+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Mock REST requests to Cisco Cloud Services Router."""
-import re
-import functools
-# TODO(pcm): Remove when switch to requests-mock package. Comment out, if use
-# local copy of httmock.py source. Needed for PEP8.
-import httmock
-import requests
-from requests import exceptions as r_exc
-from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
-# TODO(pcm) Remove once httmock package is added to test-requirements. For
-# now, uncomment and include httmock source to unit test.
-# from neutron.tests.unit.services.vpn.device_drivers import httmock
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def repeat(n):
- """Decorator to limit the number of times a handler is called.
- Will allow the wrapped function (handler) to be called 'n' times.
- After that, this will return None for any additional calls,
- allowing other handlers, if any, to be invoked.
- """
- class static:
- retries = n
- def decorator(func):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
- if static.retries == 0:
- return None
- static.retries -= 1
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrapped
- return decorator
-def filter_request(methods, resource):
- """Decorator to invoke handler once for a specific resource.
- This will call the handler only for a specific resource using
- a specific method(s). Any other resource request or method will
- return None, allowing other handlers, if any, to be invoked.
- """
- class static:
- target_methods = [m.upper() for m in methods]
- target_resource = resource
- def decorator(func):
- @functools.wraps(func)
- def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
- if (args[1].method in static.target_methods and
- static.target_resource in args[0].path):
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- else:
- return None # Not for this resource
- return wrapped
- return decorator
-def token(url, request):
- if 'auth/token-services' in url.path:
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.OK,
- 'content': {'token-id': 'dummy-token'}}
-def token_unauthorized(url, request):
- if 'auth/token-services' in url.path:
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
-def token_wrong_host(url, request):
- raise r_exc.ConnectionError()
-def token_timeout(url, request):
- raise r_exc.Timeout()
-@filter_request(['get'], 'global/host-name')
-def timeout(url, request):
- """Simulated timeout of a normal request."""
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- raise r_exc.Timeout()
-def no_such_resource(url, request):
- """Indicate not found error, when invalid resource requested."""
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NOT_FOUND}
-@filter_request(['get'], 'global/host-name')
-def expired_request(url, request):
- """Simulate access denied failure on first request for this resource.
- Intent here is to simulate that the token has expired, by failing
- the first request to the resource. Because of the repeat=1, this
- will only be called once, and subsequent calls will not be handled
- by this function, but instead will access the normal handler and
- will pass. Currently configured for a GET request, but will work
- with POST and PUT as well. For DELETE, would need to filter_request on a
- different resource (e.g. 'global/local-users')
- """
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
-def normal_get(url, request):
- if request.method != 'GET':
- return
- LOG.debug("GET mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- if 'global/host-name' in url.path:
- content = {u'kind': u'object#host-name',
- u'host-name': u'Router'}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'global/local-users' in url.path:
- content = {u'kind': u'collection#local-user',
- u'users': ['peter', 'paul', 'mary']}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet' in url.path:
- actual_interface = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- ip = actual_interface[-1]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#interface',
- u'description': u'Changed description',
- u'if-name': actual_interface,
- u'proxy-arp': True,
- u'subnet-mask': u'',
- u'icmp-unreachable': True,
- u'nat-direction': u'',
- u'icmp-redirects': True,
- u'ip-address': u'192.168.200.%s' % ip,
- u'verify-unicast-source': False,
- u'type': u'ethernet'}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/ike/policies/2' in url.path:
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
- u'priority-id': u'2',
- u'version': u'v1',
- u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share',
- u'encryption': u'aes256',
- u'hash': u'sha',
- u'dhGroup': 5,
- u'lifetime': 3600}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/ike/keyrings' in url.path:
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring',
- u'keyring-name': u'5',
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'super-secret',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u''}
- ]}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/' in url.path:
- ipsec_policy_id = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-256-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'Disable',
- u'lifetime-sec': 120,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel' in url.path:
- tunnel = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- # Use same number, to allow mock to generate IPSec policy ID
- ipsec_policy_id = tunnel[6:]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'%s' % tunnel,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4',
- u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'local-device': {
- u'ip-address': '',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': ''
- },
- u'remote-device': {
- u'tunnel-ip-address': ''
- }}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/ike/keepalive' in url.path:
- content = {u'interval': 60,
- u'retry': 4,
- u'periodic': True}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'routing-svc/static-routes' in url.path:
- content = {u'destination-network': u'',
- u'kind': u'object#static-route',
- u'next-hop-router': None,
- u'outgoing-interface': u'GigabitEthernet1',
- u'admin-distance': 1}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/site-to-site/active/sessions' in url.path:
- # Only including needed fields for mock
- content = {u'kind': u'collection#vpn-active-sessions',
- u'items': [{u'status': u'DOWN-NEGOTIATING',
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel123'}, ]}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/ike/keyrings')
-def get_fqdn(url, request):
- LOG.debug("GET FQDN mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring',
- u'keyring-name': u'5',
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'super-secret',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u'cisco.com'}
- ]}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/')
-def get_no_ah(url, request):
- LOG.debug("GET No AH mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- ipsec_policy_id = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'128',
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'lifetime-sec': 120,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-def get_defaults(url, request):
- if request.method != 'GET':
- return
- LOG.debug("GET mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- if 'vpn-svc/ike/policies/2' in url.path:
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
- u'priority-id': u'2',
- u'version': u'v1',
- u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share',
- u'encryption': u'des',
- u'hash': u'sha',
- u'dhGroup': 1,
- u'lifetime': 86400}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
- if 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/' in url.path:
- ipsec_policy_id = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {},
- u'lifetime-sec': 3600,
- u'pfs': u'Disable',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'None',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site')
-def get_unnumbered(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- tunnel = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- ipsec_policy_id = tunnel[6:]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'%s' % tunnel,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4',
- u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'local-device': {
- u'ip-address': u'GigabitEthernet3',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''
- },
- u'remote-device': {
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''
- }}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel')
-def get_admin_down(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- # URI has .../Tunnel#/state, so get number from 2nd to last element
- tunnel = url.path.split('/')[-2]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site-state',
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'%s' % tunnel,
- u'line-protocol-state': u'down',
- u'enabled': False}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel')
-def get_admin_up(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- # URI has .../Tunnel#/state, so get number from 2nd to last element
- tunnel = url.path.split('/')[-2]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site-state',
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'%s' % tunnel,
- u'line-protocol-state': u'down',
- u'enabled': True}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site')
-def get_mtu(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- tunnel = url.path.split('/')[-1]
- ipsec_policy_id = tunnel[6:]
- content = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'%s' % tunnel,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4',
- u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 9192,
- u'local-device': {
- u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''
- },
- u'remote-device': {
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''
- }}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/ike/keepalive')
-def get_not_configured(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NOT_FOUND}
-@filter_request(['get'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site/active/sessions')
-def get_none(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- content = {u'kind': u'collection#vpn-active-sessions',
- u'items': []}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-@filter_request(['get'], 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet3')
-def get_local_ip(url, request):
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- content = {u'kind': u'object#interface',
- u'subnet-mask': u'',
- u'ip-address': u''}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.OK, content=content)
-def post(url, request):
- if request.method != 'POST':
- return
- LOG.debug("POST mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- if 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet' in url.path:
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NO_CONTENT}
- if 'global/local-users' in url.path:
- if 'username' not in request.body:
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
- if '"privilege": 20' in request.body:
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
- headers = {'location': '%s/test-user' % url.geturl()}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.CREATED, headers=headers)
- if 'vpn-svc/ike/policies' in url.path:
- headers = {'location': "%s/2" % url.geturl()}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.CREATED, headers=headers)
- if 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies' in url.path:
- m = re.search(r'"policy-id": "(\S+)"', request.body)
- if m:
- headers = {'location': "%s/%s" % (url.geturl(), m.group(1))}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.CREATED, headers=headers)
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
- if 'vpn-svc/ike/keyrings' in url.path:
- headers = {'location': "%s/5" % url.geturl()}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.CREATED, headers=headers)
- if 'vpn-svc/site-to-site' in url.path:
- m = re.search(r'"vpn-interface-name": "(\S+)"', request.body)
- if m:
- headers = {'location': "%s/%s" % (url.geturl(), m.group(1))}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.CREATED, headers=headers)
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
- if 'routing-svc/static-routes' in url.path:
- headers = {'location':
- "%s/" % url.geturl()}
- return httmock.response(requests.codes.CREATED, headers=headers)
-@filter_request(['post'], 'global/local-users')
-def post_change_attempt(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST change value mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NOT_FOUND,
- 'content': {
- u'error-code': -1,
- u'error-message': u'user test-user already exists'}}
-def post_duplicate(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST duplicate mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST,
- 'content': {
- u'error-code': -1,
- u'error-message': u'policy 2 exist, not allow to '
- u'update policy using POST method'}}
-@filter_request(['post'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site')
-def post_missing_ipsec_policy(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST missing ipsec policy mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
-@filter_request(['post'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site')
-def post_missing_ike_policy(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST missing ike policy mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
-@filter_request(['post'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site')
-def post_bad_ip(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST bad IP mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
-@filter_request(['post'], 'vpn-svc/site-to-site')
-def post_bad_mtu(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST bad mtu mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
-@filter_request(['post'], 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies')
-def post_bad_lifetime(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST bad lifetime mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
-@filter_request(['post'], 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies')
-def post_bad_name(url, request):
- LOG.debug("POST bad IPSec policy name for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST}
-def put(url, request):
- if request.method != 'PUT':
- return
- LOG.debug("PUT mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- # Any resource
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NO_CONTENT}
-def delete(url, request):
- if request.method != 'DELETE':
- return
- LOG.debug("DELETE mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- # Any resource
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NO_CONTENT}
-def delete_unknown(url, request):
- if request.method != 'DELETE':
- return
- LOG.debug("DELETE unknown mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- # Any resource
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.NOT_FOUND,
- 'content': {
- u'error-code': -1,
- u'error-message': 'user unknown not found'}}
-def delete_not_allowed(url, request):
- if request.method != 'DELETE':
- return
- LOG.debug("DELETE not allowed mock for %s", url)
- if not request.headers.get('X-auth-token', None):
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED}
- # Any resource
- return {'status_code': requests.codes.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED}
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-#TODO(pcm): Rename this file to remove the "no" prefix, once httmock is
-# approved and added to requirements.txt
-import random
-# TODO(pcm): Remove when update to requests-mock package. Comment out, if use
-# local copy of httmock.py source. Needed for PEP8.
