from oslo_db import options as db_options
from cinder.api import common
+from cinder.i18n import _
db_opts = [
def get_by_id(context, model, id, *args, **kwargs):
return IMPL.get_by_id(context, model, id, *args, **kwargs)
+class Condition(object):
+ """Class for normal condition values for conditional_update."""
+ def __init__(self, value, field=None):
+ self.value = value
+ # Field is optional and can be passed when getting the filter
+ self.field = field
+ def get_filter(self, model, field=None):
+ return IMPL.condition_db_filter(model, self._get_field(field),
+ self.value)
+ def _get_field(self, field=None):
+ # We must have a defined field on initialization or when called
+ field = field or self.field
+ if not field:
+ raise ValueError(_('Condition has no field.'))
+ return field
+class Not(Condition):
+ """Class for negated condition values for conditional_update.
+ By default NULL values will be treated like Python treats None instead of
+ how SQL treats it.
+ So for example when values are (1, 2) it will evaluate to True when we have
+ value 3 or NULL, instead of only with 3 like SQL does.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, value, field=None, auto_none=True):
+ super(Not, self).__init__(value, field)
+ self.auto_none = auto_none
+ def get_filter(self, model, field=None):
+ # If implementation has a specific method use it
+ if hasattr(IMPL, 'condition_not_db_filter'):
+ return IMPL.condition_not_db_filter(model, self._get_field(field),
+ self.value, self.auto_none)
+ # Otherwise non negated object must adming ~ operator for not
+ return ~super(Not, self).get_filter(model, field)
+class Case(object):
+ """Class for conditional value selection for conditional_update."""
+ def __init__(self, whens, value=None, else_=None):
+ self.whens = whens
+ self.value = value
+ self.else_ = else_
+def is_orm_value(obj):
+ """Check if object is an ORM field."""
+ return IMPL.is_orm_value(obj)
+def conditional_update(context, model, values, expected_values, filters=(),
+ include_deleted='no', project_only=False):
+ """Compare-and-swap conditional update.
+ Update will only occur in the DB if conditions are met.
+ We have 4 different condition types we can use in expected_values:
+ - Equality: {'status': 'available'}
+ - Inequality: {'status': vol_obj.Not('deleting')}
+ - In range: {'status': ['available', 'error']
+ - Not in range: {'status': vol_obj.Not(['in-use', 'attaching'])
+ Method accepts additional filters, which are basically anything that
+ can be passed to a sqlalchemy query's filter method, for example:
+ [~sql.exists().where( == models.Snapshot.volume_id)]
+ We can select values based on conditions using Case objects in the
+ 'values' argument. For example:
+ has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==
+ case_values = db.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, 'has-snapshot')],
+ else_='no-snapshot')
+ db.conditional_update(context, models.Volume, {'status': case_values},
+ {'status': 'available'})
+ And we can use DB fields for example to store previous status in the
+ corresponding field even though we don't know which value is in the db
+ from those we allowed:
+ db.conditional_update(context, models.Volume,
+ {'status': 'deleting',
+ 'previous_status': models.Volume.status},
+ {'status': ('available', 'error')})
+ WARNING: SQLAlchemy does not allow selecting order of SET clauses, so
+ for now we cannot do things like
+ {'previous_status': model.status, 'status': 'retyping'}
+ because it will result in both previous_status and status being set to
+ 'retyping'. Issue has been reported [1] and a patch to fix it [2] has
+ been submitted.
+ [1]:
+ [2]:
+ :param values: Dictionary of key-values to update in the DB.
+ :param expected_values: Dictionary of conditions that must be met
+ for the update to be executed.
+ :param filters: Iterable with additional filters
+ :param include_deleted: Should the update include deleted items, this
+ is equivalent to read_deleted
+ :param project_only: Should the query be limited to context's project.
+ :returns number of db rows that were updated
+ """
+ return IMPL.conditional_update(context, model, values, expected_values,
+ filters, include_deleted, project_only)
"""Implementation of SQLAlchemy backend."""
