def driver_initiator_data_get(context, initiator, namespace):
"""Query for an DriverPrivateData that has the specified key"""
return IMPL.driver_initiator_data_get(context, initiator, namespace)
+def image_volume_cache_create(context, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size):
+ """Create a new image volume cache entry."""
+ return IMPL.image_volume_cache_create(context,
+ host,
+ image_id,
+ image_updated_at,
+ volume_id,
+ size)
+def image_volume_cache_delete(context, volume_id):
+ """Delete an image volume cache entry specified by volume id."""
+ return IMPL.image_volume_cache_delete(context, volume_id)
+def image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(context, image_id, host):
+ """Query for an image volume cache entry."""
+ return IMPL.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(context,
+ image_id,
+ host)
+def image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(context, volume_id):
+ """Query to see if a volume id is an image-volume contained in the cache"""
+ return IMPL.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(context, volume_id)
+def image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host(context, host):
+ """Query for all image volume cache entry for a host."""
+ return IMPL.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host(context, host)
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, joinedload_all
from sqlalchemy.orm import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import desc
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import literal_column
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import true
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
models.Snapshot: (_snaps_get_query, _process_snaps_filters, _snapshot_get),
models.Backup: (_backups_get_query, _process_backups_filters, _backup_get)
+def image_volume_cache_create(context, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ cache_entry = models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry()
+ = host
+ cache_entry.image_id = image_id
+ cache_entry.image_updated_at = image_updated_at
+ cache_entry.volume_id = volume_id
+ cache_entry.size = size
+ session.add(cache_entry)
+ return cache_entry
+def image_volume_cache_delete(context, volume_id):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ session.query(models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry).\
+ filter_by(volume_id=volume_id).\
+ delete()
+def image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(context, image_id, host):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ entry = session.query(models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry).\
+ filter_by(image_id=image_id).\
+ filter_by(host=host).\
+ order_by(desc(models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry.last_used)).\
+ first()
+ if entry:
+ entry.last_used = timeutils.utcnow()
+ return entry
+def image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(context, volume_id):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ return session.query(models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry).\
+ filter_by(volume_id=volume_id).\
+ first()
+def image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host(context, host):
+ session = get_session()
+ with session.begin():
+ return session.query(models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry).\
+ filter_by(host=host).\
+ order_by(desc(models.ImageVolumeCacheEntry.last_used)).\
+ all()
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Pure Storage, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from sqlalchemy import Column, DateTime, Integer
+from sqlalchemy import MetaData, String, Table
+def upgrade(migrate_engine):
+ meta = MetaData()
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ # New table
+ image_volume_cache = Table(
+ 'image_volume_cache_entries', meta,
+ Column('image_updated_at', DateTime(timezone=False)),
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
+ Column('host', String(length=255), index=True, nullable=False),
+ Column('image_id', String(length=36), index=True, nullable=False),
+ Column('volume_id', String(length=36), nullable=False),
+ Column('size', Integer, nullable=False),
+ Column('last_used', DateTime, nullable=False),
+ mysql_engine='InnoDB',
+ mysql_charset='utf8'
+ )
+ image_volume_cache.create()
+def downgrade(migrate_engine):
+ meta = MetaData()
+ meta.bind = migrate_engine
+ table_name = 'image_volume_cache_entries'
+ image_volume_cache = Table(table_name, meta, autoload=True)
+ image_volume_cache.drop()
value = Column(String(255))
+class ImageVolumeCacheEntry(BASE, models.ModelBase):
+ """Represents an image volume cache entry"""
+ __tablename__ = 'image_volume_cache_entries'
+ id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
+ host = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=False)
+ image_id = Column(String(36), index=True, nullable=False)
+ image_updated_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
+ volume_id = Column(String(36), nullable=False)
+ size = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
+ last_used = Column(DateTime, default=lambda: timeutils.utcnow())
def register_models():
"""Register Models and create metadata.
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Pure Storage, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from pytz import timezone
+import six
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+from cinder.i18n import _LW
+from cinder import rpc
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ImageVolumeCache(object):
+ def __init__(self, db, volume_api, max_cache_size_gb=0,
+ max_cache_size_count=0):
+ self.db = db
+ self.volume_api = volume_api
+ self.max_cache_size_gb = int(max_cache_size_gb)
+ self.max_cache_size_count = int(max_cache_size_count)
+ self.notifier = rpc.get_notifier('volume',
+ def get_by_image_volume(self, context, volume_id):
+ return self.db.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(context, volume_id)
+ def evict(self, context, cache_entry):
+ LOG.debug('Evicting image cache entry: %(entry)s.',
+ {'entry': self._entry_to_str(cache_entry)})
+ self.db.image_volume_cache_delete(context, cache_entry['volume_id'])
+ self._notify_cache_eviction(context, cache_entry['image_id'],
+ cache_entry['host'])
+ def get_entry(self, context, volume_ref, image_id, image_meta):
+ cache_entry = self.db.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(
+ context,
+ image_id,
+ volume_ref['host']
+ )
+ if cache_entry:
+ LOG.debug('Found image-volume cache entry: %(entry)s.',
+ {'entry': self._entry_to_str(cache_entry)})
+ if self._should_update_entry(cache_entry, image_meta):
+ LOG.debug('Image-volume cache entry is out-dated, evicting: '
+ '%(entry)s.',
+ {'entry': self._entry_to_str(cache_entry)})
+ self._delete_image_volume(context, cache_entry)
+ cache_entry = None
+ if cache_entry:
+ self._notify_cache_hit(context, cache_entry['image_id'],
+ cache_entry['host'])
+ else:
+ self._notify_cache_miss(context, image_id,
+ volume_ref['host'])
+ return cache_entry
+ def create_cache_entry(self, context, volume_ref, image_id, image_meta):
+ """Create a new cache entry for an image.
+ This assumes that the volume described by volume_ref has already been
+ created and is in an available state.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Creating new image-volume cache entry for image '
+ '%(image_id)s on host %(host)s.',
+ {'image_id': image_id, 'host': volume_ref['host']})
+ # When we are creating an image from a volume the updated_at field
+ # will be a unicode representation of the datetime. In that case
+ # we just need to parse it into one. If it is an actual datetime
+ # we want to just grab it as a UTC naive datetime.
