--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import random
+import testscenarios
+import neutron.extensions.l3 as l3_ext
+from neutron import context
+from neutron.scheduler import l3_agent_scheduler
+from neutron.tests.common import helpers
+from neutron.tests.unit.db import test_db_base_plugin_v2
+# Required to generate tests from scenarios. Not compatible with nose.
+load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
+class L3SchedulerBaseTest(test_db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase):
+ """Base class for functional test of L3 schedulers.
+ Provides basic setup and utility functions.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ ext_mgr = l3_ext.L3()
+ plugin_str = ('neutron.services.l3_router.l3_router_plugin.'
+ 'L3RouterPlugin')
+ super(L3SchedulerBaseTest, self).setUp(plugin=plugin_str,
+ ext_mgr=ext_mgr)
+ self.adminContext = context.get_admin_context()
+ self.adminContext.tenant_id = '_func_test_tenant_'
+ def _create_l3_agent(self, host, context, agent_mode='legacy', plugin=None,
+ state=True):
+ agent = helpers.register_l3_agent(host, agent_mode)
+ helpers.set_agent_admin_state(agent.id, state)
+ return agent
+ def _create_router(self, name):
+ router = {'name': name, 'admin_state_up': True}
+ return self.plugin.create_router(self.adminContext, {'router': router})
+ def _create_legacy_agents(self, agent_count, down_agent_count):
+ # Creates legacy l3 agents and sets admin state based on
+ # down agent count.
+ self.hosts = ['host-%s' % i for i in range(agent_count)]
+ self.l3_agents = [self._create_l3_agent(self.hosts[i],
+ self.adminContext, 'legacy', self.plugin,
+ (i >= down_agent_count)) for i in range(agent_count)]
+ def _create_routers(self, scheduled_router_count,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count):
+ routers = []
+ if (scheduled_router_count + expected_scheduled_router_count):
+ for i in range(scheduled_router_count +
+ expected_scheduled_router_count):
+ router = self._create_router('schd_rtr' + str(i))
+ routers.append(router)
+ else:
+ # create at least one router to test scheduling
+ routers.append(self._create_router('schd_rtr0'))
+ return routers
+ def _pre_scheduler_routers(self, scheduler, count):
+ hosting_agents = []
+ # schedule routers before calling schedule:
+ for i in range(count):
+ router = self.routers[i]
+ agent = random.choice(self.l3_agents)
+ scheduler.bind_router(self.adminContext, router['id'], agent)
+ hosting_agents.append(agent)
+ return hosting_agents
+ def _test_auto_schedule(self, expected_count):
+ router_ids = [rtr['id'] for rtr in self.routers]
+ did_it_schedule = False
+ # Try scheduling on each host
+ for host in self.hosts:
+ did_it_schedule = self.scheduler.auto_schedule_routers(
+ self.plugin,
+ self.adminContext,
+ host,
+ router_ids)
+ if did_it_schedule:
+ break
+ if expected_count:
+ self.assertTrue(did_it_schedule, 'Failed to schedule agent')
+ else:
+ self.assertFalse(did_it_schedule, 'Agent scheduled, not expected')
+class L3ChanceSchedulerTestCase(L3SchedulerBaseTest):
+ """Test various scenarios for chance scheduler.
+ agent_count
+ Number of l3 agents (also number of hosts).
+ down_agent_count
+ Number of l3 agents which are down.
+ scheduled_router_count
+ Number of routers that have been previously scheduled.
+ expected_scheduled_router_count
+ Number of newly scheduled routers.
