-# (c) Copyright 2014-2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
+# (c) Copyright 2014-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
"""Unit tests for OpenStack Cinder volume drivers."""
+import json
import mock
from oslo_utils import units
"capabilities.capacity_utilization < 0.6? 100 : 25"
"capabilities.total_volumes < 400 && capabilities.capacity_utilization"
+HPELEFTHAND_API_URL = 'http://fake.foo:8080/lhos'
+HPELEFTHAND_API_URL2 = 'http://fake2.foo2:8080/lhos'
+HPELEFTHAND_SSH_IP = 'fake.foo'
+HPELEFTHAND_SSH_IP2 = 'fake2.foo2'
+VOLUME_TYPE_ID_REPLICATED = 'be9181f1-4040-46f2-8298-e7532f2bf9db'
+FAKE_FAILOVER_HOST = 'fakefailover@foo#destfakepool'
class HPELeftHandBaseDriver(object):
cluster_id = 1
volume_name = "fakevolume"
+ volume_name_repl = "fakevolume_replicated"
volume_id = 1
volume = {
'name': volume_name,
'provider_auth': None,
'size': 1}
+ volume_replicated = {
+ 'name': volume_name_repl,
+ 'display_name': 'Foo Volume',
+ 'provider_location': (' iqn.2003-10.com.lefthandnetworks:'
+ 'group01:25366:fakev 0'),
+ 'id': volume_id,
+ 'provider_auth': None,
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'volume_type': 'replicated',
+ 'volume_type_id': VOLUME_TYPE_ID_REPLICATED,
+ 'replication_driver_data': ('{"location": "' + HPELEFTHAND_API_URL +
+ '"}')}
+ repl_targets = [{'target_device_id': 'target',
+ 'managed_backend_name': FAKE_FAILOVER_HOST,
+ 'hpelefthand_api_url': HPELEFTHAND_API_URL2,
+ 'hpelefthand_username': HPELEFTHAND_USERNAME,
+ 'hpelefthand_password': HPELEFTHAND_PASSWORD,
+ 'hpelefthand_clustername': HPELEFTHAND_CLUSTER_NAME,
+ 'hpelefthand_ssh_port': HPELEFTHAND_SSH_PORT,
+ 'ssh_conn_timeout': HPELEFTHAND_SAN_SSH_CON_TIMEOUT,
+ 'san_private_key': HPELEFTHAND_SAN_SSH_PRIVATE,
+ 'cluster_id': 6,
+ 'cluster_vip': ''}]
+ list_rep_targets = [{'target_device_id': 'target'}]
serverName = 'fakehost'
server_id = 0
server_uri = '/lhos/servers/0'
+ driver_startup_ssh = [
+ mock.call.setSSHOptions(
+ missing_key_policy='AutoAddPolicy',
+ known_hosts_file=mock.ANY,
+ ]
class TestHPELeftHandISCSIDriver(HPELeftHandBaseDriver, test.TestCase):
def default_mock_conf(self):
- mock_conf = mock.Mock()
- mock_conf.hpelefthand_api_url = 'http://fake.foo:8080/lhos'
- mock_conf.hpelefthand_username = 'foo1'
- mock_conf.hpelefthand_password = 'bar2'
+ mock_conf = mock.MagicMock()
+ mock_conf.hpelefthand_api_url = HPELEFTHAND_API_URL
+ mock_conf.hpelefthand_username = HPELEFTHAND_USERNAME
+ mock_conf.hpelefthand_password = HPELEFTHAND_PASSWORD
+ mock_conf.hpelefthand_ssh_port = HPELEFTHAND_SSH_PORT
+ mock_conf.ssh_conn_timeout = HPELEFTHAND_SAN_SSH_CON_TIMEOUT
+ mock_conf.san_private_key = HPELEFTHAND_SAN_SSH_PRIVATE
mock_conf.hpelefthand_iscsi_chap_enabled = False
mock_conf.hpelefthand_debug = False
mock_conf.hpelefthand_clustername = "CloudCluster1"
_mock_client.return_value.getCluster.return_value = {
'spaceTotal': units.Gi * 500,
'spaceAvailable': units.Gi * 250}
+ _mock_client.return_value.getApiVersion.return_value = '1.2'
+ _mock_client.return_value.getIPFromCluster.return_value = ''
self.driver = hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver(
mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
# execute delete_volume
- self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume)
+ del_volume = self.volume
+ del_volume['volume_type_id'] = None
+ self.driver.delete_volume(del_volume)
expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [
mock_client.getVolumeByName.side_effect =\
# no exception should escape method
- self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume)
+ self.driver.delete_volume(del_volume)
# mock HTTPConflict
mock_client.deleteVolume.side_effect = hpeexceptions.HTTPConflict()
# ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception
- self.driver.delete_volume, self.volume_id)
+ self.driver.delete_volume, {})
def test_extend_volume(self):
cgsnap, snaps = self.driver.delete_cgsnapshot(
ctxt, cgsnapshot, expected_snaps)
self.assertEqual('deleting', cgsnap['status'])
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_create_volume_replicated_managed(self, _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_client.createVolume.return_value = {
+ 'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}
