Neutron Bugs
-Neutron maintains all of it's bugs in `Launchpad <>`_. All of
-the current open Neutron bugs can be found in that link.
+Neutron (client, core, FwaaS, LBaaS, VPNaaS) maintains all of its bugs in the following
+Launchpad projects:
-Neutron Bug Czar
-Neutron maintains the notion of a "bug czar." The bug czar plays an important role in the Neutron
-community. As a large project, Neutron is routinely fielding many bug reports. The bug czar is
-responsible for acting as a "first contact" for these bug reports and performing initial
-triaging. The bug czar is expected to communicate with the various Neutron teams when a bug has
-been triaged. In addition, the bug czar should be reporting "High" and "Critical" priority bugs
-to both the PTL and the core reviewer team during each weekly Neutron meeting.
+* `Launchpad Neutron <>`_
+* `Launchpad python-neutronclient <>`_
+Neutron Bug Deputy
+Neutron maintains the notion of a "bug deputy". The bug deputy plays an
+important role in the Neutron community. As a large project, Neutron is
+routinely fielding many bug reports. The bug deputy is responsible for
+acting as a "first contact" for these bug reports and performing initial
+screening/triaging. The bug deputy is expected to communicate with the
+various Neutron teams when a bug has been triaged. In addition, the bug
+deputy should be reporting "High" and "Critical" priority bugs.
+To avoid burnout, and to give a chance to everyone to gain experience in
+defect management, the Neutron bug deputy is a rotating role: every member
+of the Neutron core team is invited to fill in the role, and the rotation
+will be set on a period (typically one or two weeks) determined by the team
+during the weekly Neutron IRC meeting and/or according to holidays. During
+the Neutron IRC meeting we will expect a volunteer to step up for the period.
+Non-core volunteers are encouraged in taking up the role.
+This contributor is going to be the bug deputy for the period, and he/she
+will be asked to report to the team during the subsequent IRC meeting. The
+PTL will also work with the team to assess that everyone gets his/her fair
+share at fulfilling this duty. It is reasonable to expect some imbalance
+from time to time, and the team will work together to resolve it to ensure
+that everyone is 100% effective and well rounded in their role as
+_custodian_ of Neutron quality. Should the duty load be too much in busy
+times of the release, the PTL and the team will work together to assess
+whether more than one deputy is necessary in a given period.
+The presence of a bug deputy does not mean the rest of the team is simply off
+the hook for the period, in fact the bug deputy will have to actively work
+with the Lieutenants/Drivers, and these should help in getting the bug report
+moving down the resolution pipeline.
+During the period a member acts as bug deputy, he/she is expected to watch
+bugs filed against the Neutron projects (as listed above) and do a first
+screening to determine potential severity, tagging, logstash queries, other
+affected projects, affected releases, etc.
+From time to time bugs will be filed and auto-assigned by members of the
+core team to get them to a swift resolution. Obviously, the deputy is exempt
+from screening these.
+Finally, the PTL will work with the deputy to produce a brief summary of the
+issues of the week to be shared with the larger team during the weekly IRC
+meeting and tracked in the meeting notes.
-The current Neutron bug czar is Kyle Mestery (IRC nick mestery).
Plugin and Driver Repositories
Many plugins and drivers have backend code that exists in another repository.
-These repositories have their own launchpad projects for bugs. The teams
+These repositories may have their own Launchpad projects for bugs. The teams
working on the code in these repos assume full responsibility for bug handling
-in those projects.
+in those projects. For this reason, bugs whose solution would exist solely in
+the plugin/driver repo should not have Neutron in the affected projects section.
+However, you should add Neutron (Or any other project) to that list only if you
+expect that a patch is needed to that repo in order to solve the bug.
+It also worth adding that that some of these projects are part of the so
+called Neutron `stadium <>`_.
+Because of that, their release is managed centrally by the Neutron
+release team; requests for releases need to funnelled and screened
+properly before they can happen. To this aim, the process should be like
+the following:
+* Create a bug report to your Launchpad project: provide details as to what
+ you would like to release;
+* Add Neutron to the list of affected projects.
