A commit was made by Alex Xu (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/20073) a day before the Cisco plugin
cleanup that led to some deleted files creeping back into the Cisco plugin. This commit backs out
the deleted files again.
Blueprint cisco-plugin-cleanup
Change-Id: Ibad452dc0497dad452a33d6f41c1785231cd5d5b
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2011, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Edgar Magana, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-import logging as LOG
-from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
-import quantum.plugins.cisco.db.api as db
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import services_models
-def get_all_services_bindings():
- """Lists all the services bindings"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_all_services_bindings() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- bindings = session.query(services_models.ServicesBinding).all()
- return bindings
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- return []
-def get_service_bindings(service_id):
- """Lists services bindings for a service_id"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_service_bindings() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- bindings = (session.query(services_models.ServicesBinding).
- filter_by(service_id=service_id).one())
- return bindings
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- return []
-def add_services_binding(service_id, mngnet_id, nbnet_id, sbnet_id):
- """Adds a services binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("add_services_binding() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- binding = services_models.ServicesBinding(service_id, mngnet_id,
- nbnet_id, sbnet_id)
- session.add(binding)
- session.flush()
- return binding
-def remove_services_binding(service_id):
- """Removes a services binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("remove_services_binding() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- binding = (session.query(services_models.ServicesBinding).
- filter_by(service_id=service_id).all())
- for bind in binding:
- session.delete(bind)
- session.flush()
- return binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- pass
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Rohit Agarwalla, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-import logging as LOG
-from sqlalchemy.orm import exc
-from quantum.db import api as db
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_exceptions as c_exc
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import ucs_models_v2 as ucs_models
-def get_all_portbindings():
- """Lists all the port bindings"""
- LOG.debug(_("DB get_all_portbindings() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_bindings = session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).all()
- return port_bindings
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- return []
-def get_portbinding(port_id):
- """Lists a port binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_portbinding() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(port_id=port_id).one())
- return port_binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- raise c_exc.PortVnicNotFound(port_id=port_id)
-def add_portbinding(port_id, blade_intf_dn, portprofile_name,
- vlan_name, vlan_id, qos):
- """Adds a port binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("add_portbinding() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(port_id=port_id).one())
- raise c_exc.PortVnicBindingAlreadyExists(port_id=port_id)
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- port_binding = ucs_models.PortBinding(port_id, blade_intf_dn,
- portprofile_name, vlan_name,
- vlan_id, qos)
- session.add(port_binding)
- session.flush()
- return port_binding
-def remove_portbinding(port_id):
- """Removes a port binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("DB remove_portbinding() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(port_id=port_id).one())
- session.delete(port_binding)
- session.flush()
- return port_binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- pass
-def update_portbinding(port_id, blade_intf_dn=None, portprofile_name=None,
- vlan_name=None, vlan_id=None, qos=None,
- tenant_id=None, instance_id=None,
- vif_id=None):
- """Updates port binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("DB update_portbinding() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(port_id=port_id).one())
- if blade_intf_dn:
- port_binding.blade_intf_dn = blade_intf_dn
- if portprofile_name:
- port_binding.portprofile_name = portprofile_name
- if vlan_name:
- port_binding.vlan_name = vlan_name
- if vlan_name:
- port_binding.vlan_id = vlan_id
- if qos:
- port_binding.qos = qos
- if tenant_id:
- port_binding.tenant_id = tenant_id
- if instance_id:
- port_binding.instance_id = instance_id
- if vif_id:
- port_binding.vif_id = vif_id
- session.merge(port_binding)
- session.flush()
- return port_binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- raise c_exc.PortVnicNotFound(port_id=port_id)
-def update_portbinding_instance_id(port_id, instance_id):
- """Updates port binding for the instance ID"""
- LOG.debug(_("DB update_portbinding_instance_id() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(port_id=port_id).one())
- port_binding.instance_id = instance_id
- session.merge(port_binding)
- session.flush()
- return port_binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- raise c_exc.PortVnicNotFound(port_id=port_id)
-def update_portbinding_vif_id(port_id, vif_id):
- """Updates port binding for the VIF ID"""
- LOG.debug(_("DB update_portbinding_vif_id() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(port_id=port_id).one())
- port_binding.vif_id = vif_id
- session.merge(port_binding)
- session.flush()
- return port_binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- raise c_exc.PortVnicNotFound(port_id=port_id)
-def get_portbinding_dn(blade_intf_dn):
- """Lists a port binding"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_portbinding_dn() called"))
- session = db.get_session()
- try:
- port_binding = (session.query(ucs_models.PortBinding).
- filter_by(blade_intf_dn=blade_intf_dn).one())
- return port_binding
- except exc.NoResultFound:
- return []
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Sumit Naiksatam, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-from copy import deepcopy
-import inspect
-import logging
-from quantum.openstack.common import importutils
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_credentials_v2 as cred
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import network_db_v2 as cdb
-from quantum.plugins.cisco import l2network_plugin_configuration as conf
-from quantum import quantum_plugin_base_v2
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class NetworkMultiBladeV2(quantum_plugin_base_v2.QuantumPluginBaseV2):
- """
- This implementation works with UCS and Nexus plugin for the
- following topology:
- One or more UCSM (each with one or more chasses connected),
- All FICs connected to a single Nexus Switch.
- """
- _plugins = {}
- _inventory = {}
- def __init__(self):
- """
- Initialize the segmentation manager, check which device plugins are
- configured, and load the inventories those device plugins for which the
- inventory is configured
- """
- cdb.initialize()
- cred.Store.initialize()
- self._vlan_mgr = importutils.import_object(conf.MANAGER_CLASS)
- for key in conf.PLUGINS[const.PLUGINS].keys():
- plugin_obj = conf.PLUGINS[const.PLUGINS][key]
- self._plugins[key] = importutils.import_object(plugin_obj)
- LOG.debug(_("Loaded device plugin %s"),
- conf.PLUGINS[const.PLUGINS][key])
- if key in conf.PLUGINS[const.INVENTORY].keys():
- inventory_obj = conf.PLUGINS[const.INVENTORY][key]
- self._inventory[key] = importutils.import_object(inventory_obj)
- LOG.debug(_("Loaded device inventory %s"),
- conf.PLUGINS[const.INVENTORY][key])
- LOG.debug(_("%(module)s.%(name)s init done"),
- {'module': __name__,
- 'name': self.__class__.__name__})
- def _func_name(self, offset=0):
- """Get the name of the calling function"""
- return inspect.stack()[1 + offset][3]
- def _invoke_plugin_per_device(self, plugin_key, function_name, args):
- """
- Invokes a device plugin's relevant functions (on the it's
- inventory and plugin implementation) for completing this operation.
- """
- if plugin_key not in self._plugins:
- LOG.info(_("No %s Plugin loaded"), plugin_key)
- LOG.info(_("%(plugin_key)s: %(function_name)s with args %(args)s "
- "ignored"), locals())
- return
- device_params = self._invoke_inventory(plugin_key, function_name,
- args)
- device_ips = device_params[const.DEVICE_IP]
- if not device_ips:
- return [self._invoke_plugin(plugin_key, function_name, args,
- device_params)]
- else:
- output = []
- for device_ip in device_ips:
- new_device_params = deepcopy(device_params)
- new_device_params[const.DEVICE_IP] = device_ip
- output.append(self._invoke_plugin(plugin_key, function_name,
- args, new_device_params))
- return output
- def _invoke_inventory(self, plugin_key, function_name, args):
- """
- Invokes the relevant function on a device plugin's
- inventory for completing this operation.
