
+ 'data_size_bytes': data_size_bytes,
+ 'comp_size_bytes': comp_size_bytes,
+ 'algorithm': algorithm,
+ })
+ else:
+ LOG.debug('not compressing data')
+ obj[object_name]['compression'] = 'none'
+ LOG.debug('About to put_object')
+ with self.get_object_writer(
+ container, object_name, extra_metadata=extra_metadata
+ ) as writer:
+ writer.write(data)
+ md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
+ obj[object_name]['md5'] = md5
+ LOG.debug('backup MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(md5)s' %
+ {'object_name': object_name, 'md5': md5})
+ object_list.append(obj)
+ object_id += 1
+ object_meta['list'] = object_list
+ object_meta['id'] = object_id
+ LOG.debug('Calling eventlet.sleep(0)')
+ eventlet.sleep(0)
+ def _finalize_backup(self, backup, container, object_meta, object_sha256):
+ """Write the backup's metadata to the backup repository."""
+ object_list = object_meta['list']
+ object_id = object_meta['id']
+ volume_meta = object_meta['volume_meta']
+ sha256_list = object_sha256['sha256s']
+ extra_metadata = object_meta.get('extra_metadata')
+ self._write_sha256file(backup,
+ backup['volume_id'],
+ container,
+ sha256_list)
+ self._write_metadata(backup,
+ backup['volume_id'],
+ container,
+ object_list,
+ volume_meta,
+ extra_metadata)
+ self.db.backup_update(self.context, backup['id'],
+ {'object_count': object_id})
+ LOG.debug('backup %s finished.', backup['id'])
+ def _backup_metadata(self, backup, object_meta):
+ """Backup volume metadata.
+ NOTE(dosaboy): the metadata we are backing up is obtained from a
+ versioned api so we should not alter it in any way here.
+ We must also be sure that the service that will perform
+ the restore is compatible with version used.
+ """
+ json_meta = self.get_metadata(backup['volume_id'])
+ if not json_meta:
+ LOG.debug("No volume metadata to backup.")
+ return
+ object_meta["volume_meta"] = json_meta
+ def _send_progress_end(self, context, backup, object_meta):
+ object_meta['backup_percent'] = 100
+ volume_utils.notify_about_backup_usage(context,
+ backup,
+ "createprogress",
+ extra_usage_info=
+ object_meta)
+ def _send_progress_notification(self, context, backup, object_meta,
+ total_block_sent_num, total_volume_size):
+ backup_percent = total_block_sent_num * 100 / total_volume_size
+ object_meta['backup_percent'] = backup_percent
+ volume_utils.notify_about_backup_usage(context,
+ backup,
+ "createprogress",
+ extra_usage_info=
+ object_meta)
+ def backup(self, backup, volume_file, backup_metadata=True):
+ """Backup the given volume.
+ If backup['parent_id'] is given, then an incremental backup
+ is performed.
+ """
+ if self.chunk_size_bytes % self.sha_block_size_bytes:
+ err = _('Chunk size is not multiple of '
+ 'block size for creating hash.')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ # Read the shafile of the parent backup if backup['parent_id']
+ # is given.
+ parent_backup_shafile = None
+ parent_backup = None
+ if backup['parent_id']:
+ parent_backup = self.db.backup_get(self.context,
+ backup['parent_id'])
+ parent_backup_shafile = self._read_sha256file(parent_backup)
+ parent_backup_shalist = parent_backup_shafile['sha256s']
+ if (parent_backup_shafile['chunk_size'] !=
+ self.sha_block_size_bytes):
+ err = (_('Hash block size has changed since the last '
+ 'backup. New hash block size: %(new)s. Old hash '
+ 'block size: %(old)s. Do a full backup.')
+ % {'old': parent_backup_shafile['chunk_size'],
+ 'new': self.sha_block_size_bytes})
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ # If the volume size increased since the last backup, fail
+ # the incremental backup and ask user to do a full backup.
+ if backup['size'] > parent_backup['size']:
+ err = _('Volume size increased since the last '
+ 'backup. Do a full backup.')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ (object_meta, object_sha256, extra_metadata, container,
+ volume_size_bytes) = self._prepare_backup(backup)
+ counter = 0
+ total_block_sent_num = 0
+ # There are two mechanisms to send the progress notification.
+ # 1. The notifications are periodically sent in a certain interval.
+ # 2. The notifications are sent after a certain number of chunks.
+ # Both of them are working simultaneously during the volume backup,
+ # when swift is taken as the backup backend.
+ def _notify_progress():
+ self._send_progress_notification(self.context, backup,
+ object_meta,
+ total_block_sent_num,
+ volume_size_bytes)
+ timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
+ _notify_progress)
+ if self.enable_progress_timer:
+ timer.start(interval=self.backup_timer_interval)
+ sha256_list = object_sha256['sha256s']
+ shaindex = 0
+ while True:
+ data_offset = volume_file.tell()
+ data = volume_file.read(self.chunk_size_bytes)
+ if data == '':
+ break
+ # Calculate new shas with the datablock.
