from cinder.zonemanager.drivers.brocade import brcd_fc_zone_driver as \
-from import cisco_fabric_opts as \
- cinder_zonemanager_drivers_cisco_ciscofabricopts
-from import cisco_fc_zone_driver as \
- cinder_zonemanager_drivers_cisco_ciscofczonedriver
from cinder.zonemanager import fc_zone_manager as \
- cinder_zonemanager_drivers_cisco_ciscofczonedriver.cisco_opts,
- itertools.chain(
- cinder_zonemanager_drivers_cisco_ciscofabricopts.
- cisco_zone_opts,
- )),
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Unit tests for Cisco fc san lookup service."""
-import mock
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
-import \
- as cisco_lookup
-import as ZoneConstant
-from cinder.zonemanager import utils as zm_utils
-nsshow = '20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29'
-switch_data = ['VSAN 304\n',
- '------------------------------------------------------\n',
- '------------------------------------------------------\n',
- '0x030001 N 20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29 (Cisco) ipfc\n',
- '0x030101 NL 10:00:00:00:77:99:60:2c (Interphase)\n',
- '0x030200 N 10:00:00:49:c9:28:c7:01\n']
-nsshow_data = ['10:00:8c:7c:ff:52:3b:01', '20:24:00:02:ac:00:0a:50']
-_device_map_to_verify = {
- '304': {
- 'initiator_port_wwn_list': ['10008c7cff523b01'],
- 'target_port_wwn_list': ['20240002ac000a50']}}
-class TestCiscoFCSanLookupService(cisco_lookup.CiscoFCSanLookupService,
- test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCiscoFCSanLookupService, self).setUp()
- self.configuration = conf.Configuration(None)
- self.configuration.set_default('fc_fabric_names', 'CISCO_FAB_2',
- 'fc-zone-manager')
- self.configuration.fc_fabric_names = 'CISCO_FAB_2'
- self.create_configuration()
- self.fabric_vsan = '304'
- # override some of the functions
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- test.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def create_configuration(self):
- fc_fabric_opts = []
- fc_fabric_opts.append(cfg.StrOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_address',
- default='', help=''))
- fc_fabric_opts.append(cfg.StrOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_user',
- default='admin', help=''))
- fc_fabric_opts.append(cfg.StrOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_password',
- default='admin1234', help='',
- secret=True))
- fc_fabric_opts.append(cfg.PortOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_port',
- default=22, help=''))
- fc_fabric_opts.append(cfg.StrOpt('cisco_zoning_vsan',
- default='304', help=''))
- config = conf.Configuration(fc_fabric_opts, 'CISCO_FAB_2')
- self.fabric_configs = {'CISCO_FAB_2': config}
- @mock.patch.object(cisco_lookup.CiscoFCSanLookupService,
- 'get_nameserver_info')
- def test_get_device_mapping_from_network(self, get_nameserver_info_mock):
- initiator_list = ['10008c7cff523b01']
- target_list = ['20240002ac000a50', '20240002ac000a40']
- get_nameserver_info_mock.return_value = (nsshow_data)
- device_map = self.get_device_mapping_from_network(
- initiator_list, target_list)
- self.assertDictMatch(_device_map_to_verify, device_map)
- @mock.patch.object(cisco_lookup.CiscoFCSanLookupService,
- '_get_switch_info')
- def test_get_nameserver_info(self, get_switch_data_mock):
- ns_info_list = []
- ns_info_list_expected = ['20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29',
- '10:00:00:49:c9:28:c7:01']
- get_switch_data_mock.return_value = (switch_data)
- ns_info_list = self.get_nameserver_info('304')
- self.assertEqual(ns_info_list_expected, ns_info_list)
- def test_parse_ns_output(self):
- invalid_switch_data = [' N 011a00;20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29']
- return_wwn_list = []
- expected_wwn_list = ['20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29',
- '10:00:00:49:c9:28:c7:01']
- return_wwn_list = self._parse_ns_output(switch_data)
- self.assertEqual(expected_wwn_list, return_wwn_list)
- self.assertRaises(exception.InvalidParameterValue,
- self._parse_ns_output, invalid_switch_data)
- def test_get_formatted_wwn(self):
- wwn_list = ['10008c7cff523b01']
- return_wwn_list = []
- expected_wwn_list = ['10:00:8c:7c:ff:52:3b:01']
- return_wwn_list.append(zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(wwn_list[0]))
- self.assertEqual(expected_wwn_list, return_wwn_list)
- @mock.patch.object(cisco_lookup.CiscoFCSanLookupService,
- '_run_ssh')
- def test__get_switch_info(self, run_ssh_mock):
- cmd_list = [ZoneConstant.FCNS_SHOW, self.fabric_vsan,
- ' | no-more']
- nsshow_list = [nsshow]
- run_ssh_mock.return_value = (Stream(nsshow), Stream())
- switch_data = self._get_switch_info(cmd_list)
- self.assertEqual(nsshow_list, switch_data)
- run_ssh_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list, True, 1)
-class Channel(object):
- def recv_exit_status(self):
- return 0
-class Stream(object):
- def __init__(self, buffer=''):
- self.buffer = buffer
- = Channel()
- def readlines(self):
- return self.buffer
- def splitlines(self):
- return self.buffer.splitlines()
- def close(self):
- pass
- def flush(self):
- self.buffer = ''
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Unit tests for Cisco fc zone client cli."""
-import time
-import mock
-from oslo_concurrency import processutils
-from six.moves import range
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import test
-from \
- import cisco_fc_zone_client_cli as cli
-import as ZoneConstant
-nsshow = '20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29'
-switch_data = ['VSAN 303\n',
- '----------------------------------------------------------\n',
- '----------------------------------------------------------\n',
- '0x030001 N 20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29 (Cisco) ipfc\n',
- '0x030101 NL 10:00:00:00:77:99:60:2c (Interphase)\n',
- '0x030200 NL 10:00:00:49:c9:28:c7:01\n']
-cfgactv = ['zoneset name OpenStack_Cfg vsan 303\n',
- 'zone name openstack50060b0000c26604201900051ee8e329 vsan 303\n',
- 'pwwn 50:06:0b:00:00:c2:66:04\n',
- 'pwwn 20:19:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29\n']
-active_zoneset = {
- 'zones': {
- 'openstack50060b0000c26604201900051ee8e329':
- ['50:06:0b:00:00:c2:66:04', '20:19:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29']},
- 'active_zone_config': 'OpenStack_Cfg'}
-zoning_status_data_basic = [
- 'VSAN: 303 default-zone: deny distribute: active only Interop: default\n',
- ' mode: basic merge-control: allow\n',
- ' session: none\n',
- ' hard-zoning: enabled broadcast: unsupported\n',
- ' smart-zoning: disabled\n',
- ' rscn-format: fabric-address\n',
- 'Default zone:\n',
- ' qos: none broadcast: unsupported ronly: unsupported\n',
- 'Full Zoning Database :\n',
- ' DB size: 220 bytes\n',
- ' Zonesets:2 Zones:2 Aliases: 0\n',
- 'Active Zoning Database :\n',
- ' DB size: 80 bytes\n',
- ' Name: test-zs-test Zonesets:1 Zones:1\n',
- 'Status:\n']
-zoning_status_basic = {'mode': 'basic', 'session': 'none'}
-zoning_status_data_enhanced_nosess = [
- 'VSAN: 303 default-zone: deny distribute: active only Interop: default\n',
- ' mode: enhanced merge-control: allow\n',
- ' session: none\n',
- ' hard-zoning: enabled broadcast: unsupported\n',
- ' smart-zoning: disabled\n',
- ' rscn-format: fabric-address\n',
- 'Default zone:\n',
- ' qos: none broadcast: unsupported ronly: unsupported\n',
- 'Full Zoning Database :\n',
- ' DB size: 220 bytes\n',
- ' Zonesets:2 Zones:2 Aliases: 0\n',
- 'Active Zoning Database :\n',
- ' DB size: 80 bytes\n',
- ' Name: test-zs-test Zonesets:1 Zones:1\n',
- 'Status:\n']
-zoning_status_enhanced_nosess = {'mode': 'enhanced', 'session': 'none'}
-zoning_status_data_enhanced_sess = [
- 'VSAN: 303 default-zone: deny distribute: active only Interop: default\n',
- ' mode: enhanced merge-control: allow\n',
- ' session: otherthannone\n',
- ' hard-zoning: enabled broadcast: unsupported\n',
- ' smart-zoning: disabled\n',
- ' rscn-format: fabric-address\n',
