--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Unit tests for datastore module.
+import mock
+from cinder.openstack.common import units
+from cinder import test
+from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import datastore as ds_sel
+from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import error_util
+class DatastoreTest(test.TestCase):
+ """Unit tests for Datastore."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(DatastoreTest, self).setUp()
+ self._session = mock.Mock()
+ self._vops = mock.Mock()
+ self._ds_sel = ds_sel.DatastoreSelector(self._vops, self._session)
+ def test_get_profile_id(self):
+ profile_id = mock.sentinel.profile_id
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.return_value = profile_id
+ profile_name = mock.sentinel.profile_name
+ self.assertEqual(profile_id, self._ds_sel.get_profile_id(profile_name))
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.assert_called_once_with(profile_name)
+ def test_get_profile_id_with_invalid_profile(self):
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.return_value = None
+ profile_name = mock.sentinel.profile_name
+ self.assertRaises(error_util.ProfileNotFoundException,
+ self._ds_sel.get_profile_id,
+ profile_name)
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.assert_called_once_with(profile_name)
+ def _create_datastore(self, moref):
+ return mock.Mock(value=moref)
+ def _create_summary(
+ self, ds, free_space=units.Mi, _type=ds_sel.DatastoreType.VMFS,
+ capacity=2 * units.Mi):
+ return mock.Mock(datastore=ds, freeSpace=free_space, type=_type,
+ capacity=capacity)
+ @mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.vmware.datastore.DatastoreSelector.'
+ '_filter_by_profile')
+ def test_filter_datastores(self, filter_by_profile):
+ # Test with empty datastore list.
+ datastores = []
+ size_bytes = 2 * units.Mi
+ profile_id = mock.sentinel.profile_id
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores = None
+ hard_affinity_ds_types = None
+ self.assertEqual([], self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types))
+ # Test with single datastore with hard anti-affinity.
+ ds_1 = self._create_datastore('ds-1')
+ datastores = [ds_1]
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores = [ds_1.value]
+ self.assertEqual([], self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types))
+ # Extend previous case with a profile non-compliant datastore.
+ ds_2 = self._create_datastore('ds-2')
+ datastores.append(ds_2)
+ filter_by_profile.return_value = []
+ self.assertEqual([], self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types))
+ filter_by_profile.assert_called_once_with([ds_2], profile_id)
+ # Extend previous case with a less free space datastore.
+ ds_3 = self._create_datastore('ds-3')
+ datastores.append(ds_3)
+ filter_by_profile.return_value = [ds_3]
+ free_space_list = [units.Mi]
+ type_list = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.NFS]
+ self._vops.get_summary.side_effect = (
+ lambda ds: self._create_summary(ds,
+ free_space_list.pop(0),
+ type_list.pop(0)))
+ self.assertEqual([], self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types))
+ # Extend previous case with a datastore not satisfying hard affinity
+ # datastore type requirement.
+ ds_4 = self._create_datastore('ds-4')
+ datastores.append(ds_4)
+ filter_by_profile.return_value = [ds_3, ds_4]
+ free_space_list = [units.Mi, 4 * units.Mi]
+ type_list = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.NFS, ds_sel.DatastoreType.VSAN]
+ hard_affinity_ds_types = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.NFS]
+ self.assertEqual([], self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types))
+ # Modify the previous case to remove hard affinity datastore type
+ # requirement.
+ free_space_list = [units.Mi, 4 * units.Mi]
+ type_list = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.NFS, ds_sel.DatastoreType.VSAN]
+ hard_affinity_ds_types = None
+ res = self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types)
+ self.assertTrue(len(res) == 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ds_4, res[0].datastore)
+ # Extend the previous case by adding a datastore satisfying
+ # hard affinity datastore type requirement.
+ ds_5 = self._create_datastore('ds-5')
+ datastores.append(ds_5)
+ filter_by_profile.return_value = [ds_3, ds_4, ds_5]
+ free_space_list = [units.Mi, 4 * units.Mi, 5 * units.Mi]
+ type_list = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.NFS, ds_sel.DatastoreType.VSAN,
+ ds_sel.DatastoreType.VMFS]
+ hard_affinity_ds_types = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.VMFS]
+ res = self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types)
+ self.assertTrue(len(res) == 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ds_5, res[0].datastore)
+ # Modify the previous case to have two datastores satisfying
+ # hard affinity datastore type requirement.
