]> review.fuel-infra Code Review - openstack-build/cinder-build.git/commitdiff
Driver for IBM SONAS and Storwize V7000 Unified
authorNilesh Bhosale <nilesh.bhosale@in.ibm.com>
Fri, 27 Dec 2013 03:32:56 +0000 (09:02 +0530)
committerAvishay Traeger <avishay@il.ibm.com>
Mon, 24 Feb 2014 11:30:46 +0000 (13:30 +0200)
The IBM NAS Driver currently implemented to work over NFS protocol,
and implements required set of features for OpenStack Icehouse release,
using the features of these storage products. It allows IBM® SONAS®
and Storwize® V7000 Unified filers to host storage for OpenStack
environment by integrating with Openstack Cinder service.


Change-Id: I0d630bf7e69454b88e9d1e93b4099631f6138204
Implements: blueprint ibm-nas-volume-driver
Related-Bug: #1281152

cinder/tests/test_ibmnas.py [new file with mode: 0644]
cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/ibmnas.py [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/cinder/tests/test_ibmnas.py b/cinder/tests/test_ibmnas.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d8e7159
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+# Authors:
+#    Nilesh Bhosale <nilesh.bhosale@in.ibm.com>
+#    Sasikanth Eda <sasikanth.eda@in.ibm.com>
+Tests for the IBM NAS family (SONAS, Storwize V7000 Unified).
+import mock
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+from cinder.volume.drivers.ibm import ibmnas
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class FakeEnv(object):
+    fields = {}
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        self.fields[key] = value
+    def __getitem__(self, item):
+        return self.fields[item]
+class IBMNASDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
+    TEST_NFS_EXPORT = 'nfs-host1:/export'
+    TEST_SIZE_IN_GB = 1
+    TEST_MNT_POINT = '/mnt/nfs'
+    TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE = '/mnt'
+    TEST_LOCAL_PATH = '/mnt/nfs/volume-123'
+    TEST_VOLUME_PATH = '/export/volume-123'
+    TEST_SNAP_PATH = '/export/snapshot-123'
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(IBMNASDriverTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self._driver = ibmnas.IBMNAS_NFSDriver(configuration=
+                                               conf.Configuration(None))
+        self._mock = mock.Mock()
+        self._def_flags = {'nas_ip': 'hostname',
+                           'nas_login': 'user',
+                           'nas_ssh_port': 22,
+                           'nas_password': 'pass',
+                           'nas_private_key': 'nas.key',
+                           'nfs_shares_config': None,
+                           'nfs_sparsed_volumes': True,
+                           'nfs_used_ratio': 0.95,
+                           'nfs_oversub_ratio': 1.0,
+                           'nfs_mount_point_base':
+                           self.TEST_MNT_POINT_BASE,
+                           'nfs_mount_options': None}
+        self.context = context.get_admin_context()
+        self.context.user_id = 'fake'
+        self.context.project_id = 'fake'
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(IBMNASDriverTestCase, self).tearDown()
+    def _set_flag(self, flag, value):
+        group = self._driver.configuration.config_group
+        self._driver.configuration.set_override(flag, value, group)
+    def _reset_flags(self):
+        self._driver.configuration.local_conf.reset()
+        for k, v in self._def_flags.iteritems():
+            self._set_flag(k, v)
+    def test_check_for_setup_error(self):
+        """Check setup with bad parameters."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        required_flags = [
+            'nas_ip',
+            'nas_login',
+            'nas_ssh_port']
+        for flag in required_flags:
+            self._set_flag(flag, None)
+            self.assertRaises(exception.CinderException,
+                              drv.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._set_flag('nas_password', None)
+        self._set_flag('nas_private_key', None)
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
+                          self._driver.check_for_setup_error)
+        self._reset_flags()
+    def test_get_provider_location(self):
+        """Check provider location for given volume id."""
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['id'] = '123'
+        mock.drv._get_provider_location.return_value = self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT
+        self.assertEqual(self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT,
+                         mock.drv._get_provider_location(volume['id']))
+    def test_get_export_path(self):
+        """Check export path for the given volume."""