+ mock_client.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist.return_value = False
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ return_model = self.driver.create_volume(self.volume_replicated)
+ expected = [
+ mock.call.createVolume(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated',
+ 1,
+ units.Gi,
+ {'isThinProvisioned': True,
+ 'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1'}),
+ mock.call.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED_Pri'),
+ mock.call.createRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated',
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED',
+ 1800,
+ '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
+ 5,
+ 'CloudCluster1',
+ 5,
+ 'fakevolume_replicated',
+ '',
+ 'foo1',
+ 'bar2'),
+ mock.call.logout()]
+ mock_client.assert_has_calls(
+ self.driver_startup_call_stack +
+ self.driver_startup_ssh +
+ expected)
+ prov_location = ',1 iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0'
+ rep_data = json.dumps({"location": HPELEFTHAND_API_URL})
+ self.assertEqual({'replication_status': 'enabled',
+ 'replication_driver_data': rep_data,
+ 'provider_location': prov_location},
+ return_model)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_delete_volume_replicated(self, _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}
+ mock_client.getVolumes.return_value = {'total': 1, 'members': []}
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ self.driver.delete_volume(self.volume_replicated)
+ expected = [
+ mock.call.deleteRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED'),
+ mock.call.getVolumeByName('fakevolume_replicated'),
+ mock.call.deleteVolume(1)]
+ mock_client.assert_has_calls(
+ self.driver_startup_call_stack +
+ self.driver_startup_ssh +
+ expected)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_replication_enable_no_snapshot_schedule(self,
+ _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_client.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist.return_value = False
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ return_model = self.driver.replication_enable(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ self.volume_replicated)
+ expected = [
+ mock.call.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED_Pri'),
+ mock.call.createRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated',
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED',
+ 1800,
+ '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
+ 5,
+ 'CloudCluster1',
+ 5,
+ 'fakevolume_replicated',
+ '',
+ 'foo1',
+ 'bar2')]
+ mock_client.assert_has_calls(
+ self.driver_startup_call_stack +
+ self.driver_startup_ssh +
+ expected)
+ self.assertEqual({'replication_status': 'enabled'},
+ return_model)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_replication_enable_with_snapshot_schedule(self,
+ _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_client.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist.return_value = True
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ return_model = self.driver.replication_enable(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ self.volume_replicated)
+ expected = [
+ mock.call.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED_Pri'),
+ mock.call.startRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED_Pri')]
+ mock_client.assert_has_calls(
+ self.driver_startup_call_stack +
+ self.driver_startup_ssh +
+ expected)
+ self.assertEqual({'replication_status': 'enabled'},
+ return_model)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_replication_disable(self, _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ return_model = self.driver.replication_disable(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ self.volume_replicated)
+ expected = [
+ mock.call.stopRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED_Pri')]
+ mock_client.assert_has_calls(
+ self.driver_startup_call_stack +
+ self.driver_startup_ssh +
+ expected)
+ self.assertEqual({'replication_status': 'disabled'},
+ return_model)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_replication_disable_fail(self, _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_client.stopRemoteSnapshotSchedule.side_effect = (
+ Exception("Error: Could not stop remote snapshot schedule."))