- """
- if plugin_key not in self._inventory:
- LOG.info(_("No %s inventory loaded"), plugin_key)
- LOG.info(_("%(plugin_key)s: %(function_name)s with args %(args)s "
- "ignored"), locals())
- return {const.DEVICE_IP: []}
- else:
- return getattr(self._inventory[plugin_key], function_name)(args)
- def _invoke_plugin(self, plugin_key, function_name, args, kwargs):
- """
- Invokes the relevant function on a device plugin's
- implementation for completing this operation.
- """
- func = getattr(self._plugins[plugin_key], function_name)
- func_args_len = int(inspect.getargspec(func).args.__len__()) - 1
- if args.__len__() > func_args_len:
- func_args = args[:func_args_len]
- extra_args = args[func_args_len:]
- for dict_arg in extra_args:
- for k, v in dict_arg.iteritems():
- kwargs[k] = v
- return func(*func_args, **kwargs)
- else:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- def create_network(self, context, network):
- """
- Perform this operation in the context of the configured device
- plugins.
- """
- n = network
- try:
- vlan_id = self._vlan_mgr.reserve_segmentation_id(n['tenant_id'],
- n['name'])
- vlan_name = self._vlan_mgr.get_vlan_name(n['id'], str(vlan_id))
- args = [n['tenant_id'], n['name'], n['id'], vlan_name, vlan_id]
- output = []
- ucs_output = self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(),
- args)
- nexus_output = self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.NEXUS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(),
- args)
- output.extend(ucs_output or [])
- output.extend(nexus_output or [])
- cdb.add_vlan_binding(vlan_id, vlan_name, n['id'])
- return output
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def update_network(self, context, id, network):
- """
- Perform this operation in the context of the configured device
- plugins.
- """
- n = network
- vlan = cdb.get_vlan_binding(id)
- args = [n['tenant_id'], id, {'vlan_id': vlan.vlan_id},
- {'net_admin_state': n['admin_state_up']},
- {'vlan_ids': ''}]
- nexus_output = self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.NEXUS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(),
- args)
- return nexus_output
- def delete_network(self, context, id, kwargs):
- """
- Perform this operation in the context of the configured device
- plugins.
- """
- try:
- base_plugin_ref = kwargs[const.BASE_PLUGIN_REF]
- n = kwargs[const.NETWORK]
- tenant_id = n['tenant_id']
- args = [tenant_id, id, {const.CONTEXT: context},
- {const.BASE_PLUGIN_REF: base_plugin_ref}]
- # TODO (Sumit): Might first need to check here if there are active
- # ports
- output = []
- ucs_output = self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(),
- args)
- nexus_output = self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.NEXUS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(),
- args)
- output.extend(ucs_output or [])
- output.extend(nexus_output or [])
- self._vlan_mgr.release_segmentation_id(tenant_id, id)
- cdb.remove_vlan_binding(id)
- return output
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def create_port(self, context, port):
- """
- Perform this operation in the context of the configured device
- plugins.
- """
- try:
- tenant_id = port['tenant_id']
- net_id = port['network_id']
- port_state = port['admin_state_up']
- port_id_string = port['id']
- args = [tenant_id, net_id, port_state, port_id_string]
- ret_val = self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(), args)
- new_args = [tenant_id, net_id, port['id'], port['id']]
- self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN,
- "plug_interface", new_args)
- return ret_val
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def update_port(self, context, id, port):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def delete_port(self, context, id, kwargs):
- """
- Perform this operation in the context of the configured device
- plugins.
- """
- try:
- p = kwargs['port']
- args = [p['tenant_id'], p['network_id'], p['id']]
- return self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(), args)
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def create_subnet(self, context, subnet):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def update_subnet(self, context, id, subnet):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def get_subnet(self, context, id, fields=None):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def delete_subnet(self, context, id, kwargs):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- def get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
- """Currently there is no processing required for the device plugins"""
- pass
- """
- Extensions' implementation in device plugins
- """
- def schedule_host(self, args):
- """Provides the hostname on which a dynamic vnic is reserved"""
- try:
- return self._invoke_inventory(const.UCS_PLUGIN, self._func_name(),
- args)
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def associate_port(self, args):
- """Get the portprofile name and the device name for the dynamic vnic"""
- try:
- return self._invoke_inventory(const.UCS_PLUGIN, self._func_name(),
- args)
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def detach_port(self, args):
- """Remove the association of the VIF with the dynamic vnic """
- try:
- return self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN,
- self._func_name(), args)
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
- def create_multiport(self, args):
- """
- Makes a call to the UCS device plugin to create ports on the same
- host.
- """
- try:
- self._invoke_plugin_per_device(const.UCS_PLUGIN, self._func_name(),
- args)
- except:
- # TODO (Sumit): Check if we need to perform any rollback here
- raise
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Edgar Magana, Cisco Systems
-Network Library to insert services using Quantum APIs
-Currently has four functionalities:
-1. insert_inpath_service <tenant_id> <service_image_id>
- <management_net_name> <northbound_net_name> <southbound_net_name>
-2. delete_service <tenant_id> <service_instance_id>
-3. connect_vm <tenant_id> <vm_image_id> <service_instance_id>
-4. disconnect_vm <vm_instance_id>
-import logging
-import logging.handlers
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from quantum.common import constants
-from quantum.common import utils
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import api as db
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import l2network_db as l2db
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import services_db as sdb
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.services import services_constants as servconts
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.services import services_logistics as servlogcs
-from quantumclient import Client
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def insert_inpath_service(tenant_id, service_image_id,
- management_net_name, northbound_net_name,
- southbound_net_name, *args):
- """Inserting a network service between two networks"""
- print _("Creating Network for Services and Servers")
- service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics()
- net_list = {}
- multiport_net_list = []
- networks_name_list = [management_net_name, northbound_net_name,
- southbound_net_name]
- client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id)
- for net in networks_name_list:
- data = {servconts.NETWORK: {servconts.NAME: net}}
- net_list[net] = client.create_network(data)
- net_list[net][servconts.PORTS] = []
- LOG.debug(_("Network %(net)s Created with ID: %(id)s "),
- {'net': net,
- 'id': net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID]})
- print _("Completed")
- print _("Creating Ports on Services and Server Networks")
- LOG.debug(_("Operation 'create_port' executed."))
- if not service_logic.verify_plugin(const.UCS_PLUGIN):
- for net in networks_name_list:
- net_list[net][servconts.PORTS].append
- (client.create_port
- (net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID]))
- LOG.debug(_("Operation 'create_port' executed."))