+ shalist = []
+ off = 0
+ datalen = len(data)
+ while off < datalen:
+ chunk_start = off
+ chunk_end = chunk_start + self.sha_block_size_bytes
+ if chunk_end > datalen:
+ chunk_end = datalen
+ chunk = data[chunk_start:chunk_end]
+ sha = hashlib.sha256(chunk).hexdigest()
+ shalist.append(sha)
+ off += self.sha_block_size_bytes
+ sha256_list.extend(shalist)
+ # If parent_backup is not None, that means an incremental
+ # backup will be performed.
+ if parent_backup:
+ # Find the extent that needs to be backed up.
+ extent_off = -1
+ for idx, sha in enumerate(shalist):
+ if sha != parent_backup_shalist[shaindex]:
+ if extent_off == -1:
+ # Start of new extent.
+ extent_off = idx * self.sha_block_size_bytes
+ else:
+ if extent_off != -1:
+ # We've reached the end of extent.
+ extent_end = idx * self.sha_block_size_bytes
+ segment = data[extent_off:extent_end]
+ self._backup_chunk(backup, container, segment,
+ data_offset + extent_off,
+ object_meta,
+ extra_metadata)
+ extent_off = -1
+ shaindex += 1
+ # The last extent extends to the end of data buffer.
+ if extent_off != -1:
+ extent_end = datalen
+ segment = data[extent_off:extent_end]
+ self._backup_chunk(backup, container, segment,
+ data_offset + extent_off,
+ object_meta, extra_metadata)
+ extent_off = -1
+ else: # Do a full backup.
+ self._backup_chunk(backup, container, data, data_offset,
+ object_meta, extra_metadata)
+ # Notifications
+ total_block_sent_num += self.data_block_num
+ counter += 1
+ if counter == self.data_block_num:
+ # Send the notification to Ceilometer when the chunk
+ # number reaches the data_block_num. The backup percentage
+ # is put in the metadata as the extra information.
+ self._send_progress_notification(self.context, backup,
+ object_meta,
+ total_block_sent_num,
+ volume_size_bytes)
+ # Reset the counter
+ counter = 0
+ # Stop the timer.
+ timer.stop()
+ # All the data have been sent, the backup_percent reaches 100.
+ self._send_progress_end(self.context, backup, object_meta)
+ object_sha256['sha256s'] = sha256_list
+ if backup_metadata:
+ try:
+ self._backup_metadata(backup, object_meta)
+ # Whatever goes wrong, we want to log, cleanup, and re-raise.
+ except Exception as err:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.exception(
+ _LE("Backup volume metadata failed: %s."),
+ err)
+ self.delete(backup)
+ self._finalize_backup(backup, container, object_meta, object_sha256)
+ def _restore_v1(self, backup, volume_id, metadata, volume_file):
+ """Restore a v1 volume backup."""
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ LOG.debug('v1 volume backup restore of %s started.', backup_id)
+ extra_metadata = metadata.get('extra_metadata')
+ container = backup['container']
+ metadata_objects = metadata['objects']
+ metadata_object_names = sum((obj.keys() for obj in metadata_objects),
+ [])
+ LOG.debug('metadata_object_names = %s.', metadata_object_names)
+ prune_list = [self._metadata_filename(backup),
+ self._sha256_filename(backup)]
+ object_names = [object_name for object_name in
+ self._generate_object_names(backup)
+ if object_name not in prune_list]
+ if sorted(object_names) != sorted(metadata_object_names):
+ err = _('restore_backup aborted, actual object list '
+ 'does not match object list stored in metadata.')
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ for metadata_object in metadata_objects:
+ object_name = metadata_object.keys()[0]
+ LOG.debug('restoring object. backup: %(backup_id)s, '
+ 'container: %(container)s, object name: '
+ '%(object_name)s, volume: %(volume_id)s.',
+ {
+ 'backup_id': backup_id,
+ 'container': container,
+ 'object_name': object_name,
+ 'volume_id': volume_id,
+ })
+ reader = self.get_object_reader(container, object_name,
+ extra_metadata)
+ with self.get_object_reader(
+ container, object_name,
+ extra_metadata=extra_metadata) as reader:
+ body = reader.read()
+ compression_algorithm = metadata_object[object_name]['compression']
+ decompressor = self._get_compressor(compression_algorithm)
+ volume_file.seek(metadata_object.values()[0]['offset'])
+ if decompressor is not None:
+ LOG.debug('decompressing data using %s algorithm' %
+ compression_algorithm)
+ decompressed = decompressor.decompress(body)
+ volume_file.write(decompressed)
+ else:
+ volume_file.write(body)
+ # force flush every write to avoid long blocking write on close
+ volume_file.flush()
+ # Be tolerant to IO implementations that do not support fileno()
+ try:
+ fileno = volume_file.fileno()
+ except IOError:
+ LOG.info(_LI("volume_file does not support "
+ "fileno() so skipping"
+ "fsync()"))
+ else:
+ os.fsync(fileno)
+ # Restoring a backup to a volume can take some time. Yield so other
+ # threads can run, allowing for among other things the service
+ # status to be updated
+ eventlet.sleep(0)
+ LOG.debug('v1 volume backup restore of %s finished.',
+ backup_id)
+ def restore(self, backup, volume_id, volume_file):
+ """Restore the given volume backup from backup repository."""