+ image_updated_at = image_meta['updated_at']
+ if type(image_updated_at) in [unicode, str]:
+ image_updated_at = timeutils.parse_strtime(image_updated_at)
+ else:
+ image_updated_at = image_updated_at.astimezone(timezone('UTC'))
+ cache_entry = self.db.image_volume_cache_create(
+ context,
+ volume_ref['host'],
+ image_id,
+ image_updated_at.replace(tzinfo=None),
+ volume_ref['id'],
+ volume_ref['size']
+ )
+ LOG.debug('New image-volume cache entry created: %(entry)s.',
+ {'entry': self._entry_to_str(cache_entry)})
+ return cache_entry
+ def ensure_space(self, context, space_required, host):
+ """Makes room for a cache entry.
+ Returns True if successful, false otherwise.
+ """
+ # Check to see if the cache is actually limited.
+ if self.max_cache_size_gb == 0 and self.max_cache_size_count == 0:
+ return True
+ # Make sure that we can potentially fit the image in the cache
+ # and bail out before evicting everything else to try and make
+ # room for it.
+ if (self.max_cache_size_gb != 0 and
+ space_required > self.max_cache_size_gb):
+ return False
+ # Assume the entries are ordered by most recently used to least used.
+ entries = self.db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host(context, host)
+ current_count = len(entries)
+ current_size = 0
+ for entry in entries:
+ current_size += entry['size']
+ # Add values for the entry we intend to create.
+ current_size += space_required
+ current_count += 1
+ LOG.debug('Image-volume cache for host %(host)s current_size (GB) = '
+ '%(size_gb)s (max = %(max_gb)s), current count = %(count)s '
+ '(max = %(max_count)s).',
+ {'host': host,
+ 'size_gb': current_size,
+ 'max_gb': self.max_cache_size_gb,
+ 'count': current_count,
+ 'max_count': self.max_cache_size_count})
+ while ((current_size > self.max_cache_size_gb
+ or current_count > self.max_cache_size_count)
+ and len(entries)):
+ entry = entries.pop()
+ LOG.debug('Reclaiming image-volume cache space; removing cache '
+ 'entry %(entry)s.', {'entry': self._entry_to_str(entry)})
+ self._delete_image_volume(context, entry)
+ current_size -= entry['size']
+ current_count -= 1
+ LOG.debug('Image-volume cache for host %(host)s new size (GB) = '
+ '%(size_gb)s, new count = %(count)s.',
+ {'host': host,
+ 'size_gb': current_size,
+ 'count': current_count})
+ # It is only possible to not free up enough gb, we will always be able
+ # to free enough count. This is because 0 means unlimited which means
+ # it is guaranteed to be >0 if limited, and we can always delete down
+ # to 0.
+ if self.max_cache_size_gb > 0:
+ if current_size > self.max_cache_size_gb > 0:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Image-volume cache for host %(host)s does '
+ 'not have enough space (GB).'), {'host': host})
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _notify_cache_hit(self, context, image_id, host):
+ self._notify_cache_action(context, image_id, host, 'hit')
+ def _notify_cache_miss(self, context, image_id, host):
+ self._notify_cache_action(context, image_id, host, 'miss')
+ def _notify_cache_eviction(self, context, image_id, host):
+ self._notify_cache_action(context, image_id, host, 'evict')
+ def _notify_cache_action(self, context, image_id, host, action):
+ data = {
+ 'image_id': image_id,
+ 'host': host,
+ }
+ LOG.debug('ImageVolumeCache notification: action=%(action)s'
+ ' data=%(data)s.', {'action': action, 'data': data})
+, 'image_volume_cache.%s' % action, data)
+ def _delete_image_volume(self, context, cache_entry):
+ """Delete a volume and remove cache entry."""
+ volume_ref = self.db.volume_get(context, cache_entry['volume_id'])
+ # Delete will evict the cache entry.
+ self.volume_api.delete(context, volume_ref)
+ def _get_image_volume_name(self, image_id):
+ return 'image-volume-' + image_id
+ def _should_update_entry(self, cache_entry, image_meta):
+ """Ensure that the cache entry image data is still valid."""
+ image_updated_utc = (image_meta['updated_at']
+ .astimezone(timezone('UTC')))
+ cache_updated_utc = (cache_entry['image_updated_at']
+ .replace(tzinfo=timezone('UTC')))
+ LOG.debug('Image-volume cache entry image_update_at = %(entry_utc)s, '
+ 'requested image updated_at = %(image_utc)s.',
+ {'entry_utc': six.text_type(cache_updated_utc),
+ 'image_utc': six.text_type(image_updated_utc)})
+ return image_updated_utc != cache_updated_utc
+ def _entry_to_str(self, cache_entry):
+ return six.text_type({
+ 'id': cache_entry['id'],
+ 'image_id': cache_entry['image_id'],
+ 'volume_id': cache_entry['volume_id'],
+ 'host': cache_entry['host'],
+ 'size': cache_entry['size'],
+ 'image_updated_at': cache_entry['image_updated_at'],
+ 'last_used': cache_entry['last_used'],
+ })
import copy
import datetime
+import mock
import uuid
from cinder import exception
self.create(None, image6)
self.create(None, image7)
self._imagedata = {}
+ self.temp_images = mock.MagicMock()
super(_FakeImageService, self).__init__()
# TODO(bcwaldon): implement optional kwargs such as limit, sort_dir
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Pure Storage, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from datetime import timedelta
+import mock
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+from cinder import context as ctxt
+from cinder import test
+patcher = mock.patch('cinder.rpc')
+from cinder.image import cache as image_cache
+class ImageVolumeCacheTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(ImageVolumeCacheTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.mock_db = mock.Mock()
+ self.mock_volume_api = mock.Mock()
+ self.context = ctxt.get_admin_context()
+ self.notifier = mock.Mock()
+ def _build_cache(self, max_gb=0, max_count=0):
+ cache = image_cache.ImageVolumeCache(self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_volume_api,
+ max_gb,
+ max_count)
+ cache.notifier = self.notifier
+ return cache
+ def _build_entry(self, size=10):
+ entry = {
+ 'id': 1,
+ 'host': 'test@foo#bar',
+ 'image_id': 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2',
+ 'image_updated_at': timeutils.utcnow(with_timezone=True),
+ 'volume_id': '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b',
+ 'size': size,
+ 'last_used': timeutils.utcnow(with_timezone=True)
+ }
+ return entry
+ def test_get_by_image_volume(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache()
+ ret = {'id': 1}
+ volume_id = '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b'
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id.return_value = ret
+ entry = cache.get_by_image_volume(self.context, volume_id)
+ self.assertEqual(ret, entry)
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id.return_value = None
+ entry = cache.get_by_image_volume(self.context, volume_id)
+ self.assertIsNone(entry)
+ def test_evict(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache()
+ entry = self._build_entry()
+ cache.evict(self.context, entry)
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_delete.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.context,
+ entry['volume_id']
+ )
+ self.context,
+ 'image_volume_cache.evict',
+ {'image_id': entry['image_id'], 'host': entry['host']}
+ )
+ def test_get_entry(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache()
+ entry = self._build_entry()
+ volume_ref = {
+ 'host': 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ }
+ image_meta = {
+ 'is_public': True,
+ 'owner': '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b',
+ 'properties': {
+ 'virtual_size': '1.7'
+ },
+ 'updated_at': entry['image_updated_at']
+ }
+ (self.mock_db.