- else:
- for net in networks_name_list:
- nets = net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID]
- multiport_net_list.append(nets)
- data = create_multiport(tenant_id, multiport_net_list)
- net_idx = 0
- for net in networks_name_list:
- port_id = data[servconts.PORTS][net_idx][servconts.ID]
- net_list[net][servconts.PORTS].append(port_id)
- LOG.debug(_("Port UUID: %(id)s on network: %(net)s"),
- {'id': data[servconts.PORTS][net_idx][servconts.ID],
- 'net': net})
- net_idx = net_idx + 1
- print _("Completed")
- try:
- create_vm_args = []
- create_vm_args.append(servconts.CREATE_VM_CMD)
- create_vm_args.append(service_image_id)
- print _("Creating VM with image: %s") % (service_image_id)
- process = utils.subprocess_popen(create_vm_args,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- result = process.stdout.readlines()
- tokens = re.search("i-[a-f0-9]*", str(result[1]))
- service_vm_name = tokens.group(0)
- print _("Image: %s instantiated successfully") % (service_vm_name)
- except Exception as exc:
- print exc
- service_logic.image_status(service_vm_name)
- print _("Completed")
- print _("Attaching Ports To VM Service interfaces")
- try:
- idx = 0
- for net in networks_name_list:
- network_id = net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID]
- port_id = net_list[net][servconts.PORTS][idx]
- attachment = client.show_port_attachment(network_id, port_id)
- attachment = attachment[servconts.ATTACHMENT][servconts.ID][:36]
- LOG.debug(_("Plugging virtual interface: %(attachment)s of VM "
- "%(service_vm_name)s into port: %(port_id)s on "
- "network: %(net)s"), locals())
- attach_data = {servconts.ATTACHMENT: {servconts.ID: '%s' %
- attachment}}
- client.attach_resource(network_id, port_id, attach_data)
- except Exception as exc:
- print exc
- print _("Completed")
- try:
- LOG.debug(_("Registering Service in DB"))
- l2db.initialize()
- for uuid_net in db.network_id(networks_name_list[0]):
- mngnet_id = str(uuid_net.uuid)
- for uuid_net in db.network_id(networks_name_list[1]):
- nbnet_id = str(uuid_net.uuid)
- for uuid_net in db.network_id(networks_name_list[2]):
- sbnet_id = str(uuid_net.uuid)
- sdb.add_services_binding(service_vm_name, mngnet_id, nbnet_id,
- sbnet_id)
- except Exception as exc:
- print exc
-def delete_service(tenant_id, service_instance_id, *args):
- """
- Removes a service and all the network configuration
- """
- l2db.initialize()
- print _("Terminating Service VM")
- service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics()
- vms_list = []
- vms_list.append(servconts.DELETE_VM_CMD)
- vms_list.append(service_instance_id)
- if not service_logic.image_exist(service_instance_id):
- print _("Service VM does not exist")
- sys.exit()
- result = subprocess.call(vms_list)
- service_logic.image_shutdown_verification(service_instance_id)
- client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id)
- service_nets = sdb.get_service_bindings(service_instance_id)
- print _("Terminating Ports and Networks")
- network_name = db.network_get(service_nets.mngnet_id)
- port_id_net = db.port_list(service_nets.mngnet_id)
- for ports_uuid in port_id_net:
- client.delete_port(service_nets.mngnet_id, ports_uuid.uuid)
- client.delete_network(service_nets.mngnet_id)
- network_name = db.network_get(service_nets.nbnet_id)
- port_id_net = db.port_list(service_nets.nbnet_id)
- for ports_uuid in port_id_net:
- client.delete_port(service_nets.nbnet_id, ports_uuid.uuid)
- client.delete_network(service_nets.nbnet_id)
- network_name = db.network_get(service_nets.sbnet_id)
- port_id_net = db.port_list(service_nets.sbnet_id)
- for ports_uuid in port_id_net:
- client.delete_port(service_nets.sbnet_id, ports_uuid.uuid)
- client.delete_network(service_nets.sbnet_id)
- service_list = sdb.remove_services_binding(service_instance_id)
- print _("Configuration Removed Successfully")
-def disconnect_vm(vm_instance_id, *args):
- """
- Deletes VMs and Port connection
- """
- l2db.initialize()
- print _("Terminating Service VM")
- service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics()
- vms_list = []
- vms_list.append(servconts.DELETE_VM_CMD)
- vms_list.append(vm_instance_id)
- result = subprocess.call(vms_list)
- service_logic.image_shutdown_verification(vm_instance_id)
- print _("VM Server Off")
-def connect_vm(tenant_id, vm_image_id, service_instance_id, *args):
- """
- Starts a VMs and is connected to southbound network
- """
- l2db.initialize()
- client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id)
- print (_("Connecting %(vm_image_id)s to Service "
- "%(service_instance_id)s") % locals())
- service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics()
- service_nets = sdb.get_service_bindings(service_instance_id)
- client.create_port(service_nets.mngnet_id)
- client.create_port(service_nets.nbnet_id)
- sb_port_id = client.create_port(service_nets.sbnet_id)
- LOG.debug(_("Operation 'create_port' executed."))
- new_port_id = sb_port_id[servconts.PORT][servconts.ID]
- try:
- create_vm_args = []
- create_vm_args.append(servconts.CREATE_VM_CMD)
- create_vm_args.append(vm_image_id)
- print _("Creating VM with image: %s") % (vm_image_id)
- process = utils.subprocess_popen(create_vm_args,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- result = process.stdout.readlines()
- tokens = re.search("i-[a-f0-9]*", str(result[1]))
- vm_name = tokens.group(0)
- print _("Image: %s instantiated successfully") % (vm_name)
- except Exception as exc:
- print exc
- service_logic.image_status(vm_name)
- print _("Completed")
- print _("Attaching Ports To VM Service interfaces")
- south_net = service_nets.sbnet_id
- attachment = client.show_port_attachment(south_net, new_port_id)
- attachment = attachment[servconts.ATTACHMENT][servconts.ID][:36]
- LOG.debug(_("Plugging virtual interface: %(attachment)s of VM "
- "%(vm_name)s into port: %(new_port_id)s on network: "
- "%(sbnet_id)s"), {'attachment': attachment,
- 'vm_name': vm_name,
- 'new_port_id': new_port_id,
- 'sbnet_id': service_nets.sbnet_id})
- attach_data = {servconts.ATTACHMENT: {servconts.ID: '%s' % attachment}}
- client.attach_resource(service_nets.sbnet_id, new_port_id, attach_data)
- print _("Connect VM Ended")
-def create_multiport(tenant_id, networks_list, *args):
- """Creates ports on a single host"""
- ports_info = {'multiport':
- {'status': constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE,
- 'net_id_list': networks_list,
- 'ports_desc': {'key': 'value'}}}
- request_url = "/multiport"
- client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id,
- action_prefix=servconts.ACTION_PREFIX_CSCO)
- data = client.do_request('POST', request_url, body=ports_info)
- return data
-def build_args(cmd, cmdargs, arglist):
- """Building the list of args for a particular CLI"""
- args = []
- orig_arglist = arglist[:]
- try:
- for cmdarg in cmdargs:
- args.append(arglist[0])
- del arglist[0]
- except:
- LOG.debug(_("Not enough arguments for '%(cmd)s' "
- "(expected: %(len_cmd)d, got: %(len_args)d)",
- {'cmd': cmd, 'len_cmd': len(cmdargs),
- 'len_args': len(orig_arglist)}))
- print (_("Service Insertion Usage:\n %(cmd)s %(usage)s") %
- {'cmd': cmd,