+ free_space_list = [units.Mi, 4 * units.Mi, 5 * units.Mi]
+ type_list = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.NFS, ds_sel.DatastoreType.VSAN,
+ ds_sel.DatastoreType.VSAN]
+ hard_affinity_ds_types = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.VSAN]
+ res = self._ds_sel._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id, hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types)
+ self.assertTrue(len(res) == 2)
+ self.assertEqual(ds_4, res[0].datastore)
+ self.assertEqual(ds_5, res[1].datastore)
+ # Clear side effects.
+ self._vops.get_summary.side_effect = None
+ def test_select_best_summary(self):
+ # No tie-- all datastores with different host mount count.
+ summary_1 = self._create_summary(mock.sentinel.ds_1,
+ free_space=units.Mi,
+ capacity=2 * units.Mi)
+ summary_2 = self._create_summary(mock.sentinel.ds_2,
+ free_space=units.Mi,
+ capacity=3 * units.Mi)
+ summary_3 = self._create_summary(mock.sentinel.ds_3,
+ free_space=units.Mi,
+ capacity=4 * units.Mi)
+ host_1 = mock.sentinel.host_1
+ host_2 = mock.sentinel.host_3
+ host_3 = mock.sentinel.host_3
+ connected_hosts = {mock.sentinel.ds_1: [host_1],
+ mock.sentinel.ds_2: [host_1, host_2],
+ mock.sentinel.ds_3: [host_1, host_2, host_3]}
+ self._vops.get_connected_hosts.side_effect = (
+ lambda summary: connected_hosts[summary])
+ summaries = [summary_1, summary_2, summary_3]
+ (best_summary, best_utilization) = self._ds_sel._select_best_summary(
+ summaries)
+ self.assertEqual(summary_3, best_summary)
+ self.assertEqual(3 / 4.0, best_utilization)
+ # Tie-- two datastores with max host mount count.
+ summary_4 = self._create_summary(mock.sentinel.ds_4,
+ free_space=2 * units.Mi,
+ capacity=4 * units.Mi)
+ connected_hosts[mock.sentinel.ds_4] = (
+ connected_hosts[mock.sentinel.ds_3])
+ summaries.append(summary_4)
+ (best_summary, best_utilization) = self._ds_sel._select_best_summary(
+ summaries)
+ self.assertEqual(summary_4, best_summary)
+ self.assertEqual(1 / 2.0, best_utilization)
+ # Clear side effects.
+ self._vops.get_connected_hosts.side_effect = None
+ @mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.vmware.datastore.DatastoreSelector.'
+ 'get_profile_id')
+ @mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.vmware.datastore.DatastoreSelector.'
+ '_filter_datastores')
+ def test_select_datastore(self, filter_datastores, get_profile_id):
+ # Test with no hosts.
+ size_bytes = units.Ki
+ req = {self._ds_sel.SIZE_BYTES: size_bytes}
+ self._vops.get_hosts.return_value = mock.Mock(objects=[])
+ self.assertEqual((), self._ds_sel.select_datastore(req))
+ self._vops.get_hosts.assert_called_once_with()
+ # Test with single host with no valid datastores.
+ host_1 = mock.sentinel.host_1
+ self._vops.get_hosts.return_value = mock.Mock(
+ objects=[mock.Mock(obj=host_1)])
+ self._vops.continue_retrieval.return_value = None
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = error_util.VimException('error')
+ self.assertEqual((), self._ds_sel.select_datastore(req))
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.assert_called_once_with(host_1)
+ # Test with three hosts and vCenter connection problem while fetching
+ # datastores for the second host.
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.reset_mock()
+ host_2 = mock.sentinel.host_2
+ host_3 = mock.sentinel.host_3
+ self._vops.get_hosts.return_value = mock.Mock(
+ objects=[mock.Mock(obj=host_1),
+ mock.Mock(obj=host_2),
+ mock.Mock(obj=host_3)])
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = [
+ error_util.VimException('no valid datastores'),
+ error_util.VimConnectionException('connection error')]
+ self.assertRaises(error_util.VimConnectionException,
+ self._ds_sel.select_datastore,
+ req)
+ get_dss_rp_exp_calls = [mock.call(host_1), mock.call(host_2)]
+ self.assertEqual(get_dss_rp_exp_calls,
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.call_args_list)
+ # Modify previous case to return datastores for second and third host,
+ # where none of them meet the requirements which include a storage
+ # profile and affinity requirements.
