# so long as it is set to True.
# use_veth_interconnection = False
+# (StrOpt) Which OVSDB backend to use, defaults to 'vsctl'
+# vsctl - The backend based on executing ovs-vsctl
+# native - The backend based on using native OVSDB
+# ovsdb_interface = vsctl
+# (StrOpt) The connection string for the native OVSDB backend
+# To enable ovsdb-server to listen on port 6640:
+# ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6640:
+# ovsdb_connection = tcp:
# Agent's polling interval in seconds
# polling_interval = 2
def add_bridge(self, bridge_name):
- return OVSBridge(bridge_name)
+ br = OVSBridge(bridge_name)
+ # Don't return until vswitchd sets up the internal port
+ br.get_port_ofport(bridge_name)
+ return br
def delete_bridge(self, bridge_name):
def create(self):
+ # Don't return until vswitchd sets up the internal port
+ self.get_port_ofport(self.br_name)
def destroy(self):
if interface_attr_tuples:
txn.add(self.ovsdb.db_set('Interface', port_name,
+ # Don't return until the port has been assigned by vswitchd
+ self.get_port_ofport(port_name)
def delete_port(self, port_name):
self.ovsdb.del_port(port_name, self.br_name).execute()
interface_map = {
'vsctl': 'neutron.agent.ovsdb.impl_vsctl.OvsdbVsctl',
+ 'native': 'neutron.agent.ovsdb.impl_idl.OvsdbIdl',
OPTS = [
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import Queue
+import time
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from ovs.db import idl
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb import api
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb.native import commands as cmd
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb.native import connection
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb.native import idlutils
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+OPTS = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('ovsdb_connection',
+ default='tcp:',
+ help=_('The connection string for the native OVSDB backend')),
+cfg.CONF.register_opts(OPTS, 'OVS')
+# TODO(twilson) DEFAULT.ovs_vsctl_timeout should be OVS.vsctl_timeout
+cfg.CONF.import_opt('ovs_vsctl_timeout', 'neutron.agent.linux.ovs_lib')
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ovsdb_connection = connection.Connection(cfg.CONF.OVS.ovsdb_connection,
+ cfg.CONF.ovs_vsctl_timeout)
+class Transaction(api.Transaction):
+ def __init__(self, context, api, check_error=False, log_errors=False):
+ self.context = context
+ self.api = api
+ self.check_error = check_error
+ self.log_errors = log_errors
+ self.commands = []
+ self.results = Queue.Queue(1)
+ def add(self, command):
+ """Add a command to the transaction
+ returns The command passed as a convenience
+ """
+ self.commands.append(command)
+ return command
+ def commit(self):
+ ovsdb_connection.queue_txn(self)
+ result = self.results.get()
+ if isinstance(result, Exception) and self.check_error:
+ raise result
+ return result
+ def do_commit(self):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ attempts = 0
+ while True:
+ elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
+ if attempts > 0 and elapsed_time > self.context.vsctl_timeout:
+ raise RuntimeError("OVS transaction timed out")
+ attempts += 1
+ # TODO(twilson) Make sure we don't loop longer than vsctl_timeout
+ txn = idl.Transaction(self.api.idl)
+ for i, command in enumerate(self.commands):
+ LOG.debug("Running txn command(idx=%(idx)s): %(cmd)s",
+ {'idx': i, 'cmd': command})
+ try:
+ command.run_idl(txn)
+ except Exception:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctx:
+ txn.abort()
+ if not self.check_error:
+ ctx.reraise = False
+ seqno = self.api.idl.change_seqno
+ status = txn.commit_block()
+ if status == txn.TRY_AGAIN:
+ LOG.debug("OVSDB transaction returned TRY_AGAIN, retrying")
+ if self.api.idl._session.rpc.status != 0:
+ LOG.debug("Lost connection to OVSDB, reconnecting!")