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ return_model = self.driver.replication_disable(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ self.volume_replicated)
+ expected = [
+ mock.call.stopRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ 'fakevolume_replicated_SCHED_Pri')]
+ mock_client.assert_has_calls(
+ self.driver_startup_call_stack +
+ self.driver_startup_ssh +
+ expected)
+ self.assertEqual({'replication_status': 'disable_failed'},
+ return_model)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_list_replication_targets(self, _mock_get_volume_type):
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ return_model = self.driver.list_replication_targets(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ self.volume_replicated)
+ targets = self.list_rep_targets
+ self.assertEqual({'volume_id': 1,
+ 'targets': targets},
+ return_model)
+ @mock.patch('hpelefthandclient.version', "2.0.1")
+ @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')
+ def test_replication_failover_managed(self, _mock_get_volume_type):
+ ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ # set up driver with default config
+ conf = self.default_mock_conf()
+ conf.replication_device = self.repl_targets
+ mock_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_replicated_client = self.setup_driver(config=conf)
+ mock_replicated_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {
+ 'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}
+ _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {
+ 'name': 'replicated',
+ 'extra_specs': {
+ 'replication_enabled': '<is> True'}}
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_client') as mock_do_setup, \
+ mock.patch.object(
+ hpe_lefthand_iscsi.HPELeftHandISCSIDriver,
+ '_create_replication_client') as mock_replication_client:
+ mock_do_setup.return_value = mock_client
+ mock_replication_client.return_value = mock_replicated_client
+ valid_target_device_id = (self.repl_targets[0]['target_device_id'])
+ invalid_target_device_id = 'INVALID'
+ # test invalid secondary target
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exception.VolumeBackendAPIException,
+ self.driver.replication_failover,
+ ctxt,
+ self.volume_replicated,
+ invalid_target_device_id)
+ # test a successful failover
+ return_model = self.driver.replication_failover(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ self.volume_replicated,
+ valid_target_device_id)
+ rep_data = json.dumps({"location": HPELEFTHAND_API_URL2})
+ prov_location = ',1 iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0'
+ self.assertEqual({'provider_location': prov_location,
+ 'replication_driver_data': rep_data,
+ return_model)
-# (c) Copyright 2014-2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
+# (c) Copyright 2014-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import importutils
from oslo_utils import units
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
from cinder.volume import driver
+from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san
from cinder.volume import utils
from cinder.volume import volume_types
-import six
import math
import re
+import six
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
help="Enable HTTP debugging to LeftHand",
+ cfg.PortOpt('hpelefthand_ssh_port',
+ default=16022,
+ help="Port number of SSH service."),
# map the extra spec key to the REST client option key
extra_specs_key_map = {
1.0.14 - Removed the old CLIQ based driver
2.0.0 - Rebranded HP to HPE
2.0.1 - Remove db access for consistency groups
+ 2.0.2 - Adds v2 managed replication support
- VERSION = "2.0.1"
+ VERSION = "2.0.2"
device_stats = {}
+ # v2 replication constants
+ EXTRA_SPEC_REP_SYNC_PERIOD = "replication:sync_period"
+ EXTRA_SPEC_REP_RETENTION_COUNT = "replication:retention_count"
+ "replication:remote_retention_count")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HPELeftHandISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts)
if not self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url:
raise exception.NotFound(_("HPELeftHand url not found"))
# blank is the only invalid character for cluster names
# so we need to use it as a separator
self.DRIVER_LOCATION = self.__class__.__name__ + ' %(cluster)s %(vip)s'
+ self._replication_targets = []
+ self._replication_enabled = False
- def _login(self):
- client = self._create_client()
+ def _login(self, timeout=None):
+ client = self._create_client(timeout=timeout)
if self.configuration.hpelefthand_debug:
virtual_ips = cluster_info['virtualIPAddresses']
self.cluster_vip = virtual_ips[0]['ipV4Address']
+ # SSH is only available in the 2.0.1 release of the
+ # python-lefthandclient.