+ aff_ds_types = [ds_sel.DatastoreType.VMFS]
+ req[ds_sel.DatastoreSelector.HARD_AFFINITY_DS_TYPE] = aff_ds_types
+ ds_1a = mock.sentinel.ds_1a
+ anti_affinity_ds = [ds_1a]
+ req[ds_sel.DatastoreSelector.HARD_ANTI_AFFINITY_DS] = anti_affinity_ds
+ profile_name = mock.sentinel.profile_name
+ req[ds_sel.DatastoreSelector.PROFILE_NAME] = profile_name
+ profile_id = mock.sentinel.profile_id
+ get_profile_id.return_value = profile_id
+ ds_2a = mock.sentinel.ds_2a
+ ds_2b = mock.sentinel.ds_2b
+ ds_3a = mock.sentinel.ds_3a
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.reset_mock()
+ rp_2 = mock.sentinel.rp_2
+ rp_3 = mock.sentinel.rp_3
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = [
+ error_util.VimException('no valid datastores'),
+ ([ds_2a, ds_2b], rp_2),
+ ([ds_3a], rp_3)]
+ filter_datastores.return_value = []
+ self.assertEqual((), self._ds_sel.select_datastore(req))
+ get_profile_id.assert_called_once_with(profile_name)
+ get_dss_rp_exp_calls.append(mock.call(host_3))
+ self.assertEqual(get_dss_rp_exp_calls,
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.call_args_list)
+ filter_datastores_exp_calls = [
+ mock.call([ds_2a, ds_2b], size_bytes, profile_id, anti_affinity_ds,
+ aff_ds_types),
+ mock.call([ds_3a], size_bytes, profile_id, anti_affinity_ds,
+ aff_ds_types)]
+ self.assertEqual(filter_datastores_exp_calls,
+ filter_datastores.call_args_list)
+ # Modify previous case to have a non-empty summary list after filtering
+ # with preferred utilization threshold unset.
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = [
+ error_util.VimException('no valid datastores'),
+ ([ds_2a, ds_2b], rp_2),
+ ([ds_3a], rp_3)]
+ summary_2b = self._create_summary(ds_2b, free_space=0.5 * units.Mi,
+ capacity=units.Mi)
+ filter_datastores.side_effect = [[summary_2b]]
+ self._vops.get_connected_hosts.return_value = [host_1]
+ self.assertEqual((host_2, rp_2, summary_2b),
+ self._ds_sel.select_datastore(req))
+ # Modify previous case to have a preferred utilization threshold
+ # satsified by one datastore.
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = [
+ error_util.VimException('no valid datastores'),
+ ([ds_2a, ds_2b], rp_2),
+ ([ds_3a], rp_3)]
+ req[ds_sel.DatastoreSelector.PREF_UTIL_THRESH] = 0.4
+ summary_3a = self._create_summary(ds_3a, free_space=0.7 * units.Mi,
+ capacity=units.Mi)
+ filter_datastores.side_effect = [[summary_2b], [summary_3a]]
+ self.assertEqual((host_3, rp_3, summary_3a),
+ self._ds_sel.select_datastore(req))
+ # Modify previous case to have a preferred utilization threshold
+ # which cannot be satisfied.
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = [
+ error_util.VimException('no valid datastores'),
+ ([ds_2a, ds_2b], rp_2),
+ ([ds_3a], rp_3)]
+ filter_datastores.side_effect = [[summary_2b], [summary_3a]]
+ req[ds_sel.DatastoreSelector.PREF_UTIL_THRESH] = 0.2
+ summary_2b.freeSpace = 0.75 * units.Mi
+ self.assertEqual((host_2, rp_2, summary_2b),
+ self._ds_sel.select_datastore(req))
+ # Clear side effects.
+ self._vops.get_dss_rp.side_effect = None
+ @mock.patch('cinder.volume.drivers.vmware.datastore.DatastoreSelector.'
+ '_filter_by_profile')
+ def test_is_datastore_compliant(self, filter_by_profile):
+ # Test with empty profile.
+ profile_name = None
+ datastore = mock.sentinel.datastore
+ self.assertTrue(self._ds_sel.is_datastore_compliant(datastore,
+ profile_name))
+ # Test with invalid profile.
+ profile_name = mock.sentinel.profile_name
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.return_value = None
+ self.assertRaises(error_util.ProfileNotFoundException,
+ self._ds_sel.is_datastore_compliant,
+ datastore,
+ profile_name)
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.assert_called_once_with(profile_name)
+ # Test with valid profile and non-compliant datastore.
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.reset_mock()
+ profile_id = mock.sentinel.profile_id
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.return_value = profile_id
+ filter_by_profile.return_value = []
+ self.assertFalse(self._ds_sel.is_datastore_compliant(datastore,
+ profile_name))
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.assert_called_once_with(profile_name)
+ filter_by_profile.assert_called_once_with([datastore], profile_id)
+ # Test with valid profile and compliant datastore.