+* Add 'release-subproject' tag to the list of tags for the bug report.
+* The Neutron release management team will watch these bugs, and work with
+ you to have the request fulfilled.
+.. _guidelines:
+Bug Screening Best Practices
+When screening bug reports, the first step for the bug deputy is to assess
+how well written the bug report is, and whether there is enough information
+for anyone else besides the bug submitter to reproduce the bug and come up
+with a fix. There is plenty of information on the `OpenStack wiki <>`_
+on how to write a good bug `report <>`_
+and to learn how to tell a good bug report from a bad one. Should the bug
+report not adhere to these best practices, the bug deputy's first step
+would be to redirect the submitter to this section, invite him/her to supply
+the missing information, and mark the bug report as 'Incomplete'. For future
+submissions, the reporter can then use the template provided below to ensure
+speedy triaging. Done often enough, this practice should (ideally) ensure that
+in the long run, only 'good' bug reports are going to be filed.
+Bug Report Template
+The more information you provide, the higher the chance of speedy triaging and
+resolution: identifing the problem is half the solution. To this aim, when
+writing a bug report, please consider supplying the following details and
+following these suggestions:
+* Summary (Bug title): keep it small, possibly one line. If you cannot describe
+ the issue in less than 100 characters, you are probably submitting more than
+ one bug at once.
+* Further information (Bug description): conversely from other bug trackers,
+ Launchpad does not provide a structured way of submitting bug-related
+ information, but everything goes in this section. Therefore, you are invited
+ to break down the description in the following fields:
+ * High level description: provide a brief sentence (a couple of lines) of
+ what are you trying to accomplish, or would like to accomplish differently;
+ the 'why' is important, but can be omitted if obvious (not to you of course).
+ * Pre-conditions: what is the initial state of your system? Please consider
+ enumerating resources available in the system, if useful in diagnosing
+ the problem. Who are you? A regular tenant or a super-user? Are you
+ describing service-to-service interaction?
+ * Step-by-step reproduction steps: these can be actual neutron client
+ commands or raw API requests; Grab the output if you think it is useful.
+ Please, consider using `paste.o.o <>`_ for long
+ outputs as Launchpad poorly format the description field, making the
+ reading experience somewhat painful.
+ * Expected output: what did you hope to see? How would you have expected the
+ system to behave? A specific error/success code? The output in a specific
+ format? Or more than a user was supposed to see, or less?
+ * Actual output: did the system silently fail (in this case log traces are
+ useful)? Did you get a different response from what you expected?
+ * Version:
+ * OpenStack version (Specific stable branch, or git hash if from trunk);
+ * Linux distro, kernel. For a distro, it's also worth knowing specific
+ versions of client and server, not just major release;
+ * Relevant underlying processes such as openvswitch, iproute etc;
+ * DevStack or other _deployment_ mechanism?
+ * Environment: what services are you running (core services like DB and
+ AMQP broker, as well as Nova/hypervisor if it matters), and which type
+ of deployment (clustered servers); if you are running DevStack, is it a
+ single node? Is it multi-node? Are you reporting an issue in your own
+ environment or something you encountered in the OpenStack CI
+ Infrastructure, aka the Gate?
+ * Perceived severity: what would you consider the `importance <>`_
+ to be?
+* Tags (Affected component): try to use the existing tags by relying on
+ auto-completion. Please, refrain from creating new ones, if you need
+ new "official" tags_, please reach out to the PTL. If you would like
+ a fix to be backported, please add a backport-potential tag.
+ This does not mean you are gonna get the backport, as the stable team needs
+ to follow the `stable branch policy <>`_
+ for merging fixes to stable branches.
+* Attachments: consider attaching logs, truncated log snippets are seldomly
+ useful. Be proactive, and consider attaching redacted configuration files
+ if you can, as that will speed up the resolution process greatly.