+ backup_id = backup['id']
+ container = backup['container']
+ object_prefix = backup['service_metadata']
+ LOG.debug('starting restore of backup %(object_prefix)s'
+ ' container: %(container)s, to volume %(volume_id)s, '
+ 'backup: %(backup_id)s.',
+ {
+ 'object_prefix': object_prefix,
+ 'container': container,
+ 'volume_id': volume_id,
+ 'backup_id': backup_id,
+ })
+ metadata = self._read_metadata(backup)
+ metadata_version = metadata['version']
+ LOG.debug('Restoring backup version %s', metadata_version)
+ try:
+ restore_func = getattr(self, self.DRIVER_VERSION_MAPPING.get(
+ metadata_version))
+ except TypeError:
+ err = (_('No support to restore backup version %s')
+ % metadata_version)
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ # Build a list of backups based on parent_id. A full backup
+ # will be the last one in the list.
+ backup_list = []
+ backup_list.append(backup)
+ current_backup = backup
+ while current_backup['parent_id']:
+ prev_backup = (self.db.backup_get(
+ self.context, current_backup['parent_id']))
+ backup_list.append(prev_backup)
+ current_backup = prev_backup
+ # Do a full restore first, then layer the incremental backups
+ # on top of it in order.
+ index = len(backup_list) - 1
+ while index >= 0:
+ backup1 = backup_list[index]
+ index = index - 1
+ metadata = self._read_metadata(backup1)
+ restore_func(backup1, volume_id, metadata, volume_file)
+ volume_meta = metadata.get('volume_meta', None)
+ try:
+ if volume_meta:
+ self.put_metadata(volume_id, volume_meta)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug("No volume metadata in this backup.")
+ except exception.BackupMetadataUnsupportedVersion:
+ msg = _("Metadata restore failed due to incompatible version.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.BackupOperationError(msg)
+ LOG.debug('restore %(backup_id)s to %(volume_id)s finished.',
+ {'backup_id': backup_id, 'volume_id': volume_id})
+ def delete(self, backup):
+ """Delete the given backup."""
+ container = backup['container']
+ LOG.debug('delete started, backup: %s, container: %s, prefix: %s.',
+ backup['id'], container, backup['service_metadata'])
+ if container is not None:
+ object_names = []
+ try:
+ object_names = self._generate_object_names(backup)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.warn(_LW('swift error while listing objects, continuing'
+ ' with delete.'))
+ for object_name in object_names:
+ self.delete_object(container, object_name)
+ LOG.debug('deleted object: %(object_name)s'
+ ' in container: %(container)s.',
+ {
+ 'object_name': object_name,
+ 'container': container
+ })
+ # Deleting a backup's objects can take some time.
+ # Yield so other threads can run
+ eventlet.sleep(0)
+ LOG.debug('delete %s finished.', backup['id'])
# Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright (c) 2014 TrilioData, Inc
# Copyright (c) 2015 EMC Corporation
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Kevin Fox <kevin@efox.cc>
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Tom Barron <tpb@dyncloud.net>
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
import hashlib
-import json
-import os
import socket
-import eventlet
from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import timeutils
-from oslo_utils import units
import six
from swiftclient import client as swift
-from cinder.backup import driver
+from cinder.backup import chunkeddriver
from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.i18n import _
+from cinder.i18n import _LE
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
-from cinder.openstack.common import loopingcall
-from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
help='The backoff time in seconds between Swift retries'),
- cfg.StrOpt('backup_compression_algorithm',
- default='zlib',
- help='Compression algorithm (None to disable)'),
help='Enable or Disable the timer to send the periodic '
-class SwiftBackupDriver(driver.BackupDriver):
+class SwiftBackupDriver(chunkeddriver.ChunkedBackupDriver):
"""Provides backup, restore and delete of backup objects within Swift."""
- DRIVER_VERSION = '1.0.0'
- DRIVER_VERSION_MAPPING = {'1.0.0': '_restore_v1'}
- def _get_compressor(self, algorithm):
- try:
- if algorithm.lower() in ('none', 'off', 'no'):
- return None
- elif algorithm.lower() in ('zlib', 'gzip'):
- import zlib as compressor
- return compressor
- elif algorithm.lower() in ('bz2', 'bzip2'):
- import bz2 as compressor
- return compressor
- except ImportError:
- pass
- err = _('unsupported compression algorithm: %s') % algorithm
- raise ValueError(unicode(err))
def __init__(self, context, db_driver=None):
- super(SwiftBackupDriver, self).__init__(context, db_driver)
+ chunk_size_bytes = CONF.backup_swift_object_size
+ sha_block_size_bytes = CONF.backup_swift_block_size
+ backup_default_container = CONF.backup_swift_container
+ enable_progress_timer = CONF.backup_swift_enable_progress_timer
+ super(SwiftBackupDriver, self).__init__(context, chunk_size_bytes,
+ sha_block_size_bytes,
+ backup_default_container,
+ enable_progress_timer,
+ db_driver)
if CONF.backup_swift_url is None:
self.swift_url = None
info = CONF.swift_catalog_info
" either be set in the service catalog or with the "
" cinder.conf config option 'backup_swift_url'."))
