+++ /dev/null
-Description: Install SNAT rules for ipv4 only
-Author: Baodong Li <baoli@cisco.com>
-Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 01:47:13 +0000 (+0000)
-X-Git-Url: https://review.openstack.org/gitweb?p=openstack%2Fneutron.git;a=commitdiff_plain;h=28a26dbfd7e95ad84e8c9eeac1e5aba0b111a16c
-Origin: https://review.openstack.org/95938/
-Change-Id: I37bd770aa0d54a985ac2bec708c571785084e0ec
-Bug-Ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1309195
-Last-Update: 2014-06-02
-diff --git a/neutron/agent/l3_agent.py b/neutron/agent/l3_agent.py
-index f335da7..e9854fd 100644
---- a/neutron/agent/l3_agent.py
-+++ b/neutron/agent/l3_agent.py
-@@ -451,7 +451,9 @@ class L3NATAgent(firewall_l3_agent.FWaaSL3AgentRpcCallback, manager.Manager):
- namespace=ri.ns_name,
-- internal_cidrs = [p['ip_cidr'] for p in ri.internal_ports]
-+ # Get IPv4 only internal CIDRs
-+ internal_cidrs = [p['ip_cidr'] for p in ri.internal_ports
-+ if netaddr.IPNetwork(p['ip_cidr']).version == 4]
- # TODO(salv-orlando): RouterInfo would be a better place for
- # this logic too
- ex_gw_port_id = (ex_gw_port and ex_gw_port['id'] or
-@@ -530,11 +532,16 @@ class L3NATAgent(firewall_l3_agent.FWaaSL3AgentRpcCallback, manager.Manager):
- # And add them back if the action if add_rules
- if action == 'add_rules' and ex_gw_port:
- # ex_gw_port should not be None in this case
-- ex_gw_ip = ex_gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
-- for rule in self.external_gateway_nat_rules(ex_gw_ip,
-- internal_cidrs,
-- interface_name):
-- ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].add_rule(*rule)
-+ # NAT rules are added only if ex_gw_port has an IPv4 address
-+ for ip_addr in ex_gw_port['fixed_ips']:
-+ ex_gw_ip = ip_addr['ip_address']
-+ if netaddr.IPAddress(ex_gw_ip).version == 4:
-+ rules = self.external_gateway_nat_rules(ex_gw_ip,
-+ internal_cidrs,
-+ interface_name)
-+ for rule in rules:
-+ ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].add_rule(*rule)
-+ break
- ri.iptables_manager.apply()
- def process_router_floating_ip_nat_rules(self, ri):
-diff --git a/neutron/tests/unit/test_l3_agent.py b/neutron/tests/unit/test_l3_agent.py
-index d1dffff..ec272ef 100644
---- a/neutron/tests/unit/test_l3_agent.py
-+++ b/neutron/tests/unit/test_l3_agent.py
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import contextlib
- import copy
- import mock
-+import netaddr
- from oslo.config import cfg
- from testtools import matchers
-@@ -331,24 +332,37 @@ class TestBasicRouterOperations(base.BaseTestCase):
- '! -i %s ! -o %s -m conntrack ! --ctstate DNAT -j ACCEPT' %
- (interface_name, interface_name)]
- for source_cidr in source_cidrs:
-- value_dict = {'source_cidr': source_cidr,
-- 'source_nat_ip': source_nat_ip}
-- expected_rules.append('-s %(source_cidr)s -j SNAT --to-source '
-- '%(source_nat_ip)s' % value_dict)
-+ # Create SNAT rules for IPv4 only
-+ if (netaddr.IPNetwork(source_cidr).version == 4 and
-+ netaddr.IPNetwork(source_nat_ip).version == 4):
-+ value_dict = {'source_cidr': source_cidr,
-+ 'source_nat_ip': source_nat_ip}
-+ expected_rules.append('-s %(source_cidr)s -j SNAT --to-source '
-+ '%(source_nat_ip)s' % value_dict)
- for r in rules:
- if negate:
- self.assertNotIn(r.rule, expected_rules)
- else:
- self.assertIn(r.rule, expected_rules)
-- def _prepare_router_data(self, enable_snat=None, num_internal_ports=1):
-+ def _prepare_router_data(self, ip_version=4,
-+ enable_snat=None, num_internal_ports=1):
-+ if ip_version == 4:
-+ ip_addr = ''
-+ cidr = ''
-+ gateway_ip = ''
-+ elif ip_version == 6:
-+ ip_addr = 'fd00::4'
-+ cidr = 'fd00::/64'
-+ gateway_ip = 'fd00::1'
- router_id = _uuid()
- ex_gw_port = {'id': _uuid(),
- 'network_id': _uuid(),
-- 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
-+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': ip_addr,
- 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
-- 'subnet': {'cidr': '',
-- 'gateway_ip': ''}}
-+ 'subnet': {'cidr': cidr,
-+ 'gateway_ip': gateway_ip}}
- int_ports = []
- for i in range(num_internal_ports):
- int_ports.append({'id': _uuid(),
-@@ -635,6 +649,99 @@ class TestBasicRouterOperations(base.BaseTestCase):
