# Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Meade. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Rushil Chugh. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Navneet Singh. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
"""Tests for NetApp e-series iscsi volume driver."""
import copy
+import ddt
import json
import re
import socket
from cinder import exception
from cinder import test
-from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import fakes
+from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import fakes as \
+ fakes
from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import common
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import client
raise exception.Invalid()
class NetAppEseriesISCSIDriverTestCase(test.TestCase):
"""Test case for NetApp e-series iscsi driver."""
def test_create_destroy(self):
- FAKE_POOLS = [{'label': 'DDP', 'volumeGroupRef': 'test'}]
- self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=FAKE_POOLS)
- self.library._client.features = mock.Mock()
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, '_get_resource_url', mock.Mock(
- return_value=fakes.FAKE_ENDPOINT_HTTP))
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, '_eval_response')
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volumes', mock.Mock(
- return_value=FAKE_POOLS))
+ self.mock_object(client.RestClient, 'delete_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value='None'))
+ self.mock_object(self.driver.library, 'create_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=self.volume))
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume', mock.Mock(
+ return_value=fakes.VOLUME))
- def test_get_vol_with_label_wwn_missing(self):
- self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput,
- self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn,
- None, None)
- def test_get_vol_with_label_wwn_found(self):
- fake_vl_list = [{'volumeRef': '1', 'volumeUse': 'standardVolume',
- 'label': 'l1', 'volumeGroupRef': 'g1',
- 'worlWideName': 'w1ghyu'},
- {'volumeRef': '2', 'volumeUse': 'standardVolume',
- 'label': 'l2', 'volumeGroupRef': 'g2',
- 'worldWideName': 'w2ghyu'}]
- self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=['g2', 'g3'])
- self.library._client.list_volumes = mock.Mock(
- return_value=fake_vl_list)
- vol = self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn('l2', 'w2:gh:yu')
- self.assertEqual(1, self.library._client.list_volumes.call_count)
- self.assertEqual('2', vol['volumeRef'])
- def test_get_vol_with_label_wwn_unmatched(self):
- fake_vl_list = [{'volumeRef': '1', 'volumeUse': 'standardVolume',
- 'label': 'l1', 'volumeGroupRef': 'g1',
- 'worlWideName': 'w1ghyu'},
- {'volumeRef': '2', 'volumeUse': 'standardVolume',
- 'label': 'l2', 'volumeGroupRef': 'g2',
- 'worldWideName': 'w2ghyu'}]
- self.library._get_storage_pools = mock.Mock(return_value=['g2', 'g3'])
- self.library._client.list_volumes = mock.Mock(
- return_value=fake_vl_list)
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn,
- 'l2', 'abcdef')
- self.assertEqual(1, self.library._client.list_volumes.call_count)
def test_manage_existing_get_size(self):
self.library._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref = mock.Mock(
size = self.driver.manage_existing_get_size(self.volume, self.fake_ref)
self.assertEqual(3, size)
- self.volume, self.fake_ref)
+ self.fake_ref)
def test_get_exist_vol_source_name_missing(self):
+ self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=exception.InvalidInput)
- self.volume, {'id': '1234'})
+ {'id': '1234'})
- def test_get_exist_vol_source_not_found(self):
- def _get_volume(v_id, v_name):
- d = {'id': '1'}
+ @ddt.data('source-id', 'source-name')
+ def test_get_exist_vol_source_not_found(self, attr_name):
+ def _get_volume(v_id):
+ d = {'id': '1', 'name': 'volume1', 'worldWideName': '0'}
return d[v_id]
- self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn = mock.Mock(wraps=_get_volume)
+ self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(wraps=_get_volume)
- {'id': 'id2'}, {'source-name': 'name2'})
- self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn.assert_called_once_with(
- 'name2', None)
+ {attr_name: 'name2'})
+ self.library._client.list_volume.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'name2')
def test_get_exist_vol_with_manage_ref(self):
fake_ret_vol = {'id': 'right'}