LOG.debug("Using swift URL %s", self.swift_url)
- self.az = CONF.storage_availability_zone
- self.data_block_size_bytes = CONF.backup_swift_object_size
- self.backup_timer_interval = CONF.backup_timer_interval
- self.data_block_num = CONF.backup_object_number_per_notification
- self.enable_progress_timer = CONF.backup_swift_enable_progress_timer
self.swift_attempts = CONF.backup_swift_retry_attempts
self.swift_backoff = CONF.backup_swift_retry_backoff
- self.compressor = \
- self._get_compressor(CONF.backup_compression_algorithm)
- LOG.debug('Connect to %s in "%s" mode' % (CONF.backup_swift_url,
- CONF.backup_swift_auth))
+ LOG.debug('Connect to %s in "%s" mode', (CONF.backup_swift_url,
+ CONF.backup_swift_auth))
if CONF.backup_swift_auth == 'single_user':
if CONF.backup_swift_user is None:
LOG.error(_LE("single_user auth mode enabled, "
- "but %(param)s not set")
- % {'param': 'backup_swift_user'})
+ "but %(param)s not set"),
+ {'param': 'backup_swift_user'})
raise exception.ParameterNotFound(param='backup_swift_user')
self.conn = swift.Connection(
- def _create_container(self, context, backup):
- backup_id = backup['id']
- container = backup['container']
- LOG.debug('_create_container started, container: %(container)s,'
- 'backup: %(backup_id)s' %
- {'container': container, 'backup_id': backup_id})
- if container is None:
- container = CONF.backup_swift_container
- self.db.backup_update(context, backup_id, {'container': container})
- # NOTE(gfidente): accordingly to the Object Storage API reference, we
- # do not need to check if a container already exists, container PUT
- # requests are idempotent and a code of 202 (Accepted) is returned when
- # the container already existed.
- self.conn.put_container(container)
- return container
- def _generate_swift_object_name_prefix(self, backup):
- az = 'az_%s' % self.az
- backup_name = '%s_backup_%s' % (az, backup['id'])
- volume = 'volume_%s' % (backup['volume_id'])
- timestamp = timeutils.strtime(fmt="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
- prefix = volume + '/' + timestamp + '/' + backup_name
- LOG.debug('_generate_swift_object_name_prefix: %s' % prefix)
- return prefix
- def _generate_object_names(self, backup):
- prefix = backup['service_metadata']
- swift_objects = self.conn.get_container(backup['container'],
- prefix=prefix,
- full_listing=True)[1]
- swift_object_names = [swift_obj['name'] for swift_obj in swift_objects]
- LOG.debug('generated object list: %s' % swift_object_names)
- return swift_object_names
+ class SwiftObjectWriter:
+ def __init__(self, container, object_name, conn):
+ self.container = container
+ self.object_name = object_name
+ self.conn = conn
+ self.data = ''
- def _metadata_filename(self, backup):
- swift_object_name = backup['service_metadata']
- filename = '%s_metadata' % swift_object_name
- return filename
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
- def _sha256_filename(self, backup):
- swift_object_name = backup['service_metadata']
- filename = '%s_sha256file' % swift_object_name
- return filename
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ self.close()
- def _write_metadata(self, backup, volume_id, container, object_list,
- volume_meta):
- filename = self._metadata_filename(backup)
- LOG.debug('_write_metadata started, container name: %(container)s,'
- ' metadata filename: %(filename)s' %
- {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
- metadata = {}
- metadata['version'] = self.DRIVER_VERSION
- metadata['backup_id'] = backup['id']
- metadata['volume_id'] = volume_id
- metadata['backup_name'] = backup['display_name']
- metadata['backup_description'] = backup['display_description']
- metadata['created_at'] = str(backup['created_at'])
- metadata['objects'] = object_list
- metadata['parent_id'] = backup['parent_id']
- metadata['volume_meta'] = volume_meta
- metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
- reader = six.StringIO(metadata_json)
- etag = self.conn.put_object(container, filename, reader,
- content_length=reader.len)
- md5 = hashlib.md5(metadata_json).hexdigest()
- if etag != md5:
- err = _('error writing metadata file to swift, MD5 of metadata'
- ' file in swift [%(etag)s] is not the same as MD5 of '
- 'metadata file sent to swift [%(md5)s]') % {'etag': etag,
- 'md5': md5}
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- LOG.debug('_write_metadata finished')
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.data += data
- def _write_sha256file(self, backup, volume_id, container, sha256_list):
- filename = self._sha256_filename(backup)
- LOG.debug('_write_sha256file started, container name: %(container)s,'
- ' sha256file filename: %(filename)s',
- {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
- sha256file = {}
- sha256file['version'] = self.DRIVER_VERSION
- sha256file['backup_id'] = backup['id']
- sha256file['volume_id'] = volume_id
- sha256file['backup_name'] = backup['display_name']
- sha256file['backup_description'] = backup['display_description']
- sha256file['created_at'] = six.text_type(backup['created_at'])
- sha256file['chunk_size'] = CONF.backup_swift_block_size
- sha256file['sha256s'] = sha256_list
- sha256file_json = json.dumps(sha256file, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
- reader = six.StringIO(sha256file_json)
- etag = self.conn.put_object(container, filename, reader,
- content_length=reader.len)
- md5 = hashlib.md5(sha256file_json).hexdigest()
- if etag != md5:
- err = (_('Error writing sha256file file to swift. MD5 of metadata'
- ' file in swift [%(etag)s] is not the same as MD5 of '
- 'sha256file file sent to swift [%(md5)s].')