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.reset_mock()
+ filter_by_profile.reset_mock()
+ filter_by_profile.return_value = [datastore]
+ self.assertTrue(self._ds_sel.is_datastore_compliant(datastore,
+ profile_name))
+ self._vops.retrieve_profile_id.assert_called_once_with(profile_name)
+ filter_by_profile.assert_called_once_with([datastore], profile_id)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+Classes and utility methods for datastore selection.
+from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
+from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
+from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
+from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import error_util
+from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import vim_util
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DatastoreType(object):
+ """Supported datastore types."""
+ NFS = "nfs"
+ VMFS = "vmfs"
+ VSAN = "vsan"
+class DatastoreSelector(object):
+ """Class for selecting datastores which satisfy input requirements."""
+ HARD_AFFINITY_DS_TYPE = "hardAffinityDatastoreTypes"
+ HARD_ANTI_AFFINITY_DS = "hardAntiAffinityDatastores"
+ PREF_UTIL_THRESH = "preferredUtilizationThreshold"
+ SIZE_BYTES = "sizeBytes"
+ PROFILE_NAME = "storageProfileName"
+ # TODO(vbala) Remove dependency on volumeops and vim_util.
+ def __init__(self, vops, session):
+ self._vops = vops
+ self._session = session
+ def get_profile_id(self, profile_name):
+ """Get vCenter profile ID for the given profile name.
+ :param profile_name: profile name
+ :return: vCenter profile ID
+ :raises: ProfileNotFoundException
+ """
+ profile_id = self._vops.retrieve_profile_id(profile_name)
+ if profile_id is None:
+ LOG.error(_("Storage profile: %s cannot be found in vCenter."),
+ profile_name)
+ raise error_util.ProfileNotFoundException(
+ storage_profile=profile_name)
+ LOG.debug("Storage profile: %(name)s resolved to vCenter profile ID: "
+ "%(id)s.",
+ {'name': profile_name,
+ 'id': profile_id})
+ return profile_id
+ def _filter_by_profile(self, datastores, profile_id):
+ """Filter out input datastores that do not match the given profile."""
+ cf = self._session.pbm.client.factory
+ hubs = vim_util.convert_datastores_to_hubs(cf, datastores)
+ filtered_hubs = self._vops.filter_matching_hubs(hubs, profile_id)
+ return vim_util.convert_hubs_to_datastores(filtered_hubs, datastores)
+ def _filter_datastores(self, datastores, size_bytes, profile_id,
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ hard_affinity_ds_types):
+ """Filter datastores based on profile, size and affinity."""
+ LOG.debug(
+ "Filtering datastores: %(datastores)s based on size (bytes): "
+ "%(size)d, profile: %(profile)s, hard-anti-affinity-datastores: "
+ "%(hard_anti_affinity_datastores)s, hard-affinity-datastore-types:"
+ " %(hard_affinity_ds_types)s.",
+ {'datastores': datastores,
+ 'size': size_bytes,
+ 'profile': profile_id,
+ 'hard_anti_affinity_datastores': hard_anti_affinity_datastores,
+ 'hard_affinity_ds_types': hard_affinity_ds_types})
+ if hard_anti_affinity_datastores is None:
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores = []
+ filtered_datastores = [ds for ds in datastores if ds.value not in
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores]
+ if filtered_datastores and profile_id is not None:
+ filtered_datastores = self._filter_by_profile(
+ filtered_datastores, profile_id)
+ LOG.debug("Profile: %(id)s matched by datastores: %(datastores)s.",
+ {'datastores': filtered_datastores,
+ 'id': profile_id})
+ filtered_summaries = [self._vops.get_summary(ds) for ds in
+ filtered_datastores]
+ def _filter(summary):
+ return (summary.freeSpace > size_bytes and
+ (hard_affinity_ds_types is None or
+ summary.type.lower() in hard_affinity_ds_types))
+ return filter(_filter, filtered_summaries)
+ def _get_all_hosts(self):
+ """Get all ESX hosts managed by vCenter."""
+ all_hosts = []
+ retrieve_result = self._vops.get_hosts()
+ while retrieve_result:
+ hosts = retrieve_result.objects
+ if not hosts:
+ break
+ all_hosts.extend(hosts)
+ retrieve_result = self._vops.continue_retrieval(
+ retrieve_result)
+ return all_hosts
+ def _compute_space_utilization(self, datastore_summary):
+ """Compute space utilization of the given datastore."""
+ return (
+ 1.0 -
+ datastore_summary.freeSpace / float(datastore_summary.capacity)
+ )
+ def _select_best_summary(self, summaries):
+ """Selects the best datastore summary.