+ self.api.idl.force_reconnect()
+ idlutils.wait_for_change(
+ self.api.idl, self.context.vsctl_timeout - elapsed_time,
+ seqno)
+ continue
+ elif status == txn.ERROR:
+ msg = _LE("OVSDB Error: %s") % txn.get_error()
+ if self.log_errors:
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ if self.check_error:
+ # For now, raise similar error to vsctl/utils.execute()
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ return
+ elif status == txn.ABORTED:
+ LOG.debug("Transaction aborted")
+ return
+ elif status == txn.UNCHANGED:
+ LOG.debug("Transaction caused no change")
+ return [cmd.result for cmd in self.commands]
+class OvsdbIdl(api.API):
+ def __init__(self, context):
+ super(OvsdbIdl, self).__init__(context)
+ ovsdb_connection.start()
+ self.idl = ovsdb_connection.idl
+ @property
+ def _tables(self):
+ return self.idl.tables
+ @property
+ def _ovs(self):
+ return self._tables['Open_vSwitch'].rows.values()[0]
+ def transaction(self, check_error=False, log_errors=True, **kwargs):
+ return Transaction(self.context, self, check_error, log_errors)
+ def add_br(self, name, may_exist=True):
+ return cmd.AddBridgeCommand(self, name, may_exist)
+ def del_br(self, name, if_exists=True):
+ return cmd.DelBridgeCommand(self, name, if_exists)
+ def br_exists(self, name):
+ return cmd.BridgeExistsCommand(self, name)
+ def port_to_br(self, name):
+ return cmd.PortToBridgeCommand(self, name)
+ def iface_to_br(self, name):
+ # For our purposes, ports and interfaces always have the same name
+ return cmd.PortToBridgeCommand(self, name)
+ def list_br(self):
+ return cmd.ListBridgesCommand(self)
+ def br_get_external_id(self, name, field):
+ return cmd.BrGetExternalIdCommand(self, name, field)
+ def br_set_external_id(self, name, field, value):
+ return cmd.BrSetExternalIdCommand(self, name, field, value)
+ def db_set(self, table, record, *col_values):
+ return cmd.DbSetCommand(self, table, record, *col_values)
+ def db_clear(self, table, record, column):
+ return cmd.DbClearCommand(self, table, record, column)
+ def db_get(self, table, record, column):
+ return cmd.DbGetCommand(self, table, record, column)
+ def db_list(self, table, records=None, columns=None, if_exists=False):
+ return cmd.DbListCommand(self, table, records, columns, if_exists)
+ def db_find(self, table, *conditions, **kwargs):
+ return cmd.DbFindCommand(self, table, *conditions, **kwargs)
+ def set_controller(self, bridge, controllers):
+ return cmd.SetControllerCommand(self, bridge, controllers)
+ def del_controller(self, bridge):
+ return cmd.DelControllerCommand(self, bridge)
+ def get_controller(self, bridge):
+ return cmd.GetControllerCommand(self, bridge)
+ def set_fail_mode(self, bridge, mode):
+ return cmd.SetFailModeCommand(self, bridge, mode)
+ def add_port(self, bridge, port, may_exist=True):
+ return cmd.AddPortCommand(self, bridge, port, may_exist)
+ def del_port(self, port, bridge=None, if_exists=True):
+ return cmd.DelPortCommand(self, port, bridge, if_exists)
+ def list_ports(self, bridge):
+ return cmd.ListPortsCommand(self, bridge)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Openstack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import collections
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import excutils
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb import api
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb.native import idlutils
+from neutron.common import exceptions
+from neutron.i18n import _LE
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RowNotFound(exceptions.NeutronException):
+ message = _("Table %(table)s has no row with %(col)s=%(match)s")
+class BaseCommand(api.Command):
+ def __init__(self, api):
+ self.api = api
+ self.result = None
+ def execute(self, check_error=False, log_errors=True):
+ try:
+ with self.api.transaction(check_error, log_errors) as txn:
+ txn.add(self)
+ return self.result
+ except Exception:
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctx:
+ if log_errors:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error executing command"))
+ if not check_error:
+ ctx.reraise = False
+ def row_by_index(self, table, match, *default):
+ tab = self.api._tables[table]
+ idx = idlutils.get_index_column(tab)
+ return self.row_by_value(table, idx, match, *default)
+ def row_by_value(self, table, column, match, *default):
+ tab = self.api._tables[table]
+ try:
+ return next(r for r in tab.rows.values()
+ if getattr(r, column) == match)
+ except StopIteration:
+ if len(default) == 1:
+ return default[0]
+ else:
+ raise RowNotFound(table=table, col=column, match=match)
+ def __str__(self):
+ command_info = self.__dict__
+ return "%s(%s)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in command_info.items()
+ if k not in ['api', 'result']))
+class AddBridgeCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, name, may_exist):
+ super(AddBridgeCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.name = name
+ self.may_exist = may_exist
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ if self.may_exist:
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.name, None)
+ if br:
+ return
+ row = txn.insert(self.api._tables['Bridge'])
+ row.name = self.name
+ self.api._ovs.verify('bridges')
+ self.api._ovs.bridges = self.api._ovs.bridges + [row]
+ # Add the internal bridge port
+ cmd = AddPortCommand(self.api, self.name, self.name, self.may_exist)
+ cmd.run_idl(txn)
+ cmd = DbSetCommand(self.api, 'Interface', self.name,
+ ('type', 'internal'))
+ cmd.run_idl(txn)
+class DelBridgeCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, name, if_exists):
+ super(DelBridgeCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.name = name
+ self.if_exists = if_exists
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ try:
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.name)
+ except RowNotFound:
+ if self.if_exists:
+ return
+ else:
+ msg = _LE("Bridge %s does not exist") % self.name
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ self.api._ovs.verify('bridges')
+ for port in br.ports:
+ cmd = DelPortCommand(self.api, port.name, self.name,
+ if_exists=True)
+ cmd.run_idl(txn)
+ bridges = self.api._ovs.bridges
+ bridges.remove(br)