-import httmock
-import requests
-from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
-from neutron.services.vpn.device_drivers import (
- cisco_csr_rest_client as csr_client)
-from neutron.tests import base
-from neutron.tests.unit.services.vpn.device_drivers import (
- cisco_csr_mock as csr_request)
-# TODO(pcm) Uncomment to run w/local copy of httmock.py source. Remove when
-# update to requests-mock package.
-# from neutron.tests.unit.services.vpn.device_drivers import httmock
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Enables debug logging to console
-if True:
- logging.CONF.set_override('debug', True)
- logging.setup('neutron')
-dummy_policy_id = 'dummy-ipsec-policy-id-name'
-# Note: Helper functions to test reuse of IDs.
-def generate_pre_shared_key_id():
- return random.randint(100, 200)
-def generate_ike_policy_id():
- return random.randint(200, 300)
-def generate_ipsec_policy_id():
- return random.randint(300, 400)
-class TestCsrLoginRestApi(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test logging into CSR to obtain token-id."""
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrLoginRestApi, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_get_token(self):
- """Obtain the token and its expiration time."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token):
- self.assertTrue(self.csr.authenticate())
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNotNone(self.csr.token)
- def test_unauthorized_token_request(self):
- """Negative test of invalid user/password."""
- self.csr.auth = ('stack', 'bogus')
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token_unauthorized):
- self.assertIsNone(self.csr.authenticate())
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED, self.csr.status)
- def test_non_existent_host(self):
- """Negative test of request to non-existent host."""
- self.csr.host = 'wrong-host'
- self.csr.token = 'Set by some previously successful access'
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token_wrong_host):
- self.assertIsNone(self.csr.authenticate())
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(self.csr.token)
- def test_timeout_on_token_access(self):
- """Negative test of a timeout on a request."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token_timeout):
- self.assertIsNone(self.csr.authenticate())
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(self.csr.token)
-class TestCsrGetRestApi(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test CSR GET REST API."""
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrGetRestApi, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_valid_rest_gets(self):
- """Simple GET requests.
- First request will do a post to get token (login). Assumes
- that there are two interfaces on the CSR.
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- content = self.csr.get_request('global/host-name')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('host-name', content)
- self.assertNotEqual(None, content['host-name'])
- content = self.csr.get_request('global/local-users')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('users', content)
-class TestCsrPostRestApi(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test CSR POST REST API."""
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrPostRestApi, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_post_requests(self):
- """Simple POST requests (repeatable).
- First request will do a post to get token (login). Assumes
- that there are two interfaces (Ge1 and Ge2) on the CSR.
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- content = self.csr.post_request(
- 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet1/statistics',
- payload={'action': 'clear'})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(content)
- content = self.csr.post_request(
- 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet2/statistics',
- payload={'action': 'clear'})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(content)
- def test_post_with_location(self):
- """Create a user and verify that location returned."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- location = self.csr.post_request(
- 'global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'test-user',
- 'password': 'pass12345',
- 'privilege': 15})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('global/local-users/test-user', location)
- def test_post_missing_required_attribute(self):
- """Negative test of POST with missing mandatory info."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- self.csr.post_request('global/local-users',
- payload={'password': 'pass12345',
- 'privilege': 15})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- def test_post_invalid_attribute(self):
- """Negative test of POST with invalid info."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- self.csr.post_request('global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'test-user',
- 'password': 'pass12345',
- 'privilege': 20})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- def test_post_already_exists(self):
- """Negative test of a duplicate POST.
- Uses the lower level _do_request() API to just perform the POST and
- obtain the response, without any error processing.
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- location = self.csr._do_request(
- 'POST',
- 'global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'test-user',
- 'password': 'pass12345',
- 'privilege': 15},
- more_headers=csr_client.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('global/local-users/test-user', location)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_change_attempt):
- self.csr._do_request(
- 'POST',
- 'global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'test-user',
- 'password': 'pass12345',
- 'privilege': 15},
- more_headers=csr_client.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)
- # Note: For local-user, a 404 error is returned. For
- # site-to-site connection a 400 is returned.
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- def test_post_changing_value(self):
- """Negative test of a POST trying to change a value."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- location = self.csr.post_request(
- 'global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'test-user',
- 'password': 'pass12345',
- 'privilege': 15})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('global/local-users/test-user', location)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_change_attempt):
- content = self.csr.post_request('global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'test-user',
- 'password': 'changed',
- 'privilege': 15})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- expected = {u'error-code': -1,
- u'error-message': u'user test-user already exists'}
- self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, content)
-class TestCsrPutRestApi(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test CSR PUT REST API."""
- def _save_resources(self):
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- details = self.csr.get_request('global/host-name')
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.OK:
- self.fail("Unable to save original host name")
- self.original_host = details['host-name']
- details = self.csr.get_request('interfaces/GigabitEthernet1')
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.OK:
- self.fail("Unable to save interface Ge1 description")
- self.original_if = details
- if details.get('description', ''):
- self.original_if['description'] = ''
- self.csr.token = None
- def _restore_resources(self, user, password):
- """Restore the host name and itnerface description.
- Must restore the user and password, so that authentication
- token can be obtained (as some tests corrupt auth info).
- Will also clear token, so that it gets a fresh token.
- """
- self.csr.auth = (user, password)
- self.csr.token = None
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.put):
- payload = {'host-name': self.original_host}
- self.csr.put_request('global/host-name', payload=payload)
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.NO_CONTENT:
- self.fail("Unable to restore host name after test")
- payload = {'description': self.original_if['description'],
- 'if-name': self.original_if['if-name'],
- 'ip-address': self.original_if['ip-address'],
- 'subnet-mask': self.original_if['subnet-mask'],
- 'type': self.original_if['type']}
- self.csr.put_request('interfaces/GigabitEthernet1',
- payload=payload)
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.NO_CONTENT:
- self.fail("Unable to restore I/F Ge1 description after test")
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- """Prepare for PUT API tests."""
- super(TestCsrPutRestApi, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- self._save_resources()
- self.addCleanup(self._restore_resources, 'stack', 'cisco')
- def test_put_requests(self):
- """Simple PUT requests (repeatable).
- First request will do a post to get token (login). Assumes
- that there are two interfaces on the CSR (Ge1 and Ge2).
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.put,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- payload = {'host-name': 'TestHost'}
- content = self.csr.put_request('global/host-name',
- payload=payload)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(content)
- payload = {'host-name': 'TestHost2'}
- content = self.csr.put_request('global/host-name',
- payload=payload)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(content)
- def test_change_interface_description(self):
- """Test that interface description can be changed.
- This was a problem with an earlier version of the CSR image and is
- here to prevent regression.
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.put,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- payload = {'description': u'Changed description',
- 'if-name': self.original_if['if-name'],
- 'ip-address': self.original_if['ip-address'],
- 'subnet-mask': self.original_if['subnet-mask'],
- 'type': self.original_if['type']}
- content = self.csr.put_request(
- 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet1', payload=payload)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(content)
- content = self.csr.get_request('interfaces/GigabitEthernet1')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('description', content)
- self.assertEqual(u'Changed description',
- content['description'])
- def ignore_test_change_to_empty_interface_description(self):
- """Test that interface description can be changed to empty string.
- This is a problem in the current version of the CSR image, which
- rejects the change with a 400 error. This test is here to prevent
- a regression (once it is fixed) Note that there is code in the
- test setup to change the description to a non-empty string to
- avoid failures in other tests.
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.put,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- payload = {'description': '',
- 'if-name': self.original_if['if-name'],
- 'ip-address': self.original_if['ip-address'],
- 'subnet-mask': self.original_if['subnet-mask'],
- 'type': self.original_if['type']}
- content = self.csr.put_request(
- 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet1', payload=payload)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIsNone(content)
- content = self.csr.get_request('interfaces/GigabitEthernet1')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('description', content)
- self.assertEqual('', content['description'])
-class TestCsrDeleteRestApi(base.BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrDeleteRestApi, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def _make_dummy_user(self):
- """Create a user that will be later deleted."""
- self.csr.post_request('global/local-users',
- payload={'username': 'dummy',
- 'password': 'dummy',
- 'privilege': 15})
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- def test_delete_requests(self):
- """Simple DELETE requests (creating entry first)."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.delete):
- self._make_dummy_user()
- self.csr.token = None # Force login
- self.csr.delete_request('global/local-users/dummy')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- # Delete again, but without logging in this time
- self._make_dummy_user()
- self.csr.delete_request('global/local-users/dummy')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- def test_delete_non_existent_entry(self):
- """Negative test of trying to delete a non-existent user."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete_unknown):
- content = self.csr.delete_request('global/local-users/unknown')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- expected = {u'error-code': -1,
- u'error-message': u'user unknown not found'}
- self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, content)
- def test_delete_not_allowed(self):
- """Negative test of trying to delete the host-name."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete_not_allowed):
- self.csr.delete_request('global/host-name')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
- self.csr.status)
-class TestCsrRestApiFailures(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test failure cases common for all REST APIs.