+ image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used.return_value) = entry
+ found_entry = cache.get_entry(self.context,
+ volume_ref,
+ entry['image_id'],
+ image_meta)
+ self.assertDictMatch(entry, found_entry)
+ (self.mock_db.
+ image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used.assert_called_once_with)(
+ self.context,
+ entry['image_id'],
+ volume_ref['host']
+ )
+ self.context,
+ 'image_volume_cache.hit',
+ {'image_id': entry['image_id'], 'host': entry['host']}
+ )
+ def test_get_entry_not_exists(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache()
+ volume_ref = {
+ 'host': 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ }
+ image_meta = {
+ 'is_public': True,
+ 'owner': '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b',
+ 'properties': {
+ 'virtual_size': '1.7'
+ },
+ 'updated_at': timeutils.utcnow(with_timezone=True)
+ }
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ (self.mock_db.
+ image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used.return_value) = None
+ found_entry = cache.get_entry(self.context,
+ volume_ref,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta)
+ self.assertIsNone(found_entry)
+ self.context,
+ 'image_volume_cache.miss',
+ {'image_id': image_id, 'host': volume_ref['host']}
+ )
+ def test_get_entry_needs_update(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache()
+ entry = self._build_entry()
+ volume_ref = {
+ 'host': 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ }
+ image_meta = {
+ 'is_public': True,
+ 'owner': '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b',
+ 'properties': {
+ 'virtual_size': '1.7'
+ },
+ 'updated_at': entry['image_updated_at'] + timedelta(hours=2)
+ }
+ (self.mock_db.
+ image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used.return_value) = entry
+ mock_volume = mock.Mock()
+ self.mock_db.volume_get.return_value = mock_volume
+ found_entry = cache.get_entry(self.context,
+ volume_ref,
+ entry['image_id'],
+ image_meta)
+ # Expect that the cache entry is not returned and the image-volume
+ # for it is deleted.
+ self.assertIsNone(found_entry)
+ self.mock_volume_api.delete.assert_called_with(self.context,
+ mock_volume)
+ self.context,
+ 'image_volume_cache.miss',
+ {'image_id': entry['image_id'], 'host': volume_ref['host']}
+ )
+ def test_create_cache_entry(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache()
+ entry = self._build_entry()
+ volume_ref = {
+ 'id': entry['volume_id'],
+ 'host': entry['host'],
+ 'size': entry['size']
+ }
+ image_meta = {
+ 'updated_at': entry['image_updated_at']
+ }
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_create.return_value = entry
+ created_entry = cache.create_cache_entry(self.context,
+ volume_ref,
+ entry['image_id'],
+ image_meta)
+ self.assertEqual(entry, created_entry)
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_create.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.context,
+ entry['host'],
+ entry['image_id'],
+ entry['image_updated_at'].replace(tzinfo=None),
+ entry['volume_id'],
+ entry['size']
+ )
+ def test_ensure_space_unlimited(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache(max_gb=0, max_count=0)
+ host = 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 0, host)
+ self.assertTrue(has_space)
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 500, host)
+ self.assertTrue(has_space)
+ def test_ensure_space_no_entries(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache(max_gb=100, max_count=10)
+ host = 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host.return_value = []
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 5, host)
+ self.assertTrue(has_space)
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 101, host)
+ self.assertFalse(has_space)
+ def test_ensure_space_need_gb(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache(max_gb=30, max_count=10)
+ mock_delete = mock.patch.object(cache, '_delete_image_volume').start()
+ host = 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ entries = []
+ entry1 = self._build_entry(size=12)
+ entries.append(entry1)
+ entry2 = self._build_entry(size=5)
+ entries.append(entry2)
+ entry3 = self._build_entry(size=10)
+ entries.append(entry3)
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host.return_value = entries
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 15, host)
+ self.assertTrue(has_space)
+ self.assertEqual(2, mock_delete.call_count)
+ mock_delete.assert_any_call(self.context, entry2)
+ mock_delete.assert_any_call(self.context, entry3)
+ def test_ensure_space_need_count(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache(max_gb=30, max_count=2)
+ mock_delete = mock.patch.object(cache, '_delete_image_volume').start()
+ host = 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ entries = []
+ entry1 = self._build_entry(size=10)
+ entries.append(entry1)
+ entry2 = self._build_entry(size=5)
+ entries.append(entry2)
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host.return_value = entries
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 12, host)
+ self.assertTrue(has_space)
+ self.assertEqual(1, mock_delete.call_count)
+ mock_delete.assert_any_call(self.context, entry2)
+ def test_ensure_space_need_gb_and_count(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache(max_gb=30, max_count=3)
+ mock_delete = mock.patch.object(cache, '_delete_image_volume').start()
+ host = 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ entries = []
+ entry1 = self._build_entry(size=10)
+ entries.append(entry1)
+ entry2 = self._build_entry(size=5)
+ entries.append(entry2)
+ entry3 = self._build_entry(size=12)
+ entries.append(entry3)
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host.return_value = entries
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 16, host)
+ self.assertTrue(has_space)
+ self.assertEqual(2, mock_delete.call_count)
+ mock_delete.assert_any_call(self.context, entry2)
+ mock_delete.assert_any_call(self.context, entry3)
+ def test_ensure_space_cant_free_enough_gb(self):
+ cache = self._build_cache(max_gb=30, max_count=10)
+ mock_delete = mock.patch.object(cache, '_delete_image_volume').start()
+ host = 'foo@bar#whatever'
+ entries = list(self._build_entry(size=25))
+ self.mock_db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host.return_value = entries
+ has_space = cache.ensure_space(self.context, 50, host)
+ self.assertFalse(has_space)
+ mock_delete.assert_not_called()
update = {'remove_values': ['key_that_doesnt_exist']}
db.driver_initiator_data_update(self.ctxt, self.initiator,
self.namespace, update)
+class DBAPIImageVolumeCacheEntryTestCase(BaseTest):
+ def _validate_entry(self, entry, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size):
+ self.assertIsNotNone(entry)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(entry['id'])
+ self.assertEqual(host, entry['host'])
+ self.assertEqual(image_id, entry['image_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(image_updated_at, entry['image_updated_at'])
+ self.assertEqual(volume_id, entry['volume_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(size, entry['size'])
+ self.assertIsNotNone(entry['last_used'])
+ def test_create_delete_query_cache_entry(self):
+ host = 'abc@123#poolz'
+ image_id = 'c06764d7-54b0-4471-acce-62e79452a38b'
+ image_updated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ volume_id = 'e0e4f819-24bb-49e6-af1e-67fb77fc07d1'
+ size = 6
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_create(self.ctxt, host, image_id,
+ image_updated_at, volume_id, size)
+ self._validate_entry(entry, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size)
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(self.ctxt,
+ image_id,
+ host)
+ self._validate_entry(entry, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size)
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(self.ctxt, volume_id)
+ self._validate_entry(entry, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size)
+ db.image_volume_cache_delete(self.ctxt, entry['volume_id'])
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(self.ctxt,
+ image_id,
+ host)
+ self.assertIsNone(entry)
+ def test_cache_entry_get_multiple(self):
+ host = 'abc@123#poolz'
+ image_id = 'c06764d7-54b0-4471-acce-62e79452a38b'
+ image_updated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ volume_id = 'e0e4f819-24bb-49e6-af1e-67fb77fc07d1'
+ size = 6
+ entries = []
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ entries.append(db.image_volume_cache_create(self.ctxt,
+ host,
+ image_id,
+ image_updated_at,
+ volume_id,
+ size))
+ # It is considered OK for the cache to have multiple of the same
+ # entries. Expect only a single one from the query.