+ self.api._ovs.bridges = bridges
+ del self.api._tables['Bridge'].rows[br.uuid]
+class BridgeExistsCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, name):
+ super(BridgeExistsCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.name = name
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ self.result = bool(self.row_by_value('Bridge',
+ 'name', self.name, None))
+class ListBridgesCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api):
+ super(ListBridgesCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ # NOTE (twilson) [x.name for x in rows.values()] if no index
+ self.result = [x.name for x in
+ self.api._tables['Bridge'].rows.values()]
+class BrGetExternalIdCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, name, field):
+ super(BrGetExternalIdCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.name = name
+ self.field = field
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.name)
+ self.result = br.external_ids[self.field]
+class BrSetExternalIdCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, name, field, value):
+ super(BrSetExternalIdCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.name = name
+ self.field = field
+ self.value = value
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.name)
+ external_ids = getattr(br, 'external_ids', {})
+ external_ids[self.field] = self.value
+ br.external_ids = external_ids
+class DbSetCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, table, record, *col_values):
+ super(DbSetCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.table = table
+ self.record = record
+ self.col_values = col_values
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ record = self.row_by_index(self.table, self.record)
+ for col, val in self.col_values:
+ # TODO(twilson) Ugh, the OVS library doesn't like OrderedDict
+ # We're only using it to make a unit test work, so we should fix
+ # this soon.
+ if isinstance(val, collections.OrderedDict):
+ val = dict(val)
+ setattr(record, col, val)
+class DbClearCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, table, record, column):
+ super(DbClearCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.table = table
+ self.record = record
+ self.column = column
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ record = self.row_by_index(self.table, self.record)
+ # Create an empty value of the column type
+ value = type(getattr(record, self.column))()
+ setattr(record, self.column, value)
+class DbGetCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, table, record, column):
+ super(DbGetCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.table = table
+ self.record = record
+ self.column = column
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ record = self.row_by_index(self.table, self.record)
+ # TODO(twilson) This feels wrong, but ovs-vsctl returns single results
+ # on set types without the list. The IDL is returning them as lists,
+ # even if the set has the maximum number of items set to 1. Might be
+ # able to inspect the Schema and just do this conversion for that case.
+ result = getattr(record, self.column)
+ if isinstance(result, list) and len(result) == 1:
+ self.result = result[0]
+ else:
+ self.result = result
+class SetControllerCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, bridge, targets):
+ super(SetControllerCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ self.targets = targets
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ controllers = []
+ for target in self.targets:
+ controller = txn.insert(self.api._tables['Controller'])
+ controller.target = target
+ controllers.append(controller)
+ br.verify('controller')
+ br.controller = controllers
+class DelControllerCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, bridge):
+ super(DelControllerCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ br.controller = []
+class GetControllerCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, bridge):
+ super(GetControllerCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ br.verify('controller')
+ self.result = [c.target for c in br.controller]
+class SetFailModeCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, bridge, mode):
+ super(SetFailModeCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ self.mode = mode
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ br.verify('fail_mode')
+ br.fail_mode = self.mode
+class AddPortCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, bridge, port, may_exist):
+ super(AddPortCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ self.port = port
+ self.may_exist = may_exist
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ if self.may_exist:
+ port = self.row_by_value('Port', 'name', self.port, None)
+ if port:
+ return
+ port = txn.insert(self.api._tables['Port'])
+ port.name = self.port
+ br.verify('ports')
+ ports = getattr(br, 'ports', [])
+ ports.append(port)
+ br.ports = ports
+ iface = txn.insert(self.api._tables['Interface'])
+ iface.name = self.port
+ port.verify('interfaces')
+ ifaces = getattr(port, 'interfaces', [])
+ ifaces.append(iface)
+ port.interfaces = ifaces
+class DelPortCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, port, bridge, if_exists):
+ super(DelPortCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.port = port
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ self.if_exists = if_exists
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ try:
+ port = self.row_by_value('Port', 'name', self.port)
+ except RowNotFound:
+ if self.if_exists:
+ return
+ msg = _LE("Port %s does not exist") % self.port
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ if self.bridge:
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ else:
+ br = next(b for b in self.api._tables['Bridge'].rows.values()
+ if port in b.ports)
+ if port.uuid not in br.ports and not self.if_exists:
+ # TODO(twilson) Make real errors across both implementations
+ msg = _LE("Port %(port)s does not exist on %(bridge)s!") % {
+ 'port': self.name, 'bridge': self.bridge
+ }
+ LOG.error(msg)
+ raise RuntimeError(msg)
+ br.verify('ports')
+ ports = br.ports
+ ports.remove(port)
+ br.ports = ports
+ # Also remove port/interface directly for indexing?