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['id'] = '123'
+        mock.drv._get_export_path.return_value = self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT.\
+            split(':')[1]
+        self.assertEqual(self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT.split(':')[1],
+                         mock.drv._get_export_path(volume['id']))
+    def test_create_ibmnas_snap_mount_point_provided(self):
+        """Create ibmnas snap if mount point is provided."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        drv._create_ibmnas_snap = mock.drv._run_ssh.return_value.\
+            drv._execute.return_value.drv._create_ibmnas_snap
+        drv._create_ibmnas_snap.return_value = True
+        self.assertEqual(True, mock.drv._run_ssh().
+                         drv._execute().
+                         drv._create_ibmnas_snap(self.TEST_VOLUME_PATH,
+                                                 self.TEST_SNAP_PATH,
+                                                 self.TEST_MNT_POINT))
+    def test_create_ibmnas_snap_no_mount_point_provided(self):
+        """Create ibmnas snap if no mount point is provided."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        drv._create_ibmnas_snap = mock.drv._run_ssh.return_value.\
+            drv._execute.return_value.drv._create_ibmnas_snap
+        drv._create_ibmnas_snap.return_value = None
+        self.assertEqual(None, mock.drv._run_ssh().
+                         drv._execute().
+                         drv._create_ibmnas_snap(self.TEST_VOLUME_PATH,
+                                                 self.TEST_SNAP_PATH,
+                                                 None))
+    def test_create_ibmnas_copy(self):
+        """Create ibmnas copy test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        TEST_DEST_SNAP = '/export/snapshot-123.snap'
+        TEST_DEST_PATH = '/export/snapshot-123'
+        drv._create_ibmnas_copy = mock.drv._run_ssh.return_value.\
+            drv._create_ibmnas_copy
+        drv._create_ibmnas_copy.return_value = None
+        self.assertEqual(None, mock.drv._run_ssh().
+                         drv._create_ibmnas_copy(
+                             self.TEST_VOLUME_PATH,
+                             TEST_DEST_PATH,
+                             TEST_DEST_SNAP))
+    def test_resize_volume_file(self):
+        """Resize volume file test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        drv._resize_volume_file = mock.image_utils.resize_image.return_value.\
+            drv._resize_volume_file
+        drv._resize_volume_file.return_value = True
+        self.assertEqual(True, mock.image_utils.resize_image().
+                         drv._resize_volume_file(
+                             self.TEST_LOCAL_PATH,
+                             self.TEST_EXTEND_SIZE_IN_GB))
+    def test_extend_volume(self):
+        """Extend volume to greater size test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        drv.extend_volume = mock.drv.local_path.return_value.\
+            drv._resize_volume_file.return_value.\
+            drv.extend_volume
+        drv.extend_volume.return_value = None
+        self.assertEqual(None, mock.drv.local_path().
+                         drv._resize_volume_file().
+                         drv.extend_volume(
+                             self.TEST_LOCAL_PATH,
+                             self.TEST_EXTEND_SIZE_IN_GB))
+    def test_delete_snapfiles(self):
+        """Delete_snapfiles assert test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        drv._delete_snapfiles = mock.drv._run_ssh.return_value.\
+            drv._execute.return_value.\
+            drv._delete_snapfiles
+        drv._delete_snapfiles.return_value = None
+        self.assertEqual(None, mock.drv._run_ssh().
+                         drv._execute().
+                         drv._delete_snapfiles(
+                             self.TEST_VOLUME_PATH,
+                             self.TEST_MNT_POINT))
+    def test_delete_volume_no_provider_location(self):
+        """Delete volume with no provider location specified."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['name'] = 'volume-123'
+        volume['provider_location'] = None
+        result = drv.delete_volume(volume)
+        self.assertEqual(None, result)
+    def test_delete_volume(self):
+        """Delete volume test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['id'] = '123'
+        volume['provider_location'] = self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT
+        drv.delete_volume = mock.drv._get_export_path.return_value.\
+            drv._delete_snapfiles.return_value.drv.delete_volume
+        drv.delete_volume.return_value = True
+        self.assertEqual(True, mock.drv._get_export_path(volume['id']).
+                         drv._delete_snapfiles(
+                             self.TEST_VOLUME_PATH,
+                             self.TEST_MNT_POINT).