- Uses the lower level _do_request() to just perform the operation and get
- the result, without any error handling.
- """
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=0.1):
- super(TestCsrRestApiFailures, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_request_for_non_existent_resource(self):
- """Negative test of non-existent resource on REST request."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.no_such_resource):
- self.csr.post_request('no/such/request')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- # The result is HTTP 404 message, so no error content to check
- def test_timeout_during_request(self):
- """Negative test of timeout during REST request."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.timeout):
- self.csr._do_request('GET', 'global/host-name')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, self.csr.status)
- def test_token_expired_on_request(self):
- """Token expired before trying a REST request.
- The mock is configured to return a 401 error on the first
- attempt to reference the host name. Simulate expiration of
- token by changing it.
- """
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.expired_request,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- self.csr.token = '123' # These are 44 characters, so won't match
- content = self.csr._do_request('GET', 'global/host-name')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('host-name', content)
- self.assertNotEqual(None, content['host-name'])
- def test_failed_to_obtain_token_for_request(self):
- """Negative test of unauthorized user for REST request."""
- self.csr.auth = ('stack', 'bogus')
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token_unauthorized):
- self.csr._do_request('GET', 'global/host-name')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED, self.csr.status)
-class TestCsrRestIkePolicyCreate(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test IKE policy create REST requests."""
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrRestIkePolicyCreate, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_create_delete_ike_policy(self):
- """Create and then delete IKE policy."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- policy_id = '2'
- policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- u'encryption': u'aes256',
- u'hash': u'sha',
- u'dhGroup': 5,
- u'lifetime': 3600}
- location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ike/policies/%s' % policy_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
- u'version': u'v1',
- u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share'}
- expected_policy.update(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- # Now delete and verify the IKE policy is gone
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete,
- csr_request.no_such_resource):
- self.csr.delete_ike_policy(policy_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- def test_create_ike_policy_with_defaults(self):
- """Create IKE policy using defaults for all optional values."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.get_defaults):
- policy_id = '2'
- policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'%s' % policy_id}
- location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ike/policies/%s' % policy_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
- u'version': u'v1',
- u'encryption': u'des',
- u'hash': u'sha',
- u'dhGroup': 1,
- u'lifetime': 86400,
- # Lower level sets this, but it is the default
- u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share'}
- expected_policy.update(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- def test_create_duplicate_ike_policy(self):
- """Negative test of trying to create a duplicate IKE policy."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- policy_id = '2'
- policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- u'encryption': u'aes',
- u'hash': u'sha',
- u'dhGroup': 5,
- u'lifetime': 3600}
- location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ike/policies/%s' % policy_id, location)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_duplicate):
- location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- expected = {u'error-code': -1,
- u'error-message': u'policy 2 exist, not allow to '
- u'update policy using POST method'}
- self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, location)
-class TestCsrRestIPSecPolicyCreate(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test IPSec policy create REST requests."""
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrRestIPSecPolicyCreate, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_create_delete_ipsec_policy(self):
- """Create and then delete IPSec policy."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- policy_id = '123'
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-256-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'lifetime-sec': 120,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'disable'
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/%s' % policy_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- expected_policy.update(policy_info)
- # CSR will respond with capitalized value
- expected_policy[u'anti-replay-window-size'] = u'Disable'
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- # Now delete and verify the IPSec policy is gone
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete,
- csr_request.no_such_resource):
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_policy(policy_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- def test_create_ipsec_policy_with_defaults(self):
- """Create IPSec policy with default for all optional values."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.get_defaults):
- policy_id = '123'
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/%s' % policy_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'protection-suite': {},
- u'lifetime-sec': 3600,
- u'pfs': u'Disable',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'None',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- expected_policy.update(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- def test_create_ipsec_policy_with_uuid(self):
- """Create IPSec policy using UUID for id."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % dummy_policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-256-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'lifetime-sec': 120,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'disable'
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/%s' % dummy_policy_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- expected_policy.update(policy_info)
- # CSR will respond with capitalized value
- expected_policy[u'anti-replay-window-size'] = u'Disable'
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- def test_create_ipsec_policy_without_ah(self):
- """Create IPSec policy."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.get_no_ah):
- policy_id = '10'
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'lifetime-sec': 120,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'128'
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ipsec/policies/%s' % policy_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
- u'mode': u'tunnel',
- u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
- u'idle-time': None}
- expected_policy.update(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- def test_invalid_ipsec_policy_lifetime(self):
- """Failure test of IPSec policy with unsupported lifetime."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_bad_lifetime):
- policy_id = '123'
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'lifetime-sec': 119,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'128'
- }
- self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- def test_create_ipsec_policy_with_invalid_name(self):
- """Failure test of creating IPSec policy with name too long."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_bad_name,
- csr_request.get_defaults):
- policy_id = 'policy-name-is-too-long-32-chars'
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%s' % policy_id,
- }
- self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
-class TestCsrRestPreSharedKeyCreate(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test Pre-shared key (PSK) create REST requests."""
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrRestPreSharedKeyCreate, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_create_delete_pre_shared_key(self):
- """Create and then delete a keyring entry for pre-shared key."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- psk_id = '5'
- psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'%s' % psk_id,
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'super-secret',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u''}
- ]}
- location = self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ike/keyrings/%s' % psk_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring'}
- expected_policy.update(psk_info)
- # Note: the peer CIDR is returned as an IP and mask
- expected_policy[u'pre-shared-key-list'][0][u'peer-address'] = (
- u'')
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- # Now delete and verify pre-shared key is gone
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete,
- csr_request.no_such_resource):
- self.csr.delete_pre_shared_key(psk_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- def test_create_pre_shared_key_with_fqdn_peer(self):
- """Create pre-shared key using FQDN for peer address."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.get_fqdn):
- psk_id = '5'
- psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'%s' % psk_id,
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'super-secret',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u'cisco.com'}
- ]}
- location = self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ike/keyrings/%s' % psk_id, location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring'}
- expected_policy.update(psk_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
- def test_create_pre_shared_key_with_duplicate_peer_address(self):
- """Negative test of creating a second pre-shared key with same peer."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- psk_id = '5'
- psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'%s' % psk_id,
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'super-secret',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u''}
- ]}
- location = self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/ike/keyrings/%s' % psk_id, location)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_duplicate):
- psk_id = u'6'
- another_psk_info = {u'keyring-name': psk_id,
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'abc123def',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u''}
- ]}
- self.csr.create_ike_policy(another_psk_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
-class TestCsrRestIPSecConnectionCreate(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test IPSec site-to-site connection REST requests.
- This requires us to have first created an IKE policy, IPSec policy,
- and pre-shared key, so it's more of an itegration test, when used
- with a real CSR (as we can't mock out these pre-conditions.
- """
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrRestIPSecConnectionCreate, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def _make_psk_for_test(self):
- psk_id = generate_pre_shared_key_id()
- self._remove_resource_for_test(self.csr.delete_pre_shared_key,
- psk_id)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'%d' % psk_id,
- u'pre-shared-key-list': [
- {u'key': u'super-secret',
- u'encrypted': False,
- u'peer-address': u''}
- ]}
- self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.CREATED:
- self.fail("Unable to create PSK for test case")
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_pre_shared_key, psk_id)
- return psk_id
- def _make_ike_policy_for_test(self):
- policy_id = generate_ike_policy_id()
- self._remove_resource_for_test(self.csr.delete_ike_policy,
- policy_id)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'%d' % policy_id,
- u'encryption': u'aes',
- u'hash': u'sha',
- u'dhGroup': 5,
- u'lifetime': 3600}
- self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.CREATED:
- self.fail("Unable to create IKE policy for test case")
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ike_policy, policy_id)
- return policy_id
- def _make_ipsec_policy_for_test(self):
- policy_id = generate_ipsec_policy_id()
- self._remove_resource_for_test(self.csr.delete_ipsec_policy,
- policy_id)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- policy_info = {
- u'policy-id': u'%d' % policy_id,
- u'protection-suite': {
- u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
- u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
- u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
- },
- u'lifetime-sec': 120,
- u'pfs': u'group5',
- u'anti-replay-window-size': u'disable'
- }
- self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.CREATED:
- self.fail("Unable to create IPSec policy for test case")
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_policy, policy_id)
- return policy_id
- def _remove_resource_for_test(self, delete_resource, resource_id):
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete):
- delete_resource(resource_id)
- def _prepare_for_site_conn_create(self, skip_psk=False, skip_ike=False,
- skip_ipsec=False):
- """Create the policies and PSK so can then create site conn."""
- if not skip_psk:
- self._make_psk_for_test()
- if not skip_ike:
- self._make_ike_policy_for_test()
- if not skip_ipsec:
- ipsec_policy_id = self._make_ipsec_policy_for_test()
- else:
- ipsec_policy_id = generate_ipsec_policy_id()
- # Note: Use same ID number for tunnel and IPSec policy, so that when
- # GET tunnel info, the mocks can infer the IPSec policy ID from the
- # tunnel number.
- return (ipsec_policy_id, ipsec_policy_id)
- def test_create_delete_ipsec_connection(self):
- """Create and then delete an IPSec connection."""