- % {'etag': etag, 'md5': md5})
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- LOG.debug('_write_sha256file finished')
+ def close(self):
+ reader = six.StringIO(self.data)
+ try:
+ etag = self.conn.put_object(self.container, self.object_name,
+ reader,
+ content_length=reader.len)
+ except socket.error as err:
+ raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
+ LOG.debug('swift MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(etag)s',
+ {'object_name': self.object_name, 'etag': etag, })
+ md5 = hashlib.md5(self.data).hexdigest()
+ LOG.debug('backup MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(md5)s',
+ {'object_name': self.object_name, 'md5': md5})
+ if etag != md5:
+ err = _('error writing object to swift, MD5 of object in '
+ 'swift %(etag)s is not the same as MD5 of object sent '
+ 'to swift %(md5)s'), {'etag': etag, 'md5': md5}
+ raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
+ return md5
- def _read_metadata(self, backup):
- container = backup['container']
- filename = self._metadata_filename(backup)
- LOG.debug('_read_metadata started, container name: %(container)s, '
- 'metadata filename: %(filename)s.',
- {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
- (_resp, body) = self.conn.get_object(container, filename)
- metadata = json.loads(body)
- LOG.debug('_read_metadata finished (%s).', metadata)
- return metadata
+ class SwiftObjectReader:
+ def __init__(self, container, object_name, conn):
+ self.container = container
+ self.object_name = object_name
+ self.conn = conn
- def _read_sha256file(self, backup):
- container = backup['container']
- filename = self._sha256_filename(backup)
- LOG.debug('_read_metadata started, container name: %(container)s, '
- 'sha256 filename: %(filename)s.',
- {'container': container, 'filename': filename})
- (resp, body) = self.conn.get_object(container, filename)
- sha256file = json.loads(body)
- LOG.debug('_read_sha256file finished (%s).', sha256file)
- return sha256file
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
- def _prepare_backup(self, backup):
- """Prepare the backup process and return the backup metadata."""
- backup_id = backup['id']
- volume_id = backup['volume_id']
- volume = self.db.volume_get(self.context, volume_id)
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ pass
- if volume['size'] <= 0:
- err = _('volume size %d is invalid.') % volume['size']
- raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=err)
+ def read(self):
+ try:
+ (_resp, body) = self.conn.get_object(self.container,
+ self.object_name)
+ except socket.error as err:
+ raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
+ return body
+ def put_container(self, container):
+ """Create the container if needed. No failure if it pre-exists."""
- container = self._create_container(self.context, backup)
+ self.conn.put_container(container)
except socket.error as err:
raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
+ return
- object_prefix = self._generate_swift_object_name_prefix(backup)
- backup['service_metadata'] = object_prefix
- self.db.backup_update(self.context, backup_id, {'service_metadata':
- object_prefix})
- volume_size_bytes = volume['size'] * units.Gi
- availability_zone = self.az
- LOG.debug('starting backup of volume: %(volume_id)s to swift,'
- ' volume size: %(volume_size_bytes)d, swift object names'
- ' prefix %(object_prefix)s, availability zone:'
- ' %(availability_zone)s' %
- {
- 'volume_id': volume_id,
- 'volume_size_bytes': volume_size_bytes,
- 'object_prefix': object_prefix,
- 'availability_zone': availability_zone,
- })
- object_meta = {'id': 1, 'list': [], 'prefix': object_prefix,
- 'volume_meta': None}
- object_sha256 = {'id': 1, 'sha256s': [], 'prefix': object_prefix}
- return object_meta, object_sha256, container, volume_size_bytes
- def _backup_chunk(self, backup, container, data, data_offset, object_meta):
- """Backup data chunk based on the object metadata and offset."""