- 'Default zone:\n',
- ' qos: none broadcast: unsupported ronly: unsupported\n',
- 'Full Zoning Database :\n',
- ' DB size: 220 bytes\n',
- ' Zonesets:2 Zones:2 Aliases: 0\n',
- 'Active Zoning Database :\n',
- ' DB size: 80 bytes\n',
- ' Name: test-zs-test Zonesets:1 Zones:1\n',
- 'Status:\n']
-zoning_status_enhanced_sess = {'mode': 'enhanced', 'session': 'otherthannone'}
-active_zoneset_multiple_zones = {
- 'zones': {
- 'openstack50060b0000c26604201900051ee8e329':
- ['50:06:0b:00:00:c2:66:04', '20:19:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29'],
- 'openstack10000012345678902001009876543210':
- ['50:06:0b:00:00:c2:66:02', '20:19:00:05:1e:e8:e3:27']},
- 'active_zone_config': 'OpenStack_Cfg'}
-new_zone = {'openstack10000012345678902001009876543210':
- ['10:00:00:12:34:56:78:90', '20:01:00:98:76:54:32:10']}
-new_zones = {'openstack10000012345678902001009876543210':
- ['10:00:00:12:34:56:78:90', '20:01:00:98:76:54:32:10'],
- 'openstack10000011111111112001001111111111':
- ['10:00:00:11:11:11:11:11', '20:01:00:11:11:11:11:11']}
-zone_names_to_delete = 'openstack50060b0000c26604201900051ee8e329'
-class TestCiscoFCZoneClientCLI(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCiscoFCZoneClientCLI, self).setUp()
- self.fabric_vsan = '303'
- # override some of the functions
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- test.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_get_switch_info')
- def test_get_active_zone_set(self, get_switch_info_mock):
- cmd_list = [ZoneConstant.GET_ACTIVE_ZONE_CFG, self.fabric_vsan,
- ' | no-more']
- get_switch_info_mock.return_value = cfgactv
- active_zoneset_returned = self.get_active_zone_set()
- get_switch_info_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list)
- self.assertDictMatch(active_zoneset, active_zoneset_returned)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_run_ssh')
- def test_get_active_zone_set_ssh_error(self, run_ssh_mock):
- run_ssh_mock.side_effect = processutils.ProcessExecutionError
- self.assertRaises(exception.CiscoZoningCliException,
- self.get_active_zone_set)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_get_switch_info')
- def test_get_zoning_status_basic(self, get_zoning_status_mock):
- cmd_list = [ZoneConstant.GET_ZONE_STATUS, self.fabric_vsan]
- get_zoning_status_mock.return_value = zoning_status_data_basic
- zoning_status_returned = self.get_zoning_status()
- get_zoning_status_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list)
- self.assertDictMatch(zoning_status_basic, zoning_status_returned)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_get_switch_info')
- def test_get_zoning_status_enhanced_nosess(self, get_zoning_status_mock):
- cmd_list = [ZoneConstant.GET_ZONE_STATUS, self.fabric_vsan]
- get_zoning_status_mock.return_value =\
- zoning_status_data_enhanced_nosess
- zoning_status_returned = self.get_zoning_status()
- get_zoning_status_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list)
- self.assertDictMatch(zoning_status_enhanced_nosess,
- zoning_status_returned)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_get_switch_info')
- def test_get_zoning_status_enhanced_sess(self, get_zoning_status_mock):
- cmd_list = [ZoneConstant.GET_ZONE_STATUS, self.fabric_vsan]
- get_zoning_status_mock.return_value = zoning_status_data_enhanced_sess
- zoning_status_returned = self.get_zoning_status()
- get_zoning_status_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list)
- self.assertDictMatch(zoning_status_enhanced_sess,
- zoning_status_returned)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_get_switch_info')
- def test_get_nameserver_info(self, get_switch_info_mock):
- ns_info_list = []
- ns_info_list_expected = ['20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29']
- get_switch_info_mock.return_value = (switch_data)
- ns_info_list = self.get_nameserver_info()
- self.assertEqual(ns_info_list_expected, ns_info_list)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_run_ssh')
- def test_get_nameserver_info_ssh_error(self, run_ssh_mock):
- run_ssh_mock.side_effect = processutils.ProcessExecutionError
- self.assertRaises(exception.CiscoZoningCliException,
- self.get_nameserver_info)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_run_ssh')
- def test__cfg_save(self, run_ssh_mock):
- cmd_list = ['copy', 'running-config', 'startup-config']
- self._cfg_save()
- run_ssh_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list, True)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_run_ssh')
- @mock.patch.object(time, 'sleep')
- def test__cfg_save_with_retry(self, mock_sleep, run_ssh_mock):
- cmd_list = ['copy', 'running-config', 'startup-config']
- run_ssh_mock.side_effect = [
- processutils.ProcessExecutionError,
- ('', None)
- ]
- self._cfg_save()
- self.assertEqual(2, run_ssh_mock.call_count)
- run_ssh_mock.assert_has_calls([
-, True),
-, True)
- ])
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_run_ssh')
- @mock.patch.object(time, 'sleep')
- def test__cfg_save_with_error(self, mock_sleep, run_ssh_mock):
- cmd_list = ['copy', 'running-config', 'startup-config']
- run_ssh_mock.side_effect = processutils.ProcessExecutionError
- self.assertRaises(processutils.ProcessExecutionError, self._cfg_save)
- expected_num_calls = 5
- expected_calls = []
- for i in range(expected_num_calls):
- expected_calls.append(, True))
- self.assertEqual(expected_num_calls, run_ssh_mock.call_count)
- run_ssh_mock.assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_run_ssh')
- def test__get_switch_info(self, run_ssh_mock):
- cmd_list = [ZoneConstant.FCNS_SHOW, self.fabric_vsan]
- nsshow_list = [nsshow]
- run_ssh_mock.return_value = (Stream(nsshow), Stream())
- switch_data = self._get_switch_info(cmd_list)
- self.assertEqual(nsshow_list, switch_data)
- run_ssh_mock.assert_called_once_with(cmd_list, True)
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_ssh_execute')
- @mock.patch.object(cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI, '_cfg_save')
- def test__add_zones_with_update(self, ssh_execute_mock, cfg_save_mock):
- self.add_zones(new_zone, False, self.fabric_vsan,
- active_zoneset_multiple_zones,
- zoning_status_basic)
- self.assertEqual(2, ssh_execute_mock.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(2, cfg_save_mock.call_count)
- def test__parse_ns_output(self):
- return_wwn_list = []
- expected_wwn_list = ['20:1a:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29']
- return_wwn_list = self._parse_ns_output(switch_data)
- self.assertEqual(expected_wwn_list, return_wwn_list)
-class TestCiscoFCZoneClientCLISSH(test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCiscoFCZoneClientCLISSH, self).setUp()
- self.client = cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI(None, None, None, None, None)
- self.client.sshpool = mock.MagicMock()
- self.mock_ssh = self.client.sshpool.item().__enter__()
- @mock.patch('oslo_concurrency.processutils.ssh_execute')
- def test__run_ssh(self, mock_execute):
- mock_execute.return_value = 'ssh output'
- ret = self.client._run_ssh(['cat', 'foo'])
- self.assertEqual('ssh output', ret)
- mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(self.mock_ssh,
- 'cat foo',
- check_exit_code=True)
- @mock.patch('oslo_concurrency.processutils.ssh_execute')
- def test__run_ssh_with_error(self, mock_execute):
- mock_execute.side_effect = processutils.ProcessExecutionError()
- self.assertRaises(processutils.ProcessExecutionError,
- self.client._run_ssh,
- ['cat', 'foo'])
-class Channel(object):
- def recv_exit_status(self):
- return 0
-class Stream(object):
- def __init__(self, buffer=''):
- self.buffer = buffer
- = Channel()
- def readlines(self):
- return self.buffer
- def splitlines(self):
- return self.buffer.splitlines()
- def close(self):
- pass
- def flush(self):
- self.buffer = ''
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Unit tests for Cisco FC zone driver."""