- 'usage': " ".join(["<%s>" % y
- for y in SERVICE_COMMANDS[cmd]["args"]])})
- sys.exit()
- if len(arglist) > 0:
- LOG.debug(_("Too many arguments for '%(cmd)s' (expected: %(len)d, "
- "got: %(len_args)d)"),
- {'cmd': cmd, 'len_cmd': len(cmdargs),
- 'len_args': len(orig_arglist)})
- print (_("Service Insertion Usage:\n %(cmd)s %(usage)s") %
- {'cmd': cmd,
- 'usage': " ".join(["<%s>" % y
- for y in SERVICE_COMMANDS[cmd]["args"]])})
- sys.exit()
- return args
- "insert_inpath_service": {
- "func": insert_inpath_service,
- "args": ["tenant_id", "service_image_id", "management_net_name",
- "northbound_net_name", "southbound_net_name"],
- },
- "delete_service": {
- "func": delete_service,
- "args": ["tenant_id", "service_instance_id"],
- },
- "connect_vm": {
- "func": connect_vm,
- "args": ["tenant_id", "vm_image_id", "service_instance_id"],
- },
- "disconnect_vm": {
- "func": disconnect_vm,
- "args": ["vm_instance_id"],
- },
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- os.system("clear")
- usagestr = _("Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] <command> [args]")
- PARSER = OptionParser(usage=usagestr)
- PARSER.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host",
- type="string", default="",
- help=_("IP address of api host"))
- PARSER.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port",
- type="int", default=9696, help=_("Api port"))
- PARSER.add_option("-s", "--ssl", dest="ssl",
- action="store_true", default=False, help=_("Use ssl"))
- PARSER.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
- action="store_true", default=False,
- help=_("Turn on verbose logging"))
- PARSER.add_option("-f", "--logfile", dest="logfile",
- type="string", default="syslog",
- help=_("Log file path"))
- options, args = PARSER.parse_args()
- if options.verbose:
- LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- else:
- LOG.setLevel(logging.WARN)
- if options.logfile == "syslog":
- LOG.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log'))
- else:
- LOG.addHandler(logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(options.logfile))
- os.chmod(options.logfile, 0644)
- service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics()
- HOST = options.host
- PORT = options.port
- USE_SSL = options.ssl
- CMD = args[0]
- args = build_args(CMD, SERVICE_COMMANDS[CMD]["args"], args[1:])
- SERVICE_COMMANDS[CMD]["func"](*args)
- sys.exit(0)
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Edgar Magana, Cisco Systems
-Logistic components for Service Insertion utility
-import logging
-import re
-import subprocess
-import time
-from quantum.common import utils
-from quantum.openstack.common import importutils
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import services_db as sdb
-from quantum.plugins.cisco import l2network_plugin_configuration as conf
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.services import services_constants as servconts
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class ServicesLogistics():
- """
- Services Logistics Modules
- """
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def image_shutdown_verification(self, image_name):
- """
- Verifies that the VM has been properly shutdown
- """
- try:
- service_args = []
- service_args.append(servconts.DESCRIBE_VM_CMD)
- service_args.append(image_name)
- counter = 0
- flag = False
- while not flag and counter <= 5:
- counter = counter + 1
- time.sleep(2.5)
- process = utils.subprocess_popen(service_args,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- result = process.stdout.readlines()
- if not result:
- flag = True
- except Exception, exc:
- print exc
- def image_status(self, image_name):
- """
- Checks the status of the image
- """
- try:
- service_args = []
- service_args.append(servconts.DESCRIBE_VM_CMD)
- service_args.append(image_name)
- counter = 0
- flag = False
- while not flag and counter <= 10:
- counter = counter + 1
- time.sleep(2.5)
- process = utils.subprocess_popen(service_args,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- result = process.stdout.readlines()
- if result:
- tokens = re.search("running", str(result[1]))
- if tokens:
- service_status = tokens.group(0)
- if service_status == "running":
- flag = True
- except Exception as exc:
- print exc
- def image_exist(self, image_name):
- """
- Verifies that the image id is available
- """
- try:
- service_vm = sdb.get_service_bindings(image_name)
- if service_vm:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- except Exception as exc:
- print exc
- def verify_plugin(self, plugin_key):
- """
- Verifies the PlugIn available
- """
- _plugins = {}
- for key in conf.PLUGINS[const.PLUGINS].keys():
- plugin_obj = conf.PLUGINS[const.PLUGINS][key]
- _plugins[key] = importutils.import_object(plugin_obj)
- if plugin_key not in _plugins:
- LOG.debug(_("No %s Plugin loaded"), plugin_key)
- return False
- else:
- LOG.debug(_("Plugin %s founded"), const.UCS_PLUGIN)
- return True
- def press_key(self):
- """
- Waits for en external input
- """
- key = raw_input(_("Press any key to continue"))
- return key
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Sumit Naiksatam, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-The _inventory data strcuture contains a nested disctioary:
- {"UCSM_IP: {"Chassis-ID": [Balde-ID, Blade-ID],
- "Chassis-ID": [Blade-ID, Blade-ID, Blade-ID]]},
- "UCSM_IP: {"Chassis-ID": [Balde-ID]}
- }
-_inventory_state data structure is organized as below:
- {chassis_id:
- {blade_id:
- {'blade-data':
- {blade-dn-1: {blade-intf-data},
- blade-dn-2: {blade-intf-data}
- }
- }
- }
- }
-'blade-data': Blade Data dictionary has the following keys:
-const.BLADE_INTF_DATA: This is a dictionary, with the key as the
- dn of the interface, and the value as the
- Blade Interface Dictionary described next
-const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT: Number of unreserved interfaces
- on this blade
-'blade-intf-data': Blade Interface dictionary has the following keys:
-from copy import deepcopy
-import logging
-from quantum.common import exceptions as exc
-from quantum.openstack.common import importutils
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_credentials_v2 as cred
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_exceptions as cexc
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import ucs_db_v2 as udb
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.l2device_inventory_base import (
- L2NetworkDeviceInventoryBase,
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.ucs import (
- cisco_ucs_inventory_configuration as conf,
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class UCSInventory(L2NetworkDeviceInventoryBase):
- """
- Manages the state of all the UCS chasses, and blades in
- the system
- """
- _inventory = {}
- _host_names = {}
- _inventory_state = {}
- def __init__(self):
- self._client = importutils.import_object(conf.UCSM_DRIVER)
- self._load_inventory()
- def _load_inventory(self):
- """Load the inventory from a config file"""
- inventory = deepcopy(conf.INVENTORY)
- LOG.info(_("Loaded UCS inventory: %s"), inventory)
- LOG.info(_("Building UCS inventory state (this may take a while)..."))
