def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.create_table(
- 'ofctenants',
- sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('quantum_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
- )
- op.create_table(
- 'ofcnetworks',
- sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('quantum_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
- )
- op.create_table(
- 'ofcports',
- sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('quantum_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
- )
- op.create_table(
- 'ofcfilters',
- sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('quantum_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
- )
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('lsn_port')
- op.drop_table('lsn')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_column('ml2_port_bindings', 'profile')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('networkgatewaydevices')
- # Re-create previous version of networkgatewaydevices table
- op.create_table(
- 'networkgatewaydevices',
- sa.Column('id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('network_gateway_id', sa.String(length=36), nullable=True),
- sa.Column('interface_name', sa.String(length=64), nullable=True),
- sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['network_gateway_id'], [''],
- ondelete='CASCADE'),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'))
- # Copy from networkgatewaydevicereferences to networkgatewaydevices
- op.execute("INSERT INTO networkgatewaydevices SELECT "
- "id, network_gateway_id, interface_name FROM "
- "networkgatewaydevicereferences")
- # Dropt networkgatewaydevicereferences
- op.drop_table('networkgatewaydevicereferences')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('neutron_nsx_security_group_mappings')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_constraint(
- name=UC_NAME,
- table_name=TABLE_NAME,
- type_='unique'
- )
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_column('subnets', 'ipv6_ra_mode')
- op.drop_column('subnets', 'ipv6_address_mode')
- context = op.get_context()
- if == 'postgresql':
- op.execute('DROP TYPE ipv6_ra_modes')
- op.execute('DROP TYPE ipv6_address_modes')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('cisco_csr_identifier_map')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_column('ml2_port_bindings', 'vnic_type')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_column('floatingips', 'last_known_router_id')
- op.drop_column('floatingips', 'status')
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table(u'embrane_pool_port')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- engine = op.get_bind().engine
- if == 'postgresql':
- op.execute("ALTER TYPE tz_network_bindings_binding_type "
- "RENAME TO nvp_network_bindings_binding_type;")
- op.rename_table('multi_provider_networks', 'nvp_multi_provider_networks')
- op.rename_table('tz_network_bindings', 'nvp_network_bindings')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('neutron_nsx_network_mappings')
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('ml2_brocadeports')
- op.drop_table('ml2_brocadenetworks')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('neutron_nsx_router_mappings')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- if op.get_bind() == 'ibm_db_sa':
- # Note(xuhanp): DB2 doesn't allow nullable=False Column with
- # "DEFAULT" clause not specified. So server_default is used.
- # Using sa.text will result "DEFAULT 0" for cap_port_filter.
- op.add_column('ml2_port_bindings',
- sa.Column('cap_port_filter', sa.Boolean(),
- nullable=False,
- server_default=sa.text("0")))
- op.execute(
- "UPDATE ml2_port_bindings SET"
- " cap_port_filter = 1"
- " WHERE vif_details LIKE '%\"port_filter\": true%'")
- else:
- op.add_column('ml2_port_bindings',
- sa.Column('cap_port_filter', sa.Boolean(),
- nullable=False,
- server_default=sa.text("false")))
- op.execute(
- "UPDATE ml2_port_bindings SET"
- " cap_port_filter = true"
- " WHERE vif_details LIKE '%\"port_filter\": true%'")
- op.drop_column('ml2_port_bindings', 'vif_details')
- if op.get_bind() == 'ibm_db_sa':
- op.execute("CALL SYSPROC.ADMIN_CMD('REORG TABLE ml2_port_bindings')")
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- # Restore table to pre-icehouse version
- op.create_table('quantum_nvp_port_mapping',
- sa.Column('quantum_id', sa.String(length=36),
- nullable=False),
- sa.Column('nvp_id', sa.String(length=36),
- nullable=False),
- sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['quantum_id'], [''],
- ondelete='CASCADE'),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('quantum_id'))
- op.execute("INSERT INTO quantum_nvp_port_mapping SELECT neutron_id as "
- "quantum_id, nsx_port_id as nvp_id from"
- " neutron_nsx_port_mappings")
- op.drop_table('neutron_nsx_port_mappings')
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- for table in ['ofctenantmappings', 'ofcnetworkmappings',
- 'ofcportmappings', 'ofcfiltermappings',
- 'ofcroutermappings',
- ]:
- op.alter_column(table, 'neutron_id',
- new_column_name='quantum_id',
- existing_type=sa.String(length=36),
- existing_nullable=False)
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_constraint('cisco_n1kv_vxlan_allocations_ibfk_1',
- 'cisco_n1kv_vxlan_allocations',
- 'foreignkey')
- op.drop_column('cisco_n1kv_vxlan_allocations', 'network_profile_id')
- op.drop_constraint('cisco_n1kv_vlan_allocations_ibfk_1',
- 'cisco_n1kv_vlan_allocations',
- 'foreignkey')
- op.drop_column('cisco_n1kv_vlan_allocations', 'network_profile_id')
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('consistencyhashes')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('quotas')
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.alter_column('poolstatisticss', 'bytes_in',
- type_=sa.Integer(), existing_type=sa.BigInteger())
- op.alter_column('poolstatisticss', 'bytes_out',
- type_=sa.Integer(), existing_type=sa.BigInteger())
- op.alter_column('poolstatisticss', 'active_connections',
- type_=sa.Integer(), existing_type=sa.BigInteger())
- op.alter_column('poolstatisticss', 'total_connections',
- type_=sa.Integer(), existing_type=sa.BigInteger())
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_constraint(
- type_='unique'
- )
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('router_zone_mapping')
- op.drop_table('net_partition_router_mapping')
- op.drop_table('subnet_l2dom_mapping')
- op.drop_table('port_mapping')
- op.drop_table('net_partitions')
- op.drop_table('quotas')
- common_ext_ops.downgrade_l3()
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
- op.drop_table('quotas')
- ### end Alembic commands ###
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
- op.drop_table('securitygroupportbindings')
- op.drop_table('securitygrouprules')
- securitygrouprules_direction.drop(op.get_bind(), checkfirst=False)
- op.drop_table('securitygroups')
- ### end Alembic commands ###
+ pass
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- if not migration.should_run(active_plugins, migration_for_plugins):
- return
- op.drop_table('allowedaddresspairs')
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file
def downgrade(active_plugins=None, options=None):
- """A no-op migration for marking the Icehouse release."""
- pass
+ # We are purging all downgrade methods from icehouse to havana because:
+ # 1) havana is going to become unsupported during Kilo cycle.
+ # 2) most people will upgrade from icehouse, while a minor percentage
+ # from havana
+ # 3) downgrade use cases are mostly to revert after failed upgrades
+ # See discussion in for details
+ raise NotImplementedError("Downgrade from icehouse to havana not "
+ "supported")
\ No newline at end of file