+ if hpelefthandclient.version >= MIN_REP_CLIENT_VERSION:
+ # Extract IP address from API URL
+ ssh_ip = self._extract_ip_from_url(
+ self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url)
+ known_hosts_file = CONF.ssh_hosts_key_file
+ policy = "AutoAddPolicy"
+ if CONF.strict_ssh_host_key_policy:
+ policy = "RejectPolicy"
+ client.setSSHOptions(
+ ssh_ip,
+ self.configuration.hpelefthand_username,
+ self.configuration.hpelefthand_password,
+ port=self.configuration.hpelefthand_ssh_port,
+ conn_timeout=self.configuration.ssh_conn_timeout,
+ privatekey=self.configuration.san_private_key,
+ missing_key_policy=policy,
+ known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file)
return client
except hpeexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
raise exception.DriverNotInitialized(
raise exception.DriverNotInitialized(ex)
def _logout(self, client):
- client.logout()
+ if client is not None:
+ client.logout()
+ def _create_client(self, timeout=None):
+ # Timeout is only supported in version 2.0.1 and greater of the
+ # python-lefthandclient.
+ if hpelefthandclient.version >= MIN_REP_CLIENT_VERSION:
+ client = hpe_lh_client.HPELeftHandClient(
+ self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url, timeout=timeout)
+ else:
+ client = hpe_lh_client.HPELeftHandClient(
+ self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url)
+ return client
+ def _create_replication_client(self, remote_array):
+ cl = hpe_lh_client.HPELeftHandClient(
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_api_url'])
+ try:
+ cl.login(
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_username'],
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_password'])
+ # Extract IP address from API URL
+ ssh_ip = self._extract_ip_from_url(
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_api_url'])
+ known_hosts_file = CONF.ssh_hosts_key_file
+ policy = "AutoAddPolicy"
+ if CONF.strict_ssh_host_key_policy:
+ policy = "RejectPolicy"
+ cl.setSSHOptions(
+ ssh_ip,
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_username'],
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_password'],
+ port=remote_array['hpelefthand_ssh_port'],
+ conn_timeout=remote_array['ssh_conn_timeout'],
+ privatekey=remote_array['san_private_key'],
+ missing_key_policy=policy,
+ known_hosts_file=known_hosts_file)
+ return cl
+ except hpeexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
+ raise exception.DriverNotInitialized(
+ _('LeftHand cluster not found'))
+ except Exception as ex:
+ raise exception.DriverNotInitialized(ex)
+ def _destroy_replication_client(self, client):
+ if client is not None:
+ client.logout()
- def _create_client(self):
- return hpe_lh_client.HPELeftHandClient(
- self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url)
+ def _extract_ip_from_url(self, url):
+ result = re.search("://(.*):", url)
+ ip = result.group(1)
+ return ip
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Set up LeftHand client."""
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=ex_msg)
+ # v2 replication check
+ if hpelefthandclient.version >= MIN_REP_CLIENT_VERSION:
+ self._do_replication_setup()
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Checks for incorrect LeftHand API being used on backend."""
client = self._login()
volume['size'] * units.Gi,
- return self._update_provider(volume_info)
+ model_update = self._update_provider(volume_info)
+ # v2 replication check
+ if self._volume_of_replicated_type(volume) and (
+ self._do_volume_replication_setup(volume, client, optional)):
+ model_update['replication_status'] = 'enabled'
+ model_update['replication_driver_data'] = (json.dumps(
+ {'location': self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url}))
+ return model_update
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=ex)
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a volume."""
