--- layout: default title: EC2 Demo Creation toc: false --- [Bundling]: http://support.rightscale.com/12-Guides/01-RightScale_Dashboard_User_Guide/02-Clouds/01-EC2/08-EC2_Image_Locator/Register_an_AMI#Step_2.3a_Bundle_the_Instance [Console]: https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2 Things to improve in next build: * set _plugin.urltest.syslocation_ to the availability zone the AMI is running on to improve mc-urltest output ## RightScale AMI Start up ami _ami-efe4cf9b_ or a newer RightScale EC2 image ## Packages Needed Install the following RPMs: {% highlight console %} facter tanukiwrapper activemq mcollective mcollective-client mcollective-common rubygem-stomp rubygems ruby-shadow puppet net-snmp-libs lm_sensors net-snmp perl-Socket6 nrpe perl-Crypt-DES perl-Digest-SHA1 nagios-plugins perl-Digest-HMAC perl-Net-SNMP xinetd dialog rubygem-rdialog {% endhighlight %} Gram and install _passmakr-1.0.0.gem_ from _http://passmakr.googlecode.com/_ ## File modifications Most of the files needed are in SVN in the _ext/ec2demo_ directory. {% highlight console %} . |-- etc | |-- activemq | | `-- activemq.xml.templ | |-- mcollective | | |-- client.cfg.templ | | `-- server.cfg.templ | |-- nagios | | |-- command-plugins.cfg | | |-- nrpe.cfg | | `-- nrpe.d | | |-- check_disks.cfg | | |-- check_load.cfg | | |-- check_swap.cfg | | |-- check_totalprocs.cfg | | `-- check_zombieprocs.cfg | |-- rc.d | | `-- rc.local | `-- xinetd.d | `-- nrpe |-- opt | `-- rightscale | `-- etc | `-- motd-complete |-- root | `-- README.txt `-- usr |-- lib | `-- ruby | `-- site_ruby | `-- 1.8 | `-- facter | `-- rightscale.rb `-- local |-- bin | `-- start-mcollective-demo.rb `-- etc `-- mcollective-node.motd {% endhighlight %} ## Bundling Changes Bundling up is based on [RightScale docs][bundling]. You need to copy your key, cert and have your credentials all into _/mnt_: {% highlight console %} % cp /dev/null /root/.bash_history % rm -rf /var/tmp/mcollective/ % ec2-bundle-vol -d /mnt -k pk-xx.pem -c cert-xx.pem -u 481328239245 -r i386 % ec2-upload-bundle -b mcollective-041-demo -m image.manifest.xml -a xx -s xxx {% endhighlight %} Now register the AMI in the [AWS console][Console] then make public after testing