- object_prefix = object_meta['prefix']
- object_list = object_meta['list']
- object_id = object_meta['id']
- object_name = '%s-%05d' % (object_prefix, object_id)
- obj = {}
- obj[object_name] = {}
- obj[object_name]['offset'] = data_offset
- obj[object_name]['length'] = len(data)
- LOG.debug('reading chunk of data from volume')
- if self.compressor is not None:
- algorithm = CONF.backup_compression_algorithm.lower()
- obj[object_name]['compression'] = algorithm
- data_size_bytes = len(data)
- data = self.compressor.compress(data)
- comp_size_bytes = len(data)
- LOG.debug('compressed %(data_size_bytes)d bytes of data '
- 'to %(comp_size_bytes)d bytes using '
- '%(algorithm)s' %
- {
- 'data_size_bytes': data_size_bytes,
- 'comp_size_bytes': comp_size_bytes,
- 'algorithm': algorithm,
- })
- else:
- LOG.debug('not compressing data')
- obj[object_name]['compression'] = 'none'
- reader = six.StringIO(data)
- LOG.debug('About to put_object')
+ def get_container_entries(self, container, prefix):
+ """Get container entry names"""
- etag = self.conn.put_object(container, object_name, reader,
- content_length=len(data))
+ swift_objects = self.conn.get_container(container,
+ prefix=prefix,
+ full_listing=True)[1]
except socket.error as err:
raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
- LOG.debug('swift MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(etag)s' %
- {'object_name': object_name, 'etag': etag, })
- md5 = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
- obj[object_name]['md5'] = md5
- LOG.debug('backup MD5 for %(object_name)s: %(md5)s' %
- {'object_name': object_name, 'md5': md5})
- if etag != md5:
- err = _('error writing object to swift, MD5 of object in '
- 'swift %(etag)s is not the same as MD5 of object sent '
- 'to swift %(md5)s') % {'etag': etag, 'md5': md5}
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- object_list.append(obj)
- object_id += 1
- object_meta['list'] = object_list
- object_meta['id'] = object_id
- LOG.debug('Calling eventlet.sleep(0)')
- eventlet.sleep(0)
- def _finalize_backup(self, backup, container, object_meta, object_sha256):
- """Finalize the backup by updating its metadata on Swift."""
- object_list = object_meta['list']
- object_id = object_meta['id']
- volume_meta = object_meta['volume_meta']
- sha256_list = object_sha256['sha256s']
- try:
- self._write_sha256file(backup,
- backup['volume_id'],
- container,
- sha256_list)
- except socket.error as err:
- msg = _("Exception: %s") % err
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=msg)
- try:
- self._write_metadata(backup,
- backup['volume_id'],
- container,
- object_list,
- volume_meta)
- except socket.error as err:
- msg = _("Exception: %s") % err
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=msg)
- self.db.backup_update(self.context, backup['id'],
- {'object_count': object_id})
- LOG.debug('backup %s finished.' % backup['id'])
- def _backup_metadata(self, backup, object_meta):
- """Backup volume metadata.
+ swift_object_names = [swift_obj['name'] for swift_obj in swift_objects]
+ return swift_object_names
- NOTE(dosaboy): the metadata we are backing up is obtained from a
- versioned api so we should not alter it in any way here.
- We must also be sure that the service that will perform
- the restore is compatible with version used.
+ def get_object_writer(self, container, object_name, extra_metadata=None):
+ """Returns a writer object that stores a chunk of volume data in a
+ Swift object store.
- json_meta = self.get_metadata(backup['volume_id'])
- if not json_meta:
- LOG.debug("No volume metadata to backup")
- return
- object_meta["volume_meta"] = json_meta
+ return self.SwiftObjectWriter(container, object_name, self.conn)
- def _send_progress_end(self, context, backup, object_meta):
- object_meta['backup_percent'] = 100
- volume_utils.notify_about_backup_usage(context,
- backup,
- "createprogress",
- extra_usage_info=
- object_meta)
- def _send_progress_notification(self, context, backup, object_meta,
- total_block_sent_num, total_volume_size):
- backup_percent = total_block_sent_num * 100 / total_volume_size
- object_meta['backup_percent'] = backup_percent
- volume_utils.notify_about_backup_usage(context,
- backup,
- "createprogress",
- extra_usage_info=
- object_meta)
- def backup(self, backup, volume_file, backup_metadata=True):
- """Backup the given volume to Swift.
- If backup['parent_id'] is given, then an incremental backup
- is performed.
+ def get_object_reader(self, container, object_name, extra_metadata=None):
+ """Returns a reader object that retrieves a chunk of backed-up volume data
+ from a Swift object store.
- if self.data_block_size_bytes % CONF.backup_swift_block_size:
- err = _('Swift object size is not multiple of '
- 'block size for creating hash.')
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- # Read the shafile of the parent backup if backup['parent_id']
- # is given.
- parent_backup_shafile = None
- parent_backup = None
- if backup['parent_id']:
- parent_backup = self.db.backup_get(self.context,
- backup['parent_id'])
- parent_backup_shafile = self._read_sha256file(parent_backup)
- parent_backup_shalist = parent_backup_shafile['sha256s']
- if (parent_backup_shafile['chunk_size'] !=
- CONF.backup_swift_block_size):
- err = (_('Swift block size has changed since the last '
- 'backup. New block size: %(new)s. Old block '
- 'size: %(old)s. Do a full backup.')