client = self._login()
+ # v2 replication check
+ # If the volume type is replication enabled, we want to call our own
+ # method of deconstructing the volume and its dependencies
+ if self._volume_of_replicated_type(volume):
+ self._do_volume_replication_destroy(volume, client)
+ return
volume_info = client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
data['goodness_function'] = self.get_goodness_function()
data['consistencygroup_support'] = True
+ if hpelefthandclient.version >= MIN_REP_CLIENT_VERSION:
+ data['replication_enabled'] = self._replication_enabled
+ data['replication_type'] = ['periodic']
+ data['replication_count'] = len(self._replication_targets)
self.device_stats = data
def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
volume_info = client.cloneSnapshot(
- return self._update_provider(volume_info)
+ model_update = self._update_provider(volume_info)
+ # v2 replication check
+ if self._volume_of_replicated_type(volume) and (
+ self._do_volume_replication_setup(volume, client)):
+ model_update['replication_status'] = 'enabled'
+ model_update['replication_driver_data'] = (json.dumps(
+ {'location': self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url}))
+ return model_update
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
volume_info = client.getVolumeByName(src_vref['name'])
clone_info = client.cloneVolume(volume['name'], volume_info['id'])
- return self._update_provider(clone_info)
+ model_update = self._update_provider(clone_info)
+ # v2 replication check
+ if self._volume_of_replicated_type(volume) and (
+ self._do_volume_replication_setup(volume, client)):
+ model_update['replication_status'] = 'enabled'
+ model_update['replication_driver_data'] = (json.dumps(
+ {'location': self.configuration.hpelefthand_api_url}))
+ return model_update
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
{'value': value, 'key': key})
return client_options
- def _update_provider(self, volume_info):
+ def _update_provider(self, volume_info, cluster_vip=None):
+ if not cluster_vip:
+ cluster_vip = self.cluster_vip
# TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
cluster_interface = '1'
- iscsi_portal = self.cluster_vip + ":3260," + cluster_interface
+ iscsi_portal = cluster_vip + ":3260," + cluster_interface
return {'provider_location': (
"%s %s %s" % (iscsi_portal, volume_info['iscsiIqn'], 0))}
def _get_volume_type(self, type_id):
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
return volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
+ # v2 replication methods
+ def get_replication_updates(self, context):
+ # TODO(aorourke): the manager does not do anything with these updates.
+ # When that is changed, I will modify this as well.
+ errors = []
+ return errors
+ def replication_enable(self, context, volume):
+ """Enable replication on a replication capable volume."""
+ model_update = {}
+ # If replication is not enabled and the volume is of replicated type,
+ # we treat this as an error.
+ if not self._replication_enabled:
+ msg = _LE("Enabling replication failed because replication is "
+ "not properly configured.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ model_update['replication_status'] = "error"
+ else:
+ client = self._login()
+ try:
+ if self._do_volume_replication_setup(volume, client):
+ model_update['replication_status'] = "enabled"
+ else:
+ model_update['replication_status'] = "error"
+ finally:
+ self._logout(client)
+ return model_update
+ def replication_disable(self, context, volume):
+ """Disable replication on the specified volume."""
+ model_update = {}
+ # If replication is not enabled and the volume is of replicated type,
+ # we treat this as an error.
+ if self._replication_enabled:
+ model_update['replication_status'] = 'disabled'
+ vol_name = volume['name']
+ client = self._login()
+ try:
+ name = vol_name + self.REP_SCHEDULE_SUFFIX + "_Pri"
+ client.stopRemoteSnapshotSchedule(name)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ msg = (_LE("There was a problem disabling replication on "
+ "volume '%(name)s': %(error)s") %
+ {'name': vol_name,
+ 'error': six.text_type(ex)})
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ model_update['replication_status'] = 'disable_failed'
+ finally:
+ self._logout(client)
+ else:
+ msg = _LE("Disabling replication failed because replication is "
+ "not properly configured.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ model_update['replication_status'] = 'error'
+ return model_update
+ def replication_failover(self, context, volume, secondary):
+ """Force failover to a secondary replication target."""
+ failover_target = None
+ for target in self._replication_targets:
+ if target['target_device_id'] == secondary:
+ failover_target = target
+ break
+ if not failover_target:
+ msg = _("A valid secondary target MUST be specified in order "
+ "to failover.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ # Try and stop the remote snapshot schedule. If the priamry array is
+ # down, we will continue with the failover.
+ client = None
+ try:
+ client = self._login(timeout=30)
+ name = volume['name'] + self.REP_SCHEDULE_SUFFIX + "_Pri"
+ client.stopRemoteSnapshotSchedule(name)
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.warning(_LW("The primary array is currently offline, remote "
+ "copy has been automatically paused."))
+ pass
+ finally:
+ self._logout(client)
+ # Update provider location to the new array.
+ cl = None
+ model_update = {}
+ try:
+ cl = self._create_replication_client(failover_target)
+ # Make the volume primary so it can be attached after a fail-over.
