# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english # team # # If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask # debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice. # # Even minor modifications require translation updates and such # changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers. Template: neutron/auth-host Type: string Default: _Description: Authentication server hostname: Please specify the hostname of your Neutron authentication server. Typically this is also the hostname of your OpenStack Identity Service (Keystone). Template: neutron/admin-tenant-name Type: string Default: admin _Description: Authentication server tenant name: Please specify the authentication server tenant name. Template: neutron/admin-user Type: string Default: admin _Description: Authentication server username: Please specify the username to use with the authentication server. Template: neutron/admin-password Type: password _Description: Authentication server password: Please specify the password to use with the authentication server. Template: neutron/plugin-select Type: select __Choices: OpenVSwitch, LinuxBridge, ml2, Brocade, Nicira, Midonet, NEC, Mellanox, Hyper-V, RYU, MetaPlugin, BigSwitch, Cisco, PLUMgrid Choices-C: OpenVSwitch, LinuxBridge, ml2, Brocade, Nicira, Midonet, NEC, Mellanox, Hyper-V, RYU, MetaPlugin, BigSwitch, Cisco, PLUMgrid Default: ml2 _Description: Neutron plugin: Neutron uses a plugin architecture to manage networking. When starting the Neutron server daemon, the configuration file corresponding to the plugin you wish to use needs to be loaded, by giving it as a parameter when starting the neutron-server daemon. Also, the core_plugin directive needs to match. Please select which plugin to use. Template: neutron/configure_db Type: boolean Default: false _Description: Set up a database for Neutron? No database has been set up for Neutron to use. Before continuing, you should make sure you have the following information: . * the type of database that you want to use; * the database server hostname (that server must allow TCP connections from this machine); * a username and password to access the database. . If some of these requirements are missing, do not choose this option and run with regular SQLite support. . You can change this setting later on by running "dpkg-reconfigure -plow neutron". Template: neutron/rabbit_host Type: string Default: localhost _Description: IP address of your RabbitMQ host: In order to interoperate with other components of OpenStack, this package needs to connect to a central RabbitMQ server. . Please specify the IP address of that server. Template: neutron/rabbit_userid Type: string Default: guest _Description: Username for connection to the RabbitMQ server: In order to interoperate with other components of OpenStack, this package needs to connect to a central RabbitMQ server. . Please specify the username used to connect to the RabbitMQ server. Template: neutron/rabbit_password Type: password _Description: Password for connection to the RabbitMQ server: In order to interoperate with other components of OpenStack, this package needs to connect to a central RabbitMQ server. . Please specify the password used to connect to the RabbitMQ server. Template: neutron/tenant_network_type Type: select __Choices: local, gre, vlan, none Choices-C: local, gre, vlan, none Default: gre # Translators: a "tenant" in OpenStack world is # an entity that contains one or more username/password couples. # It's typically the tenant that will be used for billing. Having more than one # username/password is very helpful in larger organization. # You're advised to either keep "tenant" without translating it # or keep it parenthezised. Example for French: # locataire ("tenant") _Description: Type of network to allocate for tenant networks: The value "local" is useful only for single-box testing. In order for tenant networks to provide connectivity between hosts, it is necessary to either choose "vlan" and then configure "network_vlan_ranges" or to choose "gre" and then configure "tunnel_id_ranges". Choose "none" to disable creation of tenant networks. Template: neutron/enable_tunneling Type: boolean Default: true _Description: Enable tunneling? Please choose whether support should be activated for GRE networks on the server and agents. This requires kernel support for OVS patch ports and GRE tunneling. Template: neutron/tunnel_id_ranges Type: string Default: 1:1000 _Description: Tunnel id ranges: Please enter a comma-separated list of : tuples enumerating ranges of GRE tunnel IDs that are available for tenant network allocation if tenant_network_type is "gre". Template: neutron/local_ip Type: string _Description: Local IP address of this hypervisor: Please enter the local IP address for this hypervisor. Template: neutron/nova_url Type: string Default: _Description: Nova server URL: Please enter the URL of the Nova server. Template: neutron/nova_region Type: string Default: regionOne _Description: Nova server region name: Please enter the region of the Nova server. Template: neutron/nova_admin_tenant_id Type: string Default: admin _Description: Nova admin tenant ID: Neutron needs to be able to communicate with Nova through Keystone. Therefore Neutron needs to know the Nova admin tenant ID, username and password. . Please enter the ID of the admin tenant for Nova. Template: neutron/nova_admin_username Type: string Default: admin _Description: Neutron administrator username: Please enter the username of the Nova administrator. Template: neutron/nova_admin_password Type: password _Description: Nova administrator password: Please enter the password of the Nova administrator.