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
- expected_connection.update(connection_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
- # Now delete and verify that site-to-site connection is gone
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete,
- csr_request.no_such_resource):
- # Only delete connection. Cleanup will take care of prerequisites
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection('Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_no_tunnel_subnet(self):
- """Create an IPSec connection without an IP address on tunnel."""
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.get_unnumbered):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'GigabitEthernet3',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
- expected_connection.update(connection_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_no_pre_shared_key(self):
- """Test of connection create without associated pre-shared key.
- The CSR will create the connection, but will not be able to pass
- traffic without the pre-shared key.
- """
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create(
- skip_psk=True)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
- expected_connection.update(connection_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_default_ike_policy(self):
- """Test of connection create without IKE policy (uses default).
- Without an IKE policy, the CSR will use a built-in default IKE
- policy setting for the connection.
- """
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create(
- skip_ike=True)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
- expected_connection.update(connection_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
- def test_set_ipsec_connection_admin_state_changes(self):
- """Create IPSec connection in admin down state."""
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- tunnel = u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'mtu': 1500,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- tunnel)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/%s' % tunnel, location)
- state_uri = location + "/state"
- # Note: When created, the tunnel will be in admin 'up' state
- # Note: Line protocol state will be down, unless have an active conn.
- expected_state = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site-state',
- u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel,
- u'line-protocol-state': u'down',
- u'enabled': False}
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.put,
- csr_request.get_admin_down):
- self.csr.set_ipsec_connection_state(tunnel, admin_up=False)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(state_uri, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertEqual(expected_state, content)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.put,
- csr_request.get_admin_up):
- self.csr.set_ipsec_connection_state(tunnel, admin_up=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(state_uri, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_state[u'enabled'] = True
- self.assertEqual(expected_state, content)
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_missing_ipsec_policy(self):
- """Negative test of connection create without IPSec policy."""
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create(
- skip_ipsec=True)
- with httmock.HTTMock(
- csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_missing_ipsec_policy):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- def _determine_conflicting_ip(self):
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.get_local_ip):
- details = self.csr.get_request('interfaces/GigabitEthernet3')
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.OK:
- self.fail("Unable to obtain interface GigabitEthernet3's IP")
- if_ip = details.get('ip-address')
- if not if_ip:
- self.fail("No IP address for GigabitEthernet3 interface")
- return '.'.join(if_ip.split('.')[:3]) + '.10'
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_conficting_tunnel_ip(self):
- """Negative test of connection create with conflicting tunnel IP.
- Find out the IP of a local interface (GigabitEthernet3) and create an
- IP that is on the same subnet. Note: this interface needs to be up.
- """
- conflicting_ip = self._determine_conflicting_ip()
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_bad_ip):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'%s/24' % conflicting_ip,
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_max_mtu(self):
- """Create an IPSec connection with max MTU value."""
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.get_mtu):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'mtu': 9192,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
- u'ike-profile-id': None,
- u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
- expected_connection.update(connection_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
- def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_bad_mtu(self):
- """Negative test of connection create with unsupported MTU value."""
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post_bad_mtu):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'mtu': 9193,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
- def test_status_when_no_tunnels_exist(self):
- """Get status, when there are no tunnels."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.get_none):
- tunnels = self.csr.read_tunnel_statuses()
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertEqual([], tunnels)
- def test_status_for_one_tunnel(self):
- """Get status of one tunnel."""
- # Create the IPsec site-to-site connection first
- tunnel_id, ipsec_policy_id = self._prepare_for_site_conn_create()
- tunnel_id = 123 # Must hard code to work with mock
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- connection_info = {
- u'vpn-interface-name': u'Tunnel123',
- u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
- u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
- u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
- u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
- }
- location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
- self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
- self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
- u'Tunnel123')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id,
- location)
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- tunnels = self.csr.read_tunnel_statuses()
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- self.assertEqual([(u'Tunnel123', u'DOWN-NEGOTIATING'), ], tunnels)
-class TestCsrRestIkeKeepaliveCreate(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test IKE keepalive REST requests.
- Note: On the Cisco CSR, the IKE keepalive for v1 is a global configuration
- that applies to all VPN tunnels to specify Dead Peer Detection information.
- As a result, this REST API is not used in the OpenStack device driver, and
- the keepalive will default to zero (disabled).
- """
- def _save_dpd_info(self):
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- details = self.csr.get_request('vpn-svc/ike/keepalive')
- if self.csr.status == requests.codes.OK:
- self.dpd = details
- self.addCleanup(self._restore_dpd_info)
- elif self.csr.status != requests.codes.NOT_FOUND:
- self.fail("Unable to save original DPD info")
- def _restore_dpd_info(self):
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.put):
- payload = {'interval': self.dpd['interval'],
- 'retry': self.dpd['retry']}
- self.csr.put_request('vpn-svc/ike/keepalive', payload=payload)
- if self.csr.status != requests.codes.NO_CONTENT:
- self.fail("Unable to restore DPD info after test")
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrRestIkeKeepaliveCreate, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- self._save_dpd_info()
- self.csr.token = None
- def test_configure_ike_keepalive(self):
- """Set IKE keep-alive (aka Dead Peer Detection) for the CSR."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.put,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- keepalive_info = {'interval': 60, 'retry': 4}
- self.csr.configure_ike_keepalive(keepalive_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request('vpn-svc/ike/keepalive')
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected = {'periodic': False}
- expected.update(keepalive_info)
- self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, content)
- def test_disable_ike_keepalive(self):
- """Disable IKE keep-alive (aka Dead Peer Detection) for the CSR."""
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete,
- csr_request.put,
- csr_request.get_not_configured):
- keepalive_info = {'interval': 0, 'retry': 4}
- self.csr.configure_ike_keepalive(keepalive_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
-class TestCsrRestStaticRoute(base.BaseTestCase):
- """Test static route REST requests.
- A static route is added for the peer's private network. Would create
- a route for each of the peer CIDRs specified for the VPN connection.
- """
- def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
- super(TestCsrRestStaticRoute, self).setUp()
- info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
- 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
- self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
- def test_create_delete_static_route(self):
- """Create and then delete a static route for the tunnel."""
- cidr = u''
- interface = u'GigabitEthernet1'
- expected_id = ''
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.post,
- csr_request.normal_get):
- route_info = {u'destination-network': cidr,
- u'outgoing-interface': interface}
- location = self.csr.create_static_route(route_info)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
- self.assertIn('routing-svc/static-routes/%s' % expected_id,
- location)
- # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
- expected_route = {u'kind': u'object#static-route',
- u'next-hop-router': None,
- u'admin-distance': 1}
- expected_route.update(route_info)
- self.assertEqual(expected_route, content)
- # Now delete and verify that static route is gone
- with httmock.HTTMock(csr_request.token,
- csr_request.delete,
- csr_request.no_such_resource):
- route_id = csr_client.make_route_id(cidr, interface)
- self.csr.delete_static_route(route_id)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
- content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
- self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import random
+import re
+import requests
+from requests import exceptions as r_exc
+from requests_mock.contrib import fixture as mock_fixture
+from neutron.services.vpn.device_drivers import (
+ cisco_csr_rest_client as csr_client)
+from neutron.tests import base
+dummy_policy_id = 'dummy-ipsec-policy-id-name'
+BASE_URL = 'https://%s:55443/api/v1/'
+LOCAL_URL = 'https://localhost:55443/api/v1/'
+URI_HOSTNAME = 'global/host-name'
+URI_USERS = 'global/local-users'
+URI_AUTH = 'auth/token-services'
+URI_INTERFACE_GE1 = 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet1'
+URI_PSK = 'vpn-svc/ike/keyrings'
+URI_PSK_ID = URI_PSK + '/%s'
+URI_IKE_POLICY = 'vpn-svc/ike/policies'
+URI_IPSEC_POLICY = 'vpn-svc/ipsec/policies'
+URI_IPSEC_CONN = 'vpn-svc/site-to-site'
+URI_KEEPALIVE = 'vpn-svc/ike/keepalive'
+URI_ROUTES = 'routing-svc/static-routes'
+URI_SESSIONS = 'vpn-svc/site-to-site/active/sessions'
+# Note: Helper functions to test reuse of IDs.
+def generate_pre_shared_key_id():
+ return random.randint(100, 200)
+def generate_ike_policy_id():
+ return random.randint(200, 300)
+def generate_ipsec_policy_id():
+ return random.randint(300, 400)
+class CiscoCsrBaseTestCase(base.BaseTestCase):
+ """Helper methods to register mock intercepts - used by child classes."""
