--- /dev/null
+Description: Disable the ZFS tests
+Author: Thomsa Goirand <zigo@debian.org>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2015-08-02
+--- a/cinder/tests/unit/test_zfssa.py 2015-08-01 19:00:16.373407737 +0000
++++ /dev/null 2015-07-31 08:01:08.631980542 +0000
+@@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
+-# Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+-# a copy of the License at
+-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+-# under the License.
+-Unit tests for Oracle's ZFSSA Cinder volume driver
+-import json
+-import mock
+-from oslo_utils import units
+-from cinder import test
+-from cinder.tests.unit import fake_utils
+-from cinder.volume import configuration as conf
+-from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import restclient as client
+-from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import zfssaiscsi as iscsi
+-from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import zfssanfs
+-from cinder.volume.drivers.zfssa import zfssarest as rest
+-nfs_logbias = 'latency'
+-nfs_compression = 'off'
+-class FakeZFSSA(object):
+- """Fake ZFS SA"""
+- def __init__(self):
+- self.user = None
+- self.host = None
+- def login(self, user):
+- self.user = user
+- def set_host(self, host, timeout=None):
+- self.host = host
+- def create_project(self, pool, project, compression, logbias):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host or not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"status": "online",
+- "name": "pool",
+- "usage": {"available": 10,
+- "total": 10,
+- "dedupratio": 100,
+- "used": 1},
+- "peer": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
+- "owner": "host",
+- "asn": "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"}
+- return out
+- def create_initiator(self, init, initgrp, chapuser, chapsecret):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host or not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"href": "fake_href",
+- "alias": "fake_alias",
+- "initiator": "fake_iqn.1993-08.org.fake:01:000000000000",
+- "chapuser": "",
+- "chapsecret": ""
+- }
+- return out
+- def add_to_initiatorgroup(self, init, initgrp):
+- r = rest.ZFSSAApi()
+- type(r).rclient = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=FakeAddIni2InitGrp())
+- r.add_to_initiatorgroup(init, initgrp)
+- def create_target(self, tgtalias, inter, tchapuser, tchapsecret):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host or not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"href": "fake_href",
+- "alias": "fake_tgtgrp",
+- "iqn": "iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:00000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddd",
+- "auth": "none",
+- "targetchapuser": "",
+- "targetchapsecret": "",
+- "interfaces": ["eth0"]
+- }
+- return out
+- def add_to_targetgroup(self, iqn, tgtgrp):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host or not self.user:
+- return {}
+- out = {"href": "fake_href",
+- "name": "fake_tgtgrp",
+- "targets": ["iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:00000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddd"]
+- }
+- return out
+- def get_lun(self, pool, project, lun):
+- ret = {
+- 'guid': '600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE53AB0001',
+- 'number': 0,
+- 'initiatorgroup': 'fake_initgrp',
+- 'size': 1 * units.Gi
+- }
+- return ret
+- def get_target(self, target):
+- return 'iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:00000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-ddddd'
+- def create_lun(self, pool, project, lun, volsize, targetgroup, specs):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {
+- "status": "online",
+- "lunguid": "600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE53AB0001",
+- "initiatorgroup": ["fake_initgrp"],
+- "volsize": volsize,
+- "pool": pool,
+- "name": lun,
+- "project": project,
+- "targetgroup": targetgroup,
+- "lun": {"assignednumber": 0},
+- }
+- if specs:
+- out.update(specs)
+- return out
+- def delete_lun(self, pool, project, lun):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"pool": pool,
+- "project": project,
+- "name": lun}
+- return out
+- def create_snapshot(self, pool, project, vol, snap):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return {}
+- out = {"name": snap,
+- "numclones": 0,
+- "share": vol,
+- "project": project,
+- "pool": pool}
+- return out
+- def delete_snapshot(self, pool, project, vol, snap):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return {}
+- out = {"name": snap,
+- "share": vol,
+- "project": project,
+- "pool": pool}
+- return out
+- def clone_snapshot(self, pool, project, pvol, snap, vol):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"origin": {"project": project,
+- "snapshot": snap,
+- "share": pvol,
+- "pool": pool},
+- "logbias": "latency",
+- "assignednumber": 1,
+- "status": "online",
+- "lunguid": "600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE67A50002",
+- "volsize": 1,
+- "pool": pool,
+- "name": vol,
+- "project": project}
+- return out
+- def set_lun_initiatorgroup(self, pool, project, vol, initgrp):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"lunguid": "600144F0F8FBD5BD000053CE67A50002",