+import collections
import datetime as dt
import functools
import re
import six
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
-from sqlalchemy import or_
+from sqlalchemy import or_, case
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, joinedload_all
from sqlalchemy.orm import RelationshipProperty
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table
from cinder.api import common
from cinder.common import sqlalchemyutils
+from cinder import db
from cinder.db.sqlalchemy import models
from cinder import exception
from cinder.i18n import _, _LW, _LE, _LI
-CONF.import_group("profiler", "cinder.service")
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
options.set_defaults(CONF, connection='sqlite:///$state_path/cinder.sqlite')
+ # NOTE(geguileo): To avoid a cyclical dependency we import the
+ # group here. Dependency cycle is objects.base requires db.api,
+ # which requires db.sqlalchemy.api, which requires service which
+ # requires objects.base
+ CONF.import_group("profiler", "cinder.service")
if CONF.profiler.profiler_enabled:
if CONF.profiler.trace_sqlalchemy:
_GET_METHODS[model] = _get_get_method(model)
return _GET_METHODS[model](context, id, *args, **kwargs)
+def condition_db_filter(model, field, value):
+ """Create matching filter.
+ If value is an iterable other than a string, any of the values is
+ a valid match (OR), so we'll use SQL IN operator.
+ If it's not an iterator == operator will be used.
+ """
+ orm_field = getattr(model, field)
+ # For values that must match and are iterables we use IN
+ if (isinstance(value, collections.Iterable) and
+ not isinstance(value, six.string_types)):
+ # We cannot use in_ when one of the values is None
+ if None not in value:
+ return orm_field.in_(value)
+ return or_(orm_field == v for v in value)
+ # For values that must match and are not iterables we use ==
+ return orm_field == value
+def condition_not_db_filter(model, field, value, auto_none=True):
+ """Create non matching filter.
+ If value is an iterable other than a string, any of the values is
+ a valid match (OR), so we'll use SQL IN operator.
+ If it's not an iterator == operator will be used.
+ If auto_none is True then we'll consider NULL values as different as well,
+ like we do in Python and not like SQL does.
+ """
+ result = ~condition_db_filter(model, field, value)
+ if (auto_none
+ and ((isinstance(value, collections.Iterable) and
+ not isinstance(value, six.string_types)
+ and None not in value)
+ or (value is not None))):
+ orm_field = getattr(model, field)
+ result = or_(result, orm_field.is_(None))
+ return result
+def is_orm_value(obj):
+ """Check if object is an ORM field or expression."""
+ return isinstance(obj, (sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.InstrumentedAttribute,
+ sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnElement))
+def conditional_update(context, model, values, expected_values, filters=(),
+ include_deleted='no', project_only=False):
+ """Compare-and-swap conditional update SQLAlchemy implementation."""
+ # Provided filters will become part of the where clause
+ where_conds = list(filters)
+ # Build where conditions with operators ==, !=, NOT IN and IN
+ for field, condition in expected_values.items():
+ if not isinstance(condition, db.Condition):
+ condition = db.Condition(condition, field)
+ where_conds.append(condition.get_filter(model, field))
+ # Transform case values
+ values = {field: case(value.whens, value.value, value.else_)
+ if isinstance(value, db.Case)
+ else value
+ for field, value in values.items()}
+ query = model_query(context, model, read_deleted=include_deleted,
+ project_only=project_only)
+ # Return True if we were able to change any DB entry, False otherwise
+ result = query.filter(*where_conds).update(values,
+ synchronize_session=False)
+ return 0 != result
class CinderObjectRegistry(base.VersionedObjectRegistry):
def registration_hook(self, cls, index):
setattr(objects, cls.obj_name(), cls)
+ # For Versioned Object Classes that have a model store the model in
+ # a Class attribute named model
+ try:
+ cls.model = db.get_model_for_versioned_object(cls)
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ pass
class CinderObject(base.VersionedObject):
# version compatibility.
VERSION_COMPATIBILITY = {'7.0.0': '1.0'}
+ Not = db.Not
+ Case = db.Case
def cinder_obj_get_changes(self):
"""Returns a dict of changed fields with tz unaware datetimes.
kargs = {'expected_attrs': getattr(cls, 'DEFAULT_EXPECTED_ATTR')}
return cls._from_db_object(context, cls(context), orm_obj, **kargs)
+ def conditional_update(self, values, expected_values=None, filters=(),
+ save_all=False, session=None, reflect_changes=True):
+ """Compare-and-swap update.
+ A conditional object update that, unlike normal update, will SAVE
+ the contents of the update to the DB.
+ Update will only occur in the DB and the object if conditions are
+ met.