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ super(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.base_url = BASE_URL % host
+ self.requests = self.useFixture(mock_fixture.Fixture())
+ info = {'rest_mgmt_ip': host, 'tunnel_ip': tunnel_ip,
+ 'username': 'stack', 'password': 'cisco', 'timeout': timeout}
+ self.csr = csr_client.CsrRestClient(info)
+ def _register_local_get(self, uri, json=None,
+ result_code=requests.codes.OK):
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'GET',
+ LOCAL_URL + uri,
+ status_code=result_code,
+ json=json)
+ def _register_local_post(self, uri, resource_id,
+ result_code=requests.codes.CREATED):
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ LOCAL_URL + uri,
+ status_code=result_code,
+ headers={'location': LOCAL_URL + uri + '/' + str(resource_id)})
+ def _register_local_delete(self, uri, resource_id, json=None,
+ result_code=requests.codes.NO_CONTENT):
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ LOCAL_URL + uri + '/' + str(resource_id),
+ status_code=result_code,
+ json=json)
+ def _register_local_delete_by_id(self, resource_id,
+ result_code=requests.codes.NO_CONTENT):
+ local_resource_re = re.compile(LOCAL_URL + '.+%s$' % resource_id)
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ local_resource_re,
+ status_code=result_code)
+ def _register_local_put(self, uri, resource_id,
+ result_code=requests.codes.NO_CONTENT):
+ self.requests.register_uri('PUT',
+ LOCAL_URL + uri + '/' + resource_id,
+ status_code=result_code)
+ def _register_local_get_not_found(self, uri, resource_id,
+ result_code=requests.codes.NOT_FOUND):
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'GET',
+ LOCAL_URL + uri + '/' + str(resource_id),
+ status_code=result_code)
+ def _helper_register_auth_request(self):
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.OK,
+ json={'token-id': 'dummy-token'})
+ def _helper_register_psk_post(self, psk_id):
+ self._register_local_post(URI_PSK, psk_id)
+ def _helper_register_ike_policy_post(self, policy_id):
+ self._register_local_post(URI_IKE_POLICY, policy_id)
+ def _helper_register_ipsec_policy_post(self, policy_id):
+ self._register_local_post(URI_IPSEC_POLICY, policy_id)
+ def _helper_register_tunnel_post(self, tunnel):
+ self._register_local_post(URI_IPSEC_CONN, tunnel)
+class TestCsrLoginRestApi(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test logging into CSR to obtain token-id."""
+ def test_get_token(self):
+ """Obtain the token and its expiration time."""
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self.assertTrue(self.csr.authenticate())
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(self.csr.token)
+ def test_unauthorized_token_request(self):
+ """Negative test of invalid user/password."""
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.csr.auth = ('stack', 'bogus')
+ self.assertIsNone(self.csr.authenticate())
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED, self.csr.status)
+ def _simulate_wrong_host(self, request):
+ if 'wrong-host' in request.url:
+ raise r_exc.ConnectionError()
+ def test_non_existent_host(self):
+ """Negative test of request to non-existent host."""
+ self.requests.add_matcher(self._simulate_wrong_host)
+ self.csr.host = 'wrong-host'
+ self.csr.token = 'Set by some previously successful access'
+ self.assertIsNone(self.csr.authenticate())
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.csr.token)
+ def _simulate_token_timeout(self, request):
+ raise r_exc.Timeout()
+ def test_timeout_on_token_access(self):
+ """Negative test of a timeout on a request."""
+ self.requests.add_matcher(self._simulate_token_timeout)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.csr.authenticate())
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.csr.token)
+class TestCsrGetRestApi(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test CSR GET REST API."""
+ def test_valid_rest_gets(self):
+ """Simple GET requests.
+ First request will do a post to get token (login). Assumes
+ that there are two interfaces on the CSR.
+ """
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self._register_local_get(URI_HOSTNAME,
+ json={u'kind': u'object#host-name',
+ u'host-name': u'Router'})
+ self._register_local_get(URI_USERS,
+ json={u'kind': u'collection#local-user',
+ u'users': ['peter', 'paul', 'mary']})
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(URI_HOSTNAME)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn('host-name', actual)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(actual['host-name'])
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(URI_USERS)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn('users', actual)
+class TestCsrPostRestApi(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test CSR POST REST API."""
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Setup for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication mock response
+ registered here, although they may replace it, as needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrPostRestApi, self).setUp(host, tunnel_ip, timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ def test_post_requests(self):
+ """Simple POST requests (repeatable).
+ First request will do a post to get token (login). Assumes
+ that there are two interfaces (Ge1 and Ge2) on the CSR.
+ """
+ interface_re = re.compile('https://localhost:55443/.*/interfaces/'
+ 'GigabitEthernet\d/statistics')
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ interface_re,
+ status_code=requests.codes.NO_CONTENT)
+ actual = self.csr.post_request(
+ 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet1/statistics',
+ payload={'action': 'clear'})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(actual)
+ actual = self.csr.post_request(
+ 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet2/statistics',
+ payload={'action': 'clear'})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(actual)
+ def test_post_with_location(self):
+ """Create a user and verify that location returned."""
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.CREATED,
+ headers={'location': LOCAL_URL + URI_USERS + '/test-user'})
+ location = self.csr.post_request(
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 15})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_USERS + '/test-user', location)
+ def test_post_missing_required_attribute(self):
+ """Negative test of POST with missing mandatory info."""
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ self.csr.post_request(URI_USERS,
+ payload={'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 15})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ def test_post_invalid_attribute(self):
+ """Negative test of POST with invalid info."""
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ self.csr.post_request(URI_USERS,
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 20})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ def test_post_already_exists(self):
+ """Negative test of a duplicate POST.
+ Uses the lower level _do_request() API to just perform the POST and
+ obtain the response, without any error processing.
+ """
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.CREATED,
+ headers={'location': LOCAL_URL + URI_USERS + '/test-user'})
+ location = self.csr._do_request(
+ 'POST',
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 15},
+ more_headers=csr_client.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_USERS + '/test-user', location)
+ self.csr.post_request(URI_USERS,
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 20})
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.NOT_FOUND,
+ json={u'error-code': -1,
+ u'error-message': u'user test-user already exists'})
+ self.csr._do_request(
+ 'POST',
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 15},
+ more_headers=csr_client.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)
+ # Note: For local-user, a 404 error is returned. For
+ # site-to-site connection a 400 is returned.
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ def test_post_changing_value(self):
+ """Negative test of a POST trying to change a value."""
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.CREATED,
+ headers={'location': LOCAL_URL + URI_USERS + '/test-user'})
+ location = self.csr.post_request(
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'pass12345',
+ 'privilege': 15})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_USERS + '/test-user', location)
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.NOT_FOUND,
+ json={u'error-code': -1,
+ u'error-message': u'user test-user already exists'})
+ actual = self.csr.post_request(URI_USERS,
+ payload={'username': 'test-user',
+ 'password': 'changed',
+ 'privilege': 15})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ expected = {u'error-code': -1,
+ u'error-message': u'user test-user already exists'}
+ self.assertDictSupersetOf(expected, actual)
+class TestCsrPutRestApi(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test CSR PUT REST API."""
+ def _save_resources(self):
+ self._register_local_get(URI_HOSTNAME,
+ json={u'kind': u'object#host-name',
+ u'host-name': u'Router'})
+ interface_info = {u'kind': u'object#interface',
+ u'description': u'Changed description',
+ u'if-name': 'interfaces/GigabitEthernet1',
+ u'proxy-arp': True,
+ u'subnet-mask': u'',
+ u'icmp-unreachable': True,
+ u'nat-direction': u'',
+ u'icmp-redirects': True,
+ u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'verify-unicast-source': False,
+ u'type': u'ethernet'}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_INTERFACE_GE1,
+ json=interface_info)
+ details = self.csr.get_request(URI_HOSTNAME)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.OK:
+ self.fail("Unable to save original host name")
+ self.original_host = details['host-name']
+ details = self.csr.get_request(URI_INTERFACE_GE1)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.OK:
+ self.fail("Unable to save interface Ge1 description")
+ self.original_if = details
+ self.csr.token = None
+ def _restore_resources(self, user, password):
+ """Restore the host name and interface description.
+ Must restore the user and password, so that authentication
+ token can be obtained (as some tests corrupt auth info).
+ Will also clear token, so that it gets a fresh token.
+ """
+ self._register_local_put('global', 'host-name')
+ self._register_local_put('interfaces', 'GigabitEthernet1')
+ self.csr.auth = (user, password)
+ self.csr.token = None
+ payload = {'host-name': self.original_host}
+ self.csr.put_request(URI_HOSTNAME, payload=payload)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.NO_CONTENT:
+ self.fail("Unable to restore host name after test")
+ payload = {'description': self.original_if['description'],
+ 'if-name': self.original_if['if-name'],
+ 'ip-address': self.original_if['ip-address'],
+ 'subnet-mask': self.original_if['subnet-mask'],
+ 'type': self.original_if['type']}
+ self.csr.put_request(URI_INTERFACE_GE1,
+ payload=payload)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.NO_CONTENT:
+ self.fail("Unable to restore I/F Ge1 description after test")
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Setup for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication mock response
+ registered here, although they may replace it, as needed. In
+ addition, resources are saved, before each test is run, and
+ restored, after each test completes.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrPutRestApi, self).setUp(host, tunnel_ip, timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self._save_resources()
+ self.addCleanup(self._restore_resources, 'stack', 'cisco')
+ def test_put_requests(self):
+ """Simple PUT requests (repeatable).
+ First request will do a post to get token (login). Assumes
+ that there are two interfaces on the CSR (Ge1 and Ge2).
+ """
+ self._register_local_put('interfaces', 'GigabitEthernet1')
+ self._register_local_put('global', 'host-name')
+ actual = self.csr.put_request(URI_HOSTNAME,
+ payload={'host-name': 'TestHost'})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(actual)
+ actual = self.csr.put_request(URI_HOSTNAME,
+ payload={'host-name': 'TestHost2'})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(actual)
+ def test_change_interface_description(self):
+ """Test that interface description can be changed.
+ This was a problem with an earlier version of the CSR image and is
+ here to prevent regression.
+ """
+ self._register_local_put('interfaces', 'GigabitEthernet1')
+ payload = {'description': u'Changed description',
+ 'if-name': self.original_if['if-name'],
+ 'ip-address': self.original_if['ip-address'],
+ 'subnet-mask': self.original_if['subnet-mask'],
+ 'type': self.original_if['type']}
+ actual = self.csr.put_request(URI_INTERFACE_GE1, payload=payload)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(actual)
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(URI_INTERFACE_GE1)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn('description', actual)
+ self.assertEqual(u'Changed description',
+ actual['description'])
+ def ignore_test_change_to_empty_interface_description(self):
+ """Test that interface description can be changed to empty string.