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(self.ctxt,
+ image_id,
+ host)
+ self._validate_entry(entry, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size)
+ # We expect to get the same one on subsequent queries due to the
+ # last_used field being updated each time and ordering by it.
+ entry_id = entry['id']
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(self.ctxt,
+ image_id,
+ host)
+ self._validate_entry(entry, host, image_id, image_updated_at,
+ volume_id, size)
+ self.assertEqual(entry_id, entry['id'])
+ # Cleanup
+ for entry in entries:
+ db.image_volume_cache_delete(self.ctxt, entry['volume_id'])
+ def test_cache_entry_get_none(self):
+ host = 'abc@123#poolz'
+ image_id = 'c06764d7-54b0-4471-acce-62e79452a38b'
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_and_update_last_used(self.ctxt,
+ image_id,
+ host)
+ self.assertIsNone(entry)
+ def test_cache_entry_get_by_volume_id_none(self):
+ volume_id = 'e0e4f819-24bb-49e6-af1e-67fb77fc07d1'
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(self.ctxt, volume_id)
+ self.assertIsNone(entry)
+ def test_cache_entry_get_all_for_host(self):
+ host = 'abc@123#poolz'
+ image_updated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ size = 6
+ entries = []
+ for i in range(0, 3):
+ entries.append(db.image_volume_cache_create(self.ctxt,
+ host,
+ 'image-' + str(i),
+ image_updated_at,
+ 'vol-' + str(i),
+ size))
+ other_entry = db.image_volume_cache_create(self.ctxt,
+ 'someOtherHost',
+ 'image-12345',
+ image_updated_at,
+ 'vol-1234',
+ size)
+ found_entries = db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host(self.ctxt, host)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(found_entries)
+ self.assertEqual(len(entries), len(found_entries))
+ for found_entry in found_entries:
+ for entry in entries:
+ if found_entry['id'] == entry['id']:
+ self._validate_entry(found_entry,
+ entry['host'],
+ entry['image_id'],
+ entry['image_updated_at'],
+ entry['volume_id'],
+ entry['size'])
+ # Cleanup
+ db.image_volume_cache_delete(self.ctxt, other_entry['volume_id'])
+ for entry in entries:
+ db.image_volume_cache_delete(self.ctxt, entry['volume_id'])
+ def test_cache_entry_get_all_for_host_none(self):
+ host = 'abc@123#poolz'
+ entries = db.image_volume_cache_get_all_for_host(self.ctxt, host)
+ self.assertEqual([], entries)
backups = db_utils.get_table(engine, 'backups')
self.assertNotIn('num_dependent_backups', backups.c)
+ def _check_055(self, engine, data):
+ """Test adding image_volume_cache_entries table."""
+ has_table = engine.dialect.has_table(engine.connect(),
+ "image_volume_cache_entries")
+ self.assertTrue(has_table)
+ private_data = db_utils.get_table(
+ engine,
+ 'image_volume_cache_entries'
+ )
+ self.assertIsInstance(,
+ sqlalchemy.types.INTEGER)
+ self.assertIsInstance(,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR)
+ self.assertIsInstance(private_data.c.image_id.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR)
+ self.assertIsInstance(private_data.c.image_updated_at.type,
+ self.TIME_TYPE)
+ self.assertIsInstance(private_data.c.volume_id.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.VARCHAR)
+ self.assertIsInstance(private_data.c.size.type,
+ sqlalchemy.types.INTEGER)
+ self.assertIsInstance(private_data.c.last_used.type,
+ self.TIME_TYPE)
+ def _post_downgrade_055(self, engine):
+ """Test removing image_volume_cache_entries table."""
+ has_table = engine.dialect.has_table(engine.connect(),
+ "image_volume_cache_entries")
+ self.assertFalse(has_table)
def test_walk_versions(self):
self.walk_versions(True, False)
from cinder import test
from cinder.tests.unit.image import fake as fake_image
from cinder.tests.unit import test_volume
+from cinder.tests.unit import utils
from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
import cinder.volume.drivers.rbd as driver
from cinder.volume.flows.manager import create_volume
- def test_create_vol_from_non_raw_image_status_available(self):
+ @mock.patch('cinder.image.image_utils.TemporaryImages.fetch')
+ def test_create_vol_from_non_raw_image_status_available(self, mock_fetch):
"""Clone non-raw image then verify volume is in available state."""