+ port.verify('interfaces')
+ for iface in port.interfaces:
+ del self.api._tables['Interface'].rows[iface.uuid]
+ del self.api._tables['Port'].rows[port.uuid]
+class ListPortsCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, bridge):
+ super(ListPortsCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.bridge = bridge
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ br = self.row_by_value('Bridge', 'name', self.bridge)
+ self.result = [p.name for p in br.ports if p.name != self.bridge]
+class PortToBridgeCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, name):
+ super(PortToBridgeCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.name = name
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ # TODO(twilson) This is expensive!
+ # This traversal of all ports could be eliminated by caching the bridge
+ # name on the Port's (or Interface's for iface_to_br) external_id field
+ # In fact, if we did that, the only place that uses to_br functions
+ # could just add the external_id field to the conditions passed to find
+ port = self.row_by_value('Port', 'name', self.name)
+ bridges = self.api._tables['Bridge'].rows.values()
+ self.result = next(br.name for br in bridges if port in br.ports)
+class DbListCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, table, records, columns, if_exists):
+ super(DbListCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.table = self.api._tables[table]
+ self.columns = columns or self.table.columns.keys() + ['_uuid']
+ self.if_exists = if_exists
+ idx = idlutils.get_index_column(self.table)
+ if records:
+ self.records = [uuid for uuid, row in self.table.rows.items()
+ if getattr(row, idx) in records]
+ else:
+ self.records = self.table.rows.keys()
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ self.result = [
+ {
+ c: idlutils.get_column_value(self.table.rows[uuid], c)
+ for c in self.columns
+ }
+ for uuid in self.records
+ ]
+class DbFindCommand(BaseCommand):
+ def __init__(self, api, table, *conditions, **kwargs):
+ super(DbFindCommand, self).__init__(api)
+ self.table = self.api._tables[table]
+ self.conditions = conditions
+ self.columns = (kwargs.get('columns') or
+ self.table.columns.keys() + ['_uuid'])
+ def run_idl(self, txn):
+ self.result = [
+ {
+ c: idlutils.get_column_value(r, c)
+ for c in self.columns
+ }
+ for r in self.table.rows.values()
+ if idlutils.row_match(r, self.conditions)
+ ]
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import Queue
+import threading
+from ovs.db import idl
+from ovs import poller
+from neutron.agent.ovsdb.native import idlutils
+class TransactionQueue(Queue.Queue, object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(TransactionQueue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ alertpipe = os.pipe()
+ self.alertin = os.fdopen(alertpipe[0], 'r', 0)
+ self.alertout = os.fdopen(alertpipe[1], 'w', 0)
+ def get_nowait(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ result = super(TransactionQueue, self).get_nowait(*args, **kwargs)
+ except Queue.Empty:
+ return None
+ self.alertin.read(1)
+ return result
+ def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(TransactionQueue, self).put(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.alertout.write('X')
+ self.alertout.flush()
+ @property
+ def alert_fileno(self):
+ return self.alertin.fileno()
+class Connection(object):
+ def __init__(self, connection, timeout):
+ self.idl = None
+ self.connection = connection
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.txns = TransactionQueue(1)
+ self.lock = threading.Lock()
+ def start(self):
+ with self.lock:
+ if self.idl is not None:
+ return
+ helper = idlutils.get_schema_helper(self.connection)
+ helper.register_all()
+ self.idl = idl.Idl(self.connection, helper)
+ idlutils.wait_for_change(self.idl, self.timeout)
+ self.poller = poller.Poller()
+ self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run)
+ self.thread.setDaemon(True)
+ self.thread.start()
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ self.idl.wait(self.poller)
+ self.poller.fd_wait(self.txns.alert_fileno, poller.POLLIN)
+ self.poller.block()
+ self.idl.run()
+ txn = self.txns.get_nowait()
+ if txn is not None:
+ try:
+ txn.results.put(txn.do_commit())