+                         drv.delete_volume(volume))
+    def test_create_snapshot(self):
+        """Create snapshot simple test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['id'] = '123'
+        volume['name'] = 'volume-123'
+        snapshot = FakeEnv()
+        snapshot['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+        snapshot['volume_name'] = 'volume-123'
+        snapshot.name = 'snapshot-123'
+        drv.create_snapshot = mock.drv._get_export_path.return_value.\
+            drv._get_provider_location.return_value.\
+            drv._get_mount_point_for_share.return_value.\
+            drv._create_ibmnas_snap.return_value.\
+            drv.create_snapshot
+        drv.create_snapshot.return_value = None
+        self.assertEqual(None,
+                         mock.drv._get_export_path(snapshot['volume_id']).
+                         drv._get_provider_location(snapshot['volume_id']).
+                         drv._get_mount_point_for_share(self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT).
+                         drv._create_ibmnas_snap(
+                             src=self.TEST_VOLUME_PATH,
+                             dest=self.TEST_SNAP_PATH,
+                             mount_path=self.TEST_MNT_POINT).
+                         drv.create_snapshot(snapshot))
+    def test_delete_snapshot(self):
+        """Delete snapshot simple test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['id'] = '123'
+        volume['provider_location'] = self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT
+        snapshot = FakeEnv()
+        snapshot['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+        snapshot['volume_name'] = 'volume-123'
+        snapshot['name'] = 'snapshot-123'
+        drv.delete_snapshot = mock.drv._get_provider_location.return_value.\
+            drv._get_mount_point_for_share.return_value.drv._execute.\
+            return_value.drv.delete_snapshot
+        drv.delete_snapshot.return_value = None
+        self.assertEqual(None, mock.drv._get_provider_location(volume['id']).
+                         drv._get_mount_point_for_share(self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT).
+                         drv._execute().
+                         drv.delete_snapshot(snapshot))
+    def test_create_cloned_volume(self):
+        """Clone volume with equal size test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume_src = FakeEnv()
+        volume_src['id'] = '123'
+        volume_src['name'] = 'volume-123'
+        volume_src.size = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
+        volume_dest = FakeEnv()
+        volume_dest['id'] = '456'
+        volume_dest['name'] = 'volume-456'
+        volume_dest['size'] = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
+        volume_dest.size = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
+        drv.create_cloned_volume = mock.drv._get_export_path.\
+            return_value.drv._create_ibmnas_copy.return_value.\
+            drv._find_share.return_value.\
+            drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all.return_value.\
+            drv._resize_volume_file.return_value.\
+            drv.create_cloned_volume
+        drv.create_cloned_volume.return_value = self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT
+        self.assertEqual(self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT,
+                         mock.drv._get_export_path(volume_src['id']).
+                         drv._create_ibmnas_copy().
+                         drv._find_share().
+                         drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all().
+                         drv._resize_volume_file().
+                         drv.create_cloned_volume(
+                             volume_dest,
+                             volume_src))
+    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+        """Create volume from snapshot test case."""
+        drv = self._driver
+        mock = self._mock
+        volume = FakeEnv()
+        volume['id'] = '123'
+        volume['name'] = 'volume-123'
+        volume['size'] = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
+        snapshot = FakeEnv()
+        snapshot['volume_id'] = volume['id']
+        snapshot['volume_name'] = 'volume-123'
+        snapshot['volume_size'] = self.TEST_SIZE_IN_GB
+        snapshot.name = 'snapshot-123'
+        drv.create_volume_from_snapshot = mock.drv._get_export_path.\
+            return_value.drv._create_ibmnas_snap.return_value.\
+            drv._find_share.return_value.\
+            drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all.return_value.\
+            drv._resize_volume_file.return_value.\
+            drv.create_volume_from_snapshot
+        drv.create_volume_from_snapshot.return_value = self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT
+        self.assertEqual(self.TEST_NFS_EXPORT,
+                         mock.drv._get_export_path(volume['id']).
+                         drv._create_ibmnas_snap().
+                         drv._find_share().
+                         drv._set_rw_permissions_for_all().
+                         drv._resize_volume_file().
+                         drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(snapshot))
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/ibmnas.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/ibm/ibmnas.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2853c59
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+# Authors:
+#   Nilesh Bhosale <nilesh.bhosale@in.ibm.com>
+#   Sasikanth Eda <sasikanth.eda@in.ibm.com>
+IBM NAS Volume Driver.
+Currently, it supports the following IBM Storage Systems:
+1. IBM Scale Out NAS (SONAS)
+2. IBM Storwize V7000 Unified
+1. If you specify both a password and a key file, this driver will use the
+   key file only.