+- "pool": pool,
+- "name": vol,
+- "project": project,
+- "initiatorgroup": ["fake_initgrp"]}
+- return out
+- def has_clones(self, pool, project, vol, snapshot):
+- return False
+- def set_lun_props(self, pool, project, vol, **kargs):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"pool": pool,
+- "name": vol,
+- "project": project,
+- "volsize": kargs['volsize']}
+- return out
+- def get_initiator_initiatorgroup(self, initiator):
+- ret = ['test-init-grp1']
+- return ret
+-class FakeNFSZFSSA(FakeZFSSA):
+- """Fake ZFS SA for the NFS Driver
+- """
+- def set_webdav(self, https_path, auth_str):
+- self.webdavclient = https_path
+- def create_share(self, pool, project, share, args):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"logbias": nfs_logbias,
+- "compression": nfs_compression,
+- "status": "online",
+- "pool": pool,
+- "name": share,
+- "project": project,
+- "mountpoint": '/export/nfs_share'}
+- return out
+- def get_share(self, pool, project, share):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"logbias": nfs_logbias,
+- "compression": nfs_compression,
+- "encryption": "off",
+- "status": "online",
+- "pool": pool,
+- "name": share,
+- "project": project,
+- "mountpoint": '/export/nfs_share'}
+- return out
+- def create_snapshot_of_volume_file(self, src_file="", dst_file=""):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"status": 201}
+- return out
+- def delete_snapshot_of_volume_file(self, src_file=""):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"status": 204}
+- return out
+- def create_volume_from_snapshot_file(self, src_file="", dst_file="",
+- method='COPY'):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"status": 202}
+- return out
+- def modify_service(self, service, args):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"service": {"<status>": "online"}}
+- return out
+- def enable_service(self, service):
+- out = {}
+- if not self.host and not self.user:
+- return out
+- out = {"service": {"<status>": "online"}}
+- return out
+-class TestZFSSAISCSIDriver(test.TestCase):
+- test_vol = {
+- 'name': 'cindervol',
+- 'size': 1,
+- 'id': 1,
+- 'provider_location': 'fake_location 1 2',
+- 'provider_auth': 'fake_auth user pass',
+- }
+- test_snap = {
+- 'name': 'cindersnap',
+- 'volume_name': test_vol['name']
+- }
+- test_vol_snap = {
+- 'name': 'cindersnapvol',
+- 'size': test_vol['size']
+- }
+- def __init__(self, method):
+- super(TestZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).__init__(method)
+- @mock.patch.object(iscsi, 'factory_zfssa')
+- def setUp(self, _factory_zfssa):
+- super(TestZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).setUp()
+- self._create_fake_config()
+- _factory_zfssa.return_value = FakeZFSSA()
+- iscsi.ZFSSAISCSIDriver._execute = fake_utils.fake_execute
+- self.drv = iscsi.ZFSSAISCSIDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+- self.drv.do_setup({})
+- def _create_fake_config(self):
+- self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+- self.configuration.san_ip = ''
+- self.configuration.san_login = 'user'
+- self.configuration.san_password = 'passwd'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_pool = 'pool'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_project = 'project'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_lun_volblocksize = '8k'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_lun_sparse = 'false'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_lun_logbias = 'latency'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_lun_compression = 'off'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_group = 'test-init-grp1'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_initiator = \
+- 'iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d7, iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d9'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_user = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_password = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_initiator_config = "{'test-init-grp1':[{'iqn':\
+- 'iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d7','user':'','password':''}],'test-init-grp\
+- 2':[{'iqn':'iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d9','user':'','password':''}]}"
+- self.configuration.zfssa_target_group = 'test-target-grp1'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_target_user = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_target_password = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_target_portal = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_target_interfaces = 'e1000g0'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_rest_timeout = 60
+- self.configuration.volume_backend_name = 'fake_zfssa'
+- self.configuration.safe_get = self.fake_safe_get
+- def test_create_delete_volume(self):
+- self.drv.create_volume(self.test_vol)
+- self.drv.delete_volume(self.test_vol)
+- def test_create_delete_snapshot(self):
+- self.drv.create_volume(self.test_vol)
+- self.drv.create_snapshot(self.test_snap)
+- self.drv.delete_snapshot(self.test_snap)
+- self.drv.delete_volume(self.test_vol)