+ cl.makeVolumePrimary(volume['name'])
+ # Stop snapshot schedule
+ try:
+ name = volume['name'] + self.REP_SCHEDULE_SUFFIX + "_Rmt"
+ cl.stopRemoteSnapshotSchedule(name)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # Update the provider info for a proper fail-over.
+ volume_info = cl.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
+ model_update = self._update_provider(
+ volume_info, cluster_vip=failover_target['cluster_vip'])
+ except Exception as ex:
+ msg = (_("The fail-over was unsuccessful: %s") %
+ six.text_type(ex))
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ finally:
+ self._destroy_replication_client(cl)
+ rep_data = json.loads(volume['replication_driver_data'])
+ rep_data['location'] = failover_target['hpelefthand_api_url']
+ replication_driver_data = json.dumps(rep_data)
+ model_update['replication_driver_data'] = replication_driver_data
+ if failover_target['managed_backend_name']:
+ # We want to update the volumes host if our target is managed.
+ model_update['host'] = failover_target['managed_backend_name']
+ return model_update
+ def list_replication_targets(self, context, volume):
+ """Provides a means to obtain replication targets for a volume."""
+ client = None
+ try:
+ client = self._login(timeout=30)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ self._logout(client)
+ replication_targets = []
+ for target in self._replication_targets:
+ list_vals = {}
+ list_vals['target_device_id'] = (
+ target.get('target_device_id'))
+ replication_targets.append(list_vals)
+ return {'volume_id': volume['id'],
+ 'targets': replication_targets}
+ def _do_replication_setup(self):
+ default_san_ssh_port = self.configuration.hpelefthand_ssh_port
+ default_ssh_conn_timeout = self.configuration.ssh_conn_timeout
+ default_san_private_key = self.configuration.san_private_key
+ replication_targets = []
+ replication_devices = self.configuration.replication_device
+ if replication_devices:
+ # We do not want to fail if we cannot log into the client here
+ # as a failover can still occur, so we need out replication
+ # devices to exist.
+ for dev in replication_devices:
+ remote_array = {}
+ is_managed = dev.get('managed_backend_name')
+ if not is_managed:
+ msg = _("Unmanaged replication is not supported at this "
+ "time. Please configure cinder.conf for managed "
+ "replication.")
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ remote_array['managed_backend_name'] = is_managed
+ remote_array['target_device_id'] = (
+ dev.get('target_device_id'))
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_api_url'] = (
+ dev.get('hpelefthand_api_url'))
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_username'] = (
+ dev.get('hpelefthand_username'))
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_password'] = (
+ dev.get('hpelefthand_password'))
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_clustername'] = (
+ dev.get('hpelefthand_clustername'))
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_ssh_port'] = (
+ dev.get('hpelefthand_ssh_port', default_san_ssh_port))
+ remote_array['ssh_conn_timeout'] = (
+ dev.get('ssh_conn_timeout', default_ssh_conn_timeout))
+ remote_array['san_private_key'] = (
+ dev.get('san_private_key', default_san_private_key))
+ remote_array['cluster_id'] = None
+ remote_array['cluster_vip'] = None
+ array_name = remote_array['target_device_id']
+ # Make sure we can log into the array, that it has been
+ # correctly configured, and its API version meets the
+ # minimum requirement.
+ cl = None
+ try:
+ cl = self._create_replication_client(remote_array)
+ api_version = cl.getApiVersion()
+ cluster_info = cl.getClusterByName(
+ remote_array['hpelefthand_clustername'])
+ remote_array['cluster_id'] = cluster_info['id']
+ virtual_ips = cluster_info['virtualIPAddresses']
+ remote_array['cluster_vip'] = virtual_ips[0]['ipV4Address']
+ if api_version < MIN_API_VERSION:
+ msg = (_LW("The secondary array must have an API "
+ "version of %(min_ver)s or higher. "
+ "Array '%(target)s' is on %(target_ver)s, "
+ "therefore it will not be added as a valid "
+ "replication target.") %
+ {'min_ver': MIN_API_VERSION,
+ 'target': array_name,
+ 'target_ver': api_version})
+ LOG.warning(msg)
+ elif not self._is_valid_replication_array(remote_array):
+ msg = (_LW("'%s' is not a valid replication array. "
+ "In order to be valid, target_device_id, "
+ "hpelefthand_api_url, "
+ "hpelefthand_username, "
+ "hpelefthand_password, and "
+ "hpelefthand_clustername, "
+ "must be specified. If the target is "
+ "managed, managed_backend_name must be set "
+ "as well.") % array_name)
+ LOG.warning(msg)
+ else:
+ replication_targets.append(remote_array)
+ except Exception:
+ msg = (_LE("Could not log in to LeftHand array (%s) with "
+ "the provided credentials.") % array_name)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ finally:
+ self._destroy_replication_client(cl)
+ self._replication_targets = replication_targets
+ if self._is_replication_configured_correct():
+ self._replication_enabled = True
+ def _is_valid_replication_array(self, target):
+ for k, v in target.items():
+ if v is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _is_replication_configured_correct(self):
+ rep_flag = True
+ # Make sure there is at least one replication target.