Bug Triage Process
The process of bug triaging consists of the following steps:
-1. Check if a bug was filed for a correct component (project). If not, either change the project
- or mark it as "Invalid".
-2. Add appropriate tags. Even if the bug is not valid or is a duplicate of another one, it still
- may help bug submitters and corresponding sub-teams.
-3. Check if a similar bug was filed before. If so, mark it as a duplicate of the previous bug.
-4. Check if the bug description is consistent, e.g. it has enough information for developers to
- reproduce it. If it's not consistent, ask submitter to provide more info and mark a bug as
- "Incomplete".
-5. Depending on ease of reproduction (or if the issue can be spotted in the code), mark it as
- "Confirmed".
-6. Assign the importance. Bugs that obviously break core and widely used functionality should get
- assigned as "High" or "Critical" importance. The same applies to bugs that were filed for gate
- failures.
-7. (Optional). Add comments explaining the issue and possible strategy of fixing/working around
- the bug.
+* Check if a bug was filed for a correct component (project). If not, either
+ change the project or mark it as "Invalid".
+* Check if a similar bug was filed before. Rely on your memory if Launchpad
+ is not clever enough to spot a duplicate upon submission. If so, mark it
+ as a duplicate of the previous bug.
+* Check if the bug meets the requirements of a good bug report, by checking
+ that the guidelines_ are being followed. Omitted information is still
+ acceptable if the issue is clear nonethless; use your good judgement and
+ your experience. Consult another core member/PTL if in doubt. If the bug
+ report needs some love, mark the bug as 'Incomplete', point the submitter
+ to this document and hope he/she turns around quickly with the missing
+ information.
+If the bug report is sound, move next:
+* Revise tags as recommended by the submitter. Ensure they are 'official'
+ tags.
+* Depending on ease of reproduction (or if the issue can be spotted in the
+ code), mark it as 'Confirmed'. If you are unable to assess/triage the
+ issue because you do not have access to a repro environment, consider
+ reaching out the Lieutenant, go-to person for the affected component;
+ he/she may be able to help: assign the bug to him/her for further
+ screening. If the bug already has an assignee, check that a patch is
+ in progress. Sometimes more than one patch is required to address an
+ issue, make sure that there is at least one patch that 'Closes' the bug
+ or document/question what it takes to mark the bug as fixed.
+* If the bug is the result of a misuse of the system, mark the bug either
+ as 'Won't fix', or 'Opinion' if you are still on the fence and need
+ other people's input.
+* Assign the importance after reviewing the proposed severity. Bugs that
+ obviously break core and widely used functionality should get assigned as
+ "High" or "Critical" importance. The same applies to bugs that were filed
+ for gate failures.
+* Choose a milestone, if you can. Targeted bugs are especially important
+ close to the end of the release.
+* (Optional). Add comments explaining the issue and possible strategy of
+ fixing/working around the bug. Also, as good as some are at adding all
+ thoughts to bugs, it is still helpful to share the in-progress items
+ that might not be captured in a bug description or during our weekly
+ meeting. In order to provide some guidance and reduce ramp up time as
+ we rotate, tagging bugs with 'needs-attention' can be useful to quickly
+ identify what reports need further screening/eyes on.
+You are done! Iterate.
+Bug Expiration Policy and Bug Squashing
+More can be found at this `Launchpad page <>`_.
+In a nutshell, in order to make a bug report expire automatically, it needs to be
+unassigned, untargeted, and marked as Incomplete.
+The OpenStack community has had `Bug Days <>`_
+but they have not been wildly successful. In order to keep the list of open bugs set
+to a manageable number (more like <100+, rather than closer to 1000+), at the end of
+each release (in feature freeze and/or during less busy times), the PTL with the
+help of team will go through the list of open (namely new, opinion, in progress,
+confirmed, triaged) bugs, and do a major sweep to have the Launchpad Janitor pick
+them up. This gives 60 days grace period to reporters/assignees to come back and
+revive the bug. Assuming that at regime, bugs are properly reported, acknowledged
+and fix-proposed, losing unaddressed issues is not going to be a major issue,
+but brief stats will be collected to assess how the team is doing over time.
