cctxt = self.client.prepare(server=host)
cctxt.cast(ctxt, "delete_volume", volume_id=volume['id'])
- @args('volume_id',
- help='Volume ID to be reattached')
- def reattach(self, volume_id):
- """Re-attach a volume that has previously been attached
- to an instance. Typically called after a compute host
- has been rebooted.
- """
- ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
- volume = db.volume_get(ctxt, param2id(volume_id))
- if not volume['instance_id']:
- print(_("volume is not attached to an instance"))
- return
- instance = db.instance_get(ctxt, volume['instance_id'])
- host = instance['host']
- cctxt = self.client.prepare(topic=CONF.compute_topic, server=host)
- cctxt.cast(ctxt, "attach_volume", instance_id=instance['id'],
- volume_id=volume['id'], mountpoint=volume['mountpoint'])
@args('--currenthost', required=True, help='Existing volume host name')
@args('--newhost', required=True, help='New volume host name')
def update_host(self, currenthost, newhost):