-from oslo_concurrency import processutils
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
-_active_cfg_before_add = {}
-_active_cfg_before_delete = {
- 'zones': {
- 'openstack10008c7cff523b0120240002ac000a50': (
- ['10:00:8c:7c:ff:52:3b:01',
- '20:24:00:02:ac:00:0a:50'])},
- 'active_zone_config': 'cfg1'}
-_activate = True
-_zone_name = 'openstack10008c7cff523b0120240002ac000a50'
-_target_ns_map = {'100000051e55a100': ['20240002ac000a50']}
-_zoning_status = {'mode': 'basis', 'session': 'none'}
-_initiator_ns_map = {'100000051e55a100': ['10008c7cff523b01']}
-_zone_map_to_add = {'openstack10008c7cff523b0120240002ac000a50': (
- ['10:00:8c:7c:ff:52:3b:01', '20:24:00:02:ac:00:0a:50'])}
-_initiator_target_map = {'10008c7cff523b01': ['20240002ac000a50']}
-_device_map_to_verify = {
- '304': {
- 'initiator_port_wwn_list': [
- '10008c7cff523b01'], 'target_port_wwn_list': ['20240002ac000a50']}}
-_fabric_wwn = '304'
-class CiscoFcZoneDriverBaseTest(object):
- def setup_config(self, is_normal, mode):
- fc_test_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('fc_fabric_address_CISCO_FAB_1', default='',
- help='FC Fabric names'),
- ]
- configuration = conf.Configuration(fc_test_opts)
- # fill up config
- configuration.zoning_mode = 'fabric'
- configuration.zone_driver = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.'
- 'test_cisco_fc_zone_driver.'
- 'FakeCiscoFCZoneDriver')
- configuration.cisco_sb_connector = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.'
- 'test_cisco_fc_zone_driver'
- '.FakeCiscoFCZoneClientCLI')
- configuration.zoning_policy = 'initiator-target'
- configuration.zone_activate = True
- configuration.zone_name_prefix = 'openstack'
- configuration.fc_san_lookup_service = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager.'
- 'test_cisco_fc_zone_driver.'
- 'FakeCiscoFCSanLookupService')
- configuration.fc_fabric_names = 'CISCO_FAB_1'
- configuration.fc_fabric_address_CISCO_FAB_1 = ''
- if (is_normal):
- configuration.fc_fabric_user_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'admin'
- else:
- configuration.fc_fabric_user_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'invaliduser'
- configuration.fc_fabric_password_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'admin1234'
- if (mode == 1):
- configuration.zoning_policy_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'initiator-target'
- elif (mode == 2):
- configuration.zoning_policy_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'initiator'
- else:
- configuration.zoning_policy_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'initiator-target'
- configuration.zone_activate_CISCO_FAB_1 = True
- configuration.zone_name_prefix_CISCO_FAB_1 = 'openstack'
- configuration.zoning_vsan_CISCO_FAB_1 = '304'
- return configuration
-class TestCiscoFcZoneDriver(CiscoFcZoneDriverBaseTest, test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestCiscoFcZoneDriver, self).setUp()
- # setup config for normal flow
- self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(True, 1))
- GlobalVars._zone_state = []
- def setup_driver(self, config):
- self.driver = importutils.import_object(
- ''
- '.CiscoFCZoneDriver', configuration=config)
- def fake_get_active_zone_set(self, fabric_ip, fabric_user, fabric_pwd,
- zoning_vsan):
- return GlobalVars._active_cfg
- def fake_get_san_context(self, target_wwn_list):
- fabric_map = {}
- return fabric_map
- def test_delete_connection(self):
- GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True
- GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_delete
- self.driver.delete_connection(
- 'CISCO_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map)
- self.assertFalse(_zone_name in GlobalVars._zone_state)
- def test_delete_connection_for_initiator_mode(self):
- GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True
- GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_delete
- self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(True, 2))
- self.driver.delete_connection(
- 'CISCO_FAB_1', _initiator_target_map)
- self.assertFalse(_zone_name in GlobalVars._zone_state)
- def test_add_connection_for_invalid_fabric(self):
- """Test abnormal flows."""
- GlobalVars._is_normal_test = True
- GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_add
- GlobalVars._is_normal_test = False
- self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(False, 1))
- self.assertRaises(exception.FCZoneDriverException,
- self.driver.add_connection,
- 'CISCO_FAB_1',
- _initiator_target_map)
- def test_delete_connection_for_invalid_fabric(self):
- GlobalVars._active_cfg = _active_cfg_before_delete
- GlobalVars._is_normal_test = False
- self.setup_driver(self.setup_config(False, 1))
- self.assertRaises(exception.FCZoneDriverException,
- self.driver.delete_connection,
- 'CISCO_FAB_1',
- _initiator_target_map)
-class FakeCiscoFCZoneClientCLI(object):
- def __init__(self, ipaddress, username, password, port, vsan):
- if not GlobalVars._is_normal_test:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- "Unable to connect to fabric")
- def get_active_zone_set(self):
- return GlobalVars._active_cfg
- def add_zones(self, zones, isActivate):
- GlobalVars._zone_state.extend(zones.keys())
- def delete_zones(self, zone_names, isActivate):
- zone_list = zone_names.split(';')
- GlobalVars._zone_state = [
- x for x in GlobalVars._zone_state if x not in zone_list]
- def get_nameserver_info(self):
- return _target_ns_map
- def get_zoning_status(self):
- return _zoning_status
- def close_connection(self):
- pass
- def cleanup(self):
- pass
-class FakeCiscoFCSanLookupService(object):
- def get_device_mapping_from_network(self,
- initiator_wwn_list,
- target_wwn_list):
- device_map = {}
- initiators = []
- targets = []
- for i in initiator_wwn_list:
- if (i in _initiator_ns_map[_fabric_wwn]):
- initiators.append(i)
- for t in target_wwn_list:
- if (t in _target_ns_map[_fabric_wwn]):
- targets.append(t)
- device_map[_fabric_wwn] = {
- 'initiator_port_wwn_list': initiators,
- 'target_port_wwn_list': targets}
- return device_map
-class GlobalVars(object):
- global _active_cfg
- _active_cfg = {}
- global _zone_state
- _zone_state = list()
- global _is_normal_test
- _is_normal_test = True
- global _zoning_status
- _zoning_status = {}
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-"""Unit tests for Cisco FC san lookup service."""