+ if len(self._replication_targets) < 1:
+ LOG.error(_LE("There must be at least one valid replication "
+ "device configured."))
+ rep_flag = False
+ return rep_flag
+ def _volume_of_replicated_type(self, volume):
+ replicated_type = False
+ volume_type_id = volume.get('volume_type_id')
+ if volume_type_id:
+ volume_type = self._get_volume_type(volume_type_id)
+ extra_specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
+ if extra_specs and 'replication_enabled' in extra_specs:
+ rep_val = extra_specs['replication_enabled']
+ replicated_type = (rep_val == "<is> True")
+ return replicated_type
+ def _does_snapshot_schedule_exist(self, schedule_name, client):
+ try:
+ exists = client.doesRemoteSnapshotScheduleExist(schedule_name)
+ except Exception:
+ exists = False
+ return exists
+ def _do_volume_replication_setup(self, volume, client, optional=None):
+ """This function will do or ensure the following:
+ -Create volume on main array (already done in create_volume)
+ -Create volume on secondary array
+ -Make volume remote on secondary array
+ -Create the snapshot schedule
+ If anything here fails, we will need to clean everything up in
+ reverse order, including the original volume.
+ """
+ schedule_name = volume['name'] + self.REP_SCHEDULE_SUFFIX
+ # If there is already a snapshot schedule, the volume is setup
+ # for replication on the backend. Start the schedule and return
+ # success.
+ if self._does_snapshot_schedule_exist(schedule_name + "_Pri", client):
+ try:
+ client.startRemoteSnapshotSchedule(schedule_name + "_Pri")
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return True
+ # Grab the extra_spec entries for replication and make sure they
+ # are set correctly.
+ volume_type = self._get_volume_type(volume["volume_type_id"])
+ extra_specs = volume_type.get("extra_specs")
+ # Get and check replication sync period
+ replication_sync_period = extra_specs.get(
+ if replication_sync_period:
+ replication_sync_period = int(replication_sync_period)
+ if replication_sync_period < self.MIN_REP_SYNC_PERIOD:
+ msg = (_("The replication sync period must be at least %s "
+ "seconds.") % self.MIN_REP_SYNC_PERIOD)
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ else:
+ # If there is no extra_spec value for replication sync period, we
+ # will default it to the required minimum and log a warning.
+ replication_sync_period = self.MIN_REP_SYNC_PERIOD
+ LOG.warning(_LW("There was no extra_spec value for %(spec_name)s, "
+ "so the default value of %(def_val)s will be "
+ "used. To overwrite this, set this value in the "
+ "volume type extra_specs."),
+ {'spec_name': self.EXTRA_SPEC_REP_SYNC_PERIOD,
+ 'def_val': self.MIN_REP_SYNC_PERIOD})
+ # Get and check retention count
+ retention_count = extra_specs.get(
+ if retention_count:
+ retention_count = int(retention_count)
+ if retention_count > self.MAX_RETENTION_COUNT:
+ msg = (_("The retention count must be %s or less.") %
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ else:
+ # If there is no extra_spec value for retention count, we
+ # will default it and log a warning.