+ except Exception as ex:
+ txn.results.put(ex)
+ self.txns.task_done()
+ def queue_txn(self, txn):
+ self.txns.put(txn)
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import time
+from ovs.db import idl
+from ovs import jsonrpc
+from ovs import poller
+from ovs import stream
+def get_schema_helper(connection):
+ err, strm = stream.Stream.open_block(
+ stream.Stream.open(connection))
+ if err:
+ raise Exception("Could not connect to %s" % (
+ connection,))
+ rpc = jsonrpc.Connection(strm)
+ req = jsonrpc.Message.create_request('get_schema', ['Open_vSwitch'])
+ err, resp = rpc.transact_block(req)
+ rpc.close()
+ if err:
+ raise Exception("Could not retrieve schema from %s: %s" % (
+ connection, os.strerror(err)))
+ elif resp.error:
+ raise Exception(resp.error)
+ return idl.SchemaHelper(None, resp.result)
+def wait_for_change(_idl, timeout, seqno=None):
+ if seqno is None:
+ seqno = _idl.change_seqno
+ stop = time.time() + timeout
+ while _idl.change_seqno == seqno:
+ _idl.run()
+ ovs_poller = poller.Poller()
+ _idl.wait(ovs_poller)
+ ovs_poller.timer_wait(timeout * 1000)
+ ovs_poller.block()
+ if time.time() > stop:
+ raise Exception("Timeout")
+def get_column_value(row, col):
+ if col == '_uuid':
+ val = row.uuid
+ else:
+ val = getattr(row, col)
+ # Idl returns lists of Rows where ovs-vsctl returns lists of UUIDs
+ if isinstance(val, list) and len(val):
+ if isinstance(val[0], idl.Row):
+ val = [v.uuid for v in val]
+ # ovs-vsctl treats lists of 1 as single results
+ if len(val) == 1:
+ val = val[0]
+ return val
+def condition_match(row, condition):
+ """Return whether a condition matches a row
+ :param row An OVSDB Row
+ :param condition A 3-tuple containing (column, operation, match)
+ """
+ col, op, match = condition
+ val = get_column_value(row, col)
+ matched = True
+ # TODO(twilson) Implement other operators and type comparisons
+ # ovs_lib only uses dict '=' and '!=' searches for now
+ if isinstance(match, dict):
+ for key in match:
+ if op == '=':
+ if (key not in val or match[key] != val[key]):
+ matched = False
+ break
+ elif op == '!=':
+ if key not in val or match[key] == val[key]:
+ matched = False
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ elif isinstance(match, list):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ else:
+ if op == '==' and val != match:
+ matched = False
+ elif op == '!=' and val == match:
+ matched = False
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ return matched
+def row_match(row, conditions):
+ """Return whether the row matches the list of conditions"""
+ return all(condition_match(row, cond) for cond in conditions)
+def get_index_column(table):
+ if len(table.indexes) == 1:
+ idx = table.indexes[0]
+ if len(idx) == 1:
+ return idx[0].name
class BaseOVSLinuxTestCase(testscenarios.WithScenarios, BaseLinuxTestCase):
scenarios = [
('vsctl', dict(ovsdb_interface='vsctl')),
+ ('native', dict(ovsdb_interface='native')),
def setUp(self):
+ def test_duplicate_port_may_exist_false(self):
+ port_name, ofport = self.create_ovs_port(('type', 'internal'))
+ cmd = self.br.ovsdb.add_port(self.br.br_name,
+ port_name, may_exist=False)
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, cmd.execute, check_error=True)
+ def test_delete_port_if_exists_false(self):
+ cmd = self.br.ovsdb.del_port('nonexistantport', if_exists=False)
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, cmd.execute, check_error=True)
def test_replace_port(self):
port_name = base.get_rand_port_name()
self.br.replace_port(port_name, ('type', 'internal'))
def _build_timeout_opt(self, exp_timeout):
return "--timeout=%d" % exp_timeout if exp_timeout else self.TO
- def test_replace_port(self):
- pname = "tap5"
- self.br.replace_port(pname)
- self._verify_vsctl_mock("--if-exists", "del-port", pname,
- "--", "add-port", self.BR_NAME, pname)
- def test_replace_port_with_attrs(self):
- pname = "tap5"
- self.br.replace_port(pname, ('type', 'internal'),
- ('external_ids:iface-status', 'active'))
- self._verify_vsctl_mock("--if-exists", "del-port", pname,
- "--", "add-port", self.BR_NAME, pname,
- "--", "set", "Interface", pname,
- "type=internal",
- "external_ids:iface-status=active")
def _test_delete_port(self, exp_timeout=None):
pname = "tap5"