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder import test
-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
-from cinder.zonemanager import fc_san_lookup_service as san_service
-_target_ns_map = {'100000051e55a100': ['20240002ac000a50']}
-_initiator_ns_map = {'100000051e55a100': ['10008c7cff523b01']}
-_device_map_to_verify = {
- '100000051e55a100': {
- 'initiator_port_wwn_list': [
- '10008c7cff523b01'], 'target_port_wwn_list': ['20240002ac000a50']}}
-_fabric_wwn = '100000051e55a100'
-class TestFCSanLookupService(san_service.FCSanLookupService, test.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestFCSanLookupService, self).setUp()
- self.configuration = self.setup_config()
- # override some of the functions
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- test.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- def setup_config(self):
- configuration = conf.Configuration(None)
- # fill up config
- configuration.fc_san_lookup_service = ('cinder.tests.unit.zonemanager'
- '.test_cisco_lookup_service'
- '.FakeCiscoFCSanLookupService')
- return configuration
- def test_get_device_mapping_from_network(self):
- GlobalParams._is_normal_test = True
- initiator_list = ['10008c7cff523b01']
- target_list = ['20240002ac000a50', '20240002ac000a40']
- device_map = self.get_device_mapping_from_network(
- initiator_list, target_list)
- self.assertDictMatch(_device_map_to_verify, device_map)
- def test_get_device_mapping_from_network_for_invalid_config(self):
- GlobalParams._is_normal_test = False
- initiator_list = ['10008c7cff523b01']
- target_list = ['20240002ac000a50', '20240002ac000a40']
- self.assertRaises(exception.FCSanLookupServiceException,
- self.get_device_mapping_from_network,
- initiator_list, target_list)
-class FakeCiscoFCSanLookupService(object):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- pass
- def get_device_mapping_from_network(self,
- initiator_wwn_list,
- target_wwn_list):
- if not GlobalParams._is_normal_test:
- raise exception.FCSanLookupServiceException("Error")
- device_map = {}
- initiators = []
- targets = []
- for i in initiator_wwn_list:
- if (i in _initiator_ns_map[_fabric_wwn]):
- initiators.append(i)
- for t in target_wwn_list:
- if (t in _target_ns_map[_fabric_wwn]):
- targets.append(t)
- device_map[_fabric_wwn] = {
- 'initiator_port_wwn_list': initiators,
- 'target_port_wwn_list': targets}
- return device_map
-class GlobalParams(object):
- global _is_normal_test
- _is_normal_test = True
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from cinder.volume import configuration
-cisco_zone_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_address',
- default='',
- help='Management IP of fabric'),
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_user',
- default='',
- help='Fabric user ID'),
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_password',
- default='',
- help='Password for user',
- secret=True),
- cfg.PortOpt('cisco_fc_fabric_port',
- default=22,
- help='Connecting port'),
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_zoning_policy',
- default='initiator-target',
- help='overridden zoning policy'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('cisco_zone_activate',
- default=True,
- help='overridden zoning activation state'),
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_zone_name_prefix',
- help='overridden zone name prefix'),
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_zoning_vsan',
- help='VSAN of the Fabric'),
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-CONF.register_opts(cisco_zone_opts, group='CISCO_FABRIC_EXAMPLE')
-def load_fabric_configurations(fabric_names):
- fabric_configs = {}
- for fabric_name in fabric_names:
- config = configuration.Configuration(cisco_zone_opts, fabric_name)
- fabric_configs[fabric_name] = config
- return fabric_configs
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import random
-from eventlet import greenthread
-from oslo_concurrency import processutils
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_utils import excutils
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LE
-from cinder import ssh_utils
-from cinder import utils
-from import cisco_fabric_opts as fabric_opts
-import as zone_constant
-from cinder.zonemanager import fc_san_lookup_service as fc_service
-from cinder.zonemanager import utils as zm_utils
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class CiscoFCSanLookupService(fc_service.FCSanLookupService):
- """The SAN lookup service that talks to Cisco switches.
- Version History:
- 1.0.0 - Initial version
- """
- VERSION = "1.0.0"
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Initializing the client."""
- super(CiscoFCSanLookupService, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None)
- self.create_configuration()
- self.switch_user = ""
- self.switch_port = ""
- self.switch_pwd = ""
- self.switch_ip = ""
- self.sshpool = None
- def create_configuration(self):
- """Configuration specific to SAN context values."""
- config = self.configuration
- fabric_names = [x.strip() for x in config.fc_fabric_names.split(',')]
- LOG.debug('Fabric Names: %s', fabric_names)
- # There can be more than one SAN in the network and we need to
- # get credentials for each for SAN context lookup later.
- # Cisco Zonesets require VSANs
- if fabric_names:
- self.fabric_configs = fabric_opts.load_fabric_configurations(
- fabric_names)
- def get_device_mapping_from_network(self,
- initiator_wwn_list,
- target_wwn_list):
- """Provides the initiator/target map for available SAN contexts.
- Looks up fcns database of each fc SAN configured to find logged in
- devices and returns a map of initiator and target port WWNs for each
- fabric.
- :param initiator_wwn_list: List of initiator port WWN
- :param target_wwn_list: List of target port WWN
- :returns: List -- device wwn map in following format
- {
- <San name>: {
- 'initiator_port_wwn_list':
- ('200000051e55a100', '200000051e55a121'..)
- 'target_port_wwn_list':
- ('100000051e55a100', '100000051e55a121'..)
- }
- }
- :raises: Exception when connection to fabric is failed
- """
- device_map = {}
- formatted_target_list = []
- formatted_initiator_list = []
- fabric_map = {}
- fabric_names = self.configuration.fc_fabric_names
- if not fabric_names:
- raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(
- err=_("Missing Fibre Channel SAN configuration "
- "param - fc_fabric_names"))
- fabrics = [x.strip() for x in fabric_names.split(',')]
- LOG.debug("FC Fabric List: %s", fabrics)
- if fabrics:
- for t in target_wwn_list:
- formatted_target_list.append(zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(t))
- for i in initiator_wwn_list:
- formatted_initiator_list.append(zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(i))
- for fabric_name in fabrics:
- self.switch_ip = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_address')
- self.switch_user = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_user')
- self.switch_pwd = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_password')
- self.switch_port = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_port')
- zoning_vsan = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_zoning_vsan')
- # Get name server data from fabric and find the targets
- # logged in
- nsinfo = ''
- LOG.debug("show fcns database for vsan %s", zoning_vsan)
- nsinfo = self.get_nameserver_info(zoning_vsan)
- LOG.debug("Lookup service:fcnsdatabase-%s", nsinfo)
- LOG.debug("Lookup service:initiator list from caller-%s",
- formatted_initiator_list)
- LOG.debug("Lookup service:target list from caller-%s",
- formatted_target_list)
- visible_targets = [x for x in nsinfo
- if x in formatted_target_list]
- visible_initiators = [x for x in nsinfo
- if x in formatted_initiator_list]
- if visible_targets:
- LOG.debug("Filtered targets is: %s", visible_targets)
- # getting rid of the : before returning
- for idx, elem in enumerate(visible_targets):
- elem = str(elem).replace(':', '')
- visible_targets[idx] = elem
- else:
- LOG.debug("No targets are in the fcns database"
- " for vsan %s", zoning_vsan)
- if visible_initiators:
- # getting rid of the : before returning ~sk
- for idx, elem in enumerate(visible_initiators):
- elem = str(elem).replace(':', '')
- visible_initiators[idx] = elem
- else:
- LOG.debug("No initiators are in the fcns database"
- " for vsan %s", zoning_vsan)
- fabric_map = {'initiator_port_wwn_list': visible_initiators,
- 'target_port_wwn_list': visible_targets
- }
- device_map[zoning_vsan] = fabric_map
- LOG.debug("Device map for SAN context: %s", device_map)
- return device_map
- def get_nameserver_info(self, fabric_vsan):
- """Get fcns database info from fabric.
- This method will return the connected node port wwn list(local
- and remote) for the given switch fabric
- """
- cli_output = None
- nsinfo_list = []
- try:
- cmd = ([zone_constant.FCNS_SHOW, fabric_vsan, ' | no-more'])
- cli_output = self._get_switch_info(cmd)
- except exception.FCSanLookupServiceException:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE("Failed collecting show fcns database for"
- " fabric"))
- if cli_output:
- nsinfo_list = self._parse_ns_output(cli_output)
- LOG.debug("Connector returning fcns info-%s", nsinfo_list)
- return nsinfo_list
- def _get_switch_info(self, cmd_list):
- stdout, stderr, sw_data = None, None, None
- try:
- stdout, stderr = self._run_ssh(cmd_list, True, 1)
- LOG.debug("CLI output from ssh - output: %s", stdout)
- if (stdout):
- sw_data = stdout.splitlines()
- return sw_data
- except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
- msg = _("Error while getting data via ssh: (command=%(cmd)s "
- "error=%(err)s).") % {'cmd': cmd_list,
- 'err': six.text_type(e)}
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CiscoZoningCliException(reason=msg)
- def _parse_ns_output(self, switch_data):
- """Parses name server data.
- Parses nameserver raw data and adds the device port wwns to the list
- :returns: list of device port wwn from ns info
- """
- nsinfo_list = []
- for line in switch_data:
- if not(" N " in line):
- continue
- linesplit = line.split()
- if len(linesplit) > 2:
- node_port_wwn = linesplit[2]
- nsinfo_list.append(node_port_wwn)
- else:
- msg = _("Malformed fcns output string: %s") % line
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
- return nsinfo_list
- def _run_ssh(self, cmd_list, check_exit_code=True, attempts=1):
- command = ' '.join(cmd_list)
- if not self.sshpool:
- self.sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(self.switch_ip,
- self.switch_port,
- None,
- self.switch_user,
- self.switch_pwd,
- min_size=1,
- max_size=5)
- last_exception = None
- try:
- with self.sshpool.item() as ssh:
- while attempts > 0:
- attempts -= 1
- try:
- return processutils.ssh_execute(
- ssh,
- command,
- check_exit_code=check_exit_code)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = _("Exception: %s") % six.text_type(e)
- LOG.error(msg)
- last_exception = e
- greenthread.sleep(random.randint(20, 500) / 100.0)
- try:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=last_exception.exit_code,
- stdout=last_exception.stdout,
- stderr=last_exception.stderr,
- cmd=last_exception.cmd)
- except AttributeError:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=-1,
- stdout="",
- stderr="Error running SSH command",
- cmd=command)
- except Exception:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE("Error running SSH command: %s"), command)
- def _ssh_execute(self, cmd_list, check_exit_code=True, attempts=1):
- """Execute cli with status update.