+.. _tags:
+Tagging Bugs
+Launchpad's Bug Tracker allows you to create ad-hoc groups of bugs with tagging.
+In the Neutron team, we have a list of agreed tags that we may apply to bugs
+reported against various aspects of Neutron itself. The list of approved tags
+used to be available on the `wiki <>`_,
+however the section has been moved here, to improve collaborative editing, and
+keep the information more current. By using a standard set of tags, each
+explained on this page, we can avoid confusion. A bug report can have more than
+one tag at any given time.
+Proposing New Tags
+New tags, or changes in the meaning of existing tags (or deletion), are to be
+proposed via patch to this section. After discussion, and approval, a member of
+the bug team will create/delete the tag in Launchpad. Each tag covers an area
+with an identified go-to contact or `Lieutenant <>`_,
+who can provide further insight. Bug queries are provided below for convenience,
+more will be added over time if needed.
+| Tag | Description | Contact |
+| api_ | A bug affecting the API layer | Salvatore Orlando |
+| baremetal_ | A bug affecting Ironic support | Sukhdev Kapur |
+| db_ | A bug affecting the DB layer | Henry Gessau |
+| dns_ | A bug affecting DNS integration | Miguel Lavalle |
+| doc_ | A bug affecting in-tree doc | Edgar Magana |
+| fullstack_ | A bug in the fullstack subtree | Assaf Muller |
+| functional-tests_ | A bug in the functional tests subtree | Assaf Muller |
+| fwaas_ | A bug affecting neutron-fwass | Sean Collins |
+| gate-failure_ | A bug affecting gate stability | Armando Migliaccio |
+| ipv6_ | A bug affecting IPv6 support | Henry Gessau |
+| l2-pop_ | A bug in L2 Population mech driver | Kevin Benton |
+| l3-dvr-backlog_ | A bug affecting distributed routing | Ryan Moats |
+| l3-ha_ | A bug affecting L3 HA (vrrp) | Assaf Muller |
+| l3-ipam-dhcp_ | A bug affecting L3/DHCP/metadata | Miguel Lavalle |
+| lbaas_ | A bug affecting neutron-lbaas | Brandon Logan |
+| linuxbridge_ | A bug affecting ML2/linuxbridge | Sean Collins |
+| loadimpact_ | Performance penalty/improvements | Ryan Moats |
+| logging_ | An issue with logging guidelines | Matt Riedemann |
+| low-hanging-fruit_ | Starter bugs for new contributors | N/A |
+| metering_ | A bug affecting the metering layer | ? |
+| needs-attention_ | A bug that needs further screening | PTL/Bug Deputy |
+| oslo_ | An interop/cross-project issue | Ihar Hrachyshka |
+| ovs_ | A bug affecting ML2/OVS | Kevin Benton |
+| ovs-lib_ | A bug affecting OVS Lib | Terry Wilson |
+| qos_ | A bug affecting ML2/QoS | Miguel Ajo |
+| released-neutronclient_ | A bug affecting released clients | Kyle Mestery |
+| release-subproject_ | A request to release a subproject | Kyle Mestery |
+| rfe_ | Feature enhancements | Drivers Team |
+| sg-fw_ | A bug affecting security groups | Kevin Benton |
+| sriov-pci-pt_ | A bug affecting Sriov/PCI PassThrough | Moshe Levi |
+| unittest_ | A bug affecting the unit test subtree | Cedric Brandily |