- self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn = mock.Mock(
- return_value=fake_ret_vol)
+ self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_ret_vol)
actual_vol = self.library._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(
- {'id': 'id2'}, {'source-name': 'name2'})
- self.library._get_volume_with_label_wwn.assert_called_once_with(
- 'name2', None)
+ {'source-name': 'name2'})
+ self.library._client.list_volume.assert_called_once_with('name2')
self.assertEqual(fake_ret_vol, actual_vol)
@mock.patch.object(utils, 'convert_uuid_to_es_fmt')
mock_convert_es_fmt.return_value = 'label'
self.driver.manage_existing(self.volume, self.fake_ref)
- self.volume, self.fake_ref)
+ self.fake_ref)
return_value={'id': 'update', 'worldWideName': 'wwn'})
self.driver.manage_existing(self.volume, self.fake_ref)
- self.volume, self.fake_ref)
+ self.fake_ref)
# Copyright (c) - 2015, Alex Meade
# Copyright (c) - 2015, Yogesh Kshirsagar
+# Copyright (c) - 2015, Michael Price
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
STORAGE_POOLS = [ssc_pool['pool'] for ssc_pool in SSC_POOLS]
- 'extremeProtection': False,
- 'pitBaseVolume': True,
- 'dssMaxSegmentSize': 131072,
- 'totalSizeInBytes': '1073741824',
- 'raidLevel': 'raid6',
- 'volumeRef': '0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293',
- 'listOfMappings': [],
- 'sectorOffset': '15',
- 'id': '0200000060080E500023BB34000003FB515C2293',
- 'wwn': '60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2',
- 'capacity': '2147483648',
- 'mgmtClientAttribute': 0,
- 'label': 'CFDXJ67BLJH25DXCZFZD4NSF54',
- 'volumeFull': False,
- 'blkSize': 512,
- 'volumeCopyTarget': False,
- 'volumeGroupRef': '0400000060080E500023BB3400001F9F52CECC3F',
- 'preferredControllerId': '070000000000000000000001',
- 'currentManager': '070000000000000000000001',
- 'applicationTagOwned': False,
- 'status': 'optimal',
- 'segmentSize': 131072,
- 'volumeUse': 'standardVolume',
- 'action': 'none',
- 'preferredManager': '070000000000000000000001',
- 'volumeHandle': 15,
- 'offline': False,
- 'preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled': False,
- 'dssPreallocEnabled': False,
- 'name': 'bdm-vc-test-1',
- 'worldWideName': '60080E500023BB3400001FC352D14CB2',
- 'currentControllerId': '070000000000000000000001',
- 'protectionInformationCapable': False,
- 'mapped': False,
- 'reconPriority': 1,
- 'protectionType': 'type1Protection'
+ {
+ "offline": False,
+ "extremeProtection": False,
+ "volumeHandle": 2,
+ "raidLevel": "raid0",
+ "sectorOffset": "0",
+ "worldWideName": "60080E50002998A00000945355C37C19",
+ "label": "1",
+ "blkSize": 512,
+ "capacity": "10737418240",
+ "reconPriority": 1,
+ "segmentSize": 131072,
+ "action": "initializing",
+ "cache": {
+ "cwob": False,
+ "enterpriseCacheDump": False,
+ "mirrorActive": True,
+ "mirrorEnable": True,
+ "readCacheActive": True,
+ "readCacheEnable": True,
+ "writeCacheActive": True,
+ "writeCacheEnable": True,
+ "cacheFlushModifier": "flush10Sec",
+ "readAheadMultiplier": 1
+ },
+ "mediaScan": {
+ "enable": False,
+ "parityValidationEnable": False
+ },
+ "volumeRef": "0200000060080E50002998A00000945355C37C19",
+ "status": "optimal",
+ "volumeGroupRef": "0400000060080E50002998A00000945255C37C14",
+ "currentManager": "070000000000000000000001",
+ "preferredManager": "070000000000000000000001",
+ "perms": {
+ "mapToLUN": True,
+ "snapShot": True,
+ "format": True,
+ "reconfigure": True,
+ "mirrorPrimary": True,
+ "mirrorSecondary": True,
+ "copySource": True,
+ "copyTarget": True,
+ "readable": True,
+ "writable": True,
+ "rollback": True,
+ "mirrorSync": True,
+ "newImage": True,
+ "allowDVE": True,
+ "allowDSS": True,
+ "concatVolumeMember": True,
+ "flashReadCache": True,
+ "asyncMirrorPrimary": True,
+ "asyncMirrorSecondary": True,
+ "pitGroup": True,
+ "cacheParametersChangeable": True,
+ "allowThinManualExpansion": False,
+ "allowThinGrowthParametersChange": False,
+ "allowVaulting": False,
+ "allowRestore": False
+ },
+ "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
+ "dssPreallocEnabled": True,
+ "dssMaxSegmentSize": 2097152,
+ "preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled": False,
+ "protectionInformationCapable": False,
+ "protectionType": "type1Protection",
+ "applicationTagOwned": False,
+ "untrustworthy": 0,
+ "volumeUse": "standardVolume",
+ "volumeFull": False,
+ "volumeCopyTarget": False,
+ "volumeCopySource": False,
+ "pitBaseVolume": False,