- Executes CLI commands where status return is expected.
- cmd_list is a list of commands, where each command is itself
- a list of parameters. We use utils.check_ssh_injection to check each
- command, but then join then with " ; " to form a single command.
- """
- # Check that each command is secure
- for cmd in cmd_list:
- utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd)
- # Combine into a single command.
- command = ' ; '.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(x), cmd_list))
- if not self.sshpool:
- self.sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(self.switch_ip,
- self.switch_port,
- None,
- self.switch_user,
- self.switch_pwd,
- min_size=1,
- max_size=5)
- stdin, stdout, stderr = None, None, None
- LOG.debug("Executing command via ssh: %s", command)
- last_exception = None
- try:
- with self.sshpool.item() as ssh:
- while attempts > 0:
- attempts -= 1
- try:
- stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
- greenthread.sleep(random.randint(20, 500) / 100.0)
- channel =
- exit_status = channel.recv_exit_status()
- LOG.debug("Exit Status from ssh:%s", exit_status)
- # exit_status == -1 if no exit code was returned
- if exit_status != -1:
- LOG.debug('Result was %s', exit_status)
- if check_exit_code and exit_status != 0:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=exit_status,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr,
- cmd=command)
- else:
- return True
- else:
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- msg = _("Exception: %s") % six.text_type(e)
- LOG.error(msg)
- last_exception = e
- greenthread.sleep(random.randint(20, 500) / 100.0)
- LOG.debug("Handling error case after SSH:%s", last_exception)
- try:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=last_exception.exit_code,
- stdout=last_exception.stdout,
- stderr=last_exception.stderr,
- cmd=last_exception.cmd)
- except AttributeError:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=-1,
- stdout="",
- stderr="Error running SSH command",
- cmd=command)
- except Exception as e:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- msg = (_("Error executing command via ssh: %s") %
- six.text_type(e))
- LOG.error(msg)
- finally:
- if stdin:
- stdin.flush()
- stdin.close()
- if stdout:
- stdout.close()
- if stderr:
- stderr.close()
- def cleanup(self):
- self.sshpool = None
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Script to push the zone configuration to Cisco SAN switches.
-import random
-import re
-from eventlet import greenthread
-from oslo_concurrency import processutils
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_utils import excutils
-import six
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI, _LW
-from cinder import ssh_utils
-from cinder import utils
-import as ZoneConstant
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class CiscoFCZoneClientCLI(object):
- """Cisco FC zone client cli implementation.
- OpenStack Fibre Channel zone client cli connector
- to manage FC zoning in Cisco SAN fabrics.
- Version history:
- 1.0 - Initial Cisco FC zone client cli
- """
- switch_ip = None
- switch_port = '22'
- switch_user = 'admin'
- switch_pwd = 'none'
- def __init__(self, ipaddress, username, password, port, vsan):
- """initializing the client."""
- self.switch_ip = ipaddress
- self.switch_port = port
- self.switch_user = username
- self.switch_pwd = password
- self.fabric_vsan = vsan
- self.sshpool = None
- def get_active_zone_set(self):
- """Return the active zone configuration.
- Return active zoneset from fabric. When none of the configurations
- are active then it will return empty map.
- :returns: Map -- active zone set map in the following format
- {
- 'zones':
- {'openstack50060b0000c26604201900051ee8e329':
- ['50060b0000c26604', '201900051ee8e329']
- },
- 'active_zone_config': 'OpenStack_Cfg'
- }
- """
- zone_set = {}
- zone = {}
- zone_member = None
- zone_name = None
- switch_data = None
- zone_set_name = None
- try:
- switch_data = self._get_switch_info(
- [ZoneConstant.GET_ACTIVE_ZONE_CFG, self.fabric_vsan,
- ' | no-more'])
- except exception.CiscoZoningCliException:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE("Failed getting active zone set "
- "from fabric %s"), self.switch_ip)
- try:
- for line in switch_data:
- # Split on non-word characters,
- line_split = re.split('[\s\[\]]+', line)
- if ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONESET in line_split:
- # zoneset name [name] vsan [vsan]
- zone_set_name = \
- line_split[line_split.index(ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONESET)
- + 2]
- continue
- if ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONE in line_split:
- # zone name [name] vsan [vsan]
- zone_name = \
- line_split[line_split.index(ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONE) + 2]
- zone[zone_name] = list()
- continue
- if ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONE_MEMBER in line_split:
- # Examples:
- # pwwn c0:50:76:05:15:9f:00:12
- # * fcid 0x1e01c0 [pwwn 50:05:07:68:02:20:48:04] [V7K_N1P2]
- zone_member = \
- line_split[
- line_split.index(ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONE_MEMBER) + 1]
- zone_member_list = zone.get(zone_name)
- zone_member_list.append(zone_member)
- zone_set[ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONES] = zone
- zone_set[ZoneConstant.ACTIVE_ZONE_CONFIG] = zone_set_name
- except Exception as ex:
- # In case of parsing error here, it should be malformed cli output.
- msg = _("Malformed zone configuration: (switch=%(switch)s "
- "zone_config=%(zone_config)s)."
- ) % {'switch': self.switch_ip,
- 'zone_config': switch_data}
- LOG.error(msg)
- exc_msg = _("Exception: %s") % six.text_type(ex)
- LOG.error(exc_msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(reason=msg)
- return zone_set
- def add_zones(self, zones, activate, fabric_vsan, active_zone_set,
- zone_status):
- """Add zone configuration.
- This method will add the zone configuration passed by user.
- input params:
- zones - zone names mapped to members and VSANs.
- zone members are colon separated but case-insensitive
- { zonename1:[zonememeber1,zonemember2,...],
- zonename2:[zonemember1, zonemember2,...]...}
- e.g: {'openstack50060b0000c26604201900051ee8e329':
- ['50:06:0b:00:00:c2:66:04', '20:19:00:05:1e:e8:e3:29']
- }
- activate - True/False
- """
- LOG.debug("Add Zones - Zones passed: %s", zones)
- LOG.debug("Active zone set: %s", active_zone_set)
- zone_list = active_zone_set[ZoneConstant.CFG_ZONES]
- LOG.debug("zone list: %s", zone_list)
- LOG.debug("zone status: %s", zone_status)
- cfg_name = active_zone_set[ZoneConstant.ACTIVE_ZONE_CONFIG]
- zone_cmds = [['conf'],
- ['zoneset', 'name', cfg_name, 'vsan', fabric_vsan]]
- for zone in zones.keys():
- # if zone exists, its an update. Delete & insert
- LOG.debug("Update call")
- if zone in zone_list:
- # Response from get_active_zone_set strips colons from WWPNs
- current_zone = set(zone_list[zone])
- new_wwpns = map(lambda x: x.lower().replace(':', ''),
- zones[zone])
- new_zone = set(new_wwpns)
- if current_zone != new_zone:
- try:
- self.delete_zones(zone, activate, fabric_vsan,
- active_zone_set, zone_status)
- except exception.CiscoZoningCliException:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE("Deleting zone failed %s"), zone)
- LOG.debug("Deleted Zone before insert : %s", zone)
- zone_cmds.append(['zone', 'name', zone])
- for member in zones[zone]:
- zone_cmds.append(['member', 'pwwn', member])
- zone_cmds.append(['end'])
- try:
- LOG.debug("Add zones: Config cmd to run: %s", zone_cmds)
- self._ssh_execute(zone_cmds, True, 1)
- if activate:
- self.activate_zoneset(cfg_name, fabric_vsan, zone_status)
- self._cfg_save()
- except Exception as e:
- msg = _("Creating and activating zone set failed: "
- "(Zone set=%(zoneset)s error=%(err)s)."