+ If no expected_values are passed in we will default to make sure
+ that all fields have not been changed in the DB. Since we cannot
+ know the original value in the DB for dirty fields in the object
+ those will be excluded.
+ We have 4 different condition types we can use in expected_values:
+ - Equality: {'status': 'available'}
+ - Inequality: {'status': vol_obj.Not('deleting')}
+ - In range: {'status': ['available', 'error']
+ - Not in range: {'status': vol_obj.Not(['in-use', 'attaching'])
+ Method accepts additional filters, which are basically anything that
+ can be passed to a sqlalchemy query's filter method, for example:
+ [~sql.exists().where( == models.Snapshot.volume_id)]
+ We can select values based on conditions using Case objects in the
+ 'values' argument. For example:
+ has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==
+ case_values = volume.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, 'has-snapshot')],
+ else_='no-snapshot')
+ volume.conditional_update({'status': case_values},
+ {'status': 'available'}))
+ And we can use DB fields using model class attribute for example to
+ store previous status in the corresponding field even though we
+ don't know which value is in the db from those we allowed:
+ volume.conditional_update({'status': 'deleting',
+ 'previous_status': volume.model.status},
+ {'status': ('available', 'error')})
+ :param values: Dictionary of key-values to update in the DB.
+ :param expected_values: Dictionary of conditions that must be met
+ for the update to be executed.
+ :param filters: Iterable with additional filters
+ :param save_all: Object may have changes that are not in the DB,
+ this will say whether we want those changes saved
+ as well.
+ :param session: Session to use for the update
+ :param reflect_changes: If we want changes made in the database to
+ be reflected in the versioned object. This
+ may mean in some cases that we have to
+ reload the object from the database.
+ :returns number of db rows that were updated, which can be used as a
+ boolean, since it will be 0 if we couldn't update the DB
+ and 1 if we could, because we are using unique index id.
+ """
+ if 'id' not in self.fields:
+ msg = (_('VersionedObject %s does not support conditional update.')
+ % (self.obj_name()))
+ raise NotImplementedError(msg)
+ # If no conditions are set we will require object in DB to be unchanged
+ if expected_values is None:
+ changes = self.obj_what_changed()
+ expected = {key: getattr(self, key)
+ for key in self.fields.keys()
+ if self.obj_attr_is_set(key) and key not in changes and
+ key not in self.OPTIONAL_FIELDS}
+ else:
+ # Set the id in expected_values to limit conditional update to only
+ # change this object
+ expected = expected_values.copy()
+ expected['id'] =
+ # If we want to save any additional changes the object has besides the
+ # ones referred in values
+ if save_all:
+ changes = self.cinder_obj_get_changes()
+ changes.update(values)
+ values = changes
+ result = db.conditional_update(self._context, self.model, values,
+ expected, filters)
+ # If we were able to update the DB then we need to update this object
+ # as well to reflect new DB contents and clear the object's dirty flags
+ # for those fields.
+ if result and reflect_changes:
+ # If we have used a Case, a db field or an expression in values we
+ # don't know which value was used, so we need to read the object
+ # back from the DB
+ if any(isinstance(v, self.Case) or db.is_orm_value(v)
+ for v in values.values()):
+ # Read back object from DB
+ obj = type(self).get_by_id(self._context,
+ db_values = obj.obj_to_primitive()['']
+ # Only update fields were changes were requested
+ values = {field: db_values[field]
+ for field, value in values.items()}
+ # NOTE(geguileo): We don't use update method because our objects
+ # will eventually move away from VersionedObjectDictCompat
+ for key, value in values.items():
+ setattr(self, key, value)
+ self.obj_reset_changes(values.keys())
+ return result
class CinderObjectDictCompat(base.VersionedObjectDictCompat):
"""Mix-in to provide dictionary key access compat.