- % {'old': parent_backup_shafile['chunk_size'],
- 'new': CONF.backup_swift_block_size})
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- # If the volume size increased since the last backup, fail
- # the incremental backup and ask user to do a full backup.
- if backup['size'] > parent_backup['size']:
- err = _('Volume size increased since the last '
- 'backup. Do a full backup.')
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- (object_meta, object_sha256, container,
- volume_size_bytes) = self._prepare_backup(backup)
- counter = 0
- total_block_sent_num = 0
- # There are two mechanisms to send the progress notification.
- # 1. The notifications are periodically sent in a certain interval.
- # 2. The notifications are sent after a certain number of chunks.
- # Both of them are working simultaneously during the volume backup,
- # when swift is taken as the backup backend.
- def _notify_progress():
- self._send_progress_notification(self.context, backup,
- object_meta,
- total_block_sent_num,
- volume_size_bytes)
- timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(
- _notify_progress)
- if self.enable_progress_timer:
- timer.start(interval=self.backup_timer_interval)
- sha256_list = object_sha256['sha256s']
- shaindex = 0
- while True:
- data_offset = volume_file.tell()
- data = volume_file.read(self.data_block_size_bytes)
- if data == '':
- break
- # Calculate new shas with the datablock.
- shalist = []
- off = 0
- datalen = len(data)
- while off < datalen:
- chunk_start = off
- chunk_end = chunk_start + CONF.backup_swift_block_size
- if chunk_end > datalen:
- chunk_end = datalen
- chunk = data[chunk_start:chunk_end]
- sha = hashlib.sha256(chunk).hexdigest()
- shalist.append(sha)
- off += CONF.backup_swift_block_size
- sha256_list.extend(shalist)
- # If parent_backup is not None, that means an incremental
- # backup will be performed.
- if parent_backup:
- # Find the extent that needs to be backed up.
- extent_off = -1
- for idx, sha in enumerate(shalist):
- if sha != parent_backup_shalist[shaindex]:
- if extent_off == -1:
- # Start of new extent.
- extent_off = idx * CONF.backup_swift_block_size
- else:
- if extent_off != -1:
- # We've reached the end of extent.
- extent_end = idx * CONF.backup_swift_block_size
- segment = data[extent_off:extent_end]
- self._backup_chunk(backup, container, segment,
- data_offset + extent_off,
- object_meta)
- extent_off = -1
- shaindex += 1
- # The last extent extends to the end of data buffer.
- if extent_off != -1:
- extent_end = datalen
- segment = data[extent_off:extent_end]
- self._backup_chunk(backup, container, segment,
- data_offset + extent_off, object_meta)
- extent_off = -1
- else: # Do a full backup.
- self._backup_chunk(backup, container, data,
- data_offset, object_meta)
- # Notifications
- total_block_sent_num += self.data_block_num
- counter += 1
- if counter == self.data_block_num:
- # Send the notification to Ceilometer when the chunk
- # number reaches the data_block_num. The backup percentage
- # is put in the metadata as the extra information.
- self._send_progress_notification(self.context, backup,
- object_meta,
- total_block_sent_num,
- volume_size_bytes)
- # Reset the counter
- counter = 0
- # Stop the timer.
- timer.stop()
- # All the data have been sent, the backup_percent reaches 100.
- self._send_progress_end(self.context, backup, object_meta)
- object_sha256['sha256s'] = sha256_list
- if backup_metadata:
- try:
- self._backup_metadata(backup, object_meta)
- except Exception as err:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.exception(
- _LE("Backup volume metadata to swift failed: %s."),
- err)
- self.delete(backup)
- self._finalize_backup(backup, container, object_meta, object_sha256)
- def _restore_v1(self, backup, volume_id, metadata, volume_file):
- """Restore a v1 swift volume backup from swift."""
- backup_id = backup['id']
- LOG.debug('v1 swift volume backup restore of %s started', backup_id)
- container = backup['container']
- metadata_objects = metadata['objects']
- metadata_object_names = sum((obj.keys() for obj in metadata_objects),
- [])
- LOG.debug('metadata_object_names = %s' % metadata_object_names)
- prune_list = [self._metadata_filename(backup),
- self._sha256_filename(backup)]
- swift_object_names = [swift_object_name for swift_object_name in
- self._generate_object_names(backup)
- if swift_object_name not in prune_list]
- if sorted(swift_object_names) != sorted(metadata_object_names):
- err = _('restore_backup aborted, actual swift object list in '
- 'swift does not match object list stored in metadata')
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- for metadata_object in metadata_objects:
- object_name = metadata_object.keys()[0]
- LOG.debug('restoring object from swift. backup: %(backup_id)s, '
- 'container: %(container)s, swift object name: '
- '%(object_name)s, volume: %(volume_id)s' %
- {
- 'backup_id': backup_id,
- 'container': container,
- 'object_name': object_name,
- 'volume_id': volume_id,
- })
- try:
- (_resp, body) = self.conn.get_object(container, object_name)
- except socket.error as err:
- raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
- compression_algorithm = metadata_object[object_name]['compression']
- decompressor = self._get_compressor(compression_algorithm)
- volume_file.seek(metadata_object.values()[0]['offset'])
- if decompressor is not None:
- LOG.debug('decompressing data using %s algorithm' %
- compression_algorithm)
- decompressed = decompressor.decompress(body)
- volume_file.write(decompressed)
- else:
- volume_file.write(body)
- # force flush every write to avoid long blocking write on close
- volume_file.flush()
- # Be tolerant to IO implementations that do not support fileno()
- try:
- fileno = volume_file.fileno()
- except IOError:
- LOG.info(_LI("volume_file does not support "
- "fileno() so skipping"
- "fsync()"))
- else:
- os.fsync(fileno)
- # Restoring a backup to a volume can take some time. Yield so other
- # threads can run, allowing for among other things the service
- # status to be updated
- eventlet.sleep(0)
- LOG.debug('v1 swift volume backup restore of %s finished',
- backup_id)
+ return self.SwiftObjectReader(container, object_name, self.conn)
- def restore(self, backup, volume_id, volume_file):
- """Restore the given volume backup from swift."""