+ "asyncMirrorTarget": False,
+ "asyncMirrorSource": False,
+ "remoteMirrorSource": False,
+ "remoteMirrorTarget": False,
+ "diskPool": False,
+ "flashCached": False,
+ "increasingBy": "0",
+ "metadata": [],
+ "dataAssurance": True,
+ "name": "1",
+ "id": "0200000060080E50002998A00000945355C37C19",
+ "wwn": "60080E50002998A00000945355C37C19",
+ "objectType": "volume",
+ "mapped": False,
+ "preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
+ "totalSizeInBytes": "10737418240",
+ "onlineVolumeCopy": False,
+ "listOfMappings": [],
+ "currentControllerId": "070000000000000000000001",
+ "cacheSettings": {
+ "cwob": False,
+ "enterpriseCacheDump": False,
+ "mirrorActive": True,
+ "mirrorEnable": True,
+ "readCacheActive": True,
+ "readCacheEnable": True,
+ "writeCacheActive": True,
+ "writeCacheEnable": True,
+ "cacheFlushModifier": "flush10Sec",
+ "readAheadMultiplier": 1
+ },
+ "thinProvisioned": False
+ },
+ {
+ "volumeHandle": 16385,
+ "worldWideName": "60080E500029347000001D7B55C3791E",
+ "label": "2",
+ "allocationGranularity": 128,
+ "capacity": "53687091200",
+ "reconPriority": 1,
+ "volumeRef": "3A00000060080E500029347000001D7B55C3791E",
+ "status": "optimal",
+ "repositoryRef": "3600000060080E500029347000001D7955C3791D",
+ "currentManager": "070000000000000000000002",
+ "preferredManager": "070000000000000000000002",
+ "perms": {
+ "mapToLUN": True,
+ "snapShot": False,
+ "format": True,
+ "reconfigure": False,
+ "mirrorPrimary": False,
+ "mirrorSecondary": False,
+ "copySource": True,
+ "copyTarget": False,
+ "readable": True,
+ "writable": True,
+ "rollback": True,
+ "mirrorSync": True,
+ "newImage": True,
+ "allowDVE": True,
+ "allowDSS": True,
+ "concatVolumeMember": False,
+ "flashReadCache": True,
+ "asyncMirrorPrimary": True,
+ "asyncMirrorSecondary": True,
+ "pitGroup": True,
+ "cacheParametersChangeable": True,
+ "allowThinManualExpansion": False,
+ "allowThinGrowthParametersChange": False,
+ "allowVaulting": False,
+ "allowRestore": False
+ },
+ "mgmtClientAttribute": 0,
+ "preReadRedundancyCheckEnabled": False,
+ "protectionType": "type0Protection",
+ "applicationTagOwned": True,
+ "maxVirtualCapacity": "69269232549888",
+ "initialProvisionedCapacity": "4294967296",
+ "currentProvisionedCapacity": "4294967296",
+ "provisionedCapacityQuota": "55834574848",
+ "growthAlertThreshold": 85,
+ "expansionPolicy": "automatic",
+ "volumeCache": {
+ "cwob": False,
+ "enterpriseCacheDump": False,
+ "mirrorActive": True,
+ "mirrorEnable": True,
+ "readCacheActive": True,
+ "readCacheEnable": True,
+ "writeCacheActive": True,
+ "writeCacheEnable": True,
+ "cacheFlushModifier": "flush10Sec",
+ "readAheadMultiplier": 0
+ },
+ "offline": False,
+ "volumeFull": False,
+ "volumeGroupRef": "0400000060080E50002998A00000945155C37C08",
+ "blkSize": 512,
+ "storageVolumeRef": "0200000060080E500029347000001D7855C3791D",
+ "volumeCopyTarget": False,
+ "volumeCopySource": False,
+ "pitBaseVolume": False,
+ "asyncMirrorTarget": False,
+ "asyncMirrorSource": False,
+ "remoteMirrorSource": False,
+ "remoteMirrorTarget": False,
+ "flashCached": False,
+ "mediaScan": {
+ "enable": False,
+ "parityValidationEnable": False
+ },
+ "metadata": [],
+ "dataAssurance": False,
+ "name": "2",
+ "id": "3A00000060080E500029347000001D7B55C3791E",
+ "wwn": "60080E500029347000001D7B55C3791E",
+ "objectType": "thinVolume",
+ "mapped": False,
+ "diskPool": True,
+ "preferredControllerId": "070000000000000000000002",
+ "totalSizeInBytes": "53687091200",
+ "onlineVolumeCopy": False,
+ "listOfMappings": [],
+ "currentControllerId": "070000000000000000000002",
+ "segmentSize": 131072,
+ "cacheSettings": {
+ "cwob": False,
+ "enterpriseCacheDump": False,
+ "mirrorActive": True,
+ "mirrorEnable": True,
+ "readCacheActive": True,
+ "readCacheEnable": True,
+ "writeCacheActive": True,
+ "writeCacheEnable": True,
+ "cacheFlushModifier": "flush10Sec",
+ "readAheadMultiplier": 0
+ },
+ "thinProvisioned": True
+ }
INITIATOR_NAME = 'iqn.1998-01.com.vmware:localhost-28a58148'
INITIATOR_NAME_2 = 'iqn.1998-01.com.vmware:localhost-28a58149'
'unconfiguredSpace': '0'
+ def list_volume(self, volume_id):
+ return VOLUME
def list_volumes(self):
return [VOLUME]
# Copyright (c) 2014 Alex Meade
# Copyright (c) 2015 Yogesh Kshirsagar
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
from cinder import test
from cinder.tests.unit.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import fakes as \