+ This is here to prevent regression, where the CSR was rejecting
+ an attempt to set the description to an empty string.
+ """
+ self._register_local_put('interfaces', 'GigabitEthernet1')
+ payload = {'description': '',
+ 'if-name': self.original_if['if-name'],
+ 'ip-address': self.original_if['ip-address'],
+ 'subnet-mask': self.original_if['subnet-mask'],
+ 'type': self.original_if['type']}
+ actual = self.csr.put_request(URI_INTERFACE_GE1, payload=payload)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIsNone(actual)
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(URI_INTERFACE_GE1)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn('description', actual)
+ self.assertEqual('', actual['description'])
+class TestCsrDeleteRestApi(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Setup for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication mock response
+ registered here, although they may replace it, as needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrDeleteRestApi, self).setUp(host, tunnel_ip, timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ def _make_dummy_user(self):
+ """Create a user that will be later deleted."""
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.CREATED,
+ headers={'location': LOCAL_URL + URI_USERS + '/dummy'})
+ self.csr.post_request(URI_USERS,
+ payload={'username': 'dummy',
+ 'password': 'dummy',
+ 'privilege': 15})
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ def test_delete_requests(self):
+ """Simple DELETE requests (creating entry first)."""
+ self._register_local_delete(URI_USERS, 'dummy')
+ self._make_dummy_user()
+ self.csr.token = None # Force login
+ self.csr.delete_request(URI_USERS + '/dummy')
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ # Delete again, but without logging in this time
+ self._make_dummy_user()
+ self.csr.delete_request(URI_USERS + '/dummy')
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ def test_delete_non_existent_entry(self):
+ """Negative test of trying to delete a non-existent user."""
+ expected = {u'error-code': -1,
+ u'error-message': u'user unknown not found'}
+ self._register_local_delete(URI_USERS, 'unknown',
+ result_code=requests.codes.NOT_FOUND,
+ json=expected)
+ actual = self.csr.delete_request(URI_USERS + '/unknown')
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertDictSupersetOf(expected, actual)
+ def test_delete_not_allowed(self):
+ """Negative test of trying to delete the host-name."""
+ self._register_local_delete(
+ 'global', 'host-name',
+ result_code=requests.codes.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
+ self.csr.delete_request(URI_HOSTNAME)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
+ self.csr.status)
+class TestCsrRestApiFailures(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test failure cases common for all REST APIs.
+ Uses the lower level _do_request() to just perform the operation and get
+ the result, without any error handling.
+ """
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=0.1):
+ """Setup for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication mock response
+ registered here, although they may replace it, as needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestApiFailures, self).setUp(host, tunnel_ip, timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ def _simulate_timeout(self, request):
+ if URI_HOSTNAME in request.path_uri:
+ raise r_exc.Timeout()
+ def test_request_for_non_existent_resource(self):
+ """Negative test of non-existent resource on REST request."""
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ LOCAL_URL + 'no/such/request',
+ status_code=requests.codes.NOT_FOUND)
+ self.csr.post_request('no/such/request')
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ # The result is HTTP 404 message, so no error content to check
+ def _simulate_get_timeout(self, request):
+ """Will raise exception for any host request to this resource."""
+ if URI_HOSTNAME in request.path_url:
+ raise r_exc.Timeout()
+ def test_timeout_during_request(self):
+ """Negative test of timeout during REST request."""
+ self.requests.add_matcher(self._simulate_get_timeout)
+ self.csr._do_request('GET', URI_HOSTNAME)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, self.csr.status)
+ def _simulate_auth_failure(self, request):
+ """First time auth POST is done, re-report unauthorized."""
+ if URI_AUTH in request.path_url and not self.called_once:
+ self.called_once = True
+ resp = requests.Response()
+ resp.status_code = requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED
+ return resp
+ def test_token_expired_on_request(self):
+ """Token expired before trying a REST request.
+ First, the token is set to a bogus value, to force it to
+ try to authenticate on the GET request. Second, a mock that
+ runs once, will simulate an auth failure. Third, the normal
+ auth mock will simulate success.
+ """
+ self._register_local_get(URI_HOSTNAME,
+ json={u'kind': u'object#host-name',
+ u'host-name': u'Router'})
+ self.called_once = False
+ self.requests.add_matcher(self._simulate_auth_failure)
+ self.csr.token = '123' # These are 44 characters, so won't match
+ actual = self.csr._do_request('GET', URI_HOSTNAME)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn('host-name', actual)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(actual['host-name'])
+ def test_failed_to_obtain_token_for_request(self):
+ """Negative test of unauthorized user for REST request."""
+ self.csr.auth = ('stack', 'bogus')
+ self._register_local_get(URI_HOSTNAME,
+ result_code=requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED)
+ self.csr._do_request('GET', URI_HOSTNAME)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.UNAUTHORIZED, self.csr.status)
+class TestCsrRestIkePolicyCreate(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test IKE policy create REST requests."""
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Setup for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication and post mock
+ response registered, although the test may replace them, if needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestIkePolicyCreate, self).setUp(host, tunnel_ip, timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self._helper_register_ike_policy_post(2)
+ def _helper_register_ike_policy_get(self):
+ content = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
+ u'priority-id': u'2',
+ u'version': u'v1',
+ u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share',
+ u'encryption': u'aes256',
+ u'hash': u'sha',
+ u'dhGroup': 5,
+ u'lifetime': 3600}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_IKE_POLICY_ID % '2', json=content)
+ def test_create_delete_ike_policy(self):
+ """Create and then delete IKE policy."""
+ self._helper_register_ike_policy_get()
+ policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'2',
+ u'encryption': u'aes256',
+ u'hash': u'sha',
+ u'dhGroup': 5,
+ u'lifetime': 3600}
+ location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IKE_POLICY_ID % '2', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
+ u'version': u'v1',
+ u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share'}
+ expected_policy.update(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, actual)
+ # Now delete and verify the IKE policy is gone
+ self._register_local_delete(URI_IKE_POLICY, 2)
+ self._register_local_get_not_found(URI_IKE_POLICY, 2)
+ self.csr.delete_ike_policy(2)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ def test_create_ike_policy_with_defaults(self):
+ """Create IKE policy using defaults for all optional values."""
+ policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
+ u'priority-id': u'2',
+ u'version': u'v1',
+ u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share',
+ u'encryption': u'des',
+ u'hash': u'sha',
+ u'dhGroup': 1,
+ u'lifetime': 86400}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_IKE_POLICY_ID % '2', json=policy)
+ policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'2'}
+ location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IKE_POLICY_ID % '2', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-policy',
+ u'version': u'v1',
+ u'encryption': u'des',
+ u'hash': u'sha',
+ u'dhGroup': 1,
+ u'lifetime': 86400,
+ # Lower level sets this, but it is the default
+ u'local-auth-method': u'pre-share'}
+ expected_policy.update(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, actual)
+ def test_create_duplicate_ike_policy(self):
+ """Negative test of trying to create a duplicate IKE policy."""
+ self._helper_register_ike_policy_get()
+ policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'2',
+ u'encryption': u'aes',
+ u'hash': u'sha',
+ u'dhGroup': 5,
+ u'lifetime': 3600}
+ location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IKE_POLICY_ID % '2', location)
+ self.requests.register_uri(
+ 'POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST,
+ json={u'error-code': -1,
+ u'error-message': u'policy 2 exist, not allow to '
+ u'update policy using POST method'})
+ location = self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ expected = {u'error-code': -1,
+ u'error-message': u'policy 2 exist, not allow to '
+ u'update policy using POST method'}
+ self.assertDictSupersetOf(expected, location)
+class TestCsrRestIPSecPolicyCreate(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test IPSec policy create REST requests."""
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Set up for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication and post mock
+ response registered, although the test may replace them, if needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestIPSecPolicyCreate, self).setUp(host,
+ tunnel_ip,
+ timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_policy_post(123)
+ def _helper_register_ipsec_policy_get(self, override=None):
+ content = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
+ u'mode': u'tunnel',
+ u'policy-id': u'123',
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-256-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
+ u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
+ },
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'Disable',
+ u'lifetime-sec': 120,
+ u'pfs': u'group5',
+ u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
+ u'idle-time': None}
+ if override:
+ content.update(override)
+ self._register_local_get(URI_IPSEC_POLICY + '/123', json=content)
+ def test_create_delete_ipsec_policy(self):
+ """Create and then delete IPSec policy."""
+ policy_info = {
+ u'policy-id': u'123',
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-256-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
+ u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
+ },
+ u'lifetime-sec': 120,
+ u'pfs': u'group5',
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'disable'
+ }
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_POLICY + '/123', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_policy_get()
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
+ u'mode': u'tunnel',
+ u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
+ u'idle-time': None}
+ expected_policy.update(policy_info)
+ # CSR will respond with capitalized value
+ expected_policy[u'anti-replay-window-size'] = u'Disable'
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, actual)
+ # Now delete and verify the IPSec policy is gone
+ self._register_local_delete(URI_IPSEC_POLICY, 123)
+ self._register_local_get_not_found(URI_IPSEC_POLICY, 123)
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_policy('123')
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ def test_create_ipsec_policy_with_defaults(self):
+ """Create IPSec policy with default for all optional values."""