+2. When using a key file for authentication, it is up to the user or
+   system administrator to store the private key in a safe manner.
+import os
+import re
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from cinder import exception
+from cinder.image import image_utils
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.openstack.common import processutils
+from cinder import units
+from cinder import utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers import nfs
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
+VERSION = '1.0.0'
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class IBMNAS_NFSDriver(nfs.NfsDriver, san.SanDriver):
+    """IBM NAS NFS based cinder driver.
+    Creates file on NFS share for using it as block device on hypervisor.
+    Version history:
+    1.0.0 - Initial driver
+    """
+    driver_volume_type = 'nfs'
+    def __init__(self, execute=utils.execute, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._context = None
+        super(IBMNAS_NFSDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.configuration.san_ip = self.configuration.nas_ip
+        self.configuration.san_login = self.configuration.nas_login
+        self.configuration.san_password = self.configuration.nas_password
+        self.configuration.san_private_key = \
+            self.configuration.nas_private_key
+        self.configuration.san_ssh_port = self.configuration.nas_ssh_port
+    def set_execute(self, execute):
+        self._execute = utils.execute
+    def do_setup(self, context):
+        """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting."""
+        super(IBMNAS_NFSDriver, self).do_setup(context)
+        self._context = context
+    def check_for_setup_error(self):
+        """Ensure that the flags are set properly."""
+        required_flags = ['nas_ip', 'nas_ssh_port', 'nas_login']
+        for flag in required_flags:
+            if not self.configuration.safe_get(flag):
+                raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_('%s is not set') % flag)
+        # Ensure that either password or keyfile were set
+        if not (self.configuration.nas_password or
+                self.configuration.nas_private_key):
+            raise exception.InvalidInput(
+                reason=_('Password or SSH private key is required for '
+                         'authentication: set either nas_password or '
+                         'nas_private_key option'))
+    def _get_provider_location(self, volume_id):
+        """Returns provider location for given volume."""
+        LOG.debug(_("Enter _get_provider_location: volume_id %s") % volume_id)
+        volume = self.db.volume_get(self._context, volume_id)
+        LOG.debug("Exit _get_provider_location")
+        return volume['provider_location']
+    def _get_export_path(self, volume_id):
+        """Returns NFS export path for the given volume."""
+        LOG.debug(_("Enter _get_export_path: volume_id %s") % volume_id)
+        return self._get_provider_location(volume_id).split(':')[1]
+    def _update_volume_stats(self):
+        """Retrieve stats info from volume group."""
+        LOG.debug(_("Enter _update_volume_stats"))
+        data = {}
+        backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
+        data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or 'IBMNAS_NFS'
+        data['vendor_name'] = 'IBM'
+        data['driver_version'] = self.get_version()
+        data['storage_protocol'] = self.driver_volume_type
+        self._ensure_shares_mounted()
+        global_capacity = 0
+        global_free = 0
+        for share in self._mounted_shares:
+            capacity, free, _used = self._get_capacity_info(share)
+            global_capacity += capacity
+            global_free += free
+        data['total_capacity_gb'] = global_capacity / float(units.GiB)
+        data['free_capacity_gb'] = global_free / float(units.GiB)
+        data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
+        data['QoS_support'] = False
+        self._stats = data
+        LOG.debug("Exit _update_volume_stats")
+    def _create_ibmnas_snap(self, src, dest, mount_path):
+        """Create volume clones and snapshots."""
+        LOG.debug(_("Enter _create_ibmnas_snap: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s")
+                  % {'src': str(src), 'dest': str(dest)})
+        if mount_path is not None:
+            tmp_file_path = dest + '.snap'
+            ssh_cmd = ['mkclone', '-p', dest, '-s', src, '-t', tmp_file_path]
+            try:
+                self._run_ssh(ssh_cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+                msg = (_("Failed in _create_ibmnas_snap during "
+                         "create_snapshot. Error: %s") % e.stderr)
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+            #Now remove the tmp file
+            tmp_file_local_path = os.path.join(mount_path,
+                                               os.path.basename(tmp_file_path))
+            self._execute('rm', '-f', tmp_file_local_path, run_as_root=True)
+        else:
+            ssh_cmd = ['mkclone', '-s', src, '-t', dest]
+            try:
+                self._run_ssh(ssh_cmd)
+            except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+                msg = (_("Failed in _create_ibmnas_snap during "
+                         "create_volume_from_snapshot. Error: %s") % e.stderr)
+                LOG.error(msg)
+                raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        LOG.debug("Exit _create_ibmnas_snap")
+    def _create_ibmnas_copy(self, src, dest, snap):
+        """Create a cloned volume, parent & the clone both remain writable."""
