release. Please note that it is required to re-propose the spec for the new
release however.
-Neutron Feature Requests
+Neutron Request for Feature Enhancements
We are introducing the concept of feature requests. Feature requests are
tracked as Launchpad bugs, tagged with the new 'rfe' tag, and allow for
RFE Submission Guidelines
+Before we dive into the guidelines for writing a good RFE, it is worth mentioning
+that depending on your level of engagement with the Neutron project and your role
+(user, developer, deployer, operator, etc.), you are more than welcome to have
+a preliminary discussion of a potential RFE by reaching out to other people involved
+in the project. This usually happens by posting mails on the relevant mailing
+lists (e.g. `openstack-dev <>`_ - include [neutron] in
+the subject) or on #openstack-neutron IRC channel on Freenode. If current ongoing
+code reviews are related to your feature, posting comments/questions on gerrit
+may also be a way to engage. Some amount of interaction with Neutron developers
+will give you an idea of the plausibility and form of your RFE before you submit
+it. That said, this is not mandatory.
+When you submit a bug report on,
+there are two fields that must be filled: 'summary' and 'further information'.
+The 'summary' must be brief enough to fit in one line: if you can't describe it
+in a few words it may mean that you are either trying to capture more than one
+RFE at once, or that you are having a hard time defining what you are trying to
+solve at all.
+The 'further information' section must be a description of what you would like
+to see implemented in Neutron. The description should provide enough details for
+a knowledgeable developer to understand what is the existing problem in the
+current platform that needs to be addressed, or what is the enhancement that
+would make the platform more capable, both for a functional and a non-functional
+standpoint. To this aim it is important to describe 'why' you believe the RFE
+should be accepted, and motivate the reason why without it Neutron is a poorer
+platform. The description should be self contained, and no external references
+should be necessary to further explain the RFE.
+In other words, when you write an RFE you should ask yourself the following
+* What is that I (specify what user - a user can be a human or another system)
+ cannot do today when interacting with Neutron? On the other hand, is there a
+ Neutron component X that is unable to accomplish something?
+* Is there something that you would like Neutron handle better, ie. in a more
+ scalable, or in a more reliable way?
+* What is that I would like to see happen after the RFE is accepted and
+ implemented?
+* Why do you think it is important?
+Once you are happy with what you wrote, add 'rfe' as tag, and submit. Do not
+worry, we are here to help you get it right! Happy hacking.