- for ucsm in inventory.keys():
- ucsm_ip = inventory[ucsm][const.IP_ADDRESS]
- inventory[ucsm].pop(const.IP_ADDRESS)
- chassis_dict = {}
- for chassis in inventory[ucsm].keys():
- chassis_id = inventory[ucsm][chassis][const.CHASSIS_ID]
- inventory[ucsm][chassis].pop(const.CHASSIS_ID)
- blade_list = []
- for blade in inventory[ucsm][chassis].keys():
- blade_id = (
- inventory[ucsm][chassis][blade][const.BLADE_ID])
- host_name = (
- inventory[ucsm][chassis][blade][const.HOST_NAME])
- host_key = ucsm_ip + "-" + chassis_id + "-" + blade_id
- self._host_names[host_key] = host_name
- blade_list.append(blade_id)
- chassis_dict[chassis_id] = blade_list
- self._inventory[ucsm_ip] = chassis_dict
- self._build_inventory_state()
- def _build_inventory_state(self):
- """Populate the state of all the blades"""
- for ucsm_ip in self._inventory.keys():
- self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip] = {ucsm_ip: {}}
- ucsm_username = cred.Store.get_username(ucsm_ip)
- ucsm_password = cred.Store.get_password(ucsm_ip)
- chasses_state = {}
- self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip] = chasses_state
- ucsm = self._inventory[ucsm_ip]
- for chassis_id in ucsm.keys():
- blades_dict = {}
- chasses_state[chassis_id] = blades_dict
- for blade_id in ucsm[chassis_id]:
- blade_data = self._get_initial_blade_state(chassis_id,
- blade_id,
- ucsm_ip,
- ucsm_username,
- ucsm_password)
- blades_dict[blade_id] = blade_data
- LOG.debug(_("UCS Inventory state is: %s"), self._inventory_state)
- return True
- def _get_host_name(self, ucsm_ip, chassis_id, blade_id):
- """Get the hostname based on the blade info"""
- host_key = ucsm_ip + "-" + chassis_id + "-" + blade_id
- return self._host_names[host_key]
- def _get_initial_blade_state(self, chassis_id, blade_id, ucsm_ip,
- ucsm_username, ucsm_password):
- """Get the initial blade state"""
- blade_intf_data = self._client.get_blade_data(chassis_id, blade_id,
- ucsm_ip, ucsm_username,
- ucsm_password)
- unreserved_counter = 0
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- dist_name = blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_DN]
- # We first make a pass through the state in UCSM
- # If a particular interface is showing as being allocated in
- # UCSM then it is definitely being used and so should be
- # marked as reserved, else we temporarily mark it as unreserved
- # based on the UCSM state, but may later change it if a port
- # association is found in the DB
- if const.TENANTID not in blade_intf_data[blade_intf].keys():
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.TENANTID] = None
- if const.PORTID not in blade_intf_data[blade_intf].keys():
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.PORTID] = None
- if const.PROFILE_ID not in blade_intf_data[blade_intf].keys():
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.PROFILE_ID] = None
- if const.INSTANCE_ID not in blade_intf_data[blade_intf].keys():
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.INSTANCE_ID] = None
- if const.VIF_ID not in blade_intf_data[blade_intf].keys():
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.VIF_ID] = None
- if (blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_LINK_STATE] ==
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_LINK_STATE] ==
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_OPER_STATE] ==
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- unreserved_counter += 1
- else:
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding_dn(dist_name)
- if port_binding:
- # We have found a port binding for this interface in the DB,
- # so we have earlier marked this interface as unreserved, we
- # need to change it, and also load the state from the DB for
- # other associations
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if ((intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] == const.
- unreserved_counter -= 1
- intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] = port_binding[const.TENANTID]
- intf_data[const.PORTID] = port_binding[const.PORTID]
- intf_data[const.PROFILE_ID] = (
- port_binding[const.PORTPROFILENAME])
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] = port_binding[const.INSTANCE_ID]
- intf_data[const.VIF_ID] = port_binding[const.VIF_ID]
- host_name = self._get_host_name(ucsm_ip, chassis_id, blade_id)
- blade_data = {const.BLADE_INTF_DATA: blade_intf_data,
- const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT: unreserved_counter,
- const.HOST_NAME: host_name}
- return blade_data
- def _get_blade_state(self, chassis_id, blade_id, ucsm_ip,
- ucsm_username, ucsm_password):
- """Get the blade state"""
- blade_intf_data = self._client.get_blade_data(chassis_id, blade_id,
- ucsm_ip, ucsm_username,
- ucsm_password)
- unreserved_counter = 0
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- if (blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_LINK_STATE] ==
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_LINK_STATE] ==
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_OPER_STATE] ==
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- unreserved_counter += 1
- else:
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- blade_data = {const.BLADE_INTF_DATA: blade_intf_data,
- const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT: unreserved_counter}
- return blade_data
- def _get_all_ucsms(self):
- """Return a list of the IPs of all the UCSMs in the system"""
- return {const.DEVICE_IP: self._inventory.keys()}
- def _get_blade_for_port(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with IP address of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic was reserved for this port
- """
- tenant_id = args[0]
- net_id = args[1]
- port_id = args[2]
- rsvd_info = self._get_rsvd_blade_intf_by_port(tenant_id, port_id)
- if not rsvd_info:
- raise exc.PortNotFound(net_id=net_id, port_id=port_id)
- device_params = {const.DEVICE_IP: [rsvd_info[const.UCSM_IP]]}
- return device_params
- def _get_host_name_for_rsvd_intf(self, tenant_id, instance_id):
- """
- Return the hostname of the blade with a reserved instance
- for this tenant
- """
- for ucsm_ip in self._inventory_state.keys():
- ucsm = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip]
- for chassis_id in ucsm.keys():
- for blade_id in ucsm[chassis_id]:
- blade_data = ucsm[chassis_id][blade_id]
- blade_intf_data = blade_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DATA]
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- tmp = deepcopy(blade_intf_data[blade_intf])
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if (intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] ==
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] == tenant_id and
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] is None):
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] = instance_id
- host_name = self._get_host_name(ucsm_ip,
- chassis_id,
- blade_id)
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding_dn(blade_intf)
- port_id = port_binding[const.PORTID]
- udb.update_portbinding(port_id,
- instance_id=instance_id)
- return host_name
- LOG.warn(_("Could not find a reserved dynamic nic for tenant: %s"),
- tenant_id)
- return None
- def _get_instance_port(self, tenant_id, instance_id, vif_id):
- """
- Return the device name for a reserved interface
- """
- found_blade_intf_data = None
- for ucsm_ip in self._inventory_state.keys():
- ucsm = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip]
- for chassis_id in ucsm.keys():
- for blade_id in ucsm[chassis_id]:
- blade_data = ucsm[chassis_id][blade_id]
- blade_intf_data = blade_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DATA]
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if (intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] ==
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] == tenant_id and
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] == instance_id):
- found_blade_intf_data = blade_intf_data
- LOG.debug(_("Found blade %(blade_id)s "
- "associated with this"
- " instance: %(instance_id)s"),
- locals())
- break
- if found_blade_intf_data:
- blade_intf_data = found_blade_intf_data
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if (intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] ==
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] == tenant_id and
- (not intf_data[const.VIF_ID])):
- intf_data[const.VIF_ID] = vif_id
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] = instance_id
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding_dn(blade_intf)
- port_id = port_binding[const.PORTID]