+        LOG.debug(_('Enter _create_ibmnas_copy: src %(src)s, dest %(dest)s, '
+                    'snap %(snap)s') % {'src': str(src), 'dest': str(dest),
+                                        'snap': str(snap)})
+        ssh_cmd = ['mkclone', '-p', snap, '-s', src, '-t', dest]
+        try:
+            self._run_ssh(ssh_cmd)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+            msg = (_("Failed in _create_ibmnas_copy. Error: %s") % e.stderr)
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        LOG.debug("Exit _create_ibmnas_copy")
+    def _resize_volume_file(self, path, new_size):
+        """Resize the image file on share to new size."""
+        LOG.info(_('Resizing file to %sG'), new_size)
+        try:
+            image_utils.resize_image(path, new_size)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+            msg = (_("Failed to resize volume "
+                     "%(volume_id)s, error: %(error)s") %
+                   {'volume_id': os.path.basename(path).split('-')[1],
+                    'error': e.stderr})
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        return True
+    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
+        """Extend an existing volume to the new size."""
+        LOG.info(_('Extending volume %s.'), volume['name'])
+        path = self.local_path(volume)
+        self._resize_volume_file(path, new_size)
+    def _delete_snapfiles(self, fchild, mount_point):
+        LOG.debug(_('Enter _delete_snapfiles: fchild %(fchild)s, '
+                    'mount_point %(mount_point)s')
+                  % {'fchild': str(fchild), 'mount_point': str(mount_point)})
+        ssh_cmd = ['lsclone', fchild]
+        try:
+            (out, _err) = self._run_ssh(ssh_cmd, check_exit_code=False)
+        except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
+            msg = (_("Failed in _delete_snapfiles. Error: %s") % e.stderr)
+            LOG.error(msg)
+            raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+        fparent = None
+        reInode = re.compile(
+            r'.*\s+(?:yes|no)\s+\d+\s+(?P<inode>\d+)', re.M | re.S)
+        match = reInode.match(out)
+        if match:
+            inode = match.group('inode')
+            path = mount_point
+            (out, _err) = self._execute('find', path, '-maxdepth', '1',
+                                        '-inum', inode, run_as_root=True)
+            if out:
+                fparent = out.split('\n', 1)[0]
+        fchild_local_path = os.path.join(mount_point, os.path.basename(fchild))
+        self._execute(
+            'rm', '-f', fchild_local_path, check_exit_code=False,
+            run_as_root=True)
+        # There is no need to check for volume references on this snapshot
+        # because 'rm -f' itself serves as a simple and implicit check. If the
+        # parent is referenced by another volume, system doesn't allow deleting
+        # it. 'rm -f' silently fails and the subsequent check on the path
+        # indicates whether there are any volumes derived from that snapshot.
+        # If there are such volumes, we quit recursion and let the other
+        # volumes delete the snapshot later. If there are no references, rm
+        # would succeed and the snapshot is deleted.
+        if not os.path.exists(fchild) and fparent:
+            fpbase = os.path.basename(fparent)
+            if (fpbase.endswith('.ts') or fpbase.endswith('.snap')):
+                fparent_remote_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fchild),
+                                                   fpbase)
+                self._delete_snapfiles(fparent_remote_path, mount_point)
+        LOG.debug("Exit _delete_snapfiles")
+    def delete_volume(self, volume):
+        """Deletes a logical volume."""
+        if not volume['provider_location']:
+            LOG.warn(_('Volume %s does not have provider_location specified, '
+                     'skipping.'), volume['name'])
+            return
+        export_path = self._get_export_path(volume['id'])
+        volume_name = volume['name']
+        volume_path = os.path.join(export_path, volume_name)
+        mount_point = os.path.dirname(self.local_path(volume))
+        # Delete all dependent snapshots, the snapshot will get deleted
+        # if the link count goes to zero, else rm will fail silently
+        self._delete_snapfiles(volume_path, mount_point)
+    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Creates a volume snapshot."""