- backup_id = backup['id']
- container = backup['container']
- object_prefix = backup['service_metadata']
- LOG.debug('starting restore of backup %(object_prefix)s from swift'
- ' container: %(container)s, to volume %(volume_id)s, '
- 'backup: %(backup_id)s' %
- {
- 'object_prefix': object_prefix,
- 'container': container,
- 'volume_id': volume_id,
- 'backup_id': backup_id,
- })
+ def delete_object(self, container, object_name):
+ """Deletes a backup object from a Swift object store."""
- metadata = self._read_metadata(backup)
+ self.conn.delete_object(container, object_name)
except socket.error as err:
raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
- metadata_version = metadata['version']
- LOG.debug('Restoring swift backup version %s', metadata_version)
- try:
- restore_func = getattr(self, self.DRIVER_VERSION_MAPPING.get(
- metadata_version))
- except TypeError:
- err = (_('No support to restore swift backup version %s')
- % metadata_version)
- raise exception.InvalidBackup(reason=err)
- # Build a list of backups based on parent_id. A full backup
- # will be the last one in the list.
- backup_list = []
- backup_list.append(backup)
- current_backup = backup
- while current_backup['parent_id']:
- prev_backup = (self.db.backup_get(
- self.context, current_backup['parent_id']))
- backup_list.append(prev_backup)
- current_backup = prev_backup
- # Do a full restore first, then layer the incremental backups
- # on top of it in order.
- index = len(backup_list) - 1
- while index >= 0:
- backup1 = backup_list[index]
- index = index - 1
- metadata = self._read_metadata(backup1)
- restore_func(backup1, volume_id, metadata, volume_file)
- volume_meta = metadata.get('volume_meta', None)
- try:
- if volume_meta:
- self.put_metadata(volume_id, volume_meta)
- else:
- LOG.debug("No volume metadata in this backup.")
- except exception.BackupMetadataUnsupportedVersion:
- msg = _("Metadata restore failed due to incompatible version.")
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.BackupOperationError(msg)
- LOG.debug('restore %(backup_id)s to %(volume_id)s finished.' %
- {'backup_id': backup_id, 'volume_id': volume_id})
- def delete(self, backup):
- """Delete the given backup from swift."""
- container = backup['container']
- LOG.debug('delete started, backup: %s, container: %s, prefix: %s',
- backup['id'], container, backup['service_metadata'])
- if container is not None:
- swift_object_names = []
- try:
- swift_object_names = self._generate_object_names(backup)
- except Exception:
- LOG.warn(_LW('swift error while listing objects, continuing'
- ' with delete'))
+ def _generate_object_name_prefix(self, backup):
+ """Generates a Swift backup object name prefix."""
+ az = 'az_%s' % self.az
+ backup_name = '%s_backup_%s' % (az, backup['id'])
+ volume = 'volume_%s' % (backup['volume_id'])
+ timestamp = timeutils.strtime(fmt="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
+ prefix = volume + '/' + timestamp + '/' + backup_name
+ LOG.debug('generate_object_name_prefix: %s', prefix)
+ return prefix
- for swift_object_name in swift_object_names:
- try:
- self.conn.delete_object(container, swift_object_name)
- except socket.error as err:
- raise exception.SwiftConnectionFailed(reason=err)
- except Exception:
- LOG.warn(_LW('swift error while deleting object %s, '
- 'continuing with delete')
- % swift_object_name)
- else:
- LOG.debug('deleted swift object: %(swift_object_name)s'
- ' in container: %(container)s' %
- {
- 'swift_object_name': swift_object_name,
- 'container': container
- })
- # Deleting a backup's objects from swift can take some time.
- # Yield so other threads can run
- eventlet.sleep(0)
+ def update_container_name(self, backup, container):
+ """Use the container name as provided - don't update."""
+ return container
- LOG.debug('delete %s finished' % backup['id'])
+ def get_extra_metadata(self, backup, volume):
+ """Swift driver does not use any extra metadata."""
+ return None
def get_backup_driver(context):