- udb.update_portbinding(port_id, instance_id=instance_id,
- vif_id=vif_id)
- device_name = intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RHEL_DEVICE_NAME]
- profile_name = port_binding[const.PORTPROFILENAME]
- dynamicnic_details = {
- const.DEVICENAME: device_name,
- const.UCSPROFILE: profile_name,
- }
- LOG.debug(_("Found reserved dynamic nic: %(intf_data)s"
- "associated with port %(port_id)s"), locals())
- LOG.debug(_("Returning dynamic nic details: %s"),
- dynamicnic_details)
- return dynamicnic_details
- LOG.warn(_("Could not find a reserved dynamic nic for tenant: %s"),
- tenant_id)
- return None
- def _disassociate_vifid_from_port(self, tenant_id, instance_id, vif_id):
- """
- Disassociate a VIF-ID from a port, this happens when a
- VM is destroyed
- """
- for ucsm_ip in self._inventory_state.keys():
- ucsm = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip]
- for chassis_id in ucsm.keys():
- for blade_id in ucsm[chassis_id]:
- blade_data = ucsm[chassis_id][blade_id]
- blade_intf_data = blade_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DATA]
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if (intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] ==
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] == tenant_id and
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.INSTANCE_ID]
- == instance_id and
- intf_data[const.VIF_ID][:const.UUID_LENGTH] ==
- vif_id):
- intf_data[const.VIF_ID] = None
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] = None
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding_dn(blade_intf)
- port_id = port_binding[const.PORTID]
- udb.update_portbinding(port_id, instance_id=None,
- vif_id=None)
- LOG.debug(
- _("Disassociated VIF-ID: %(vif_id)s "
- "from port: %(port_id)s"
- "in UCS inventory state for blade: "
- "%(intf_data)s"), locals())
- device_params = {const.DEVICE_IP: [ucsm_ip],
- const.PORTID: port_id}
- return device_params
- LOG.warn(_("Disassociating VIF-ID in UCS inventory failed. "
- "Could not find a reserved dynamic nic for tenant: %s"),
- tenant_id)
- return None
- def _get_rsvd_blade_intf_by_port(self, tenant_id, port_id):
- """
- Lookup a reserved blade interface based on tenant_id and port_id
- and return the blade interface info
- """
- for ucsm_ip in self._inventory_state.keys():
- ucsm = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip]
- for chassis_id in ucsm.keys():
- for blade_id in ucsm[chassis_id]:
- blade_data = ucsm[chassis_id][blade_id]
- blade_intf_data = blade_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DATA]
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- if ((not blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.PORTID] or
- not blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.TENANTID])):
- continue
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if (intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] ==
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] == tenant_id and
- intf_data[const.PORTID] == port_id):
- interface_dn = intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DN]
- blade_intf_info = {const.UCSM_IP: ucsm_ip,
- const.CHASSIS_ID: chassis_id,
- const.BLADE_ID: blade_id,
- const.BLADE_INTF_DN:
- interface_dn}
- return blade_intf_info
- LOG.warn(_("Could not find a reserved nic for tenant: %(tenant_id)s "
- "port: %(port_id)s"), locals())
- return None
- def _get_least_reserved_blade(self, intf_count=1):
- """Return the blade with least number of dynamic nics reserved"""
- unreserved_interface_count = 0
- least_reserved_blade_ucsm = None
- least_reserved_blade_chassis = None
- least_reserved_blade_id = None
- least_reserved_blade_data = None
- for ucsm_ip in self._inventory_state.keys():
- ucsm = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip]
- for chassis_id in ucsm.keys():
- for blade_id in ucsm[chassis_id]:
- blade_data = ucsm[chassis_id][blade_id]
- if ((blade_data[const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT] >
- unreserved_interface_count)):
- unreserved_interface_count = (
- blade_data[const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT])
- least_reserved_blade_ucsm = ucsm_ip
- least_reserved_blade_chassis = chassis_id
- least_reserved_blade_id = blade_id
- least_reserved_blade_data = blade_data
- if unreserved_interface_count < intf_count:
- LOG.warn(_("Not enough dynamic nics available on a single host."
- " Requested: %(intf_count)s, Maximum available: "
- "%(unreserved_interface_count)s"), locals())
- return False
- least_reserved_blade_dict = {
- const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_UCSM: least_reserved_blade_ucsm,
- const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_CHASSIS: least_reserved_blade_chassis,
- const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_ID: least_reserved_blade_id,
- const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DATA: least_reserved_blade_data,
- }
- LOG.debug(_("Found dynamic nic %s available for reservation"),
- least_reserved_blade_dict)
- return least_reserved_blade_dict
- def reload_inventory(self):
- """Reload the inventory from a conf file"""
- self._load_inventory()
- def reserve_blade_interface(self, ucsm_ip, chassis_id, blade_id,
- blade_data_dict, tenant_id, port_id,
- portprofile_name):
- """Reserve an interface on a blade"""
- ucsm_username = cred.Store.get_username(ucsm_ip)
- ucsm_password = cred.Store.get_password(ucsm_ip)
- """
- We are first getting the updated UCSM-specific blade
- interface state
- """
- blade_data = self._get_blade_state(chassis_id, blade_id, ucsm_ip,
- ucsm_username, ucsm_password)
- blade_intf_data = blade_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DATA]
- chassis_data = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip][chassis_id]
- old_blade_intf_data = chassis_data[blade_id][const.BLADE_INTF_DATA]
- """
- We will now copy the older non-UCSM-specific blade
- interface state
- """
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- old_intf_data = old_blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- old_intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION])
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.TENANTID] = (
- old_intf_data[const.TENANTID])
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.PORTID] = (
- old_intf_data[const.PORTID])
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.PROFILE_ID] = (
- old_intf_data[const.PROFILE_ID])
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.INSTANCE_ID] = (
- old_intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID])
- blade_intf_data[blade_intf][const.VIF_ID] = (
- old_intf_data[const.VIF_ID])
- blade_data[const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT] = (
- chassis_data[blade_id][const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT])
- """
- Now we will reserve an interface if its available
- """
- for blade_intf in blade_intf_data.keys():
- intf_data = blade_intf_data[blade_intf]
- if (intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] ==
- intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RESERVATION] = (
- intf_data[const.TENANTID] = tenant_id
- intf_data[const.PORTID] = port_id
- intf_data[const.INSTANCE_ID] = None
- dev_eth_name = intf_data[const.BLADE_INTF_RHEL_DEVICE_NAME]
- """
- We are replacing the older blade interface state with new
- """
- chassis_data[blade_id][const.BLADE_INTF_DATA] = blade_intf_data
- chassis_data[blade_id][const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT] -= 1
- host_name = self._get_host_name(ucsm_ip, chassis_id, blade_id)
- reserved_nic_dict = {
- const.RESERVED_NIC_HOSTNAME: host_name,
- const.RESERVED_NIC_NAME: dev_eth_name,
- const.BLADE_INTF_DN: blade_intf,
- }
- port_binding = udb.add_portbinding(port_id, blade_intf, None,
- None, None, None)
- udb.update_portbinding(port_id,
- tenant_id=intf_data[const.TENANTID])
- LOG.debug(_("Reserved blade interface: %s"),
- reserved_nic_dict)
- return reserved_nic_dict
- LOG.warn(_("Dynamic nic %(blade_data)s could not be reserved for "
- "port-id: %(port_id)s"), locals())
- return False
- def unreserve_blade_interface(self, ucsm_ip, chassis_id, blade_id,
- interface_dn):
- """Unreserve a previously reserved interface on a blade"""
- ucsm_username = cred.Store.get_username(ucsm_ip)
- ucsm_password = cred.Store.get_password(ucsm_ip)
- blade_data = self._inventory_state[ucsm_ip][chassis_id][blade_id]
- blade_data[const.BLADE_UNRESERVED_INTF_COUNT] += 1
- blade_intf = blade_data[const.BLADE_INTF_DATA][interface_dn]
- blade_intf[const.TENANTID] = None