+| usability_ | UX, interoperability, feature parity | PTL/Drivers Team |
+| vpnaas_ | A bug affecting neutron-vpnaas | Paul Michali |
+| xxx-backport-potential_ | Cherry-pick request for stable team | Ihar Hrachyshka |
+.. _api:
+* `API - All bugs <>`_
+* `API - In progress <>`_
+.. _baremetal:
+* `Baremetal - All bugs <>`_
+* `Baremetal - In progress <>`_
+.. _db:
+* `DB - All bugs <>`_
+* `DB - In progress <>`_
+.. _dns:
+* `DNS - All bugs <>`_
+* `DNS - In progress <>`_
+.. _doc:
+* `DOC - All bugs <>`_
+* `DOC - In progress <>`_
+.. _fullstack:
+* `Fullstack - All bugs <>`_
+* `Fullstack - In progress <>`_
+.. _functional-tests:
+Functional Tests
+* `Functional tests - All bugs <>`_
+* `Functional tests - In progress <>`_
+.. _fwaas:
+* `FWaaS - All bugs <>`_
+* `FWaaS - In progress <>`_
+.. _gate-failure:
+Gate Failure
+* `Gate failure - All bugs <>`_
+* `Gate failure - In progress <>`_
+.. _ipv6:
+* `IPv6 - All bugs <>`_
+* `IPv6 - In progress <>`_
+.. _l2-pop:
+L2 Population
+* `L2 Pop - All bugs <>`_
+* `L2 Pop - In progress <>`_
+.. _l3-dvr-backlog:
+L3 DVR Backlog
+* `L3 DVR - All bugs <>`_
+* `L3 DVR - In progress <>`_
+.. _l3-ha:
+L3 HA
+* `L3 HA - All bugs <>`_
+* `L3 HA - In progress <>`_
+.. _l3-ipam-dhcp:
+* `L3 IPAM DHCP - All bugs <>`_
+* `L3 IPAM DHCP - In progress <>`_
+.. _lbaas:
+* `LBaaS - All bugs <>`_
+* `LBaaS - In progress <>`_
+.. _linuxbridge:
+* `LinuxBridge - All bugs <>`_
+* `LinuxBridge - In progress <>`_
+.. _loadimpact:
+Load Impact
+* `Load Impact - All bugs <>`_
+* `Load Impact - In progress <>`_
+.. _logging:
+* `Logging - All bugs <>`_
+* `Logging - In progress <>`_
+.. _low-hanging-fruit:
+Low hanging fruit
+* `Low hanging fruit - All bugs <>`_
+* `Low hanging fruit - In progress <>`_
+.. _metering:
+* `Metering - All bugs <>`_
+* `Metering - In progress <>`_
+.. _needs-attention:
+Needs Attention
+* `Needs Attention - All bugs <>`_
+.. _oslo:
+* `Oslo - All bugs <>`_
+* `Oslo - In progress <>`_
+.. _ovs:
+* `OVS - All bugs <>`_
+* `OVS - In progress <>`_
+.. _ovs-lib:
+OVS Lib
+* `OVS Lib - All bugs <>`_
+* `OVS Lib - In progress <>`_
+.. _qos:
+* `QoS - All bugs <>`_
+* `QoS - In progress <>`_
+.. _released-neutronclient:
+Released Neutron Client
+* `Released Neutron Client - All bugs <>`_
+* `Released Neutron Client - In progress <>`_
+.. _release-subproject:
+Release Subproject
+* `Release Subproject - All bugs <>`_
+* `Release Subproject - In progress <>`_
+.. _rfe:
+* `RFE - All bugs <>`_
+* `RFE - In progress <>`_
+.. _sriov-pci-pt:
+* `SRIOV/PCI-PT - All bugs <>`_
+* `SRIOV/PCI-PT - In progress <>`_
+.. _sg-fw:
+* `Security groups - All bugs <>`_
+* `Security groups - In progress <>`_
+.. _unittest:
+Unit test
+* `Unit test - All bugs <>`_
+* `Unit test - In progress <>`_
+.. _usability:
+* `UX - All bugs <>`_
+* `UX - In progress <>`_
+.. _vpnaas:
+* `VPNaaS - All bugs <>`_
+* `VPNaaS - In progress <>`_
+.. _xxx-backport-potential:
+Backport/RC potential
+* `All Liberty bugs <>`_
+* `All Kilo bugs <>`_
+* `All Juno bugs <>`_