from iso8601 import iso8601
from oslo_versionedobjects import fields
+from sqlalchemy import sql
-from cinder.objects import base
+from cinder import context
+from cinder import db
+from cinder.db.sqlalchemy import models
+from cinder import objects
+from cinder import test
from cinder.tests.unit import objects as test_objects
-class TestObject(base.CinderObject):
+class TestObject(objects.base.CinderObject):
fields = {
- 'scheduled_at': base.fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
- 'uuid': base.fields.UUIDField(),
- 'text': base.fields.StringField(nullable=True),
+ 'scheduled_at': objects.base.fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
+ 'uuid': objects.base.fields.UUIDField(),
+ 'text': objects.base.fields.StringField(nullable=True),
class TestCinderComparableObject(test_objects.BaseObjectsTestCase):
def test_comparable_objects(self):
- @base.CinderObjectRegistry.register
- class MyComparableObj(base.CinderObject,
- base.CinderObjectDictCompat,
- base.CinderComparableObject):
+ @objects.base.CinderObjectRegistry.register
+ class MyComparableObj(objects.base.CinderObject,
+ objects.base.CinderObjectDictCompat,
+ objects.base.CinderComparableObject):
fields = {'foo': fields.Field(fields.Integer())}
class NonVersionedObject(object):
self.assertFalse(obj1 == obj3)
self.assertFalse(obj1 == obj4)
self.assertNotEqual(obj1, None)
+class TestCinderObjectConditionalUpdate(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestCinderObjectConditionalUpdate, self).setUp()
+ self.context = context.get_admin_context()
+ def _create_volume(self):
+ vol = {
+ 'display_description': 'Test Desc',
+ 'size': 1,
+ 'status': 'available',
+ 'availability_zone': 'az',
+ 'host': 'dummy',
+ 'attach_status': 'no',
+ }
+ volume = objects.Volume(context=self.context, **vol)
+ volume.create()
+ return volume
+ def _create_snapshot(self, volume):
+ snapshot = objects.Snapshot(context=self.context,
+ snapshot.create()
+ return snapshot
+ def _check_volume(self, volume, status, size, reload=False, dirty_keys=(),
+ **kwargs):
+ if reload:
+ volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(self.context,
+ self.assertEqual(status, volume.status)
+ self.assertEqual(size, volume.size)
+ dirty = volume.cinder_obj_get_changes()
+ self.assertEqual(list(dirty_keys), dirty.keys())
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ self.assertEqual(value, getattr(volume, key))
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # We also check that we can check for None values
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 2},
+ {'status': 'available', 'migration_status': None}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected_model_field(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # We also check that we can check for None values
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 2,
+ 'previous_status': volume.model.status},
+ {'status': 'available', 'migration_status': None}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, previous_status='available')
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, True,
+ previous_status='available')
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected_save_all(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ volume.size += 1
+ # We also check that we can check for not None values
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': 'available', 'availability_zone': volume.Not(None)},
+ save_all=True))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated and that the size
+ # is not a dirty key
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected_dont_save_all(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ volume.size += 1
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': 'available'}, save_all=False))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated with the new status
+ # but that size has not been saved and is a dirty key
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, False, ['size'])
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated but not the
+ # size
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_fail_non_iterable_expected_save_all(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ volume.size += 1
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'available'},
+ {'status': 'deleting'}, save_all=True))
+ # Check that the object in memory has not been updated and that the
+ # size is still a dirty key
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 2, False, ['size'])
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_default_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update({'status': 'deleting'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1, True)
+ def test_default_conditional_fail_update_non_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume_in_db = self._create_volume()
+ volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(self.context,
+ volume_in_db.size += 1
+ # This will fail because size in DB is different
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update({'status': 'deleting'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has not been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't changed the status but has
+ # the size we changed before the conditional update
+ self._check_volume(volume_in_db, 'available', 2, True)
+ def test_default_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected_with_dirty(self):
+ volume_in_db = self._create_volume()
+ volume = objects.Volume.get_by_id(self.context,
+ volume_in_db.size += 1
+ volume.size = 33
+ # This will fail because even though we have excluded the size from
+ # the default condition when we dirtied it in the volume object, we
+ # still have the last update timestamp that will be included in the
+ # condition
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update({'status': 'deleting'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has not been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 33, False, ['size'])
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't changed the status but has
+ # the size we changed before the conditional update
+ self._check_volume(volume_in_db, 'available', 2, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_negated_non_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 2},
+ {'status': db.Not('in-use'), 'size': db.Not(2)}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_expected_filter(self):
+ # Volume we want to change
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # Another volume that has no snapshots
+ volume2 = self._create_volume()
+ # A volume with snapshots
+ volume3 = self._create_volume()
+ self._create_snapshot(volume3)
+ # Update only it it has no snapshot
+ filters = (~sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==,)
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 2},
+ {'status': 'available'},
+ filters))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 2, True)
+ # Check that the other volumes in the DB haven't changed
+ self._check_volume(volume2, 'available', 1, True)
+ self._check_volume(volume3, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 20},