- ) % {'zoneset': cfg_name, 'err': six.text_type(e)}
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CiscoZoningCliException(reason=msg)
- def activate_zoneset(self, cfgname, fabric_vsan, zone_status):
- """Method to Activate the zone config. Param cfgname - ZonesetName."""
- LOG.debug("zone status: %s", zone_status)
- cmd_list = [['conf'],
- ['zoneset', 'activate', 'name', cfgname, 'vsan',
- self.fabric_vsan]]
- if zone_status['mode'] == 'enhanced':
- cmd_list.append(['zone', 'commit', 'vsan', fabric_vsan])
- cmd_list.append(['end'])
- return self._ssh_execute(cmd_list, True, 1)
- def get_zoning_status(self):
- """Return the zoning mode and session for a zoneset."""
- zone_status = {}
- try:
- switch_data = self._get_switch_info(
- [ZoneConstant.GET_ZONE_STATUS, self.fabric_vsan])
- except exception.CiscoZoningCliException:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE("Failed getting zone status "
- "from fabric %s"), self.switch_ip)
- try:
- for line in switch_data:
- # Split on non-word characters,
- line_split = re.split('[\s\[\]]+', line)
- if 'mode:' in line_split:
- # mode: <enhanced|basic>
- zone_status['mode'] = line_split[line_split.index('mode:')
- + 1]
- continue
- if 'session:' in line_split:
- # session: <none|a value other than none>
- zone_status['session'] = \
- line_split[line_split.index('session:') + 1]
- continue
- except Exception as ex:
- # In case of parsing error here, it should be malformed cli output.
- msg = _("Malformed zone status: (switch=%(switch)s "
- "zone_config=%(zone_config)s)."
- ) % {'switch': self.switch_ip,
- 'zone_status': switch_data}
- LOG.error(msg)
- exc_msg = _("Exception: %s") % six.text_type(ex)
- LOG.error(exc_msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(reason=msg)
- return zone_status
- def delete_zones(self, zone_names, activate, fabric_vsan, active_zone_set,
- zone_status):
- """Delete zones from fabric.
- Method to delete the active zone config zones
- params zone_names: zoneNames separated by semicolon
- params activate: True/False
- """
- LOG.debug("zone_names %s", zone_names)
- active_zoneset_name = active_zone_set[ZoneConstant.ACTIVE_ZONE_CONFIG]
- cmds = [['conf'],
- ['zoneset', 'name', active_zoneset_name, 'vsan',
- fabric_vsan]]
- try:
- for zone in set(zone_names.split(';')):
- cmds.append(['no', 'zone', 'name', zone])
- cmds.append(['end'])
- LOG.debug("Delete zones: Config cmd to run: %s", cmds)
- self._ssh_execute(cmds, True, 1)
- if activate:
- self.activate_zoneset(active_zoneset_name, fabric_vsan,
- zone_status)
- self._cfg_save()
- except Exception as e:
- msg = _("Deleting zones failed: (command=%(cmd)s error=%(err)s)."
- ) % {'cmd': cmds, 'err': six.text_type(e)}
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CiscoZoningCliException(reason=msg)
- def get_nameserver_info(self):
- """Get name server data from fabric.
- This method will return the connected node port wwn list(local
- and remote) for the given switch fabric
- show fcns database
- """
- cli_output = None
- return_list = []
- try:
- cli_output = self._get_switch_info([ZoneConstant.FCNS_SHOW,
- self.fabric_vsan])
- except exception.CiscoZoningCliException:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.error(_LE("Failed collecting fcns database "
- "info for fabric %s"), self.switch_ip)
- if (cli_output):
- return_list = self._parse_ns_output(cli_output)
-"Connector returning fcnsinfo-%s"), return_list)
- return return_list
- @utils.retry(processutils.ProcessExecutionError, retries=5)
- def _cfg_save(self):
- cmd = ['copy', 'running-config', 'startup-config']
- self._run_ssh(cmd, True)
- def _get_switch_info(self, cmd_list):
- stdout, stderr, sw_data = None, None, None
- try:
- stdout, stderr = self._run_ssh(cmd_list, True)
- LOG.debug("CLI output from ssh - output: %s", stdout)
- if (stdout):
- sw_data = stdout.splitlines()
- return sw_data
- except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as e:
- msg = _("Error while getting data via ssh: (command=%(cmd)s "
- "error=%(err)s).") % {'cmd': cmd_list,
- 'err': six.text_type(e)}
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.CiscoZoningCliException(reason=msg)
- def _parse_ns_output(self, switch_data):
- """Parses name server data.
- Parses nameserver raw data and adds the device port wwns to the list
- :returns: List -- list of device port wwn from ns info
- """
- return_list = []
- for line in switch_data:
- if not(" N " in line):
- continue
- linesplit = line.split()
- if len(linesplit) > 2:
- node_port_wwn = linesplit[2]
- return_list.append(node_port_wwn)
- else:
- msg = _("Malformed show fcns database string: %s") % line
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(err=msg)
- return return_list
- def _run_ssh(self, cmd_list, check_exit_code=True):
- command = ' '.join(cmd_list)
- if not self.sshpool:
- self.sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(self.switch_ip,
- self.switch_port,
- None,
- self.switch_user,
- self.switch_pwd,
- min_size=1,
- max_size=5)
- try:
- with self.sshpool.item() as ssh:
- return processutils.ssh_execute(
- ssh,
- command,
- check_exit_code=check_exit_code)
- except Exception:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.warning(_LW("Error running SSH command: %s"), command)
- def _ssh_execute(self, cmd_list, check_exit_code=True, attempts=1):
- """Execute cli with status update.
- Executes CLI commands where status return is expected.
- cmd_list is a list of commands, where each command is itself
- a list of parameters. We use utils.check_ssh_injection to check each
- command, but then join then with " ; " to form a single command.
- """
- # Check that each command is secure
- for cmd in cmd_list:
- utils.check_ssh_injection(cmd)
- # Combine into a single command.
- command = ' ; '.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(x), cmd_list))
- if not self.sshpool:
- self.sshpool = ssh_utils.SSHPool(self.switch_ip,
- self.switch_port,
- None,
- self.switch_user,
- self.switch_pwd,
- min_size=1,
- max_size=5)
- stdin, stdout, stderr = None, None, None
- LOG.debug("Executing command via ssh: %s", command)
- last_exception = None
- try:
- with self.sshpool.item() as ssh:
- while attempts > 0:
- attempts -= 1
- try:
- stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command)
- channel =
- exit_status = channel.recv_exit_status()
- LOG.debug("Exit Status from ssh: %s", exit_status)
- # exit_status == -1 if no exit code was returned
- if exit_status != -1:
- LOG.debug('Result was %s', exit_status)
- if check_exit_code and exit_status != 0:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=exit_status,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr,
- cmd=command)
- else:
- return True
- else:
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- LOG.exception(_LE('Error executing SSH command.'))
- last_exception = e
- greenthread.sleep(random.randint(20, 500) / 100.0)
- LOG.debug("Handling error case after SSH: %s", last_exception)
- try:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=last_exception.exit_code,
- stdout=last_exception.stdout,
- stderr=last_exception.stderr,
- cmd=last_exception.cmd)
- except AttributeError:
- raise processutils.ProcessExecutionError(
- exit_code=-1,
- stdout="",
- stderr="Error running SSH command",
- cmd=command)
- except Exception:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.exception(_LE("Error executing command via ssh."))
- finally:
- if stdin:
- stdin.flush()
- stdin.close()
- if stdout:
- stdout.close()
- if stderr:
- stderr.close()
- def cleanup(self):
- self.sshpool = None
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Cisco Zone Driver is responsible to manage access control using FC zoning
-for Cisco FC fabrics.
-This is a concrete implementation of FCZoneDriver interface implementing
-add_connection and delete_connection interfaces.