+- def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+- self.drv.create_volume(self.test_vol)
+- self.drv.create_snapshot(self.test_snap)
+- self.drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.test_vol_snap,
+- self.test_snap)
+- self.drv.delete_volume(self.test_vol)
+- def test_remove_export(self):
+- self.drv.create_volume(self.test_vol)
+- self.drv.terminate_connection(self.test_vol, '')
+- self.drv.delete_volume(self.test_vol)
+- def test_volume_attach_detach(self):
+- self.drv.create_volume(self.test_vol)
+- connector = dict(initiator='iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d7')
+- props = self.drv.initialize_connection(self.test_vol, connector)
+- self.assertEqual('iscsi', props['driver_volume_type'])
+- self.assertEqual(self.test_vol['id'], props['data']['volume_id'])
+- self.drv.terminate_connection(self.test_vol, '')
+- self.drv.delete_volume(self.test_vol)
+- def test_get_volume_stats(self):
+- self.drv.get_volume_stats(refresh=False)
+- def test_extend_volume(self):
+- self.drv.create_volume(self.test_vol)
+- self.drv.extend_volume(self.test_vol, 3)
+- self.drv.delete_volume(self.test_vol)
+- @mock.patch('cinder.volume.volume_types.get_volume_type_extra_specs')
+- def test_get_voltype_specs(self, get_volume_type_extra_specs):
+- volume_type_id = mock.sentinel.volume_type_id
+- volume = {'volume_type_id': volume_type_id}
+- get_volume_type_extra_specs.return_value = {
+- 'zfssa:volblocksize': '128k',
+- 'zfssa:compression': 'gzip'
+- }
+- ret = self.drv._get_voltype_specs(volume)
+- self.assertEqual(ret.get('volblocksize'), '128k')
+- self.assertEqual(ret.get('sparse'),
+- self.configuration.zfssa_lun_sparse)
+- self.assertEqual(ret.get('compression'), 'gzip')
+- self.assertEqual(ret.get('logbias'),
+- self.configuration.zfssa_lun_logbias)
+- def tearDown(self):
+- super(TestZFSSAISCSIDriver, self).tearDown()
+- def fake_safe_get(self, value):
+- try:
+- val = getattr(self.configuration, value)
+- except AttributeError:
+- val = None
+- return val
+-class FakeAddIni2InitGrp(object):
+- def logout(self):
+- result = client.RestResult()
+- result.status = client.Status.ACCEPTED
+- return result
+- def get(self, path, **kwargs):
+- result = client.RestResult()
+- result.status = client.Status.OK
+- result.data = json.JSONEncoder().encode({'group':
+- {'initiators':
+- ['iqn.1-0.org.deb:01:d7']}})
+- return result
+- def put(self, path, body="", **kwargs):
+- result = client.RestResult()
+- result.status = client.Status.ACCEPTED
+- return result
+- def post(self, path, body="", **kwargs):
+- result = client.RestResult()
+- result.status = client.Status.CREATED
+- return result
+- def islogin(self):
+- return True
+-class TestZFSSANFSDriver(test.TestCase):
+- test_vol = {
+- 'name': 'test-vol',
+- 'size': 1
+- }
+- test_snap = {
+- 'name': 'cindersnap',
+- 'volume_name': test_vol['name'],
+- 'volume_size': test_vol['size']
+- }
+- test_vol_snap = {
+- 'name': 'cindersnapvol',
+- 'size': test_vol['size']
+- }
+- def __init__(self, method):
+- super(TestZFSSANFSDriver, self).__init__(method)
+- @mock.patch.object(zfssanfs, 'factory_zfssa')
+- def setUp(self, _factory_zfssa):
+- super(TestZFSSANFSDriver, self).setUp()
+- self._create_fake_config()
+- _factory_zfssa.return_value = FakeNFSZFSSA()
+- self.drv = zfssanfs.ZFSSANFSDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+- self.drv._execute = fake_utils.fake_execute
+- self.drv.do_setup({})
+- def _create_fake_config(self):
+- self.configuration = mock.Mock(spec=conf.Configuration)
+- self.configuration.san_ip = ''
+- self.configuration.san_login = 'user'
+- self.configuration.san_password = 'passwd'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_data_ip = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_https_port = '443'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_nfs_pool = 'pool'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_nfs_project = 'nfs_project'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_nfs_share = 'nfs_share'
+- self.configuration.zfssa_nfs_share_logbias = nfs_logbias
+- self.configuration.zfssa_nfs_share_compression = nfs_compression
+- self.configuration.zfssa_nfs_mount_options = ''
+- self.configuration.zfssa_rest_timeout = '30'
+- self.configuration.nfs_oversub_ratio = 1
+- self.configuration.nfs_used_ratio = 1
+- def test_create_delete_snapshot(self):
+- self.drv.create_snapshot(self.test_snap)
+- self.drv.delete_snapshot(self.test_snap)
+- def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):
+- self.drv.create_snapshot(self.test_snap)
+- with mock.patch.object(self.drv, '_ensure_shares_mounted'):
+- prov_loc = self.drv.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.test_vol_snap,
+- self.test_snap,
+- method='COPY')
+- self.assertEqual('',
+- prov_loc['provider_location'])
+- def test_get_volume_stats(self):
+- self.drv._mounted_shares = ['nfs_share']
+- with mock.patch.object(self.drv, '_ensure_shares_mounted'):
+- with mock.patch.object(self.drv, '_get_share_capacity_info') as \
+- mock_get_share_capacity_info:
+- mock_get_share_capacity_info.return_value = (1073741824,
+- 9663676416)
+- self.drv.get_volume_stats(refresh=True)
+- def tearDown(self):
+- super(TestZFSSANFSDriver, self).tearDown()