+from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import exception as es_exception
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import client
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils
'user', self.fake_password,
self.my_client.client._endpoint = eseries_fake.FAKE_ENDPOINT_HTTP
- self.mock_object(self.my_client, '_eval_response')
fake_response = mock.Mock()
fake_response.status_code = 200
self.my_client.invoke_service = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_response)
+ @ddt.data(200, 201, 203, 204)
+ def test_eval_response_success(self, status_code):
+ fake_resp = mock.Mock()
+ fake_resp.status_code = status_code
+ self.assertIsNone(self.my_client._eval_response(fake_resp))
+ @ddt.data(300, 400, 404, 500)
+ def test_eval_response_failure(self, status_code):
+ fake_resp = mock.Mock()
+ fake_resp.status_code = status_code
+ expected_msg = "Response error code - %s." % status_code
+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(es_exception.WebServiceException,
+ expected_msg) as exc:
+ self.my_client._eval_response(fake_resp)
+ self.assertEqual(status_code, exc.status_code)
+ def test_eval_response_422(self):
+ status_code = 422
+ resp_text = "Fake Error Message"
+ fake_resp = mock.Mock()
+ fake_resp.status_code = status_code
+ fake_resp.text = resp_text
+ expected_msg = "Response error - %s." % resp_text
+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(es_exception.WebServiceException,
+ expected_msg) as exc:
+ self.my_client._eval_response(fake_resp)
+ self.assertEqual(status_code, exc.status_code)
def test_register_storage_system_does_not_log_password(self):
+ self.my_client._eval_response = mock.Mock()
self.my_client.register_storage_system([], password=self.fake_password)
for call in self.mock_log.debug.mock_calls:
__, args, __ = call
self.assertNotIn(self.fake_password, args[0])
def test_update_stored_system_password_does_not_log_password(self):
+ self.my_client._eval_response = mock.Mock()
for call in self.mock_log.debug.mock_calls:
self.assertEqual(fake_pool, pool)
+ @ddt.data(('volumes', True), ('volumes', False),
+ ('volume', True), ('volume', False))
+ @ddt.unpack
+ def test_get_volume_api_path(self, path_key, ssc_available):
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=ssc_available)
+ expected_key = 'ssc_' + path_key if ssc_available else path_key
+ expected = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get(expected_key)
+ actual = self.my_client._get_volume_api_path(path_key)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ @ddt.data(True, False)
+ def test_get_volume_api_path_invalid(self, ssc_available):
+ key = 'invalidKey'
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=ssc_available)
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.my_client._get_volume_api_path, key)
+ def test_list_volumes(self):
+ url = client.RestClient.RESOURCE_PATHS['ssc_volumes']
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=True)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUMES)
+ volumes = client.RestClient.list_volumes(self.my_client)
+ self.assertEqual(eseries_fake.VOLUMES, volumes)
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url)
+ @ddt.data(client.RestClient.ID, client.RestClient.WWN,
+ client.RestClient.NAME)
+ def test_list_volume_v1(self, uid_field_name):
+ url = client.RestClient.RESOURCE_PATHS['volumes']
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=False)
+ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUMES)
+ volume = client.RestClient.list_volume(self.my_client,
+ fake_volume[uid_field_name])
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url)
+ self.assertEqual(fake_volume, volume)
+ def test_list_volume_v1_not_found(self):
+ url = client.RestClient.RESOURCE_PATHS['volumes']
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=False)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(
+ return_value=eseries_fake.VOLUMES)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeNotFound,
+ client.RestClient.list_volume,
+ self.my_client, 'fakeId')
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url)
+ def test_list_volume_v2(self):
+ url = client.RestClient.RESOURCE_PATHS['ssc_volume']
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=True)
+ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_volume)
+ volume = client.RestClient.list_volume(self.my_client,