+ Selects the datastore which is connected to maximum number of hosts.
+ Ties are broken based on space utilization-- datastore with low space
+ utilization is preferred.
+ """
+ best_summary = None
+ max_host_count = 0
+ best_space_utilization = 1.0
+ for summary in summaries:
+ host_count = len(self._vops.get_connected_hosts(
+ summary.datastore))
+ if host_count > max_host_count:
+ max_host_count = host_count
+ best_space_utilization = self._compute_space_utilization(
+ summary
+ )
+ best_summary = summary
+ elif host_count == max_host_count:
+ # break the tie based on space utilization
+ space_utilization = self._compute_space_utilization(
+ summary
+ )
+ if space_utilization < best_space_utilization:
+ best_space_utilization = space_utilization
+ best_summary = summary
+ LOG.debug("Datastore: %(datastore)s is connected to %(host_count)d "
+ "host(s) and has space utilization: %(utilization)s.",
+ {'datastore': best_summary.datastore,
+ 'host_count': max_host_count,
+ 'utilization': best_space_utilization})
+ return (best_summary, best_space_utilization)
+ def select_datastore(self, req, hosts=None):
+ """Selects a datastore satisfying the given requirements.
+ Returns the selected datastore summary along with a compute host and
+ resource pool where a VM can be created.
+ :param req: selection requirements
+ :param hosts: list of hosts to consider
+ :return: (host, resourcePool, summary)
+ """
+ best_candidate = ()
+ best_utilization = 1.0
+ hard_affinity_ds_types = req.get(
+ DatastoreSelector.HARD_AFFINITY_DS_TYPE)
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores = req.get(
+ DatastoreSelector.HARD_ANTI_AFFINITY_DS)
+ pref_utilization_thresh = req.get(DatastoreSelector.PREF_UTIL_THRESH,
+ -1)
+ size_bytes = req[DatastoreSelector.SIZE_BYTES]
+ profile_name = req.get(DatastoreSelector.PROFILE_NAME)
+ profile_id = None
+ if profile_name is not None:
+ profile_id = self.get_profile_id(profile_name)
+ if hosts is None:
+ hosts = self._get_all_hosts()
+ LOG.debug("Using hosts: %(hosts)s for datastore selection based on "
+ "requirements: %(req)s.",
+ {'hosts': hosts,
+ 'req': req})
+ for host in hosts:
+ host_ref = host.obj
+ try:
+ (datastores, rp) = self._vops.get_dss_rp(host_ref)
+ except error_util.VimConnectionException:
+ # No need to try other hosts when there is a connection problem
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.exception(_("Error occurred while selecting datastore."
+ ))
+ except error_util.VimException:
+ # TODO(vbala) volumeops.get_dss_rp shouldn't throw VimException
+ # for empty datastore list.
+ LOG.warn(_("Unable to fetch datastores connected to host %s."),
+ host_ref,
+ exc_info=True)
+ continue
+ if not datastores:
+ continue
+ filtered_summaries = self._filter_datastores(
+ datastores, size_bytes, profile_id,
+ hard_anti_affinity_datastores, hard_affinity_ds_types)
+ LOG.debug("Datastores remaining after filtering: %s.",
+ filtered_summaries)
+ if not filtered_summaries:
+ continue
+ (summary, utilization) = self._select_best_summary(
+ filtered_summaries)
+ if (pref_utilization_thresh == -1 or
+ utilization <= pref_utilization_thresh):
+ return (host_ref, rp, summary)
+ if utilization < best_utilization:
+ best_candidate = (host_ref, rp, summary)
+ best_utilization = utilization
+ LOG.debug("Best candidate: %s.", best_candidate)
+ return best_candidate
+ def is_datastore_compliant(self, datastore, profile_name):
+ """Check if the datastore is compliant with given profile.
+ :param datastore: datastore to check the compliance
+ :param profile_name: profile to check the compliance against
+ :return: True if the datastore is compliant; False otherwise
+ :raises: ProfileNotFoundException
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Checking datastore: %(datastore)s compliance against "
+ "profile: %(profile)s.",
+ {'datastore': datastore,
+ 'profile': profile_name})
+ if profile_name is None:
+ # Any datastore is trivially compliant with a None profile.
+ return True
+ profile_id = self.get_profile_id(profile_name)
+ is_compliant = bool(self._filter_by_profile([datastore], profile_id))
+ LOG.debug("Compliance is %(is_compliant)s for datastore: "
+ "%(datastore)s against profile: %(profile)s.",
+ {'is_compliant': is_compliant,
+ 'datastore': datastore,
+ 'profile': profile_name})
+ return is_compliant