-# #############################################################
-# WARNINGS: The following deprecations have been made in the
-# Havana release. Support for the options below will be removed
-# in Ixxx.
-# Section: [DEFAULT], Option: 'metadata_dhcp_host_route'
-# Remarks: Use 'enable_isolated_metadata' in dhcp_agent.ini.
-# Section: [cluster:name], Option: 'nvp_controller_connection'
-# Remarks: The configuration will allow the specification of
-# a single cluster, therefore [cluster:name] is no
-# longer used. Use 'nvp_*', options, 'req_timeout',
-# 'retries', etc. as indicated in the DEFAULT section.
-# Support for multiple clusters will be added through
-# an API extension.
-# ##############################################################
# User name for NVP controller
# nvp_user = admin
from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg
from neutron.openstack.common import excutils
from neutron.plugins.common import constants as plugin_const
-from neutron.plugins.nicira.common import config
+from neutron.plugins.nicira.common import config # noqa
from neutron.plugins.nicira.common import exceptions as nvp_exc
from neutron.plugins.nicira.common import securitygroups as nvp_sec
from neutron.plugins.nicira.common import sync
def create_nvp_cluster(cluster_opts, concurrent_connections,
- # NOTE(armando-migliaccio): remove this block once we no longer
- # want to support deprecated options in the nvp config file
- # ### BEGIN
- config.register_deprecated(cfg.CONF)
- # ### END
cluster = nvp_cluster.NVPCluster(**cluster_opts)
api_providers = [ctrl.split(':') + [True]
for ctrl in cluster.nvp_controllers]
cfg.CONF.register_opts(nvp_opts, "NVP")
cfg.CONF.register_opts(sync_opts, "NVP_SYNC")
cfg.CONF.register_opts(vcns_opts, group="vcns")
-# NOTE(armando-migliaccio): keep the following code until we support
-# NVP configuration files in older format (Grizzly or older).
-# ### BEGIN
-controller_depr = cfg.MultiStrOpt('nvp_controller_connection',
- help=_("Describes a connection to a single "
- "controller. A different connection "
- "for each controller in the cluster "
- "can be specified; there must be at "
- "least one connection per cluster."))
-host_route_depr = cfg.BoolOpt('metadata_dhcp_host_route', default=None)
-def register_deprecated(conf):
- conf.register_opts([host_route_depr])
- multi_parser = cfg.MultiConfigParser()
- read_ok = multi_parser.read(conf.config_file)
- if len(read_ok) != len(conf.config_file):
- raise cfg.Error(_("Some config files were not parsed properly"))
- for parsed_file in multi_parser.parsed:
- for section in parsed_file.keys():
- if not section.lower().startswith("cluster:"):
- continue
- section = 'CLUSTER:' + section.split(':', 1)[1]
- if section not in conf:
- conf.register_opts(cluster_opts + [controller_depr], section)
-# ### END
elif options.get(arg) is not None:
# Process deprecated attributes only if specified
self._deprecated_attributes[arg] = options.get(arg)
- if arg.startswith("CLUSTER:"):
- cluster_section = cfg.CONF.get(arg)
- for option in cluster_section:
- v = cluster_section.get(option)
- if option not in DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES:
- # option may be in dict, but with None value
- setattr(self, option, options.get(option) or v)
- self._process_attribute(option)
- else:
- self._deprecated_attributes[option] = v
def _process_attribute(self, attribute):
# Process the attribute only if it's not empty!
+++ /dev/null
-metadata_dhcp_host_route = False
-default_tz_uuid = fake_tz_uuid
-nova_zone_id = whatever
-nvp_cluster_uuid = fake_cluster_uuid
-default_l3_gw_service_uuid = whatever
-default_l2_gw_service_uuid = whatever
NVP_BASE_CONF_PATH = get_fake_conf('neutron.conf.test')
NVP_INI_PATH = get_fake_conf('nvp.ini.basic.test')
NVP_INI_FULL_PATH = get_fake_conf('nvp.ini.full.test')
-NVP_INI_DEPR_PATH = get_fake_conf('nvp.ini.grizzly.test')
NVP_INI_AGENTLESS_PATH = get_fake_conf('nvp.ini.agentless.test')
-class OldConfigurationTest(testtools.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(OldConfigurationTest, self).setUp()
- self.addCleanup(cfg.CONF.reset)
- self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch(
- 'neutron.manager.NeutronManager._instance',
- None))
- # Avoid runs of the synchronizer looping call
- patch_sync = mock.patch.object(sync, '_start_loopingcall')
- patch_sync.start()
- self.addCleanup(patch_sync.stop)
- def _assert_required_options(self, cluster):
- self.assertEqual(cluster.nvp_controllers, ['fake_1:443', 'fake_2:443'])
- self.assertEqual(cluster.default_tz_uuid, 'fake_tz_uuid')
- self.assertEqual(cluster.nvp_user, 'foo')
- self.assertEqual(cluster.nvp_password, 'bar')
- def test_load_plugin_with_deprecated_options(self):
- q_config.parse(['--config-file', BASE_CONF_PATH,
- '--config-file', NVP_INI_DEPR_PATH])
- cfg.CONF.set_override('core_plugin', PLUGIN_NAME)
- plugin = NeutronManager().get_plugin()
- cluster = plugin.cluster
- self._assert_required_options(cluster)
- # Verify nvp_controller_connection has been fully parsed
- self.assertEqual(4, cluster.req_timeout)
- self.assertEqual(3, cluster.http_timeout)
- self.assertEqual(2, cluster.retries)
- self.assertEqual(1, cluster.redirects)