- blade_intf[const.PORTID] = None
- blade_intf[const.PROFILE_ID] = None
- blade_intf[const.INSTANCE_ID] = None
- blade_intf[const.VIF_ID] = None
- LOG.debug(_("Unreserved blade interface %s"), interface_dn)
- def add_blade(self, ucsm_ip, chassis_id, blade_id):
- """Add a blade to the inventory"""
- # TODO (Sumit)
- pass
- def get_all_networks(self, args):
- """Return all UCSM IPs"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_all_networks() called"))
- return self._get_all_ucsms()
- def create_network(self, args):
- """Return all UCSM IPs"""
- LOG.debug(_("create_network() called"))
- return self._get_all_ucsms()
- def delete_network(self, args):
- """Return all UCSM IPs"""
- LOG.debug(_("delete_network() called"))
- return self._get_all_ucsms()
- def get_network_details(self, args):
- """Return all UCSM IPs"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_network_details() called"))
- return self._get_all_ucsms()
- def update_network(self, args):
- """Return all UCSM IPs"""
- LOG.debug(_("update_network() called"))
- return self._get_all_ucsms()
- def get_all_ports(self, args):
- """Return all UCSM IPs"""
- LOG.debug(_("get_all_ports() called"))
- return self._get_all_ucsms()
- def create_port(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with information of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic is available
- """
- LOG.debug(_("create_port() called"))
- least_reserved_blade_dict = self._get_least_reserved_blade()
- if not least_reserved_blade_dict:
- raise cexc.NoMoreNics()
- ucsm_ip = least_reserved_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_UCSM]
- device_params = {
- const.DEVICE_IP: [ucsm_ip],
- const.UCS_INVENTORY: self,
- const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DICT: least_reserved_blade_dict,
- }
- return device_params
- def delete_port(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with information of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic was reserved for this port
- """
- LOG.debug(_("delete_port() called"))
- tenant_id = args[0]
- net_id = args[1]
- port_id = args[2]
- rsvd_info = self._get_rsvd_blade_intf_by_port(tenant_id, port_id)
- if not rsvd_info:
- LOG.warn(_("UCSInventory: Port not found: net_id: %(net_id)s, "
- "port_id: %(port_id)s"), locals())
- return {const.DEVICE_IP: []}
- device_params = {
- const.DEVICE_IP: [rsvd_info[const.UCSM_IP]],
- const.UCS_INVENTORY: self,
- const.CHASSIS_ID: rsvd_info[const.CHASSIS_ID],
- const.BLADE_ID: rsvd_info[const.BLADE_ID],
- const.BLADE_INTF_DN: rsvd_info[const.BLADE_INTF_DN],
- }
- return device_params
- def update_port(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with IP address of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic was reserved for this port
- """
- LOG.debug(_("update_port() called"))
- return self._get_blade_for_port(args)
- def get_port_details(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with IP address of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic was reserved for this port
- """
- LOG.debug(_("get_port_details() called"))
- return self._get_blade_for_port(args)
- def plug_interface(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with IP address of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic was reserved for this port
- """
- LOG.debug(_("plug_interface() called"))
- return self._get_blade_for_port(args)
- def unplug_interface(self, args):
- """
- Return the a dict with IP address of the blade
- on which a dynamic vnic was reserved for this port
- """
- LOG.debug(_("unplug_interface() called"))
- return self._get_blade_for_port(args)
- def schedule_host(self, args):
- """Provides the hostname on which a dynamic vnic is reserved"""
- LOG.debug(_("schedule_host() called"))
- instance_id = args[1]
- tenant_id = args[2][const.PROJECT_ID]
- host_name = self._get_host_name_for_rsvd_intf(tenant_id, instance_id)
- host_list = {const.HOST_LIST: {const.HOST_1: host_name}}
- LOG.debug(_("host_list is: %s"), host_list)
- return host_list
- def associate_port(self, args):
- """
- Get the portprofile name and the device name for the dynamic vnic
- """
- LOG.debug(_("associate_port() called"))
- instance_id = args[1]
- tenant_id = args[2][const.PROJECT_ID]
- vif_id = args[2][const.VIF_ID]
- vif_info = self._get_instance_port(tenant_id, instance_id, vif_id)
- vif_desc = {const.VIF_DESC: vif_info}
- LOG.debug(_("vif_desc is: %s"), vif_desc)
- return vif_desc
- def detach_port(self, args):
- """
- Remove the VIF-ID and instance name association
- with the port
- """
- LOG.debug(_("detach_port() called"))
- instance_id = args[1]
- tenant_id = args[2][const.PROJECT_ID]
- vif_id = args[2][const.VIF_ID]
- device_params = self._disassociate_vifid_from_port(tenant_id,
- instance_id,
- vif_id)
- return device_params
- def create_multiport(self, args):
- """
- Create multiple ports for a VM
- """
- LOG.debug(_("create_ports() called"))
- tenant_id = args[0]
- ports_num = args[2]
- least_reserved_blade_dict = self._get_least_reserved_blade(ports_num)
- if not least_reserved_blade_dict:
- raise cexc.NoMoreNics()
- ucsm_ip = least_reserved_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_UCSM]
- device_params = {
- const.DEVICE_IP: [ucsm_ip],
- const.UCS_INVENTORY: self,
- least_reserved_blade_dict,
- }
- return device_params
+++ /dev/null
-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# @author: Sumit Naiksatam, Cisco Systems, Inc.
-import logging
-from quantum.db import api as db
-from quantum.openstack.common import importutils
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_credentials_v2 as cred
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_exceptions as cexc
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_utils as cutil
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import network_db_v2 as cdb
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import ucs_db_v2 as udb
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.l2device_plugin_base import L2DevicePluginBase
-from quantum.plugins.cisco.ucs import cisco_ucs_configuration as conf
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class UCSVICPlugin(L2DevicePluginBase):
- """UCS Device Plugin"""
- def __init__(self):
- self._driver = importutils.import_object(conf.UCSM_DRIVER)
- LOG.debug(_("Loaded driver %s"), conf.UCSM_DRIVER)
- # TODO (Sumit) Make the counter per UCSM
- self._port_profile_counter = 0
- def get_all_networks(self, tenant_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Returns a dictionary containing all
- <network_uuid, network_name> for
- the specified tenant.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:get_all_networks() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- networks_list = db.network_list(tenant_id)
- new_networks_list = []
- for network in networks_list:
- new_network_dict = cutil.make_net_dict(network[const.UUID],
- network[const.NETWORKNAME],
- [])
- new_networks_list.append(new_network_dict)
- return new_networks_list
- def create_network(self, tenant_id, net_name, net_id, vlan_name, vlan_id,
- **kwargs):
- """
- Creates a new Virtual Network, and assigns it
- a symbolic name.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:create_network() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- self._driver.create_vlan(vlan_name, str(vlan_id), self._ucsm_ip,
- self._ucsm_username, self._ucsm_password)
- ports_on_net = []
- new_network_dict = cutil.make_net_dict(net_id,
- net_name,
- ports_on_net)
- return new_network_dict
- def delete_network(self, tenant_id, net_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Deletes the network with the specified network identifier
- belonging to the specified tenant.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:delete_network() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- vlan_binding = cdb.get_vlan_binding(net_id)
- vlan_name = vlan_binding[const.VLANNAME]
- self._driver.delete_vlan(vlan_name, self._ucsm_ip,
- self._ucsm_username, self._ucsm_password)
- #Rohit:passing empty network name, might not need fixing
- net_dict = cutil.make_net_dict(net_id,
- "",
- [])
- return net_dict
- def get_network_details(self, tenant_id, net_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Deletes the Virtual Network belonging to a the
- spec
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:get_network_details() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- network = db.network_get(net_id)
- ports_list = network[const.NETWORKPORTS]
- ports_on_net = []
- for port in ports_list:
- new_port = cutil.make_port_dict(port[const.UUID],