+        export_path = self._get_export_path(snapshot['volume_id'])
+        snapshot_path = os.path.join(export_path, snapshot['name'])
+        volume_path = os.path.join(export_path, snapshot['volume_name'])
+        nfs_share = self._get_provider_location(snapshot['volume_id'])
+        mount_path = self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share)
+        self._create_ibmnas_snap(src=volume_path, dest=snapshot_path,
+                                 mount_path=mount_path)
+    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
+        """Deletes a volume snapshot."""
+        # A snapshot file is deleted as a part of delete_volume when
+        # all volumes derived from it are deleted.
+        # Rename the deleted snapshot to indicate it no longer exists in
+        # cinder db. Attempt to delete the snapshot.  If the snapshot has
+        # clone children, the delete will fail silently. When volumes that
+        # are clone children are deleted in the future, the remaining ts
+        # snapshots will also be deleted.
+        nfs_share = self._get_provider_location(snapshot['volume_id'])
+        mount_path = self._get_mount_point_for_share(nfs_share)
+        snapshot_path = os.path.join(mount_path, snapshot['name'])
+        snapshot_ts_path = '%s.ts' % snapshot_path
+        self._execute('mv', '-f', snapshot_path, snapshot_ts_path,
+                      check_exit_code=True, run_as_root=True)
+        self._execute('rm', '-f', snapshot_ts_path,
+                      check_exit_code=False, run_as_root=True)
+    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
+        """Creates a volume from an existing volume snapshot.
+        Extends the volume if the volume size is more than the snapshot size.
+        """
+        export_path = self._get_export_path(snapshot['volume_id'])
+        snapshot_path = os.path.join(export_path, snapshot.name)
+        volume_path = os.path.join(export_path, volume['name'])
+        self._create_ibmnas_snap(snapshot_path, volume_path, None)
+        volume['provider_location'] = self._find_share(volume['size'])
+        volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
+        self._set_rw_permissions_for_all(volume_path)
+        #Extend the volume if required
+        self._resize_volume_file(volume_path, volume['size'])
+        return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
+    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
+        """Creates a clone of the specified volume.
+        Extends the volume if the new volume size is more than
+        the source volume size.
+        """
+        export_path = self._get_export_path(src_vref['id'])
+        src_vol_path = os.path.join(export_path, src_vref['name'])
+        dest_vol_path = os.path.join(export_path, volume['name'])
+        snap_file_name = volume['name']
+        snap_file_name = snap_file_name + '.snap'
+        snap_file_path = os.path.join(export_path, snap_file_name)
+        self._create_ibmnas_copy(src_vol_path, dest_vol_path, snap_file_path)
+        volume['provider_location'] = self._find_share(volume['size'])
+        volume_path = self.local_path(volume)
+        self._set_rw_permissions_for_all(volume_path)
+        #Extend the volume if required
+        self._resize_volume_file(volume_path, volume['size'])
+        return {'provider_location': volume['provider_location']}
index 5bf0115f82503952499d2f1cde4516010e9e448b..b45cfd55b78b3936a36e6135583c0f49d127de75 100644 (file)
@@ -60,9 +60,28 @@ volume_opts = [
                      'of the nfs man page for details.')),
+nas_opts = [
+    cfg.StrOpt('nas_ip',
+               default='',
+               help='IP address or Hostname of NAS system.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nas_login',
+               default='admin',
+               help='User name to connect to NAS system.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nas_password',
+               default='',
+               help='Password to connect to NAS system.',
+               secret=True),
+    cfg.IntOpt('nas_ssh_port',
+               default=22,
+               help='SSH port to use to connect to NAS system.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('nas_private_key',
+               default='',
+               help='Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication.'),
 CONF = cfg.CONF
 class RemoteFsDriver(driver.VolumeDriver):
index b7d490124c00ae3d609691613f2aed261f8b3869..31fb4c1bc476ce8591ae5e48ef02c5dec76d9c72 100644 (file)
 # Options defined in cinder.volume.drivers.nfs
+# IP address or Hostname of NAS system. (string value)
+# User name to connect to NAS system. (string value)
+# Password to connect to NAS system. (string value)
+# SSH port to use to connect to NAS system. (integer value)
+# Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication.
+# (string value)
 # File with the list of available nfs shares (string value)