+ """
+ scenarios = [
+ ('No routers scheduled if no agents are present',
+ dict(agent_count=0,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=0,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=0)),
+ ('No routers scheduled if it is already hosted',
+ dict(agent_count=1,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=1,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=0)),
+ ('No routers scheduled if all agents are down',
+ dict(agent_count=2,
+ down_agent_count=2,
+ scheduled_router_count=0,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=0)),
+ ('Router scheduled to the agent if router is not yet hosted',
+ dict(agent_count=1,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=0,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=1)),
+ ('Router scheduled to the agent even if it already hosts a router',
+ dict(agent_count=1,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=1,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=1)),
+ ]
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(L3ChanceSchedulerTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self._create_legacy_agents(self.agent_count, self.down_agent_count)
+ self.routers = self._create_routers(self.scheduled_router_count,
+ self.expected_scheduled_router_count)
+ self.scheduler = l3_agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler()
+ def test_chance_schedule_router(self):
+ # Pre schedule routers
+ self._pre_scheduler_routers(self.scheduler,
+ self.scheduled_router_count)
+ # schedule:
+ actual_scheduled_agent = self.scheduler.schedule(
+ self.plugin,
+ self.adminContext,
+ self.routers[-1]['id'])
+ if self.expected_scheduled_router_count:
+ self.assertIsNotNone(actual_scheduled_agent,
+ message='Failed to schedule agent')
+ else:
+ self.assertIsNone(actual_scheduled_agent,
+ message='Agent scheduled but not expected')
+ def test_auto_schedule_routers(self):
+ # Pre schedule routers
+ self._pre_scheduler_routers(self.scheduler,
+ self.scheduled_router_count)
+ # The test
+ self._test_auto_schedule(self.expected_scheduled_router_count)
+class L3LeastRoutersSchedulerTestCase(L3SchedulerBaseTest):
+ """Test various scenarios for least router scheduler.
+ agent_count
+ Number of l3 agents (also number of hosts).
+ down_agent_count
+ Number of l3 agents which are down.
+ scheduled_router_count
+ Number of routers that have been previously scheduled
+ expected_scheduled_router_count
+ Number of newly scheduled routers
+ """
+ scenarios = [
+ ('No routers scheduled if no agents are present',
+ dict(agent_count=0,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=0,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=0)),
+ ('No routers scheduled if it is already hosted',
+ dict(agent_count=1,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=1,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=1)),
+ ('No routers scheduled if all agents are down',
+ dict(agent_count=2,
+ down_agent_count=2,
+ scheduled_router_count=0,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=0)),
+ ('Router scheduled to the agent if router is not yet hosted',
+ dict(agent_count=1,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=0,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=1)),
+ ('Router scheduled to the agent even if it already hosts a router',
+ dict(agent_count=1,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=1,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=1)),
+ ('Router is scheduled to agent hosting least routers',
+ dict(agent_count=2,
+ down_agent_count=0,
+ scheduled_router_count=1,
+ expected_scheduled_router_count=1)),
+ ]
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(L3LeastRoutersSchedulerTestCase, self).setUp()
+ self._create_legacy_agents(self.agent_count, self.down_agent_count)
+ self.routers = self._create_routers(self.scheduled_router_count,
+ self.expected_scheduled_router_count)
+ self.scheduler = l3_agent_scheduler.LeastRoutersScheduler()
+ def test_least_routers_schedule(self):
+ # Pre schedule routers
+ hosting_agents = self._pre_scheduler_routers(self.scheduler,
+ self.scheduled_router_count)
+ actual_scheduled_agent = self.scheduler.schedule(
+ self.plugin,
+ self.adminContext,
+ self.routers[-1]['id'])
+ if self.expected_scheduled_router_count:
+ # For case where there is just one agent:
+ if self.agent_count == 1:
+ self.assertEqual(actual_scheduled_agent.id,
+ self.l3_agents[0].id)
+ else:
+ self.assertNotIn(actual_scheduled_agent.id,
+ [x.id for x in hosting_agents],
+ message='The expected agent was not scheduled')
+ else:
+ self.assertIsNone(actual_scheduled_agent,
+ message='Expected no agent to be scheduled,'
+ ' but it got scheduled')
+ def test_auto_schedule_routers(self):
+ # Pre schedule routers
+ self._pre_scheduler_routers(self.scheduler,
+ self.scheduled_router_count)
+ # The test
+ self._test_auto_schedule(self.expected_scheduled_router_count)