--- layout: default title: RabbitMQ Connector toc: false --- [STOMP]: http://stomp.codehaus.org/ [RabbitStomp]: http://www.rabbitmq.com/stomp.html [RabbitCLI]: http://www.rabbitmq.com/management-cli.html The RabbitMQ connector uses the [STOMP] rubygem to connect to RabbitMQ servers. This code will only work with version _1.2.2_ or newer of the Stomp gem. ## Differences between RabbitMQ connector and Stomp Connector The RabbitMQ connector requires MCollective 2.0.0 or newer. While this plugin still uses the Stomp protocol to connect to RabbitMQ it does use a nubmer of RabbitMQ specific optimizations to work well and as such is a Stomp connector specific to the RabbitMQ broker. ## Configuring RabbitMQ Basic installation of the RabbitMQ broker is out of scope for this document apart from the basic broker you need to enable the [Stomp plugi][RabbitStomp] and the [CLI Management Tool][RabbitCLI]. With that in place you need to create a few exchanges, topics and queues for each of your sub collectives. First we create a virtual host, user and some permissions on the vhost: {% highlight console %} rabbitmqadmin declare vhost=/mcollective rabbitmqadmin declare user=mcollective password=changeme rabbitmqadmin declare permission vhost=/mcollective user=mcollective configure=.* write=.* read=.* {% endhighlight %} And then we need to create two exchanges that the mcollective plugin needs: {% highlight console %} rabbitmqadmin declare exchange vhost=/mcollective name=mcollective_broadcast type=topic rabbitmqadmin declare exchange vhost=/mcollective name=mcollective_directed type=direct {% endhighlight %} ## Configuring MCollective ### Common Options ### Failover Pools A sample configuration can be seen below. {% highlight ini %} direct_addressing = 1 connector = rabbitmq plugin.rabbitmq.vhost = /mcollective plugin.rabbitmq.pool.size = 2 plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.host = rabbit1 plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.port = 6163 plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.user = mcollective plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.password = changeme plugin.rabbitmq.pool.2.host = rabbit2 plugin.rabbitmq.pool.2.port = 6163 plugin.rabbitmq.pool.2.user = mcollective plugin.rabbitmq.pool.2.password = changeme {% endhighlight %} This gives it 2 servers to attempt to connect to, if the first one fails it will use the second. Usernames and passwords can be set with the environment variables STOMP_USER, STOMP_PASSWORD. If you do not specify a port it will default to _61613_ You can also specify the following options for the Stomp gem, these are the defaults in the Stomp 1.2.2 gem: {% highlight ini %} plugin.rabbitmq.initial_reconnect_delay = 0.01 plugin.rabbitmq.max_reconnect_delay = 30.0 plugin.rabbitmq.use_exponential_back_off = true plugin.rabbitmq.back_off_multiplier = 2 plugin.rabbitmq.max_reconnect_attempts = 0 plugin.rabbitmq.randomize = false plugin.rabbitmq.timeout = -1 plugin.rabbitmq.vhost = / {% endhighlight %}