+ policy_info = {u'policy-id': u'123'}
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_POLICY + '/123', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
+ u'mode': u'tunnel',
+ u'policy-id': u'123',
+ u'protection-suite': {},
+ u'lifetime-sec': 3600,
+ u'pfs': u'Disable',
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'None',
+ u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
+ u'idle-time': None}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_IPSEC_POLICY + '/123',
+ json=expected_policy)
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, actual)
+ def test_create_ipsec_policy_with_uuid(self):
+ """Create IPSec policy using UUID for id."""
+ # Override normal POST response w/one that has a different policy ID
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_policy_post(dummy_policy_id)
+ policy_info = {
+ u'policy-id': u'%s' % dummy_policy_id,
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-256-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
+ u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
+ },
+ u'lifetime-sec': 120,
+ u'pfs': u'group5',
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'disable'
+ }
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_POLICY_ID % dummy_policy_id, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
+ u'mode': u'tunnel',
+ u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
+ u'idle-time': None}
+ expected_policy.update(policy_info)
+ # CSR will respond with capitalized value
+ expected_policy[u'anti-replay-window-size'] = u'Disable'
+ self._register_local_get(URI_IPSEC_POLICY_ID % dummy_policy_id,
+ json=expected_policy)
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, actual)
+ def test_create_ipsec_policy_without_ah(self):
+ """Create IPSec policy."""
+ policy_info = {
+ u'policy-id': u'123',
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
+ },
+ u'lifetime-sec': 120,
+ u'pfs': u'group5',
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'128'
+ }
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_POLICY_ID % '123', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_policy_get(
+ override={u'anti-replay-window-size': u'128',
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac'}})
+ actual = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ipsec-policy',
+ u'mode': u'tunnel',
+ u'lifetime-kb': 4608000,
+ u'idle-time': None}
+ expected_policy.update(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, actual)
+ def test_invalid_ipsec_policy_lifetime(self):
+ """Failure test of IPSec policy with unsupported lifetime."""
+ # Override normal POST response with one that indicates bad request
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ policy_info = {
+ u'policy-id': u'123',
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
+ u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
+ },
+ u'lifetime-sec': 119,
+ u'pfs': u'group5',
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'128'
+ }
+ self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ def test_create_ipsec_policy_with_invalid_name(self):
+ """Failure test of creating IPSec policy with name too long."""
+ # Override normal POST response with one that indicates bad request
+ self.requests.register_uri('POST',
+ status_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ policy_info = {u'policy-id': u'policy-name-is-too-long-32-chars'}
+ self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+class TestCsrRestPreSharedKeyCreate(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test Pre-shared key (PSK) create REST requests."""
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Set up for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication and post mock
+ response registered, although the test may replace them, if needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestPreSharedKeyCreate, self).setUp(host,
+ tunnel_ip,
+ timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self._helper_register_psk_post(5)
+ def _helper_register_psk_get(self, override=None):
+ content = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring',
+ u'keyring-name': u'5',
+ u'pre-shared-key-list': [
+ {u'key': u'super-secret',
+ u'encrypted': False,
+ u'peer-address': u''}
+ ]}
+ if override:
+ content.update(override)
+ self._register_local_get(URI_PSK_ID % '5', json=content)
+ def test_create_delete_pre_shared_key(self):
+ """Create and then delete a keyring entry for pre-shared key."""
+ psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'5',
+ u'pre-shared-key-list': [
+ {u'key': u'super-secret',
+ u'encrypted': False,
+ u'peer-address': u''}
+ ]}
+ location = self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_PSK_ID % '5', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_psk_get()
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring'}
+ expected_policy.update(psk_info)
+ # Note: the peer CIDR is returned as an IP and mask
+ expected_policy[u'pre-shared-key-list'][0][u'peer-address'] = (
+ u'')
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
+ # Now delete and verify pre-shared key is gone
+ self._register_local_delete(URI_PSK, 5)
+ self._register_local_get_not_found(URI_PSK, 5)
+ self.csr.delete_pre_shared_key('5')
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ def test_create_pre_shared_key_with_fqdn_peer(self):
+ """Create pre-shared key using FQDN for peer address."""
+ psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'5',
+ u'pre-shared-key-list': [
+ {u'key': u'super-secret',
+ u'encrypted': False,
+ u'peer-address': u'cisco.com'}
+ ]}
+ location = self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_PSK_ID % '5', location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_psk_get(
+ override={u'pre-shared-key-list': [
+ {u'key': u'super-secret',
+ u'encrypted': False,
+ u'peer-address': u'cisco.com'}
+ ]}
+ )
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected_policy = {u'kind': u'object#ike-keyring'}
+ expected_policy.update(psk_info)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_policy, content)
+class TestCsrRestIPSecConnectionCreate(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test IPSec site-to-site connection REST requests.
+ This requires us to have first created an IKE policy, IPSec policy,
+ and pre-shared key, so it's more of an itegration test, when used
+ with a real CSR (as we can't mock out these pre-conditions).
+ """
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Setup for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication mock response
+ registered here, although they may replace it, as needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestIPSecConnectionCreate, self).setUp(host,
+ tunnel_ip,
+ timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self.route_id = ''
+ def _make_psk_for_test(self):
+ psk_id = generate_pre_shared_key_id()
+ self._remove_resource_for_test(self.csr.delete_pre_shared_key,
+ psk_id)
+ self._helper_register_psk_post(psk_id)
+ psk_info = {u'keyring-name': u'%d' % psk_id,
+ u'pre-shared-key-list': [
+ {u'key': u'super-secret',
+ u'encrypted': False,
+ u'peer-address': u''}
+ ]}
+ self.csr.create_pre_shared_key(psk_info)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.CREATED:
+ self.fail("Unable to create PSK for test case")
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_pre_shared_key, psk_id)
+ return psk_id
+ def _make_ike_policy_for_test(self):
+ policy_id = generate_ike_policy_id()
+ self._remove_resource_for_test(self.csr.delete_ike_policy,
+ policy_id)
+ self._helper_register_ike_policy_post(policy_id)
+ policy_info = {u'priority-id': u'%d' % policy_id,
+ u'encryption': u'aes',
+ u'hash': u'sha',
+ u'dhGroup': 5,
+ u'lifetime': 3600}
+ self.csr.create_ike_policy(policy_info)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.CREATED:
+ self.fail("Unable to create IKE policy for test case")
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ike_policy, policy_id)
+ return policy_id
+ def _make_ipsec_policy_for_test(self):
+ policy_id = generate_ipsec_policy_id()
+ self._remove_resource_for_test(self.csr.delete_ipsec_policy,
+ policy_id)
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_policy_post(policy_id)
+ policy_info = {
+ u'policy-id': u'%d' % policy_id,
+ u'protection-suite': {
+ u'esp-encryption': u'esp-aes',
+ u'esp-authentication': u'esp-sha-hmac',
+ u'ah': u'ah-sha-hmac',
+ },
+ u'lifetime-sec': 120,
+ u'pfs': u'group5',
+ u'anti-replay-window-size': u'disable'
+ }
+ self.csr.create_ipsec_policy(policy_info)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.CREATED:
+ self.fail("Unable to create IPSec policy for test case")
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_policy, policy_id)
+ return policy_id
+ def _remove_resource_for_test(self, delete_resource, resource_id):
+ self._register_local_delete_by_id(resource_id)
+ delete_resource(resource_id)
+ def _prepare_for_site_conn_create(self, skip_psk=False, skip_ike=False,
+ skip_ipsec=False):
+ """Create the policies and PSK so can then create site conn."""
+ if not skip_psk:
+ ike_policy_id = self._make_psk_for_test()
+ else:
+ ike_policy_id = generate_ike_policy_id()
+ if not skip_ike:
+ self._make_ike_policy_for_test()
+ if not skip_ipsec:
+ ipsec_policy_id = self._make_ipsec_policy_for_test()
+ else:
+ ipsec_policy_id = generate_ipsec_policy_id()
+ # Note: Use same ID number for tunnel and IPSec policy, so that when
+ # GET tunnel info, the mocks can infer the IPSec policy ID from the
+ # tunnel number.
+ return (ike_policy_id, ipsec_policy_id, ipsec_policy_id)
+ def _helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(self, tunnel, override=None):
+ # Use same number, to allow mock to generate IPSec policy ID
+ ipsec_policy_id = tunnel[6:]
+ content = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
+ u'vpn-interface-name': u'%s' % tunnel,
+ u'ip-version': u'ipv4',
+ u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%s' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'ike-profile-id': None,
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'local-device': {
+ u'ip-address': '',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': ''
+ },
+ u'remote-device': {
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': ''
+ }}
+ if override:
+ content.update(override)
+ self._register_local_get(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel, json=content)
+ def test_create_delete_ipsec_connection(self):
+ """Create and then delete an IPSec connection."""
+ ike_policy_id, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
+ u'ike-profile-id': None,
+ u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
+ expected_connection.update(connection_info)
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(tunnel_name)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
+ # Now delete and verify that site-to-site connection is gone
+ self._register_local_delete_by_id(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_delete_by_id(ipsec_policy_id)
+ self._register_local_delete_by_id(ike_policy_id)
+ self._register_local_get_not_found(URI_IPSEC_CONN,
+ tunnel_name)
+ # Only delete connection. Cleanup will take care of prerequisites
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection(tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_no_tunnel_subnet(self):
+ """Create an IPSec connection without an IP address on tunnel."""
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'GigabitEthernet3',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
+ u'ike-profile-id': None,
+ u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
+ expected_connection.update(connection_info)
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn('vpn-svc/site-to-site/' + tunnel_name, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(tunnel_name, override={
+ u'local-device': {
+ u'ip-address': u'GigabitEthernet3',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''
+ }})
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_no_pre_shared_key(self):
+ """Test of connection create without associated pre-shared key.