-**Related Flags**
-:zone_activate: Used by: class: 'FCZoneDriver'. Defaults to True
-:zone_name_prefix: Used by: class: 'FCZoneDriver'. Defaults to 'openstack'
-from oslo_concurrency import lockutils
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_log import log as logging
-from oslo_utils import excutils
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-import six
-import string
-from cinder import exception
-from cinder.i18n import _, _LE, _LI
-from import cisco_fabric_opts as fabric_opts
-from cinder.zonemanager.drivers import driver_utils
-from cinder.zonemanager.drivers import fc_zone_driver
-from cinder.zonemanager import utils as zm_utils
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-SUPPORTED_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '$' + '-' + '^' + '_'
-cisco_opts = [
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_sb_connector',
- default=''
- '.cisco_fc_zone_client_cli.CiscoFCZoneClientCLI',
- help='Southbound connector for zoning operation'),
-CONF = cfg.CONF
-CONF.register_opts(cisco_opts, group='fc-zone-manager')
-class CiscoFCZoneDriver(fc_zone_driver.FCZoneDriver):
- """Cisco FC zone driver implementation.
- OpenStack Fibre Channel zone driver to manage FC zoning in
- Cisco SAN fabrics.
- Version history:
- 1.0 - Initial Cisco FC zone driver
- 1.1 - Added friendly zone name support
- """
- VERSION = "1.1.0"
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(CiscoFCZoneDriver, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.configuration = kwargs.get('configuration', None)
- if self.configuration:
- self.configuration.append_config_values(cisco_opts)
- # Adding a hack to handle parameters from super classes
- # in case configured with multi backends.
- fabric_names = self.configuration.safe_get('fc_fabric_names')
- activate = self.configuration.safe_get('cisco_zone_activate')
- prefix = self.configuration.safe_get('cisco_zone_name_prefix')
- base_san_opts = []
- if not fabric_names:
- base_san_opts.append(
- cfg.StrOpt('fc_fabric_names',
- help='Comma separated list of fibre channel '
- 'fabric names. This list of names is used to'
- ' retrieve other SAN credentials for connecting'
- ' to each SAN fabric'
- ))
- if not activate:
- base_san_opts.append(
- cfg.BoolOpt('cisco_zone_activate',
- default=True,
- help='Indicates whether zone should '
- 'be activated or not'))
- if not prefix:
- base_san_opts.append(
- cfg.StrOpt('cisco_zone_name_prefix',
- default="openstack",
- help="A prefix to be used when naming zone"))
- if len(base_san_opts) > 0:
- CONF.register_opts(base_san_opts)
- self.configuration.append_config_values(base_san_opts)
- fabric_names = [x.strip() for x in self.
- configuration.fc_fabric_names.split(',')]
- # There can be more than one SAN in the network and we need to
- # get credentials for each SAN.
- if fabric_names:
- self.fabric_configs = fabric_opts.load_fabric_configurations(
- fabric_names)
- @lockutils.synchronized('cisco', 'fcfabric-', True)
- def add_connection(self, fabric, initiator_target_map, host_name=None,
- storage_system=None):
- """Concrete implementation of add_connection.
- Based on zoning policy and state of each I-T pair, list of zone
- members are created and pushed to the fabric to add zones. The
- new zones created or zones updated are activated based on isActivate
- flag set in cinder.conf returned by volume driver after attach
- operation.
- :param fabric: Fabric name from cinder.conf file
- :param initiator_target_map: Mapping of initiator to list of targets
- """
- LOG.debug("Add connection for Fabric: %s", fabric)
-"CiscoFCZoneDriver - Add connection "
- "for I-T map: %s"), initiator_target_map)
- fabric_ip = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_address')
- fabric_user = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_user')
- fabric_pwd = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_password')
- fabric_port = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_port')
- zoning_policy = self.configuration.zoning_policy
- zoning_policy_fab = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_zoning_policy')
- if zoning_policy_fab:
- zoning_policy = zoning_policy_fab
- zoning_vsan = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get('cisco_zoning_vsan')
-"Zoning policy for Fabric %s"), zoning_policy)
- statusmap_from_fabric = self.get_zoning_status(
- fabric_ip, fabric_user, fabric_pwd, fabric_port, zoning_vsan)
- if statusmap_from_fabric.get('session') == 'none':
- cfgmap_from_fabric = self.get_active_zone_set(
- fabric_ip, fabric_user, fabric_pwd, fabric_port, zoning_vsan)
- zone_names = []
- if cfgmap_from_fabric.get('zones'):
- zone_names = cfgmap_from_fabric['zones'].keys()
- # based on zoning policy, create zone member list and
- # push changes to fabric.
- for initiator_key in initiator_target_map.keys():
- zone_map = {}
- initiator = initiator_key.lower()
- t_list = initiator_target_map[initiator_key]
- if zoning_policy == 'initiator-target':
- for t in t_list:
- target = t.lower()
- zone_members = [
- zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(initiator),
- zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(target)]
- zone_name = (
- driver_utils.get_friendly_zone_name(
- zoning_policy,
- initiator,
- target,
- host_name,
- storage_system,
- self.configuration.cisco_zone_name_prefix,
- if (len(cfgmap_from_fabric) == 0 or (
- zone_name not in zone_names)):
- zone_map[zone_name] = zone_members
- else:
- # This is I-T zoning, skip if zone exists.
-"Zone exists in I-T mode. "
- "Skipping zone creation %s"),
- zone_name)
- elif zoning_policy == 'initiator':
- zone_members = [
- zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(initiator)]
- for t in t_list:
- target = t.lower()
- zone_members.append(
- zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(target))
- zone_name = (
- driver_utils.get_friendly_zone_name(
- zoning_policy,
- initiator,
- target,
- host_name,
- storage_system,
- self.configuration.cisco_zone_name_prefix,
- if len(zone_names) > 0 and (zone_name in zone_names):
- zone_members = zone_members + filter(
- lambda x: x not in zone_members,
- cfgmap_from_fabric['zones'][zone_name])
- zone_map[zone_name] = zone_members
- else:
- msg = _("Zoning Policy: %s, not"
- " recognized") % zoning_policy
- LOG.error(msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
-"Zone map to add: %s"), zone_map)
- if len(zone_map) > 0:
- conn = None
- try:
- conn = importutils.import_object(
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector,
- ipaddress=fabric_ip,
- username=fabric_user,
- password=fabric_pwd,
- port=fabric_port,
- vsan=zoning_vsan)
- conn.add_zones(
- zone_map, self.configuration.cisco_zone_activate,
- zoning_vsan, cfgmap_from_fabric,
- statusmap_from_fabric)
- conn.cleanup()
- except exception.CiscoZoningCliException as cisco_ex:
- msg = _("Exception: %s") % six.text_type(cisco_ex)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
- except Exception:
- msg = _("Failed to add zoning configuration.")
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
- LOG.debug("Zones added successfully: %s", zone_map)
- else:
- LOG.debug("Zoning session exists VSAN: %s", zoning_vsan)
- @lockutils.synchronized('cisco', 'fcfabric-', True)
- def delete_connection(self, fabric, initiator_target_map, host_name=None,
- storage_system=None):
- """Concrete implementation of delete_connection.
- Based on zoning policy and state of each I-T pair, list of zones
- are created for deletion. The zones are either updated deleted based
- on the policy and attach/detach state of each I-T pair.
- :param fabric: Fabric name from cinder.conf file
- :param initiator_target_map: Mapping of initiator to list of targets
- """
- LOG.debug("Delete connection for fabric: %s", fabric)
-"CiscoFCZoneDriver - Delete connection for I-T map: %s"),
- initiator_target_map)
- fabric_ip = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_address')
- fabric_user = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_user')
- fabric_pwd = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_password')
- fabric_port = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_port')
- zoning_policy = self.configuration.zoning_policy
- zoning_policy_fab = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get(
- 'cisco_zoning_policy')
- if zoning_policy_fab:
- zoning_policy = zoning_policy_fab
- zoning_vsan = self.fabric_configs[fabric].safe_get('cisco_zoning_vsan')
-"Zoning policy for fabric %s"), zoning_policy)
- statusmap_from_fabric = self.get_zoning_status(
- fabric_ip, fabric_user, fabric_pwd, fabric_port, zoning_vsan)
- if statusmap_from_fabric.get('session') == 'none':
- cfgmap_from_fabric = self.get_active_zone_set(
- fabric_ip, fabric_user, fabric_pwd, fabric_port, zoning_vsan)
- zone_names = []
- if cfgmap_from_fabric.get('zones'):
- zone_names = cfgmap_from_fabric['zones'].keys()
- # Based on zoning policy, get zone member list and push
- # changes to fabric. This operation could result in an update
- # for zone config with new member list or deleting zones from
- # active cfg.