def _mock_clone_image(context, volume, image_location,
image_meta, image_service):
return {'provider_location': None}, False
+ mock_fetch.return_value = mock.MagicMock(spec=utils.get_file_spec())
with mock.patch.object(self.volume.driver, 'clone_image') as \
mock_clone_image.side_effect = _mock_clone_image
+ @mock.patch('cinder.image.image_utils.TemporaryImages.fetch')
def _create_volume_from_image(self, mock_clone_image_volume,
+ mock_fetch_img,
self.stubs.Set(self.volume, '_copy_image_to_volume',
mock_clone_image_volume.return_value = ({}, clone_image_volume)
+ mock_fetch_img.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
+ spec=tests_utils.get_file_spec())
image_id = 'c905cedb-7281-47e4-8a62-f26bc5fc4c77'
volume_id = tests_utils.create_volume(self.context,
cinder.policy.enforce(self.context, 'volume:attach', target)
cinder.volume.api.check_policy(self.context, 'attach', {'id': 2})
+class ImageVolumeCacheTestCase(BaseVolumeTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(ImageVolumeCacheTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.volume.driver.set_initialized()
+ @mock.patch('oslo_utils.importutils.import_object')
+ def test_cache_configs(self, mock_import_object):
+ opts = {
+ 'image_volume_cache_enabled': True,
+ 'image_volume_cache_max_size_gb': 100,
+ 'image_volume_cache_max_count': 20
+ }
+ def conf_get(option):
+ if option in opts:
+ return opts[option]
+ else:
+ return None
+ mock_driver = mock.Mock()
+ mock_driver.configuration.safe_get.side_effect = conf_get
+ mock_driver.configuration.extra_capabilities = 'null'
+ def import_obj(*args, **kwargs):
+ return mock_driver
+ mock_import_object.side_effect = import_obj
+ manager = vol_manager.VolumeManager(volume_driver=mock_driver)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(manager)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(manager.image_volume_cache)
+ self.assertEqual(100, manager.image_volume_cache.max_cache_size_gb)
+ self.assertEqual(20, manager.image_volume_cache.max_cache_size_count)
+ def test_delete_image_volume(self):
+ volume_params = {
+ 'status': 'creating',
+ 'host': 'some_host',
+ 'size': 1
+ }
+ volume_api = cinder.volume.api.API()
+ volume = tests_utils.create_volume(self.context, **volume_params)
+ volume = db.volume_update(self.context, volume['id'],
+ {'status': 'available'})
+ image_id = '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b'
+ db.image_volume_cache_create(self.context,
+ volume['host'],
+ image_id,
+ datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
+ volume['id'],
+ volume['size'])
+ volume_api.delete(self.context, volume)
+ entry = db.image_volume_cache_get_by_volume_id(self.context,
+ volume['id'])
+ self.assertIsNone(entry)
import socket
+import sys
import uuid
from oslo_service import loopingcall
testcase.addCleanup(setattr, obj, 'obj_load_attr', obj.obj_load_attr)
obj.obj_load_attr = fake_obj_load_attr
+file_spec = None
+def get_file_spec():
+ """Return a Python 2 and 3 compatible version of a 'file' spec.
+ This is to be used anywhere that you need to do something such as
+ mock.MagicMock(spec=file) to mock out something with the file attributes.
+ Due to the 'file' built-in method being removed in Python 3 we need to do
+ some special handling for it.
+ """
+ global file_spec
+ # set on first use
+ if file_spec is None:
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
+ import _io
+ file_spec = list(set(dir(_io.TextIOWrapper)).union(
+ set(dir(_io.BytesIO))))
+ else:
+ file_spec = file
from cinder import context
from cinder import exception
+from cinder.openstack.common import imageutils
from cinder import test
from cinder.tests.unit import fake_consistencygroup
from cinder.tests.unit import fake_snapshot
from cinder.tests.unit import fake_volume
from cinder.tests.unit.image import fake as fake_image
from cinder.tests.unit.keymgr import mock_key_mgr
+from cinder.tests.unit import utils
from cinder.tests.unit.volume.flows import fake_volume_api
from cinder.volume.flows.api import create_volume
from cinder.volume.flows.manager import create_volume as create_volume_manager
def test_create_from_snapshot(self, snapshot_get_by_id, handle_bootable):
fake_db = mock.MagicMock()
fake_driver = mock.MagicMock()
+ fake_volume_manager = mock.MagicMock()
fake_manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
- fake_db, fake_driver)
+ fake_volume_manager, fake_db, fake_driver)
volume = fake_volume.fake_db_volume()
orig_volume_db = mock.MagicMock(id=10, bootable=True)
snapshot_obj = fake_snapshot.fake_snapshot_obj(self.ctxt)
def test_create_from_snapshot_update_failure(self, snapshot_get_by_id):
fake_db = mock.MagicMock()
fake_driver = mock.MagicMock()
+ fake_volume_manager = mock.MagicMock()
fake_manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
- fake_db, fake_driver)
+ fake_volume_manager, fake_db, fake_driver)
volume = fake_volume.fake_db_volume()
snapshot_obj = fake_snapshot.fake_snapshot_obj(self.ctxt)
snapshot_get_by_id.return_value = snapshot_obj
super(CreateVolumeFlowManagerGlanceCinderBackendCase, self).setUp()
self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ @mock.patch('cinder.image.image_utils.TemporaryImages.fetch')
- def test_create_from_image_volume(self, handle_bootable, format='raw',
- owner=None, location=True):
+ def test_create_from_image_volume(self, handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img,
+ format='raw', owner=None,
+ location=True):
+ mock_fetch_img.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
+ spec=utils.get_file_spec())
fake_db = mock.MagicMock()
fake_driver = mock.MagicMock()
fake_manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
- fake_db, fake_driver)
+ mock.MagicMock(), fake_db, fake_driver)
fake_image_service = mock.MagicMock()
volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt)
image_volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt,
def test_create_from_image_volume_without_location(self):
+ 'CreateVolumeFromSpecTask.'
+ '_handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta')
+ 'CreateVolumeFromSpecTask.'
+ '_create_from_source_volume')
+ 'CreateVolumeFromSpecTask.'
+ '_create_from_image_download')
+class CreateVolumeFlowManagerImageCacheTestCase(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(CreateVolumeFlowManagerImageCacheTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.mock_db = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.mock_driver = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.mock_cache = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.mock_image_service = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.mock_volume_manager = mock.MagicMock()
+ self.internal_context = self.ctxt
+ self.internal_context.user_id = 'abc123'
+ self.internal_context.project_id = 'def456'
+ def test_create_from_image_clone_image_and_skip_cache(
+ self, mock_get_internal_context, mock_create_from_img_dl,
+ mock_create_from_src, mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, True)
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt)
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = mock.Mock()
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ manager._create_from_image(self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service)
+ # Make sure clone_image is always called even if the cache is enabled
+ self.assertTrue(self.mock_driver.clone_image.called)
+ # Create from source shouldn't happen if clone_image succeeds
+ self.assertFalse(mock_create_from_src.called)
+ # The image download should not happen if clone_image succeeds
+ self.assertFalse(mock_create_from_img_dl.called)
+ mock_handle_bootable.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ image_id=image_id,
+ image_meta=image_meta
+ )
+ def test_create_from_image_cannot_use_cache(
+ self, mock_get_internal_context, mock_create_from_img_dl,
+ mock_create_from_src, mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ mock_get_internal_context.return_value = None
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, False)
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt)
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = {
+ 'properties': {
+ 'virtual_size': '2147483648'
+ }
+ }
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ manager._create_from_image(self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service)
+ # Make sure clone_image is always called
+ self.assertTrue(self.mock_driver.clone_image.called)
+ # Create from source shouldn't happen if cache cannot be used.
