--- layout: default title: Data Plugins --- [DDL]: /mcollective/reference/plugins/ddl.html [DiscoveryPlugins]: /mcollective/reference/plugins/discovery.html ## Overview Up to MCollective 2.0 the discovery system could only discover against installed agents, configuration management classes or facts and the node identities. We're extending this to support discovery against many sources through a simple plugin system. *NOTE:* This feature is available since version 2.1.0 The basic idea is that you could do discovery statements like the ones below: {% highlight console %} % mco find -S "fstat('/etc/rsyslog.conf').md5=/4edff591f6e38/" {% endhighlight %} {% highlight console %} % mco find -S "sysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding').value=1" {% endhighlight %} {% highlight console %} % mco find -S "sysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding').value=1 and % location=dc1" {% endhighlight %} You could also use these data sources in your own agents or other plugins: {% highlight ruby %} action "query" do reply[:value] = Data.sysctl(request[:sysctl_name]).value end {% endhighlight %} *NOTE:* As opposed to the [DiscoveryPlugins] which are used by the client to communicate to the nodes using direct addressing, data plugins on the other hand refer to data that the nodes can provide, and hence this uses the normal broadcast discovery paradigm. These new data sources are plugins so you can provide via the plugin system and they require DDL documents. The DDL will be used on both the client and the server to provide strict validation and configuration. The DDL for these plugins will affect the client libraries in the following ways: * You will get errors if you try to discover using unknown functions * Your input argument values will be validated against the DDL * You will only be able to use output properties that are known in the DDL * If a plugin DDL says it needs 5 seconds to run your discovery and maximum run times will increase by 5 seconds automatically On the servers the DDL will: * be used to validate known plugins * be used to validate input arguments * be used to validate requests for known output values ## Viewing or retrieving results from a data plugin You can view the output from a data plugin using the *rpcutil* agent: {% highlight console %} % mco rpc rpcutil get_data source=fstat query=/etc/hosts . . your.node.net atime: 2012-06-14 21:41:54 atime_age: 54128 atime_seconds: 1339706514 ctime: 2012-01-18 20:28:34 ctime_age: 12842128 ctime_seconds: 1326918514 gid: 0 md5: 54fb6627dbaa37721048e4549db3224d mode: 100644 mtime: 2010-01-12 13:28:22 mtime_age: 76457740 mtime_seconds: 1263302902 name: /etc/hosts output: present present: 1 size: 158 type: file uid: 0 {% endhighlight %} The same action can be used to retrieve data programatically. ## Writing a data plugin ### The Ruby logic for the plugin The data plugins should not change the system in anyway, you should take care to create plugins that only reads the state of the system. If you want to affect the status of the system you should write Agents. These plugins are kept simple as they will be typed on the command line so the following restrictions are present: * They can only take 1 input argument * They can only return simple String, Numeric or Booleans no Hashes or complex data types * They should be fast as these will impact discovery times and agent run times. Writing data plugins is easy and mimic the basics of writing agents, below we have a simple *sysctl* plugin that was used in the examples earlier: {% highlight ruby linenos %} module MCollective module Data class Sysctl_data "Sysctl values", :description => "Retrieve values for a given sysctl", :author => "R.I.Pienaar ", :license => "ASL 2.0", :version => "1.0", :url => "http://marionette-collective.org/", :timeout => 1 dataquery :description => "Sysctl values" do input :query, :prompt => "Variable Name", :description => "Valid Variable Name", :type => :string, :validation => /^[\w\-\.]+$/, :maxlength => 120 output :value, :description => "Kernel Parameter Value", :display_as => "Value" end {% endhighlight %} The *timeout* must be set correctly, if your data source is slow you need to reflect that in the timeout here. The timeout will be used on the clients to decide how long to wait for discovery responses from the network so getting this wrong will result in nodes not being discovered. Each data plugin can only have one *dataquery* block with exactly 1 *input* block but could have multiple *output* blocks. It's important to get the validation correct, here we only accept the characters we know are legal in sysctl variables on Linux. We will specifically never allow backticks to be used in arguments to avoid accidental shell exploits. Note the correlation between output names and the use in discovery and agents here we create an output called *value* this means we would use it in discovery as: {% highlight console %} % mco find -S "sysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding').value=1" {% endhighlight %} And we would output the result from our plugin code as: {% highlight ruby linenos %} result[:value] = value {% endhighlight %} And in any agent where we might use the data source: {% highlight ruby linenos %} something = Data.sysctl('net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding').value {% endhighlight %} These have to match everywhere, you cannot reference undeclared data and you cannot use input that does not validate against the DDL declared validations. Refer to the full [DDL] documentation for details on all possible values of the *metadata*, *input* and *output* blocks. ## Auto generated documentation As with agents the DDL can be used to generate documentation, if you wanted to know what the input and output values are for a specific plugin you can use *mco plugin doc* to see generated documentation. {% highlight console %} % mco plugin doc sysctl Sysctl values ============= Retrieve values for a given sysctl Author: R.I.Pienaar Version: 1.0 License: ASL 2.0 Timeout: 1 Home Page: http://marionette-collective.org/ QUERY FUNCTION INPUT: Description: Valid Variable Name Prompt: Variable Name Type: string Validation: (?-mix:^[\w\-\.]+$) Length: 120 QUERY FUNCTION OUTPUT: value: Description: Kernel Parameter Value Display As: Value {% endhighlight %} ## Available plugins for a node You can use the *mco inventory* application to see remotely what plugins a node has available: {% highlight console %} % mco inventory your.node Inventory for your.node: . . . Data Plugins: fstat sysctl {% endhighlight %}