--- /dev/null
+Neutron public API
+Neutron main tree serves as a library for multiple subprojects that rely on
+different modules from neutron.* namespace to accomodate their needs.
+Specifically, advanced service repositories and open source or vendor
+plugin/driver repositories do it.
+Neutron modules differ in their API stability a lot, and there is no part of it
+that is explicitly marked to be consumed by other projects.
+That said, there are modules that other projects should definitely avoid relying on.
+Specifically, no external repository should use anything located under
+neutron.openstack.common.* import path. This code belongs to oslo-incubator
+modules and is not meant to work for consumers other than neutron main tree
+itself. (The only exception is made for advanced service repositories that are
+tightly controlled by neutron community.) Long story short, if your repository
+uses those modules, please switch to corresponding oslo libraries or use your
+own copy of oslo-incubator files.