+ The CSR will create the connection, but will not be able to pass
+ traffic without the pre-shared key.
+ """
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create(skip_psk=True))
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
+ u'ike-profile-id': None,
+ u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
+ u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
+ expected_connection.update(connection_info)
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(tunnel_name)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_default_ike_policy(self):
+ """Test of connection create without IKE policy (uses default).
+ Without an IKE policy, the CSR will use a built-in default IKE
+ policy setting for the connection.
+ """
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create(skip_ike=True))
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
+ u'ike-profile-id': None,
+ u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
+ u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
+ expected_connection.update(connection_info)
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(tunnel_name)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
+ def test_set_ipsec_connection_admin_state_changes(self):
+ """Create IPSec connection in admin down state."""
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'mtu': 1500,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, location)
+ state_url = location + "/state"
+ state_uri = URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name + '/state'
+ # Note: When created, the tunnel will be in admin 'up' state
+ # Note: Line protocol state will be down, unless have an active conn.
+ expected_state = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site-state',
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'line-protocol-state': u'down',
+ u'enabled': False}
+ self._register_local_put(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, 'state')
+ self.csr.set_ipsec_connection_state(tunnel_name, admin_up=False)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ self._register_local_get(state_uri, json=expected_state)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(state_url, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_state, content)
+ self.csr.set_ipsec_connection_state(tunnel_name, admin_up=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ expected_state = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site-state',
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'line-protocol-state': u'down',
+ u'enabled': True}
+ self._register_local_get(state_uri, json=expected_state)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(state_url, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_state, content)
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_missing_ipsec_policy(self):
+ """Negative test of connection create without IPSec policy."""
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create(skip_ipsec=True))
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._register_local_post(URI_IPSEC_CONN, tunnel_name,
+ result_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ 'Tunnel%d' % tunnel_id)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ def _determine_conflicting_ip(self):
+ content = {u'kind': u'object#interface',
+ u'subnet-mask': u'',
+ u'ip-address': u''}
+ self._register_local_get('interfaces/GigabitEthernet3', json=content)
+ details = self.csr.get_request('interfaces/GigabitEthernet3')
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.OK:
+ self.fail("Unable to obtain interface GigabitEthernet3's IP")
+ if_ip = details.get('ip-address')
+ if not if_ip:
+ self.fail("No IP address for GigabitEthernet3 interface")
+ return '.'.join(if_ip.split('.')[:3]) + '.10'
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_conficting_tunnel_ip(self):
+ """Negative test of connection create with conflicting tunnel IP.
+ Find out the IP of a local interface (GigabitEthernet3) and create an
+ IP that is on the same subnet. Note: this interface needs to be up.
+ """
+ conflicting_ip = self._determine_conflicting_ip()
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._register_local_post(URI_IPSEC_CONN, tunnel_name,
+ result_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'%s/24' % conflicting_ip,
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_max_mtu(self):
+ """Create an IPSec connection with max MTU value."""
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'mtu': 9192,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ expected_connection = {u'kind': u'object#vpn-site-to-site',
+ u'ike-profile-id': None,
+ u'vpn-type': u'site-to-site',
+ u'ip-version': u'ipv4'}
+ expected_connection.update(connection_info)
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(tunnel_name, override={
+ u'mtu': 9192})
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_connection, content)
+ def test_create_ipsec_connection_with_bad_mtu(self):
+ """Negative test of connection create with unsupported MTU value."""
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._register_local_post(URI_IPSEC_CONN, tunnel_name,
+ result_code=requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'mtu': 9193,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.BAD_REQUEST, self.csr.status)
+ def test_status_when_no_tunnels_exist(self):
+ """Get status, when there are no tunnels."""
+ content = {u'kind': u'collection#vpn-active-sessions',
+ u'items': []}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_SESSIONS, json=content)
+ tunnels = self.csr.read_tunnel_statuses()
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual([], tunnels)
+ def test_status_for_one_tunnel(self):
+ """Get status of one tunnel."""
+ # Create the IPsec site-to-site connection first
+ _, ipsec_policy_id, tunnel_id = (
+ self._prepare_for_site_conn_create())
+ tunnel_name = u'Tunnel%s' % tunnel_id
+ self._helper_register_tunnel_post(tunnel_name)
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, self.route_id)
+ connection_info = {
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name,
+ u'ipsec-policy-id': u'%d' % ipsec_policy_id,
+ u'local-device': {u'ip-address': u'',
+ u'tunnel-ip-address': u''},
+ u'remote-device': {u'tunnel-ip-address': u''}
+ }
+ location = self.csr.create_ipsec_connection(connection_info)
+ self.addCleanup(self._remove_resource_for_test,
+ self.csr.delete_ipsec_connection,
+ tunnel_name)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_IPSEC_CONN_ID % tunnel_name, location)
+ # Now, check the status
+ content = {u'kind': u'collection#vpn-active-sessions',
+ u'items': [{u'status': u'DOWN-NEGOTIATING',
+ u'vpn-interface-name': tunnel_name}, ]}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_SESSIONS, json=content)
+ self._helper_register_ipsec_conn_get(tunnel_name)
+ tunnels = self.csr.read_tunnel_statuses()
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual([(tunnel_name, u'DOWN-NEGOTIATING'), ], tunnels)
+class TestCsrRestIkeKeepaliveCreate(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test IKE keepalive REST requests.
+ Note: On the Cisco CSR, the IKE keepalive for v1 is a global configuration
+ that applies to all VPN tunnels to specify Dead Peer Detection information.
+ As a result, this REST API is not used in the OpenStack device driver, and
+ the keepalive will default to zero (disabled).
+ """
+ def _save_dpd_info(self):
+ details = self.csr.get_request(URI_KEEPALIVE)
+ if self.csr.status == requests.codes.OK:
+ self.dpd = details
+ self.addCleanup(self._restore_dpd_info)
+ elif self.csr.status != requests.codes.NOT_FOUND:
+ self.fail("Unable to save original DPD info")
+ def _restore_dpd_info(self):
+ payload = {'interval': self.dpd['interval'],
+ 'retry': self.dpd['retry']}
+ self.csr.put_request(URI_KEEPALIVE, payload=payload)
+ if self.csr.status != requests.codes.NO_CONTENT:
+ self.fail("Unable to restore DPD info after test")
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Set up for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication, get, and put mock
+ responses registered, although the test may replace them, if needed.
+ Dead Peer Detection settions will be saved for each test, and
+ restored afterwards.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestIkeKeepaliveCreate, self).setUp(host,
+ tunnel_ip,
+ timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ self._helper_register_keepalive_get()
+ self._register_local_put('vpn-svc/ike', 'keepalive')
+ self._save_dpd_info()
+ self.csr.token = None
+ def _helper_register_keepalive_get(self, override=None):
+ content = {u'interval': 60,
+ u'retry': 4,
+ u'periodic': True}
+ if override:
+ content.update(override)
+ self._register_local_get(URI_KEEPALIVE, json=content)
+ def test_configure_ike_keepalive(self):
+ """Set IKE keep-alive (aka Dead Peer Detection) for the CSR."""
+ keepalive_info = {'interval': 60, 'retry': 4}
+ self.csr.configure_ike_keepalive(keepalive_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(URI_KEEPALIVE)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ expected = {'periodic': False}
+ expected.update(keepalive_info)
+ self.assertDictSupersetOf(expected, content)
+ def test_disable_ike_keepalive(self):
+ """Disable IKE keep-alive (aka Dead Peer Detection) for the CSR."""
+ keepalive_info = {'interval': 0, 'retry': 4}
+ self.csr.configure_ike_keepalive(keepalive_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+class TestCsrRestStaticRoute(CiscoCsrBaseTestCase):
+ """Test static route REST requests.
+ A static route is added for the peer's private network. Would create
+ a route for each of the peer CIDRs specified for the VPN connection.
+ """
+ def setUp(self, host='localhost', tunnel_ip='', timeout=None):
+ """Set up for each test in this suite.
+ Each test case will have a normal authentication mock response
+ registered, although the test may replace it, if needed.
+ """
+ super(TestCsrRestStaticRoute, self).setUp(host, tunnel_ip, timeout)
+ self._helper_register_auth_request()
+ def test_create_delete_static_route(self):
+ """Create and then delete a static route for the tunnel."""
+ expected_id = ''
+ self._register_local_post(URI_ROUTES, resource_id=expected_id)
+ cidr = u''
+ interface = u'GigabitEthernet1'
+ route_info = {u'destination-network': cidr,
+ u'outgoing-interface': interface}
+ location = self.csr.create_static_route(route_info)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.CREATED, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertIn(URI_ROUTES_ID % expected_id, location)
+ # Check the hard-coded items that get set as well...
+ expected_route = {u'destination-network': u'',
+ u'kind': u'object#static-route',
+ u'next-hop-router': None,
+ u'outgoing-interface': u'GigabitEthernet1',
+ u'admin-distance': 1}
+ self._register_local_get(URI_ROUTES_ID % expected_id,
+ json=expected_route)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.OK, self.csr.status)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_route, content)
+ # Now delete and verify that static route is gone
+ self._register_local_delete(URI_ROUTES, expected_id)
+ self._register_local_get_not_found(URI_ROUTES, expected_id)
+ route_id = csr_client.make_route_id(cidr, interface)
+ self.csr.delete_static_route(route_id)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NO_CONTENT, self.csr.status)
+ content = self.csr.get_request(location, full_url=True)
+ self.assertEqual(requests.codes.NOT_FOUND, self.csr.status)