- port[const.PORTSTATE],
- port[const.NETWORKID],
- port[const.INTERFACEID])
- ports_on_net.append(new_port)
- new_network = cutil.make_net_dict(network[const.UUID],
- network[const.NETWORKNAME],
- ports_on_net)
- return new_network
- def update_network(self, tenant_id, net_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Updates the symbolic name belonging to a particular
- Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:update_network() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- network = db.network_get(net_id)
- net_dict = cutil.make_net_dict(network[const.UUID],
- network[const.NETWORKNAME],
- [])
- return net_dict
- def get_all_ports(self, tenant_id, net_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Retrieves all port identifiers belonging to the
- specified Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:get_all_ports() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- network = db.network_get(net_id)
- ports_list = network[const.NETWORKPORTS]
- ports_on_net = []
- for port in ports_list:
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding(port[const.UUID])
- ports_on_net.append(port_binding)
- return ports_on_net
- def create_port(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_state, port_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Creates a port on the specified Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:create_port() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- qos = None
- ucs_inventory = kwargs[const.UCS_INVENTORY]
- least_rsvd_blade_dict = kwargs[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DICT]
- chassis_id = least_rsvd_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_CHASSIS]
- blade_id = least_rsvd_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_ID]
- blade_data_dict = least_rsvd_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DATA]
- new_port_profile = self._create_port_profile(tenant_id, net_id,
- port_id,
- profile_name = new_port_profile[const.PROFILE_NAME]
- rsvd_nic_dict = ucs_inventory.reserve_blade_interface(
- self._ucsm_ip, chassis_id,
- blade_id, blade_data_dict,
- tenant_id, port_id,
- profile_name)
- port_binding = udb.update_portbinding(port_id,
- portprofile_name=profile_name,
- vlan_name=conf.DEFAULT_VLAN_NAME,
- vlan_id=conf.DEFAULT_VLAN_ID,
- qos=qos)
- return port_binding
- def delete_port(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Deletes a port on a specified Virtual Network,
- if the port contains a remote interface attachment,
- the remote interface should first be un-plugged and
- then the port can be deleted.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:delete_port() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- ucs_inventory = kwargs[const.UCS_INVENTORY]
- chassis_id = kwargs[const.CHASSIS_ID]
- blade_id = kwargs[const.BLADE_ID]
- interface_dn = kwargs[const.BLADE_INTF_DN]
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding(port_id)
- profile_name = port_binding[const.PORTPROFILENAME]
- self._delete_port_profile(port_id, profile_name)
- ucs_inventory.unreserve_blade_interface(self._ucsm_ip, chassis_id,
- blade_id, interface_dn)
- return udb.remove_portbinding(port_id)
- def update_port(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Updates the state of a port on the specified Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:update_port() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- pass
- def get_port_details(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_id, **kwargs):
- """
- This method allows the user to retrieve a remote interface
- that is attached to this particular port.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:get_port_details() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding(port_id)
- return port_binding
- def plug_interface(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_id, remote_interface_id,
- **kwargs):
- """
- Attaches a remote interface to the specified port on the
- specified Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:plug_interface() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding(port_id)
- profile_name = port_binding[const.PORTPROFILENAME]
- old_vlan_name = port_binding[const.VLANNAME]
- new_vlan_name = self._get_vlan_name_for_network(tenant_id, net_id)
- new_vlan_id = self._get_vlan_id_for_network(tenant_id, net_id)
- self._driver.change_vlan_in_profile(profile_name, old_vlan_name,
- new_vlan_name, self._ucsm_ip,
- self._ucsm_username,
- self._ucsm_password)
- return udb.update_portbinding(port_id, vlan_name=new_vlan_name,
- vlan_id=new_vlan_id)
- def unplug_interface(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_id, **kwargs):
- """
- Detaches a remote interface from the specified port on the
- specified Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:unplug_interface() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- port_binding = udb.get_portbinding(port_id)
- profile_name = port_binding[const.PORTPROFILENAME]
- old_vlan_name = port_binding[const.VLANNAME]
- new_vlan_name = conf.DEFAULT_VLAN_NAME
- self._driver.change_vlan_in_profile(profile_name, old_vlan_name,
- new_vlan_name, self._ucsm_ip,
- self._ucsm_username,
- self._ucsm_password)
- return udb.update_portbinding(port_id, vlan_name=new_vlan_name,
- vlan_id=conf.DEFAULT_VLAN_ID)
- def create_multiport(self, tenant_id, net_id_list, ports_num,
- port_id_list, **kwargs):
- """
- Creates a port on the specified Virtual Network.
- """
- LOG.debug(_("UCSVICPlugin:create_multiport() called"))
- self._set_ucsm(kwargs[const.DEVICE_IP])
- qos = None
- ucs_inventory = kwargs[const.UCS_INVENTORY]
- least_rsvd_blade_dict = kwargs[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DICT]
- chassis_id = least_rsvd_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_CHASSIS]
- blade_id = least_rsvd_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_ID]
- blade_data_dict = least_rsvd_blade_dict[const.LEAST_RSVD_BLADE_DATA]
- port_binding_list = []
- for port_id, net_id in zip(port_id_list, net_id_list):
- new_port_profile = self._create_port_profile(
- tenant_id, net_id, port_id,
- profile_name = new_port_profile[const.PROFILE_NAME]
- rsvd_nic_dict = ucs_inventory.reserve_blade_interface(
- self._ucsm_ip, chassis_id,
- blade_id, blade_data_dict,
- tenant_id, port_id,
- profile_name)
- port_binding = udb.update_portbinding(
- port_id,
- portprofile_name=profile_name,
- vlan_name=conf.DEFAULT_VLAN_NAME,
- vlan_id=conf.DEFAULT_VLAN_ID,
- qos=qos)
- port_binding_list.append(port_binding)
- return port_binding_list
- def detach_port(self, tenant_id, instance_id, instance_desc, **kwargs):
- """
- Remove the association of the VIF with the dynamic vnic
- """
- LOG.debug(_("detach_port() called"))
- port_id = kwargs[const.PORTID]
- kwargs.pop(const.PORTID)
- return self.unplug_interface(tenant_id, None, port_id, **kwargs)
- def _get_profile_name(self, port_id):
- """Returns the port profile name based on the port UUID"""
- profile_name = conf.PROFILE_NAME_PREFIX + cutil.get16ByteUUID(port_id)
- return profile_name
- def _get_vlan_name_for_network(self, tenant_id, network_id):
- """Return the VLAN name as set by the L2 network plugin"""
- vlan_binding = cdb.get_vlan_binding(network_id)
- return vlan_binding[const.VLANNAME]
- def _get_vlan_id_for_network(self, tenant_id, network_id):
- """Return the VLAN id as set by the L2 network plugin"""
- vlan_binding = cdb.get_vlan_binding(network_id)
- return vlan_binding[const.VLANID]
- def _create_port_profile(self, tenant_id, net_id, port_id, vlan_name,
- vlan_id):
- """Create port profile in UCSM"""
- if self._port_profile_counter >= int(conf.MAX_UCSM_PORT_PROFILES):
- raise cexc.UCSMPortProfileLimit(net_id=net_id, port_id=port_id)
- profile_name = self._get_profile_name(port_id)
- self._driver.create_profile(profile_name, vlan_name, self._ucsm_ip,
- self._ucsm_username, self._ucsm_password)
- self._port_profile_counter += 1
- new_port_profile = {const.PROFILE_NAME: profile_name,
- const.PROFILE_VLAN_NAME: vlan_name,
- const.PROFILE_VLAN_ID: vlan_id}
- return new_port_profile
- def _delete_port_profile(self, port_id, profile_name):
- """Delete port profile in UCSM"""
- self._driver.delete_profile(profile_name, self._ucsm_ip,
- self._ucsm_username, self._ucsm_password)
- self._port_profile_counter -= 1
- def _set_ucsm(self, ucsm_ip):
- """Set the UCSM IP, username, and password"""
- self._ucsm_ip = ucsm_ip
- self._ucsm_username = cred.Store.get_username(conf.UCSM_IP_ADDRESS)
- self._ucsm_password = cred.Store.get_password(conf.UCSM_IP_ADDRESS)