- LOG.debug("zone config from Fabric: %s", cfgmap_from_fabric)
- for initiator_key in initiator_target_map.keys():
- initiator = initiator_key.lower()
- formatted_initiator = zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(initiator)
- zone_map = {}
- zones_to_delete = []
- t_list = initiator_target_map[initiator_key]
- if zoning_policy == 'initiator-target':
- # In this case, zone needs to be deleted.
- for t in t_list:
- target = t.lower()
- zone_name = (
- driver_utils.get_friendly_zone_name(
- zoning_policy,
- initiator,
- target,
- host_name,
- storage_system,
- self.configuration.cisco_zone_name_prefix,
- LOG.debug("Zone name to del: %s", zone_name)
- if (len(zone_names) > 0 and (zone_name in zone_names)):
- # delete zone.
- LOG.debug("Added zone to delete to list: %s",
- zone_name)
- zones_to_delete.append(zone_name)
- elif zoning_policy == 'initiator':
- zone_members = [formatted_initiator]
- for t in t_list:
- target = t.lower()
- zone_members.append(
- zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(target))
- zone_name = driver_utils.get_friendly_zone_name(
- zoning_policy,
- initiator,
- target,
- host_name,
- storage_system,
- self.configuration.cisco_zone_name_prefix,
- if (zone_names and (zone_name in zone_names)):
- filtered_members = filter(
- lambda x: x not in zone_members,
- cfgmap_from_fabric['zones'][zone_name])
- # The assumption here is that initiator is always
- # there in the zone as it is 'initiator' policy.
- # We find the filtered list and if it is non-empty,
- # add initiator to it and update zone if filtered
- # list is empty, we remove that zone.
- LOG.debug("Zone delete - I mode: filtered targets: %s",
- filtered_members)
- if filtered_members:
- filtered_members.append(formatted_initiator)
- LOG.debug("Filtered zone members to update: %s",
- filtered_members)
- zone_map[zone_name] = filtered_members
- LOG.debug("Filtered zone Map to update: %s",
- zone_map)
- else:
- zones_to_delete.append(zone_name)
- else:
-"Zoning Policy: %s, not recognized"),
- zoning_policy)
- LOG.debug("Final Zone map to update: %s", zone_map)
- LOG.debug("Final Zone list to delete: %s", zones_to_delete)
- conn = None
- try:
- conn = importutils.import_object(
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector,
- ipaddress=fabric_ip,
- username=fabric_user,
- password=fabric_pwd,
- port=fabric_port,
- vsan=zoning_vsan)
- # Update zone membership.
- if zone_map:
- conn.add_zones(
- zone_map, self.configuration.cisco_zone_activate,
- zoning_vsan, cfgmap_from_fabric,
- statusmap_from_fabric)
- # Delete zones ~sk.
- if zones_to_delete:
- zone_name_string = ''
- num_zones = len(zones_to_delete)
- for i in range(0, num_zones):
- if i == 0:
- zone_name_string = ('%s%s' % (
- zone_name_string,
- zones_to_delete[i]))
- else:
- zone_name_string = ('%s%s%s' % (
- zone_name_string, ';',
- zones_to_delete[i]))
- conn.delete_zones(zone_name_string,
- self.configuration.
- cisco_zone_activate,
- zoning_vsan, cfgmap_from_fabric,
- statusmap_from_fabric)
- conn.cleanup()
- except Exception:
- msg = _("Failed to update or delete zoning configuration")
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
- LOG.debug("Zones deleted successfully: %s", zone_map)
- else:
- LOG.debug("Zoning session exists VSAN: %s", zoning_vsan)
- def get_san_context(self, target_wwn_list):
- """Lookup SAN context for visible end devices.
- Look up each SAN configured and return a map of SAN (fabric IP) to
- list of target WWNs visible to the fabric.
- """
- formatted_target_list = []
- fabric_map = {}
- fabrics = [x.strip() for x in self.
- configuration.fc_fabric_names.split(',')]
- LOG.debug("Fabric List: %s", fabrics)
- LOG.debug("Target wwn List: %s", target_wwn_list)
- if len(fabrics) > 0:
- for t in target_wwn_list:
- formatted_target_list.append(
- zm_utils.get_formatted_wwn(t.lower()))
- LOG.debug("Formatted Target wwn List: %s", formatted_target_list)
- for fabric_name in fabrics:
- fabric_ip = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_address')
- fabric_user = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_user')
- fabric_pwd = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_password')
- fabric_port = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_fc_fabric_port')
- zoning_vsan = self.fabric_configs[fabric_name].safe_get(
- 'cisco_zoning_vsan')
- # Get name server data from fabric and get the targets
- # logged in.
- nsinfo = None
- try:
- conn = importutils.import_object(
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector,
- ipaddress=fabric_ip,
- username=fabric_user,
- password=fabric_pwd, port=fabric_port,
- vsan=zoning_vsan)
- nsinfo = conn.get_nameserver_info()
- LOG.debug("show fcns database info from fabric: %s",
- nsinfo)
- conn.cleanup()
- except exception.CiscoZoningCliException:
- with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
- LOG.exception(_LE("Error getting show fcns database "
- "info."))
- except Exception:
- msg = _("Failed to get show fcns database info.")
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
- visible_targets = filter(
- lambda x: x in formatted_target_list, nsinfo)
- if visible_targets:
-"Filtered targets for SAN is: %s"),
- {fabric_name: visible_targets})
- # getting rid of the ':' before returning
- for idx, elem in enumerate(visible_targets):
- visible_targets[idx] = six.text_type(
- visible_targets[idx]).replace(':', '')
- fabric_map[fabric_name] = visible_targets
- else:
- LOG.debug("No targets are in the fcns info for SAN %s",
- fabric_name)
- LOG.debug("Return SAN context output: %s", fabric_map)
- return fabric_map
- def get_active_zone_set(self, fabric_ip,
- fabric_user, fabric_pwd, fabric_port,
- zoning_vsan):
- """Gets active zoneset config for vsan."""
- cfgmap = {}
- conn = None
- try:
- LOG.debug("Southbound connector: %s",
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector)
- conn = importutils.import_object(
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector,
- ipaddress=fabric_ip, username=fabric_user,
- password=fabric_pwd, port=fabric_port, vsan=zoning_vsan)
- cfgmap = conn.get_active_zone_set()
- conn.cleanup()
- except Exception:
- msg = _("Failed to access active zoning configuration.")
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
- LOG.debug("Active zone set from fabric: %s", cfgmap)
- return cfgmap
- def get_zoning_status(self, fabric_ip, fabric_user, fabric_pwd,
- fabric_port, zoning_vsan):
- """Gets zoneset status and mode."""
- statusmap = {}
- conn = None
- try:
- LOG.debug("Southbound connector: %s",
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector)
- conn = importutils.import_object(
- self.configuration.cisco_sb_connector,
- ipaddress=fabric_ip, username=fabric_user,
- password=fabric_pwd, port=fabric_port, vsan=zoning_vsan)
- statusmap = conn.get_zoning_status()
- conn.cleanup()
- except Exception:
- msg = _("Failed to access zoneset status:%s")
- LOG.exception(msg)
- raise exception.FCZoneDriverException(msg)
- LOG.debug("Zoneset status from fabric: %s", statusmap)
- return statusmap
+++ /dev/null
-# (c) Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-Common constants used by Cisco FC Zone Driver.
-ACTIVE_ZONE_CONFIG = 'active_zone_config'
-CFG_ZONESET = 'zoneset'
-CFG_ZONE = 'zone'
-CFG_ZONES = 'zones'
-CLI Commands for FC zoning operations.
-GET_ACTIVE_ZONE_CFG = 'show zoneset active vsan '
-FCNS_SHOW = 'show fcns database vsan '
-GET_ZONE_STATUS = 'show zone status vsan '
--- /dev/null
+ - The Cisco FC Zone Manager driver is no longer supported
+ and not included in-tree.