+ self.assertFalse(mock_create_from_src.called)
+ # The image download should happen if clone fails and we can't use the
+ # image-volume cache.
+ mock_create_from_img_dl.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ self.mock_image_service
+ )
+ # This should not attempt to use a minimal size volume
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_db.volume_update.called)
+ # Make sure we didn't try and create a cache entry
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.ensure_space.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.create_cache_entry.called)
+ mock_handle_bootable.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ image_id=image_id,
+ image_meta=image_meta
+ )
+ def test_create_from_image_cache_hit(
+ self, mock_get_internal_context, mock_create_from_img_dl,
+ mock_create_from_src, mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, False)
+ image_volume_id = '70a599e0-31e7-49b7-b260-868f441e862b'
+ self.mock_cache.get_entry.return_value = {
+ 'volume_id': image_volume_id
+ }
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt)
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = mock.Mock()
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ manager._create_from_image(self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service)
+ # Make sure clone_image is always called even if the cache is enabled
+ self.assertTrue(self.mock_driver.clone_image.called)
+ # For a cache hit it should only clone from the image-volume
+ mock_create_from_src.assert_called_once_with(self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_volume_id)
+ # The image download should not happen when we get a cache hit
+ self.assertFalse(mock_create_from_img_dl.called)
+ mock_handle_bootable.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ image_id=image_id,
+ image_meta=image_meta
+ )
+ @mock.patch('cinder.image.image_utils.qemu_img_info')
+ def test_create_from_image_cache_miss(
+ self, mock_qemu_info, mock_get_internal_context,
+ mock_create_from_img_dl, mock_create_from_src,
+ mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ mock_get_internal_context.return_value = self.ctxt
+ mock_fetch_img.return_value = mock.MagicMock(
+ spec=utils.get_file_spec())
+ image_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo()
+ image_info.virtual_size = '2147483648'
+ mock_qemu_info.return_value = image_info
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, False)
+ self.mock_cache.get_entry.return_value = None
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt, size=10,
+ host='foo@bar#pool')
+ image_volume = fake_volume.fake_db_volume(size=2)
+ self.mock_db.volume_create.return_value = image_volume
+ def update_volume(ctxt, id, updates):
+ volume.update(updates)
+ return volume
+ self.mock_db.volume_update.side_effect = update_volume
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = mock.MagicMock()
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ manager._create_from_image(self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service)
+ # Make sure clone_image is always called
+ self.assertTrue(self.mock_driver.clone_image.called)
+ # The image download should happen if clone fails and
+ # we get a cache miss
+ mock_create_from_img_dl.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ mock.ANY,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ self.mock_image_service
+ )
+ # The volume size should be reduced to virtual_size and then put back
+ self.mock_db.volume_update.assert_any_call(self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'size': 2})
+ self.mock_db.volume_update.assert_any_call(self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'size': 10})
+ # Make sure created a new cache entry
+ (self.mock_volume_manager.
+ _create_image_cache_volume_entry.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt, volume, image_id, image_meta))
+ mock_handle_bootable.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ image_id=image_id,
+ image_meta=image_meta
+ )
+ @mock.patch('cinder.image.image_utils.qemu_img_info')
+ def test_create_from_image_cache_miss_error_downloading(
+ self, mock_qemu_info, mock_get_internal_context,
+ mock_create_from_img_dl, mock_create_from_src,
+ mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ mock_fetch_img.return_value = mock.MagicMock()
+ image_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo()
+ image_info.virtual_size = '2147483648'
+ mock_qemu_info.return_value = image_info
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, False)
+ self.mock_cache.get_entry.return_value = None
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt, size=10,
+ host='foo@bar#pool')
+ image_volume = fake_volume.fake_db_volume(size=2)
+ self.mock_db.volume_create.return_value = image_volume
+ mock_create_from_img_dl.side_effect = exception.CinderException()
+ def update_volume(ctxt, id, updates):
+ volume.update(updates)
+ return volume
+ self.mock_db.volume_update.side_effect = update_volume
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = mock.MagicMock()
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exception.CinderException,
+ manager._create_from_image,
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service
+ )
+ # Make sure clone_image is always called
+ self.assertTrue(self.mock_driver.clone_image.called)
+ # The image download should happen if clone fails and
+ # we get a cache miss
+ mock_create_from_img_dl.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ mock.ANY,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ self.mock_image_service
+ )
+ # The volume size should be reduced to virtual_size and then put back,
+ # especially if there is an exception while creating the volume.
+ self.assertEqual(2, self.mock_db.volume_update.call_count)
+ self.mock_db.volume_update.assert_any_call(self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'size': 2})
+ self.mock_db.volume_update.assert_any_call(self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ {'size': 10})
+ # Make sure we didn't try and create a cache entry
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.ensure_space.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.create_cache_entry.called)
+ def test_create_from_image_no_internal_context(
+ self, mock_get_internal_context, mock_create_from_img_dl,
+ mock_create_from_src, mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, False)
+ mock_get_internal_context.return_value = None
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_db_volume()
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = {
+ 'properties': {
+ 'virtual_size': '2147483648'
+ }
+ }
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ manager._create_from_image(self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service)
+ # Make sure clone_image is always called
+ self.assertTrue(self.mock_driver.clone_image.called)
+ # Create from source shouldn't happen if cache cannot be used.
+ self.assertFalse(mock_create_from_src.called)
+ # The image download should happen if clone fails and we can't use the
+ # image-volume cache due to not having an internal context available.