- self._verify_snat_rules(nat_rules_delta, router)
- self.send_arp.assert_called_once()
-+ def test_process_ipv6_only_gw(self):
-+ agent = l3_agent.L3NATAgent(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
-+ router = self._prepare_router_data(ip_version=6)
-+ # Get NAT rules without the gw_port
-+ gw_port = router['gw_port']
-+ router['gw_port'] = None
-+ ri = l3_agent.RouterInfo(router['id'], self.conf.root_helper,
-+ self.conf.use_namespaces, router=router)
-+ agent.external_gateway_added = mock.Mock()
-+ agent.process_router(ri)
-+ orig_nat_rules = ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].rules[:]
-+ # Get NAT rules with the gw_port
-+ router['gw_port'] = gw_port
-+ ri = l3_agent.RouterInfo(router['id'], self.conf.root_helper,
-+ self.conf.use_namespaces, router=router)
-+ with mock.patch.object(
-+ agent,
-+ 'external_gateway_nat_rules') as external_gateway_nat_rules:
-+ agent.process_router(ri)
-+ new_nat_rules = ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].rules[:]
-+ # There should be no change with the NAT rules
-+ self.assertFalse(external_gateway_nat_rules.called)
-+ self.assertEqual(orig_nat_rules, new_nat_rules)
-+ def test_process_router_ipv6_interface_added(self):
-+ agent = l3_agent.L3NATAgent(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
-+ router = self._prepare_router_data()
-+ ri = l3_agent.RouterInfo(router['id'], self.conf.root_helper,
-+ self.conf.use_namespaces, router=router)
-+ agent.external_gateway_added = mock.Mock()
-+ # Process with NAT
-+ agent.process_router(ri)
-+ orig_nat_rules = ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].rules[:]
-+ # Add an IPv6 interface and reprocess
-+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY].append(
-+ {'id': _uuid(),
-+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
-+ 'admin_state_up': True,
-+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': 'fd00::2',
-+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
-+ 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef',
-+ 'subnet': {'cidr': 'fd00::/64',
-+ 'gateway_ip': 'fd00::1'}})
-+ # Reassign the router object to RouterInfo
-+ ri.router = router
-+ agent.process_router(ri)
-+ # For some reason set logic does not work well with
-+ # IpTablesRule instances
-+ nat_rules_delta = [r for r in ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].rules
-+ if r not in orig_nat_rules]
-+ self.assertFalse(nat_rules_delta)
-+ def test_process_router_ipv6v4_interface_added(self):
-+ agent = l3_agent.L3NATAgent(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
-+ router = self._prepare_router_data()
-+ ri = l3_agent.RouterInfo(router['id'], self.conf.root_helper,
-+ self.conf.use_namespaces, router=router)
-+ agent.external_gateway_added = mock.Mock()
-+ # Process with NAT
-+ agent.process_router(ri)
-+ orig_nat_rules = ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].rules[:]
-+ # Add an IPv4 and IPv6 interface and reprocess
-+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY].append(
-+ {'id': _uuid(),
-+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
-+ 'admin_state_up': True,
-+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': '',
-+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
-+ 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef',
-+ 'subnet': {'cidr': '',
-+ 'gateway_ip': ''}})
-+ router[l3_constants.INTERFACE_KEY].append(
-+ {'id': _uuid(),
-+ 'network_id': _uuid(),
-+ 'admin_state_up': True,
-+ 'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': 'fd00::2',
-+ 'subnet_id': _uuid()}],
-+ 'mac_address': 'ca:fe:de:ad:be:ef',
-+ 'subnet': {'cidr': 'fd00::/64',
-+ 'gateway_ip': 'fd00::1'}})
-+ # Reassign the router object to RouterInfo
-+ ri.router = router
-+ agent.process_router(ri)
-+ # For some reason set logic does not work well with
-+ # IpTablesRule instances
-+ nat_rules_delta = [r for r in ri.iptables_manager.ipv4['nat'].rules
-+ if r not in orig_nat_rules]
-+ self.assertEqual(1, len(nat_rules_delta))
-+ self._verify_snat_rules(nat_rules_delta, router)
- def test_process_router_interface_removed(self):
- agent = l3_agent.L3NATAgent(HOSTNAME, self.conf)
- router = self._prepare_router_data(num_internal_ports=2)