+ {'status': ('error', 'available'), 'size': range(10)}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 20)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 20, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_negated_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 20},
+ {'status': db.Not(('creating', 'in-use')), 'size': range(10)}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 20)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 20, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_fail_non_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': 'available', 'size': 2}))
+ # Check that the object in memory hasn't changed
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't changed either
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_fail_negated_non_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ result = volume.conditional_update({'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': db.Not('in-use'),
+ 'size': 2})
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ # Check that the object in memory hasn't changed
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't changed either
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_fail_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'available'},
+ {'status': ('error', 'creating'), 'size': range(2, 10)}))
+ # Check that the object in memory hasn't changed
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't changed either
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_fail_negated_iterable_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'error'},
+ {'status': db.Not(('available', 'in-use')), 'size': range(2, 10)}))
+ # Check that the object in memory hasn't changed
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't changed either
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_fail_non_iterable_expected_filter(self):
+ # Volume we want to change
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self._create_snapshot(volume)
+ # A volume that has no snapshots
+ volume2 = self._create_volume()
+ # Another volume with snapshots
+ volume3 = self._create_volume()
+ self._create_snapshot(volume3)
+ # Update only it it has no snapshot
+ filters = (~sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==,)
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting', 'size': 2},
+ {'status': 'available'},
+ filters))
+ # Check that the object in memory hasn't been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that no volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ self._check_volume(volume2, 'available', 1, True)
+ self._check_volume(volume3, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_case_value(self):
+ # Volume we want to change and has snapshots
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ self._create_snapshot(volume)
+ # Filter that checks if a volume has snapshots
+ has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==
+ # We want the updated value to depend on whether it has snapshots or
+ # not
+ case_values = volume.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, 'has-snapshot')],
+ else_='no-snapshot')
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update({'status': case_values},
+ {'status': 'available'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'has-snapshot', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'has-snapshot', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_case_value_else(self):
+ # Volume we want to change
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # Filter that checks if a volume has snapshots
+ has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==
+ # We want the updated value to depend on whether it has snapshots or
+ # not
+ case_values = volume.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, 'has-snapshot')],
+ else_='no-snapshot')
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update({'status': case_values},
+ {'status': 'available'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'no-snapshot', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'no-snapshot', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_non_iterable_case_value_fail(self):
+ # Volume we want to change doesn't have snapshots
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # Filter that checks if a volume has snapshots
+ has_snapshot_filter = sql.exists().where(
+ models.Snapshot.volume_id ==
+ # We want the updated value to depend on whether it has snapshots or
+ # not
+ case_values = volume.Case([(has_snapshot_filter, 'has-snapshot')],
+ else_='no-snapshot')
+ # We won't update because volume status is available
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update({'status': case_values},
+ {'status': 'deleting'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has not been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also hasn't been updated either
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_iterable_with_none_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # We also check that we can check for None values in an iterable
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': (None, 'available'),
+ 'migration_status': (None, 'finished')}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_iterable_with_not_none_expected(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # We also check that we can check for None values in a negated iterable
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': volume.Not((None, 'in-use'))}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_iterable_with_not_includes_null(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # We also check that negation includes None values by default like we
+ # do in Python and not like MySQL does
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': 'available',
+ 'migration_status': volume.Not(('migrating', 'error'))}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB also has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_iterable_with_not_includes_null_fails(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ # We also check that negation excludes None values if we ask it to
+ self.assertFalse(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting'},
+ {'status': 'available',
+ 'migration_status': volume.Not(('migrating', 'error'),
+ auto_none=False)}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has not been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, False)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB hasn't been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'available', 1, True)
+ def test_conditional_update_use_operation_in_value(self):
+ volume = self._create_volume()
+ expected_size = volume.size + 1
+ # We also check that using fields in requested changes will work as
+ # expected
+ self.assertTrue(volume.conditional_update(
+ {'status': 'deleting',
+ 'size': volume.model.size + 1},
+ {'status': 'available'}))
+ # Check that the object in memory has been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', expected_size, False)
+ # Check that the volume in the DB has also been updated
+ self._check_volume(volume, 'deleting', expected_size, True)