+ fake_volume['id'])
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url,
+ **{'object-id':
+ mock.ANY})
+ self.assertEqual(fake_volume, volume)
+ def test_list_volume_v2_not_found(self):
+ status_code = 404
+ url = client.RestClient.RESOURCE_PATHS['ssc_volume']
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=True)
+ msg = "Response error code - %s." % status_code
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=es_exception.WebServiceException(message=msg,
+ status_code=
+ status_code))
+ self.assertRaises(exception.VolumeNotFound,
+ client.RestClient.list_volume,
+ self.my_client, 'fakeId')
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url,
+ **{'object-id':
+ mock.ANY})
+ def test_list_volume_v2_failure(self):
+ status_code = 422
+ url = client.RestClient.RESOURCE_PATHS['ssc_volume']
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=True)
+ msg = "Response error code - %s." % status_code
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(
+ side_effect=es_exception.WebServiceException(message=msg,
+ status_code=
+ status_code))
+ self.assertRaises(es_exception.WebServiceException,
+ client.RestClient.list_volume, self.my_client,
+ 'fakeId')
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('GET', url,
+ **{'object-id':
+ mock.ANY})
def test_create_volume_V1(self):
self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
client.RestClient.create_volume, self.my_client,
'1', 'label', 1, read_cache=True)
+ @ddt.data(True, False)
+ def test_update_volume(self, ssc_api_enabled):
+ label = 'updatedName'
+ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ expected_volume = copy.deepcopy(fake_volume)
+ expected_volume['name'] = label
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=ssc_api_enabled)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock(return_value=expected_volume)
+ updated_volume = self.my_client.update_volume(fake_volume['id'],
+ label)
+ if ssc_api_enabled:
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
+ else:
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volume')
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('POST', url,
+ {'name': label},
+ **{'object-id':
+ fake_volume['id']}
+ )
+ self.assertDictMatch(expected_volume, updated_volume)
+ @ddt.data(True, False)
+ def test_delete_volume(self, ssc_api_enabled):
+ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.my_client.features = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.features.SSC_API_V2 = na_utils.FeatureState(
+ supported=ssc_api_enabled)
+ self.my_client._invoke = mock.Mock()
+ self.my_client.delete_volume(fake_volume['id'])
+ if ssc_api_enabled:
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
+ else:
+ url = self.my_client.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volume')
+ self.my_client._invoke.assert_called_once_with('DELETE', url,
+ **{'object-id':
+ fake_volume['id']}
+ )
@ddt.data('', '01.52.9000.2', '01.52.9001.2', '01.51.9000.3',
'01.51.9001.3', '01.51.9010.5', '0.53.9000.3', '0.53.9001.4')
def test_api_version_not_support_asup(self, api_version):
@ddt.data('01.53.9000.1', '01.53.9000.5', '01.53.8999.1',
- '01.53.9010.20', '01.53.9010.16', '01.54.9000.1',
+ '01.53.9010.20', '01.53.9010.17', '01.54.9000.1',
'02.51.9000.3', '02.52.8999.3', '02.51.8999.2')
def test_api_version_supports_ssc_api(self, api_version):
# Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Meade
# Copyright (c) 2015 Rushil Chugh
# Copyright (c) 2015 Yogesh Kshirsagar
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
filtered_pool_labels = [pool['label'] for pool in filtered_pools]
self.assertListEqual(pool_labels, filtered_pool_labels)
+ def test_get_volume(self):
+ fake_volume = copy.deepcopy(get_fake_volume())
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
+ result = self.library._get_volume(fake_volume['id'])
+ self.assertEqual(1, self.library._client.list_volume.call_count)
+ self.assertDictMatch(volume, result)
+ def test_get_volume_bad_input(self):
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidInput, self.library._get_volume,
+ None)
+ def test_get_volume_bad_uuid(self):
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.library._client.list_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.library._get_volume, '1')
def test_update_ssc_info_no_ssc(self):
drives = [{'currentVolumeGroupRef': 'test_vg1',
'driveMediaType': 'ssd'}]
da_enabled = pool['dataAssuranceCapable'] and (
