--- layout: default title: Node Reports --- [Subcollectives]: ../basic/subcollectives.html As we have all facts, classes and agents for nodes we can do some custom reporting on all of these. The _mc inventory_ tool is a generic node and network reporting tool, it has basic scripting abilities. **Note: This is an emerging feature, the scripting language is likely to change** ## Node View To obtain a full inventory for a given node you can run _mco inventory_ like this: {% highlight console %} % mco inventory your.node.com Inventory for your.node.com: Server Statistics: Start Time: Mon Sep 13 18:24:46 +0100 2010 Config File: /etc/mcollective/server.cfg Process ID: 5197 Total Messages: 62 Messages Passed Filters: 62 Messages Filtered: 0 Replies Sent: 61 Total Processor Time: 0.18 seconds System Time: 0.01 seconds Agents: discovery echo nrpe package process puppetd rpctest service Configuration Management Classes: aliases apache Facts: architecture => i386 country => de culturemotd => 1 customer => rip diskdrives => xvda {% endhighlight %} This gives you a good idea of all the details available for a node. ## Collective List We have a concept of [Subcollectives] and you can use the inventory application to get a quick report on all known collectives: {% highlight console %} $ mc inventory --list-collectives * [ ===================================== ] 52 / 52 Collective Nodes ========== ===== za_collective 2 us_collective 7 uk_collective 19 de_collective 24 eu_collective 45 mcollective 52 Total nodes: 52 {% endhighlight %} ## Collective Map You can also create a DOT format graph of your collective: {% highlight console %} $ mc inventory --collective-graph collective.dot Retrieving collective info.... Graph of 52 nodes has been written to collective.dot {% endhighlight %} The graph will be a simple dot graph that can be viewed with Graphviz, Gephi or other compatible software. ## Custom Reports You can create little scriptlets and pass them into *mco inventory* with the *--script* option. You have the following data available to your reports: | Variable | Description | |----------|-------------| |time|The time the report was started, normal Ruby Time object| |identity|The sender id| |facts|A hash of facts| |agents|An array of agents| |classes|An array of CF Classes| ### printf style reports Lets say you now need a report of all your IBM hardware listing hostname, serial number and product name you can write a scriptlet like this: {% highlight ruby linenos %} inventory do format "%s:\t\t%s\t\t%s" fields { [ identity, facts["serialnumber"], facts["productname"] ] } end {% endhighlight %} And if saved as _inventory.mc_ run it like this: {% highlight console %} % mco inventory -W "productname=/IBM|BladeCenter/" --script inventory.mc xx12: 99xxx21 BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B3G]- xx9: 99xxx46 BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B3G]- xx10: 99xxx29 BladeCenter HS22 -[7870B3G]- yy1: KDxxxFR IBM System x3655 -[79855AY]- xx5: 99xxx85 IBM eServer BladeCenter HS21 -[8853GLG]- {% endhighlight %} We'll add more capabilities in the future, for now you can access *facts* as a hash, *agents* and *classes* as arrays as well as *identity* as a string. ### Perl format style reports To use this you need to install the *formatr* gem, once that's installed you can create a report scriptlet like below: {% highlight ruby linenos %} formatted_inventory do page_length 20 page_heading <