+ retention_count = self.DEFAULT_RETENTION_COUNT
+ LOG.warning(_LW("There was no extra_spec value for %(spec_name)s, "
+ "so the default value of %(def_val)s will be "
+ "used. To overwrite this, set this value in the "
+ "volume type extra_specs."),
+ {'spec_name': self.EXTRA_SPEC_REP_RETENTION_COUNT,
+ 'def_val': self.DEFAULT_RETENTION_COUNT})
+ # Get and checkout remote retention count
+ remote_retention_count = extra_specs.get(
+ if remote_retention_count:
+ remote_retention_count = int(remote_retention_count)
+ if remote_retention_count > self.MAX_REMOTE_RETENTION_COUNT:
+ msg = (_("The remote retention count must be %s or less.") %
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ else:
+ # If there is no extra_spec value for remote retention count, we
+ # will default it and log a warning.
+ remote_retention_count = self.DEFAULT_REMOTE_RETENTION_COUNT
+ LOG.warning(_LW("There was no extra_spec value for %(spec_name)s, "
+ "so the default value of %(def_val)s will be "
+ "used. To overwrite this, set this value in the "
+ "volume type extra_specs."),
+ {'spec_name': spec_name,
+ cl = None
+ try:
+ # Create volume on secondary system
+ for remote_target in self._replication_targets:
+ cl = self._create_replication_client(remote_target)
+ if optional:
+ optional['clusterName'] = (
+ remote_target['hpelefthand_clustername'])
+ cl.createVolume(volume['name'],
+ remote_target['cluster_id'],
+ volume['size'] * units.Gi,
+ optional)
+ # Make secondary volume a remote volume
+ # NOTE: The snapshot created when making a volume remote is
+ # not managed by cinder. This snapshot will be removed when
+ # _do_volume_replication_destroy is called.
+ snap_name = volume['name'] + self.REP_SNAPSHOT_SUFFIX
+ cl.makeVolumeRemote(volume['name'], snap_name)
+ # A remote IP address is needed from the cluster in order to
+ # create the snapshot schedule.
+ remote_ip = cl.getIPFromCluster(
+ remote_target['hpelefthand_clustername'])
+ # Destroy remote client
+ self._destroy_replication_client(cl)
+ # Create remote snapshot schedule on the primary system.
+ # We want to start the remote snapshot schedule instantly; a
+ # date in the past will do that. We will use the Linux epoch
+ # date formatted to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).
+ start_date = "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+ remote_vol_name = volume['name']
+ client.createRemoteSnapshotSchedule(
+ volume['name'],
+ schedule_name,
+ replication_sync_period,
+ start_date,
+ retention_count,
+ remote_target['hpelefthand_clustername'],
+ remote_retention_count,
+ remote_vol_name,
+ remote_ip,
+ remote_target['hpelefthand_username'],
+ remote_target['hpelefthand_password'])
+ return True
+ except Exception as ex:
+ # Destroy the replication client that was created
+ self._destroy_replication_client(cl)
+ # Deconstruct what we tried to create
+ self._do_volume_replication_destroy(volume, client)
+ msg = (_("There was an error setting up a remote schedule "
+ "on the LeftHand arrays: ('%s'). The volume will not be "
+ "recognized as replication type.") %
+ six.text_type(ex))
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg)
+ def _do_volume_replication_destroy(self, volume, client):
+ """This will remove all dependencies of a replicated volume
+ It should be used when deleting a replication enabled volume
+ or if setting up a remote copy group fails. It will try and do the
+ following:
+ -Delete the snapshot schedule
+ -Delete volume and snapshots on secondary array
+ -Delete volume and snapshots on primary array
+ """
+ # Delete snapshot schedule
+ try:
+ schedule_name = volume['name'] + self.REP_SCHEDULE_SUFFIX
+ client.deleteRemoteSnapshotSchedule(schedule_name)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # Delete volume on secondary array(s)
+ remote_vol_name = volume['name']
+ for remote_target in self._replication_targets:
+ try:
+ cl = self._create_replication_client(remote_target)
+ volume_info = cl.getVolumeByName(remote_vol_name)
+ cl.deleteVolume(volume_info['id'])
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ # Destroy the replication client that was created
+ self._destroy_replication_client(cl)
+ # Delete volume on primary array
+ try:
+ volume_info = client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
+ client.deleteVolume(volume_info['id'])
+ except Exception:
+ pass