module MCollective module Matchers def raise_code(*args) end class CodedExceptionMatcher def initialize(args) @args = args raise "Need at least an exception to match" if args.size == 0 @expected_code = @args.shift @expected_data = @args.shift @failure_type = nil @failure_expected = nil @failure_got = nil end def matches?(actual) begin rescue => e unless e.is_a?(MCollective::CodedError) @failure_type = :type @failure_expected = "MCollective::CodedError" @failure_got = e.class return false end unless [e.code, e.default].include?(@expected_code) @failure_type = :code @failure_expected = @expected_code @failure_got = e.code return false end if @expected_data unless e.args == @expected_data @failure_type = :arguments @failure_expected = @expected_data.inspect @failure_got = e.args.inspect return false end end end true end def failure_message case @failure_type when :type "Expected an exception of type %s but got %s" % [@failure_expected, @failure_got] when :code "Expected a message code %s but got %s" % [@failure_expected, @failure_got] when :arguments "Expected arguments %s but got %s" % [@failure_expected, @failure_got] end end def negative_failure_message case @failure_type when :type "Expected an exception of type %s but got %s" % [@failure_got, @failure_expected] when :code "Expected a message code %s but got %s" % [@failure_got, @failure_expected] when :arguments "Expected arguments %s but got %s" % [@failure_got, @failure_expected] end end end end end