+ mock_create_from_img_dl.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ self.mock_image_service
+ )
+ # This should not attempt to use a minimal size volume
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_db.volume_update.called)
+ # Make sure we didn't try and create a cache entry
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.ensure_space.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.create_cache_entry.called)
+ mock_handle_bootable.assert_called_once_with(
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume['id'],
+ image_id=image_id,
+ image_meta=image_meta
+ )
+ @mock.patch('cinder.image.image_utils.qemu_img_info')
+ def test_create_from_image_cache_miss_error_size_invalid(
+ self, mock_qemu_info, mock_get_internal_context,
+ mock_create_from_img_dl, mock_create_from_src,
+ mock_handle_bootable, mock_fetch_img):
+ mock_fetch_img.return_value = mock.MagicMock()
+ image_info = imageutils.QemuImgInfo()
+ image_info.virtual_size = '2147483648'
+ mock_qemu_info.return_value = image_info
+ self.mock_driver.clone_image.return_value = (None, False)
+ self.mock_cache.get_entry.return_value = None
+ volume = fake_volume.fake_volume_obj(self.ctxt, size=1,
+ host='foo@bar#pool')
+ image_volume = fake_volume.fake_db_volume(size=2)
+ self.mock_db.volume_create.return_value = image_volume
+ image_location = 'someImageLocationStr'
+ image_id = 'c7a8b8d4-e519-46c7-a0df-ddf1b9b9fff2'
+ image_meta = mock.MagicMock()
+ manager = create_volume_manager.CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(
+ self.mock_volume_manager,
+ self.mock_db,
+ self.mock_driver,
+ image_volume_cache=self.mock_cache
+ )
+ self.assertRaises(
+ exception.ImageUnacceptable,
+ manager._create_from_image,
+ self.ctxt,
+ volume,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta,
+ self.mock_image_service
+ )
+ # The volume size should NOT be changed when in this case
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_db.volume_update.called)
+ # Make sure we didn't try and create a cache entry
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.ensure_space.called)
+ self.assertFalse(self.mock_cache.create_cache_entry.called)
from cinder import exception
from cinder import flow_utils
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.image import cache as image_cache
from cinder.image import glance
from cinder import keymgr
from cinder import objects
"snapshots.") % len(snapshots)
raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=msg)
+ cache = image_cache.ImageVolumeCache(self.db, self)
+ entry = cache.get_by_image_volume(context, volume_id)
+ if entry:
+ cache.evict(context, entry)
# If the volume is encrypted, delete its encryption key from the key
# manager. This operation makes volume deletion an irreversible process
# because the volume cannot be decrypted without its key.
- recv_metadata = self.image_service.create(context, metadata)
+ recv_metadata = self.image_service.create(
+ context, self.image_service._translate_to_glance(metadata))
self.update(context, volume, {'status': 'uploading'})
'upload-to-image will be placed in the internal tenant. '
'Otherwise, the image volume is created in the current '
'context\'s tenant.'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('image_volume_cache_enabled',
+ default=False,
+ help='Enable the image volume cache for this backend.'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('image_volume_cache_max_size_gb',
+ default=0,
+ help='Max size of the image volume cache for this backend in '
+ 'GB. 0 => unlimited.'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('image_volume_cache_max_count',
+ default=0,
+ help='Max number of entries allowed in the image volume cache. '
+ '0 => unlimited.'),
# for backward compatibility
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
+import math
import traceback
from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import timeutils
+from oslo_utils import units
import taskflow.engines
from taskflow.patterns import linear_flow
from taskflow.types import failure as ft
+from cinder import context as cinder_context
from cinder import exception
from cinder import flow_utils
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI
+from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
from cinder.image import glance
+from cinder.image import image_utils
from cinder import objects
from cinder import utils
from cinder.volume.flows import common
default_provides = 'volume'
- def __init__(self, db, driver):
+ def __init__(self, manager, db, driver, image_volume_cache=None):
super(CreateVolumeFromSpecTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION])
+ self.manager = manager
self.db = db
self.driver = driver
+ self.image_volume_cache = image_volume_cache
def _handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta(self, context, volume_id,
{'id': image_volume['id']})
return None, False
+ def _create_from_image_download(self, context, volume_ref, image_location,
+ image_id, image_service):
+ # TODO(harlowja): what needs to be rolled back in the clone if this
+ # volume create fails?? Likely this should be a subflow or broken
+ # out task in the future. That will bring up the question of how
+ # do we make said subflow/task which is only triggered in the
+ # clone image 'path' resumable and revertable in the correct
+ # manner.
+ model_update = self.driver.create_volume(volume_ref)
+ updates = dict(model_update or dict(), status='downloading')
+ try:
+ volume_ref = self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume_ref['id'], updates)
+ except exception.CinderException:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Failed updating volume %(volume_id)s with "
+ "%(updates)s"),
+ {'volume_id': volume_ref['id'],
+ 'updates': updates})
+ self._copy_image_to_volume(context, volume_ref,
+ image_id, image_location, image_service)
+ return model_update
+ def _create_from_image_cache(self, context, internal_context, volume_ref,
+ image_id, image_meta):
+ """Attempt to create the volume using the image cache.
+ Best case this will simply clone the existing volume in the cache.
+ Worst case the image is out of date and will be evicted. In that case
+ a clone will not be created and the image must be downloaded again.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Attempting to retrieve cache entry for image = '
+ '%(image_id)s on host %(host)s.',
+ {'image_id': image_id, 'host': volume_ref['host']})
+ try:
+ cache_entry = self.image_volume_cache.get_entry(internal_context,
+ volume_ref,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta)
+ if cache_entry:
+ LOG.debug('Creating from source image-volume %(volume_id)s',
+ {'volume_id': cache_entry['volume_id']})
+ model_update = self._create_from_source_volume(
+ context,
+ volume_ref,
+ cache_entry['volume_id']
+ )
+ return model_update, True
+ except exception.CinderException as e:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to create volume from image-volume cache, '
+ 'will fall back to default behavior. Error: '
+ '%(exception)s'), {'exception': e})
+ return None, False
def _create_from_image(self, context, volume_ref,
image_location, image_id, image_meta,
image_service, **kwargs):
" at location %(image_location)s.",
{'volume_id': volume_ref['id'],
'image_location': image_location, 'image_id': image_id})
# Create the volume from an image.
+ # First see if the driver can clone the image directly.
+ #
# NOTE (singn): two params need to be returned
# dict containing provider_location for cloned volume
# and clone status.
+ # Try and clone the image if we have it set as a glance location.
if not cloned and 'cinder' in CONF.allowed_direct_url_schemes:
model_update, cloned = self._clone_image_volume(context,
- if not cloned:
- # TODO(harlowja): what needs to be rolled back in the clone if this
- # volume create fails?? Likely this should be a subflow or broken
- # out task in the future. That will bring up the question of how
- # do we make said subflow/task which is only triggered in the
- # clone image 'path' resumable and revertable in the correct
- # manner.
- #
- # Create the volume and then download the image onto the volume.