+ thin_provisioned = pool['thinProvisioningCapable']
expected = {
+ 'netapp_thin_provisioned':
+ six.text_type(thin_provisioned).lower(),
'netapp_eseries_disk_spindle_speed': pool['spindleSpeed'],
def test_terminate_connection_iscsi_volume_not_mapped(self):
connector = {'initiator': eseries_fake.INITIATOR_NAME}
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ volume['listOfMappings'] = []
+ self.library._get_volume = mock.Mock(return_value=volume)
fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volumes',
- mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_eseries_volume]))
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host')
self.library.terminate_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector)
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host',
+ fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [
+ eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING
+ ]
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector)
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host',
+ fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ fake_eseries_volume['listOfMappings'] = [
+ eseries_fake.VOLUME_MAPPING
+ ]
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector)
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'map_volume_to_single_host',
+ fake_eseries_volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.library.initialize_connection_iscsi(get_fake_volume(), connector)
'type': 'fc',
'address': eseries_fake.WWPN
+ volume = copy.deepcopy(eseries_fake.VOLUME)
+ volume['listOfMappings'] = []
+ self.mock_object(self.library, '_get_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=volume))
self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts',
self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts',
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volumes',
- mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_eseries_volume]))
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host')
self.library.terminate_connection_fc(get_fake_volume(), connector)
self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts',
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volumes',
- mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_eseries_volume]))
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host')
self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_host',
self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_hosts',
- self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volumes',
- mock.Mock(return_value=[fake_eseries_volume]))
+ self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'list_volume',
+ mock.Mock(return_value=fake_eseries_volume))
self.mock_object(host_mapper, 'unmap_volume_from_host')
self.mock_object(self.library._client, 'get_volume_mappings_for_host',
@ddt.data(('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', 'true'),
('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', 'false'),
('netapp_eseries_flash_read_cache', 'flash_cache', None),
+ ('netapp_thin_provisioned', 'thin_provision', 'true'),
+ ('netapp_thin_provisioned', 'thin_provision', 'false'),
+ ('netapp_thin_provisioned', 'thin_provision', None),
('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', 'true'),
('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', 'false'),
('netapp_eseries_data_assurance', 'data_assurance', None),
# Ensure the volume we created is not cleaned up
self.assertEqual(0, self.library._client.delete_volume.call_count)
- def test_get_non_existing_volume_raises_keyerror(self):
- volume2 = get_fake_volume()
- # Change to a nonexistent id.
- volume2['name_id'] = '88888888-4444-4444-4444-cccccccccccc'
- self.assertRaises(KeyError,
- self.library._get_volume,
- volume2['name_id'])
def test_delete_non_existing_volume(self):
volume2 = get_fake_volume()
# Change to a nonexistent id.
# Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Meade
# Copyright (c) 2015 Rushil Chugh
# Copyright (c) 2015 Yogesh Kshirsagar
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _
import cinder.utils as cinder_utils
+from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import exception as es_exception
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp.eseries import utils
from cinder.volume.drivers.netapp import utils as na_utils
class RestClient(object):
"""REST client specific to e-series storage service."""