- model_update = self.driver.create_volume(volume_ref)
- updates = dict(model_update or dict(), status='downloading')
- try:
- volume_ref = self.db.volume_update(context,
- volume_ref['id'], updates)
- except exception.CinderException:
- LOG.exception(_LE("Failed updating volume %(volume_id)s with "
- "%(updates)s"),
- {'volume_id': volume_ref['id'],
- 'updates': updates})
- self._copy_image_to_volume(context, volume_ref,
- image_id, image_location, image_service)
+ # Try and use the image cache.
+ should_create_cache_entry = False
+ internal_context = cinder_context.get_internal_tenant_context()
+ if not internal_context:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to get Cinder internal context, will '
+ 'not use image-volume cache.'))
+ if not cloned and internal_context and self.image_volume_cache:
+ model_update, cloned = self._create_from_image_cache(
+ context,
+ internal_context,
+ volume_ref,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta
+ )
+ if not cloned:
+ should_create_cache_entry = True
+ # Fall back to default behavior of creating volume,
+ # download the image data and copy it into the volume.
+ original_size = volume_ref['size']
+ try:
+ if not cloned:
+ with image_utils.TemporaryImages.fetch(
+ image_service, context, image_id) as tmp_image:
+ # Try to create the volume as the minimal size, then we can
+ # extend once the image has been downloaded.
+ if should_create_cache_entry:
+ data = image_utils.qemu_img_info(tmp_image)
+ virtual_size = int(
+ math.ceil(float(data.virtual_size) / units.Gi))
+ if virtual_size > volume_ref.size:
+ params = {'image_size': virtual_size,
+ 'volume_size': volume_ref.size}
+ reason = _("Image virtual size is %(image_size)dGB"
+ " and doesn't fit in a volume of size"
+ " %(volume_size)dGB.") % params
+ raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(
+ image_id=image_id, reason=reason)
+ if virtual_size and virtual_size != original_size:
+ updates = {'size': virtual_size}
+ volume_ref = self.db.volume_update(
+ context,
+ volume_ref['id'],
+ updates
+ )
+ model_update = self._create_from_image_download(
+ context,
+ volume_ref,
+ image_location,
+ image_id,
+ image_service
+ )
+ if should_create_cache_entry:
+ # Update the newly created volume db entry before we clone it
+ # for the image-volume creation.
+ if model_update:
+ volume_ref = self.db.volume_update(context,
+ volume_ref['id'],
+ model_update)
+ self.manager._create_image_cache_volume_entry(internal_context,
+ volume_ref,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta)
+ finally:
+ # If we created the volume as the minimal size, extend it back to
+ # what was originally requested. If an exception has occurred we
+ # still need to put this back before letting it be raised further
+ # up the stack.
+ if volume_ref['size'] != original_size:
+ self.driver.extend_volume(volume_ref, original_size)
+ updates = {'size': original_size}
+ self.db.volume_update(context, volume_ref['id'], updates)
self._handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta(context, volume_ref['id'],
'volume_id': volume_id})
-def get_flow(context, db, driver, scheduler_rpcapi, host, volume_id,
+def get_flow(context, manager, db, driver, scheduler_rpcapi, host, volume_id,
allow_reschedule, reschedule_context, request_spec,
- filter_properties):
+ filter_properties, image_volume_cache=None):
"""Constructs and returns the manager entrypoint flow.
This flow will do the following:
NotifyVolumeActionTask(db, "create.start"),
- CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(db, driver),
+ CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(manager,
+ db,
+ driver,
+ image_volume_cache),
CreateVolumeOnFinishTask(db, "create.end"))
# Now load (but do not run) the flow using the provided initial data.
from cinder import exception
from cinder import flow_utils
from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
+from cinder.image import cache as image_cache
from cinder.image import glance
from cinder import manager
from cinder import objects
from cinder import quota
from cinder import utils
+from cinder import volume as cinder_volume
from cinder.volume import configuration as config
from cinder.volume.flows.manager import create_volume
from cinder.volume.flows.manager import manage_existing
LOG.error(_LE("Invalid JSON: %s"),
+ if self.driver.configuration.safe_get(
+ 'image_volume_cache_enabled'):
+ max_cache_size = self.driver.configuration.safe_get(
+ 'image_volume_cache_max_size_gb')
+ max_cache_entries = self.driver.configuration.safe_get(
+ 'image_volume_cache_max_count')
+ self.image_volume_cache = image_cache.ImageVolumeCache(
+ self.db,
+ cinder_volume.API(),
+ max_cache_size,
+ max_cache_entries
+ )
+'Image-volume cache enabled for host %(host)s'),
+ {'host':})
+ else:
+'Image-volume cache disabled for host %(host)s'),
+ {'host':})
+ self.image_volume_cache = None
+ def _add_to_threadpool(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._tp.spawn_n(func, *args, **kwargs)
def _count_allocated_capacity(self, ctxt, volume):
pool = vol_utils.extract_host(volume['host'], 'pool')
if pool is None:
# verified by the task itself.
flow_engine = create_volume.get_flow(
+ self,
- filter_properties)
+ filter_properties,
+ image_volume_cache=self.image_volume_cache,
+ )
except Exception:
msg = _("Create manager volume flow failed.")
LOG.exception(msg, resource={'type': 'volume', 'id': volume_id})
self._notify_about_volume_usage(context, volume, "detach.end")"Detach volume completed successfully."), resource=volume)
+ def _create_image_cache_volume_entry(self, ctx, volume_ref,
+ image_id, image_meta):
+ """Create a new image-volume and cache entry for it.
+ This assumes that the image has already been downloaded and stored
+ in the volume described by the volume_ref.
+ """
+ image_volume = None
+ try:
+ if not self.image_volume_cache.ensure_space(
+ ctx,
+ volume_ref['size'],
+ volume_ref['host']):
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to ensure space for image-volume in'
+ ' cache. Will skip creating entry for image'
+ ' %(image)s on host %(host)s.'),
+ {'image': image_id, 'host': volume_ref['host']})
+ return
+ image_volume = self._clone_image_volume(ctx,
+ volume_ref,
+ image_meta)
+ if not image_volume:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to clone image_volume for image '
+ '%(image_id) will not create cache entry.'),
+ {'image_id': image_id})
+ return
+ self.image_volume_cache.create_cache_entry(
+ ctx,
+ image_volume,
+ image_id,
+ image_meta
+ )
+ except exception.CinderException as e:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Failed to create new image-volume cache entry'
+ ' Error: %(exception)s'), {'exception': e})
+ if image_volume:
+ self.delete_volume(ctx,
def _clone_image_volume(self, ctx, volume, image_meta):
volume_type_id = volume.get('volume_type_id')
reserve_opts = {'volumes': 1, 'gigabytes': volume.size}