+ ID = 'id'
+ WWN = 'worldWideName'
+ NAME = 'label'
ASUP_VALID_VERSION = (1, 52, 9000, 3)
# We need to check for both the release and the pre-release versions
- SSC_VALID_VERSIONS = ((1, 53, 9000, 1), (1, 53, 9010, 16))
+ SSC_VALID_VERSIONS = ((1, 53, 9000, 1), (1, 53, 9010, 17))
+ 'volumes': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes',
+ 'volume': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}',
+ 'ssc_volumes': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/ssc/volumes',
+ 'ssc_volume': '/storage-systems/{system-id}/ssc/volumes/{object-id}'
+ }
def __init__(self, scheme, host, port, service_path, username,
password, **kwargs):
msg = _("Response error - %s.") % response.text
msg = _("Response error code - %s.") % status_code
- raise exception.NetAppDriverException(msg)
+ raise es_exception.WebServiceException(msg,
+ status_code=status_code)
+ def _get_volume_api_path(self, path_key):
+ """Retrieve the correct API path based on API availability
+ :param path_key: The volume API to request (volume or volumes)
+ :raise KeyError: If the path_key is not valid
+ """
+ if self.features.SSC_API_V2:
+ path_key = 'ssc_' + path_key
+ return self.RESOURCE_PATHS[path_key]
def create_volume(self, pool, label, size, unit='gb', seg_size=0,
read_cache=None, write_cache=None, flash_cache=None,
- data_assurance=None):
+ data_assurance=None, thin_provision=False):
"""Creates a volume on array with the configured attributes
Note: if read_cache, write_cache, flash_cache, or data_assurance
'size': int(size), 'dataAssuranceEnable': data_assurance,
'flashCacheEnable': flash_cache,
'readCacheEnable': read_cache,
- 'writeCacheEnable': write_cache}
+ 'writeCacheEnable': write_cache,
+ 'thinProvision': thin_provision}
# Use the old API
# Determine if there are were extra specs provided that are not
def delete_volume(self, object_id):
"""Deletes given volume from array."""
- path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}"
+ if self.features.SSC_API_V2:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
+ else:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volume')
return self._invoke('DELETE', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
def list_volumes(self):
"""Lists all volumes in storage array."""
- path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes"
+ if self.features.SSC_API_V2:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volumes')
+ else:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volumes')
return self._invoke('GET', path)
def list_volume(self, object_id):
- """List given volume from array."""
- path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}"
- return self._invoke('GET', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
+ """Retrieve the given volume from array.
+ :param object_id: The volume id, label, or wwn
+ :return The volume identified by object_id
+ :raise VolumeNotFound if the volume could not be found
+ """
+ if self.features.SSC_API_V2:
+ return self._list_volume_v2(object_id)
+ # The new API is not available,
+ else:
+ # Search for the volume with label, id, or wwn.
+ return self._list_volume_v1(object_id)
+ def _list_volume_v1(self, object_id):
+ # Search for the volume with label, id, or wwn.
+ for vol in self.list_volumes():
+ if (object_id == vol.get(self.NAME) or object_id == vol.get(
+ self.WWN) or object_id == vol.get(self.ID)):
+ return vol
+ # The volume could not be found
+ raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=object_id)
+ def _list_volume_v2(self, object_id):
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
+ try:
+ return self._invoke('GET', path, **{'object-id': object_id})
+ except es_exception.WebServiceException as e:
+ if(404 == e.status_code):
+ raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=object_id)
+ else:
+ raise
def update_volume(self, object_id, label):
- """Renames given volume in array."""
- path = "/storage-systems/{system-id}/volumes/{object-id}"
+ """Renames given volume on array."""
+ if self.features.SSC_API_V2:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('ssc_volume')
+ else:
+ path = self.RESOURCE_PATHS.get('volume')
data = {'name': label}
return self._invoke('POST', path, data, **{'object-id': object_id})
# Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Meade. All Rights Reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
class UnsupportedHostGroup(exception.NetAppDriverException):
message = _("Volume %(volume_id)s is currently mapped to unsupported "
"host group %(group)s")
+class WebServiceException(exception.NetAppDriverException):
+ def __init__(self, message=None, status_code=None):
+ self.status_code = status_code
+ super(WebServiceException, self).__init__(message=message)
# Copyright (c) 2015 Rushil Chugh
# Copyright (c) 2015 Navneet Singh
# Copyright (c) 2015 Yogesh Kshirsagar
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Michael Price
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
ENCRYPTION_UQ_SPEC = 'netapp_disk_encryption'
SPINDLE_SPD_UQ_SPEC = 'netapp_eseries_disk_spindle_speed'
RAID_UQ_SPEC = 'netapp_raid_type'
+ THIN_UQ_SPEC = 'netapp_thin_provisioned'
SSC_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 60 # seconds
WORLDWIDENAME = 'worldWideName'
return True
def _get_volume(self, uid):
- label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uid)
- return self._get_volume_with_label_wwn(label)
- def _get_volume_with_label_wwn(self, label=None, wwn=None):
- """Searches volume with label or wwn or both."""
- if not (label or wwn):
- raise exception.InvalidInput(_('Either volume label or wwn'
- ' is required as input.'))
- wwn = wwn.replace(':', '').upper() if wwn else None
- eseries_volume = None
- for vol in self._client.list_volumes():
- if label and vol.get('label') != label:
- continue
- if wwn and vol.get(self.WORLDWIDENAME).upper() != wwn:
- continue
- eseries_volume = vol
- break
- if not eseries_volume:
- raise KeyError()
- return eseries_volume
+ """Retrieve a volume by its label"""
+ if uid is None:
+ raise exception.InvalidInput(_('The volume label is required'
+ ' as input.'))
+ uid = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(uid)
+ return self._client.list_volume(uid)
def _get_snapshot_group_for_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(snapshot_id)
if data_assurance is not None:
data_assurance = na_utils.to_bool(data_assurance)
+ thin_provision = extra_specs.get(self.THIN_UQ_SPEC)
+ if(thin_provision is not None):
+ thin_provision = na_utils.to_bool(thin_provision)
target_pool = None
pools = self._get_storage_pools()
- data_assurance=data_assurance)
+ data_assurance=data_assurance,
+ thin_provision=thin_provision)
LOG.info(_LI("Created volume with "
"label %s."), eseries_volume_label)
except exception.NetAppDriverException as e:
pool_ssc_info = ssc_stats[poolId]
- encrypted = pool['encrypted']
pool_ssc_info[self.ENCRYPTION_UQ_SPEC] = (
- six.text_type(encrypted).lower())
+ six.text_type(pool['encrypted']).lower())
pool_ssc_info[self.SPINDLE_SPD_UQ_SPEC] = (pool['spindleSpeed'])
pool_ssc_info[self.RAID_UQ_SPEC] = (
self.SSC_RAID_TYPE_MAPPING.get(pool['raidLevel'], 'unknown'))
+ pool_ssc_info[self.THIN_UQ_SPEC] = (
+ six.text_type(pool['thinProvisioningCapable']).lower())
if pool['pool'].get("driveMediaType") == 'ssd':
pool_ssc_info[self.DISK_TYPE_UQ_SPEC] = 'SSD'
def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref):
"""Brings an existing storage object under Cinder management."""
- vol = self._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(volume, existing_ref)
+ vol = self._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(existing_ref)
label = utils.convert_uuid_to_es_fmt(volume['id'])
if label == vol['label']:
LOG.info(_LI("Volume with given ref %s need not be renamed during"
When calculating the size, round up to the next GB.
- vol = self._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(volume, existing_ref)
+ vol = self._get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(existing_ref)
return int(math.ceil(float(vol['capacity']) / units.Gi))
- def _get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(self, volume, existing_ref):
+ def _get_existing_vol_with_manage_ref(self, existing_ref):
- return self._get_volume_with_label_wwn(
- existing_ref.get('source-name'), existing_ref.get('source-id'))
+ vol_id = existing_ref.get('source-name') or existing_ref.get(
+ 'source-id')
+ return self._client.list_volume(vol_id)
except exception.InvalidInput:
reason = _('Reference must contain either source-name'
' or source-id element.')